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Posted to by GitBox <> on 2021/11/14 09:12:58 UTC

[GitHub] [tvm] MasterJH5574 commented on a change in pull request #9360: [TensorIR] Cross-Thread Reduction

MasterJH5574 commented on a change in pull request #9360:

File path: src/tir/transforms/
@@ -156,145 +181,333 @@ class BufferAccessReplacer : public StmtExprMutator {
  * \brief Substitute a given source block with a given target block, or remove the source block
  * branch from the AST if the target block is undefined
-class ReductionBlockReplacer : public StmtMutator {
+class InThreadReducerMaker : private StmtMutator {
-  explicit ReductionBlockReplacer(const BlockRealizeNode* src_block, BlockRealize tgt_block)
-      : src_block_(src_block), tgt_block_(std::move(tgt_block)) {}
+  static Optional<Stmt> Make(const BlockRealizeNode* src_realize,
+                             Optional<BlockRealize> tgt_realize, Stmt stmt) {
+    return InThreadReducerMaker(src_realize, std::move(tgt_realize))(std::move(stmt));
+  }
-  Stmt VisitStmt_(const BlockRealizeNode* block_realize) final {
-    return block_realize == src_block_ ? tgt_block_ : GetRef<BlockRealize>(block_realize);
+  explicit InThreadReducerMaker(const BlockRealizeNode* src_realize,
+                                Optional<BlockRealize> tgt_realize)
+      : src_realize_(src_realize), tgt_realize_(tgt_realize) {}
+  Stmt VisitStmt_(const BlockRealizeNode* realize) final {
+    if (realize == src_realize_) {
+      return tgt_realize_.defined()  //
+                 ? tgt_realize_.value()
+                 : Stmt{nullptr};
+    }
+    return GetRef<BlockRealize>(realize);
   Stmt VisitStmt_(const ForNode* loop) final {
-    For res = Downcast<For>(StmtMutator::VisitStmt_(loop));
-    return !res.defined() ? Stmt{nullptr} : (res->thread_binding.defined() ? res->body : res);
+    if (Optional<For> opt_res = Downcast<Optional<For>>(StmtMutator::VisitStmt_(loop))) {
+      For res = opt_res.value();
+      if (res->thread_binding.defined()) {
+        return res->body;
+      } else {
+        return res;
+      }
+    } else {
+      return Stmt{nullptr};
+    }
   Stmt VisitStmt_(const SeqStmtNode* seq) final {
-    Array<Stmt> results;
-    results.reserve(seq->size());
+    Array<Stmt> stmts;
+    stmts.reserve(seq->size());
     for (const Stmt& stmt : seq->seq) {
-      Stmt res = StmtMutator::VisitStmt(stmt);
-      if (res.defined()) {
-        results.push_back(res);
+      if (Optional<Stmt> opt_res = VisitStmt(stmt)) {
+        stmts.push_back(opt_res.value());
-    return results.empty() ? Stmt{nullptr} : SeqStmt(results);
+    return stmts.empty() ? Stmt{nullptr} : SeqStmt::Flatten(stmts);
-  const BlockRealizeNode* src_block_;
-  BlockRealize tgt_block_;
+  const BlockRealizeNode* src_realize_;
+  Optional<BlockRealize> tgt_realize_;
+ * \brief Create the lowered allreduce block transformed from the input reduction block
+ * \param reduction_block The input reduction block
+ * \param it_buffer The buffer to store in-thread reduction results
+ * \param ct_buffer The buffer to store cross-thread reduction results
+ * \param reducer The reduction function
+ * \param combiner_rhs The RHS of the combiner
+ * \param reduction_loops The reduction loops
+ */
+Stmt TransformReductionBlock(const BlockRealizeNode* realize, const Optional<Buffer>& it_buffer,
+                             const Buffer& ct_buffer, const CommReducer& reducer,
+                             const PrimExpr& combiner_rhs,
+                             const std::vector<const ForNode*>& reduction_loops) {
+  const BlockNode* block = realize->block.get();
+  Buffer wb_buffer = block->writes[0]->buffer;
+  Array<Range> wb_region = block->writes[0]->region;
+  BufferRegion ct_buffer_region(ct_buffer, {Range::FromMinExtent(0, 1)});
+  Optional<BufferRegion> it_buffer_region = NullOpt;
+  if (it_buffer.defined()) {
+    it_buffer_region = BufferRegion(it_buffer.value(), {Range::FromMinExtent(0, 1)});
+  }
+  // In total, the block is transformed into at most 4 statements
+  // - Stmt 1: initialize the buffer for in-thread reduction
+  // - Stmt 2: do in-thread reduction
+  // - Stmt 3: do cross-thread reduction
+  // - Stmt 4: write cross-thread reduction result to the original buffer
+  Array<Stmt> stmts;
+  stmts.reserve(4);
+  // Stmt 1: initialize the buffer for in-thread reduction
+  if (it_buffer.defined()) {
+    BufferStore init = Downcast<BufferStore>(block->init);
+    stmts.push_back(BlockRealize(
+        /*iter_values=*/{},
+        /*predicate=*/const_true(),
+        /*block=*/
+        Block(/*iter_vars=*/{},
+              /*reads=*/{},
+              /*writes=*/{it_buffer_region.value()},
+              /*name_hint=*/block->name_hint + "_in_thread_init",
+              /*body=*/
+              BufferStore(/*buffer=*/it_buffer.value(),
+                          /*value=*/init->value,
+                          /*indices=*/{Integer(0)}))));
+  }
+  // Stmt 2: do in-thread reduction
+  {
+    Optional<BlockRealize> new_realize = NullOpt;
+    // If need to generate in-thread reduction,
+    // then replace `wb_buffer` with `it_buffer` accordingly in given BlockRealize
+    // otherwise, directly remove given BlockRealize
+    if (it_buffer.defined()) {
+      ObjectPtr<BlockNode> new_block = make_object<BlockNode>(*block);
+      new_block->reads = RemoveBufferFromBufferRegions(std::move(new_block->reads), wb_buffer);
+      new_block->reads.push_back(it_buffer_region.value());
+      new_block->writes = {it_buffer_region.value()};
+      new_block->name_hint = new_block->name_hint + "_in_thread";
+      new_block->body =
+          BufferReplacer::Run(wb_buffer, it_buffer.value(), std::move(new_block->body));
+      new_block->init = NullOpt;
+      ObjectPtr<BlockRealizeNode> n = make_object<BlockRealizeNode>(*realize);
+      n->block = Block(new_block);
+      new_realize = BlockRealize(n);
+    }
+    For loop = GetRef<For>(reduction_loops[0]);
+    if (Optional<Stmt> stmt = InThreadReducerMaker::Make(realize, new_realize, std::move(loop))) {
+      stmts.push_back(stmt.value());
+    }
+  }
+  // Stmt 3: do cross-thread reduction
+  {
+    // Step 3.1. Create the parameters to the intrinsic
+    Array<PrimExpr> parameters;
+    parameters.reserve(reduction_loops.size() + 4);
+    // 1-st argument: size
+    parameters.push_back(make_const(DataType::UInt(32), 1));
+    // 2-nd argument: source
+    if (it_buffer.defined()) {
+      parameters.push_back(BufferLoad(it_buffer.value(), {Integer(0)}));
+    } else {
+      parameters.push_back(combiner_rhs);
+    }
+    // 3-rd argument: predicate
+    parameters.push_back(const_true());
+    // 4-th argument: destination
+    parameters.push_back(ct_buffer->data);
+    // next arguments: all the reduction threads
+    for (const ForNode* reduction_loop : reduction_loops) {
+      if (reduction_loop->thread_binding.defined()) {
+        parameters.push_back(reduction_loop->loop_var);
+      }
+    }
+    // Step 3.2. Create the block and the block-realize.
+    Array<IterVar> iter_vars{nullptr};
+    Array<PrimExpr> bindings{nullptr};
+    Array<BufferRegion> reads{nullptr};
+    if (it_buffer.defined()) {
+      iter_vars = Array<IterVar>{};
+      bindings = Array<PrimExpr>{};
+      reads = {it_buffer_region.value()};
+    } else {
+      iter_vars = block->iter_vars;
+      bindings = realize->iter_values;
+      reads = {RemoveBufferFromBufferRegions(block->reads, wb_buffer)};
+    }
+    stmts.push_back(BlockRealize(
+        /*iter_values=*/std::move(bindings),
+        /*predicate=*/const_true(),
+        /*block=*/
+        Block(/*iter_vars=*/std::move(iter_vars),
+              /*reads=*/std::move(reads),
+              /*writes=*/{ct_buffer_region},
+              /*name_hint=*/block->name_hint + "_cross_thread",
+              /*body=*/
+              AttrStmt(/*node=*/reducer,
+                       /*attr_key=*/tir::attr::reduce_scope,
+                       /*value=*/make_zero(DataType::Handle()),
+                       /*body=*/
+                       Evaluate(Call(/*dtype=*/DataType::Handle(),
+                                     /*op=*/tir::builtin::tvm_thread_allreduce(),
+                                     /*args=*/std::move(parameters)))))));
+  }
+  // Stmt 4: write cross-thread reduction result to the original buffer
+  {
+    ICHECK_EQ(block->iter_vars.size(), realize->iter_values.size());
+    int n_iter = static_cast<int>(block->iter_vars.size());
+    Array<IterVar> iter_vars;
+    Array<PrimExpr> bindings;
+    Map<Var, PrimExpr> var_map;
+    iter_vars.reserve(n_iter);
+    bindings.reserve(n_iter);
+    for (int i = 0; i < n_iter; ++i) {
+      const IterVar& iter_var = block->iter_vars[i];
+      const PrimExpr& binding = realize->iter_values[i];
+      if (iter_var->iter_type != kCommReduce) {
+        IterVar new_iter_var{nullptr};
+        {
+          ObjectPtr<IterVarNode> n = make_object<IterVarNode>(*iter_var.get());
+          ObjectPtr<VarNode> v = make_object<VarNode>(*iter_var->var.get());
+          n->var = Var(v);
+          new_iter_var = IterVar(n);
+        }
+        iter_vars.push_back(new_iter_var);
+        bindings.push_back(binding);
+        var_map.Set(iter_var->var, new_iter_var->var);
+      }
+    }
+    BufferStore update = Downcast<BufferStore>(block->body);
+    update = Downcast<BufferStore>(Substitute(std::move(update), var_map));
+    stmts.push_back(BlockRealize(
+        /*iter_values=*/std::move(bindings),
+        /*predicate=*/const_true(),
+        /*block=*/
+        Block(
+            /*iter_vars=*/std::move(iter_vars),
+            /*reads=*/{std::move(ct_buffer_region)},
+            /*writes=*/{BufferRegion(wb_buffer, Substitute(wb_region, var_map))},
+            /*name_hint=*/block->name_hint + "_write_back",
+            /*body=*/
+            BufferStore(/*buffer=*/wb_buffer,
+                        /*value=*/BufferLoad(ct_buffer, {Integer(0)}),
+                        /*indices=*/update->indices))));
+  }
+  // Final step: Wrap all the above four statements with the reduction loops bound to threadIdx
+  Stmt new_stmt = SeqStmt::Flatten(std::move(stmts));
+  for (auto rit = reduction_loops.rbegin(); rit != reduction_loops.rend(); ++rit) {
+    const ForNode* loop = *rit;
+    if (loop->thread_binding.defined()) {
+      ObjectPtr<ForNode> n = make_object<ForNode>(*loop);
+      n->body = std::move(new_stmt);
+      new_stmt = For(n);
+    }
+  }
+  return new_stmt;
  * \brief Detect cross-thread reduction pattern and then transform
 class CrossThreadReductionTransformer : public StmtMutator {
   // Check if the input block needs cross-thread reduction.
-  bool NeedCrossThreadReduction(const BlockRealizeNode* block_realize) {
+  std::vector<const ForNode*> NeedCrossThreadReduction(const BlockRealizeNode* realize) {
     // Step 0. If the block is the root block, just return.
     if (block_stack_.empty()) {
-      return false;
+      return {};
     // Step 1. If the block is not a reduction block, cross-thread reduction is not needed.
-    if (!IsReductionBlock(GetRef<BlockRealize>(block_realize), loop_range_map_,
+    if (!IsReductionBlock(GetRef<BlockRealize>(realize), loop_range_map_,
                           GetRef<Block>(block_stack_.back()), &analyzer_)) {
-      return false;
+      return {};
     // Step 2. Collect all the vars that appear in the bindings of reduction block iters.
     std::unordered_set<const VarNode*> reduction_vars;
-    GetVarsTouchedByBlockIters(GetRef<BlockRealize>(block_realize), nullptr, &reduction_vars);
+    GetVarsTouchedByBlockIters(GetRef<BlockRealize>(realize), nullptr, &reduction_vars);
     // Step 3. Collect the loops whose loop vars appear in the bindings of reduction block iters.
     // We call these loops "reduction-related".
     // Step 4. See whether at least one reduction-related loop is bound to thread axis in GPU - if
     // so, cross-thread reduction is needed. If none of the reduction-related loops is bound to
     // thread axis, cross-thread reduction is not needed for the input block.
     bool need = false;
-    reduction_loops_.clear();
+    std::vector<const ForNode*> reduction_loops;
     for (const ForNode* loop : loop_stack_) {
       if (reduction_vars.count(loop->loop_var.get())) {
         // Step 3. Collect the loop.
-        reduction_loops_.push_back(loop);
+        reduction_loops.push_back(loop);
         // Step 4. See whether the loop is bound to some thread axis.
         if (loop->thread_binding.defined()) {
           need = true;
-    return need;
+    return need ? reduction_loops : std::vector<const ForNode*>{};
   // Given that the input block needs cross-thread reduction, check if cross-thread reduction can
   // be applied to the block (i.e., the block satisfies all necessary conditions of cross-thread
   // reduction).
-  void CheckCanApplyCrossThreadReduction(const BlockNode* block) {
-    const String& block_name = block->name_hint;
+  std::tuple<int, CommReducer, PrimExpr> CheckCanApplyCrossThreadReduction(
+      const BlockNode* block, const std::vector<const ForNode*>& reduction_loops) const {
     // Condition 1. The block being applied cross-thread reduction should write to single buffer.
-    int n_write_buffer = static_cast<int>(block->writes.size());
-    CHECK_EQ(n_write_buffer, 1) << "ValueError: Cross-thread reduction requires the block to only "
-                                   "write to single buffer. However, the block "
-                                << block_name << " writes to " << n_write_buffer << " buffer(s).";
+    CHECK_EQ(block->writes.size(), 1)
+        << "ValueError: Cross-thread reduction requires the block to only "
+           "write to single buffer. However, the block "
+        << block->name_hint << " writes to " << block->writes.size() << " buffer(s).";
     // Condition 2. All the reduction-related loops should be the deepest among all statements
     // outside the block (ignoring SeqStmt here).
     int n_deepest_reduction_loops = 0;
     for (auto rit = statement_stack_.rbegin() + 1; rit != statement_stack_.rend(); ++rit) {
-      if ((*rit)->IsInstance<SeqStmtNode>()) {
-        // Skip SeqStmt.
-        continue;
-      }
-      if (std::find(reduction_loops_.begin(), reduction_loops_.end(),
-                    reinterpret_cast<const ForNode*>(*rit)) == reduction_loops_.end()) {
-        break;
+      const StmtNode* stmt = *rit;
+      if (stmt->IsInstance<ForNode>()) {
+        const ForNode* loop = static_cast<const ForNode*>(stmt);
+        if (std::find(reduction_loops.begin(), reduction_loops.end(), loop) ==
+            reduction_loops.end()) {
+          break;
+        }
+        ++n_deepest_reduction_loops;

Review comment:
       @junrushao1994 IMO this check should be applied to all kinds of Stmt except for SeqStmt. My point is that the reduction loops should be the deepest *Stmts*, not only the deepest loops. If we only apply the check to loops, then it might be possible that there is a block or a IfThenElse among the loops - which is not allowed. 
   It's a corner case, and I believe that most of the time we won't encounter the case.
   Seems that I forgot to add such cases in tests 😅.

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