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Posted to by Benjamin Sempere <> on 2004/06/09 11:24:37 UTC

Getting Mapping between XmlType and JavaType

Hello i ve a little question in glance with Axis

So i ve a wsdl file called "AddressBook.wsdl". With wsdl2java i generate classes associated.
Now in another class i user serializers generated with the Phone.class like this:

		StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();
		//Phone object creation
		Phone phone = new Phone();

		//Getting serializer
		Serializer serializer =  Phone.getSerializer("", Phone.class, new QName("urn:AddressFetcher2", "phone"));
		//Creating a service
		Service service = new Service();
		MessageContext msgContext = new MessageContext( service.getEngine() );
		SerializationContext ctx = new SerializationContextImpl(writer, msgContext);
		serializer.serialize(new QName("", "phone"), null, phone, ctx);

		System.out.println("  ========== Result: start ==========");
		System.out.println("  "+writer);
		System.out.println("  ========== Result: end   ==========");

And the ouput is:

	  ========== Result: start ==========
	  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
			<areaCode  xsi:type="xsd:int" xmlns:xsi="" 								xmlns:xsd="">
			<exchange  xsi:type="xsd:string" 		xmlns:xsi="" 								xmlns:xsd="">

			<number xsi:type="xsd:string" xmlns:xsi="" 							xmlns:xsd="">
	========== Result: end   ==========

So all is corect, but now i  try to obtain mapping between xsd:int to javaType, how can i do this???
It s only a test and later i d have a method that gives me in a string the className for a xmlType:

For example: 	xsd:String --> java.lang.String
		xsd:int     --> ...

And the same thing with complexType

Regards SEMPERE Benjamin