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Posted to by 李惠玲 <> on 2020/12/04 09:45:46 UTC

Tried to compact a live TDB2 dataset using Lucene engine but failed

Our project implemented Jena Fuseki server (3.18.0) and using Lucene (7.7.x) as fulltext search engine.
As for the doc<> from, it's possible to run a live compaction on TDB2 dataset, which we tried to do, but we got error message says "Not a TDB2 dataset: Compact only applies to TDB2".
We are confused and don't know where the problem may be, could someone help to figure out?


RE: Tried to compact a live TDB2 dataset using Lucene engine but failed

Posted by 李惠玲 <>.
Thank you Rob, we've tried what you suggested and it worked! 

Also glad to know there will be an enhancement about similar issue, it would definitely be helpful.

Thank you all for spending time viewing and answering this question, it's grateful to have this mailing list for support.

Thanks again!
Huiling Lee

-----Original Message-----
From: Rob Vesse <> 
Sent: Tuesday, December 8, 2020 5:42 PM
Subject: Re: Tried to compact a live TDB2 dataset using Lucene engine but failed


In your configuration file you currently define a single service that exposes your #dataset_fulltext dataset, what myself and Andy were suggesting was that you should also define another service that exposes #tdb_dataset_readwrite itself.  Then you could submit compact requests to that dataset and they would work i.e. you would have a second service so you could call /$/compact/<other-dataset> where <other-dataset> is the name of the additional service you define in your configuration.

:service_tdb_direct  a                       fuseki:Service ;
                rdfs:label                        "TDB2 direct access" ;
                fuseki:name                       "tdb" ;      
                fuseki:dataset                    <#tdb_dataset_readwrite> .

So the above added to your configuration would allow you to POST to /$/compact/tdb to compact the TDB2 dataset.

I would also note that Andy has already started on an improvement (JENA-2010 [1]) that would allow compaction to work on text datasets, and other similar dataset wrappers, when the underlying dataset is TDB2.  Once we add that enhancement you will not need to use the suggested workaround in future.



On 08/12/2020, 07:31, "李惠玲" <> wrote:

    Thank you Rob, for your answer and suggestion.

    But what exactly the "define another service that exposes the TDB2 dataset directly" means? Could you please share more details or examples?

    I apologize if this sounds rude, we basically set this service by personal understanding of online docs from, maybe there's some misinterpretation.

    Hope you could give us some hint, thank you.

    Huiling Lee

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Rob Vesse <> 
    Sent: Monday, December 7, 2020 7:08 PM
    Subject: Re: Tried to compact a live TDB2 dataset using Lucene engine but failed

    Online compaction will only work if the dataset is directly a TDB2 dataset, if it's wrapped in another dataset e.g. TextDataset as in this example then that won't work

    You would need to define another service that exposes the TDB2 dataset directly and then instead call /$/compact/<other-dataset>


    On 07/12/2020, 01:04, "李惠玲" <> wrote:


        To Lorenz:
        Yes, we are using SNAPSHOT version.

        To Andy:
        We tried using "http://location:8080/fuseki/$/compact/lod " to run online compact

        And here is the config file:
        @prefix :      <http://base/#> .
        @prefix rdf:   <> .
        @prefix tdb2:  <> .
        @prefix ja:    <> .
        @prefix rdfs:  <> .
        @prefix fuseki: <> .
        @prefix text:  <> .
        @prefix madsrdf: <> .

        tdb2:DatasetTDB  rdfs:subClassOf  ja:RDFDataset .

        ja:DatasetTxnMem  rdfs:subClassOf  ja:RDFDataset .

                rdfs:subClassOf  ja:RDFDataset .

                rdfs:subClassOf  ja:Model .

        tdb2:GraphTDB2  rdfs:subClassOf  ja:Model .

        ja:MemoryDataset  rdfs:subClassOf  ja:RDFDataset .

        ja:RDFDatasetZero  rdfs:subClassOf  ja:RDFDataset .

                rdfs:subClassOf  ja:RDFDataset .

        :service_tdb_all  a                       fuseki:Service ;
                rdfs:label                        "TDB2 lod" ;
                fuseki:name                       "lod" ;      

                fuseki:endpoint [
                    fuseki:operation fuseki:query ;
                    fuseki:name "query" ;
                ] ;
                fuseki:endpoint [
                    fuseki:operation fuseki:gsp-r ;
                    fuseki:name "get" ;
                ] ;
                fuseki:endpoint [ 
                    fuseki:operation fuseki:gsp-rw ; 
                    fuseki:name "data" ;
                    #fuseki:allowedUsers "*" ;
                ] ; 
                fuseki:endpoint [
                    fuseki:operation fuseki:update ;
                    fuseki:name "update" ;
                    #fuseki:allowedUsers "*" ;
                ] ; 
                fuseki:endpoint [ 
                    fuseki:operation fuseki:upload ;
                    fuseki:name "upload" ;
                    #fuseki:allowedUsers "*" ;
                ] ;

                fuseki:dataset                    <#dataset_fulltext> .

        <#dataset_fulltext> rdf:type     text:TextDataset ;
            text:dataset     <#tdb_dataset_readwrite> ;
            text:index       <#indexLucene> .

        <#indexLucene> a text:TextIndexLucene ;
            text:directory  <file:luceneIndex/lod> ;    
            text:entityMap <#entMap> ;
            text:storeValues true ; 
            text:analyzer [ 
                a text:StandardAnalyzer 
            ] ;    
            text:queryAnalyzer [
                a text:StandardAnalyzer 
            ] ;
            text:queryParser text:AnalyzingQueryParser ;    
            text:multilingualSupport true . # optional

        <#entMap> a text:EntityMap ;
            text:defaultField     "authoritativeLabel" ; 
            text:entityField      "uri" ;
            text:uidField         "uid" ;
            text:langField        "lang" ;
            text:graphField       "graph" ;
            text:map (
                [ text:field "authoritativeLabel" ; text:predicate madsrdf:authoritativeLabel]
                [ text:field "variantLabel" ; text:predicate madsrdf:variantLabel]
                [ text:field "citation-note" ; text:predicate madsrdf:citation-note]
                [ text:field "citation-source" ; text:predicate madsrdf:citation-source]
            ) .

                a              tdb2:DatasetTDB2 ;
                tdb2:unionDefaultGraph true ;
                tdb2:location  "apache-jena-fuseki/databases/lod" .

        tdb2:GraphTDB  rdfs:subClassOf  ja:Model .

        ja:RDFDatasetOne  rdfs:subClassOf  ja:RDFDataset .

        ja:RDFDatasetSink  rdfs:subClassOf  ja:RDFDataset .

        tdb2:DatasetTDB2  rdfs:subClassOf  ja:RDFDataset .


        Thank you for your kindly help.

        Huiling Lee

        -----Original Message-----
        From: Andy Seaborne <> 
        Sent: Friday, December 4, 2020 6:20 PM
        Subject: Re: Tried to compact a live TDB2 dataset using Lucene engine but failed

        Hi - without a config file it's not tpossible to be definitive.

        A guess - are you applying compact to the text dataset (which may use
        TDbB2 for storage)? A text dataset may have various different storages.

        I think you will need to directly expose the TDB2 dataset and send the "compact" request to that.


        On 04/12/2020 10:08, Lorenz Buehmann wrote:
        > without seeing the config file it's just a guess, but did you use TDB 
        > or TDB2?
        > Please share the config file.
        > Minor: there is no 3.18.0 release unless you're using the SNAPSHOT 
        > version for whatever reason.
        > On 04.12.20 10:45, 李惠玲 wrote:
        >> Our project implemented Jena Fuseki server (3.18.0) and using Lucene (7.7.x) as fulltext search engine.
        >> As for the doc<> from, it's possible to run a live compaction on TDB2 dataset, which we tried to do, but we got error message says "Not a TDB2 dataset: Compact only applies to TDB2".
        >> We are confused and don't know where the problem may be, could someone help to figure out?
        >> Thanks!

Re: Tried to compact a live TDB2 dataset using Lucene engine but failed

Posted by Rob Vesse <>.

In your configuration file you currently define a single service that exposes your #dataset_fulltext dataset, what myself and Andy were suggesting was that you should also define another service that exposes #tdb_dataset_readwrite itself.  Then you could submit compact requests to that dataset and they would work i.e. you would have a second service so you could call /$/compact/<other-dataset> where <other-dataset> is the name of the additional service you define in your configuration.

:service_tdb_direct  a                       fuseki:Service ;
                rdfs:label                        "TDB2 direct access" ;
                fuseki:name                       "tdb" ;      
                fuseki:dataset                    <#tdb_dataset_readwrite> .

So the above added to your configuration would allow you to POST to /$/compact/tdb to compact the TDB2 dataset.

I would also note that Andy has already started on an improvement (JENA-2010 [1]) that would allow compaction to work on text datasets, and other similar dataset wrappers, when the underlying dataset is TDB2.  Once we add that enhancement you will not need to use the suggested workaround in future.



On 08/12/2020, 07:31, "李惠玲" <> wrote:

    Thank you Rob, for your answer and suggestion.

    But what exactly the "define another service that exposes the TDB2 dataset directly" means? Could you please share more details or examples?

    I apologize if this sounds rude, we basically set this service by personal understanding of online docs from, maybe there's some misinterpretation.

    Hope you could give us some hint, thank you.

    Huiling Lee

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Rob Vesse <> 
    Sent: Monday, December 7, 2020 7:08 PM
    Subject: Re: Tried to compact a live TDB2 dataset using Lucene engine but failed

    Online compaction will only work if the dataset is directly a TDB2 dataset, if it's wrapped in another dataset e.g. TextDataset as in this example then that won't work

    You would need to define another service that exposes the TDB2 dataset directly and then instead call /$/compact/<other-dataset>


    On 07/12/2020, 01:04, "李惠玲" <> wrote:


        To Lorenz:
        Yes, we are using SNAPSHOT version.

        To Andy:
        We tried using "http://location:8080/fuseki/$/compact/lod " to run online compact

        And here is the config file:
        @prefix :      <http://base/#> .
        @prefix rdf:   <> .
        @prefix tdb2:  <> .
        @prefix ja:    <> .
        @prefix rdfs:  <> .
        @prefix fuseki: <> .
        @prefix text:  <> .
        @prefix madsrdf: <> .

        tdb2:DatasetTDB  rdfs:subClassOf  ja:RDFDataset .

        ja:DatasetTxnMem  rdfs:subClassOf  ja:RDFDataset .

                rdfs:subClassOf  ja:RDFDataset .

                rdfs:subClassOf  ja:Model .

        tdb2:GraphTDB2  rdfs:subClassOf  ja:Model .

        ja:MemoryDataset  rdfs:subClassOf  ja:RDFDataset .

        ja:RDFDatasetZero  rdfs:subClassOf  ja:RDFDataset .

                rdfs:subClassOf  ja:RDFDataset .

        :service_tdb_all  a                       fuseki:Service ;
                rdfs:label                        "TDB2 lod" ;
                fuseki:name                       "lod" ;      

                fuseki:endpoint [
                    fuseki:operation fuseki:query ;
                    fuseki:name "query" ;
                ] ;
                fuseki:endpoint [
                    fuseki:operation fuseki:gsp-r ;
                    fuseki:name "get" ;
                ] ;
                fuseki:endpoint [ 
                    fuseki:operation fuseki:gsp-rw ; 
                    fuseki:name "data" ;
                    #fuseki:allowedUsers "*" ;
                ] ; 
                fuseki:endpoint [
                    fuseki:operation fuseki:update ;
                    fuseki:name "update" ;
                    #fuseki:allowedUsers "*" ;
                ] ; 
                fuseki:endpoint [ 
                    fuseki:operation fuseki:upload ;
                    fuseki:name "upload" ;
                    #fuseki:allowedUsers "*" ;
                ] ;

                fuseki:dataset                    <#dataset_fulltext> .

        <#dataset_fulltext> rdf:type     text:TextDataset ;
            text:dataset     <#tdb_dataset_readwrite> ;
            text:index       <#indexLucene> .

        <#indexLucene> a text:TextIndexLucene ;
            text:directory  <file:luceneIndex/lod> ;    
            text:entityMap <#entMap> ;
            text:storeValues true ; 
            text:analyzer [ 
                a text:StandardAnalyzer 
            ] ;    
            text:queryAnalyzer [
                a text:StandardAnalyzer 
            ] ;
            text:queryParser text:AnalyzingQueryParser ;    
            text:multilingualSupport true . # optional

        <#entMap> a text:EntityMap ;
            text:defaultField     "authoritativeLabel" ; 
            text:entityField      "uri" ;
            text:uidField         "uid" ;
            text:langField        "lang" ;
            text:graphField       "graph" ;
            text:map (
                [ text:field "authoritativeLabel" ; text:predicate madsrdf:authoritativeLabel]
                [ text:field "variantLabel" ; text:predicate madsrdf:variantLabel]
                [ text:field "citation-note" ; text:predicate madsrdf:citation-note]
                [ text:field "citation-source" ; text:predicate madsrdf:citation-source]
            ) .

                a              tdb2:DatasetTDB2 ;
                tdb2:unionDefaultGraph true ;
                tdb2:location  "apache-jena-fuseki/databases/lod" .

        tdb2:GraphTDB  rdfs:subClassOf  ja:Model .

        ja:RDFDatasetOne  rdfs:subClassOf  ja:RDFDataset .

        ja:RDFDatasetSink  rdfs:subClassOf  ja:RDFDataset .

        tdb2:DatasetTDB2  rdfs:subClassOf  ja:RDFDataset .


        Thank you for your kindly help.

        Huiling Lee

        -----Original Message-----
        From: Andy Seaborne <> 
        Sent: Friday, December 4, 2020 6:20 PM
        Subject: Re: Tried to compact a live TDB2 dataset using Lucene engine but failed

        Hi - without a config file it's not tpossible to be definitive.

        A guess - are you applying compact to the text dataset (which may use
        TDbB2 for storage)? A text dataset may have various different storages.

        I think you will need to directly expose the TDB2 dataset and send the "compact" request to that.


        On 04/12/2020 10:08, Lorenz Buehmann wrote:
        > without seeing the config file it's just a guess, but did you use TDB 
        > or TDB2?
        > Please share the config file.
        > Minor: there is no 3.18.0 release unless you're using the SNAPSHOT 
        > version for whatever reason.
        > On 04.12.20 10:45, 李惠玲 wrote:
        >> Our project implemented Jena Fuseki server (3.18.0) and using Lucene (7.7.x) as fulltext search engine.
        >> As for the doc<> from, it's possible to run a live compaction on TDB2 dataset, which we tried to do, but we got error message says "Not a TDB2 dataset: Compact only applies to TDB2".
        >> We are confused and don't know where the problem may be, could someone help to figure out?
        >> Thanks!

RE: Tried to compact a live TDB2 dataset using Lucene engine but failed

Posted by 李惠玲 <>.
Thank you Rob, for your answer and suggestion.

But what exactly the "define another service that exposes the TDB2 dataset directly" means? Could you please share more details or examples?

I apologize if this sounds rude, we basically set this service by personal understanding of online docs from, maybe there's some misinterpretation.

Hope you could give us some hint, thank you.

Huiling Lee

-----Original Message-----
From: Rob Vesse <> 
Sent: Monday, December 7, 2020 7:08 PM
Subject: Re: Tried to compact a live TDB2 dataset using Lucene engine but failed

Online compaction will only work if the dataset is directly a TDB2 dataset, if it's wrapped in another dataset e.g. TextDataset as in this example then that won't work

You would need to define another service that exposes the TDB2 dataset directly and then instead call /$/compact/<other-dataset>


On 07/12/2020, 01:04, "李惠玲" <> wrote:


    To Lorenz:
    Yes, we are using SNAPSHOT version.

    To Andy:
    We tried using "http://location:8080/fuseki/$/compact/lod " to run online compact

    And here is the config file:
    @prefix :      <http://base/#> .
    @prefix rdf:   <> .
    @prefix tdb2:  <> .
    @prefix ja:    <> .
    @prefix rdfs:  <> .
    @prefix fuseki: <> .
    @prefix text:  <> .
    @prefix madsrdf: <> .

    tdb2:DatasetTDB  rdfs:subClassOf  ja:RDFDataset .

    ja:DatasetTxnMem  rdfs:subClassOf  ja:RDFDataset .

            rdfs:subClassOf  ja:RDFDataset .

            rdfs:subClassOf  ja:Model .

    tdb2:GraphTDB2  rdfs:subClassOf  ja:Model .

    ja:MemoryDataset  rdfs:subClassOf  ja:RDFDataset .

    ja:RDFDatasetZero  rdfs:subClassOf  ja:RDFDataset .

            rdfs:subClassOf  ja:RDFDataset .

    :service_tdb_all  a                       fuseki:Service ;
            rdfs:label                        "TDB2 lod" ;
            fuseki:name                       "lod" ;      

            fuseki:endpoint [
                fuseki:operation fuseki:query ;
                fuseki:name "query" ;
            ] ;
            fuseki:endpoint [
                fuseki:operation fuseki:gsp-r ;
                fuseki:name "get" ;
            ] ;
            fuseki:endpoint [ 
                fuseki:operation fuseki:gsp-rw ; 
                fuseki:name "data" ;
                #fuseki:allowedUsers "*" ;
            ] ; 
            fuseki:endpoint [
                fuseki:operation fuseki:update ;
                fuseki:name "update" ;
                #fuseki:allowedUsers "*" ;
            ] ; 
            fuseki:endpoint [ 
                fuseki:operation fuseki:upload ;
                fuseki:name "upload" ;
                #fuseki:allowedUsers "*" ;
            ] ;

            fuseki:dataset                    <#dataset_fulltext> .

    <#dataset_fulltext> rdf:type     text:TextDataset ;
        text:dataset     <#tdb_dataset_readwrite> ;
        text:index       <#indexLucene> .

    <#indexLucene> a text:TextIndexLucene ;
        text:directory  <file:luceneIndex/lod> ;    
        text:entityMap <#entMap> ;
        text:storeValues true ; 
        text:analyzer [ 
            a text:StandardAnalyzer 
        ] ;    
        text:queryAnalyzer [
            a text:StandardAnalyzer 
        ] ;
        text:queryParser text:AnalyzingQueryParser ;    
        text:multilingualSupport true . # optional

    <#entMap> a text:EntityMap ;
        text:defaultField     "authoritativeLabel" ; 
        text:entityField      "uri" ;
        text:uidField         "uid" ;
        text:langField        "lang" ;
        text:graphField       "graph" ;
        text:map (
            [ text:field "authoritativeLabel" ; text:predicate madsrdf:authoritativeLabel]
            [ text:field "variantLabel" ; text:predicate madsrdf:variantLabel]
            [ text:field "citation-note" ; text:predicate madsrdf:citation-note]
            [ text:field "citation-source" ; text:predicate madsrdf:citation-source]
        ) .

            a              tdb2:DatasetTDB2 ;
            tdb2:unionDefaultGraph true ;
            tdb2:location  "apache-jena-fuseki/databases/lod" .

    tdb2:GraphTDB  rdfs:subClassOf  ja:Model .

    ja:RDFDatasetOne  rdfs:subClassOf  ja:RDFDataset .

    ja:RDFDatasetSink  rdfs:subClassOf  ja:RDFDataset .

    tdb2:DatasetTDB2  rdfs:subClassOf  ja:RDFDataset .


    Thank you for your kindly help.

    Huiling Lee

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Andy Seaborne <> 
    Sent: Friday, December 4, 2020 6:20 PM
    Subject: Re: Tried to compact a live TDB2 dataset using Lucene engine but failed

    Hi - without a config file it's not tpossible to be definitive.

    A guess - are you applying compact to the text dataset (which may use
    TDbB2 for storage)? A text dataset may have various different storages.

    I think you will need to directly expose the TDB2 dataset and send the "compact" request to that.


    On 04/12/2020 10:08, Lorenz Buehmann wrote:
    > without seeing the config file it's just a guess, but did you use TDB 
    > or TDB2?
    > Please share the config file.
    > Minor: there is no 3.18.0 release unless you're using the SNAPSHOT 
    > version for whatever reason.
    > On 04.12.20 10:45, 李惠玲 wrote:
    >> Our project implemented Jena Fuseki server (3.18.0) and using Lucene (7.7.x) as fulltext search engine.
    >> As for the doc<> from, it's possible to run a live compaction on TDB2 dataset, which we tried to do, but we got error message says "Not a TDB2 dataset: Compact only applies to TDB2".
    >> We are confused and don't know where the problem may be, could someone help to figure out?
    >> Thanks!

Re: Tried to compact a live TDB2 dataset using Lucene engine but failed

Posted by Rob Vesse <>.
Online compaction will only work if the dataset is directly a TDB2 dataset, if it's wrapped in another dataset e.g. TextDataset as in this example then that won't work

You would need to define another service that exposes the TDB2 dataset directly and then instead call /$/compact/<other-dataset>


On 07/12/2020, 01:04, "李惠玲" <> wrote:


    To Lorenz:
    Yes, we are using SNAPSHOT version.

    To Andy:
    We tried using "http://location:8080/fuseki/$/compact/lod " to run online compact

    And here is the config file:
    @prefix :      <http://base/#> .
    @prefix rdf:   <> .
    @prefix tdb2:  <> .
    @prefix ja:    <> .
    @prefix rdfs:  <> .
    @prefix fuseki: <> .
    @prefix text:  <> .
    @prefix madsrdf: <> .

    tdb2:DatasetTDB  rdfs:subClassOf  ja:RDFDataset .

    ja:DatasetTxnMem  rdfs:subClassOf  ja:RDFDataset .

            rdfs:subClassOf  ja:RDFDataset .

            rdfs:subClassOf  ja:Model .

    tdb2:GraphTDB2  rdfs:subClassOf  ja:Model .

    ja:MemoryDataset  rdfs:subClassOf  ja:RDFDataset .

    ja:RDFDatasetZero  rdfs:subClassOf  ja:RDFDataset .

            rdfs:subClassOf  ja:RDFDataset .

    :service_tdb_all  a                       fuseki:Service ;
            rdfs:label                        "TDB2 lod" ;
            fuseki:name                       "lod" ;      

            fuseki:endpoint [
                fuseki:operation fuseki:query ;
                fuseki:name "query" ;
            ] ;
            fuseki:endpoint [
                fuseki:operation fuseki:gsp-r ;
                fuseki:name "get" ;
            ] ;
            fuseki:endpoint [ 
                fuseki:operation fuseki:gsp-rw ; 
                fuseki:name "data" ;
                #fuseki:allowedUsers "*" ;
            ] ; 
            fuseki:endpoint [
                fuseki:operation fuseki:update ;
                fuseki:name "update" ;
                #fuseki:allowedUsers "*" ;
            ] ; 
            fuseki:endpoint [ 
                fuseki:operation fuseki:upload ;
                fuseki:name "upload" ;
                #fuseki:allowedUsers "*" ;
            ] ;

            fuseki:dataset                    <#dataset_fulltext> .

    <#dataset_fulltext> rdf:type     text:TextDataset ;
        text:dataset     <#tdb_dataset_readwrite> ;
        text:index       <#indexLucene> .

    <#indexLucene> a text:TextIndexLucene ;
        text:directory  <file:luceneIndex/lod> ;    
        text:entityMap <#entMap> ;
        text:storeValues true ; 
        text:analyzer [ 
            a text:StandardAnalyzer 
        ] ;    
        text:queryAnalyzer [
            a text:StandardAnalyzer 
        ] ;
        text:queryParser text:AnalyzingQueryParser ;    
        text:multilingualSupport true . # optional

    <#entMap> a text:EntityMap ;
        text:defaultField     "authoritativeLabel" ; 
        text:entityField      "uri" ;
        text:uidField         "uid" ;
        text:langField        "lang" ;
        text:graphField       "graph" ;
        text:map (
            [ text:field "authoritativeLabel" ; text:predicate madsrdf:authoritativeLabel]
            [ text:field "variantLabel" ; text:predicate madsrdf:variantLabel]
            [ text:field "citation-note" ; text:predicate madsrdf:citation-note]
            [ text:field "citation-source" ; text:predicate madsrdf:citation-source]
        ) .

            a              tdb2:DatasetTDB2 ;
            tdb2:unionDefaultGraph true ;
            tdb2:location  "apache-jena-fuseki/databases/lod" .

    tdb2:GraphTDB  rdfs:subClassOf  ja:Model .

    ja:RDFDatasetOne  rdfs:subClassOf  ja:RDFDataset .

    ja:RDFDatasetSink  rdfs:subClassOf  ja:RDFDataset .

    tdb2:DatasetTDB2  rdfs:subClassOf  ja:RDFDataset .


    Thank you for your kindly help.

    Huiling Lee

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Andy Seaborne <> 
    Sent: Friday, December 4, 2020 6:20 PM
    Subject: Re: Tried to compact a live TDB2 dataset using Lucene engine but failed

    Hi - without a config file it's not tpossible to be definitive.

    A guess - are you applying compact to the text dataset (which may use
    TDbB2 for storage)? A text dataset may have various different storages.

    I think you will need to directly expose the TDB2 dataset and send the "compact" request to that.


    On 04/12/2020 10:08, Lorenz Buehmann wrote:
    > without seeing the config file it's just a guess, but did you use TDB 
    > or TDB2?
    > Please share the config file.
    > Minor: there is no 3.18.0 release unless you're using the SNAPSHOT 
    > version for whatever reason.
    > On 04.12.20 10:45, 李惠玲 wrote:
    >> Our project implemented Jena Fuseki server (3.18.0) and using Lucene (7.7.x) as fulltext search engine.
    >> As for the doc<> from, it's possible to run a live compaction on TDB2 dataset, which we tried to do, but we got error message says "Not a TDB2 dataset: Compact only applies to TDB2".
    >> We are confused and don't know where the problem may be, could someone help to figure out?
    >> Thanks!

RE: Tried to compact a live TDB2 dataset using Lucene engine but failed

Posted by 李惠玲 <>.

To Lorenz:
Yes, we are using SNAPSHOT version.

To Andy:
We tried using "http://location:8080/fuseki/$/compact/lod " to run online compact

And here is the config file:
@prefix :      <http://base/#> .
@prefix rdf:   <> .
@prefix tdb2:  <> .
@prefix ja:    <> .
@prefix rdfs:  <> .
@prefix fuseki: <> .
@prefix text:  <> .
@prefix madsrdf: <> .

tdb2:DatasetTDB  rdfs:subClassOf  ja:RDFDataset .

ja:DatasetTxnMem  rdfs:subClassOf  ja:RDFDataset .

        rdfs:subClassOf  ja:RDFDataset .

        rdfs:subClassOf  ja:Model .

tdb2:GraphTDB2  rdfs:subClassOf  ja:Model .

ja:MemoryDataset  rdfs:subClassOf  ja:RDFDataset .

ja:RDFDatasetZero  rdfs:subClassOf  ja:RDFDataset .

        rdfs:subClassOf  ja:RDFDataset .

:service_tdb_all  a                       fuseki:Service ;
        rdfs:label                        "TDB2 lod" ;
        fuseki:name                       "lod" ;      
        fuseki:endpoint [
            fuseki:operation fuseki:query ;
            fuseki:name "query" ;
        ] ;
        fuseki:endpoint [
            fuseki:operation fuseki:gsp-r ;
            fuseki:name "get" ;
        ] ;
        fuseki:endpoint [ 
            fuseki:operation fuseki:gsp-rw ; 
            fuseki:name "data" ;
            #fuseki:allowedUsers "*" ;
        ] ; 
        fuseki:endpoint [
            fuseki:operation fuseki:update ;
            fuseki:name "update" ;
            #fuseki:allowedUsers "*" ;
        ] ; 
        fuseki:endpoint [ 
            fuseki:operation fuseki:upload ;
            fuseki:name "upload" ;
            #fuseki:allowedUsers "*" ;
        ] ;

        fuseki:dataset                    <#dataset_fulltext> .

<#dataset_fulltext> rdf:type     text:TextDataset ;
    text:dataset     <#tdb_dataset_readwrite> ;
    text:index       <#indexLucene> .

<#indexLucene> a text:TextIndexLucene ;
    text:directory  <file:luceneIndex/lod> ;    
    text:entityMap <#entMap> ;
    text:storeValues true ; 
    text:analyzer [ 
        a text:StandardAnalyzer 
    ] ;    
    text:queryAnalyzer [
        a text:StandardAnalyzer 
    ] ;
    text:queryParser text:AnalyzingQueryParser ;    
    text:multilingualSupport true . # optional

<#entMap> a text:EntityMap ;
    text:defaultField     "authoritativeLabel" ; 
    text:entityField      "uri" ;
    text:uidField         "uid" ;
    text:langField        "lang" ;
    text:graphField       "graph" ;
    text:map (
        [ text:field "authoritativeLabel" ; text:predicate madsrdf:authoritativeLabel]
        [ text:field "variantLabel" ; text:predicate madsrdf:variantLabel]
        [ text:field "citation-note" ; text:predicate madsrdf:citation-note]
        [ text:field "citation-source" ; text:predicate madsrdf:citation-source]
    ) .

        a              tdb2:DatasetTDB2 ;
        tdb2:unionDefaultGraph true ;
        tdb2:location  "apache-jena-fuseki/databases/lod" .

tdb2:GraphTDB  rdfs:subClassOf  ja:Model .

ja:RDFDatasetOne  rdfs:subClassOf  ja:RDFDataset .

ja:RDFDatasetSink  rdfs:subClassOf  ja:RDFDataset .

tdb2:DatasetTDB2  rdfs:subClassOf  ja:RDFDataset .


Thank you for your kindly help.

Huiling Lee

-----Original Message-----
From: Andy Seaborne <> 
Sent: Friday, December 4, 2020 6:20 PM
Subject: Re: Tried to compact a live TDB2 dataset using Lucene engine but failed

Hi - without a config file it's not tpossible to be definitive.

A guess - are you applying compact to the text dataset (which may use
TDbB2 for storage)? A text dataset may have various different storages.

I think you will need to directly expose the TDB2 dataset and send the "compact" request to that.


On 04/12/2020 10:08, Lorenz Buehmann wrote:
> without seeing the config file it's just a guess, but did you use TDB 
> or TDB2?
> Please share the config file.
> Minor: there is no 3.18.0 release unless you're using the SNAPSHOT 
> version for whatever reason.
> On 04.12.20 10:45, 李惠玲 wrote:
>> Our project implemented Jena Fuseki server (3.18.0) and using Lucene (7.7.x) as fulltext search engine.
>> As for the doc<> from, it's possible to run a live compaction on TDB2 dataset, which we tried to do, but we got error message says "Not a TDB2 dataset: Compact only applies to TDB2".
>> We are confused and don't know where the problem may be, could someone help to figure out?
>> Thanks!

Re: Tried to compact a live TDB2 dataset using Lucene engine but failed

Posted by Andy Seaborne <>.
Hi - without a config file it's not tpossible to be definitive.

A guess - are you applying compact to the text dataset (which may use 
TDbB2 for storage)? A text dataset may have various different storages.

I think you will need to directly expose the TDB2 dataset and send the 
"compact" request to that.


On 04/12/2020 10:08, Lorenz Buehmann wrote:
> without seeing the config file it's just a guess, but did you use TDB or
> TDB2?
> Please share the config file.
> Minor: there is no 3.18.0 release unless you're using the SNAPSHOT
> version for whatever reason.
> On 04.12.20 10:45, 李惠玲 wrote:
>> Our project implemented Jena Fuseki server (3.18.0) and using Lucene (7.7.x) as fulltext search engine.
>> As for the doc<> from, it's possible to run a live compaction on TDB2 dataset, which we tried to do, but we got error message says "Not a TDB2 dataset: Compact only applies to TDB2".
>> We are confused and don't know where the problem may be, could someone help to figure out?
>> Thanks!

Re: Tried to compact a live TDB2 dataset using Lucene engine but failed

Posted by Lorenz Buehmann <>.
without seeing the config file it's just a guess, but did you use TDB or

Please share the config file.

Minor: there is no 3.18.0 release unless you're using the SNAPSHOT
version for whatever reason.

On 04.12.20 10:45, 李惠玲 wrote:
> Our project implemented Jena Fuseki server (3.18.0) and using Lucene (7.7.x) as fulltext search engine.
> As for the doc<> from, it's possible to run a live compaction on TDB2 dataset, which we tried to do, but we got error message says "Not a TDB2 dataset: Compact only applies to TDB2".
> We are confused and don't know where the problem may be, could someone help to figure out?
> Thanks!