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Posted to by Nick Cross <> on 2012/05/23 16:06:39 UTC

Cache and Repository Resolution


Ivy has successfully downloaded from the repository In that 
same directory is the md5/sha checksums.

Does it download those?

Next, I know this shouldn't be happening but in this particular 
scenario, the artifact zip on the repository has been regenerated (e.g. 
think multiple x.x.x-SNAPSHOT versions) but Ivy does not seem to detect 
it and download the new version.

If it was able to download first the md5 sum it could compare it to the 
existing download to check whether to force a download but I guess it 
doesn't/can't do that.

My ivy/ant is:

     <settings defaultResolver="default"/>

         <chain name="default" checkmodified="true" returnFirst="true">
            <url name="REPO1" m2compatible="true">
		<ivy pattern="https://..."/>
		<url pattern="https://..."/>

Ant build file:

  <ivy:resolve showprogress="false" transitive="false" >
             <dependency org="${builder-package}" name="${builder-name}" 
rev="${builder-version}" changing="true">
                 <artifact name="${builder-name}" ext="zip"/>

         <ivy:retrieve symlink="true" 

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to manage this?

