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Posted to by Suneel Marthi <> on 2017/01/24 00:55:02 UTC

[ANNOUNCE] Apache OpenNLP 1.7.1 Release

The Apache OpenNLP team is pleased to announce the release of version 1.7.1
of Apache OpenNLP.

The Apache OpenNLP library is a machine learning based toolkit for the
processing of natural language text.

It supports the most common NLP tasks, such as tokenization, sentence
segmentation, part-of-speech tagging, named entity extraction, chunking,
parsing, and coreference resolution.

The OpenNLP 1.7.1 binary and source distributions are available for
download from our download page:

The OpenNLP library is distributed by Maven Central as well. See the Maven
Dependency page for more details:

Java 1.8 is required to run OpenNLP Maven 3.3.9 is required for building it
Building from the Source Distribution

To build everything execute the following command in the root folder:

mvn clean install

The results of the build will be placed in:
opennlp-distr/target/apache-opennlp-1.7.1-bin.tar-gz (or .zip)
What is new in Apache OpenNLP 1.7.1

This release introduces many new features, improvements and bug fixes.

Additionally the release contains the following noteworthy changes:

   - Travis CI Integration
   - Added support to LETSMT format
   - All stdout can be disabled during training via verbose parameter
   - Improved and extended evaluation tests
   - Refactoring and cleanup of code base
   - Code fully migrated to Java 8
   - Added an improved GitHub README page

For a complete list of fixed bugs and improvements please see the
RELEASE_NOTES file included in the distribution.

--The Apache OpenNLP Team