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Posted to by Daniel Ruggeri <> on 2016/05/09 13:47:22 UTC

Sharing slides on the site

Hi, all;
   I don't have commit karma to the
comdev:site/trunk/content/speakers/slides.mdtext file, but I wanted to
share a slide deck I put together last year for The Apache Way. It's my
attempt to put together everything into a single deck which I've used a
time or two since (kinda in response to this question [1]). If someone
who's got karma would like to commit the attached patch (or grant me the
same so I could do it), it would be much appreciated. This particular
presentation was given at a meeting of the Information Systems mentoring
program at University of Missouri - St. Louis. It was apparently
tolerable enough that I've been asked to return each semester ;-)

Still working on this [2]. Between work/home craziness, I was unable to
make this happen in '16 but I won't let the dream die


Daniel Ruggeri