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Posted to by Kevin Meyer - KMZ <> on 2012/09/13 09:46:16 UTC

ISIS-269: XML and Char types

Hi everyone,

While working through the sql-os tests yesterday I came across a 
problem in a "crosscheck" test suite (where I try and confirm that none 
of my sql-os changes break the xml or in-memory object stores):

There is a "primitive value type" domain object with of all the primitive 
value types as properties. One of these properties is "char". 

When I found it, the char value was uninitiliased (set to 0). 

The XML encoder uses
final String encodedValue = facet.toEncodedString(associatedObject);
to encode the value into the XML file, but for char, this currently 
returns the char "as-is". This means that the XML file received a char 
value 0 (a null), which broke the XML parser upon loading (as did the 
few values I tested below (char) 32 (space?).

While this problem manifested in the XML object store, is it perhaps a 
problem in the implementation of toEncodedString / 
fromEncodedString for the "char" value type?

I have had to initialise the "minimum" primitive value type char property 
to (char) 32 for the XML object store to succeed in loading the data.

I have created a JIRA ticket (ISIS-269) for this issue.
