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Posted to by "lipf19860104 (via GitHub)" <> on 2023/06/28 06:44:52 UTC

[GitHub] [doris] lipf19860104 opened a new issue, #21278: [Bug] be crash when use a condition query on 100G table

lipf19860104 opened a new issue, #21278:

   ### Search before asking
   - [X] I had searched in the [issues]( and found no similar issues.
   ### Version
   ### What's Wrong?
   <img width="948" alt="微信图片_20230628100925" src="">
   I found nothing about OOM message when execute dmesg -T in be node.
   ### What You Expected?
   query ok
   ### How to Reproduce?
   I hava a 104G table wiht 144978726 row count.
   table schema:
   CREATE TABLE `file_info_his_init_update2` ( 
   `id` int(11) NULL, 
   `fileId` varchar(300) NULL , 
   `fileName` varchar(500) NULL , 
   `fileExt` varchar(50) NULL , 
   `fileStatus` varchar(10) NULL , 
   `fileSize` varchar(100) NULL , 
   `storageType` varchar(10) NULL , 
   `storageId` varchar(100) NULL, 
   `storagePath` varchar(500) NULL , 
   `storageSubPath` varchar(500) NULL , 
   `bizNo` varchar(100) NULL , 
   `bizCode` varchar(20) NULL , 
   `sysCode` varchar(50) NULL , 
   `md5Sign` varchar(100) NULL ,
   `detailJson` varchar(500) NULL ,
    `remark1` varchar(1000) NULL, 
    `remark2` varchar(1000) NULL , 
    `createDatetime` varchar(1000) NULL , 
    `updateDatetime` varchar(1000) NULL , 
    `reserveStorageId` varchar(100) NULL , 
    `reserveStorageType` char(10) NULL , 
    `reserveStoragePath` varchar(500) NULL , 
    `reserveStorageSubPath` varchar(500) NULL , 
    `pathStatus` varchar(10) NULL , 
    `opType` varchar(20) NULL,
    `fileNameId` varchar(500) NULL ) 
    PARTITION p1 VALUES [("0"), ("10000000"))
   PARTITION p20 VALUES [("190000000"), ("200000000"))
   BUCKETS 10 
   "replication_allocation" = "tag.location.default: 3", 
   "in_memory" = "false", "storage_format" = "V2", 
   "disable_auto_compaction" = "false" );
   all be crash when I execute query like follow:
   select * from file_info_his_init_update2 where fileId = 'c7e556560ff2eb33672e22e6be0a5df7' limit 100
   the query profile:
             -  Start  Time:  2023-06-27  16:18:48
             -  End  Time:  N/A
             -  Total:  4m43s
             -  Query  State:  RUNNING
             -  Query  ID:  ce91e8a1d43f404c-a1e26c1c56e6c7c2
             -  Query  Type:  Query
             -  Doris  Version:  doris-1.2.0-rc04
             -  User:  admin
             -  Default  Db:  default_cluster:d_oss
             -  Sql  Statement:  select  *  from  file_info_his_init_update2  where  fileId  =  'c7e556560ff2eb33672e22e6be0a5df7'  limit  100
             -  Is  Cached:  No
             -  Total  Instances  Num:  8
             -  Instances  Num  Per  BE:  {,,,,,,}
             -  Trace  ID:  
           Execution  Summary:
                 -  Analysis  Time:  172.656us
                 -  Plan  Time:  828.49us
                 -  Schedule  Time:  49.56ms
                 -  Wait  and  Fetch  Result  Time:  N/A
       Execution  Profile  ce91e8a1d43f404c-a1e26c1c56e6c7c2:(Active:  4m43s,  %  non-child:  100.00%)
           Fragment  0:
               Instance  ce91e8a1d43f404c-a1e26c1c56e6c7ca  (host=TNetworkAddress(hostname:,  port:9060)):(Active:  57.465ms,  %  non-child:  0.00%)
                     -  FragmentCpuTime:  350.801us
                     -  RowsProduced:  1
                         -  BlockWritesOutstanding:  0
                         -  BlocksCreated:  0
                         -  BlocksRecycled:  0
                         -  BufferedPins:  0
                         -  BytesWritten:  0.00  
                         -  MaxBlockSize:  8.00  MB
                         -  TotalBufferWaitTime:  0ns
                         -  TotalEncryptionTime:  0ns
                         -  TotalIntegrityCheckTime:  0ns
                         -  TotalReadBlockTime:  0ns
                   VDataBufferSender  (dst_fragment_instance_id=-316e175e2bc0bfb4--5e1d93e3a9193836):
                         -  AppendBatchTime:  268.111us
                             -  ResultRendTime:  161.755us
                             -  TupleConvertTime:  22.540us
                         -  NumSentRows:  0
                   VEXCHANGE_NODE  (id=1):(Active:  57.160ms,  %  non-child:  0.02%)
                         -  BytesReceived:  1.00  KB
                         -  DataArrivalWaitTime:  57.140ms
                         -  DecompressBytes:  965.00  B
                         -  DecompressTime:  2.511us
                         -  DeserializeRowBatchTimer:  65.779us
                         -  FirstBatchArrivalWaitTime:  57.140ms
                         -  PeakMemoryUsage:  24.50  KB
                         -  ProjectionTime:  0ns
                         -  RowsReturned:  1
                         -  RowsReturnedRate:  17
                         -  SendersBlockedTotalTimer(*):  0ns
           Fragment  1:
               Instance  ce91e8a1d43f404c-a1e26c1c56e6c7c5  (host=TNetworkAddress(hostname:,  port:9060)):(Active:  1s597ms,  %  non-child:  0.00%)
                     -  FragmentCpuTime:  1.862ms
                     -  RowsProduced:  0
                         -  BlockWritesOutstanding:  0
                         -  BlocksCreated:  0
                         -  BlocksRecycled:  0
                         -  BufferedPins:  0
                         -  BytesWritten:  0.00  
                         -  MaxBlockSize:  8.00  MB
                         -  TotalBufferWaitTime:  0ns
                         -  TotalEncryptionTime:  0ns
                         -  TotalIntegrityCheckTime:  0ns
                         -  TotalReadBlockTime:  0ns
                   VDataStreamSender  (dst_id=1,  dst_fragments=[{"ce91e8a1d43f404c-a1e26c1c56e6c7ca"}]):(Active:  24.621us,  %  non-child:  0.00%)
                         -  BrpcSendTime:  147.839us
                         -  BrpcSendTime.Wait:  928.574us
                         -  BytesSent:  0.00  
                         -  CompressTime:  0ns
                         -  IgnoreRows:  0
                         -  LocalBytesSent:  0.00  
                         -  LocalSentRows:  0
                         -  OverallThroughput:  0.0  /sec
                         -  PeakMemoryUsage:  0.00  
                         -  SerializeBatchTime:  0ns
                         -  UncompressedRowBatchSize:  0.00  
                   VNewOlapScanNode(file_info_his_init_update2)  (id=0):(Active:  1s596ms,  %  non-child:  0.56%)
                         -  PushDownPredicates:  [{fileId  IN  [c7e556560ff2eb33672e22e6be0a5df7]},  {__DORIS_DELETE_SIGN__  IN  [0]}]
                         -  KeyRanges:  ScanKeys:ScanKey=[null(-2147483648)  :  2147483647]
                         -  TabletIds:  [1290015,  1290019,  1289983,  1290215,  1290219,  1290243,  1290139,  1290163,  1290167,  1290467,  1290483,  1290487,  1290291,  1290315,  1290267,  1290643,  1290647,  1290507,  1290543,  1290551,  1290559]
                         -  RemainedDownPredicates:  CompoundPredicate  (and){
   VectorizedFn[eq({"fileId",  "String"})]{
   SlotRef(slot_id=1  type=VARCHAR  codegen=false),
   VLiteral  (name  =  String,  type  =  String,  value  =  (c7e556560ff2eb33672e22e6be0a5df7))},
   VectorizedFn[eq({"__DORIS_DELETE_SIGN__",  "Int8"})]{
   SlotRef(slot_id=26  type=TINYINT  codegen=false),
   VLiteral  (name  =  Int8,  type  =  Int8,  value  =  (00))}}
                         -  AcuireRuntimeFilterTime:  5.513us
                         -  GetNextTime:  1s594ms
                         -  MaxScannerThreadNum:  12
                         -  NewlyCreateFreeBlocksNum:  0
                         -  NumDiskAccess:  1
                         -  NumScanners:  21
                         -  PeakMemoryUsage:  17.90  KB
                         -  PreAllocFreeBlocksNum:  12
                         -  ProcessConjunctTime:  120.415us
                         -  ProjectionTime:  0ns
                         -  RowsRead:  3.411206M  (3411206)
                         -  RowsReturned:  0
                         -  RowsReturnedRate:  0
                         -  ScannerBatchWaitTime:  1s594ms
                         -  ScannerCtxSchedCount:  22
                         -  ScannerSchedCount:  21
                         -  ScannerWorkerWaitTime:  8.192ms
                         -  TabletNum:  21
                         -  TotalReadThroughput:  0
                             -  ColumnPredicates:  
   ComparisonPredicateBase(STRING,  EQ),  column_id=1,  opposite=false
   ComparisonPredicateBase(TINYINT,  EQ),  column_id=26,  opposite=false
                             -  BlockConvertTime:  0ns
                             -  BlockFetchTime:  8s350ms
                             -  ReaderInitTime:  0ns
                             -  RowsDelFiltered:  0
                             -  ScannerConvertBlockTime:  0ns
                             -  ScannerFilterTime:  545.809ms
                             -  ScannerGetBlockTime:  7s862ms
                             -  ScannerInitTime:  1.23ms
                             -  ScannerPrefilterTime:  0ns
                                 -  BitmapIndexFilterTimer:  52.368us
                                 -  BlockConditionsFilteredTime:  3.254ms
                                 -  BlockInitSeekCount:  775
                                 -  BlockInitSeekTime:  318.369ms
                                 -  BlockInitTime:  2s709ms
                                 -  BlockLoadTime:  8s344ms
                                 -  BlocksLoad:  83.315K  (83315)
                                 -  CachedPagesNum:  1.254K  (1254)
                                 -  CompressedBytesRead:  1.07  GB
                                 -  DecompressorTimer:  805.397ms
                                 -  FirstReadSeekCount:  373
                                 -  FirstReadSeekTime:  1s97ms
                                 -  FirstReadTime:  4s601ms
                                 -  IOTimer:  4s540ms
                                 -  LazyReadSeekCount:  0
                                 -  LazyReadSeekTime:  0ns
                                 -  LazyReadTime:  34.543ms
                                 -  NumSegmentFiltered:  0
                                 -  NumSegmentTotal:  99
                                 -  OutputColumnTime:  25.678ms
                                 -  RawRowsRead:  11.636307M  (11636307)
                                 -  RowsBitmapIndexFiltered:  0
                                 -  RowsBloomFilterFiltered:  0
                                 -  RowsConditionsFiltered:  8.362536M  (8362536)
                                 -  RowsKeyRangeFiltered:  0
                                 -  RowsStatsFiltered:  8.362536M  (8362536)
                                 -  RowsVectorPredFiltered:  8.225101M  (8225101)
                                 -  ShortPredEvalTime:  452.835ms
                                 -  TotalPagesNum:  24.928K  (24928)
                                 -  UncompressedBytesRead:  1.27  GB
                                 -  VectorPredEvalTime:  10.720ms
               Instance  ce91e8a1d43f404c-a1e26c1c56e6c7c3  (host=TNetworkAddress(hostname:,  port:9060)):(Active:  1s533ms,  %  non-child:  0.00%)
                     -  FragmentCpuTime:  2.138ms
                     -  RowsProduced:  0
                         -  BlockWritesOutstanding:  0
                         -  BlocksCreated:  0
                         -  BlocksRecycled:  0
                         -  BufferedPins:  0
                         -  BytesWritten:  0.00  
                         -  MaxBlockSize:  8.00  MB
                         -  TotalBufferWaitTime:  0ns
                         -  TotalEncryptionTime:  0ns
                         -  TotalIntegrityCheckTime:  0ns
                         -  TotalReadBlockTime:  0ns
                   VDataStreamSender  (dst_id=1,  dst_fragments=[{"ce91e8a1d43f404c-a1e26c1c56e6c7ca"}]):(Active:  22.915us,  %  non-child:  0.00%)
                         -  BrpcSendTime:  102.616us
                         -  BrpcSendTime.Wait:  203.341us
                         -  BytesSent:  0.00  
                         -  CompressTime:  0ns
                         -  IgnoreRows:  0
                         -  LocalBytesSent:  0.00  
                         -  LocalSentRows:  0
                         -  OverallThroughput:  0.0  /sec
                         -  PeakMemoryUsage:  0.00  
                         -  SerializeBatchTime:  0ns
                         -  UncompressedRowBatchSize:  0.00  
                   VNewOlapScanNode(file_info_his_init_update2)  (id=0):(Active:  1s532ms,  %  non-child:  0.54%)
                         -  PushDownPredicates:  [{fileId  IN  [c7e556560ff2eb33672e22e6be0a5df7]},  {__DORIS_DELETE_SIGN__  IN  [0]}]
                         -  KeyRanges:  ScanKeys:ScanKey=[null(-2147483648)  :  2147483647]
                         -  TabletIds:  [1290067,  1290075,  1290043,  1290047,  1290003,  1290235,  1290175,  1290207,  1290151,  1290119,  1290463,  1290475,  1290339,  1290299,  1290255,  1290271,  1290619,  1290495,  1290531,  1290539,  1290431,  1290439]
                         -  RemainedDownPredicates:  CompoundPredicate  (and){
   VectorizedFn[eq({"fileId",  "String"})]{
   SlotRef(slot_id=1  type=VARCHAR  codegen=false),
   VLiteral  (name  =  String,  type  =  String,  value  =  (c7e556560ff2eb33672e22e6be0a5df7))},
   VectorizedFn[eq({"__DORIS_DELETE_SIGN__",  "Int8"})]{
   SlotRef(slot_id=26  type=TINYINT  codegen=false),
   VLiteral  (name  =  Int8,  type  =  Int8,  value  =  (00))}}
                         -  AcuireRuntimeFilterTime:  5.64us
                         -  GetNextTime:  1s530ms
                         -  MaxScannerThreadNum:  12
                         -  NewlyCreateFreeBlocksNum:  0
                         -  NumDiskAccess:  1
                         -  NumScanners:  22
                         -  PeakMemoryUsage:  17.90  KB
                         -  PreAllocFreeBlocksNum:  12
                         -  ProcessConjunctTime:  111.683us
                         -  ProjectionTime:  0ns
                         -  RowsRead:  2.954296M  (2954296)
                         -  RowsReturned:  0
                         -  RowsReturnedRate:  0
                         -  ScannerBatchWaitTime:  1s530ms
                         -  ScannerCtxSchedCount:  22
                         -  ScannerSchedCount:  22
                         -  ScannerWorkerWaitTime:  8.116ms
                         -  TabletNum:  22
                         -  TotalReadThroughput:  0
                             -  ColumnPredicates:  
   ComparisonPredicateBase(STRING,  EQ),  column_id=1,  opposite=false
   ComparisonPredicateBase(TINYINT,  EQ),  column_id=26,  opposite=false
                             -  BlockConvertTime:  0ns
                             -  BlockFetchTime:  7s999ms
                             -  ReaderInitTime:  0ns
                             -  RowsDelFiltered:  0
                             -  ScannerConvertBlockTime:  0ns
                             -  ScannerFilterTime:  481.845ms
                             -  ScannerGetBlockTime:  8s108ms
                             -  ScannerInitTime:  1.12ms
                             -  ScannerPrefilterTime:  0ns
                                 -  BitmapIndexFilterTimer:  58.297us
                                 -  BlockConditionsFilteredTime:  5.631ms
                                 -  BlockInitSeekCount:  619
                                 -  BlockInitSeekTime:  95.789ms
                                 -  BlockInitTime:  2s337ms
                                 -  BlockLoadTime:  7s990ms
                                 -  BlocksLoad:  92.063K  (92063)
                                 -  CachedPagesNum:  802
                                 -  CompressedBytesRead:  1.03  GB
                                 -  DecompressorTimer:  727.144ms
                                 -  FirstReadSeekCount:  368
                                 -  FirstReadSeekTime:  1s100ms
                                 -  FirstReadTime:  4s350ms
                                 -  IOTimer:  4s161ms
                                 -  LazyReadSeekCount:  0
                                 -  LazyReadSeekTime:  0ns
                                 -  LazyReadTime:  43.24ms
                                 -  NumSegmentFiltered:  0
                                 -  NumSegmentTotal:  78
                                 -  OutputColumnTime:  31.653ms
                                 -  RawRowsRead:  12.071214M  (12071214)
                                 -  RowsBitmapIndexFiltered:  0
                                 -  RowsBloomFilterFiltered:  0
                                 -  RowsConditionsFiltered:  9.426797M  (9426797)
                                 -  RowsKeyRangeFiltered:  0
                                 -  RowsStatsFiltered:  9.426797M  (9426797)
                                 -  RowsVectorPredFiltered:  9.116918M  (9116918)
                                 -  ShortPredEvalTime:  632.552ms
                                 -  TotalPagesNum:  22.625K  (22625)
                                 -  UncompressedBytesRead:  1.21  GB
                                 -  VectorPredEvalTime:  13.653ms
               Instance  ce91e8a1d43f404c-a1e26c1c56e6c7c7  (host=TNetworkAddress(hostname:,  port:9060)):(Active:  1s409ms,  %  non-child:  0.00%)
                     -  FragmentCpuTime:  2.221ms
                     -  RowsProduced:  0
                         -  BlockWritesOutstanding:  0
                         -  BlocksCreated:  0
                         -  BlocksRecycled:  0
                         -  BufferedPins:  0
                         -  BytesWritten:  0.00  
                         -  MaxBlockSize:  8.00  MB
                         -  TotalBufferWaitTime:  0ns
                         -  TotalEncryptionTime:  0ns
                         -  TotalIntegrityCheckTime:  0ns
                         -  TotalReadBlockTime:  0ns
                   VDataStreamSender  (dst_id=1,  dst_fragments=[{"ce91e8a1d43f404c-a1e26c1c56e6c7ca"}]):(Active:  23.881us,  %  non-child:  0.00%)
                         -  BrpcSendTime:  134.146us
                         -  BrpcSendTime.Wait:  429.573us
                         -  BytesSent:  0.00  
                         -  CompressTime:  0ns
                         -  IgnoreRows:  0
                         -  LocalBytesSent:  0.00  
                         -  LocalSentRows:  0
                         -  OverallThroughput:  0.0  /sec
                         -  PeakMemoryUsage:  0.00  
                         -  SerializeBatchTime:  0ns
                         -  UncompressedRowBatchSize:  0.00  
                   VNewOlapScanNode(file_info_his_init_update2)  (id=0):(Active:  1s408ms,  %  non-child:  0.50%)
                         -  PushDownPredicates:  [{fileId  IN  [c7e556560ff2eb33672e22e6be0a5df7]},  {__DORIS_DELETE_SIGN__  IN  [0]}]
                         -  KeyRanges:  ScanKeys:ScanKey=[null(-2147483648)  :  2147483647]
                         -  TabletIds:  [1290083,  1290023,  1290035,  1289975,  1289999,  1290247,  1290191,  1290131,  1290155,  1290103,  1290455,  1290479,  1290303,  1290319,  1290627,  1290635,  1290639,  1290503,  1290547,  1290567,  1290427]
                         -  RemainedDownPredicates:  CompoundPredicate  (and){
   VectorizedFn[eq({"fileId",  "String"})]{
   SlotRef(slot_id=1  type=VARCHAR  codegen=false),
   VLiteral  (name  =  String,  type  =  String,  value  =  (c7e556560ff2eb33672e22e6be0a5df7))},
   VectorizedFn[eq({"__DORIS_DELETE_SIGN__",  "Int8"})]{
   SlotRef(slot_id=26  type=TINYINT  codegen=false),
   VLiteral  (name  =  Int8,  type  =  Int8,  value  =  (-460898627072))}}
                         -  AcuireRuntimeFilterTime:  786ns
                         -  GetNextTime:  1s406ms
                         -  MaxScannerThreadNum:  12
                         -  NewlyCreateFreeBlocksNum:  0
                         -  NumDiskAccess:  1
                         -  NumScanners:  21
                         -  PeakMemoryUsage:  17.90  KB
                         -  PreAllocFreeBlocksNum:  12
                         -  ProcessConjunctTime:  147.45us
                         -  ProjectionTime:  0ns
                         -  RowsRead:  3.20913M  (3209130)
                         -  RowsReturned:  0
                         -  RowsReturnedRate:  0
                         -  ScannerBatchWaitTime:  1s406ms
                         -  ScannerCtxSchedCount:  22
                         -  ScannerSchedCount:  21
                         -  ScannerWorkerWaitTime:  9.453ms
                         -  TabletNum:  21
                         -  TotalReadThroughput:  0
                             -  ColumnPredicates:  
   ComparisonPredicateBase(STRING,  EQ),  column_id=1,  opposite=false
   ComparisonPredicateBase(TINYINT,  EQ),  column_id=26,  opposite=false
                             -  BlockConvertTime:  0ns
                             -  BlockFetchTime:  7s623ms
                             -  ReaderInitTime:  0ns
                             -  RowsDelFiltered:  0
                             -  ScannerConvertBlockTime:  0ns
                             -  ScannerFilterTime:  547.98ms
                             -  ScannerGetBlockTime:  7s594ms
                             -  ScannerInitTime:  1.102ms
                             -  ScannerPrefilterTime:  0ns
                                 -  BitmapIndexFilterTimer:  51.530us
                                 -  BlockConditionsFilteredTime:  3.737ms
                                 -  BlockInitSeekCount:  733
                                 -  BlockInitSeekTime:  229.267ms
                                 -  BlockInitTime:  2s434ms
                                 -  BlockLoadTime:  7s616ms
                                 -  BlocksLoad:  81.586K  (81586)
                                 -  CachedPagesNum:  952
                                 -  CompressedBytesRead:  1.04  GB
                                 -  DecompressorTimer:  821.687ms
                                 -  FirstReadSeekCount:  351
                                 -  FirstReadSeekTime:  1s45ms
                                 -  FirstReadTime:  3s991ms
                                 -  IOTimer:  3s798ms
                                 -  LazyReadSeekCount:  0
                                 -  LazyReadSeekTime:  0ns
                                 -  LazyReadTime:  34.472ms
                                 -  NumSegmentFiltered:  0
                                 -  NumSegmentTotal:  91
                                 -  OutputColumnTime:  28.780ms
                                 -  RawRowsRead:  11.26826M  (11268260)
                                 -  RowsBitmapIndexFiltered:  0
                                 -  RowsBloomFilterFiltered:  0
                                 -  RowsConditionsFiltered:  8.223989M  (8223989)
                                 -  RowsKeyRangeFiltered:  0
                                 -  RowsStatsFiltered:  8.223989M  (8223989)
                                 -  RowsVectorPredFiltered:  8.05913M  (8059130)
                                 -  ShortPredEvalTime:  571.517ms
                                 -  TotalPagesNum:  23.827K  (23827)
                                 -  UncompressedBytesRead:  1.23  GB
                                 -  VectorPredEvalTime:  10.961ms
               Instance  ce91e8a1d43f404c-a1e26c1c56e6c7c4  (host=TNetworkAddress(hostname:,  port:9060)):(Active:  1s408ms,  %  non-child:  0.00%)
                     -  FragmentCpuTime:  2.235ms
                     -  RowsProduced:  0
                         -  BlockWritesOutstanding:  0
                         -  BlocksCreated:  0
                         -  BlocksRecycled:  0
                         -  BufferedPins:  0
                         -  BytesWritten:  0.00  
                         -  MaxBlockSize:  8.00  MB
                         -  TotalBufferWaitTime:  0ns
                         -  TotalEncryptionTime:  0ns
                         -  TotalIntegrityCheckTime:  0ns
                         -  TotalReadBlockTime:  0ns
                   VDataStreamSender  (dst_id=1,  dst_fragments=[{"ce91e8a1d43f404c-a1e26c1c56e6c7ca"}]):(Active:  23.189us,  %  non-child:  0.00%)
                         -  BrpcSendTime:  146.780us
                         -  BrpcSendTime.Wait:  569.690us
                         -  BytesSent:  0.00  
                         -  CompressTime:  0ns
                         -  IgnoreRows:  0
                         -  LocalBytesSent:  0.00  
                         -  LocalSentRows:  0
                         -  OverallThroughput:  0.0  /sec
                         -  PeakMemoryUsage:  0.00  
                         -  SerializeBatchTime:  0ns
                         -  UncompressedRowBatchSize:  0.00  
                   VNewOlapScanNode(file_info_his_init_update2)  (id=0):(Active:  1s407ms,  %  non-child:  0.50%)
                         -  PushDownPredicates:  [{fileId  IN  [c7e556560ff2eb33672e22e6be0a5df7]},  {__DORIS_DELETE_SIGN__  IN  [0]}]
                         -  KeyRanges:  ScanKeys:ScanKey=[null(-2147483648)  :  2147483647]
                         -  TabletIds:  [1290051,  1290027,  1290039,  1289991,  1290211,  1290171,  1290183,  1290195,  1290159,  1290115,  1290459,  1290335,  1290347,  1290295,  1290327,  1290263,  1290287,  1290623,  1290515,  1290411,  1290423,  1290447]
                         -  RemainedDownPredicates:  CompoundPredicate  (and){
   VectorizedFn[eq({"fileId",  "String"})]{
   SlotRef(slot_id=1  type=VARCHAR  codegen=false),
   VLiteral  (name  =  String,  type  =  String,  value  =  (c7e556560ff2eb33672e22e6be0a5df7))},
   VectorizedFn[eq({"__DORIS_DELETE_SIGN__",  "Int8"})]{
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                   VNewOlapScanNode(file_info_his_init_update2)  (id=0):(Active:  1s95ms,  %  non-child:  0.39%)
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   VectorizedFn[eq({"fileId",  "String"})]{
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   VLiteral  (name  =  Int8,  type  =  Int8,  value  =  (00))}}
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   ComparisonPredicateBase(STRING,  EQ),  column_id=1,  opposite=false
   ComparisonPredicateBase(TINYINT,  EQ),  column_id=26,  opposite=false
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               Instance  ce91e8a1d43f404c-a1e26c1c56e6c7c8  (host=TNetworkAddress(hostname:,  port:9060)):
    I don't know what cause be crashed. what should I to do. tell me pls.
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[GitHub] [doris] lipf19860104 commented on issue #21278: [Bug] be crash when use a condition query on 100G table

Posted by "lipf19860104 (via GitHub)" <>.
lipf19860104 commented on issue #21278:

   ok. I'll try to upgrade and reply whether it work.

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[GitHub] [doris] lipf19860104 closed issue #21278: [Bug] be crash when use a condition query on 100G table

Posted by "lipf19860104 (via GitHub)" <>.
lipf19860104 closed issue #21278: [Bug] be crash when use a condition query on 100G table

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[GitHub] [doris] lipf19860104 commented on issue #21278: [Bug] be crash when use a condition query on 100G table

Posted by "lipf19860104 (via GitHub)" <>.
lipf19860104 commented on issue #21278:

   I have upgraded to from 1.2.0. it have solved my problem and have a higher performanced than 1.2.0. thx.

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[GitHub] [doris] yuanyuan8983 commented on issue #21278: [Bug] be crash when use a condition query on 100G table

Posted by "yuanyuan8983 (via GitHub)" <>.
yuanyuan8983 commented on issue #21278:

   It is recommended to upgrade to version for testing, the problem of 1.2.0 should have been fixed, you can talk about it privately, my wechat is : cyllyy810222

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[GitHub] [doris] lipf19860104 commented on issue #21278: [Bug] be crash when use a condition query on 100G table

Posted by "lipf19860104 (via GitHub)" <>.
lipf19860104 commented on issue #21278:

   I find a core file. and gdb it show follow. but I don't know how to fixed it.
   <img width="938" alt="be_core" src="">

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