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Posted to by Josh Chamas <> on 2003/02/11 03:11:09 UTC

[ANNOUNCE] Apache::ASP v2.51 released


Apache::ASP v2.51 is released to CPAN.  You can get it from your local
CPAN archive or here:

Below are the changes.  This is a big release, and though it is
well tested, please upgrade carefully.

For more info on Apache::ASP, please see

About Apache::ASP...

Apache::ASP provides an Active Server Pages port to the
Apache Web Server with Perl scripting only, and enables developing of
dynamic web applications with session management and embedded perl code.
There are also many powerful extensions, including XML taglibs, XSLT rendering,
and new events not originally part of the ASP API!


Josh Chamas, Founder                   phone:925-552-0128
Chamas Enterprises Inc.      
NodeWorks Link Checking      

CHANGES ==================================================================

$VERSION = 2.51; $DATE="02/10/2003"

  + added t/session_query_parse.t test to cover use of SessionQueryParse
    and $Server->URL APIs

  - Fixed duplicate "&" bug associated with using $Server->URL
    and SessionQueryParse together

  + Patch to allow $Server->URL() to be called multiple times on the same URL
    as in $Server->URL($Server->URL($url, \%params), \%more_params)

  (d) Added new testimonials & sites & created a separate testimonials page.

  - SessionQueryParse will now add to &amp; to the query strings
    embedded in the HTML, instead of & for proper HTML generation.
    Thanks to Peter Galbavy for pointing out and Thanos Chatziathanassiou
    for suggesting the fix.

  - $Response->{ContentType} set to text/html for developer error reporting,
    in case this was set to something else before the error occured.
    Thanks to Philip Mak for reporting.

  - Couple of minor bug fixes under PerlWarn use, thanks Peter Galbavy
    for reporting.

  + Added automatic load of "use Apache2" for compat with mod_perl2
    request objects when Apache::ASP is loaded via "PerlModule Apache::ASP"
    Thanks to Richard Curtis for reporting bug & subsequent testing.

  - When GlobalPackage config changes, but global.asa has not, global.asa
    will be recompiled anyway to update the GlobalPackage correctly.
    Changing GlobalPackage before would cause errors if global.asa was
    already compiled.

  ++ For ANY PerlSetVar type config, OFF/Off/off will be assumed
     to have value of 0 for that setting.  Before, only a couple settings
     had this semantics, but they all do now for consistency.

  - Fix for InodeNames config on OpenBSD, or any OS that might have
    a device # of 0 for the file being stat()'d, thanks to Peter Galbavy
    for bug report.

  ++ Total XSLT speedups, 5-10% on large XSLT, 10-15% on small XSLT

  + bypass meta data check like expires for XSLT Cache() API use
    because XSLT tranformations don't expire, saves hit to cache dbm
    for meta data

  + use of direct Apache::ASP::State methods like FETCH/STORE
    in Cache() layer so we don't have to go through slower tied interface.
    This will speed up XSLT & and include output caching mostly.

  + minor optimizations for speed & memory usage