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+        <div class="navheader"><table width="100%" summary="Navigation header"><tr><th colspan="3" align="center">Chapter�8.�Duo two-factor authentication</th></tr><tr><td width="20%" align="left"><a accesskey="p" href="ldap-auth.html">Prev</a>�</td><th width="60%" align="center">Part�I.�User's Guide</th><td width="20%" align="right">�<a accesskey="n" href="noauth.html">Next</a></td></tr></table><hr /></div><div xml:lang="en" class="chapter" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title"><a id="duo-auth"></a>Chapter�8.�Duo two-factor authentication</h2></div></div></div><div class="toc"><p><strong>Table of Contents</strong></p><dl class="toc"><dt><span class="section"><a href="duo-auth.html#duo-architecture">How Duo works with Guacamole</a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="duo-auth.html#duo-downloading">Downloading the Duo extension</a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="duo-auth.html#installing-duo-auth">Installing Duo authentication</a
 ></span></dt><dd><dl><dt><span class="section"><a href="duo-auth.html#idm140352911249696">Adding Guacamole to Duo</a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="duo-auth.html#guac-duo-config">Configuring Guacamole for Duo</a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="duo-auth.html#completing-duo-install">Completing the installation</a></span></dt></dl></dd></dl></div><a id="idm140352911488960" class="indexterm"></a><p>Guacamole supports Duo as a second authentication factor, layered on top of any other
+        authentication extension, including those available from the main project website. The Duo
+        authentication extension allows users to be additionally verified against the Duo service
+        before the authentication process is allowed to succeed.</p><div class="important"><h3 class="title">Important</h3><p>This chapter involves modifying the contents of <code class="varname">GUACAMOLE_HOME</code> -
+            the Guacamole configuration directory. If you are unsure where
+                <code class="varname">GUACAMOLE_HOME</code> is located on your system, please consult <a class="xref" href="configuring-guacamole.html" title="Chapter�5.�Configuring Guacamole">Chapter�5, <em>Configuring Guacamole</em></a> before proceeding.</p></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="duo-architecture"></a>How Duo works with Guacamole</h2></div></div></div><p>Guacamole provides support for Duo as a second authentication factor. To make use of
+            the Duo authentication extension, some other authentication mechanism will need be
+            configured, as well. When a user attempts to log into Guacamole, other installed
+            authentication methods will be queried first:</p><div class="informalfigure"><div class="mediaobject"><img src="images/duo-auth-factor-1.png" width="180" /></div></div><p>Only after authentication has succeeded with one of those methods will Guacamole reach
+            out to Duo to obtain additional verification of user identity:</p><div class="informalfigure"><div class="mediaobject"><img src="images/duo-auth-factor-2.png" width="360" /></div></div><p>If both the initial authentication attempt and verification through Duo succeed, the
+            user will be allowed in. If either mechanism fails, access to Guacamole is
+            denied.</p></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="duo-downloading"></a>Downloading the Duo extension</h2></div></div></div><p>The Duo authentication extension is available separately from the main
+                <code class="filename">guacamole.war</code>. The link for this and all other
+            officially-supported and compatible extensions for a particular version of Guacamole are
+            provided on the release notes for that version. You can find the release notes for
+            current versions of Guacamole here: <a class="link" href="" target="_top"></a>.</p><p>The Duo authentication extension is packaged as a <code class="filename">.tar.gz</code> file
+            containing only the extension itself,
+                <code class="filename">guacamole-auth-duo-0.9.11-incubating.jar</code>, which must ultimately
+            be placed in <code class="filename">GUACAMOLE_HOME/extensions</code>.</p></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="installing-duo-auth"></a>Installing Duo authentication</h2></div></div></div><p>Guacamole extensions are self-contained <code class="filename">.jar</code> files which are
+            located within the <code class="filename">GUACAMOLE_HOME/extensions</code> directory. To install
+            the Duo authentication extension, you must:</p><div class="procedure"><ol class="procedure" type="1"><li class="step"><p>Create the <code class="filename">GUACAMOLE_HOME/extensions</code> directory, if it
+                    does not already exist.</p></li><li class="step"><p>Copy <code class="filename">guacamole-auth-duo-0.9.11-incubating.jar</code> within
+                        <code class="filename">GUACAMOLE_HOME/extensions</code>.</p></li><li class="step"><p>Configure Guacamole to use Duo authentication, as described below.</p></li></ol></div><div class="important"><h3 class="title">Important</h3><p>You will need to restart Guacamole by restarting your servlet container in order
+                to complete the installation. Doing this will disconnect all active users, so be
+                sure that it is safe to do so prior to attempting installation. If you do not
+                configure the Duo authentication properly, Guacamole will not start up again until
+                the configuration is fixed.</p></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a id="idm140352911249696"></a>Adding Guacamole to Duo</h3></div></div></div><p>Duo does not provide a specific integration option for Guacamole, but Guacamole's
+                Duo extension uses Duo's generic authentication API. To use Guacamole with Duo, you
+                will need to add it as a new "Auth API" application from within the "Applications"
+                tab of the admin panel of your Duo account:</p><div class="informalfigure"><div class="mediaobject"><img src="images/duo-add-guacamole.png" width="540" /></div></div><p>Within the settings of the newly-added application, rename the application to
+                something more representative than "Auth API". This application name is what will be
+                presented to your users when they are prompted by Duo for additional
+                authentication:</p><div class="informalfigure"><div class="mediaobject"><img src="images/duo-rename-guacamole.png" width="540" /></div></div><p>Once you've finished adding Guacamole as an "Auth API" application, the
+                configuration information required to configure Guacamole is listed within the
+                application's "Details" section. You will need to copy the integration key, secret
+                key, and API hostname - they will later be specified within
+                    <code class="filename"></code>:</p><div class="informalfigure"><div class="mediaobject"><img src="images/duo-copy-details.png" width="540" /></div></div></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a id="guac-duo-config"></a>Configuring Guacamole for Duo</h3></div></div></div><a id="idm140352911076848" class="indexterm"></a><a id="idm140352911075024" class="indexterm"></a><p>The application-specific configuration information retrieved from Duo must be
+                added to <code class="filename"></code> to describe how Guacamole should
+                connect to the Duo service:</p><div class="variablelist"><dl class="variablelist"><dt><span class="term"><span class="property">duo-api-hostname</span></span></dt><dd><p>The hostname of the Duo API endpoint to be used to verify user
+                            identities. This will usually be in the form
+                                    "<code class="uri">api-<em class="replaceable"><code>XXXXXXXX</code></em></code>",
+                            where "<em class="replaceable"><code>XXXXXXXX</code></em>" is some arbitrary
+                            alphanumeric value assigned by Duo. This value will have been generated
+                            by Duo when you added Guacamole as an "Auth API" application, and can be
+                            found within the application details in the "API hostname" field.
+                                <span class="emphasis"><em>This value is required.</em></span></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><span class="property">duo-integration-key</span></span></dt><dd><p>The integration key provided for Guacamole by Duo. This value will
+                            have been generated by Duo when you added Guacamole as an "Auth API"
+                            application, and can be found within the application details in the
+                            "Integration key" field. <span class="emphasis"><em>This value is required and must be
+                                EXACTLY 20 characters.</em></span></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><span class="property">duo-secret-key</span></span></dt><dd><p>The secret key provided for Guacamole by Duo. This value will have
+                            been generated by Duo when you added Guacamole as an "Auth API"
+                            application, and can be found within the application details in the
+                            "Secret key" field. <span class="emphasis"><em>This value is required and must be EXACTLY
+                                20 characters.</em></span></p></dd></dl></div><p>In addition to the above, <span class="emphasis"><em>you must also manually generate an
+                    "application key"</em></span>. The application key is required by Duo's
+                authentication API, but is not provided by Duo. It is an arbitrary value meant to be
+                unique to each deployment of an application using their API.</p><div class="variablelist"><dl class="variablelist"><dt><span class="term"><span class="property">duo-application-key</span></span></dt><dd><p>An arbitrary, random key which you manually generated for Guacamole.
+                                <span class="emphasis"><em>This value is required and must be AT LEAST 40
+                                characters.</em></span></p></dd></dl></div><p>The application key can be generated with any method as long as it is sufficiently
+                random. There exist utilities which will do this for you, like
+                    <span class="command"><strong>pwgen</strong></span>:</p><div class="informalexample"><pre class="screen"><code class="prompt">$</code> <strong class="userinput"><code>pwgen 40 1</code></strong>
+<code class="computeroutput">em1io4zievohneeseiwah0zie2raQuoo2ci5oBoo</code>
+<code class="prompt">$</code></pre></div><p>Alternatively, one quick and fairly portable way to do this is to use the
+                    <span class="command"><strong>dd</strong></span> utility to copy random bytes from the secure random device
+                    <code class="filename">/dev/random</code>, sending the data through a cryptographic hash
+                tool with a sufficiently-long result, like <span class="command"><strong>sha256sum</strong></span>:</p><div class="informalexample"><pre class="screen"><code class="prompt">$</code> <strong class="userinput"><code>dd if=/dev/random count=1 | sha256sum</code></strong>
+<code class="computeroutput">5d16d6bb86da73e7d1abd3286b21dcf3b3e707532e64ceebc7a008350d0d485d -</code>
+<code class="prompt">$</code></pre></div></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a id="completing-duo-install"></a>Completing the installation</h3></div></div></div><p>Guacamole will only reread <code class="filename"></code> and load
+                newly-installed extensions during startup, so your servlet container will need to be
+                restarted before Duo authentication will take effect. Restart your servlet container
+                and give the new authentication a try.</p><p>
+                </p><div class="important"><h3 class="title">Important</h3><p>You only need to restart your servlet container. <span class="emphasis"><em>You do not need
+                            to restart <span class="package">guacd</span></em></span>.</p><p><span class="package">guacd</span> is completely independent of the web application
+                        and does not deal with <code class="filename"></code> or the
+                        authentication system in any way. Since you are already restarting the
+                        servlet container, restarting <span class="package">guacd</span> as well technically
+                        won't hurt anything, but doing so is completely pointless.</p></div><p>
+            </p><p>If Guacamole does not come back online after restarting your servlet container,
+                check the logs. Problems in the configuration of the Duo extension may prevent
+                Guacamole from starting up, and any such errors will be recorded in the logs of your
+                servlet container.</p></div></div></div><div class="navfooter"><hr /><table width="100%" summary="Navigation footer"><tr><td width="40%" align="left"><a accesskey="p" href="ldap-auth.html">Prev</a>�</td><td width="20%" align="center"><a accesskey="u" href="users-guide.html">Up</a></td><td width="40%" align="right">�<a accesskey="n" href="noauth.html">Next</a></td></tr><tr><td width="40%" align="left" valign="top">Chapter�7.�LDAP authentication�</td><td width="20%" align="center"><a accesskey="h" href="index.html">Home</a></td><td width="40%" align="right" valign="top">�Chapter�9.�Disabling authentication</td></tr></table></div>
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+        <div class="navheader"><table width="100%" summary="Navigation header"><tr><th colspan="3" align="center">Appendix�A.�FAQ</th></tr><tr><td width="20%" align="left"><a accesskey="p" href="appendices.html">Prev</a>�</td><th width="60%" align="center">Part�III.�Appendices</th><td width="20%" align="right">�<a accesskey="n" href="protocol-reference.html">Next</a></td></tr></table><hr /></div><div xml:lang="en" class="appendix" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title"><a id="faq"></a>Appendix�A.�FAQ</h2></div></div></div><div class="qandaset"><a id="idm140352909882320"></a><dl><dt>A.1. <a href="faq.html#idm140352909882032">Where does the name "Guacamole" come from? </a></dt><dt>A.2. <a href="faq.html#idm140352909752720">What does "clientless" mean? </a></dt><dt>A.3. <a href="faq.html#idm140352907862816">Does Guacamole use WebSocket? </a></dt><dt>A.4. <a href="faq.html#idm140352907833232">I have Tomcat (or some other servlet container) set up behind a p
 roxy (like
+                    mod_proxy) and cannot connect to Guacamole. Why? How do I solve this? </a></dt><dt>A.5. <a href="faq.html#idm140352907885440">I connect to the internet through a web proxy, and cannot connect to
+                    Guacamole. I cannot reconfigure the proxy. How do I solve this? </a></dt><dt>A.6. <a href="faq.html#idm140352907853840">Can I buy special licensing of the Guacamole code base, such that I can use it
+                    in my own product, without providing the source to my users, without
+                    contributing back, and without acknowledging the project? </a></dt><dt>A.7. <a href="faq.html#idm140352908241984">Can I pay for custom Guacamole work, or for help integrating Guacamole into my
+                    product, if the open source nature and licenses are preserved?</a></dt><dt>A.8. <a href="faq.html#idm140352907616336">How can I contribute to the project? </a></dt><dt>A.9. <a href="faq.html#idm140352907857168">How can I become an official member of the project? </a></dt><dt>A.10. <a href="faq.html#idm140352907732384">I think I've found a bug. How do I report it? </a></dt><dt>A.11. <a href="faq.html#idm140352907320320">I need help! Where can I find some? </a></dt></dl><table border="0" style="width: 100%;"><colgroup><col align="left" width="1%" /><col /></colgroup><tbody><tr class="question"><td align="left" valign="top"><a id="idm140352909882032"></a><a id="idm140352909881744"></a><p><strong>A.1.</strong></p></td><td align="left" valign="top"><p>Where does the name "Guacamole" come from? </p></td></tr><tr class="answer"><td align="left" valign="top"></td><td align="left" valign="top"><p>The name was chosen arbitrarily from a random utterance in a conversation wi
+                    a member of the project. </p><p>When the project reached the point where it was growing out of the
+                    proof-of-concept phase, and needed a real home on the internet, we needed to
+                    think of a name to register the project under. </p><p>Several acronyms were toyed with and discarded. We tried anagrams, but all
+                    were too wordy and complex. We considered naming the project after a fish or an
+                    animal, and after suggesting the guanaco, James Muehlner, a developer of the
+                    project, suggested (randomly): "guacamole". </p><p>The name had a nice ring, we weren't embarrassed to use it, and it stuck. </p></td></tr><tr class="question"><td align="left" valign="top"><a id="idm140352909752720"></a><a id="idm140352907628640"></a><p><strong>A.2.</strong></p></td><td align="left" valign="top"><p>What does "clientless" mean? </p></td></tr><tr class="answer"><td align="left" valign="top"></td><td align="left" valign="top"><p>The term "clientless" means that no specific client is needed. A Guacamole
+                    user needs only have an HTML5 web browser installed, which is exceedingly
+                    common; virtually all modern computers and mobile devices have such a browser
+                    installed by default. </p><p>In this sense, Guacamole is "clientless" in that it does not require any
+                    additional software to be installed beyond what is considered standard for any
+                    computer. </p></td></tr><tr class="question"><td align="left" valign="top"><a id="idm140352907862816"></a><a id="idm140352907862528"></a><p><strong>A.3.</strong></p></td><td align="left" valign="top"><p>Does Guacamole use WebSocket? </p></td></tr><tr class="answer"><td align="left" valign="top"></td><td align="left" valign="top"><p>Guacamole uses either WebSocket or plain HTTP, whichever is supported by both
+                    the browser and your servlet container. If WebSocket cannot be used for any
+                    reason, Guacamole will fall back to using HTTP.</p><p>Historically, Guacamole had no WebSocket support at all. This was due to a
+                    lack of browser support and lack of a true standard. Overall, it didn't matter
+                    as there really wasn't any need: the tunnel used by Guacamole when WebSocket is
+                    not available is largely equivalent to WebSocket in terms of efficiency and
+                    latency, and is more compatible with proxies and existing browsers.</p></td></tr><tr class="question"><td align="left" valign="top"><a id="idm140352907833232"></a><a id="idm140352907832944"></a><p><strong>A.4.</strong></p></td><td align="left" valign="top"><p>I have Tomcat (or some other servlet container) set up behind a proxy (like
+                    mod_proxy) and cannot connect to Guacamole. Why? How do I solve this? </p></td></tr><tr class="answer"><td align="left" valign="top"></td><td align="left" valign="top"><p>You need to enable automatic flushing of the proxy's buffer as it receives
+                    packets. </p><p>Most proxies, including mod_proxy, buffer data received from the server, and
+                    will not flush this data in real-time. Each proxy has an option to force
+                    flushing of each packet automatically, as this is necessary for streaming
+                    applications like Guacamole, but this is usually not enabled by default. </p><p>Because Guacamole depends on streaming to function, a proxy configured to not
+                    automatically flush packets will disrupt the stream to the point that the
+                    connection seems unreasonably slow, or just fails to establish altogether. </p><p>In the case of mod_proxy, this option is <code class="code">flushpackets=on</code>. </p></td></tr><tr class="question"><td align="left" valign="top"><a id="idm140352907885440"></a><a id="idm140352907885152"></a><p><strong>A.5.</strong></p></td><td align="left" valign="top"><p>I connect to the internet through a web proxy, and cannot connect to
+                    Guacamole. I cannot reconfigure the proxy. How do I solve this? </p></td></tr><tr class="answer"><td align="left" valign="top"></td><td align="left" valign="top"><p>You need to enable automatic flushing of your proxy's buffer to avoid
+                    disrupting the stream used by Guacamole. </p><p>If you cannot change the settings of your proxy, using HTTPS instead of HTTP
+                    should solve the problem. Proxies are required to stream HTTPS because of the
+                    nature of SSL. Using HTTPS will allow Guacamole traffic to stream through
+                    proxies unencumbered, even if you cannot access the proxy settings directly. </p></td></tr><tr class="question"><td align="left" valign="top"><a id="idm140352907853840"></a><a id="idm140352907853552"></a><p><strong>A.6.</strong></p></td><td align="left" valign="top"><p>Can I buy special licensing of the Guacamole code base, such that I can use it
+                    in my own product, without providing the source to my users, without
+                    contributing back, and without acknowledging the project? </p></td></tr><tr class="answer"><td align="left" valign="top"></td><td align="left" valign="top"><p>Usually, no. Previous requests for such licensing have been very one-sided and
+                    there would be no direct or indirect benefit to the community and the project.
+                    That said, we handle requests for licensing on a case-by-case basis. In general,
+                    any special licensing has to somehow provide for the community and the
+                    open-source project.</p></td></tr><tr class="question"><td align="left" valign="top"><a id="idm140352908241984"></a><a id="idm140352908241696"></a><p><strong>A.7.</strong></p></td><td align="left" valign="top"><p>Can I pay for custom Guacamole work, or for help integrating Guacamole into my
+                    product, if the open source nature and licenses are preserved?</p></td></tr><tr class="answer"><td align="left" valign="top"></td><td align="left" valign="top"><p>Yes. We love to be paid to work on Guacamole, especially if that work remains
+                    open source. </p></td></tr><tr class="question"><td align="left" valign="top"><a id="idm140352907616336"></a><a id="idm140352907616048"></a><p><strong>A.8.</strong></p></td><td align="left" valign="top"><p>How can I contribute to the project? </p></td></tr><tr class="answer"><td align="left" valign="top"></td><td align="left" valign="top"><p>If you are a programmer and want to contribute code, Guacamole is open-source
+                    and you are welcome to do so! Just send us your patches. There is no guarantee
+                    that your patch will be added to the upstream source, and all changes are
+                    carefully reviewed. </p><p>If you are not a programmer, but want to help out, feel free to look through
+                    the documentation or try installing Guacamole and test it out. General editing,
+                    documentation contributions, and testing are always helpful. </p></td></tr><tr class="question"><td align="left" valign="top"><a id="idm140352907857168"></a><a id="idm140352907856880"></a><p><strong>A.9.</strong></p></td><td align="left" valign="top"><p>How can I become an official member of the project? </p></td></tr><tr class="answer"><td align="left" valign="top"></td><td align="left" valign="top"><p>The short answer is: "by being asked." </p><p>People are only added as official members of the Guacamole project after their
+                    work has been proven. This usually means you will have contributed code in the
+                    form of patches before, or we know you from extensive testing work, or you
+                    frequently help with documentation, and we are impressed enough that we want you
+                    as part of the project. </p><p>All that said, you do not need to be a member of the project to help out. Feel
+                    free to contribute anything. </p></td></tr><tr class="question"><td align="left" valign="top"><a id="idm140352907732384"></a><a id="idm140352907732096"></a><p><strong>A.10.</strong></p></td><td align="left" valign="top"><p>I think I've found a bug. How do I report it? </p></td></tr><tr class="answer"><td align="left" valign="top"></td><td align="left" valign="top"><p>The project tracks in-progress tasks and bugs via the JIRA instance hosted by
+                    the Apache Software Foundation:</p><p><a class="link" href="" target="_top"><code class="uri"></code></a></p><p>All bugs should be reported there as new issues. This is also where you would
+                    request a new feature. If the bug you found is security-related, we would prefer
+                    to be contacted personally via email, such that the bug can be fixed before
+                    becoming dangerously widely known. </p></td></tr><tr class="question"><td align="left" valign="top"><a id="idm140352907320320"></a><a id="idm140352907867856"></a><p><strong>A.11.</strong></p></td><td align="left" valign="top"><p>I need help! Where can I find some? </p></td></tr><tr class="answer"><td align="left" valign="top"></td><td align="left" valign="top"><p>If you would like help with Apache Guacamole, or wish to help others, we
+                    highly recommend sending an email to the one of the project\u2019s <a class="link" href="" target="_top">mailing lists</a>. <span class="emphasis"><em>You will need to subscribe prior to sending
+                        email to any list.</em></span> All mailing lists are actively filtered for
+                    spam, and any email not originating from a subscriber will bounce.</p><p>There are two primary mailing lists:</p><div class="variablelist"><dl class="variablelist"><dt><span class="term"><a class="link" href="" target="_top"><code class="email">&lt;<a class="email" href=""></a>&gt;</code></a></span></dt><dd><p>The user list is intended for general questions and discussions
+                                which do not necessarily pertain to development. This list replaces
+                                the old <a class="link" href="" target="_top">SourceForge forums</a> used by Guacamole prior to its
+                                acceptance into the Apache Incubator.</p><p><span class="emphasis"><em>If you're not sure which mailing list to use, the user
+                                    list is probably the correct choice.</em></span></p></dd><dt><span class="term"><a class="link" href="" target="_top"><code class="email">&lt;<a class="email" href=""></a>&gt;</code></a></span></dt><dd><p>The development list is for development-related discussion
+                                involving people who are contributors to the Apache Guacamole
+                                project (or who wish to become contributors).</p></dd></dl></div></td></tr></tbody></table></div></div><div class="navfooter"><hr /><table width="100%" summary="Navigation footer"><tr><td width="40%" align="left"><a accesskey="p" href="appendices.html">Prev</a>�</td><td width="20%" align="center"><a accesskey="u" href="appendices.html">Up</a></td><td width="40%" align="right">�<a accesskey="n" href="protocol-reference.html">Next</a></td></tr><tr><td width="40%" align="left" valign="top">Part�III.�Appendices�</td><td width="20%" align="center"><a accesskey="h" href="index.html">Home</a></td><td width="40%" align="right" valign="top">�Appendix�B.�Guacamole protocol reference</td></tr></table></div>
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+        <div class="navheader"><table width="100%" summary="Navigation header"><tr><th colspan="3" align="center">Chapter�1.�Implementation and architecture</th></tr><tr><td width="20%" align="left"><a accesskey="p" href="users-guide.html">Prev</a>�</td><th width="60%" align="center">Part�I.�User's Guide</th><td width="20%" align="right">�<a accesskey="n" href="installing-guacamole.html">Next</a></td></tr></table><hr /></div><div xml:lang="en" class="chapter" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title"><a id="guacamole-architecture"></a>Chapter�1.�Implementation and architecture</h2></div></div></div><div class="toc"><p><strong>Table of Contents</strong></p><dl class="toc"><dt><span class="section"><a href="guacamole-architecture.html#guacamole-protocol-architecture">The Guacamole protocol </a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="guacamole-architecture.html#guacd">guacd</a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="guacamole-architecture.html#w
 eb-application">The web application</a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="guacamole-architecture.html#realmint">RealMint</a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="guacamole-architecture.html#vnc-client">VNC Client</a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="guacamole-architecture.html#gateway">Remote Desktop Gateway</a></span></dt></dl></div><a id="idm140352911492688" class="indexterm"></a><a id="idm140352911395680" class="indexterm"></a><a id="idm140352911394912" class="indexterm"></a><p>Guacamole is not a self-contained web application and is made up of many parts. The web
+        application is actually intended to be simple and minimal, with the majority of the
+        gruntwork performed by lower-level components.</p><div class="informalfigure"><div class="mediaobject"><img src="images/guac-arch.png" width="225" /></div></div><p>Users connect to a Guacamole server with their web browser. The Guacamole client, written
+        in JavaScript, is served to users by a webserver within the Guacamole server. Once loaded,
+        this client connects back to the server over HTTP using the Guacamole protocol.</p><p>The web application deployed to the Guacamole server reads the Guacamole protocol and
+        forwards it to guacd, the native Guacamole proxy. This proxy actually interprets the
+        contents of the Guacamole protocol, connecting to any number of remote desktop servers on
+        behalf of the user.</p><p>The Guacamole protocol combined with guacd provide protocol agnosticism: neither the
+        Guacamole client nor the web application need to be aware of what remote desktop protocol is
+        actually being used.</p><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="guacamole-protocol-architecture"></a>The Guacamole protocol </h2></div></div></div><a id="idm140352911483424" class="indexterm"></a><a id="idm140352911482656" class="indexterm"></a><p>The web application does not understand any remote desktop protocol at all. It does
+            not contain support for VNC or RDP or any other protocol supported by the Guacamole
+            stack. It actually only understands the Guacamole protocol, which is a protocol for
+            remote display rendering and event transport. While a protocol with those properties
+            would naturally have the same abilities as a remote desktop protocol, the design
+            principles behind a remote desktop protocol and the Guacamole protocol are different:
+            the Guacamole protocol is not intended to implement the features of a specific desktop
+            environment.</p><p>As a remote display and interaction protocol, Guacamole implements a superset of
+            existing remote desktop protocols. Adding support for a particular remote desktop
+            protocol (like RDP) to Guacamole thus involves writing a middle layer which "translates"
+            between the remote desktop protocol and the Guacamole protocol. Implementing such a
+            translation is no different than implementing any native client, except that this
+            particular implementation renders to a remote display rather than a local one.</p><p>The middle layer that handles this translation is guacd.</p></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="guacd"></a>guacd</h2></div></div></div><a id="idm140352911478384" class="indexterm"></a><a id="idm140352911477616" class="indexterm"></a><p>guacd is the heart of Guacamole which dynamically loads support for remote desktop
+            protocols (called "client plugins") and connects them to remote desktops based on
+            instructions received from the web application.</p><p>guacd is a daemon process which is installed along with Guacamole and runs in the
+            background, listening for TCP connections from the web application. guacd also does not
+            understand any specific remote desktop protocol, but rather implements just enough of
+            the Guacamole protocol to determine which protocol support needs to be loaded and what
+            arguments must be passed to it. Once a client plugin is loaded, it runs independently of
+            guacd and has full control of the communication between itself and the web application
+            until the client plugin terminates.</p><a id="idm140352911475184" class="indexterm"></a><p>guacd and all client plugins depend on a common library, libguac, which makes
+            communication via the Guacamole protocol easier and a bit more abstract.</p></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="web-application"></a>The web application</h2></div></div></div><a id="idm140352911472016" class="indexterm"></a><p>The part of Guacamole that a user actually interacts with is the web
+            application.</p><p>The web application, as mentioned before, does not implement any remote desktop
+            protocol. It relies on guacd, and implements nothing more than a spiffy web interface
+            and authentication layer.</p><p>We chose to implement the server side of the web application in Java, but there's no
+            reason that it can't be written in a different language. In fact, because Guacamole is
+            intended be an API, we encourage this.</p></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="realmint"></a>RealMint</h2></div></div></div><a id="idm140352911468432" class="indexterm"></a><p>Guacamole is now a generalized remote desktop gateway, but this was not always the
+            case. Guacamole began as a purely text-based Telnet client written in JavaScript called
+                <span class="application"><a class="application" href="" target="_top">RealMint</a></span> ("RealMint" is an anagram for "terminal"). It was written
+            mainly as a demonstration and, while intended to be useful, its main claim to fame was
+            only that it was pure JavaScript.</p><p>The tunnel used by RealMint was written in PHP. In contrast to Guacamole's HTTP
+            tunnel, RealMint's tunnel used only simple long-polling and was inefficient. RealMint
+            had a decent keyboard implementation which lives on now in parts of Guacamole's keyboard
+            code, but this was really the extent of RealMint's features and usability.</p><p>Given that it was just an implementation of a legacy protocol, and that several other
+            JavaScript terminal emulators exist, most of which well-established and stable, the
+            project was dropped.</p></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="vnc-client"></a>VNC Client</h2></div></div></div><p>Once the developers learned of the HTML5 canvas tag, and saw that it was already
+            implemented in Firefox and Chrome, work started instead on a proof-of-concept JavaScript
+            VNC client.</p><p>This client was purely JavaScript with a Java server component, and worked by
+            translating VNC into an XML-based version of the same. Its development was naturally
+            driven by VNC's features, and its scope was limited to forwarding a single connection to
+            a set of users. Although relatively slow, the proof-of-concept worked well enough that
+            the project needed an online place to live, and was registered with SourceForge as
+            "Guacamole" - an HTML5 VNC client.</p><p>As Guacamole grew and became more than a proof-of-concept, the need for speed
+            increased, and the old RealMint-style long polling was dropped, as was the use of
+            XML.</p><p>As WebSocket could not be trusted to be supported at the time, and Java had no
+            WebSocket standard for servlets, an equivalent HTTP-based tunnel was developed. This
+            tunnel is still used today if WebSocket cannot be used for any reason.</p></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="gateway"></a>Remote Desktop Gateway</h2></div></div></div><p>A faster text-based protocol was developed which could present the features of
+            multiple remote desktop protocols, not just VNC. The entire system was rearchitected
+            into a standard daemon, guacd, and a common library, libguac, which drove both the
+            daemon and protocol support, which became extendable.</p><p>The scope of the project expanded from an adequate VNC client to a performant HTML5
+            remote desktop gateway and general API. In its current state, Guacamole can be used as a
+            central gateway to access any number of machines running different remote desktop
+            servers. It provides extendable authentication, and in the case you need something more
+            specialized, a general API for HTML5-based remote access.</p></div></div><div class="navfooter"><hr /><table width="100%" summary="Navigation footer"><tr><td width="40%" align="left"><a accesskey="p" href="users-guide.html">Prev</a>�</td><td width="20%" align="center"><a accesskey="u" href="users-guide.html">Up</a></td><td width="40%" align="right">�<a accesskey="n" href="installing-guacamole.html">Next</a></td></tr><tr><td width="40%" align="left" valign="top">Part�I.�User's Guide�</td><td width="20%" align="center"><a accesskey="h" href="index.html">Home</a></td><td width="40%" align="right" valign="top">�Chapter�2.�Installing Guacamole natively</td></tr></table></div>
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+        <div class="navheader"><table width="100%" summary="Navigation header"><tr><th colspan="3" align="center">Chapter�16.�guacamole-common-js</th></tr><tr><td width="20%" align="left"><a accesskey="p" href="guacamole-common.html">Prev</a>�</td><th width="60%" align="center">Part�II.�Developer's Guide</th><td width="20%" align="right">�<a accesskey="n" href="guacamole-ext.html">Next</a></td></tr></table><hr /></div><div xml:lang="en" class="chapter" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title"><a id="guacamole-common-js"></a>Chapter�16.�guacamole-common-js</h2></div></div></div><div class="toc"><p><strong>Table of Contents</strong></p><dl class="toc"><dt><span class="section"><a href="guacamole-common-js.html#guacamole-client">Guacamole client</a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="guacamole-common-js.html#http-tunnel">HTTP tunnel</a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="guacamole-common-js.html#input-abstraction">Input abstraction</a><
 /span></dt><dd><dl><dt><span class="section"><a href="guacamole-common-js.html#guacamole-mouse">Mouse</a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="guacamole-common-js.html#guacamole-touch">Touch</a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="guacamole-common-js.html#guacamole-keyboard">Keyboard</a></span></dt></dl></dd><dt><span class="section"><a href="guacamole-common-js.html#on-screen-keyboard">On-screen keyboard</a></span></dt><dd><dl><dt><span class="section"><a href="guacamole-common-js.html#keyboard-layouts">Keyboard layouts</a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="guacamole-common-js.html#displaying-osk">Displaying the keyboard</a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="guacamole-common-js.html#styling-the-keyboard">Styling the keyboard</a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="guacamole-common-js.html#osk-event-handling">Handling key events</a></span></dt></dl></dd></dl></div><a id="idm140352908244720" class="indexterm"></a><a id="idm14035290
 8037008" class="indexterm"></a><p>The Guacamole project provides a JavaScript API for interfacing with
+        other components that conform to the design of Guacamole, such as
+        projects using libguac or guacamole-common. This API is called
+        guacamole-common-js.</p><p>guacamole-common-js provides a JavaScript implementation of a
+        Guacamole client, as well as tunneling mechanisms for getting protocol
+        data out of JavaScript and into guacd or the server side of a web
+        application.</p><p>For convenience, it also provides mouse and keyboard abstraction objects that translate
+        JavaScript mouse, touch, and keyboard events into consistent data that Guacamole can more
+        easily digest. The extendable on-screen keyboard that was developed for the Guacamole web
+        application is also included.</p><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="guacamole-client"></a>Guacamole client</h2></div></div></div><p>The main benefit to using the JavaScript API is the full Guacamole
+            client implementation, which implements all Guacamole instructions,
+            and makes use of the tunnel implementations provided by both the
+            JavaScript and Java APIs.</p><p>Using the Guacamole client is straightforward. The client, like
+            all other objects within the JavaScript API, is within the
+                <code class="code">Guacamole</code> namespace. It is instantiated given an
+            existing, unconnected tunnel:</p><div class="informalexample"><pre class="programlisting">var client = new Guacamole.Client(tunnel);</pre></div><p>Once you have the client, it won't immediately appear within the
+            DOM. You need to add its display element manually:</p><div class="informalexample"><pre class="programlisting">document.body.appendChild(client.getDisplay().getElement());</pre></div><p>At this point, the client will be visible, rendering all updates
+            as soon as they are received through the tunnel.</p><div class="informalexample"><pre class="programlisting">client.connect();</pre></div><p>It is possible to pass arbitrary data to the tunnel during
+            connection which can be used for authentication or for choosing a
+            particular connection. When the <code class="methodname">connect()</code>
+            function of the Guacamole client is called, it in turn calls the
+                <code class="methodname">connect()</code> function of the tunnel
+            originally given to the client, establishing a connection.</p><div class="important"><h3 class="title">Important</h3><p>When creating the <code class="classname">Guacamole.Client</code>, the
+                tunnel used must not already be connected. The
+                    <code class="classname">Guacamole.Client</code> will call the
+                    <code class="methodname">connect()</code> function for you when its
+                own <code class="methodname">connect()</code> function is invoked. If
+                the tunnel is already connected when it is given to the
+                    <code class="classname">Guacamole.Client</code>, connection may not
+                work at all.</p></div><p>In general, all instructions available within the Guacamole
+            protocol are automatically handled by the Guacamole client,
+            including instructions related to audio and video. The only
+            instructions which you must handle yourself are "name" (used to name
+            the connection), "clipboard" (used to update clipboard data on the
+            client side), and "error" (used when something goes wrong
+            server-side). Each of these instructions has a corresponding event
+            handler; you need only supply functions to handle these events. If
+            any of these event handlers are left unset, the corresponding
+            instructions are simply ignored.</p></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="http-tunnel"></a>HTTP tunnel</h2></div></div></div><p>Both the Java and JavaScript API implement corresponding ends of
+            an HTTP tunnel, based on
+            <code class="classname">XMLHttpRequest</code>.</p><p>The tunnel is a true stream - there is no polling. An initial
+            request is made from the JavaScript side, and this request is
+            handled on the Java side. While this request is open, data is
+            streamed along the connection, and instructions within this stream
+            are handled as soon as they are received by the client.</p><p>While data is being streamed along this existing connection, a
+            second connection attempt is made. Data continues to be streamed
+            along the original connection until the server receives and handles
+            the second request, at which point the original connection closes
+            and the stream is transferred to the new connection.</p><p>This process repeats, alternating between active streams, thus
+            creating an unbroken sequence of instructions, while also allowing
+            JavaScript to free any memory used by the previously active
+            connection.</p><p>The tunnel is created by supplying the relative URL to the
+            server-side tunnel servlet:</p><div class="informalexample"><pre class="programlisting">var tunnel = new Guacamole.Tunnel("tunnel");</pre></div><p>Once created, the tunnel can be passed to a
+                <code class="classname">Guacamole.Client</code> for use in a Guacamole
+            connection.</p><p>The tunnel actually takes care of the Guacamole protocol parsing
+            on behalf of the client, triggering "oninstruction" events for every
+            instruction received, splitting each element into elements of an
+            array so that the client doesn't have to.</p></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="input-abstraction"></a>Input abstraction</h2></div></div></div><p>Browsers can be rather finicky when it comes to keyboard and mouse
+            input, not to mention touch events. There is little agreement on
+            which keyboard events get fired when, and what detail about the
+            event is made available to JavaScript. Touch and mouse events can
+            also cause confusion, as most browsers will generate
+                <span class="emphasis"><em>both</em></span> events when the user touches the
+            screen (for compatibility with JavaScript code that only handles
+            mouse events), making it more difficult for applications to support
+            both mouse and touch independently.</p><p>The Guacamole JavaScript API abstracts mouse, keyboard, and touch
+            interaction, providing several helper objects which act as an
+            abstract interface between you and the browser events.</p><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a id="guacamole-mouse"></a>Mouse</h3></div></div></div><p>Mouse event abstraction is provided by the
+                    <code class="classname">Guacamole.Mouse</code> object. Given an
+                arbitrary DOM element, <code class="classname">Guacamole.Mouse</code>
+                triggers <span class="property">onmousedown</span>,
+                    <span class="property">onmousemove</span>, and
+                    <span class="property">onmouseup</span> events which are consistent
+                across browsers. This object only response. to true mouse
+                events. Mouse events which are actually the result of touch
+                events are ignored.</p><div class="informalexample"><pre class="programlisting">var element = document.getElementById("some-arbitrary-id");
+var mouse = new Guacamole.Mouse(element);
+mouse.onmousedown =
+mouse.onmousemove =
+mouse.onmouseup   = function(state) {
+    // Do something with the mouse state received ...
+};</pre></div><p>The handles of each event are given an instance of
+                    <code class="classname">Guacamole.Mouse.State</code> which
+                represents the current state of the mouse, containing the state
+                of each button (including the scroll wheel) as well as the X and
+                Y coordinates of the pointer in pixels.</p></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a id="guacamole-touch"></a>Touch</h3></div></div></div><p>Touch event abstraction is provided by either
+                    <code class="classname">Guacamole.Touchpad</code> (emulates a
+                touchpad to generate artificial mouse events) or
+                    <code class="classname">Guacamole.Touchscreen</code> (emulates a
+                touchscreen, again generating artificial mouse events).
+                Guacamole uses the touchpad emulation, as this provides the most
+                flexibility and mouse-like features, including scrollwheel and
+                clicking with different buttons, but your preferences may
+                differ.</p><div class="informalexample"><pre class="programlisting">var element = document.getElementById("some-arbitrary-id");
+var touch = new Guacamole.Touchpad(element); // or Guacamole.Touchscreen
+touch.onmousedown =
+touch.onmousemove =
+touch.onmouseup   = function(state) {
+    // Do something with the mouse state received ...
+};</pre></div><p>Note that even though these objects are touch-specific, they
+                still provide mouse events. The state object given to the event
+                handlers of each event is still an instance of
+                    <code class="classname">Guacamole.Mouse.State</code>.</p><p>Ultimately, you could assign the same event handler to all the
+                events of both an instance of
+                    <code class="classname">Guacamole.Mouse</code> as well as
+                    <code class="classname">Guacamole.Touchscreen</code> or
+                    <code class="classname">Guacamole.Touchpad</code>, and you would
+                magically gain mouse and touch support. This support, being
+                driven by the needs of remote desktop, is naturally geared
+                around the mouse and providing a reasonable means of interacting
+                with it. For an actual mouse, events are translated simply and
+                literally, while touch events go through additional emulation
+                and heuristics. From the perspective of the user and the code,
+                this is all transparent.</p></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a id="guacamole-keyboard"></a>Keyboard</h3></div></div></div><p>Keyboard events in Guacamole are abstracted with the
+                    <code class="classname">Guacamole.Keyboard</code> object as only
+                keyup and keydown events; there is no keypress like there is in
+                JavaScript. Further, all the craziness of keycodes vs. scancodes
+                vs. key identifiers normally present across browsers is
+                abstracted away. All your event handlers will see is an X11
+                keysym, which represent every key unambiguously. Conveniently,
+                X11 keysyms are also what the Guacamole protocol requires, so if
+                you want to use <code class="classname">Guacamole.Keyboard</code> to
+                drive key events sent over the Guacamole protocol, everything
+                can be connected directly.</p><p>Just like the other input abstraction objects,
+                    <code class="classname">Guacamole.Keyboard</code> requires a DOM
+                element as an event target. Only key events directed at this
+                element will be handled.</p><div class="informalexample"><pre class="programlisting">var keyboard = new Guacamole.Keyboard(document);
+keyboard.onkeydown = function(keysym) {
+    // Do something ...
+keyboard.onkeyup = function(keysym) {
+    // Do something ...
+};</pre></div><p>In this case, we are using <code class="classname">document</code> as
+                the event target, thus receiving all key events while the
+                browser window (or tab) has focus.</p></div></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="on-screen-keyboard"></a>On-screen keyboard</h2></div></div></div><p>The Guacamole JavaScript API also provides an extendable on-screen
+            keyboard, <code class="classname">Guacamole.OnScreenKeyboard</code>, which
+            requires the URL of an XML file describing the keyboard layout. The
+            on-screen keyboard object provides no hard-coded layout information;
+            the keyboard layout is described entirely within the XML layout
+            file.</p><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a id="keyboard-layouts"></a>Keyboard layouts</h3></div></div></div><p>The keyboard layout XML included in the Guacamole web
+                application would be a good place to start regarding how these
+                layout files are written, but in general, the keyboard is simply
+                a set of rows or columns, denoted with <code class="code">&lt;row&gt;</code> and
+                    <code class="code">&lt;column&gt;</code> tags respectively, where each can
+                be nested within the other as desired.</p><p>Each key is represented with a <code class="code">&lt;key&gt;</code> tag, but
+                this is not what the user sees, nor what generates the key
+                event. Each key contains any number of <code class="code">&lt;cap&gt;</code>
+                tags, which represent the visible part of the key. The cap
+                describes which X11 keysym will be sent when the key is pressed.
+                Each cap can be associated with any combination of arbitrary
+                modifier flags which dictate when that cap is active.</p><p>For example:</p><div class="informalexample"><pre class="programlisting">&lt;keyboard lang="en_US" layout="example" size="5"&gt;
+    &lt;row&gt;
+        &lt;key size="4"&gt;
+            &lt;cap modifier="shift" keysym="0xFFE1"&gt;Shift&lt;/cap&gt;
+        &lt;/key&gt;
+        &lt;key&gt;
+            &lt;cap&gt;a&lt;/cap&gt;
+            &lt;cap if="shift"&gt;A&lt;/cap&gt;
+        &lt;/key&gt;
+    &lt;/row&gt;
+&lt;/keyboard&gt;</pre></div><p>Here we have a very simple keyboard which defines only two
+                keys: "shift" (a modifier) and the letter "a". When "shift" is
+                pressed, it sets the "shift" modifier, affecting other keys in
+                the keyboard. The "a" key has two caps: one lowercase (the
+                default) and one uppercase (which requires the shift modifier to
+                be active).</p><p>Notice that the shift key needed the keysym explicitly
+                specified, while the "a" key did not. This is because the
+                on-screen keyboard will automatically derive the correct keysym
+                from the text of the key cap if the text contains only a single
+                character.</p></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a id="displaying-osk"></a>Displaying the keyboard</h3></div></div></div><p>Once you have a keyboard layout available, adding an on-screen
+                keyboard to your application is simple:</p><div class="informalexample"><pre class="programlisting">// Add keyboard to body
+var keyboard = new Guacamole.OnScreenKeyboard("path/to/layout.xml");
+// Set size of keyboard to 100 pixels
+keyboard.resize(100);</pre></div><p>Here, we have explicitly specified the width of the keyboard
+                as 100 pixels. Normally, you would determine this by inspecting
+                the width of the containing component, or by deciding on a
+                reasonable width beforehand. Once the width is given, the height
+                of the keyboard is determined based on the arrangement of each
+                row.</p></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a id="styling-the-keyboard"></a>Styling the keyboard</h3></div></div></div><p>While the <code class="classname">Guacamole.OnScreenKeyboard</code>
+                object will handle most of the layout, you will still need to
+                style everything yourself with CSS to get the elements to render
+                properly and the keys to change state when clicked or activated.
+                It defines several CSS classes, which you will need to manually
+                style to get things looking as desired:</p><div class="variablelist"><dl class="variablelist"><dt><span class="term"><code class="classname">guac-keyboard</code></span></dt><dd><p>This class is assigned to the root element
+                            containing the entire keyboard, returned by
+                                <code class="methodname">getElement()</code>,</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><code class="classname">guac-keyboard-row</code></span></dt><dd><p>Assigned to the <code class="code">div</code> elements which
+                            contain each row.</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><code class="classname">guac-keyboard-column</code></span></dt><dd><p>Assigned to the <code class="code">div</code> elements which
+                            contain each column.</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><code class="classname">guac-keyboard-gap</code></span></dt><dd><p>Assigned to any <code class="code">div</code> elements created
+                            as a result of <code class="code">&lt;gap&gt;</code> tags in the
+                            keyboard layout. <code class="code">&lt;gap&gt;</code> tags are
+                            intended to behave as keys with no visible styling
+                            or caps.</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><code class="classname">guac-keyboard-key-container</code></span></dt><dd><p>Assigned to the <code class="code">div</code> element which
+                            contains a key, and provides that key with its
+                            required dimensions. It is this element that will be
+                            scaled relative to the size specified in the layout
+                            XML and the size given to the <code class="code">resize()</code>
+                            function.</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><code class="classname">guac-keyboard-key</code></span></dt><dd><p>Assigned to the <code class="code">div</code> element which
+                            represents the actual key, not the cap. This element
+                            will not directly contain text, but it will contain
+                            all caps that this key can have. With clever CSS
+                            rules, you can take advantage of this and cause
+                            inactive caps to appear on the key in a corner (for
+                            example), or hide them entirely.</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><code class="classname">guac-keyboard-cap</code></span></dt><dd><p>Assigned to the <code class="code">div</code> element
+                            representing a key cap. Each cap is a child of its
+                            corresponding key, and it is up to the author of the
+                            CSS rules to hide or show or reposition each cap
+                            appropriately. Each cap will contain the display
+                            text defined within the <code class="code">&lt;cap&gt;</code>
+                            element in the layout XML.</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><code class="classname">guac-keyboard-requires-<em class="replaceable"><code>MODIFIER</code></em></code></span></dt><dd><p>Added to the cap element when that cap requires a
+                            specific modifier.</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><code class="classname">guac-keyboard-uses-<em class="replaceable"><code>MODIFIER</code></em></code></span></dt><dd><p>Added to the key element when any cap contained
+                            within it requires a specific modifier.</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><code class="classname">guac-keyboard-modifier-<em class="replaceable"><code>MODIFIER</code></em></code></span></dt><dd><p>Added to and removed from the root keyboard
+                            element when a modifier key is activated or
+                            deactivated respectively.</p></dd><dt><span class="term"><code class="classname">guac-keyboard-pressed</code></span></dt><dd><p>Added to and removed from any key element as it is
+                            pressed and released respectively.</p></dd></dl></div><div class="important"><h3 class="title">Important</h3><p>The CSS rules required for the on-screen keyboard to work
+                    as expected can be quite complex. Looking over the CSS rules
+                    used by the on-screen keyboard in the Guacamole web
+                    application would be a good place to start to see how the
+                    appearance of each key can be driven through the simple
+                    class changes described above.</p><p>Inspecting the elements of an active on-screen keyboard
+                    within the Guacamole web application with the developer
+                    tools of your favorite browser is also a good idea.</p></div></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a id="osk-event-handling"></a>Handling key events</h3></div></div></div><p>Key events generated by the on-screen keyboard are identical
+                to those of <code class="classname">Guacamole.Keyboard</code> in that
+                they consist only of a single X11 keysym. Only keyup and keydown
+                events exist, as before; there is no keypress event.</p><div class="informalexample"><pre class="programlisting">// Assuming we have an instance of Guacamole.OnScreenKeyboard already
+// called "keyboard"
+keyboard.onkeydown = function(keysym) {
+    // Do something ...
+keyboard.onkeyup = function(keysym) {
+    // Do something ...
+};</pre></div></div></div></div><div class="navfooter"><hr /><table width="100%" summary="Navigation footer"><tr><td width="40%" align="left"><a accesskey="p" href="guacamole-common.html">Prev</a>�</td><td width="20%" align="center"><a accesskey="u" href="developers-guide.html">Up</a></td><td width="40%" align="right">�<a accesskey="n" href="guacamole-ext.html">Next</a></td></tr><tr><td width="40%" align="left" valign="top">Chapter�15.�<span class="package">guacamole-common</span>�</td><td width="20%" align="center"><a accesskey="h" href="index.html">Home</a></td><td width="40%" align="right" valign="top">�Chapter�17.�guacamole-ext</td></tr></table></div>
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+        <div class="navheader"><table width="100%" summary="Navigation header"><tr><th colspan="3" align="center">Chapter�15.�<span class="package">guacamole-common</span></th></tr><tr><td width="20%" align="left"><a accesskey="p" href="libguac.html">Prev</a>�</td><th width="60%" align="center">Part�II.�Developer's Guide</th><td width="20%" align="right">�<a accesskey="n" href="guacamole-common-js.html">Next</a></td></tr></table><hr /></div><div xml:lang="en" class="chapter" lang="en"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title"><a id="guacamole-common"></a>Chapter�15.�<span class="package">guacamole-common</span></h2></div></div></div><div class="toc"><p><strong>Table of Contents</strong></p><dl class="toc"><dt><span class="section"><a href="guacamole-common.html#java-http-tunnel">HTTP tunnel</a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="guacamole-common.html#java-protocol-usage">Using the Guacamole protocol</a></span></dt><dd><dl><dt><span class="section"><a href
 ="guacamole-common.html#java-reading-protocol"><code class="classname">GuacamoleReader</code></a></span></dt><dt><span class="section"><a href="guacamole-common.html#java-writing-protocol"><code class="classname">GuacamoleWriter</code></a></span></dt></dl></dd></dl></div><a id="idm140352908228032" class="indexterm"></a><a id="idm140352908246976" class="indexterm"></a><p>The Java API provided by the Guacamole project is called guacamole-common. It provides a
+        basic means of tunneling data between the JavaScript client provided by guacamole-common-js
+        and the native proxy daemon, guacd, and for dealing with the Guacamole protocol. The purpose
+        of this library is to facilitate the creation of custom tunnels between the JavaScript
+        client and guacd, allowing your Guacamole-driven web application to enforce its own security
+        model, if any, and dictate exactly what connections are established.</p><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="java-http-tunnel"></a>HTTP tunnel</h2></div></div></div><p>The Guacamole Java API implements the HTTP tunnel using a servlet
+            called <code class="classname">GuacamoleHTTPTunnelServlet</code>. This
+            servlet handles all requests coming to it over HTTP from the
+            JavaScript client, and translated them into connect, read, or write
+            requests, which each get dispatched to the
+                <code class="methodname">doConnect()</code>,
+                <code class="methodname">doRead()</code>, and
+                <code class="methodname">doWrite()</code> functions accordingly.</p><p>Normally, you wouldn't touch the <code class="methodname">doRead()</code>
+            and <code class="methodname">doWrite()</code> functions, as these have
+            already been written to properly handle the requests of the
+            JavaScript tunnel, and if you feel the need to touch these
+            functions, you are probably better off writing your own tunnel
+            implementation, although such a thing is difficult to do in a
+            performant way.</p><p>When developing an application based on the Guacamole API, you
+            should use <code class="classname">GuacamoleHTTPTunnelServlet</code> by
+            extending it, implementing your own version of
+                <code class="methodname">doConnect()</code>, which is the only abstract
+            function it defines. The tutorial later in this book demonstrating
+            how to write a Guacamole-based web application shows the basics of
+            doing this, but generally, <code class="methodname">doConnect()</code> is
+            an excellent place for authentication or other validation, as it is
+            the responsibility of <code class="methodname">doConnect()</code> to create
+            (or not create) the actual tunnel. If
+                <code class="methodname">doConnect()</code> does not create the tunnel,
+            communication between the JavaScript client and guacd cannot take
+            place, which is an ideal power to have as an authenticator.</p><p>The <code class="methodname">doConnect()</code> function is expected to return a new
+                <code class="classname">GuacamoleTunnel</code>, but it is completely up to the
+            implementation to decide how that tunnel is to be created. The already-implemented parts
+            of <code class="classname">GuacamoleHTTPTunnelServlet</code> then return the unique identifier
+            of this tunnel to the JavaScript client, allowing its own tunnel implementation to
+            continue to communicate with the tunnel existing on the Java side.</p><p>Instances of <code class="classname">GuacamoleTunnel</code> are created associated with a
+                <code class="classname">GuacamoleSocket</code>, which is the abstract interface surrounding
+            the low-level connection to guacd. Overall, there is a socket
+                (<code class="classname">GuacamoleSocket</code>) which provides a TCP connection to guacd.
+            This socket is exposed to <code class="classname">GuacamoleTunnel</code>, which provides
+            abstract protocol access around what is actually (but secretly, through the abstraction
+            of the API) a TCP socket.</p><p>The Guacamole web application extends this tunnel servlet in order
+            to implement authentication at the lowest possible level,
+            effectively prohibiting communication between the client and any
+            remote desktops unless they have properly authenticated. Your own
+            implementation can be considerably simpler, especially if you don't
+            need authentication:</p><div class="informalexample"><pre class="programlisting">public class MyGuacamoleTunnelServlet
+    extends GuacamoleHTTPTunnelServlet {
+    @Override
+    protected GuacamoleTunnel doConnect(HttpServletRequest request)
+        throws GuacamoleException {
+        // Connect to guacd here (this is a STUB)
+        GuacamoleSocket socket;
+        // Return a new tunnel which uses the connected socket
+        return new SimpleGuacamoleTunnel(socket);
+    }
+}</pre></div></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title" style="clear: both"><a id="java-protocol-usage"></a>Using the Guacamole protocol</h2></div></div></div><p>guacamole-common provides basic low-level support for the
+            Guacamole protocol. This low-level support is leveraged by the HTTP
+            tunnel implementation to satisfy the requirements of the JavaScript
+            client implementation, as the JavaScript client expects the
+            handshake procedure to have already taken place. This support exists
+            through the <code class="classname">GuacamoleReader</code> and
+                <code class="classname">GuacamoleWriter</code> classes, which are
+            similar to Java's <code class="classname">Reader</code> and
+                <code class="classname">Writer</code> classes, except that they deal
+            with the Guacamole protocol specifically, and thus have slightly
+            different contracts.</p><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a id="java-reading-protocol"></a><code class="classname">GuacamoleReader</code></h3></div></div></div><p><code class="classname">GuacamoleReader</code> provides a very basic
+                    <code class="methodname">read()</code> function which is required
+                to return one or more complete instructions in a
+                    <span class="type">char</span> array. It also provides the typical
+                    <code class="methodname">available()</code> function, which informs
+                you whether <code class="methodname">read()</code> is likely to block
+                the next time it is called, and an even more abstract version of
+                    <code class="methodname">read()</code> called
+                    <code class="methodname">readInstruction()</code> which returns one
+                instruction at a time, wrapped within a
+                    <code class="classname">GuacamoleInstruction</code> instance.</p><p>Normally, you would not need to use this class yourself. It is
+                used by <code class="classname">ConfiguredGuacamoleSocket</code> to
+                complete the Guacamole protocol handshake procedure, and it is
+                used by <code class="classname">GuacamoleHTTPTunnelServlet</code> within
+                    <code class="methodname">doRead()</code> to implement the reading
+                half of the tunnel.</p><p>The only concrete implementation of
+                    <code class="classname">GuacamoleReader</code> is
+                    <code class="classname">ReaderGuacamoleReader</code>, which wraps a
+                Java <code class="classname">Reader</code>, using that as the source for
+                data to parse into Guacamole instructions. Again, you would not
+                normally directly use this class, nor instantiate it yourself. A
+                working, concrete instance of
+                    <code class="classname">GuacamoleReader</code> can be retrieved from
+                any <code class="classname">GuacamoleSocket</code> or
+                    <code class="classname">GuacamoleTunnel</code>.</p></div><div class="section"><div class="titlepage"><div><div><h3 class="title"><a id="java-writing-protocol"></a><code class="classname">GuacamoleWriter</code></h3></div></div></div><p><code class="classname">GuacamoleWriter</code> provides a very basic
+                    <code class="methodname">write()</code> function and a more
+                abstract version called
+                    <code class="methodname">writeInstruction()</code> which writes
+                instances of <code class="classname">GuacamoleInstruction</code>. These
+                functions are analogous to the <code class="methodname">read()</code>
+                and <code class="methodname">readInstruction()</code> functions
+                provided by <code class="classname">GuacamoleReader</code>, and have
+                similar restrictions: the contract imposed by
+                    <code class="methodname">write()</code> requires that written
+                instructions be complete</p><p>The only concrete implementation of
+                    <code class="classname">GuacamoleWriter</code> is
+                    <code class="classname">WriterGuacamoleWriter</code>, which wraps a
+                Java <code class="classname">Writer</code>, using that as the
+                destination for Guacamole instruction data, but you would not
+                normally directly use this class, nor instantiate it yourself.
+                It is used by <code class="classname">ConfiguredGuacamoleSocket</code>
+                to complete the Guacamole protocol handshake procedure, and it
+                is used by <code class="classname">GuacamoleHTTPTunnelServlet</code>
+                within <code class="methodname">doWrite()</code> to implement the
+                writing half of the tunnel.</p><p>If necessary, a <code class="classname">GuacamoleWriter</code> can be
+                retrieved from any <code class="classname">GuacamoleSocket</code> or
+                    <code class="classname">GuacamoleTunnel</code>, but in most cases,
+                the classes provided by the Guacamole Java API which already use
+                    <code class="classname">GuacamoleWriter</code> will be
+                sufficient.</p></div></div></div><div class="navfooter"><hr /><table width="100%" summary="Navigation footer"><tr><td width="40%" align="left"><a accesskey="p" href="libguac.html">Prev</a>�</td><td width="20%" align="center"><a accesskey="u" href="developers-guide.html">Up</a></td><td width="40%" align="right">�<a accesskey="n" href="guacamole-common-js.html">Next</a></td></tr><tr><td width="40%" align="left" valign="top">Chapter�14.�libguac�</td><td width="20%" align="center"><a accesskey="h" href="index.html">Home</a></td><td width="40%" align="right" valign="top">�Chapter�16.�guacamole-common-js</td></tr></table></div>
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