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Posted to by rita <> on 2022/07/20 07:23:48 UTC

[DISCUSS]Widget node running


The chat records of WeChat group“Apache linkis Community Development Group”are as follows:微信群"Apache Linkis 社区开发群"的聊天记录如下:

—————  2022-7-20  —————

闪电先生 Mr. Lightning 10:17

各位大佬 运行widget节点的时候,报错An error was reported while running the widget node

ContextId of HAContextID instance cannot be numberic.

已经录入QA,有哪位熟悉这一块吗? QA has been entered. Is anyone familiar with this part?


找了很长时间,没有进展Long search, no progress


peacewong@WDS  11:17


这个要看看gateway的请求和cs的日志下,可以发下详细的日志看看This is to look at the gateway request and cs log, you can send a detailed log to see


闪电先生 Mr. Lightning  11:45


谢谢和平 最终定位是资源不足,这个虽然报错,但是不影响最终结果 Thank you peace final positioning is insufficient resources, although this error, but does not affect the final result.