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Posted to by Tony Faustini <> on 2017/02/01 17:18:46 UTC

Growing the iota community

Hi all, does anyone have any suggestions on how best to go about growing the iota community? For example, is anyone talking at a meet-up or conference in the near future? Would you be willing to organize an iota meet-up? Would you like to promote iota at any conference you are giving a presentation at? If you are I am sure we can all work together to support you. Let me know how you want to help grow the iota community. What are some other ways we can grow the iota community?


Re: Growing the iota community

Posted by Justin Mclean <>.

> For example, is anyone talking at a meet-up or conference in the near future?

Both are good ideas and can work well in attracting people, but having a release and announcing that would be a good start before doing that.

There will be an IoT stream at ApacheCon in Florida this year you can want to consider submitting a talk to that. [1] Attending ApacheCon is also a good way to get involved in other Apache projects and for them to get involved in your project. I’d suggest that the talk be on released code rather than future plans.

> What are some other ways we can grow the iota community?

Discussing development on this list. I notice that in general things tend to be worked on (usually for months) and are then checked in, usually right before report time :-) There doesn’t seem to be much discussion up front on what is being worked on. Having that discussion up front on this list means people outside your company can get involved and help out.

I also suggest making smaller commits more regularly as that makes it easier for people to be involved as well.

