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Posted to by Michal Fojtik <> on 2013/03/18 11:22:10 UTC

[ANNOUNCE] Release deltacloud 1.1.2

Hi all,

I am pleased to announce the release of Deltacloud 1.1.2. The release is
available from

The gems are available on

NOTE: It takes a while for ASF mirrors to get updated.


git tag: release-1.1.2
git repo: or


If you are a CIMI user, you might need to run:

$ deltacloud-db-upgrade

before you run 'deltacloudd'.


1.1.2 - 2013-03-13

   * Deltacloud
     + Introducing the 'deltacloud-db-upgrade' command for CIMI database
     + Introducing the 'initializers'
     + Fixed various JRuby issues, Deltacloud now runs on Puma web server
     + Added possibility to defined multiple features in drivers per 
     + Fixed Deltacloud logging when running as a daemon
     + Improvements in how we load sinatra-rabbit collections
     + Fixed JSON/XML serialization of 'realms'
     + Fixed improper exception handling (DTACLOUD-489)
     + Fixed namespacing issues in sinatra-rabbit
     + Improved the 'filter_on' helper we use in drivers
     + Improved compatibility with upcoming Ruby 2.0
     + Deltacloud models now live in Deltacloud:: namespace (DTACLOUD-507)
   * CIMI
     + Introducing the CIMI 'create' entities (MachineCreate, 
MachineTemplateCreate, etc.)
     + CIMI models are now properly validated when they are created
     + General improvements in database support
     + Introducing initial System entity support
     + The 'rake cimi:routes' now display all CIMI entities and their routes
     + Added support for 'referenced' entities in CIMI models
     + (VolumeConfig): add missing type attribute
     + (MachineCreate): pass initialState to driver
     + Added possibility to use 'references' in 'array'
   * Drivers:
     + Mock
       - General cleanup in Mock driver code, removed unused requires/etc
       - Restored previously removed Network operations
       - Initial import of CIMI System entities (dkoper)
       - Create/delete blobs - update bucket size (DTACLOUD-498)
     + FGCP
       - Added code to exclude resources that were deleted during retrieval
       - Added support for storage_volume creation from snapshot 
       - Added mapping for GET system and system_templates (CIMI)
       - Added many unit tests
     + OpenStack
       - Remaped 'regions' to 'providers' (DTACLOUD-488)
       - Remove realm<->region mapping for created Instances (DTACLOUD-477)
     + DigitalOcean
       - Added :authentication_key feature to instances
       - Added 'valid_credentials?' method for digital_ocean driver
       - Fix filtering of realms (DTACLOUD-503)
       - Define default :realm_id and :hwp_id for create_instance
       - Advertise :destroy operation when instance is STOPPED
     + RHEV-M
       - Avoid failure of GET instance details (DTACLOUD-462)
     + VSphere
       - Added support for StoragePod
     + Opennebula
       - Fix when computehash['INSTANCE_TYPE'] is nil


-- Michal


Michal Fojtik <>
Deltacloud API, CloudForms