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+<div class="section"> 
+ <div class="page-header">
+  <h2 id="Distributed_Task_Execution">Distributed Task Execution</h2>
+ </div> 
+ <p>This recipe is intended to demonstrate how task dependencies can be modeled using primitives provided by Helix. A given task can be run with the desired amount of parallelism and will start only when upstream dependencies are met. The demo executes the task DAG described below using 10 workers. Although the demo starts the workers as threads, there is no requirement that all the workers need to run in the same process. In reality, these workers run on many different boxes on a cluster. When worker fails, Helix takes care of re-assigning a failed task partition to a new worker.</p> 
+ <p>Redis is used as a result store. Any other suitable implementation for TaskResultStore can be plugged in.</p> 
+ <div class="section"> 
+  <h3 id="Workflow">Workflow</h3> 
+  <div class="section"> 
+   <h4 id="Input">Input</h4> 
+   <p>10000 impression events and around 100 click events are pre-populated in task result store (redis).</p> 
+   <ul> 
+    <li> <p><b>ImpEvent</b>: format: id,isFraudulent,country,gender</p></li> 
+    <li> <p><b>ClickEvent</b>: format: id,isFraudulent,impEventId</p></li> 
+   </ul> 
+  </div> 
+  <div class="section"> 
+   <h4 id="Stages">Stages</h4> 
+   <ul> 
+    <li> <p><b>FilterImps</b>: Filters impression where isFraudulent=true.</p></li> 
+    <li> <p><b>FilterClicks</b>: Filters clicks where isFraudulent=true</p></li> 
+    <li> <p><b>impCountsByGender</b>: Generates impression counts grouped by gender. It does this by incrementing the count for ‘impression_gender_counts:&lt;gender_value&gt;’ in the task result store (redis hash). Depends on: <b>FilterImps</b></p></li> 
+    <li> <p><b>impCountsByCountry</b>: Generates impression counts grouped by country. It does this by incrementing the count for ‘impression_country_counts:&lt;country_value&gt;’ in the task result store (redis hash). Depends on: <b>FilterClicks</b></p></li> 
+    <li> <p><b>impClickJoin</b>: Joins clicks with corresponding impression event using impEventId as the join key. Join is needed to pull dimensions not present in click event. Depends on: <b>FilterImps, FilterClicks</b></p></li> 
+    <li> <p><b>clickCountsByGender</b>: Generates click counts grouped by gender. It does this by incrementing the count for click_gender_counts:&lt;gender_value&gt; in the task result store (redis hash). Depends on: <b>impClickJoin</b></p></li> 
+    <li> <p><b>clickCountsByGender</b>: Generates click counts grouped by country. It does this by incrementing the count for click_country_counts:&lt;country_value&gt; in the task result store (redis hash). Depends on: <b>impClickJoin</b></p></li> 
+    <li> <p><b>report</b>: Reads from all aggregates generated by previous stages and prints them. Depends on: <b>impCountsByGender, impCountsByCountry, clickCountsByGender,clickCountsByGender</b></p></li> 
+   </ul> 
+  </div> 
+ </div> 
+ <div class="section"> 
+  <h3 id="Creating_a_DAG">Creating a DAG</h3> 
+  <p>Each stage is represented as a Node along with the upstream dependency and desired parallelism. Each stage is modeled as a resource in Helix using OnlineOffline state model. As part of an Offline to Online transition, we watch the external view of upstream resources and wait for them to transition to the online state. See for additional info.</p> 
+  <div class="source"> 
+   <pre>Dag dag = new Dag();
+dag.addNode(new Node(&quot;filterImps&quot;, 10, &quot;&quot;));
+dag.addNode(new Node(&quot;filterClicks&quot;, 5, &quot;&quot;));
+dag.addNode(new Node(&quot;impClickJoin&quot;, 10, &quot;filterImps,filterClicks&quot;));
+dag.addNode(new Node(&quot;impCountsByGender&quot;, 10, &quot;filterImps&quot;));
+dag.addNode(new Node(&quot;impCountsByCountry&quot;, 10, &quot;filterImps&quot;));
+dag.addNode(new Node(&quot;clickCountsByGender&quot;, 5, &quot;impClickJoin&quot;));
+dag.addNode(new Node(&quot;clickCountsByCountry&quot;, 5, &quot;impClickJoin&quot;));
+dag.addNode(new Node(&quot;report&quot;,1,&quot;impCountsByGender,impCountsByCountry,clickCountsByGender,clickCountsByCountry&quot;));
+  </div> 
+ </div> 
+ <div class="section"> 
+  <h3 id="Demo">Demo</h3> 
+  <p>In order to run the demo, use the following steps</p> 
+  <p>See <a class="externalLink" href=""></a> on how to install redis server</p> 
+  <div class="source"> 
+   <pre>Start redis e.g:
+./redis-server --port 6379
+git clone
+cd helix
+git checkout helix-0.8.2
+cd recipes/task-execution
+mvn clean install package -DskipTests
+cd target/task-execution-pkg/bin
+chmod +x
+./ 2181 localhost 6379
+  </div> 
+  <p>Here's a visual representation of the DAG.</p> 
+  <div class="source"> 
+   <pre>                       +-----------------+       +----------------+
+                       |   filterImps    |       |  filterClicks  |
+                       | (parallelism=10)|       | (parallelism=5)|
+                       +----------+-----++       +-------+--------+
+                       |          |     |                |
+                       |          |     |                |
+                       |          |     |                |
+                       |          |     +-------&gt;--------v------------+
+      +--------------&lt;-+   +------v-------+    |  impClickJoin        |
+      |impCountsByGender   |impCountsByCountry | (parallelism=10)     |
+      |(parallelism=10)    |(parallelism=10)   ++-------------------+-+
+      +-----------+--+     +---+----------+     |                   |
+                  |            |                |                   |
+                  |            |                |                   |
+                  |            |       +--------v---------+       +-v-------------------+
+                  |            |       |clickCountsByGender       |clickCountsByCountry |
+                  |            |       |(parallelism=5)   |       |(parallelism=5)      |
+                  |            |       +----+-------------+       +---------------------+
+                  |            |            |                     |
+                  |            |            |                     |
+                  |            |            |                     |
+                  +-----&gt;+-----+&gt;-----------v----+&lt;---------------+
+                         | report                |
+                         |(parallelism=1)        |
+                         +-----------------------+
+  </div> 
+  <p>(credit for above ascii art: <a class="externalLink" href=""></a>)</p> 
+  <div class="section"> 
+   <h4 id="Output">Output</h4> 
+   <div class="source"> 
+    <pre>Done populating dummy data
+Executing filter task for filterImps_3 for impressions_demo
+Executing filter task for filterImps_2 for impressions_demo
+Executing filter task for filterImps_0 for impressions_demo
+Executing filter task for filterImps_1 for impressions_demo
+Executing filter task for filterImps_4 for impressions_demo
+Executing filter task for filterClicks_3 for clicks_demo
+Executing filter task for filterClicks_1 for clicks_demo
+Executing filter task for filterImps_8 for impressions_demo
+Executing filter task for filterImps_6 for impressions_demo
+Executing filter task for filterClicks_2 for clicks_demo
+Executing filter task for filterClicks_0 for clicks_demo
+Executing filter task for filterImps_7 for impressions_demo
+Executing filter task for filterImps_5 for impressions_demo
+Executing filter task for filterClicks_4 for clicks_demo
+Executing filter task for filterImps_9 for impressions_demo
+Running AggTask for impCountsByGender_3 for filtered_impressions_demo gender
+Running AggTask for impCountsByGender_2 for filtered_impressions_demo gender
+Running AggTask for impCountsByGender_0 for filtered_impressions_demo gender
+Running AggTask for impCountsByGender_9 for filtered_impressions_demo gender
+Running AggTask for impCountsByGender_1 for filtered_impressions_demo gender
+Running AggTask for impCountsByGender_4 for filtered_impressions_demo gender
+Running AggTask for impCountsByCountry_4 for filtered_impressions_demo country
+Running AggTask for impCountsByGender_5 for filtered_impressions_demo gender
+Executing JoinTask for impClickJoin_2
+Running AggTask for impCountsByCountry_3 for filtered_impressions_demo country
+Running AggTask for impCountsByCountry_1 for filtered_impressions_demo country
+Running AggTask for impCountsByCountry_0 for filtered_impressions_demo country
+Running AggTask for impCountsByCountry_2 for filtered_impressions_demo country
+Running AggTask for impCountsByGender_6 for filtered_impressions_demo gender
+Executing JoinTask for impClickJoin_1
+Executing JoinTask for impClickJoin_0
+Executing JoinTask for impClickJoin_3
+Running AggTask for impCountsByGender_8 for filtered_impressions_demo gender
+Executing JoinTask for impClickJoin_4
+Running AggTask for impCountsByGender_7 for filtered_impressions_demo gender
+Running AggTask for impCountsByCountry_5 for filtered_impressions_demo country
+Running AggTask for impCountsByCountry_6 for filtered_impressions_demo country
+Executing JoinTask for impClickJoin_9
+Running AggTask for impCountsByCountry_8 for filtered_impressions_demo country
+Running AggTask for impCountsByCountry_7 for filtered_impressions_demo country
+Executing JoinTask for impClickJoin_5
+Executing JoinTask for impClickJoin_6
+Running AggTask for impCountsByCountry_9 for filtered_impressions_demo country
+Executing JoinTask for impClickJoin_8
+Executing JoinTask for impClickJoin_7
+Running AggTask for clickCountsByCountry_1 for joined_clicks_demo country
+Running AggTask for clickCountsByCountry_0 for joined_clicks_demo country
+Running AggTask for clickCountsByCountry_2 for joined_clicks_demo country
+Running AggTask for clickCountsByCountry_3 for joined_clicks_demo country
+Running AggTask for clickCountsByGender_1 for joined_clicks_demo gender
+Running AggTask for clickCountsByCountry_4 for joined_clicks_demo country
+Running AggTask for clickCountsByGender_3 for joined_clicks_demo gender
+Running AggTask for clickCountsByGender_2 for joined_clicks_demo gender
+Running AggTask for clickCountsByGender_4 for joined_clicks_demo gender
+Running AggTask for clickCountsByGender_0 for joined_clicks_demo gender
+Running reports task
+Impression counts per country
+{CANADA=1940, US=1958, CHINA=2014, UNKNOWN=2022, UK=1946}
+Click counts per country
+{US=24, CANADA=14, CHINA=26, UNKNOWN=14, UK=22}
+Impression counts per gender
+{F=3325, UNKNOWN=3259, M=3296}
+Click counts per gender
+{F=33, UNKNOWN=32, M=35}
+   </div> 
+  </div> 
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+ <div class="page-header">
+  <h2 id="Release_Notes_for_Apache_Helix_0.8.2">Release Notes for Apache Helix 0.8.2</h2>
+ </div> 
+ <p>The Apache Helix team would like to announce the release of Apache Helix 0.8.2.</p> 
+ <p>This is the fourteenth release under the Apache umbrella, and the tenth as a top-level project.</p> 
+ <p>Helix is a generic cluster management framework used for the automatic management of partitioned, replicated and distributed resources hosted on a cluster of nodes.</p> 
+ <p>In this release, Helix provides several performance improvements for rebalance pipeline:</p> 
+ <div class="section"> 
+  <h3 id="Detailed_Changes">Detailed Changes</h3> 
+  <div class="section"> 
+   <h4 id="New_Features">New Features</h4> 
+   <ul> 
+    <li>[ROUTER] Expose ExternalViews in RoutingTable and RoutingTableSnapshot</li> 
+    <li>[TASK] Expose UserContentStore in TaskDriver</li> 
+    <li>[TASK] Add ThreadCountBasedAssignmentCalculator and integrate with Workflow/JobRebalancer and fix rebalancing logic</li> 
+    <li>Should not start periodical refresh in RoutingTableProvider if helixmanager is not set.</li> 
+    <li>Allow downward state transition during recovery and add recovery threshold</li> 
+    <li>Support batch add jobs to JobQueue</li> 
+    <li>Add periodic refresh to RoutingTableProvider</li> 
+   </ul> 
+  </div> 
+  <div class="section"> 
+   <h4 id="Bug_Fixes">Bug Fixes</h4> 
+   <ul> 
+    <li>Make swap instance more robust and idempotent</li> 
+    <li>Fix the issue that resource MBean may not be cleaned up when the resource is dropped.</li> 
+    <li>Check NPE in getInstancesInClusterWithTag and throw more meaningful exception</li> 
+    <li>Fix GroupCommit issue for adding back current state</li> 
+    <li>Fix zkclient state related check and some potential bugs.</li> 
+    <li>Fix race condition in Helix messaging service.</li> 
+    <li>Fix bugs in ClusterStateVerifier and StrictMatchExternalViewVerifier.</li> 
+    <li>Verify downward load balance and fix TestPartitionMovementThrottle</li> 
+   </ul> 
+  </div> 
+  <div class="section"> 
+   <h4 id="Improvements">Improvements</h4> 
+   <ul> 
+    <li>Adding RoutingTableProvider monitor for tracking refresh actions and routing table update callbacks.</li> 
+    <li>Helix manager should support getting metadata store connection string</li> 
+    <li>Add missing replica partition metric into ClusterStatus.</li> 
+    <li>Improve BestPossibleExternalViewVerifier by avoid fully refreshing entire cluster data everytime and avoid to calulate bestpossible states for not required resources.</li> 
+    <li>Support event differentiated logging</li> 
+    <li>Helix job should fail immediately if the target resource is disabled</li> 
+    <li>Make ZkClient keep retrying connect on expiring.</li> 
+    <li>DelayedAutoRebalancer should calculate assignment based on full partition list.</li> 
+    <li>Change RoutingDataCache to use zk version based selective update when reading the ExternalViews and TargetExternalView.</li> 
+    <li>Change migration strategy to N -&gt; N+1 -&gt; N model</li> 
+    <li>Add ThreadPoolExecutor purge and shutdown to avoid memory leak in RoutingTableProvider </li> 
+   </ul> 
+  </div> 
+ </div> 
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+ <h2 id="Cheers_--_The_Apache_Helix_Team">Cheers, -- The Apache Helix Team</h2> 
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+									<li><a href="recipes/lock_manager.html" title="Distributed lock manager">Distributed lock manager </a></li>
+									<li><a href="recipes/rabbitmq_consumer_group.html" title="Rabbit MQ consumer group">Rabbit MQ consumer group </a></li>
+									<li><a href="recipes/rsync_replicated_file_store.html" title="Rsync replicated file store">Rsync replicated file store </a></li>
+									<li><a href="recipes/service_discovery.html" title="Service discovery">Service discovery </a></li>
+									<li><a href="recipes/task_dag_execution.html" title="Distributed task DAG execution">Distributed task DAG execution </a></li>
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+				<li>Source Repository</li>
+				<li class="publishDate version-date pull-right">Last Published: 2018-07-23</li>
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+  <h2 id="Overview">Overview</h2>
+ </div> 
+ <a name="Overview"></a> 
+ <p>This project uses <a class="externalLink" href="">GIT</a> to manage its source code. Instructions on GIT use can be found at <a class="externalLink" href=""></a>.</p> 
+<div class="section"> 
+ <h2 id="Web_Access">Web Access</h2> 
+ <a name="Web_Access"></a> 
+ <p>The following is a link to the online source repository.</p> 
+ <div class="source"> 
+  <pre><a class="externalLink" href=";a=summary/website/0.8.2-docs">;a=summary/website/0.8.2-docs</a></pre> 
+ </div> 
+<div class="section"> 
+ <h2 id="Anonymous_access">Anonymous access</h2> 
+ <a name="Anonymous_access"></a> 
+ <p>The source can be checked out anonymously from GIT with this command (See <a class="externalLink" href=""></a>):</p> 
+ <div class="source"> 
+  <pre>$ git clone</pre> 
+ </div> 
+<div class="section"> 
+ <h2 id="Developer_access">Developer access</h2> 
+ <a name="Developer_access"></a> 
+ <p>Only project developers can access the GIT tree via this method (See <a class="externalLink" href=""></a>).</p> 
+ <div class="source"> 
+  <pre>$ git clone</pre> 
+ </div> 
+<div class="section"> 
+ <h2 id="Access_from_behind_a_firewall">Access from behind a firewall</h2> 
+ <a name="Access_from_behind_a_firewall"></a> 
+ <p>Refer to the documentation of the SCM used for more information about access behind a firewall.</p> 
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+						</li>
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+							<a href="recipes/rsync_replicated_file_store.html" title="Rsync replicated file store">Rsync replicated file store </a>
+						</li>
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+							<a href="recipes/task_dag_execution.html" title="Distributed task DAG execution">Distributed task DAG execution </a>
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+									<li><a href="recipes/rabbitmq_consumer_group.html" title="Rabbit MQ consumer group">Rabbit MQ consumer group </a></li>
+									<li><a href="recipes/rsync_replicated_file_store.html" title="Rsync replicated file store">Rsync replicated file store </a></li>
+									<li><a href="recipes/service_discovery.html" title="Service discovery">Service discovery </a></li>
+									<li><a href="recipes/task_dag_execution.html" title="Distributed task DAG execution">Distributed task DAG execution </a></li>
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+				<li class="publishDate version-date pull-right">Last Published: 2018-07-23</li>
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+ <div class="page-header">
+  <h2 id="The_Team">The Team</h2>
+ </div> 
+ <a name="The_Team"></a> 
+ <p>A successful project requires many people to play many roles. Some members write code or documentation, while others are valuable as testers, submitting patches and suggestions.</p> 
+ <p>The team is comprised of Members and Contributors. Members have direct access to the source of a project and actively evolve the code-base. Contributors improve the project through submission of patches and suggestions to the Members. The number of Contributors to the project is unbounded. Get involved today. All contributions to the project are greatly appreciated.</p> 
+ <div class="section"> 
+  <h3 id="Members">Members</h3> 
+  <a name="Members"></a> 
+  <p>The following is a list of developers with commit privileges that have directly contributed to the project in one way or another.</p> 
+  <table border="0" class="bodyTable table table-striped table-hover"> 
+   <thead> 
+    <tr class="a"> 
+     <th>Image</th> 
+     <th>Id</th> 
+     <th>Name</th> 
+     <th>Email</th> 
+     <th>Roles</th> 
+     <th>Time Zone</th> 
+     <th>Actual Time (GMT)</th> 
+    </tr> 
+   </thead> 
+   <tbody> 
+    <tr class="b"> 
+     <td><img src=";s=60" alt="" /></td> 
+     <td><a name="kishoreg"></a>kishoreg</td> 
+     <td>Kishore Gopalakrishna</td> 
+     <td><a class="externalLink" href=""></a></td> 
+     <td>PMC Chair</td> 
+     <td>-8</td> 
+     <td><span id="developer-0">-8</span></td> 
+    </tr> 
+    <tr class="a"> 
+     <td><img src=";s=60" alt="" /></td> 
+     <td><a name="olamy"></a>olamy</td> 
+     <td>Olivier Lamy</td> 
+     <td><a class="externalLink" href=""></a></td> 
+     <td>Mentor / PMC Member</td> 
+     <td>Australia/Melbourne</td> 
+     <td><span id="developer-1">Australia/Melbourne</span></td> 
+    </tr> 
+    <tr class="b"> 
+     <td><img src=";s=60" alt="" /></td> 
+     <td><a name="phunt"></a>phunt</td> 
+     <td>Patrick Hunt</td> 
+     <td><a class="externalLink" href=""></a></td> 
+     <td>Mentor / PMC Member</td> 
+     <td>-8</td> 
+     <td><span id="developer-2">-8</span></td> 
+    </tr> 
+    <tr class="a"> 
+     <td><img src=";s=60" alt="" /></td> 
+     <td><a name="mahadev"></a>mahadev</td> 
+     <td>Mahadev Konar</td> 
+     <td><a class="externalLink" href=""></a></td> 
+     <td>Mentor / PMC Member</td> 
+     <td>-8</td> 
+     <td><span id="developer-3">-8</span></td> 
+    </tr> 
+    <tr class="b"> 
+     <td><img src=";s=60" alt="" /></td> 
+     <td><a name="omalley"></a>omalley</td> 
+     <td>Owen O'Malley</td> 
+     <td><a class="externalLink" href=""></a></td> 
+     <td>Mentor / PMC Member</td> 
+     <td>-8</td> 
+     <td><span id="developer-4">-8</span></td> 
+    </tr> 
+    <tr class="a"> 
+     <td><img src=";s=60" alt="" /></td> 
+     <td><a name="zzhang"></a>zzhang</td> 
+     <td>Zhen Zhang</td> 
+     <td><a class="externalLink" href=""></a></td> 
+     <td>Committer / PMC Member</td> 
+     <td>-8</td> 
+     <td><span id="developer-5">-8</span></td> 
+    </tr> 
+    <tr class="b"> 
+     <td><img src=";s=60" alt="" /></td> 
+     <td><a name="slu"></a>slu</td> 
+     <td>Shi Lu</td> 
+     <td><a class="externalLink" href=""></a></td> 
+     <td>Committer / PMC Member</td> 
+     <td>-8</td> 
+     <td><span id="developer-6">-8</span></td> 
+    </tr> 
+    <tr class="a"> 
+     <td><img src=";s=60" alt="" /></td> 
+     <td><a name="TBA"></a>TBA</td> 
+     <td>Adam Silberstein</td> 
+     <td><a class="externalLink" href=""></a></td> 
+     <td>Committer</td> 
+     <td>-8</td> 
+     <td><span id="developer-7">-8</span></td> 
+    </tr> 
+    <tr class="b"> 
+     <td><img src=";s=60" alt="" /></td> 
+     <td><a name="ksurlaker"></a>ksurlaker</td> 
+     <td>Kapil Surlaker</td> 
+     <td><a class="externalLink" href=""></a></td> 
+     <td>Committer / PMC Member</td> 
+     <td>-8</td> 
+     <td><span id="developer-8">-8</span></td> 
+    </tr> 
+    <tr class="a"> 
+     <td><img src=";s=60" alt="" /></td> 
+     <td><a name="rms"></a>rms</td> 
+     <td>Bob Schulman</td> 
+     <td><a class="externalLink" href=""></a></td> 
+     <td>Committer / PMC Member</td> 
+     <td>-8</td> 
+     <td><span id="developer-9">-8</span></td> 
+    </tr> 
+    <tr class="b"> 
+     <td><img src=";s=60" alt="" /></td> 
+     <td><a name="swaroop-aj"></a>swaroop-aj</td> 
+     <td>Swaroop Jagadish</td> 
+     <td><a class="externalLink" href=""></a></td> 
+     <td>Committer / PMC Member</td> 
+     <td>-8</td> 
+     <td><span id="developer-10">-8</span></td> 
+    </tr> 
+    <tr class="a"> 
+     <td><img src=";s=60" alt="" /></td> 
+     <td><a name="rahula"></a>rahula</td> 
+     <td>Rahul Aggarwal</td> 
+     <td><a class="externalLink" href=""></a></td> 
+     <td>Committer / PMC Member</td> 
+     <td>-8</td> 
+     <td><span id="developer-11">-8</span></td> 
+    </tr> 
+    <tr class="b"> 
+     <td><img src=";s=60" alt="" /></td> 
+     <td><a name="chtyim"></a>chtyim</td> 
+     <td>Terence Yim</td> 
+     <td><a class="externalLink" href=""></a></td> 
+     <td>Committer / PMC Member</td> 
+     <td>-8</td> 
+     <td><span id="developer-12">-8</span></td> 
+    </tr> 
+    <tr class="a"> 
+     <td><img src=";s=60" alt="" /></td> 
+     <td><a name="santip"></a>santip</td> 
+     <td>Santiago Perez</td> 
+     <td><a class="externalLink" href=""></a></td> 
+     <td>Committer / PMC Member</td> 
+     <td>-8</td> 
+     <td><span id="developer-13">-8</span></td> 
+    </tr> 
+    <tr class="b"> 
+     <td><img src=";s=60" alt="" /></td> 
+     <td><a name="vinayakb"></a>vinayakb</td> 
+     <td>Vinayak Borkar</td> 
+     <td><a class="externalLink" href=""></a></td> 
+     <td>Committer / PMC Member</td> 
+     <td>-8</td> 
+     <td><span id="developer-14">-8</span></td> 
+    </tr> 
+    <tr class="a"> 
+     <td><img src=";s=60" alt="" /></td> 
+     <td><a name="shirshanka"></a>shirshanka</td> 
+     <td>Shirshanka Das</td> 
+     <td><a class="externalLink" href=""></a></td> 
+     <td>Committer / PMC Member</td> 
+     <td>-8</td> 
+     <td><span id="developer-15">-8</span></td> 
+    </tr> 
+    <tr class="b"> 
+     <td><img src=";s=60" alt="" /></td> 
+     <td><a name="kanak"></a>kanak</td> 
+     <td>Kanak Biscuitwala</td> 
+     <td><a class="externalLink" href=""></a></td> 
+     <td>Committer / PMC Member</td> 
+     <td>-8</td> 
+     <td><span id="developer-16">-8</span></td> 
+    </tr> 
+    <tr class="a"> 
+     <td><img src=";s=60" alt="" /></td> 
+     <td><a name="gbrandt"></a>gbrandt</td> 
+     <td>Greg Brandt</td> 
+     <td><a class="externalLink" href=""></a></td> 
+     <td>Committer</td> 
+     <td>-8</td> 
+     <td><span id="developer-17">-8</span></td> 
+    </tr> 
+    <tr class="b"> 
+     <td><img src=";s=60" alt="" /></td> 
+     <td><a name="lxia"></a>lxia</td> 
+     <td>Lei Xia</td> 
+     <td><a class="externalLink" href=""></a></td> 
+     <td>Committer / PMC Member</td> 
+     <td>-8</td> 
+     <td><span id="developer-18">-8</span></td> 
+    </tr> 
+    <tr class="a"> 
+     <td><img src=";s=60" alt="" /></td> 
+     <td><a name="jxue"></a>jxue</td> 
+     <td>Junkai Xue</td> 
+     <td><a class="externalLink" href=""></a></td> 
+     <td>Committer / PMC Member</td> 
+     <td>-8</td> 
+     <td><span id="developer-19">-8</span></td> 
+    </tr> 
+    <tr class="b"> 
+     <td><img src=";s=60" alt="" /></td> 
+     <td><a name="jiajunwang"></a>jiajunwang</td> 
+     <td>Jiajun Wang</td> 
+     <td><a class="externalLink" href=""></a></td> 
+     <td>Committer</td> 
+     <td>-8</td> 
+     <td><span id="developer-20">-8</span></td> 
+    </tr> 
+   </tbody> 
+  </table> 
+ </div> 
+ <div class="section"> 
+  <h3 id="Contributors">Contributors</h3> 
+  <a name="Contributors"></a> 
+  <p>There are no contributors listed for this project. Please check back again later.</p> 
+  <script type="text/javascript">
+function offsetDate(id, offset) {
+    var now = new Date();
+    var nowTime = now.getTime();
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