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Posted to by Milo Hyson <> on 2002/03/06 23:25:14 UTC

Virtual locations in mod_perl

I'm having trouble understanding how to configure mod_perl to execute a 
handler when called with a virtual location (i.e. one that does not directly 
map to anything in the server's filesystem). I know it's possible because 
packages like PageKit do it. I tried hacking through PageKit's code, but it 
didn't answer any questions.

My problem is that whenever Apache receives a URL for a virtual location, its 
default translation handler converts it into a directory index (index.html), 
which of course doesn't exist. The end result is a 403. Now I can write my 
own PerlTransHandler to intercept requests for my specific locations and 
pretend to translate them, but that's a pain and PageKit seems to work 
without doing that.

Does anybody have any insight they could offer? Thanks in advance. :)

Milo Hyson
CyberLife Labs, LLC

Re: Virtual locations in mod_perl

Posted by Ernest Lergon <>.
Milo Hyson wrote:
> [snip]
> handler ... virtual location (i.e. one that does not directly
> map to anything in the server's filesystem).
> [snip]

Hi Milo,

that's easy. This is an anonymized excerpt of httpd.conf for a
multilanguage shop. None of the named locations exists on the server:

<VirtualHost *>
	ServerAlias *
	DocumentRoot /home/myshop/public_html
	CustomLog /home/myshop/log/access_log combined
	ErrorLog /home/myshop/log/error_log
	ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /home/myshop/public_html/cgi-bin/

# This delivers the main page:

	<LocationMatch "^(/|/index|/de|/de/|/de/index)$">
		SetHandler	perl-script
		PerlSetVar	Language	de
		PerlHandler	MyShop::Index

# This delivers catalogue pages:

	<Location /de/catalog>
		SetHandler	perl-script
		PerlSetVar	Language	de
		PerlHandler	MyShop::Catalog
# Detailed view of articles:

	<Location /de/zoom>
		SetHandler	perl-script
		PerlSetVar	Language	de
		PerlHandler	MyShop::Zoom

# A search form (In/Out):

	<Location /de/search>
		SetHandler	perl-script
		PerlSetVar	Language	de
		PerlHandler	MyShop::Search

# and more...

# Same in English:

	<LocationMatch "^(/|/index/en|/en/|/en/index)$">
		SetHandler	perl-script
		PerlSetVar	Language	en
		PerlHandler	MyShop::Index

# and as above...


Hope, that helps.



* VIRTUALITAS Inc.               *                                  *
*                                *                                  *
* European Consultant Office     *  *
* Internationales Handelszentrum *   contact:Ernest Lergon          *
* Friedrichstraße 95             * *
* 10117 Berlin / Germany         *       ums:+49180528132130266     *