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Posted to by Jeremiah Voris <> on 2005/08/01 01:30:59 UTC

Re: How do I set Category/Event in EventLogAppender?

On 7/30/05, Ron Grabowski <> wrote:
> (You probably already know this) You don't need the .snk file to build
> in Release mode. If you comment out these lines from the
> AssemblyInfo.cs file:
>  #if STRONG
>  [assembly: AssemblyDelaySign(false)]
>  [assembly: AssemblyKeyFile(@"..\..\..\log4net.snk")]
>  #endif
> You can build in Release mode.

Yeah, I did know that but I figured I might as well get it working
with the signed key since the ultimate goal is to install it as a
shared assembly in the gac.
> Where did you end up putting the .snk file to get it to build? It
> sounds like the .snk file needs to be in two different locations
> depending on whether you're building the complete source or just the
> extensions. Is that the case?

That is not the case. Oddly enough, where I ended up placing it was
one directory higher than the base log4net directory. So let's say I
have the log4net directory which, in turn, contains all the
extensions, src, bin, etc. directories in a directory called
"usefull_stuff"... well I ended up putting the key file in that
"usefull_stuff" directory! It was totally odd that it could find it
there without the assembly file pointing there (which it is most
definitely not).

To recap (I'm not sure how clear I was in the original email) I was
just miscounting where the file should go and then, in desperation,
starting going up one directory at a time until it worked. Rather than
let me get to root and still not work, for some odd reason it worked
at one directory above the log4net base directory.

> At first glance, I would have thought the
> .snk needs to be in the root /src folder and everything knows to find
> it there. It sounds like that's not the case.

No, the starting point would be %Project
Directory%\obj\<configuration> just as the assembly file default
comments say. So, in the case of the core log4net assembly that was
log4net\src\obj\Release and for the EventID extension that was
Then each of those specified that I go up 3 and 4 directories,
respectively, which puts the log4net key file in the log4net directory
(alongside the log4net.snk.readme file...) and the EventID one in the

The only other hitch I ran up against was I needed to have built a
strongly named version of log4net first and made sure to redefine the
reference in the log4net.Ext.EventID project to point to that strongly
named log4net assembly. Only then could I put both of those assemblies
in the gac and have my test app log successfully. It makes sense, but
I just wasn't thinking of it since the extension project already had a
reference set up. :)
