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Posted to by on 2002/02/26 16:02:32 UTC

XalanTranformer::transform using streams


I have a similar problem as was described here recently, but I do not use 
XSLTInputSource, I use streams.
What is the easiest way of avoiding coredump in case of a syntax error in 
an XSL stylesheet? I would prefer not to recompile libraries.

Best regards, Miro.

istrstream *    pXMLStream = NULL ;
istrstream *    pXSLStream = NULL ;
ostrstream *    pOutStream = NULL ;
int             iRes ;

pXMLStream = new istrstream( edi2xml.GetOutMsg(), 
edi2xml.GetOutMsgLength() ) ;
pXSLStream = new istrstream( pMessage->GetXSL().IntBufNotNull(), 
pMessage->GetXSL().Length() ) ;
pOutStream = new ostrstream() ;

iRes = theTransformer.transform( pXMLStream, pXSLStream, pOutStream ) ;
if( iRes == 0 )