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Posted to by veritas <> on 2021/04/22 15:55:44 UTC

[DISCUSS]RIP-19 Streaming Tiered Storage Optimize

RIP 19 Streaming Tiered Storage Optimize
I noticed that the community was designing the next-generation architecutre a log time ago.After chatting with some guys in the community, I hope to evolve the design of this architecture and implement it. Thanks for the communication and guidance given by vongosling. Interested guys are welcome to bread down and complete architecture evolution in the cloud native era. 

Current State: Proposed



Mailing List Discussion:

Pull Request: #PR_NUMBER

Released: <released_version>

Correlations: RIP-18 Metadata management architecture upgrade,Thought of The Evolution of The Next Decade Architecture for RocketMQ

Background & Motivation

As user business increase ten times at peek times, such as breaking event happens/shopping festival, and decrease after the peek time to regular, which may lead to some issues

We have to expand brokers resource in case of storage capacity bottleneck.
We have to expand storage capacity in case of broker cpu bottleneck.
After expand brokers/storage, we cant shrink these resources, which lead 9 times resource waste.
Benchmark test dledger broker-cluster, when leader reach cpu bottleneck, follower only utilize 10% of cpu resource.
If store one topic 1 year messages, all topics store 1 year
If store one topic 1 year, local storage is expensive
If 1 queue consume 100 times, lead to the leader node bottleneck, while other node idle
When create new queues, it may choose the busiest broker
What problem is this proposal designed to solve?

Implement the next generation rocketmq architechture, make the boundaries of compute and storage layer specific, support stream and tiered storage.

What problem is this proposal NOT designed to solve?

We will not directly implement multi-raft protocol on RocketMQ.

Are there any limits of this proposal?

Nothing specific.


New architecture graph:

Make clear compute and storage layer interface, focus on compute logic, such as transaction, delay, filter
Handle produce/consume/admin(rocketmq_protocol) api
Use the state-of-the-art Angelia rpc call storage read/write api
Support dynamic add and shrink broker node
Support read replica customized, crack hot queue read imblance problem
storage cluster
Implement storage api for compute node
Multi-raft implement
Support hdfs/S3/GCP
Support dynamic add and shrink storage node
Storage support multi-tenant, like 100w queue
Support topic-level retention time
nameserver cluster
Hash(queue) to a assigned raft group, which broker determine to call the queue-leader node
Detect storage node failure, notify to broker update queueTostorageNode map
Implement a intellgent module, which use machine learning to decide new queue assign to which node, and detect unhealthy node.
Support multi communication protocol such as tcp, http2
Support multi serilization protocol such as json, Avro
compute and store decouple
compute layer

storage layer
    1)commitLog storage
		mappedFile.appendMessage(msg, this.appendMessageCallback);

    2)Dledger storage
            return dLedgerEntryPusher.waitAck(resEntry, false);
    3)5.0 seperate storage
        client:appendMessage()  #wait for leader and follower write half nodes

Message Store

Public interface MessageStore {

#basic api
putMessage(final MessageExtBrokerInner msg)
getMessage(final long offset, final int size)

#startup and cache for storage node

recover(long maxPhyOffsetOfConsumeQueue)

#manage api

for si

Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan

Are backward and forward compatibility taken into consideration?
the old producer/consumer/admin protocol not change, remains backward compatible

Are there deprecated APIs?
Remove deprecated pull consumer apis.

Rejected Alternatives
How does alternatives solve the issue you proposed?

Use bookkeeper as stream storage engine

Pros and Cons of alternatives

The advantages and disadvantages of using bookkeeper are as follows

Advantage: Simple implementation and short development cycle

Disadvantages: bookkeeper use zookkeeper store ledger metadata, The introduction of third-party components requires maintenance of two systems, add maintaince complexity

Why should we reject above alternatives?

The introduction of third-party components is always avoided by RocketMQ, so the proposal of using bookkeeper(which depends zookkeeper) as metadata storage is not adopted.