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Posted to by Oleg Zenzin <> on 2004/05/24 09:24:01 UTC

Re[2]: XMLCipher.enryptData()

Yes,  Berin,  I  need  EncryptedData  later  in  my  code - to replace
contents  of  soap:Header  and  soap:Body. Because of this replacement
done   in  Axis  Handler  i  cannot  just  change  the  SOAP  message
xml-document, but have to work with Axis object representation of this
message. So, to replace contents of soap:Body i do following:

Element encryptedBody = xmlCipher.martial(msgXmlDoc, encBodyData);
org.apache.axis.message.SOAPBodyElement soapBody =
    new org.apache.axis.message.SOAPBodyElement(encryptedBody);


Thanx for your timely response and best regards

BL> Oleg,
BL> Can you use doFinal?  Same thing, but it's the wrapper interface.
BL> Or do you need to access the EncryptedData afterward?
BL> But to answer your question - absolutely no reason for it to be private,
BL> unless Axl has some thoughts?  (If I don't get a -1 I'll make the change
BL> in CVS.)

BL> Cheers,
BL> 	Berin

Best regards,