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Posted to by Ben Hyde <> on 1998/02/06 17:38:43 UTC

Naming conflicts

Could we add a line in conf.h.

    #include <hide.h>

Then add that file:

/* File: hide.h */

/* This file solves one problem.  You want to link
 * Apache with libcool.a which you got from Cool Inc.
 * but sadly when you did that you get a link time
 * error like:
 *  "http_request.o Definition of symbol 'process_request' (multiply defined)"
 * At that point you revise this file to hide that symbol
 *   #define process_request apache_process_request  /* libcool conflicts */
 * This makes debugging more tedious, but leaves the
 * sources kind of readable.
 * If you think your libcool is sufficently popular
 * then send a patch back to the Apache Group.

#define make_array apache_make_array /* libgsi conflicts */

I'm running into this problem as well, but it's my cool things local.
Having a standard way for people to address it seems easier than
reaching agreement on a standard prefix and then doing the rewrite 
(didn't there used to be unix tool just to do this?) everywere (including
in third party modules).

 - ben hyde

"...clorox a horse..." - Beverly Cleary