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Posted to by on 2016/01/25 18:25:56 UTC

[21/50] [abbrv] hadoop git commit: HADOOP-12651. Replace dev-support with wrappers to Yetus (aw)
diff --git a/dev-support/ b/dev-support/
deleted file mode 100755
index 3c52912..0000000
--- a/dev-support/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2814 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-### BUILD_URL is set by Hudson if it is run by patch process
-BINDIR=$(cd -P -- "$(dirname -- "${this}")" >/dev/null && pwd -P)
-GLOBALTIMER=$(date +"%s")
-## @description  Setup the default global variables
-## @audience     public
-## @stability    stable
-## @replaceable  no
-function setup_defaults
-  if [[ -z "${MAVEN_HOME:-}" ]]; then
-    MVN=mvn
-  else
-    MVN=${MAVEN_HOME}/bin/mvn
-  fi
-  # This parameter needs to be kept as an array
-  PROJECT_NAME=hadoop
-  JENKINS=false
-  BASEDIR=$(pwd)
-  OFFLINE=false
-  REEXECED=false
-  RESETREPO=false
-  ISSUE=""
-  TIMER=$(date +"%s")
-  OSTYPE=$(uname -s)
-  # Solaris needs POSIX, not SVID
-  case ${OSTYPE} in
-    SunOS)
-      PS=${PS:-ps}
-      AWK=${AWK:-/usr/xpg4/bin/awk}
-      SED=${SED:-/usr/xpg4/bin/sed}
-      WGET=${WGET:-wget}
-      GIT=${GIT:-git}
-      EGREP=${EGREP:-/usr/xpg4/bin/egrep}
-      GREP=${GREP:-/usr/xpg4/bin/grep}
-      PATCH=${PATCH:-patch}
-      DIFF=${DIFF:-/usr/gnu/bin/diff}
-      JIRACLI=${JIRA:-jira}
-      FILE=${FILE:-file}
-    ;;
-    *)
-      PS=${PS:-ps}
-      AWK=${AWK:-awk}
-      SED=${SED:-sed}
-      WGET=${WGET:-wget}
-      GIT=${GIT:-git}
-      EGREP=${EGREP:-egrep}
-      GREP=${GREP:-grep}
-      PATCH=${PATCH:-patch}
-      DIFF=${DIFF:-diff}
-      JIRACLI=${JIRA:-jira}
-      FILE=${FILE:-file}
-    ;;
-  esac
-  declare -a JIRA_COMMENT_TABLE
-  declare -a JIRA_FOOTER_TABLE
-  declare -a JIRA_HEADER
-  declare -a JIRA_TEST_TABLE
-  JFC=0
-  JTC=0
-  JTT=0
-## @description  Print a message to stderr
-## @audience     public
-## @stability    stable
-## @replaceable  no
-## @param        string
-function hadoop_error
-  echo "$*" 1>&2
-## @description  Print a message to stderr if --debug is turned on
-## @audience     public
-## @stability    stable
-## @replaceable  no
-## @param        string
-function hadoop_debug
-  if [[ -n "${HADOOP_SHELL_SCRIPT_DEBUG}" ]]; then
-    echo "[$(date) DEBUG]: $*" 1>&2
-  fi
-## @description  Activate the local timer
-## @audience     public
-## @stability    stable
-## @replaceable  no
-function start_clock
-  hadoop_debug "Start clock"
-  TIMER=$(date +"%s")
-## @description  Print the elapsed time in seconds since the start of the local timer
-## @audience     public
-## @stability    stable
-## @replaceable  no
-function stop_clock
-  local -r stoptime=$(date +"%s")
-  local -r elapsed=$((stoptime-TIMER))
-  hadoop_debug "Stop clock"
-  echo ${elapsed}
-## @description  Print the elapsed time in seconds since the start of the global timer
-## @audience     private
-## @stability    stable
-## @replaceable  no
-function stop_global_clock
-  local -r stoptime=$(date +"%s")
-  local -r elapsed=$((stoptime-GLOBALTIMER))
-  hadoop_debug "Stop global clock"
-  echo ${elapsed}
-## @description  Add time to the local timer
-## @audience     public
-## @stability    stable
-## @replaceable  no
-## @param        seconds
-function offset_clock
-  ((TIMER=TIMER-$1))
-## @description  Add to the header of the display
-## @audience     public
-## @stability    stable
-## @replaceable  no
-## @param        string
-function add_jira_header
-  JIRA_HEADER[${JHC}]="| $* |"
-  JHC=$(( JHC+1 ))
-## @description  Add to the output table. If the first parameter is a number
-## @description  that is the vote for that column and calculates the elapsed time
-## @description  based upon the last start_clock().  If it the string null, then it is
-## @description  a special entry that signifies extra
-## @description  content for the final column.  The second parameter is the reporting
-## @description  subsystem (or test) that is providing the vote.  The second parameter
-## @description  is always required.  The third parameter is any extra verbage that goes
-## @description  with that subsystem.
-## @audience     public
-## @stability    stable
-## @replaceable  no
-## @param        +1/0/-1/null
-## @param        subsystem
-## @param        string
-## @return       Elapsed time display
-function add_jira_table
-  local value=$1
-  local subsystem=$2
-  shift 2
-  local color
-  local calctime=0
-  local -r elapsed=$(stop_clock)
-  if [[ ${elapsed} -lt 0 ]]; then
-    calctime="N/A"
-  else
-    printf -v calctime "%3sm %02ss" $((elapsed/60)) $((elapsed%60))
-  fi
-  echo ""
-  echo "Elapsed time: ${calctime}"
-  echo ""
-  case ${value} in
-    1|+1)
-      value="+1"
-      color="green"
-    ;;
-    -1)
-      color="red"
-    ;;
-    0)
-      color="blue"
-    ;;
-    null)
-    ;;
-  esac
-  if [[ -z ${color} ]]; then
-    JIRA_COMMENT_TABLE[${JTC}]="|  | ${subsystem} | | ${*:-} |"
-    JTC=$(( JTC+1 ))
-  else
-    JIRA_COMMENT_TABLE[${JTC}]="| {color:${color}}${value}{color} | ${subsystem} | ${calctime} | $* |"
-    JTC=$(( JTC+1 ))
-  fi
-## @description  Put the final environment information at the bottom
-## @description  of the footer table
-## @stability     stable
-## @audience     private
-## @replaceable  yes
-function close_jira_footer
-  # shellcheck disable=SC2016
-  local -r javaversion=$("${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java" -version 2>&1 | head -1 | ${AWK} '{print $NF}' | tr -d \")
-  local -r unamea=$(uname -a)
-  add_jira_footer "Java" "${javaversion}"
-  add_jira_footer "uname" "${unamea}"
-## @description  Put the final elapsed time at the bottom of the table.
-## @audience     private
-## @stability    stable
-## @replaceable  no
-function close_jira_table
-  local -r elapsed=$(stop_global_clock)
-  if [[ ${elapsed} -lt 0 ]]; then
-    calctime="N/A"
-  else
-    printf -v calctime "%3sm %02ss" $((elapsed/60)) $((elapsed%60))
-  fi
-  echo ""
-  echo "Total Elapsed time: ${calctime}"
-  echo ""
-  JIRA_COMMENT_TABLE[${JTC}]="| | | ${calctime} | |"
-  JTC=$(( JTC+1 ))
-## @description  Add to the footer of the display. @@BASE@@ will get replaced with the
-## @description  correct location for the local filesystem in dev mode or the URL for
-## @description  Jenkins mode.
-## @audience     public
-## @stability    stable
-## @replaceable  no
-## @param        subsystem
-## @param        string
-function add_jira_footer
-  local subsystem=$1
-  shift 1
-  JIRA_FOOTER_TABLE[${JFC}]="| ${subsystem} | $* |"
-  JFC=$(( JFC+1 ))
-## @description  Special table just for unit test failures
-## @audience     public
-## @stability    stable
-## @replaceable  no
-## @param        failurereason
-## @param        testlist
-function add_jira_test_table
-  local failure=$1
-  shift 1
-  JIRA_TEST_TABLE[${JTT}]="| ${failure} | $* |"
-  JTT=$(( JTT+1 ))
-## @description  Large display for the user console
-## @audience     public
-## @stability    stable
-## @replaceable  no
-## @param        string
-## @return       large chunk of text
-function big_console_header
-  local text="$*"
-  local spacing=$(( (75+${#text}) /2 ))
-  printf "\n\n"
-  echo "============================================================================"
-  echo "============================================================================"
-  printf "%*s\n"  ${spacing} "${text}"
-  echo "============================================================================"
-  echo "============================================================================"
-  printf "\n\n"
-## @description  Remove {color} tags from a string
-## @audience     public
-## @stability    stable
-## @replaceable  no
-## @param        string
-## @return       string
-function colorstripper
-  local string=$1
-  shift 1
-  local green=""
-  local white=""
-  local red=""
-  local blue=""
-  echo "${string}" | \
-  ${SED} -e "s,{color:red},${red},g" \
-         -e "s,{color:green},${green},g" \
-         -e "s,{color:blue},${blue},g" \
-         -e "s,{color},${white},g"
-## @description  Find the largest size of a column of an array
-## @audience     private
-## @stability    evolving
-## @replaceable  no
-## @return       size
-function findlargest
-  local column=$1
-  shift
-  local a=("$@")
-  local sizeofa=${#a[@]}
-  local i=0
-  until [[ ${i} -gt ${sizeofa} ]]; do
-    # shellcheck disable=SC2086
-    string=$( echo ${a[$i]} | cut -f$((column + 1)) -d\| )
-    if [[ ${#string} -gt $maxlen ]]; then
-      maxlen=${#string}
-    fi
-    i=$((i+1))
-  done
-  echo "${maxlen}"
-## @description  Verify that ${JAVA_HOME} is defined
-## @audience     public
-## @stability    stable
-## @replaceable  no
-## @return       1 - no JAVA_HOME
-## @return       0 - JAVA_HOME defined
-function find_java_home
-  start_clock
-  if [[ -z ${JAVA_HOME:-} ]]; then
-    case $(uname -s) in
-      Darwin)
-        if [[ -z "${JAVA_HOME}" ]]; then
-          if [[ -x /usr/libexec/java_home ]]; then
-            JAVA_HOME="$(/usr/libexec/java_home)"
-            export JAVA_HOME
-          else
-            export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/Home
-          fi
-        fi
-      ;;
-      *)
-      ;;
-    esac
-  fi
-  if [[ -z ${JAVA_HOME:-} ]]; then
-    echo "JAVA_HOME is not defined."
-    add_jira_table -1 pre-patch "JAVA_HOME is not defined."
-    return 1
-  fi
-  return 0
-## @description Write the contents of a file to jenkins
-## @params filename
-## @stability stable
-## @audience public
-## @returns ${JIRACLI} exit code
-function write_to_jira
-  local -r commentfile=${1}
-  shift
-  local retval
-  if [[ ${OFFLINE} == false
-     && ${JENKINS} == true ]]; then
-    export USER=hudson
-    # shellcheck disable=SC2086
-    ${JIRACLI} --comment "$(cat ${commentfile})" \
-               -s \
-               -a addcomment -u hadoopqa \
-               -p "${JIRA_PASSWD}" \
-               --issue "${ISSUE}"
-    retval=$?
-    ${JIRACLI} -s \
-               -a logout -u hadoopqa \
-               -p "${JIRA_PASSWD}"
-  fi
-  return ${retval}
-## @description Verify that the patch directory is still in working order
-## @description since bad actors on some systems wipe it out. If not,
-## @description recreate it and then exit
-## @audience    private
-## @stability   evolving
-## @replaceable yes
-## @returns     may exit on failure
-function verify_patchdir_still_exists
-  local -r commentfile=/tmp/testpatch.$$.${RANDOM}
-  local extra=""
-  if [[ ! -d ${PATCH_DIR} ]]; then
-      rm "${commentfile}" 2>/dev/null
-      echo "(!) The patch artifact directory has been removed! " > "${commentfile}"
-      echo "This is a fatal error for  Aborting. " >> "${commentfile}"
-      echo
-      cat ${commentfile}
-      echo
-      if [[ ${JENKINS} == true ]]; then
-        if [[ -n ${NODE_NAME} ]]; then
-          extra=" (node ${NODE_NAME})"
-        fi
-        echo "Jenkins${extra} information at ${BUILD_URL} may provide some hints. " >> "${commentfile}"
-        write_to_jira ${commentfile}
-      fi
-      rm "${commentfile}"
-      cleanup_and_exit ${RESULT}
-    fi
-## @description generate a list of all files and line numbers that
-## @description that were added/changed in the source repo
-## @audience    private
-## @stability   stable
-## @params      filename
-## @replaceable no
-function compute_gitdiff
-  local outfile=$1
-  local file
-  local line
-  local startline
-  local counter
-  local numlines
-  local actual
-  pushd "${BASEDIR}" >/dev/null
-  while read line; do
-    if [[ ${line} =~ ^\+\+\+ ]]; then
-      file="./"$(echo "${line}" | cut -f2- -d/)
-      continue
-    elif [[ ${line} =~ ^@@ ]]; then
-      startline=$(echo "${line}" | cut -f3 -d' ' | cut -f1 -d, | tr -d + )
-      numlines=$(echo "${line}" | cut -f3 -d' ' | cut -s -f2 -d, )
-      # if this is empty, then just this line
-      # if it is 0, then no lines were added and this part of the patch
-      # is strictly a delete
-      if [[ ${numlines} == 0 ]]; then
-        continue
-      elif [[ -z ${numlines} ]]; then
-        numlines=1
-      fi
-      counter=0
-      until [[ ${counter} -gt ${numlines} ]]; do
-          ((actual=counter+startline))
-          echo "${file}:${actual}:" >> "${outfile}"
-          ((counter=counter+1))
-      done
-    fi
-  done < <("${GIT}" diff --unified=0 --no-color)
-  popd >/dev/null
-## @description  Print the command to be executing to the screen. Then
-## @description  run the command, sending stdout and stderr to the given filename
-## @description  This will also ensure that any directories in ${BASEDIR} have
-## @description  the exec bit set as a pre-exec step.
-## @audience     public
-## @stability    stable
-## @param        filename
-## @param        command
-## @param        [..]
-## @replaceable  no
-## @returns      $?
-function echo_and_redirect
-  local logfile=$1
-  shift
-  verify_patchdir_still_exists
-  find "${BASEDIR}" -type d -exec chmod +x {} \;
-  echo "${*} > ${logfile} 2>&1"
-  "${@}" > "${logfile}" 2>&1
-## @description is PATCH_DIR relative to BASEDIR?
-## @audience    public
-## @stability   stable
-## @replaceable yes
-## @returns     1 - no, PATCH_DIR
-## @returns     0 - yes, PATCH_DIR - BASEDIR
-function relative_patchdir
-  local p=${PATCH_DIR#${BASEDIR}}
-  if [[ ${#p} -eq ${#PATCH_DIR} ]]; then
-    echo ${p}
-    return 1
-  fi
-  p=${p#/}
-  echo ${p}
-  return 0
-## @description  Print the usage information
-## @audience     public
-## @stability    stable
-## @replaceable  no
-function hadoop_usage
-  local -r up=$(echo ${PROJECT_NAME} | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')
-  echo "Usage: [options] patch-file | issue-number | http"
-  echo
-  echo "Where:"
-  echo "  patch-file is a local patch file containing the changes to test"
-  echo "  issue-number is a 'Patch Available' JIRA defect number (e.g. '${up}-9902') to test"
-  echo "  http is an HTTP address to download the patch file"
-  echo
-  echo "Options:"
-  echo "--basedir=<dir>        The directory to apply the patch to (default current directory)"
-  echo "--branch=<ref>         Forcibly set the branch"
-  echo "--branch-default=<ref> If the branch isn't forced and we don't detect one in the patch name, use this branch (default 'trunk')"
-  echo "--build-native=<bool>  If true, then build native components (default 'true')"
-  echo "--contrib-guide=<url>  URL to point new users towards project conventions. (default Hadoop's wiki)"
-  echo "--debug                If set, then output some extra stuff to stderr"
-  echo "--dirty-workspace      Allow the local git workspace to have uncommitted changes"
-  echo "--findbugs-home=<path> Findbugs home directory (default FINDBUGS_HOME environment variable)"
-  echo "--findbugs-strict-precheck If there are Findbugs warnings during precheck, fail"
-  echo "--issue-re=<expr>      Bash regular expression to use when trying to find a jira ref in the patch name (default '^(HADOOP|YARN|MAPREDUCE|HDFS)-[0-9]+$')"
-  echo "--modulelist=<list>    Specify additional modules to test (comma delimited)"
-  echo "--offline              Avoid connecting to the Internet"
-  echo "--patch-dir=<dir>      The directory for working and output files (default '/tmp/${PROJECT_NAME}-test-patch/pid')"
-  echo "--plugins=<dir>        A directory of user provided plugins. see test-patch.d for examples (default empty)"
-  echo "--project=<name>       The short name for project currently using test-patch (default 'hadoop')"
-  echo "--resetrepo            Forcibly clean the repo"
-  echo "--run-tests            Run all relevant tests below the base directory"
-  echo "--skip-system-plugins  Do not load plugins from ${BINDIR}/test-patch.d"
-  echo "--testlist=<list>      Specify which subsystem tests to use (comma delimited)"
-  echo "--test-parallel=<bool> Run multiple tests in parallel (default false in developer mode, true in Jenkins mode)"
-  echo "--test-threads=<int>   Number of tests to run in parallel (default defined in ${PROJECT_NAME} build)"
-  echo "Shell binary overrides:"
-  echo "--awk-cmd=<cmd>        The 'awk' command to use (default 'awk')"
-  echo "--diff-cmd=<cmd>       The GNU-compatible 'diff' command to use (default 'diff')"
-  echo "--file-cmd=<cmd>       The 'file' command to use (default 'file')"
-  echo "--git-cmd=<cmd>        The 'git' command to use (default 'git')"
-  echo "--grep-cmd=<cmd>       The 'grep' command to use (default 'grep')"
-  echo "--mvn-cmd=<cmd>        The 'mvn' command to use (default \${MAVEN_HOME}/bin/mvn, or 'mvn')"
-  echo "--patch-cmd=<cmd>      The 'patch' command to use (default 'patch')"
-  echo "--ps-cmd=<cmd>         The 'ps' command to use (default 'ps')"
-  echo "--sed-cmd=<cmd>        The 'sed' command to use (default 'sed')"
-  echo
-  echo "Jenkins-only options:"
-  echo "--jenkins              Run by Jenkins (runs tests and posts results to JIRA)"
-  echo "--eclipse-home=<path>  Eclipse home directory (default ECLIPSE_HOME environment variable)"
-  echo "--jira-cmd=<cmd>       The 'jira' command to use (default 'jira')"
-  echo "--jira-password=<pw>   The password for the 'jira' command"
-  echo "--mv-patch-dir         Move the patch-dir into the basedir during cleanup."
-  echo "--wget-cmd=<cmd>       The 'wget' command to use (default 'wget')"
-## @description  Interpret the command line parameters
-## @audience     private
-## @stability    stable
-## @replaceable  no
-## @params       $@
-## @return       May exit on failure
-function parse_args
-  local i
-  local j
-  for i in "$@"; do
-    case ${i} in
-      --awk-cmd=*)
-        AWK=${i#*=}
-      ;;
-      --basedir=*)
-        BASEDIR=${i#*=}
-      ;;
-      --branch=*)
-        PATCH_BRANCH=${i#*=}
-      ;;
-      --branch-default=*)
-        PATCH_BRANCH_DEFAULT=${i#*=}
-      ;;
-      --build-native=*)
-        BUILD_NATIVE=${i#*=}
-      ;;
-      --contrib-guide=*)
-        HOW_TO_CONTRIBUTE=${i#*=}
-      ;;
-      --debug)
-      ;;
-      --diff-cmd=*)
-        DIFF=${i#*=}
-      ;;
-      --dirty-workspace)
-        DIRTY_WORKSPACE=true
-      ;;
-      --eclipse-home=*)
-        ECLIPSE_HOME=${i#*=}
-      ;;
-      --file-cmd=*)
-        FILE=${i#*=}
-      ;;
-      --findbugs-home=*)
-        FINDBUGS_HOME=${i#*=}
-      ;;
-      --findbugs-strict-precheck)
-      ;;
-      --git-cmd=*)
-        GIT=${i#*=}
-      ;;
-      --grep-cmd=*)
-        GREP=${i#*=}
-      ;;
-      --help|-help|-h|help|--h|--\?|-\?|\?)
-        hadoop_usage
-        exit 0
-      ;;
-      --issue-re=*)
-        ISSUE_RE=${i#*=}
-      ;;
-      --java-home=*)
-        JAVA_HOME=${i#*=}
-      ;;
-      --jenkins)
-        JENKINS=true
-      ;;
-      --jira-cmd=*)
-        JIRACLI=${i#*=}
-      ;;
-      --jira-password=*)
-        JIRA_PASSWD=${i#*=}
-      ;;
-      --modulelist=*)
-        USER_MODULE_LIST=${i#*=}
-        hadoop_debug "Manually forcing modules ${USER_MODULE_LIST}"
-      ;;
-      --mvn-cmd=*)
-        MVN=${i#*=}
-      ;;
-      --mv-patch-dir)
-        RELOCATE_PATCH_DIR=true;
-      ;;
-      --offline)
-        OFFLINE=true
-      ;;
-      --patch-cmd=*)
-        PATCH=${i#*=}
-      ;;
-      --patch-dir=*)
-        USER_PATCH_DIR=${i#*=}
-      ;;
-      --plugins=*)
-        USER_PLUGIN_DIR=${i#*=}
-      ;;
-      --project=*)
-        PROJECT_NAME=${i#*=}
-      ;;
-      --ps-cmd=*)
-        PS=${i#*=}
-      ;;
-      --reexec)
-        REEXECED=true
-        start_clock
-        add_jira_table 0 reexec "dev-support patch detected."
-      ;;
-      --resetrepo)
-        RESETREPO=true
-      ;;
-      --run-tests)
-        RUN_TESTS=true
-      ;;
-      --skip-system-plugins)
-        LOAD_SYSTEM_PLUGINS=false
-      ;;
-      --testlist=*)
-        testlist=${i#*=}
-        testlist=${testlist//,/ }
-        for j in ${testlist}; do
-          hadoop_debug "Manually adding patch test subsystem ${j}"
-          add_test "${j}"
-        done
-      ;;
-      --test-parallel=*)
-        TEST_PARALLEL=${i#*=}
-      ;;
-      --test-threads=*)
-        TEST_THREADS=${i#*=}
-      ;;
-      --wget-cmd=*)
-        WGET=${i#*=}
-      ;;
-      *)
-        PATCH_OR_ISSUE=${i}
-      ;;
-    esac
-  done
-  # if we requested offline, pass that to mvn
-  if [[ ${OFFLINE} == "true" ]] ; then
-    MAVEN_ARGS=(${MAVEN_ARGS[@]} --offline)
-  fi
-  # we need absolute dir for ${BASEDIR}
-  cd "${CWD}"
-  BASEDIR=$(cd -P -- "${BASEDIR}" >/dev/null && pwd -P)
-  if [[ ${BUILD_NATIVE} == "true" ]] ; then
-    NATIVE_PROFILE=-Pnative
-    REQUIRE_TEST_LIB_HADOOP=-Drequire.test.libhadoop
-  fi
-  if [[ -z "${PATCH_OR_ISSUE}" ]]; then
-    hadoop_usage
-    exit 1
-  fi
-  if [[ ${JENKINS} == "true" ]] ; then
-    echo "Running in Jenkins mode"
-    RESETREPO=true
-    # shellcheck disable=SC2034
-    ECLIPSE_PROPERTY="-Declipse.home=${ECLIPSE_HOME}"
-  else
-    if [[ ${RESETREPO} == "true" ]] ; then
-      echo "Running in destructive (--resetrepo) developer mode"
-    else
-      echo "Running in developer mode"
-    fi
-    JENKINS=false
-  fi
-  if [[ -n ${USER_PATCH_DIR} ]]; then
-  else
-    PATCH_DIR=/tmp/${PROJECT_NAME}-test-patch/$$
-  fi
-  cd "${CWD}"
-  if [[ ! -d ${PATCH_DIR} ]]; then
-    mkdir -p "${PATCH_DIR}"
-    if [[ $? == 0 ]] ; then
-      echo "${PATCH_DIR} has been created"
-    else
-      echo "Unable to create ${PATCH_DIR}"
-      cleanup_and_exit 1
-    fi
-  fi
-  # we need absolute dir for PATCH_DIR
-  PATCH_DIR=$(cd -P -- "${PATCH_DIR}" >/dev/null && pwd -P)
-  GITDIFFLINES=${PATCH_DIR}/gitdifflines.txt
-  if [[ ${TEST_PARALLEL} == "true" ]] ; then
-    PARALLEL_TESTS_PROFILE=-Pparallel-tests
-    if [[ -n ${TEST_THREADS:-} ]]; then
-      TESTS_THREAD_COUNT="-DtestsThreadCount=$TEST_THREADS"
-    fi
-  fi
-## @description  Locate the pom.xml file for a given directory
-## @audience     private
-## @stability    stable
-## @replaceable  no
-## @return       directory containing the pom.xml
-function find_pom_dir
-  local dir
-  dir=$(dirname "$1")
-  hadoop_debug "Find pom dir for: ${dir}"
-  while builtin true; do
-    if [[ -f "${dir}/pom.xml" ]];then
-      echo "${dir}"
-      hadoop_debug "Found: ${dir}"
-      return
-    else
-      dir=$(dirname "${dir}")
-    fi
-  done
-## @description  List of files that ${PATCH_DIR}/patch modifies
-## @audience     private
-## @stability    stable
-## @replaceable  no
-## @return       None; sets ${CHANGED_FILES}
-function find_changed_files
-  # get a list of all of the files that have been changed,
-  # except for /dev/null (which would be present for new files).
-  # Additionally, remove any a/ b/ patterns at the front
-  # of the patch filenames and any revision info at the end
-  # shellcheck disable=SC2016
-  CHANGED_FILES=$(${GREP} -E '^(\+\+\+|---) ' "${PATCH_DIR}/patch" \
-    | ${SED} \
-      -e 's,^....,,' \
-      -e 's,^[ab]/,,' \
-    | ${GREP} -v /dev/null \
-    | ${AWK} '{print $1}' \
-    | sort -u)
-## @description  Find the modules of the maven build that ${PATCH_DIR}/patch modifies
-## @audience     private
-## @stability    stable
-## @replaceable  no
-## @return       None; sets ${CHANGED_MODULES}
-function find_changed_modules
-  # Come up with a list of changed files into ${TMP}
-  local pomdirs
-  local module
-  local pommods
-  # Now find all the modules that were changed
-  for file in ${CHANGED_FILES}; do
-    #shellcheck disable=SC2086
-    pomdirs="${pomdirs} $(find_pom_dir ${file})"
-  done
-  # Filter out modules without code
-  for module in ${pomdirs}; do
-    ${GREP} "<packaging>pom</packaging>" "${module}/pom.xml" > /dev/null
-    if [[ "$?" != 0 ]]; then
-      pommods="${pommods} ${module}"
-    fi
-  done
-  #shellcheck disable=SC2086
-  CHANGED_MODULES=$(echo ${pommods} ${USER_MODULE_LIST} | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -u)
-## @description  git checkout the appropriate branch to test.  Additionally, this calls
-## @description  'determine_issue' and 'determine_branch' based upon the context provided
-## @description  in ${PATCH_DIR} and in git after checkout.
-## @audience     private
-## @stability    stable
-## @replaceable  no
-## @return       0 on success.  May exit on failure.
-function git_checkout
-  local currentbranch
-  local exemptdir
-  big_console_header "Confirming git environment"
-  cd "${BASEDIR}"
-  if [[ ! -d .git ]]; then
-    hadoop_error "ERROR: ${BASEDIR} is not a git repo."
-    cleanup_and_exit 1
-  fi
-  if [[ ${RESETREPO} == "true" ]] ; then
-    ${GIT} reset --hard
-    if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
-      hadoop_error "ERROR: git reset is failing"
-      cleanup_and_exit 1
-    fi
-    # if PATCH_DIR is in BASEDIR, then we don't want
-    # git wiping it out.
-    exemptdir=$(relative_patchdir)
-    if [[ $? == 1 ]]; then
-      ${GIT} clean -xdf
-    else
-      # we do, however, want it emptied of all _files_.
-      # we need to leave _directories_ in case we are in
-      # re-exec mode (which places a directory full of stuff in it)
-      hadoop_debug "Exempting ${exemptdir} from clean"
-      rm "${PATCH_DIR}/*" 2>/dev/null
-      ${GIT} clean -xdf -e "${exemptdir}"
-    fi
-    if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
-      hadoop_error "ERROR: git clean is failing"
-      cleanup_and_exit 1
-    fi
-    ${GIT} checkout --force "${PATCH_BRANCH_DEFAULT}"
-    if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
-      hadoop_error "ERROR: git checkout --force ${PATCH_BRANCH_DEFAULT} is failing"
-      cleanup_and_exit 1
-    fi
-    determine_branch
-    if [[ ${PATCH_BRANCH} =~ ^git ]]; then
-      PATCH_BRANCH=$(echo "${PATCH_BRANCH}" | cut -dt -f2)
-    fi
-    # we need to explicitly fetch in case the
-    # git ref hasn't been brought in tree yet
-    if [[ ${OFFLINE} == false ]]; then
-      if [[ -f .git/rebase-apply ]]; then
-        hadoop_error "ERROR: previous rebase failed. Aborting it."
-        ${GIT} rebase --abort
-      fi
-      ${GIT} pull --rebase
-      if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
-        hadoop_error "ERROR: git pull is failing"
-        cleanup_and_exit 1
-      fi
-    fi
-    # forcibly checkout this branch or git ref
-    ${GIT} checkout --force "${PATCH_BRANCH}"
-    if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
-      hadoop_error "ERROR: git checkout ${PATCH_BRANCH} is failing"
-      cleanup_and_exit 1
-    fi
-    # if we've selected a feature branch that has new changes
-    # since our last build, we'll need to rebase to see those changes.
-    if [[ ${OFFLINE} == false ]]; then
-      ${GIT} pull --rebase
-      if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
-        hadoop_error "ERROR: git pull is failing"
-        cleanup_and_exit 1
-      fi
-    fi
-  else
-    status=$(${GIT} status --porcelain)
-    if [[ "${status}" != "" && -z ${DIRTY_WORKSPACE} ]] ; then
-      hadoop_error "ERROR: --dirty-workspace option not provided."
-      hadoop_error "ERROR: can't run in a workspace that contains the following modifications"
-      hadoop_error "${status}"
-      cleanup_and_exit 1
-    fi
-    determine_branch
-    if [[ ${PATCH_BRANCH} =~ ^git ]]; then
-      PATCH_BRANCH=$(echo "${PATCH_BRANCH}" | cut -dt -f2)
-    fi
-    currentbranch=$(${GIT} rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
-    if [[ "${currentbranch}" != "${PATCH_BRANCH}" ]];then
-      echo "WARNING: Current git branch is ${currentbranch} but patch is built for ${PATCH_BRANCH}."
-      echo "WARNING: Continuing anyway..."
-      PATCH_BRANCH=${currentbranch}
-    fi
-  fi
-  determine_issue
-  GIT_REVISION=$(${GIT} rev-parse --verify --short HEAD)
-  # shellcheck disable=SC2034
-  if [[ "${ISSUE}" == 'Unknown' ]]; then
-    echo "Testing patch on ${PATCH_BRANCH}."
-  else
-    echo "Testing ${ISSUE} patch on ${PATCH_BRANCH}."
-  fi
-  add_jira_footer "git revision" "${PATCH_BRANCH} / ${GIT_REVISION}"
-  if [[ ! -f ${BASEDIR}/pom.xml ]]; then
-    hadoop_error "ERROR: This verison of only supports Maven-based builds. Aborting."
-    add_jira_table -1 pre-patch "Unsupported build system."
-    output_to_jira 1
-    cleanup_and_exit 1
-  fi
-  return 0
-## @description  Confirm the source environment is compilable
-## @audience     private
-## @stability    stable
-## @replaceable  no
-## @return       0 on success
-## @return       1 on failure
-function precheck_without_patch
-  local -r mypwd=$(pwd)
-  big_console_header "Pre-patch ${PATCH_BRANCH} Java verification"
-  start_clock
-  verify_needed_test javac
-  if [[ $? == 1 ]]; then
-    echo "Compiling ${mypwd}"
-    echo_and_redirect "${PATCH_DIR}/${PATCH_BRANCH}JavacWarnings.txt" "${MVN}" "${MAVEN_ARGS[@]}" clean test -DskipTests -D${PROJECT_NAME}PatchProcess -Ptest-patch
-    if [[ $? != 0 ]] ; then
-      echo "${PATCH_BRANCH} compilation is broken?"
-      add_jira_table -1 pre-patch "${PATCH_BRANCH} compilation may be broken."
-      return 1
-    fi
-  else
-    echo "Patch does not appear to need javac tests."
-  fi
-  verify_needed_test javadoc
-  if [[ $? == 1 ]]; then
-    echo "Javadoc'ing ${mypwd}"
-    echo_and_redirect "${PATCH_DIR}/${PATCH_BRANCH}JavadocWarnings.txt" "${MVN}" "${MAVEN_ARGS[@]}" clean test javadoc:javadoc -DskipTests -Pdocs -D${PROJECT_NAME}PatchProcess
-    if [[ $? != 0 ]] ; then
-      echo "Pre-patch ${PATCH_BRANCH} javadoc compilation is broken?"
-      add_jira_table -1 pre-patch "Pre-patch ${PATCH_BRANCH} JavaDoc compilation may be broken."
-      return 1
-    fi
-  else
-    echo "Patch does not appear to need javadoc tests."
-  fi
-  verify_needed_test site
-  if [[ $? == 1 ]]; then
-    echo "site creation for ${mypwd}"
-    echo_and_redirect "${PATCH_DIR}/${PATCH_BRANCH}SiteWarnings.txt" "${MVN}" "${MAVEN_ARGS[@]}" clean site site:stage -DskipTests -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true -D${PROJECT_NAME}PatchProcess
-    if [[ $? != 0 ]] ; then
-      echo "Pre-patch ${PATCH_BRANCH} site compilation is broken?"
-      add_jira_table -1 pre-patch "Pre-patch ${PATCH_BRANCH} site compilation may be broken."
-      return 1
-    fi
-  else
-    echo "Patch does not appear to need site tests."
-  fi
-  precheck_findbugs
-  if [[ $? != 0 ]] ; then
-    return 1
-  fi
-  add_jira_table 0 pre-patch "Pre-patch ${PATCH_BRANCH} compilation is healthy."
-  return 0
-## @description  Confirm the given branch is a member of the list of space
-## @description  delimited branches or a git ref
-## @audience     private
-## @stability    evolving
-## @replaceable  no
-## @param        branch
-## @param        branchlist
-## @return       0 on success
-## @return       1 on failure
-function verify_valid_branch
-  local branches=$1
-  local check=$2
-  local i
-  # shortcut some common
-  # non-resolvable names
-  if [[ -z ${check} ]]; then
-    return 1
-  fi
-  if [[ ${check} == patch ]]; then
-    return 1
-  fi
-  if [[ ${check} =~ ^git ]]; then
-    ref=$(echo "${check}" | cut -f2 -dt)
-    count=$(echo "${ref}" | wc -c | tr -d ' ')
-    if [[ ${count} == 8 || ${count} == 41 ]]; then
-      return 0
-    fi
-    return 1
-  fi
-  for i in ${branches}; do
-    if [[ "${i}" == "${check}" ]]; then
-      return 0
-    fi
-  done
-  return 1
-## @description  Try to guess the branch being tested using a variety of heuristics
-## @audience     private
-## @stability    evolving
-## @replaceable  no
-## @return       0 on success, with PATCH_BRANCH updated appropriately
-## @return       1 on failure, with PATCH_BRANCH updated to PATCH_BRANCH_DEFAULT
-function determine_branch
-  local allbranches
-  local patchnamechunk
-  hadoop_debug "Determine branch"
-  # something has already set this, so move on
-  if [[ -n ${PATCH_BRANCH} ]]; then
-    return
-  fi
-  pushd "${BASEDIR}" > /dev/null
-  # developer mode, existing checkout, whatever
-  if [[ "${DIRTY_WORKSPACE}" == true ]];then
-    PATCH_BRANCH=$(${GIT} rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
-    echo "dirty workspace mode; applying against existing branch"
-    return
-  fi
-  allbranches=$(${GIT} branch -r | tr -d ' ' | ${SED} -e s,origin/,,g)
-  for j in "${PATCHURL}" "${PATCH_OR_ISSUE}"; do
-    hadoop_debug "Determine branch: starting with ${j}"
-    # shellcheck disable=SC2016
-    patchnamechunk=$(echo "${j}" | ${AWK} -F/ '{print $NF}')
-    # ISSUE.branch.##.patch
-    hadoop_debug "Determine branch: ISSUE.branch.##.patch"
-    PATCH_BRANCH=$(echo "${patchnamechunk}" | cut -f2 -d. )
-    verify_valid_branch "${allbranches}" "${PATCH_BRANCH}"
-    if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then
-      return
-    fi
-    # ISSUE-branch-##.patch
-    hadoop_debug "Determine branch: ISSUE-branch-##.patch"
-    PATCH_BRANCH=$(echo "${patchnamechunk}" | cut -f3- -d- | cut -f1,2 -d-)
-    verify_valid_branch "${allbranches}" "${PATCH_BRANCH}"
-    if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then
-      return
-    fi
-    # ISSUE-##.patch.branch
-    hadoop_debug "Determine branch: ISSUE-##.patch.branch"
-    # shellcheck disable=SC2016
-    PATCH_BRANCH=$(echo "${patchnamechunk}" | ${AWK} -F. '{print $NF}')
-    verify_valid_branch "${allbranches}" "${PATCH_BRANCH}"
-    if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then
-      return
-    fi
-    # ISSUE-branch.##.patch
-    hadoop_debug "Determine branch: ISSUE-branch.##.patch"
-    # shellcheck disable=SC2016
-    PATCH_BRANCH=$(echo "${patchnamechunk}" | cut -f3- -d- | ${AWK} -F. '{print $(NF-2)}' 2>/dev/null)
-    verify_valid_branch "${allbranches}" "${PATCH_BRANCH}"
-    if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then
-      return
-    fi
-  done
-  popd >/dev/null
-## @description  Try to guess the issue being tested using a variety of heuristics
-## @audience     private
-## @stability    evolving
-## @replaceable  no
-## @return       0 on success, with ISSUE updated appropriately
-## @return       1 on failure, with ISSUE updated to "Unknown"
-function determine_issue
-  local patchnamechunk
-  local maybeissue
-  hadoop_debug "Determine issue"
-  # we can shortcut jenkins
-  if [[ ${JENKINS} == true ]]; then
-    return 0
-  fi
-  # shellcheck disable=SC2016
-  patchnamechunk=$(echo "${PATCH_OR_ISSUE}" | ${AWK} -F/ '{print $NF}')
-  maybeissue=$(echo "${patchnamechunk}" | cut -f1,2 -d-)
-  if [[ ${maybeissue} =~ ${ISSUE_RE} ]]; then
-    ISSUE=${maybeissue}
-    return 0
-  fi
-  ISSUE="Unknown"
-  return 1
-## @description  Add the given test type
-## @audience     public
-## @stability    stable
-## @replaceable  yes
-## @param        test
-function add_test
-  local testname=$1
-  hadoop_debug "Testing against ${testname}"
-  if [[ -z ${NEEDED_TESTS} ]]; then
-    hadoop_debug "Setting tests to ${testname}"
-    NEEDED_TESTS=${testname}
-  elif [[ ! ${NEEDED_TESTS} =~ ${testname} ]] ; then
-    hadoop_debug "Adding ${testname}"
-    NEEDED_TESTS="${NEEDED_TESTS} ${testname}"
-  fi
-## @description  Verify if a given test was requested
-## @audience     public
-## @stability    stable
-## @replaceable  yes
-## @param        test
-## @return       1 = yes
-## @return       0 = no
-function verify_needed_test
-  local i=$1
-  if [[ ${NEEDED_TESTS} =~ $i ]]; then
-    return 1
-  fi
-  return 0
-## @description  Use some heuristics to determine which long running
-## @description  tests to run
-## @audience     private
-## @stability    stable
-## @replaceable  no
-function determine_needed_tests
-  local i
-  for i in ${CHANGED_FILES}; do
-    if [[ ${i} =~ src/main/webapp ]]; then
-      hadoop_debug "tests/webapp: ${i}"
-    elif [[ ${i} =~ \.sh
-         || ${i} =~ \.cmd
-         ]]; then
-      hadoop_debug "tests/shell: ${i}"
-    elif [[ ${i} =~ \.md$
-         || ${i} =~ \.md\.vm$
-         || ${i} =~ src/site
-         || ${i} =~ src/main/docs
-         ]]; then
-      hadoop_debug "tests/site: ${i}"
-      add_test site
-    elif [[ ${i} =~ \.c$
-         || ${i} =~ \.cc$
-         || ${i} =~ \.h$
-         || ${i} =~ \.hh$
-         || ${i} =~ \.proto$
-         || ${i} =~ src/test
-         || ${i} =~ \.cmake$
-         || ${i} =~ CMakeLists.txt
-         ]]; then
-      hadoop_debug "tests/units: ${i}"
-      add_test javac
-      add_test unit
-    elif [[ ${i} =~ pom.xml$
-         || ${i} =~ \.java$
-         || ${i} =~ src/main
-         ]]; then
-      hadoop_debug "tests/javadoc+units: ${i}"
-      add_test javadoc
-      add_test javac
-      add_test unit
-    fi
-    if [[ ${i} =~ \.java$ ]]; then
-      add_test findbugs
-    fi
-    for plugin in ${PLUGINS}; do
-      if declare -f ${plugin}_filefilter >/dev/null 2>&1; then
-        "${plugin}_filefilter" "${i}"
-      fi
-    done
-  done
-  add_jira_footer "Optional Tests" "${NEEDED_TESTS}"
-## @description  Given ${PATCH_ISSUE}, determine what type of patch file is in use, and do the
-## @description  necessary work to place it into ${PATCH_DIR}/patch.
-## @audience     private
-## @stability    evolving
-## @replaceable  no
-## @return       0 on success
-## @return       1 on failure, may exit
-function locate_patch
-  local notSureIfPatch=false
-  hadoop_debug "locate patch"
-  if [[ -f ${PATCH_OR_ISSUE} ]]; then
-  else
-    if [[ ${PATCH_OR_ISSUE} =~ ^http ]]; then
-      echo "Patch is being downloaded at $(date) from"
-    else
-      ${WGET} -q -O "${PATCH_DIR}/jira" "${PATCH_OR_ISSUE}"
-      if [[ $? != 0 ]];then
-        hadoop_error "ERROR: Unable to determine what ${PATCH_OR_ISSUE} may reference."
-        cleanup_and_exit 1
-      fi
-      if [[ $(${GREP} -c 'Patch Available' "${PATCH_DIR}/jira") == 0 ]] ; then
-        if [[ ${JENKINS} == true ]]; then
-          hadoop_error "ERROR: ${PATCH_OR_ISSUE} is not \"Patch Available\"."
-          cleanup_and_exit 1
-        else
-          hadoop_error "WARNING: ${PATCH_OR_ISSUE} is not \"Patch Available\"."
-        fi
-      fi
-      relativePatchURL=$(${GREP} -o '"/jira/secure/attachment/[0-9]*/[^"]*' "${PATCH_DIR}/jira" | ${GREP} -v -e 'htm[l]*$' | sort | tail -1 | ${GREP} -o '/jira/secure/attachment/[0-9]*/[^"]*')
-      PATCHURL="${relativePatchURL}"
-      if [[ ! ${PATCHURL} =~ \.patch$ ]]; then
-        notSureIfPatch=true
-      fi
-      patchNum=$(echo "${PATCHURL}" | ${GREP} -o '[0-9]*/' | ${GREP} -o '[0-9]*')
-      echo "${ISSUE} patch is being downloaded at $(date) from"
-    fi
-    echo "${PATCHURL}"
-    add_jira_footer "Patch URL" "${PATCHURL}"
-    ${WGET} -q -O "${PATCH_DIR}/patch" "${PATCHURL}"
-    if [[ $? != 0 ]];then
-      hadoop_error "ERROR: ${PATCH_OR_ISSUE} could not be downloaded."
-      cleanup_and_exit 1
-    fi
-    PATCH_FILE="${PATCH_DIR}/patch"
-  fi
-  if [[ ! -f "${PATCH_DIR}/patch" ]]; then
-    cp "${PATCH_FILE}" "${PATCH_DIR}/patch"
-    if [[ $? == 0 ]] ; then
-      echo "Patch file ${PATCH_FILE} copied to ${PATCH_DIR}"
-    else
-      hadoop_error "ERROR: Could not copy ${PATCH_FILE} to ${PATCH_DIR}"
-      cleanup_and_exit 1
-    fi
-  fi
-  if [[ ${notSureIfPatch} == "true" ]]; then
-    guess_patch_file "${PATCH_DIR}/patch"
-    if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
-      hadoop_error "ERROR: ${PATCHURL} is not a patch file."
-      cleanup_and_exit 1
-    else
-      hadoop_debug "The patch ${PATCHURL} was not named properly, but it looks like a patch file. proceeding, but issue/branch matching might go awry."
-      add_jira_table 0 patch "The patch file was not named according to ${PROJECT_NAME}'s naming conventions. Please see ${HOW_TO_CONTRIBUTE} for instructions."
-    fi
-  fi
-## @description Given a possible patch file, guess if it's a patch file without using smart-apply-patch
-## @audience private
-## @stability evolving
-## @param path to patch file to test
-## @return 0 we think it's a patch file
-## @return 1 we think it's not a patch file
-function guess_patch_file
-  local patch=$1
-  local fileOutput
-  hadoop_debug "Trying to guess is ${patch} is a patch file."
-  fileOutput=$("${FILE}" "${patch}")
-  if [[ $fileOutput =~ \ diff\  ]]; then
-    hadoop_debug "file magic says it's a diff."
-    return 0
-  fi
-  fileOutput=$(head -n 1 "${patch}" | "${EGREP}" "^(From [a-z0-9]* Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001)|(diff .*)|(Index: .*)$")
-  if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then
-    hadoop_debug "first line looks like a patch file."
-    return 0
-  fi
-  return 1
-## @description  Given ${PATCH_DIR}/patch, verify the patch is good using ${BINDIR}/
-## @description  in dryrun mode.
-## @audience     private
-## @stability    evolving
-## @replaceable  no
-## @return       0 on success
-## @return       1 on failure
-function verify_patch_file
-  # Before building, check to make sure that the patch is valid
-  export PATCH
-  "${BINDIR}/" "${PATCH_DIR}/patch" dryrun
-  if [[ $? != 0 ]] ; then
-    add_jira_table -1 patch "The patch command could not apply the patch during dryrun."
-    return 1
-  else
-    return 0
-  fi
-## @description  Given ${PATCH_DIR}/patch, apply the patch using ${BINDIR}/
-## @audience     private
-## @stability    evolving
-## @replaceable  no
-## @return       0 on success
-## @return       exit on failure
-function apply_patch_file
-  big_console_header "Applying patch"
-  export PATCH
-  "${BINDIR}/" "${PATCH_DIR}/patch"
-  if [[ $? != 0 ]] ; then
-    ((RESULT = RESULT + 1))
-    add_jira_table -1 patch "The patch command could not apply the patch."
-    output_to_console 1
-    output_to_jira 1
-    cleanup_and_exit 1
-  fi
-  return 0
-## @description  If this actually patches the files used for the QA process
-## @description  under dev-support and its subdirectories, then
-## @description  run with the patched version for the test.
-## @audience     private
-## @stability    evolving
-## @replaceable  no
-## @return       none; otherwise relaunches
-function check_reexec
-  local commentfile=${PATCH_DIR}/tp.${RANDOM}
-  if [[ ${REEXECED} == true ]]; then
-    big_console_header "Re-exec mode detected. Continuing."
-    return
-  fi
-  if [[ ! ${CHANGED_FILES} =~ dev-support/test-patch
-     && ! ${CHANGED_FILES} =~ dev-support/smart-apply ]] ; then
-    return
-  fi
-  big_console_header "dev-support patch detected"
-  if [[ ${RESETREPO} == false ]]; then
-    ((RESULT = RESULT + 1))
-    hadoop_debug "can't destructively change the working directory. run with '--resetrepo' please. :("
-    add_jira_table -1 dev-support "Couldn't test dev-support changes because we aren't configured to destructively change the working directory."
-    return
-  fi
-  printf "\n\nRe-executing against patched versions to test.\n\n"
-  apply_patch_file
-  if [[ ${JENKINS} == true ]]; then
-    rm "${commentfile}" 2>/dev/null
-    echo "(!) A patch to the files used for the QA process has been detected. " > "${commentfile}"
-    echo "Re-executing against the patched versions to perform further tests. " >> "${commentfile}"
-    echo "The console is at ${BUILD_URL}console in case of problems." >> "${commentfile}"
-    write_to_jira "${commentfile}"
-    rm "${commentfile}"
-  fi
-  cd "${CWD}"
-  mkdir -p "${PATCH_DIR}/dev-support-test"
-  (cd "${BINDIR}"; tar cpf - . ) \
-	| (cd  "${PATCH_DIR}/dev-support-test"; tar xpf - )
-  big_console_header "exec'ing now..."
-  exec "${PATCH_DIR}/dev-support-test/" \
-    --reexec \
-    --branch="${PATCH_BRANCH}" \
-    --patch-dir="${PATCH_DIR}" \
-      "${USER_PARAMS[@]}"
-## @description  Check the current directory for @author tags
-## @audience     private
-## @stability    evolving
-## @replaceable  no
-## @return       0 on success
-## @return       1 on failure
-function check_author
-  local authorTags
-  big_console_header "Checking there are no @author tags in the patch."
-  start_clock
-  if [[ ${CHANGED_FILES} =~ dev-support/test-patch ]]; then
-    add_jira_table 0 @author "Skipping @author checks as test-patch has been patched."
-    return 0
-  fi
-  authorTags=$("${GREP}" -c -i '^[^-].*@author' "${PATCH_DIR}/patch")
-  echo "There appear to be ${authorTags} @author tags in the patch."
-  if [[ ${authorTags} != 0 ]] ; then
-    add_jira_table -1 @author \
-      "The patch appears to contain ${authorTags} @author tags which the Hadoop" \
-      " community has agreed to not allow in code contributions."
-    return 1
-  fi
-  add_jira_table +1 @author "The patch does not contain any @author tags."
-  return 0
-## @description  Check the patch file for changed/new tests
-## @audience     private
-## @stability    evolving
-## @replaceable  no
-## @return       0 on success
-## @return       1 on failure
-function check_modified_unittests
-  local testReferences=0
-  local i
-  verify_needed_test unit
-  if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then
-    return 0
-  fi
-  big_console_header "Checking there are new or changed tests in the patch."
-  start_clock
-  for i in ${CHANGED_FILES}; do
-    if [[ ${i} =~ /test/ ]]; then
-      ((testReferences=testReferences + 1))
-    fi
-  done
-  echo "There appear to be ${testReferences} test file(s) referenced in the patch."
-  if [[ ${testReferences} == 0 ]] ; then
-    add_jira_table -1 "tests included" \
-      "The patch doesn't appear to include any new or modified tests. " \
-      "Please justify why no new tests are needed for this patch." \
-      "Also please list what manual steps were performed to verify this patch."
-    return 1
-  fi
-  add_jira_table +1 "tests included" \
-    "The patch appears to include ${testReferences} new or modified test files."
-  return 0
-## @description  Helper for check_javadoc
-## @audience     private
-## @stability    evolving
-## @replaceable  no
-## @return       0 on success
-## @return       1 on failure
-function count_javadoc_warns
-  local warningfile=$1
-  #shellcheck disable=SC2016,SC2046
-  return $(${EGREP} "^[0-9]+ warnings$" "${warningfile}" | ${AWK} '{sum+=$1} END {print sum}')
-## @description  Count and compare the number of JavaDoc warnings pre- and post- patch
-## @audience     private
-## @stability    evolving
-## @replaceable  no
-## @return       0 on success
-## @return       1 on failure
-function check_javadoc
-  local numBranchJavadocWarnings
-  local numPatchJavadocWarnings
-  verify_needed_test javadoc
-  if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then
-    echo "This patch does not appear to need javadoc checks."
-    return 0
-  fi
-  big_console_header "Determining number of patched javadoc warnings"
-  start_clock
-  if [[ -d hadoop-project ]]; then
-    (cd hadoop-project; "${MVN}" "${MAVEN_ARGS[@]}" install > /dev/null 2>&1)
-  fi
-  if [[ -d hadoop-common-project/hadoop-annotations ]]; then
-    (cd hadoop-common-project/hadoop-annotations; "${MVN}" "${MAVEN_ARGS[@]}" install > /dev/null 2>&1)
-  fi
-  echo_and_redirect "${PATCH_DIR}/patchJavadocWarnings.txt"  "${MVN}" "${MAVEN_ARGS[@]}" clean test javadoc:javadoc -DskipTests -Pdocs -D${PROJECT_NAME}PatchProcess
-  count_javadoc_warns "${PATCH_DIR}/${PATCH_BRANCH}JavadocWarnings.txt"
-  numBranchJavadocWarnings=$?
-  count_javadoc_warns "${PATCH_DIR}/patchJavadocWarnings.txt"
-  numPatchJavadocWarnings=$?
-  echo "There appear to be ${numBranchJavadocWarnings} javadoc warnings before the patch and ${numPatchJavadocWarnings} javadoc warnings after applying the patch."
-  if [[ ${numBranchJavadocWarnings} != "" && ${numPatchJavadocWarnings} != "" ]] ; then
-    if [[ ${numPatchJavadocWarnings} -gt ${numBranchJavadocWarnings} ]] ; then
-      ${GREP} -i warning "${PATCH_DIR}/${PATCH_BRANCH}JavadocWarnings.txt" > "${PATCH_DIR}/${PATCH_BRANCH}JavadocWarningsFiltered.txt"
-      ${GREP} -i warning "${PATCH_DIR}/patchJavadocWarnings.txt" > "${PATCH_DIR}/patchJavadocWarningsFiltered.txt"
-      ${DIFF} -u "${PATCH_DIR}/${PATCH_BRANCH}JavadocWarningsFiltered.txt" \
-        "${PATCH_DIR}/patchJavadocWarningsFiltered.txt" \
-        > "${PATCH_DIR}/diffJavadocWarnings.txt"
-      rm -f "${PATCH_DIR}/${PATCH_BRANCH}JavadocWarningsFiltered.txt" "${PATCH_DIR}/patchJavadocWarningsFiltered.txt"
-      add_jira_table -1 javadoc "The applied patch generated "\
-      "$((numPatchJavadocWarnings-numBranchJavadocWarnings))" \
-      " additional warning messages."
-      add_jira_footer javadoc "@@BASE@@/diffJavadocWarnings.txt"
-      return 1
-    fi
-  fi
-  add_jira_table +1 javadoc "There were no new javadoc warning messages."
-  return 0
-## @description  Make sure site still compiles
-## @audience     private
-## @stability    evolving
-## @replaceable  no
-## @return       0 on success
-## @return       1 on failure
-function check_site
-  local -r mypwd=$(pwd)
-  verify_needed_test site
-  if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then
-    echo "This patch does not appear to need site checks."
-    return 0
-  fi
-  big_console_header "Determining if patched site still builds"
-  start_clock
-  echo "site creation for ${mypwd}"
-  echo_and_redirect "${PATCH_DIR}/patchSiteWarnings.txt" "${MVN}" "${MAVEN_ARGS[@]}" clean site site:stage -DskipTests -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true -D${PROJECT_NAME}PatchProcess
-  if [[ $? != 0 ]] ; then
-    echo "Site compilation is broken"
-    add_jira_table -1 site "Site compilation is broken."
-    add_jira_footer site "@@BASE@@/patchSiteWarnings.txt"
-    return 1
-  fi
-  add_jira_table +1 site "Site still builds."
-  return 0
-## @description  Helper for check_javac
-## @audience     private
-## @stability    evolving
-## @replaceable  no
-## @return       0 on success
-## @return       1 on failure
-function count_javac_warns
-  local warningfile=$1
-  #shellcheck disable=SC2016,SC2046
-  return $(${AWK} 'BEGIN {total = 0} {total += 1} END {print total}' "${warningfile}")
-## @description  Count and compare the number of javac warnings pre- and post- patch
-## @audience     private
-## @stability    evolving
-## @replaceable  no
-## @return       0 on success
-## @return       1 on failure
-function check_javac
-  local branchJavacWarnings
-  local patchJavacWarnings
-  verify_needed_test javac
-  if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then
-    echo "This patch does not appear to need javac checks."
-    return 0
-  fi
-  big_console_header "Determining number of patched javac warnings."
-  start_clock
-  echo_and_redirect "${PATCH_DIR}/patchJavacWarnings.txt" "${MVN}" "${MAVEN_ARGS[@]}" clean test -DskipTests -D${PROJECT_NAME}PatchProcess ${NATIVE_PROFILE} -Ptest-patch
-  if [[ $? != 0 ]] ; then
-    add_jira_table -1 javac "The patch appears to cause the build to fail."
-    return 2
-  fi
-  ### Compare ${PATCH_BRANCH} and patch javac warning numbers
-  if [[ -f ${PATCH_DIR}/patchJavacWarnings.txt ]] ; then
-    ${GREP} '\[WARNING\]' "${PATCH_DIR}/${PATCH_BRANCH}JavacWarnings.txt" > "${PATCH_DIR}/filtered${PATCH_BRANCH}JavacWarnings.txt"
-    ${GREP} '\[WARNING\]' "${PATCH_DIR}/patchJavacWarnings.txt" > "${PATCH_DIR}/filteredPatchJavacWarnings.txt"
-    count_javac_warns "${PATCH_DIR}/filtered${PATCH_BRANCH}JavacWarnings.txt"
-    branchJavacWarnings=$?
-    count_javac_warns "${PATCH_DIR}/filteredPatchJavacWarnings.txt"
-    patchJavacWarnings=$?
-    echo "There appear to be ${branchJavacWarnings} javac compiler warnings before the patch and ${patchJavacWarnings} javac compiler warnings after applying the patch."
-    if [[ ${patchJavacWarnings} != "" && ${branchJavacWarnings} != "" ]] ; then
-      if [[ ${patchJavacWarnings} -gt ${branchJavacWarnings} ]] ; then
-        ${DIFF} "${PATCH_DIR}/filtered${PATCH_BRANCH}JavacWarnings.txt" \
-        "${PATCH_DIR}/filteredPatchJavacWarnings.txt" \
-        > "${PATCH_DIR}/diffJavacWarnings.txt"
-        add_jira_table -1 javac "The applied patch generated "\
-        "$((patchJavacWarnings-branchJavacWarnings))" \
-        " additional warning messages."
-        add_jira_footer javac "@@BASE@@/diffJavacWarnings.txt"
-        return 1
-      fi
-    fi
-  fi
-  add_jira_table +1 javac "There were no new javac warning messages."
-  return 0
-## @description  Verify all files have an Apache License
-## @audience     private
-## @stability    evolving
-## @replaceable  no
-## @return       0 on success
-## @return       1 on failure
-function check_apachelicense
-  big_console_header "Determining number of patched release audit warnings."
-  start_clock
-  echo_and_redirect "${PATCH_DIR}/patchReleaseAuditOutput.txt" "${MVN}" "${MAVEN_ARGS[@]}" apache-rat:check -D${PROJECT_NAME}PatchProcess
-  #shellcheck disable=SC2038
-  find "${BASEDIR}" -name rat.txt | xargs cat > "${PATCH_DIR}/patchReleaseAuditWarnings.txt"
-  ### Compare ${PATCH_BRANCH} and patch release audit warning numbers
-  if [[ -f ${PATCH_DIR}/patchReleaseAuditWarnings.txt ]] ; then
-    patchReleaseAuditWarnings=$("${GREP}" -c '\!?????' "${PATCH_DIR}/patchReleaseAuditWarnings.txt")
-    echo ""
-    echo ""
-    echo "There appear to be ${patchReleaseAuditWarnings} release audit warnings after applying the patch."
-    if [[ ${patchReleaseAuditWarnings} != "" ]] ; then
-      if [[ ${patchReleaseAuditWarnings} -gt 0 ]] ; then
-        add_jira_table -1 "release audit" "The applied patch generated ${patchReleaseAuditWarnings} release audit warnings."
-        ${GREP} '\!?????' "${PATCH_DIR}/patchReleaseAuditWarnings.txt" \
-        >  "${PATCH_DIR}/patchReleaseAuditProblems.txt"
-        echo "Lines that start with ????? in the release audit "\
-            "report indicate files that do not have an Apache license header." \
-            >> "${PATCH_DIR}/patchReleaseAuditProblems.txt"
-        add_jira_footer "Release Audit" "@@BASE@@/patchReleaseAuditProblems.txt"
-        return 1
-      fi
-    fi
-  fi
-  add_jira_table 1 "release audit" "The applied patch does not increase the total number of release audit warnings."
-  return 0
-## @description  Verify mvn install works
-## @audience     private
-## @stability    evolving
-## @replaceable  no
-## @return       0 on success
-## @return       1 on failure
-function check_mvn_install
-  local retval
-  verify_needed_test javadoc
-  retval=$?
-  verify_needed_test javac
-  ((retval = retval + $? ))
-  if [[ ${retval} == 0 ]]; then
-    echo "This patch does not appear to need mvn install checks."
-    return 0
-  fi
-  big_console_header "Installing all of the jars"
-  start_clock
-  echo_and_redirect "${PATCH_DIR}/jarinstall.txt" "${MVN}" "${MAVEN_ARGS[@]}" install -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true -DskipTests -D${PROJECT_NAME}PatchProcess
-  retval=$?
-  if [[ ${retval} != 0 ]]; then
-    add_jira_table -1 install "The patch causes mvn install to fail."
-  else
-    add_jira_table +1 install "mvn install still works."
-  fi
-  return ${retval}
-## @description  are the needed bits for findbugs present?
-## @audience     private
-## @stability    evolving
-## @replaceable  no
-## @return       0 findbugs will work for our use
-## @return       1 findbugs is missing some component
-function findbugs_is_installed
-  if [[ ! -e "${FINDBUGS_HOME}/bin/findbugs" ]]; then
-    printf "\n\n%s is not executable.\n\n" "${FINDBUGS_HOME}/bin/findbugs"
-    add_jira_table -1 findbugs "Findbugs is not installed."
-    return 1
-  fi
-  return 0
-## @description  Run the maven findbugs plugin and record found issues in a bug database
-## @audience     private
-## @stability    evolving
-## @replaceable  no
-## @return       0 on success
-## @return       1 on failure
-function findbugs_mvnrunner
-  local name=$1
-  local logfile=$2
-  local warnings_file=$3
-  echo_and_redirect "${logfile}" "${MVN}" "${MAVEN_ARGS[@]}" clean test findbugs:findbugs -DskipTests \
-    "-D${PROJECT_NAME}PatchProcess" < /dev/null
-  if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
-    return 1
-  fi
-  cp target/findbugsXml.xml "${warnings_file}.xml"
-  "${FINDBUGS_HOME}/bin/setBugDatabaseInfo" -name "${name}" \
-      "${warnings_file}.xml" "${warnings_file}.xml"
-  if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
-    return 1
-  fi
-  "${FINDBUGS_HOME}/bin/convertXmlToText" -html "${warnings_file}.xml" \
-      "${warnings_file}.html"
-  if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
-    return 1
-  fi
-  return 0
-## @description  Track pre-existing findbugs warnings
-## @audience     private
-## @stability    evolving
-## @replaceable  no
-## @return       0 on success
-## @return       1 on failure
-function precheck_findbugs
-  local -r mypwd=$(pwd)
-  local module_suffix
-  local modules=${CHANGED_MODULES}
-  local module
-  local findbugs_version
-  local rc=0
-  local module_findbugs_warnings
-  local findbugs_warnings=0
-  verify_needed_test findbugs
-  if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then
-    echo "Patch does not appear to need findbugs tests."
-    return 0
-  fi
-  echo "findbugs baseline for ${mypwd}"
-  findbugs_is_installed
-  if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
-    return 1
-  fi
-  for module in ${modules}
-  do
-    pushd "${module}" >/dev/null
-    echo "  Running findbugs in ${module}"
-    module_suffix=$(basename "${module}")
-    findbugs_mvnrunner "${PATCH_BRANCH}" \
-        "${PATCH_DIR}/${PATCH_BRANCH}FindBugsOutput${module_suffix}.txt" \
-        "${PATCH_DIR}/${PATCH_BRANCH}FindbugsWarnings${module_suffix}"
-    (( rc = rc + $? ))
-    if [[ "${FINDBUGS_WARNINGS_FAIL_PRECHECK}" == "true" ]]; then
-      #shellcheck disable=SC2016
-      module_findbugs_warnings=$("${FINDBUGS_HOME}/bin/filterBugs" -first \
-          "${PATCH_BRANCH}" \
-          "${PATCH_DIR}/${PATCH_BRANCH}FindbugsWarnings${module_suffix}".xml \
-          "${PATCH_DIR}/${PATCH_BRANCH}FindbugsWarnings${module_suffix}".xml \
-          | ${AWK} '{print $1}')
-      if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
-        popd >/dev/null
-        return 1
-      fi
-      findbugs_warnings=$((findbugs_warnings+module_findbugs_warnings))
-      if [[ ${module_findbugs_warnings} -gt 0 ]] ; then
-        add_jira_footer "Pre-patch Findbugs warnings" "@@BASE@@/${PATCH_BRANCH}FindbugsWarnings${module_suffix}.html"
-      fi
-    fi
-    popd >/dev/null
-  done
-  #shellcheck disable=SC2016
-  findbugs_version=$(${AWK} 'match($0, /findbugs-maven-plugin:[^:]*:findbugs/) { print substr($0, RSTART + 22, RLENGTH - 31); exit }' "${PATCH_DIR}/${PATCH_BRANCH}FindBugsOutput${module_suffix}.txt")
-  if [[ ${rc} -ne 0 ]]; then
-    echo "Pre-patch ${PATCH_BRANCH} findbugs is broken?"
-    add_jira_table -1 pre-patch "Findbugs (version ${findbugs_version}) appears to be broken on ${PATCH_BRANCH}."
-    return 1
-  fi
-  if [[ "${FINDBUGS_WARNINGS_FAIL_PRECHECK}" == "true" && \
-        ${findbugs_warnings} -gt 0 ]] ; then
-    echo "Pre-patch ${PATCH_BRANCH} findbugs has ${findbugs_warnings} warnings."
-    add_jira_table -1 pre-patch "Pre-patch ${PATCH_BRANCH} has ${findbugs_warnings} extant Findbugs (version ${findbugs_version}) warnings."
-    return 1
-  fi
-  return 0
-## @description  Verify patch does not trigger any findbugs warnings
-## @audience     private
-## @stability    evolving
-## @replaceable  no
-## @return       0 on success
-## @return       1 on failure
-function check_findbugs
-  local rc=0
-  local module
-  local modules=${CHANGED_MODULES}
-  local module_suffix
-  local combined_xml
-  local newBugs
-  local new_findbugs_warnings
-  local new_findbugs_fixed_warnings
-  local findbugs_warnings=0
-  local findbugs_fixed_warnings=0
-  local line
-  local firstpart
-  local secondpart
-  local findbugs_version
-  verify_needed_test findbugs
-  if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then
-    return 0
-  fi
-  big_console_header "Determining number of patched Findbugs warnings."
-  start_clock
-  findbugs_is_installed
-  if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
-    return 1
-  fi
-  for module in ${modules}
-  do
-    pushd "${module}" >/dev/null
-    echo "  Running findbugs in ${module}"
-    module_suffix=$(basename "${module}")
-    findbugs_mvnrunner patch \
-        "${PATCH_DIR}/patchFindBugsOutput${module_suffix}.txt" \
-        "${PATCH_DIR}/patchFindbugsWarnings${module_suffix}"
-    if [[ $? != 0 ]] ; then
-      ((rc = rc +1))
-      echo "Post-patch findbugs compilation is broken."
-      add_jira_table -1 findbugs "Post-patch findbugs ${module} compilation is broken."
-      continue
-    fi
-    combined_xml="$PATCH_DIR/combinedFindbugsWarnings${module_suffix}.xml"
-    newBugs="${PATCH_DIR}/newPatchFindbugsWarnings${module_suffix}"
-    "${FINDBUGS_HOME}/bin/computeBugHistory" -useAnalysisTimes -withMessages \
-        -output "${combined_xml}" \
-        "${PATCH_DIR}/${PATCH_BRANCH}FindbugsWarnings${module_suffix}.xml" \
-        "${PATCH_DIR}/patchFindbugsWarnings${module_suffix}.xml"
-    if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
-      popd >/dev/null
-      return 1
-    fi
-    #shellcheck disable=SC2016
-    new_findbugs_warnings=$("${FINDBUGS_HOME}/bin/filterBugs" -first patch \
-        "${combined_xml}" "${newBugs}.xml" | ${AWK} '{print $1}')
-    if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
-      popd >/dev/null
-      return 1
-    fi
-    #shellcheck disable=SC2016
-    new_findbugs_fixed_warnings=$("${FINDBUGS_HOME}/bin/filterBugs" -fixed patch \
-        "${combined_xml}" "${newBugs}.xml" | ${AWK} '{print $1}')
-    if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
-      popd >/dev/null
-      return 1
-    fi
-    echo "Found ${new_findbugs_warnings} new Findbugs warnings and ${new_findbugs_fixed_warnings} newly fixed warnings."
-    findbugs_warnings=$((findbugs_warnings+new_findbugs_warnings))
-    findbugs_fixed_warnings=$((findbugs_fixed_warnings+new_findbugs_fixed_warnings))
-    "${FINDBUGS_HOME}/bin/convertXmlToText" -html "${newBugs}.xml" \
-        "${newBugs}.html"
-    if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
-      popd >/dev/null
-      return 1
-    fi
-    if [[ ${new_findbugs_warnings} -gt 0 ]] ; then
-      populate_test_table FindBugs "module:${module_suffix}"
-      while read line; do
-        firstpart=$(echo "${line}" | cut -f2 -d:)
-        secondpart=$(echo "${line}" | cut -f9- -d' ')
-        add_jira_test_table "" "${firstpart}:${secondpart}"
-      done < <("${FINDBUGS_HOME}/bin/convertXmlToText" "${newBugs}.xml")
-      add_jira_footer "Findbugs warnings" "@@BASE@@/newPatchFindbugsWarnings${module_suffix}.html"
-    fi
-    popd >/dev/null
-  done
-  #shellcheck disable=SC2016
-  findbugs_version=$(${AWK} 'match($0, /findbugs-maven-plugin:[^:]*:findbugs/) { print substr($0, RSTART + 22, RLENGTH - 31); exit }' "${PATCH_DIR}/patchFindBugsOutput${module_suffix}.txt")
-  if [[ ${findbugs_warnings} -gt 0 ]] ; then
-    add_jira_table -1 findbugs "The patch appears to introduce ${findbugs_warnings} new Findbugs (version ${findbugs_version}) warnings."
-    return 1
-  fi
-  if [[ ${findbugs_fixed_warnings} -gt 0 ]] ; then
-    add_jira_table +1 findbugs "The patch does not introduce any new Findbugs (version ${findbugs_version}) warnings, and fixes ${findbugs_fixed_warnings} pre-existing warnings."
-  else
-    add_jira_table +1 findbugs "The patch does not introduce any new Findbugs (version ${findbugs_version}) warnings."
-  fi
-  return 0
-## @description  Make sure Maven's eclipse generation works.
-## @audience     private
-## @stability    evolving
-## @replaceable  no
-## @return       0 on success
-## @return       1 on failure
-function check_mvn_eclipse
-  big_console_header "Running mvn eclipse:eclipse."
-  verify_needed_test javac
-  if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then
-    echo "Patch does not touch any java files. Skipping mvn eclipse:eclipse"
-    return 0
-  fi
-  start_clock
-  echo_and_redirect "${PATCH_DIR}/patchEclipseOutput.txt" "${MVN}" "${MAVEN_ARGS[@]}" eclipse:eclipse -D${PROJECT_NAME}PatchProcess
-  if [[ $? != 0 ]] ; then
-    add_jira_table -1 eclipse:eclipse "The patch failed to build with eclipse:eclipse."
-    return 1
-  fi
-  add_jira_table +1 eclipse:eclipse "The patch built with eclipse:eclipse."
-  return 0
-## @description  Utility to push many tests into the failure list
-## @audience     private
-## @stability    evolving
-## @replaceable  no
-## @param        testdesc
-## @param        testlist
-function populate_test_table
-  local reason=$1
-  shift
-  local first=""
-  local i
-  for i in "$@"; do
-    if [[ -z "${first}" ]]; then
-      add_jira_test_table "${reason}" "${i}"
-      first="${reason}"
-    else
-      add_jira_test_table " " "${i}"
-    fi
-  done
-## @description  Run and verify the output of the appropriate unit tests
-## @audience     private
-## @stability    evolving
-## @replaceable  no
-## @return       0 on success
-## @return       1 on failure
-function check_unittests
-  verify_needed_test unit
-  if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then
-    echo "Existing unit tests do not test patched files. Skipping."
-    return 0
-  fi
-  big_console_header "Running unit tests"
-  start_clock
-  local failed_tests=""
-  local modules=${CHANGED_MODULES}
-  local building_common=0
-  local hdfs_modules
-  local ordered_modules=""
-  local failed_test_builds=""
-  local test_timeouts=""
-  local test_logfile
-  local test_build_result
-  local module_test_timeouts=""
-  local result
-  local totalresult=0
-  local module_prefix
-  #
-  # If we are building hadoop-hdfs-project, we must build the native component
-  # of hadoop-common-project first.  In order to accomplish this, we move the
-  # hadoop-hdfs subprojects to the end of the list so that common will come
-  # first.
-  #
-  # Of course, we may not be building hadoop-common at all-- in this case, we
-  # explicitly insert a mvn compile -Pnative of common, to ensure that the
-  # native libraries show up where we need them.
-  #
-  for module in ${modules}; do
-    if [[ ${module} == hadoop-hdfs-project* ]]; then
-      hdfs_modules="${hdfs_modules} ${module}"
-    elif [[ ${module} == hadoop-common-project* ]]; then
-      ordered_modules="${ordered_modules} ${module}"
-      building_common=1
-    else
-      ordered_modules="${ordered_modules} ${module}"
-    fi
-  done
-  if [[ -n "${hdfs_modules}" ]]; then
-    ordered_modules="${ordered_modules} ${hdfs_modules}"
-    if [[ ${building_common} -eq 0 ]]; then
-      echo "  Building hadoop-common with -Pnative in order to provide to the hadoop-hdfs unit tests."
-      echo_and_redirect "${PATCH_DIR}/testrun_native.txt" "${MVN}" "${MAVEN_ARGS[@]}" compile ${NATIVE_PROFILE} "-D${PROJECT_NAME}PatchProcess"
-      if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
-        add_jira_table -1 "native" "Failed to build the native portion " \
-          "of hadoop-common prior to running the unit tests in ${ordered_modules}"
-        return 1
-      else
-        add_jira_table +1 "native" "Pre-build of native portion"
-      fi
-    fi
-  fi
-  for module in ${ordered_modules}; do
-    result=0
-    start_clock
-    pushd "${module}" >/dev/null
-    module_suffix=$(basename "${module}")
-    module_prefix=$(echo "${module}" | cut -f2 -d- )
-    test_logfile=${PATCH_DIR}/testrun_${module_suffix}.txt
-    echo "  Running tests in ${module_suffix}"
-    # shellcheck disable=2086
-    echo_and_redirect "${test_logfile}" "${MVN}" "${MAVEN_ARGS[@]}" clean install -fae ${NATIVE_PROFILE} ${REQUIRE_TEST_LIB_HADOOP} ${PARALLEL_TESTS_PROFILE} ${TESTS_THREAD_COUNT} -D${PROJECT_NAME}PatchProcess
-    test_build_result=$?
-    add_jira_footer "${module_suffix} test log" "@@BASE@@/testrun_${module_suffix}.txt"
-    # shellcheck disable=2016
-    module_test_timeouts=$(${AWK} '/^Running / { array[$NF] = 1 } /^Tests run: .* in / { delete array[$NF] } END { for (x in array) { print x } }' "${test_logfile}")
-    if [[ -n "${module_test_timeouts}" ]] ; then
-      test_timeouts="${test_timeouts} ${module_test_timeouts}"
-      result=1
-    fi
-    #shellcheck disable=SC2026,SC2038,SC2016
-    module_failed_tests=$(find . -name 'TEST*.xml'\
-      | xargs "${GREP}" -l -E "<failure|<error"\
-      | ${AWK} -F/ '{sub("TEST-org.apache.",""); sub(".xml",""); print $NF}')
-    if [[ -n "${module_failed_tests}" ]] ; then
-      failed_tests="${failed_tests} ${module_failed_tests}"
-      result=1
-    fi
-    if [[ ${test_build_result} != 0 && -z "${module_failed_tests}" && -z "${module_test_timeouts}" ]] ; then
-      failed_test_builds="${failed_test_builds} ${module_suffix}"
-      result=1
-    fi
-    popd >/dev/null
-    if [[ $result == 1 ]]; then
-      add_jira_table -1 "${module_prefix} tests" "Tests failed in ${module_suffix}."
-    else
-      add_jira_table +1 "${module_prefix} tests" "Tests passed in ${module_suffix}."
-    fi
-    ((totalresult = totalresult + result))
-  done
-  if [[ -n "${failed_tests}" ]] ; then
-    # shellcheck disable=SC2086
-    populate_test_table "Failed unit tests" ${failed_tests}
-  fi
-  if [[ -n "${test_timeouts}" ]] ; then
-    # shellcheck disable=SC2086
-    populate_test_table "Timed out tests" ${test_timeouts}
-  fi
-  if [[ -n "${failed_test_builds}" ]] ; then
-    # shellcheck disable=SC2086
-    populate_test_table "Failed build" ${failed_test_builds}
-  fi
-  if [[ ${JENKINS} == true ]]; then
-    add_jira_footer "Test Results" "${BUILD_URL}testReport/"
-  fi
-  if [[ ${totalresult} -gt 0 ]]; then
-    return 1
-  else
-    return 0
-  fi
-## @description  Print out the finished details on the console
-## @audience     private
-## @stability    evolving
-## @replaceable  no
-## @param        runresult
-## @return       0 on success
-## @return       1 on failure
-function output_to_console
-  local result=$1
-  shift
-  local i
-  local ourstring
-  local vote
-  local subs
-  local ela
-  local comment
-  local commentfile1="${PATCH_DIR}/comment.1"
-  local commentfile2="${PATCH_DIR}/comment.2"
-  local normaltop
-  local line
-  local seccoladj=0
-  local spcfx=${PATCH_DIR}/spcl.txt
-  if [[ ${result} == 0 ]]; then
-    if [[ ${JENKINS} == false ]]; then
-      {
-        printf "IF9fX19fX19fX18gCjwgU3VjY2VzcyEgPgogLS0tLS0tLS0tLSAKIFwgICAg";
-        printf "IC9cICBfX18gIC9cCiAgXCAgIC8vIFwvICAgXC8gXFwKICAgICAoKCAgICBP";
-        printf "IE8gICAgKSkKICAgICAgXFwgLyAgICAgXCAvLwogICAgICAgXC8gIHwgfCAg";
-        printf "XC8gCiAgICAgICAgfCAgfCB8ICB8ICAKICAgICAgICB8ICB8IHwgIHwgIAog";
-        printf "ICB8bXwgICB8bXwgIAo"
-      } > "${spcfx}"
-    fi
-    printf "\n\n+1 overall\n\n"
-  else
-    if [[ ${JENKINS} == false ]]; then
-      {
-        printf "IF9fX19fICAgICBfIF8gICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgXyAKfCAgX19ffF8gXyhf";
-        printf "KSB8XyAgIF8gXyBfXyBfX198IHwKfCB8XyAvIF9gIHwgfCB8IHwgfCB8ICdf";
-        printf "Xy8gXyBcIHwKfCAgX3wgKF98IHwgfCB8IHxffCB8IHwgfCAgX18vX3wKfF98";
-        printf "ICBcX18sX3xffF98XF9fLF98X3wgIFxfX18oXykKICAgICAgICAgICAgICAg";
-        printf "ICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAK"
-      } > "${spcfx}"
-    fi
-    printf "\n\n-1 overall\n\n"
-  fi
-  if [[ -f ${spcfx} ]]; then
-    if which base64 >/dev/null 2>&1; then
-      base64 --decode "${spcfx}" 2>/dev/null
-    elif which openssl >/dev/null 2>&1; then
-      openssl enc -A -d -base64 -in "${spcfx}" 2>/dev/null
-    fi
-    echo
-    echo
-    rm "${spcfx}"
-  fi
-  seccoladj=$(findlargest 2 "${JIRA_COMMENT_TABLE[@]}")
-  if [[ ${seccoladj} -lt 10 ]]; then
-    seccoladj=10
-  fi
-  seccoladj=$((seccoladj + 2 ))
-  i=0
-  until [[ $i -eq ${#JIRA_HEADER[@]} ]]; do
-    printf "%s\n" "${JIRA_HEADER[${i}]}"
-    ((i=i+1))
-  done
-  printf "| %s | %*s |  %s   | %s\n" "Vote" ${seccoladj} Subsystem Runtime "Comment"
-  echo "============================================================================"
-  i=0
-  until [[ $i -eq ${#JIRA_COMMENT_TABLE[@]} ]]; do
-    ourstring=$(echo "${JIRA_COMMENT_TABLE[${i}]}" | tr -s ' ')
-    vote=$(echo "${ourstring}" | cut -f2 -d\|)
-    vote=$(colorstripper "${vote}")
-    subs=$(echo "${ourstring}"  | cut -f3 -d\|)
-    ela=$(echo "${ourstring}" | cut -f4 -d\|)
-    comment=$(echo "${ourstring}"  | cut -f5 -d\|)
-    echo "${comment}" | fold -s -w $((78-seccoladj-22)) > "${commentfile1}"
-    normaltop=$(head -1 "${commentfile1}")
-    ${SED} -e '1d' "${commentfile1}"  > "${commentfile2}"
-    printf "| %4s | %*s | %-10s |%-s\n" "${vote}" ${seccoladj} \
-      "${subs}" "${ela}" "${normaltop}"
-    while read line; do
-      printf "|      | %*s |            | %-s\n" ${seccoladj} " " "${line}"
-    done < "${commentfile2}"
-    ((i=i+1))
-    rm "${commentfile2}" "${commentfile1}" 2>/dev/null
-  done
-  if [[ ${#JIRA_TEST_TABLE[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then
-    seccoladj=$(findlargest 1 "${JIRA_TEST_TABLE[@]}")
-    printf "\n\n%*s | Tests\n" "${seccoladj}" "Reason"
-    i=0
-    until [[ $i -eq ${#JIRA_TEST_TABLE[@]} ]]; do
-      ourstring=$(echo "${JIRA_TEST_TABLE[${i}]}" | tr -s ' ')
-      vote=$(echo "${ourstring}" | cut -f2 -d\|)
-      subs=$(echo "${ourstring}"  | cut -f3 -d\|)
-      printf "%*s | %s\n" "${seccoladj}" "${vote}" "${subs}"
-      ((i=i+1))
-    done
-  fi
-  printf "\n\n|| Subsystem || Report/Notes ||\n"
-  echo "============================================================================"
-  i=0
-  until [[ $i -eq ${#JIRA_FOOTER_TABLE[@]} ]]; do
-    comment=$(echo "${JIRA_FOOTER_TABLE[${i}]}" |
-              ${SED} -e "s,@@BASE@@,${PATCH_DIR},g")
-    printf "%s\n" "${comment}"
-    ((i=i+1))
-  done
-## @description  Print out the finished details to the JIRA issue
-## @audience     private
-## @stability    evolving
-## @replaceable  no
-## @param        runresult
-function output_to_jira
-  local result=$1
-  local i
-  local commentfile=${PATCH_DIR}/commentfile
-  local comment
-  rm "${commentfile}" 2>/dev/null
-  if [[ ${JENKINS} != "true" ]] ; then
-    return 0
-  fi
-  big_console_header "Adding comment to JIRA"
-  add_jira_footer "Console output" "${BUILD_URL}console"
-  if [[ ${result} == 0 ]]; then
-    add_jira_header "(/) *{color:green}+1 overall{color}*"
-  else
-    add_jira_header "(x) *{color:red}-1 overall{color}*"
-  fi
-  { echo "\\\\" ; echo "\\\\"; } >>  "${commentfile}"
-  i=0
-  until [[ $i -eq ${#JIRA_HEADER[@]} ]]; do
-    printf "%s\n" "${JIRA_HEADER[${i}]}" >> "${commentfile}"
-    ((i=i+1))
-  done
-  { echo "\\\\" ; echo "\\\\"; } >>  "${commentfile}"
-  echo "|| Vote || Subsystem || Runtime || Comment ||" >> "${commentfile}"
-  i=0
-  until [[ $i -eq ${#JIRA_COMMENT_TABLE[@]} ]]; do
-    printf "%s\n" "${JIRA_COMMENT_TABLE[${i}]}" >> "${commentfile}"
-    ((i=i+1))
-  done
-  if [[ ${#JIRA_TEST_TABLE[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then
-    { echo "\\\\" ; echo "\\\\"; } >>  "${commentfile}"
-    echo "|| Reason || Tests ||" >>  "${commentfile}"
-    i=0
-    until [[ $i -eq ${#JIRA_TEST_TABLE[@]} ]]; do
-      printf "%s\n" "${JIRA_TEST_TABLE[${i}]}" >> "${commentfile}"
-      ((i=i+1))
-    done
-  fi
-  { echo "\\\\" ; echo "\\\\"; } >>  "${commentfile}"
-  echo "|| Subsystem || Report/Notes ||" >> "${commentfile}"
-  i=0
-  until [[ $i -eq ${#JIRA_FOOTER_TABLE[@]} ]]; do
-    comment=$(echo "${JIRA_FOOTER_TABLE[${i}]}" |
-              ${SED} -e "s,@@BASE@@,${BUILD_URL}artifact/patchprocess,g")
-    printf "%s\n" "${comment}" >> "${commentfile}"
-    ((i=i+1))
-  done
-  printf "\n\nThis message was automatically generated.\n\n" >> "${commentfile}"
-  write_to_jira "${commentfile}"
-## @description  Clean the filesystem as appropriate and then exit
-## @audience     private
-## @stability    evolving
-## @replaceable  no
-## @param        runresult
-function cleanup_and_exit
-  local result=$1
-  if [[ ${JENKINS} == "true" && ${RELOCATE_PATCH_DIR} == "true" && \
-      -e ${PATCH_DIR} && -d ${PATCH_DIR} ]] ; then
-    # if PATCH_DIR is already inside BASEDIR, then
-    # there is no need to move it since we assume that
-    # Jenkins or whatever already knows where it is at
-    # since it told us to put it there!
-    relative_patchdir >/dev/null
-    if [[ $? == 1 ]]; then
-      hadoop_debug "mv ${PATCH_DIR} ${BASEDIR}"
-      mv "${PATCH_DIR}" "${BASEDIR}"
-    fi
-  fi
-  big_console_header "Finished build."
-  # shellcheck disable=SC2086
-  exit ${result}
-## @description  Driver to execute _postcheckout routines
-## @audience     private
-## @stability    evolving
-## @replaceable  no
-function postcheckout
-  local routine
-  local plugin
-  for routine in find_java_home verify_patch_file
-  do
-    verify_patchdir_still_exists
-    hadoop_debug "Running ${routine}"
-    ${routine}
-    (( RESULT = RESULT + $? ))
-    if [[ ${RESULT} != 0 ]] ; then
-      output_to_console 1
-      output_to_jira 1
-      cleanup_and_exit 1
-    fi
-  done
-  for plugin in ${PLUGINS}; do
-    verify_patchdir_still_exists
-    if declare -f ${plugin}_postcheckout >/dev/null 2>&1; then
-      hadoop_debug "Running ${plugin}_postcheckout"
-      #shellcheck disable=SC2086
-      ${plugin}_postcheckout
-      (( RESULT = RESULT + $? ))
-      if [[ ${RESULT} != 0 ]] ; then
-        output_to_console 1
-        output_to_jira 1
-        cleanup_and_exit 1
-      fi
-    fi
-  done
-## @description  Driver to execute _preapply routines
-## @audience     private
-## @stability    evolving
-## @replaceable  no
-function preapply
-  local routine
-  local plugin
-  for routine in precheck_without_patch check_author \
-                 check_modified_unittests
-  do
-    verify_patchdir_still_exists
-    hadoop_debug "Running ${routine}"
-    ${routine}
-    (( RESULT = RESULT + $? ))
-  done
-  for plugin in ${PLUGINS}; do
-    verify_patchdir_still_exists
-    if declare -f ${plugin}_preapply >/dev/null 2>&1; then
-      hadoop_debug "Running ${plugin}_preapply"
-      #shellcheck disable=SC2086
-      ${plugin}_preapply
-      (( RESULT = RESULT + $? ))
-    fi
-  done
-## @description  Driver to execute _postapply routines
-## @audience     private
-## @stability    evolving
-## @replaceable  no
-function postapply
-  local routine
-  local plugin
-  local retval
-  compute_gitdiff "${GITDIFFLINES}"
-  check_javac
-  retval=$?
-  if [[ ${retval} -gt 1 ]] ; then
-    output_to_console 1
-    output_to_jira 1
-    cleanup_and_exit 1
-  fi
-  ((RESULT = RESULT + retval))
-  for routine in check_javadoc check_apachelicense check_site
-  do
-    verify_patchdir_still_exists
-    hadoop_debug "Running ${routine}"
-    $routine
-    (( RESULT = RESULT + $? ))
-  done
-  for plugin in ${PLUGINS}; do
-    verify_patchdir_still_exists
-    if declare -f ${plugin}_postapply >/dev/null 2>&1; then
-      hadoop_debug "Running ${plugin}_postapply"
-      #shellcheck disable=SC2086
-      ${plugin}_postapply
-      (( RESULT = RESULT + $? ))
-    fi
-  done
-## @description  Driver to execute _postinstall routines
-## @audience     private
-## @stability    evolving
-## @replaceable  no
-function postinstall
-  local routine
-  local plugin
-  for routine in check_mvn_eclipse check_findbugs
-  do
-    verify_patchdir_still_exists
-    hadoop_debug "Running ${routine}"
-    ${routine}
-    (( RESULT = RESULT + $? ))
-  done
-  for plugin in ${PLUGINS}; do
-    verify_patchdir_still_exists
-    if declare -f ${plugin}_postinstall >/dev/null 2>&1; then
-      hadoop_debug "Running ${plugin}_postinstall"
-      #shellcheck disable=SC2086
-      ${plugin}_postinstall
-      (( RESULT = RESULT + $? ))
-    fi
-  done
-## @description  Driver to execute _tests routines
-## @audience     private
-## @stability    evolving
-## @replaceable  no
-function runtests
-  local plugin
-  ### Run tests for Jenkins or if explictly asked for by a developer
-  if [[ ${JENKINS} == "true" || ${RUN_TESTS} == "true" ]] ; then
-    verify_patchdir_still_exists
-    check_unittests
-    (( RESULT = RESULT + $? ))
-  fi
-  for plugin in ${PLUGINS}; do
-    verify_patchdir_still_exists
-    if declare -f ${plugin}_tests >/dev/null 2>&1; then
-      hadoop_debug "Running ${plugin}_tests"
-      #shellcheck disable=SC2086
-      ${plugin}_tests
-      (( RESULT = RESULT + $? ))
-    fi
-  done
-## @description  Import content from test-patch.d and optionally
-## @description  from user provided plugin directory
-## @audience     private
-## @stability    evolving
-## @replaceable  no
-function importplugins
-  local i
-  local files=()
-  if [[ ${LOAD_SYSTEM_PLUGINS} == "true" ]]; then
-    if [[ -d "${BINDIR}/test-patch.d" ]]; then
-      files=(${BINDIR}/test-patch.d/*.sh)
-    fi
-  fi
-  if [[ -n "${USER_PLUGIN_DIR}" && -d "${USER_PLUGIN_DIR}" ]]; then
-    hadoop_debug "Loading user provided plugins from ${USER_PLUGIN_DIR}"
-    files=("${files[@]}" ${USER_PLUGIN_DIR}/*.sh)
-  fi
-  for i in "${files[@]}"; do
-    hadoop_debug "Importing ${i}"
-    . "${i}"
-  done
-## @description  Register test-patch.d plugins
-## @audience     public
-## @stability    stable
-## @replaceable  no
-function add_plugin
-big_console_header "Bootstrapping test harness"
-parse_args "$@"
-# from here on out, we'll be in ${BASEDIR} for cwd
-# routines need to pushd/popd if they change.
-if [[ ${JENKINS} == "true" ]] ; then
-  if [[ ${RESULT} != 0 ]] ; then
-    exit 100
-  fi
-output_to_console ${RESULT}
-output_to_jira ${RESULT}
-cleanup_and_exit ${RESULT}
diff --git a/hadoop-common-project/hadoop-common/pom.xml b/hadoop-common-project/hadoop-common/pom.xml
index 108834b..68ad350 100644
--- a/hadoop-common-project/hadoop-common/pom.xml
+++ b/hadoop-common-project/hadoop-common/pom.xml
@@ -513,10 +513,9 @@
-                    <executable>python</executable>
+                    <executable>${basedir}/../../dev-support/bin/shelldocs</executable>
-                        <argument>${basedir}/../../dev-support/</argument>
@@ -982,11 +981,10 @@
-                        <executable>python</executable>
+                        <executable>${basedir}/../../dev-support/bin/releasedocmaker</executable>
-                            <argument>${basedir}/../../dev-support/</argument>