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Posted to by on 2016/12/31 17:20:28 UTC

[50/51] [partial] incubator git commit: Setting up asf-site branch.
diff --git a/build.xml b/build.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c9369a..0000000
--- a/build.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,368 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<project name="site" default="docs" basedir="." xmlns:rat='antlib:org.apache.rat.scan'>
-    <!-- Initialization properties -->
-    <property name=""   value="site"/>
-    <!-- The source directory for our XML source documents which are
-    to be sytlized and transformed into XHTML. -->
-    <property name="docs.src" value="content"/>
-    <!-- The destination directory for content generated from our XML
-    sources. -->
-    <property name="docs.dest" value="target/site"/>
-    <!-- Allow override of Anakia default -->
-    <property name="anakia.lastModifiedCheck" value="true"/>
-    <path id="classpath">
-        <fileset dir="./lib">
-            <include name="**/*.jar"/>
-        </fileset>
-    </path>
-    <target name="prepare">    
-        <available classname="org.apache.anakia.AnakiaTask" 
-            property="AnakiaTask.present">
-            <classpath refid="classpath"/>
-        </available>
-    </target>
-    <target name="prepare-error" depends="prepare" unless="AnakiaTask.present">
-        <echo>
-            AnakiaTask is not present! Please check to make sure that 
-            anakia-1.x.jar is in your classpath.
-        </echo>
-    </target>
-    <target name="docs" depends="prepare-error,generate-site-map,generate-menu,generate-index,report-groups,report-next-month,history"
-        if="AnakiaTask.present"
-        description="Build all the documents">
-        <taskdef name="anakia" classname="org.apache.anakia.AnakiaTask">
-            <classpath refid="classpath"/>
-        </taskdef>
-        <!-- Always process index (uses ent file which is not part of update check) -->
-        <anakia basedir="${docs.src}" destdir="${docs.dest}/"
-             extension=".html" style="./site.vsl"
-             projectFile="stylesheets/project.xml"
-             includes="index.xml"
-             lastModifiedCheck="false"
-             templatePath="${docs.src}/stylesheets"
-             velocityPropertiesFile="build.props"/>
-        <!-- Always process projects/index (uses ent file which is not part of update check) -->
-        <anakia basedir="${docs.src}" destdir="${docs.dest}/"
-             extension=".html" style="./site.vsl"
-             projectFile="stylesheets/project.xml"
-             includes="projects/index.xml"
-             lastModifiedCheck="false"
-             templatePath="${docs.src}/stylesheets"
-             velocityPropertiesFile="build.props"/>
-        <!-- Always process clutch (uses ent file which is not part of update check) -->
-        <anakia basedir="${docs.src}" destdir="${docs.dest}/"
-             extension=".html" style="./site.vsl"
-             projectFile="stylesheets/project.xml"
-             includes="clutch.xml"
-             lastModifiedCheck="false"
-             templatePath="${docs.src}/stylesheets"
-             velocityPropertiesFile="build.props"/>
-        <!-- process everything else -->
-        <anakia basedir="${docs.src}" destdir="${docs.dest}/"
-             extension=".html" style="./site.vsl"
-             projectFile="stylesheets/project.xml"
-             excludes="**/stylesheets/** index.xml projects/index.xml clutch.xml empty.xml podlings.xml **/projects/activemq/** **/projects/servicemix/**"
-             includes="**/*.xml"
-             lastModifiedCheck="${anakia.lastModifiedCheck}"
-             templatePath="${docs.src}/stylesheets"
-             velocityPropertiesFile="build.props"/>
-        <!-- Always copy the file, even if older (may happen if parts of WC are reverted) -->
-        <copy overwrite="true" todir="${docs.dest}/" filtering="no">
-            <fileset dir="${docs.src}/">
-                <!-- Ignore the Anakia style sheet used for processing
-                of the xdocs, and the unprocessed xdocs themselves,
-                but copy all other content to the directory which is
-                checked out on the server. -->
-            	<exclude name="**/*.xml"/>
-                <exclude name="**/build.props"/>
-                <exclude name="**/stylesheets/**"/>
-                <exclude name="**/*.tmp"/>
-                <!-- don't want clutch entities published -->
-                <exclude name="clutch*.ent"/>
-                <!-- Editor-specific ignores. -->
-                <exclude name="**/*~"/>
-                <exclude name="**/.#*"/>
-            </fileset>
-        </copy>
-        <!-- Always copy the file, even if older (may happen if parts of WC are reverted) -->
-    	<copy overwrite="true" file="${docs.src}/podlings.xml" tofile="${docs.dest}/podlings.xml"/>
-        <antcall target="FixEOL"></antcall>
-    </target>
-    <target name="checkOS">
-        <condition property="">
-        <os family="windows"/>
-        </condition>
-    </target>
-    <!--
-    Anakia seems to get confused about line-endings in some generated html files.
-    This target can be used to restore the line endings.
-    -->
-    <target name="FixEOL" description="Fix inconsistent line endings in generated documents">
-        <echo level="info" message="Fixing inconsistent line endings in generated documents."/>
-        <fixcrlf encoding="UTF-8" srcdir="${docs.dest}" includes="**/*.html"/>
-    </target>
-	<!--
-	Site map generation
-	-->
-	<property name="" value="target/texen"/>
-	<property name="sitemap.src" value="${docs.src}/stylesheets/sitemap"/>
-	<target name="_prepare-texen">
-		<available classname="org.apache.texen.ant.TexenTask" 
-            property="TexenTask.present">
-			<classpath refid="classpath"/>
-		</available>
-	</target>
-	<target name='generate-site-map' depends='_prepare-texen' if='TexenTask.present'>
-		<delete quiet="true" dir="${}"/>
-		<mkdir dir='${}'/>
-		<taskdef 
-				name="texen" 
-				classname="org.apache.texen.ant.TexenTask" 
-				classpathref='classpath' />
-		<!-- Use XSLT to extract indexes from development documents -->
-		<xslt 
-				processor="trax"
-				basedir='${docs.src}' 
-				destdir='${}' 
-				extension='.xml' 
-				style='${sitemap.src}/index.xsl'>
-			<exclude name='navigation.xml' />
-			<exclude name='sitemap.xml' />
-			<exclude name='podlings.xml' />
-			<exclude name='index.xml' />
-			<include name='*.xml' />
-			<include name='guides/**/*.xml' />
-			<include name='official/**/*.xml' />
-			<include name='learn/**/*.xml' />
-			<include name='incubation/**/*.xml' />
-		</xslt>
-		<!-- Use Texen to combine indexes into final document -->
-		<texen 
-				controlTemplate='control.vsl' 
-				outputDirectory='${docs.src}' 
-				templatePath='${sitemap.src}' 
-				outputFile='../${}/' />
-	</target>
-    <!-- Generate the menu file entity from podlings.xml -->
-    <target name="generate-menu">
-        <xslt
-            in="${docs.src}/podlings.xml"
-            out='target/project-menu.ent'
-            style='${docs.src}/stylesheets/project-menu.xsl'>
-        </xslt>
-    </target>
-    <!--
-        Generate the project index files
-        Output is written to the target/ directory:
-        - index.tmp - dummy file, ignored
-        - (current|graduated|retired).ent
-    -->
-    <target name="generate-index">
-        <!-- 
-            Delete the output file to force it to be recreated.
-            This is necessary because there is no direct dependency on podlings.xml (or the stylesheet).
-            It's simpler just to recreate the file.
-        -->
-        <delete file="${docs.dest}/projects/index.html"/>
-        <!-- Need to use force, to ensure that .ent files are always created -->
-        <xslt
-            force="true"
-            in="${docs.src}/podlings.xml"
-            out='target/index.tmp'
-            style='${docs.src}/stylesheets/project-index.xsl'>
-            <param name="outputdir" expression="target/"/>
-        </xslt>
-    </target>
-    <!--
-        Generate podling summary files
-        - (current|graduated|retired|podlings).txt
-        - summary.tmp - dummy output file, removed after generation         
-    -->
-    <target name="generate-summary">
-        <!-- Need to use force, to ensure that .txt files are always created -->
-        <xslt
-            force="true"
-            in="${docs.src}/podlings.xml"
-            out='target/summary.tmp'
-            style='${docs.src}/stylesheets/project-summary.xsl'>
-        	<!-- TODO move somewhere under site ? -->
-            <param name="outputdir" expression="target/"/>
-        </xslt>
-    	<delete file="target/summary.tmp"/>
-    </target>
-	<!--
-Audit Tasks
-	-->
-	<!--
-	Audit index generation
-	-->
-	<property name="" value="target/audit-gen"/>
-	<property name="audit.index.src" value="${docs.src}/stylesheets/audit"/>
-	<target name='generate-audit-index' depends='_prepare-texen' if='TexenTask.present'>
-		<delete quiet="true" dir="${}"/>
-		<mkdir dir='${}'/>
-		<taskdef 
-				name="texen" 
-				classname="org.apache.texen.ant.TexenTask" 
-				classpathref='classpath' />
-		<!-- Use Texen to generate index -->
-		<texen 
-				controlTemplate='control.vsl' 
-				outputDirectory='${docs.src}' 
-				templatePath='${audit.index.src}' 
-				outputFile='../${}/' />
-	</target>
-	<property name='' value='target'/>
-	<property name='dir.audit' value='${docs.src}/audit'/>
-	<property name='audit.mailinglist.address' value=''/>
-	<property name='' value='Incubator General Mailing List'/>
-	<target name='__prepare-rat' >
-		<property name='rat-src' value='rat'/>
-		<taskdef uri="antlib:org.apache.rat.scan"
-	                    resource="org/apache/rat/scan/antlib.xml" classpath="${rat-src}"/>  
-	</target>
-	<target name='__check-for-changes' depends='__prepare-rat'>
-		<rat:CheckForChanges 
-			build-dir='${}'
-			property='audit.changes'
-			/> 
-	</target>
-	<target 
-		name='__prepare-audit-mail'
-		depends='__check-for-changes'>
-		<property prefix="audit.mail" file=""/>
-		<condition property='do.audit.mail'>
-			<and>
-				<isset property="audit.changes"/>
-				<istrue value="${audit.mail.enabled}"/>
-			</and>
-		</condition>
-	</target>
-	<target 
-			name='__no-mail-warning' 
-			depends='__prepare-audit-mail'
-			unless='audit.mail.enabled'>
-		<echo>Mail disabled. See</echo>
-	</target>
-	<target 
-			name='__no-changes-warning' 
-			depends='__prepare-audit-mail'
-			unless='audit.changes'>
-		<echo>No changes. No need to send mail.</echo>
-	</target>
-	<target 
-			name='__mail-report' 
-			depends='__prepare-rat, __prepare-audit-mail, __no-mail-warning, __no-changes-warning'
-			if='do.audit.mail'>
-		<rat:MailAuditReport
-			host='${audit.mail.mailhost}'
-			port='${audit.mail.mailport}'
-			user='${audit.mail.user}'
-			password='${audit.mail.password}'
-			from='${audit.mail.from}'
-		    to-address='${audit.mailinglist.address}'
-			to-name='${}'
-			dir='${dir.audit}'/>
-	</target>
-	<target 
-		name='mail-report' 
-		depends='__prepare-rat,__mail-report'>
-	</target>
-	<target name='audit' depends='__prepare-rat'>         
-        <rat:Audit 
-                src='${rat-src}'
-                out='${dir.audit}'   
-                build='${}'/>
-		<antcall target='generate-audit-index'/>
-		<antcall target='docs'/>
-		<antcall target='mail-report'/>
-	</target>
-    <target name='ppmc-aliases'
-        description='Generate a list of PPMCs private email addresses'>
-        <xslt
-            processor="trax"
-            basedir='${docs.src}'
-            destdir='${}'
-            extension='.txt'
-            style='ppmc-aliases.xsl'>
-            <include name='podlings.xml' />
-        </xslt>
-    </target>
-  <target name='report-groups'
-      description='Generate a list of PPMCs report groups'>
-      <xslt
-        in="${docs.src}/podlings.xml"
-        out='${docs.dest}/report-groups.txt'
-        style='report-groups.xsl'>
-      </xslt>
-  </target>
-  <target name='report-next-month'
-      description='Generate a list of podlings that need to report next month (and thus prepare report in the current month)'>
-      <xslt
-        in="${docs.src}/podlings.xml"
-        out='${docs.dest}/report-next-month.html'
-        style='report-next-month.xsl'>
-      </xslt>
-  </target>
-  <target name="__history_current">
-    <xslt
-      in="${docs.src}/podlings.xml"
-      out="${docs.dest}/history/current.txt"
-      style="current.xsl">
-    </xslt>
-  </target>
-  <target name="__history_entry">
-    <xslt
-      in="${docs.src}/podlings.xml"
-      out="${docs.dest}/history/entry.txt"
-      style="entry.xsl">
-    </xslt>
-  </target>
-  <target name="history" depends="__history_current,__history_entry"
-       description="Generate entry.txt and current.txt history files"/>
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100755
index c292e9b..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-# caller passes $source_dir (cwd) and $target_dir as args to this script
-# Called by:
-ant "-Ddocs.dest=$2/content" docs
diff --git a/clutch.pkl b/clutch.pkl
deleted file mode 100644
index a90f5c4..0000000
Binary files a/clutch.pkl and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100755
index 841b70a..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1297 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-Purpose: Clutch gathers details about projects currently in incubation.
-The core resource is the SITE_CONTENT/podlings.xml file. As soon as a project is
-accepted into incubation, please add its entry. 
-This script reads the SITE_CONTENT/podlings.xml table, and each podling status page, and
-other resources. The assembled metadata is stored in various data files.
-See further explanation at
-Note: Please keep the dependencies as minimal as possible, so this script can
-be operated by any Incubator committer. It uses only standard modules.
-Note: The 'svn log' queries might only run on UNIX, YMMV.
-External input data files used:
-- SITE_CONTENT/podlings.xml
-Created on minotaur using:
-find /www/ \
-  -iname "*KEYS*" | grep -v "\.svn\/" > ~/public_html/incubator-keys.txt
-Created on minotaur using:
-find /www/ \
-  -iname "*incubat*gz.asc" -o -iname "*incubat*gz.sig" \
-  -o -iname "*incubat*bz2.asc" -o -iname "*incubat*bz2.sig" \
-  -o -iname "*incubat*zip.asc" -o -iname "*incubat*zip.sig" \
-  > ~/public_html/incubator-releases.txt
-Created on minotaur using:
-find /www/ \
-  -iname "*gz.asc" -o -iname "*gz.sig" \
-  -o -iname "*bz2.asc" -o -iname "*bz2.sig" \
-  -o -iname "*zip.asc" -o -iname "*zip.sig" \
-  | sed 's/.*\/incubator\///' \
-  | grep -v incubat \
-  > ~/public_html/incubator-releases-bad-filename.txt
-The above has now been replaced by parsing the output of
-'svn', 'ls', '-R', ''
-asf-authorization-template from Git deployment branch
-SVN commands 
-'svn', 'ls', '-R', ''
-'svn', 'ls', '--xml', ''
-'svn', 'log', '--xml', 'SITE_CONTENT/projects/{0}.xml' {status file}
-Output data files created:
-Pickle file:
-- clutch.pkl (I/O)
-# FIXME: Mail list detection could be improved.
-# FIXME: Mail list detection. See svn comments with 2009-11-13 rush bug fix.
-# FIXME: Occasional trailing slash issue in Clutch cache.
-# FIXME: Some projects use different names in different contexts, and cannot
-#        be automatically handled, e.g. Lucene.Net, log4php (some of their stats
-#        are missing).
-#        See beginning attempt to handle this with "resourceNames".
-# FIXME: Perhaps send some error reporting to a log file:
-#        - validate the dates.
-#        - detect short description, e.g. Hama = Hama
-# FIXME: Better/more exception handling, e.g. url open
-# FIXME: Need various output formats:
-#        - source docs xml file in clutch*.ent (now happening)
-#        - simple text list of project names and basic data clutch.txt (now happening)
-#        - Notation3 or DOAP or RDFa or some such? (not yet)
-#        - python pickle (now happening)
-# FIXME: Parse Robert's "audit" stuff.
-# FIXME: Detect if they have SVN repo yet.
-#        -* ensure more than ".."
-# FIXME: Similarly with website. Ensure that there is some content length.
-# FIXME: Get better hints from Status pages, e.g. sometimes they don't link
-#        to their "tracker" etc. they just use text.
-# FIXME: News parser gets extra committer if source has commented xml template.
-# FIXME: Use fragments via other files for the sets of html notes.
-# FIXME: See some other suggestions on the general@ list.
-# FIXME: See some other suggestions in clutch.html#notes-2
-# FIXME: Better deal with input/output/unicode.
-# FIXME: See some other suggestions in issue INCUBATOR-78.
-import sys
-if sys.version_info < (3, 2):
-    raise Exception("Python 3.2 or above is required")
-import subprocess
-from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
-import datetime
-from html.parser import HTMLParser
-import os.path
-import pickle
-import pprint
-import re
-import urllib.request
-import urllib.error
-import urllib.parse
-import xml.dom.minidom
-import argparse
-import io
-# constants for external data ---
-GIT = ';hb=refs/heads/deployment;a=blob_plain;f=modules/subversion_server/files/authorization/%s'
-ASF = 'asf-authorization-template'
-# PIT='pit-authorization-template'
-# Constant for site content location ---
-SITE_CONTENT_DIR = 'content/'
-parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
-    description='Gather details about projects currently in incubation.')
-parser.add_argument('--ignoreState',    action='store_true',
-                    default='False', help='Ignore state (default false)')
-parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose',  action='store_true',
-                    default='False', help='verbose mode (default false)')
-parser.add_argument('-q', '--quiet',    action='store_true',
-                    default='False', help='quiet mode (default false)')
-parser.add_argument('-x', '--external', action='store_true', default='False',
-                    help='log external requests (e.g. svn, http) (default false)')
-args = parser.parse_args()
-# Normal level of info
-optionInfo = args.quiet != True
-# Issue some extra debug information.
-optionVerbose = args.verbose == True
-if optionVerbose:
-    optionInfo = True
-# Use the persistent data to speed operations.
-# Occasionally bad data is cached (e.g. experimenting with developing new code).
-# So need to ignore the cached data and perform all resource availability
-# tests.
-optionUseClutchState = args.ignoreState != True
-# Should we log external requests?
-optionExternal = args.external == True
-# Utility functions ----
-def logexternal(string):
-    if optionExternal:
-        print("External: " + string)
-def getUrl(url, encoding=None, errors=None):
-    logexternal(url)
-    # ensure invalid URLs don't cause long wait
-    resp = urllib.request.urlopen(url, timeout=5)
-    if encoding:
-        return io.TextIOWrapper(resp, encoding=encoding, errors=errors)
-    else:
-        return resp
-def osExec(list):
-    logexternal(" ".join(list))
-    return subprocess.Popen(list, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]
-def osPopen(list):
-    logexternal(" ".join(list))
-    return subprocess.Popen(list, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, universal_newlines=True)
-def getText(nodelist):
-    """"""
-    rc = ""
-    for node in nodelist:
-        if node.nodeType == node.TEXT_NODE:
-            rc = rc +
-    return rc
-def normaliseSVNurl(url):
-    rc = url.replace('https://', 'http://')
-    if not rc[-1] == '/':
-        rc = rc + '/'
-    return rc
-def checkStatus(k, projectList, status):
-    statusFile = SITE_CONTENT_DIR + "projects/{0}.xml".format(k)
-    e = projectList[k]
-    if os.path.exists(statusFile):
-        try:
-            dom = xml.dom.minidom.parse(statusFile)
-            span = dom.getElementsByTagName("span")
-            if (len(span) < 1):
-                print("INFO: Missing from status file: "+statusFile)
-                print("      <p><span class='{2}'>The {0} project {2} on {1}</span></p>".format(e['name'], e['enddate'], status))
-        except (Exception) as e:
-            print("Exception processing " + statusFile + " : " + str(e))
-            raise
-    else:
-        print("WARN: Cannot find {0}".format(statusFile))
-projects = {}  # internal data, derived from podlings.xml
-otherIssues = []
-persist = {}  # persistent data to be utilised by other tools
-mentorsProjects = {}  # internal data
-gatherDate = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
-gatherDateString = datetime.datetime.utcnow().ctime()
-delta = datetime.timedelta(days=61)
-statusTallyDate1 = gatherDate - delta
-delta = datetime.timedelta(days=122)
-statusTallyDate2 = gatherDate - delta
-delta = datetime.timedelta(days=273)
-statusTallyDate3 = gatherDate - delta
-# Regualar expressions ---
-# These expressions are used often, so compile them early.
-startDateRE = re.compile("([0-9]+)-0?([0-9]+)-?0?([0-9]+)?")
-statusLogRE = re.compile("^([0-9]+)-0?([0-9]+)-0?([0-9]+)")
-svnRevisionSkipRE = re.compile(
-    "707389|708087|708420|708791|709356|709648|711153|744365|761864|788239|796085|804825|894972|940767|959869|1065888|1153764|1159079|1373730|1479744|1494479|1515212")
-mailListRE = re.compile("^([-a-z0-9]+)@([a-z]+)\.apache\.org")
-mailListNameRE = re.compile("^([a-z]+)-([-a-z0-9]+)")
-mailListNameUrlRE = re.compile("/([a-z]+)-([-a-z0-9]+)/$")
-urlHttpRE = re.compile("^http")
-newCommitterRE = re.compile("[nN]ew [cC]omm?itt?ers? ?\(?([0-9]+)?")
-distMirrorRE = re.compile("cgi/incubator/([-a-z0-9]+)/")
-# Import the persistent data ---
-# This enables us to skip detection of website etc. if already detected.
-inputFile = open('clutch.pkl', 'rb')
-state = pickle.load(inputFile)
-# Parse the podlings data file ---
-dom = xml.dom.minidom.parse(SITE_CONTENT_DIR + "podlings.xml")
-graduatedProjects = {}
-graduatingOrRetiring = []
-retiredProjects = {}
-print("Gather data from podlings.xml ...")
-for row in dom.getElementsByTagName("podling"):
-    name = row.getAttribute("name").strip()
-    id = name.lower()
-    id = id.replace(' ', '')  # strip spaces from project ID
-    startDate = row.getAttribute("startdate")
-    endDate = row.getAttribute("enddate")
-    if row.getAttribute("status") == 'graduated':
-        resource = row.getAttribute("resource")
-        graduatedProjects[resource.lower()] = {'name': name, 'enddate': endDate}
-    if row.getAttribute("status") == 'retired':
-        resource = row.getAttribute("resource")
-        retiredProjects[resource.lower()] = {'name': name, 'enddate': endDate}
-    if row.getAttribute("status") == 'current':
-        #print("Name: " + name)
-        if id in projects:
-            print("ERROR: {0}: row exists".format(id))
-        else:
-            projects[id] = {}
-            # strip spaces from project name (as per original ReportingSchedule)
-            # TODO is this still needed? Or should the @name attribute not
-            # contain spaces?
-            projects[id]['fullName'] = name
-            projects[id]['name'] = name.replace(' ', '')
-            # Set some defaults
-            needMetadata = False
-            projects[id]['reportingMonthly'] = False
-            projects[id]['reportingComments'] = ""
-            projects[id]['hasReportingGroup'] = True
-            # currently needed for reporting phase
-            projects[id]['reportingGroup'] = 'month'
-            projects[id]['hasStatusEntry'] = True
-            projects[id]['statusFileName'] = id
-            projects[id]['statusLastUpdated'] = ""
-            projects[id]['statusAge'] = 0
-            projects[id]['statusUpdateCounts'] = ""
-            projects[id]['urlSvn'] = ""
-            projects[id]['urlTracker'] = ""
-            projects[id]['urlWww'] = ""
-            projects[id]['urlDist'] = ""
-            projects[id]['urlKeys'] = ""
-            projects[id]['hasEntryIssues'] = False
-            projects[id]['resourceNames'] = [id]
-            # Some projects use an alternate short resource name
-            # rather than their project name
-            alias = row.getAttribute("resource")
-            if (alias != '' and alias != id):
-                projects[id]['resourceNames'].append(alias)
-            for alias in row.getAttribute("resourceAliases").split(','):
-                if alias != '':
-                    projects[id]['resourceNames'].append(alias)
-            projects[id]['entryDate'] = None
-            projects[id]['committersSvn'] = None
-            projects[id]['hintMailListDev'] = ""
-            projects[id]['hasMailListDev'] = ""
-            projects[id]['hintMailListCommits'] = ""
-            projects[id]['hasMailListCommits'] = ""
-            projects[id]['numberCommitters'] = 0
-            projects[id]['numberCommittersNew'] = 0
-            projects[id]['hasClutchState'] = id in state
-            descElements = row.getElementsByTagName("description")
-            projects[id]['description'] = getText(descElements[0].childNodes)
-            if 'FIXME' in projects[id]['description']:
-                needMetadata = True
-            projects[id]['sponsor'] = row.getAttribute("sponsor")
-            projects[id]['startDate'] = startDate
-            projects[id]['statusFileName'] = row.getAttribute("resource")
-            mentors = [
-                       for mentor in row.getElementsByTagName("mentor")]
-            projects[id]['mentors'] = mentors
-            if 'FIXME' in mentors:
-                needMetadata = True
-            if needMetadata:
-                errorMsg = "{0}: Need to add incubation metadata.".format(id)
-                print('ERROR:', errorMsg)
-                errorMsg += " Please maintain your records in the content/podlings.xml file. See <a href=\"#h-hasStatusEntry\">help</a>."
-                otherIssues.append(errorMsg)
-            # determine projects for each mentor
-            for mentor in mentors:
-                try:
-                    mentorsProjects[mentor]
-                except KeyError:
-                    mentorsProjects[mentor] = []
-                mentorsProjects[mentor].append(name)
-            isGraduating = row.getElementsByTagName("graduating").length > 0
-            if isGraduating:
-                graduatingOrRetiring.append(id)
-                if not row.getAttribute("endDate"):
-                    errorMsg = "{0}: Has graduated, but still needs to follow the graduation steps.".format(
-                        id)
-                    print('ERROR:', errorMsg)
-                    errorMsg += " See <a href=\"#h-Graduate\">help</a>."
-                    otherIssues.append(errorMsg)
-            isRetiring = row.getElementsByTagName("retiring").length > 0
-            if isRetiring:
-                graduatingOrRetiring.append(id)
-                if not row.getAttribute("endDate"):
-                    errorMsg = "{0}: Has retired, but still needs to follow the retirement steps.".format(
-                        id)
-                    print('ERROR:', errorMsg)
-                    errorMsg += " See <a href=\"#h-Retire\">help</a>."
-                    otherIssues.append(errorMsg)
-            # Is it reporting monthly?
-            reporting = row.getElementsByTagName("reporting")
-            if reporting.length != 1:
-                projects[id]['hasReportingGroup'] = False
-                if not isGraduating:
-                    print(
-                        "ERROR: {0}: expecting a single reportgroup".format(name))
-            else:
-                if reporting[0].getAttribute("monthly") == 'true':
-                    projects[id]['reportingMonthly'] = True
-                    projects[id]['reportingComments'] = getText(reporting)
-                    projects[id]['hasEntryIssues'] = True
-                group = reporting[0].getAttribute("group")
-                if group == None:
-                    print("ERROR: {0}: missing group attribute".format(name))
-                    projects[id]['hasReportingGroup'] = False
-                else:
-                    projects[id]['reportingGroup'] = 'group-' + group
-for k in sorted(graduatedProjects):
-    checkStatus(k, graduatedProjects, 'graduated')
-for k in sorted(retiredProjects):
-    checkStatus(k, retiredProjects, 'retired')
-# Process the incubation table data, detect some potential issues. ---
-print("Gather details from project status files ...")
-projectNames = list(projects.keys())
-for k in sorted(projectNames, key=str.lower):
-    if optionVerbose:
-        print("DEBUG: Processing status file for {0}".format(k))
-    # Append more potential alternate names for a project
-    if projects[k]['statusFileName'] not in projects[k]['resourceNames']:
-        projects[k]['resourceNames'].append(projects[k]['statusFileName'])
-    if optionVerbose and len(projects[k]['resourceNames']) > 1:
-        print("DEBUG: Will try alternate names: {0}".format(
-            projects[k]['resourceNames']))
-    # parse their project status file to extract specific information
-    statusFile = SITE_CONTENT_DIR + \
-        "projects/{0}.xml".format(projects[k]['statusFileName'])
-    if os.path.exists(statusFile):
-        try:
-            dom = xml.dom.minidom.parse(statusFile)
-        except (Exception) as e:
-            print("Exception processing " + statusFile + " : " + str(e))
-            raise
-        # get the project info hints
-        if optionVerbose:
-            print("DEBUG: Gather hints from project Status page")
-        table = dom.getElementsByTagName("table")[0]
-        for row in table.getElementsByTagName("tr")[1:]:
-            if (len(row.getElementsByTagName("td")) < 3):
-                continue
-            cell = row.getElementsByTagName("td")[2]
-            if 'id' in cell.attributes:
-                values = [getText(item.childNodes) for item in cell.childNodes]
-                value = " ".join(values).strip()
-                if value == "":
-                    value = getText(cell.childNodes).strip()
-                if optionVerbose:
-                    print("DEBUG: Hint: {0}={1}".format(
-                        cell.getAttribute('id'), value))
-                if cell.getAttribute('id') == "mail-dev":
-                    value = value.replace('  at  ', '@')
-                    value = value.replace('  Subscribe  Unsubscribe', '')
-                    value = value.replace('  Archive', '')
-                    value = value.replace(' ', '@', 1)
-                    value = value.replace(' ', '')
-                    value = value.replace('@@', '@')
-                    matchMail =, value)
-                    if matchMail:
-                        projects[k][
-                            'hintMailListDev'] = "{0}-{1}".format(,
-                    continue
-                if cell.getAttribute('id') == "mail-commits":
-                    value = value.replace('  at  ', '@')
-                    value = value.replace('  Subscribe  Unsubscribe', '')
-                    value = value.replace('  Archive', '')
-                    value = value.replace(' ', '@', 1)
-                    value = value.replace(' ', '')
-                    value = value.replace('@@', '@')
-                    matchMail =, value)
-                    if matchMail:
-                        projects[k][
-                            'hintMailListCommits'] = "{0}-{1}".format(,
-                    continue
-                # Get hints for various url-based resources
-                matchUrl =, value)
-                if not matchUrl:
-                    for item in cell.getElementsByTagName('a'):
-                        if 'href' in item.attributes:
-                            value = item.getAttribute('href')
-                            break
-                hasUrl =, value)
-                if cell.getAttribute('id') == "svn" and hasUrl:
-                    projects[k]['urlSvn'] = value
-                    continue
-                if cell.getAttribute('id') == "tracker" and hasUrl:
-                    projects[k]['urlTracker'] = value
-                    continue
-                if cell.getAttribute('id') == "www" and hasUrl:
-                    projects[k]['urlWww'] = value
-                    continue
-        # Scan the project News section and count new commiters.
-        for section in dom.getElementsByTagName("section"):
-            if 'id' in section.attributes and section.getAttribute('id') == "News":
-                for line in section.toxml().splitlines():
-                    if ('<!--' in line):
-                        continue
-                    matchNewCommitter =, line)
-                    if matchNewCommitter:
-                        if
-                            projects[k][
-                                'numberCommittersNew'] += int(
-                        else:
-                            projects[k]['numberCommittersNew'] += 1
-        dom.unlink()
-    # end of if status file exists
-# end of processing incubation table data
-# Gather committers data ---
-print("Gather committers data ...")
-# Parse the locally defined groups directly
-committers_projects = {}
-with getUrl(GIT % ASF, encoding='UTF-8') as f:
-    for line in f:  # skip the header
-        if line.startswith('[groups]'):
-            break
-    for line in f:  # read the defs section
-        line = line.rstrip()
-        if re.match(r"^(#|\s*$)", line):  # comment or blanks
-            continue
-        if re.match(r"^\[/\]", line):  # end of definition section
-            break
-        m = re.match(r"^\s*(\w\S+?)\s*=\s*(\S+)?$", line)
-        if m:
-            entry =
-            value =
-            if value:  # ignore empty groups
-                if value.startswith('{'):
-                    continue
-                committers_projects[entry] = value.split(',')
-# pprint.pprint(committers_projects)
-# Gather incubator group mail list data ---
-print("Gather incubator group mail list data ...")
-class IncubatorMailListNamesParser(HTMLParser):
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.strict = True
-        self.names = []
-        self.newStyle = []
-        self.convert_charrefs = False
-        self.reset()
-    def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
-        # Get the newStyle projects
-        if tag == "option":
-            for key, value in attrs:
-                if (key == "value" and ".incubator" in value):
-                    value = value.replace('.incubator', '')
-                    self.newStyle.append(value)
-        # Get all Incubator lists
-        if tag == "a":
-            for key, value in attrs:
-                if (key == "href" and "incubator" in value):
-                    value = value.replace('incubator-', '')
-                    value = value.replace('/', '')
-                    self.names.append(value)
-                    break
-mailLists = IncubatorMailListNamesParser()
-if optionVerbose:
-    pprint.pprint(mailLists.names)
-    pprint.pprint(mailLists.newStyle)
-projectMailLists = {}
-mailListNamesRE = re.compile("(.*)-([^-]+)")
-mailListNamesUsualRE = re.compile(
-    "announce|commits|cvs|dev|issues|notifications|user|users|spec")
-for listName in mailLists.names:
-    if listName in ["announce", "cvs", "general", "projects"]:
-        continue
-    if optionVerbose:
-        print("DEBUG: listName=" + listName)
-    if ('-' in listName):
-        matchList =, listName)
-        try:
-            projectMailLists[]
-        except KeyError:
-            projectMailLists[] = {}
-        listName = listName.replace('/', '')
-        projectMailLists[][] = listName
-        if optionVerbose:
-            print("DEBUG: Found list: {0} {1}".format(
-      ,
-            if ( not in mailLists.newStyle):
-                print("DEBUG: Uses oldStyle list set-up")
-        # FIXME: We assume that mail lists are always named like this
-        # with "-dev" or "-commits" etc.
-        matchListUsual =,
-        if optionVerbose and not matchListUsual:
-            print("WARN: Unusual mail list name '{0}'".format(listName))
-    else:
-        listName = listName.replace('/', '')
-        try:
-            projectMailLists[listName]
-        except KeyError:
-            projectMailLists[listName] = {}
-        projectMailLists[listName]['dev'] = listName
-        print("WARN: {0}: unusual mail list name '{1}', assuming it is their dev list".format(
-            listName, projectMailLists[listName]['dev']))
-if optionVerbose:
-    print("DEBUG: projectMailLists")
-    pprint.pprint(projectMailLists)
-# Gather incubator PGP keys data ---
-print("Gather incubator PGP keys data and releases ...")
-keysList = {}
-releases = {}
-releasesBadName = {}
-distareas = {}  # podlings with dist areas
-with osPopen(['svn', 'ls', '-R', '']) as s:
-    for line in s.stdout:
-        line = line.rstrip()
-        fields = line.split('/')
-        podling = fields[0]
-        distareas[podling] = True
-        file = fields[-1]
-        if file:
-            if'KEYS(\.txt)?$', file):
-                keysList[
-                    podling] = "{0}/{1}".format("", line)
-            if'(bz2|gz|zip)\.(asc|sig)$', file, flags=re.IGNORECASE):
-                if'incubat(ing|or)', file, flags=re.IGNORECASE):
-                    releases[podling] = True
-                else:
-                    releasesBadName[podling] = True
-for k in releases:
-    # FIXME: need to handle projects[k]['resourceNames']
-    if not k in projects:
-        if k in graduatedProjects:
-            errorMsg = "{0}: Has graduated, but still has remains on Incubator distribution mirrors".format(
-                k)
-            print('ERROR:', errorMsg)
-            errorMsg += ". See <a href=\"#h-Graduate\">help</a>."
-            otherIssues.append(errorMsg)
-            continue
-        if k in retiredProjects:
-            print(
-                "INFO: {0}: retired project has remains on Incubator mirrors".format(k))
-for k in releasesBadName:
-    errorMsg = '{0}: Has a distribution filename missing the word "incubating/incubator"'.format(
-        k)
-    print('ERROR:', errorMsg)
-    errorMsg += ". See <a href=\"#h-hasRelease\">help</a>."
-    otherIssues.append(errorMsg)
-    if k in graduatedProjects:
-        errorMsg = "{0}: Has graduated, but still has remains on Incubator distribution mirrors".format(
-            k)
-        print('ERROR:', errorMsg)
-        errorMsg += ". See <a href=\"#h-Graduate\">help</a>."
-        otherIssues.append(errorMsg)
-# Processing the gathered sata ---
-print("Processing ...")
-# Process the reporting schedule data, correlate and ensure each exists in the
-# incubation projects summary table, add more details to the data store.
-projectNames = list(projects.keys())
-for k in sorted(projectNames, key=str.lower):
-    print(k)
-    statusFile = SITE_CONTENT_DIR + \
-        "projects/{0}.xml".format(projects[k]['statusFileName'])
-    if not os.path.exists(statusFile):
-        errorMsg = "{0}: Missing status file".format(k)
-        print('ERROR:', errorMsg)
-        errorMsg += ". See <a href=\"#h-hasStatusEntry\">help</a>."
-        otherIssues.append(errorMsg)
-        projects[k]['hasStatusEntry'] = False
-        continue
-    startDate = projects[k]['startDate']
-    match =, startDate)
-    if match:
-        if != None:
-            entryDateDay = int(
-        else:
-            entryDateDay = 1
-        try:
-            entryDate = datetime.datetime(
-                int(, int(, entryDateDay)
-        except ValueError:
-            print("ERROR: {0}: ValueError with date".format(k))
-        else:
-            projects[k]['entryDate'] = entryDate
-    # Gather recent updates to their status page.
-    inputFile = SITE_CONTENT_DIR + \
-        "projects/{0}.xml".format(projects[k]['statusFileName'])
-    if optionVerbose:
-        print("DEBUG: Parsing svn log for {0} ...".format(inputFile))
-    outputString = osExec(['svn', 'log', '--xml', inputFile])
-    dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(outputString)
-    rowCounter = 0
-    count1 = 0
-    count2 = 0
-    count3 = 0
-    for row in dom.getElementsByTagName("logentry"):
-        # Skip counting various commits which were to standardise the status
-        # files.
-        matchSvnSkip =
-            svnRevisionSkipRE, row.getAttribute('revision'))
-        if matchSvnSkip:
-            continue
-        rowCounter += 1
-        date = getText(row.getElementsByTagName("date")[0].childNodes)
-        matchSvn =, date)
-        thisDate = datetime.datetime(
-            int(, int(, int(
-        if rowCounter == 1:
-            projects[k]['statusLastUpdated'] = "{0:4d}-{1:02d}-{2:02d}".format(
-                int(, int(, int(
-        if thisDate >= statusTallyDate1:
-            count1 += 1
-        if thisDate >= statusTallyDate2:
-            count2 += 1
-        if thisDate >= statusTallyDate3:
-            count3 += 1
-    if projects[k]['entryDate'] >= statusTallyDate1:
-        count2 = "-"
-    if projects[k]['entryDate'] >= statusTallyDate2:
-        count3 = "-"
-    projects[k]['statusUpdateCounts'] = "{0},{1},{2}".format(
-        count1, count2, count3)
-    dom.unlink()
-# end of processing
-# Collect SVN directory names ---
-print("Collect SVN directory names")
-incubatorSvnDirs = {}  # top-level SVN incubator dirs
-outputString = osExec(
-    ['svn', 'ls', '--xml', ''])
-dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(outputString)
-Sample output
-  <list path="">
-    <entry kind="file">
-    <name>REPO-ORGANISATION.txt</name>
-    ...
-    </entry>
-    <entry kind="dir">
-    <name>accumulo</name>
-    ...
-for entry in dom.getElementsByTagName("entry"):
-    if entry.getAttribute("kind") == 'dir':
-        name = entry.getElementsByTagName("name")[0]
-        if name not in ('trunk', 'public'):  # skip non-podling entries
-            incubatorSvnDirs[
-                "{0}/".format(name)] = True
-# Detect certain resources ---
-print("Detect certain resources ...")
-for k in sorted(projectNames, key=str.lower):
-    print(k)
-    # Add the number of committers
-    # Sometimes the committer SVN group name contains the sponsor TLP,
-    # e.g. portals-wsrp4j
-    svnGroups = projects[k]['resourceNames'][:]
-    sponsor = projects[k]['sponsor'].lower()
-    if '?' in sponsor:
-        sponsor = "incubator"
-    if not 'incubator' in sponsor:
-        tlpSvn = "{0}-{1}".format(sponsor, k)
-        svnGroups.append(tlpSvn)
-    for svnGroup in svnGroups:
-        if optionVerbose:
-            print("DEBUG: Trying committers group '{0}'".format(svnGroup))
-        if svnGroup in committers_projects:
-            projects[k]['numberCommitters'] = len(
-                committers_projects[svnGroup])
-            projects[k]['committersSvn'] = svnGroup
-            break
-        else:
-            continue
-    if projects[k]['committersSvn'] == None and optionInfo:
-        print("INFO: {0}: Does not yet have committers accounts".format(k))
-    # Detect if they have SVN yet.
-    # First, try the URL from their status page
-    # then, try URLs based on their resourceNames.
-    if optionUseClutchState and projects[k]['hasClutchState'] and state[k]['urlSvn']:
-        projects[k]['urlSvn'] = state[k]['urlSvn']
-        incubatorSvnDirs[normaliseSVNurl(state[k]['urlSvn'])] = 'used'
-    else:
-        urls = []
-        try:
-            projects[k]['urlSvn']
-        except:
-            pass
-        else:
-            if projects[k]['urlSvn'] != '':
-                urls.append(projects[k]['urlSvn'])
-        for name in projects[k]['resourceNames']:
-            urls.append(
-                "{0}/".format(name))
-        for url in urls:
-            if optionVerbose:
-                print("DEBUG: Trying SVN URL " + url)
-            if normaliseSVNurl(url) in incubatorSvnDirs:
-                projects[k]['urlSvn'] = url
-                incubatorSvnDirs[url] = name  # mark used
-                break
-            try:
-                getUrl(url)
-            except IOError:
-                projects[k]['urlSvn'] = ''
-            else:
-                projects[k]['urlSvn'] = url
-                break
-        if not projects[k]['urlSvn'] and optionInfo:
-            print("INFO: {0}: Does not yet have SVN".format(k))
-    # Detect if they have Tracker yet.
-    # First, try the url from their status page
-    # then, try a standard url.
-    if optionUseClutchState and projects[k]['hasClutchState'] and state[k]['urlTracker']:
-        projects[k]['urlTracker'] = state[k]['urlTracker']
-    else:
-        urlTrackerDefault = "" + \
-            projects[k]['statusFileName'].upper()
-        if urlTrackerDefault == projects[k]['urlTracker']:
-            urlTrackerDefault = ""
-        for url in [projects[k]['urlTracker'], urlTrackerDefault]:
-            if url == "":
-                continue
-            if optionVerbose:
-                print("DEBUG: Trying Tracker URL: " + url)
-            try:
-                getUrl(url)
-            except IOError:
-                projects[k]['urlTracker'] = ""
-            else:
-                projects[k]['urlTracker'] = url
-                break
-        if not projects[k]['urlTracker'] and optionInfo:
-            print("INFO: {0}: Does not yet have an Issue Tracker".format(k))
-    # Detect if they have a website yet.
-    # First, try the url from their status page
-    # then, try a standard url.
-    if optionUseClutchState and projects[k]['hasClutchState'] and state[k]['urlWww']:
-        projects[k]['urlWww'] = state[k]['urlWww']
-    else:
-        urlWwwDefault = "http://{0}".format(
-            projects[k]['statusFileName'])
-        urlWwwDefault2 = "{0}/".format(
-            projects[k]['statusFileName'])
-        if urlWwwDefault == projects[k]['urlWww']:
-            urlWwwDefault = ""
-        if urlWwwDefault2 == projects[k]['urlWww']:
-            urlWwwDefault2 = ""
-        for url in [projects[k]['urlWww'], urlWwwDefault, urlWwwDefault2]:
-            if url == "":
-                continue
-            try:
-                getUrl(url)
-            except IOError:
-                projects[k]['urlWww'] = ""
-            else:
-                projects[k]['urlWww'] = url
-                break
-        if not projects[k]['urlWww'] and optionInfo:
-            print("INFO: {0}: Does not yet have a website".format(k))
-    # See if they have a distribution area yet.
-    if optionUseClutchState and projects[k]['hasClutchState'] and state[k]['urlDist']:
-        projects[k]['urlDist'] = state[k]['urlDist']
-    else:
-        for nameDist in projects[k]['resourceNames']:
-            urlDist = "{0}/".format(
-                nameDist)
-            urlMirror = "{0}/".format(
-                nameDist)
-            if nameDist in distareas:
-                projects[k]['urlDist'] = urlMirror
-                break
-    if not projects[k]['urlDist']:
-        if optionInfo:
-            print("INFO: {0}: Does not yet have a distribution area".format(k))
-    elif optionVerbose:
-        print("DEBUG: dist=" + projects[k]['urlDist'])
-    # Detect if they have a PGP KEYS file
-    if projects[k]['urlDist']:
-        match ="/incubator/([^/]+)/", projects[k]['urlDist'])
-        if match:
-            nameDistArea =
-            if nameDistArea in keysList:
-                projects[k]['urlKeys'] = keysList[nameDistArea]
-            else:
-                if optionInfo:
-                    print(
-                        "INFO: {0}: Does not yet have a PGP KEYS file".format(k))
-    if optionVerbose:
-        print("DEBUG: KEYS=" + projects[k]['urlKeys'])
-    # Detect mail lists established:
-    # For each alternate resourceName:
-    # First, try the list names from their status page
-    # then, try a standard list name under incubator.
-    # To reduce network queries, if it is an incubator-hosted list then look up in
-    # the list of mail-lists already gathered, otherwise it is a TLP-hosted list,
-    # so try getting the archives URL.
-    foundMailLists = False
-    for projectName in projects[k]['resourceNames']:
-        for listType in ['dev', 'commits']:
-            if listType == "dev":
-                mailListHintKey = "hintMailListDev"
-                mailListKey = "hasMailListDev"
-            else:
-                mailListHintKey = "hintMailListCommits"
-                mailListKey = "hasMailListCommits"
-            if optionVerbose:
-                print("DEBUG: Looking for mailList: " +
-                      projects[k][mailListHintKey])
-            matchMail =, projects[k][mailListHintKey])
-            if matchMail:
-                mailListGroup =
-                mailListNameHint =
-            else:
-                mailListGroup = "incubator"
-                mailListNameHint = ""
-            if optionVerbose:
-                print("DEBUG: Trying mailListGroup={0} mailListNameHint={1}".format(
-                    mailListGroup, mailListNameHint))
-            if mailListGroup == "incubator":
-                mailListNameDefault = "{0}-{1}".format(projectName, listType)
-                if mailListNameDefault == mailListNameHint:
-                    mailListNameDefault = ""
-                for listName in [mailListNameHint, mailListNameDefault]:
-                    if listName == "":
-                        continue
-                    if optionVerbose:
-                        print("DEBUG: Trying listName=" + listName)
-                    if not projectName in projectMailLists:
-                        if optionVerbose:
-                            print("DEBUG: {0}: No incubator group mail lists using '{1}'".format(
-                                k, projectName))
-                        break
-                    if listType in projectMailLists[projectName]:
-                        leader = 'incubator-' if (
-                            k not in mailLists.newStyle) else ''
-                        projects[k][mailListKey] = MAIL_LIST_URL + \
-                            "{0}{1}/".format(leader,
-                                             projectMailLists[projectName][listType])
-                        if optionVerbose:
-                            print("DEBUG: Successful Incubator mail url: " +
-                                  projects[k][mailListKey])
-                        foundMailLists = True
-                        break
-                    else:
-                        if optionInfo:
-                            print("INFO: {0}: Does not yet have hinted incubator mail list '{1}-{2}'".format(
-                                k, projectName, listType))
-                        projects[k][mailListKey] = ""
-            # End of processing incubator group mail list.
-            else:
-                listName = projects[k][mailListHintKey]
-                url = "{0}/".format(
-                    listName)
-                if optionVerbose:
-                    print("DEBUG: Trying mail url: " + url)
-                try:
-                    getUrl(url)
-                except IOError:
-                    projects[k][mailListKey] = ""
-                else:
-                    projects[k][mailListKey] = url
-                    if optionVerbose:
-                        print("DEBUG: Successful TLP mail url: " + url)
-                    foundMailLists = True
-        if foundMailLists:
-            break
-    # End of processing project mail lists.
-    if not projects[k]['hasMailListDev'] and optionInfo:
-        print("INFO: {0}: Does not yet have 'dev' mail list".format(k))
-    if not projects[k]['hasMailListCommits'] and optionInfo:
-        print("INFO: {0}: Does not yet have 'commits' mail list".format(k))
-# end of processing each podling to detect resource availability
-if optionInfo:
-    for entry in sorted(incubatorSvnDirs):
-        if incubatorSvnDirs[entry] == True and entry in graduatedProjects:
-            print("INFO: graduated project has SVN directory " + entry)
-# Output data files ---
-print("Output the data ...")
-reportingGroups = {'month': 'Monthly',
-                   'group-1': 'January,April,July,October',
-                   'group-2': 'February,May,August,November',
-                   'group-3': 'March,June,September,December'}
-monthsLong = 'January February March April May June July August September October November December'.split()
-nameCurrentReport = "{0}{1}".format(
-    monthsLong[gatherDate.month - 1], gatherDate.year)
-urlCurrentReport = "".join(
-    ["", nameCurrentReport])
-fileXmlMY = open(SITE_CONTENT_DIR + 'clutchmy.ent', encoding='utf-8', mode='w')
-    '<a href="{0}">{1}</a>\n'.format(urlCurrentReport, nameCurrentReport))
-fileList = open(SITE_CONTENT_DIR + 'clutch.txt', 'w')
-fileXmlo1 = open(SITE_CONTENT_DIR + 'clutcho1.ent', encoding='utf-8', mode='w')
-fileXmlo1.write("<!-- generated by clutch; do not edit -->\n")
-if len(otherIssues):
-    otherXml = """<li>other issues <a href="#other">listed</a> below for: """
-    otherIssuesRE = re.compile("^([^:]+):.*$")
-    otherIssues.sort()
-    for issue in otherIssues:
-        matchOtherIssues =, issue)
-        otherXml += '\n <span class="care">{0}</span> '.format(
-    otherXml += "\n</li>\n"
-    fileXmlo1.write(otherXml)
-fileXmlt = open(SITE_CONTENT_DIR + 'clutcht.ent', encoding='utf-8', mode='w')
-fileXmlt.write("<!-- generated by clutch; do not edit -->\n")
-tableTopXml = """
-        Clutch last gathered: {0} UTC.<br />
-        Number of podlings in incubation: {1}
-""".format(gatherDateString, len(projects))
-reportList1 = ""
-reportList2 = ""
-reportList3 = ""
-tableRowCount = 0
-tableRowCountMid = int(len(projects) / 2)
-fileXml = open(SITE_CONTENT_DIR + 'clutchr1.ent', encoding='utf-8', mode='w')
-fileXml.write("<!-- generated by clutch; do not edit -->\n")
-for k in sorted(projectNames, key=str.lower):
-    tableRowCount += 1
-    if tableRowCount == tableRowCountMid:
-        fileXml.close()
-        fileXml = open(SITE_CONTENT_DIR + 'clutchr2.ent',
-                       encoding='utf-8', mode='w')
-        fileXml.write("<!-- generated by clutch; do not edit -->\n")
-    fileXml.write('        <tr id="{0}">\n'.format(k))
-    fileXml.write('          <td')
-    if k in graduatingOrRetiring:
-        fileXml.write(' class="grad"')
-    fileXml.write('>{0}</td>\n'.format(projects[k]['fullName']))
-    persist[k] = {}
-    persist[k]['podlingName'] = projects[k]['name']
-    persist[k]['fullName'] = projects[k]['fullName']
-    if '?' in projects[k]['sponsor']:
-        fileXml.write(
-            '          <td class="issue">{0}</td>\n'.format(projects[k]['sponsor']))
-    else:
-        fileXml.write(
-            '          <td>{0}</td>\n'.format(projects[k]['sponsor']))
-    persist[k]['sponsor'] = projects[k]['sponsor']
-    persist[k]['description'] = projects[k]['description']
-    persist[k]['mentors'] = projects[k]['mentors']
-    fileXml.write('          <td>{0}</td>\n'.format(projects[k]['startDate']))
-    persist[k]['startDate'] = projects[k]['startDate']
-    # elapsedDays column
-    fileXml.write('          <td></td>\n')
-    if not projects[k]['reportingMonthly']:
-        fileXml.write(
-            '          <td>{0}</td>\n'.format(projects[k]['reportingMonthly']))
-    else:
-        fileXml.write(
-            '          <td class="care">{0}</td>\n'.format(projects[k]['reportingMonthly']))
-    persist[k]['reportingMonthly'] = projects[k]['reportingMonthly']
-    fileXml.write(
-        '          <td>{0}</td>\n'.format(projects[k]['reportingGroup']))
-    # save the simple group number for programs that have their own ideas.
-    persist[k]['rawReportingGroup'] = projects[k]['reportingGroup']
-    persist[k]['reportingGroup'] = reportingGroups[
-        projects[k]['reportingGroup']]
-    reportDevList = '"{0} Developers"'.format(projects[k]['fullName'])
-    if projects[k]['hasMailListDev']:
-        matchDevMail =, projects[
-                                 k]['hasMailListDev'])
-        if matchDevMail:
-            mailListGroup = None
-            for alias in projects[k]['resourceNames']:
-                if (alias in mailLists.newStyle):
-                    mailListGroup = alias
-            if (mailListGroup != None):
-                reportDevList += " <dev@{0}>".format(
-                    mailListGroup)
-            else:
-                reportDevList += " <{0}@{1}>".format(
-          ,
-        else:
-            reportDevList += " <>"
-    else:
-        reportDevList += " <>"
-    if optionVerbose:
-        print("DEBUG: {0}: reportDevList={1}".format(k, reportDevList))
-    reportDevList += "\n"
-    if projects[k]['reportingMonthly']:
-        reportList1 += reportDevList
-        reportList2 += reportDevList
-        reportList3 += reportDevList
-    else:
-        if (projects[k]['reportingGroup'] == "group-1"):
-            reportList1 += reportDevList
-        elif (projects[k]['reportingGroup'] == "group-2"):
-            reportList2 += reportDevList
-        elif (projects[k]['reportingGroup'] == "group-3"):
-            reportList3 += reportDevList
-    if projects[k]['hasReportingGroup']:
-        fileXml.write(
-            '          <td class="cool1">{0}</td>\n'.format(projects[k]['hasReportingGroup']))
-    else:
-        fileXml.write(
-            '          <td class="issue">{0}</td>\n'.format(projects[k]['hasReportingGroup']))
-    if projects[k]['hasStatusEntry']:
-        fileXml.write('          <td class="cool1"><a href="projects/{0}.html">{1}</a></td>\n'.format(
-            projects[k]['statusFileName'], projects[k]['hasStatusEntry']))
-    else:
-        fileXml.write(
-            '          <td class="issue">{0}</td>\n'.format(projects[k]['hasStatusEntry']))
-    fileXml.write(
-        '          <td>{0}</td>\n'.format(projects[k]['statusLastUpdated']))
-    # statusAge column
-    fileXml.write('          <td></td>\n')
-    fileXml.write(
-        '          <td>{0}</td>\n'.format(projects[k]['statusUpdateCounts']))
-    if projects[k]['numberCommitters'] > 0:
-        if projects[k]['numberCommitters'] > 2:
-            fileXml.write('          <td class="cool1 number"><a href="{0}">{1}</a></td>\n'.format(
-                projects[k]['committersSvn'], projects[k]['numberCommitters']))
-        else:
-            fileXml.write('          <td class="care number"><a href="{0}">{1}</a></td>\n'.format(
-                projects[k]['committersSvn'], projects[k]['numberCommitters']))
-    else:
-        fileXml.write('          <td class="care">-</td>\n')
-    if projects[k]['numberCommittersNew'] > 0:
-        if projects[k]['numberCommittersNew'] > 1:
-            fileXml.write(
-                '          <td class="cool1 number">{0}</td>\n'.format(projects[k]['numberCommittersNew']))
-        else:
-            fileXml.write(
-                '          <td class="cool2 number">{0}</td>\n'.format(projects[k]['numberCommittersNew']))
-    else:
-        fileXml.write('          <td class="care number">0</td>\n')
-    if projects[k]['urlSvn']:
-        fileXml.write(
-            '          <td class="cool1"><a href="{0}">True</a></td>\n'.format(projects[k]['urlSvn']))
-    else:
-        fileXml.write('          <td class="care">False</td>\n')
-    persist[k]['urlSvn'] = projects[k]['urlSvn']
-    if projects[k]['urlTracker']:
-        fileXml.write(
-            '          <td class="cool1"><a href="{0}">True</a></td>\n'.format(projects[k]['urlTracker']))
-    else:
-        fileXml.write('          <td class="care">False</td>\n')
-    persist[k]['urlTracker'] = projects[k]['urlTracker']
-    hasUrl =, projects[k]['hasMailListDev'])
-    if hasUrl:
-        fileXml.write(
-            '          <td class="cool1"><a href="{0}">True</a></td>\n'.format(projects[k]['hasMailListDev']))
-    else:
-        fileXml.write('          <td class="care">False</td>\n')
-    persist[k]['hasMailListDev'] = projects[k]['hasMailListDev']
-    hasUrl =, projects[k]['hasMailListCommits'])
-    if hasUrl:
-        fileXml.write('          <td class="cool1"><a href="{0}">True</a></td>\n'.format(
-            projects[k]['hasMailListCommits']))
-    else:
-        fileXml.write('          <td class="care">False</td>\n')
-    persist[k]['hasMailListCommits'] = projects[k]['hasMailListCommits']
-    if projects[k]['urlWww']:
-        fileXml.write(
-            '          <td class="cool1"><a href="{0}">True</a></td>\n'.format(projects[k]['urlWww']))
-    else:
-        fileXml.write('          <td class="care">False</td>\n')
-    persist[k]['urlWww'] = projects[k]['urlWww']
-    if projects[k]['urlDist']:
-        fileXml.write(
-            '          <td class="cool1"><a href="{0}">True</a></td>\n'.format(projects[k]['urlDist']))
-    else:
-        fileXml.write('          <td class="care">False</td>\n')
-    persist[k]['urlDist'] = projects[k]['urlDist']
-    if projects[k]['urlKeys']:
-        fileXml.write(
-            '          <td class="cool1"><a href="{0}">True</a></td>\n'.format(projects[k]['urlKeys']))
-    else:
-        fileXml.write('          <td class="care">False</td>\n')
-    match =, projects[k]['urlDist'])
-    if match:
-        if in releases:
-            fileXml.write(
-                '          <td class="cool1"><a href="{0}">True</a></td>\n'.format(projects[k]['urlDist']))
-        else:
-            fileXml.write('          <td class="care">False</td>\n')
-    else:
-        fileXml.write('          <td class="care">False</td>\n')
-    fileXml.write('        </tr>\n')
-    fileList.write('{0},"{1}","{2}"\n'.format(
-        k, projects[k]['name'], projects[k]['sponsor']))
-# End of rows
-# Other issues
-fileXmlo2 = open(SITE_CONTENT_DIR + 'clutcho2.ent', encoding='utf-8', mode='w')
-fileXmlo2.write("<!-- generated by clutch; do not edit -->\n")
-if len(otherIssues):
-    otherIssues.sort()
-    for issue in otherIssues:
-        fileXmlo2.write("        <li>{0}</li>\n".format(issue))
-    fileXmlo2.write("        <li>No known issues.</li>\n")
-mentors = list(mentorsProjects.keys())
-fileXmlm = open(SITE_CONTENT_DIR + 'clutchm.ent', encoding='utf-8', mode='w')
-fileXmlm.write("<!-- generated by clutch; do not edit -->\n")
-for mentor in mentors:
-    fileXmlm.write("        <li><strong>{0}</strong>: {1}</li>\n".format(
-        mentor, ', '.join(mentorsProjects[mentor])))
-fileReport1 = open(SITE_CONTENT_DIR + 'report_due_1.txt', 'w')
-fileReport2 = open(SITE_CONTENT_DIR + 'report_due_2.txt', 'w')
-fileReport3 = open(SITE_CONTENT_DIR + 'report_due_3.txt', 'w')
-# Create the persistent data file.
-outputFile = open('clutch.pkl', 'wb')
-pickle.dump(persist, outputFile, protocol=3)
-print("Done. Generated clutch*.ent files.")
-print("Now you need to re-build the site, as usual.")
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index c89111b..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-import pickle
-import pprint
-'clutch2data' reads the pickle file which was created by 'clutch' and generates
-various output data files.
-inputFile = open('clutch.pkl', 'rb')
-projects = pickle.load(inputFile)
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7871ddd..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,279 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-if sys.version_info < (3, 2):
-    raise Exception("Python 3.2 or above is required")
-import pickle
-import pprint
-from string import Template
-import datetime
-import getpass
-import argparse
-import textwrap
-import calendar
-import xmlrpc
-import xmlrpc.client
-import json
-import os
-from report_timeline import Timeline
-'clutch2report' reads the pickle file which was created by 'clutch' and generates
-a shell for a monthly report for the incubator.
-months2groups = [ 'group-1', 'group-2', 'group-3', 
-                  'group-1', 'group-2', 'group-3',
-                  'group-1', 'group-2', 'group-3',
-                  'group-1', 'group-2', 'group-3']
-boilerplate = """
-= Incubator PMC report for {month} {year} =
-=== Timeline ===
-=== Shepherd Assignments ===
-=== Report content ===
-Incubator PMC report for {month} {year}
-The Apache Incubator is the entry path into the ASF for projects and
-codebases wishing to become part of the Foundation's efforts.
-< narrative >
-* Community
-  New IPMC members:
-  People who left the IPMC:
-* New Podlings
-* Graduations
-  The board has motions for the following:
-* Releases
-  The following releases entered distribution during the month of
-  {last_month}:
-* IP Clearance
-* Legal / Trademarks
-* Infrastructure
-* Miscellaneous
-* Credits
-  - Report Manager:
--------------------- Summary of podling reports --------------------
-* Still getting started at the Incubator
-* Not yet ready to graduate
-  No release:
-  Community growth:
-* Ready to graduate
-  The Board has motions for the following:
-* Did not report, expected next month
-                       Table of Contents
-perproject = """
-$name has been incubating since $start.
-Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:
-  1.
-  2.
-  3.
-Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
-aware of?
-How has the community developed since the last report?
-How has the project developed since the last report?
-Date of last release:
-When were the last committers or PMC members elected?
-  $mentorlist
-Shepherd/Mentor notes:
-def push(pagename, reportFile):
-    print("Publishing " + pagename)
-    name = input("Username for ")
-    password = getpass.getpass("Password for ")
-    report = open(reportFile, 'r')
-    reportcontent =
-    report.close()
-    srcwiki = xmlrpc.client.ServerProxy("")
-    token =  srcwiki.getAuthToken(name, password)
-    pushresults = srcwiki.system.multicall([{'methodName':'applyAuthToken', 'params': [token]}, 
-                                            {'methodName':'putPage', 'params': [pagename, reportcontent]}])
-    print(pushresults)
-def cliargs():
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Create (and optionally push) a template for an incubator report.')
-    parser.add_argument('--upload', action='store_true',
-                        help='whether to upload the report template.')
-    parser.add_argument('--month', type=int, help='the month to report for, defaults to current month.', default=0)
-    return parser.parse_args()  # note that this exits on errors.
-def gen_shepherd_assignments(projects, month, year):
-    # Load the shepherd assignments data for this month's report.
-    now =
-    date = "{0:04d}-{1:02d}".format(year, month)
-    assignments_path = os.path.join("content", "shepherd_assignments.json")
-    with open(assignments_path, "r") as f:
-        assignments_data = json.load(f)
-    if date not in assignments_data:
-        print("Shepherds have not yet been assigned for {}.".format(date))
-        print("Please run ` --month={}`".format(month))
-        sys.exit(1)
-    report = assignments_data[date]
-    # Load the roster of active shepherds, which we'll use to get full names.
-    shepherds_path = os.path.join("content", "shepherds.json")
-    with open(shepherds_path, "r") as f:
-        shepherds_data = json.load(f)
-    shepherds = {}
-    for shepherd in shepherds_data:
-        shepherds[shepherd['apache_id']] = shepherd
-    # Generate and return the wikified list of assignments.
-    lines = []
-    for podling_id, shepherd_id in report.items():
-        podling_name = projects[podling_id]['fullName']
-        shepherd_name = '[none]'
-        if shepherd_id in shepherds:
-            shepherd_name = shepherds[shepherd_id]['name']
-        lines.append("||{} ||{} ||".format(shepherd_name, podling_name))
-    lines.sort()
-    return "\n".join(lines)
-def main():
-    options = cliargs()
-    now =
-    if options.month == 0:
-        month = now.month + 1
-    else:
-        month = options.month
-    last_month = ((now.month + 11) % 12) + 1
-    year = now.year if month >= now.month else now.year + 1
-    curGroup = months2groups[month - 1]
-    inputFile = open('clutch.pkl', 'rb')
-    projects = pickle.load(inputFile)
-    inputFile.close()
-    timeline  = Timeline(month).to_moin()
-    shepherds = gen_shepherd_assignments(projects, month, year)
-    output = open('report.txt', 'w')
-    toc = ""
-    for project in sorted(projects.keys()):
-        pdata = projects[project]
-        if pdata['rawReportingGroup'] == curGroup or pdata['reportingMonthly']:
-            toc = toc + projects[project]['fullName'] + "\n"
-    output.write(boilerplate.format(month=calendar.month_name[month],
-                                    last_month=calendar.month_name[last_month],
-                                    year=year, toc=toc, shepherds=shepherds,
-                                    timeline=timeline))
-    ptemplate = Template(perproject)
-    for project in sorted(projects.keys()):
-        pdata = projects[project]
-        if pdata['rawReportingGroup'] == curGroup or pdata['reportingMonthly']:
-            mentor_boxes = []
-            for mentor in pdata['mentors']:
-                mentor_box = "[ ]({0}) {1}".format(project, mentor)
-                mentor_boxes.append(mentor_box)
-            mentorlist = "\n  ".join(mentor_boxes)
-            description = textwrap.fill(pdata['description'], 78)
-            pdict = { 'name': pdata['fullName'], 
-                      'description': description,
-                      'start': pdata['startDate'],
-                      'mentorlist' : mentorlist}
-            output.write(ptemplate.substitute(pdict))
-    # Close `Report Content` section.
-    output.write("\n}}}\n")
-    output.close()
-    if options.upload:
-        push("{0}{1}".format(calendar.month_name[month], year), 'report.txt')
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    main()
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f24610..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-podling = 'climatemodeldiagnosticanalyzer'
-if podling == 'climatemodeldiagnosticanalyzer':
-   podling = 'cmda'
-print podling
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1793082..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-# You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-Connect module executes command line ssh 
-to connect to apache. Once connected,
-it pipes the scanner script to python.
-This script is designed to be run within a ssh-agent session 
-with 'apache' as a local alias for
-import subprocess
-import datetime
-import diff
-def addPreamble(xml):
-    return """<?xml version='1.0'?>
- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- You may obtain a copy of the License at
- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- limitations under the License.
--->\n""" + xml
-def outputPath(subject):
-    return "audit/" + subject + '-' + datetime.datetime.utcnow().date().isoformat() + ".xml"
-def save(subject, document):
-    path = outputPath(subject)
-    f = open(path, 'w')
-    try:
-        f.write(document)
-    finally:
-        f.close()
-    return path
-print 'Apache Incubator - Distribution Scanner'
-print '---------------------------------------'
-print 'ssh-agent MUST loaded with an appropriate'
-print 'key for'
-print 'Alias host apache to'
-print 'in the ssh client configuration.'
-print ''
-print 'Reading scanning script from local disc...'
-file = open('', 'r')
-script =
-print 'Ok'
-print ''
-print 'Opening connection to'
-process = subprocess.Popen('ssh -T -t apache', shell=True, 
-                           stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
-print 'Ok'
-print ''
-print 'About to run scanning script:'
-print 'Time for tea...'
-stdout_value, stderr_value = process.communicate("python <<TillEndOfScript234875823947592345988223\n" 
-                                                 + script + "\nTillEndOfScript234875823947592345988223\n")
-if not stderr_value == '':
-    print 'ERROR: ' + stderr_value
-print 'Ok'
-xml = ''
-for document in stdout_value.split("<?xml version='1.0'?>"):
-    if document.lstrip().startswith("<documents basedir='/www/'"):
-        xml = xml + document
-    elif document.lstrip().startswith("<documents basedir='/www/'"):
-        xml = xml + document
-    else:
-        print "OUTPUT (probably nothing to worry about):"
-        print document
-if xml == "":
-    print "No results returned"
-    xml = addPreamble("<audit on='" + datetime.datetime.utcnow().date().isoformat() + "'>" + xml + "</audit>")
-    path = save('incubator', xml)
-    subprocess.Popen('gpg --armor --detach-sig ' + path, shell=True).wait()
-    auditor = diff.Auditor('audit')
-    auditor.printSignatureChecks()
-    save('changes', addPreamble(auditor.latestDiffs()))
\ No newline at end of file

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