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Added: james/site/trunk/www/mpt/main/xref/org/apache/james/mpt/Runner.html
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+<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" /><title>Runner xref</title>
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+<div id="overview"><a href="../../../../../../../../../../apidocs/org/apache/james/mpt/Runner.html">View Javadoc</a></div><pre>
+<a name="1" href="#1">1</a>   <em>/**<em>***************************************************************</em></em>
+<a name="2" href="#2">2</a>   <em> * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one   *</em>
+<a name="3" href="#3">3</a>   <em> * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file *</em>
+<a name="4" href="#4">4</a>   <em> * distributed with this work for additional information        *</em>
+<a name="5" href="#5">5</a>   <em> * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file   *</em>
+<a name="6" href="#6">6</a>   <em> * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the            *</em>
+<a name="7" href="#7">7</a>   <em> * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance   *</em>
+<a name="8" href="#8">8</a>   <em> * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at   *</em>
+<a name="9" href="#9">9</a>   <em> *                                                              *</em>
+<a name="10" href="#10">10</a>  <em> *   <a href="" target="alexandria_uri"></a>                 *</em>
+<a name="11" href="#11">11</a>  <em> *                                                              *</em>
+<a name="12" href="#12">12</a>  <em> * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,   *</em>
+<a name="13" href="#13">13</a>  <em> * software distributed under the License is distributed on an  *</em>
+<a name="14" href="#14">14</a>  <em> * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY       *</em>
+<a name="15" href="#15">15</a>  <em> * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the    *</em>
+<a name="16" href="#16">16</a>  <em> * specific language governing permissions and limitations      *</em>
+<a name="17" href="#17">17</a>  <em> * under the License.                                           *</em>
+<a name="18" href="#18">18</a>  <em> ****************************************************************/</em>
+<a name="19" href="#19">19</a>  
+<a name="20" href="#20">20</a>  <strong>package</strong> org.apache.james.mpt;
+<a name="21" href="#21">21</a>  
+<a name="22" href="#22">22</a>  <em>/**<em>*</em></em>
+<a name="23" href="#23">23</a>  <em> * Runs protocol scripts.</em>
+<a name="24" href="#24">24</a>  <em> */</em>
+<a name="25" href="#25">25</a>  <strong>public</strong> <strong>class</strong> <a href="../../../../org/apache/james/mpt/Runner.html">Runner</a> {
+<a name="26" href="#26">26</a>      
+<a name="27" href="#27">27</a>      <em>/**<em>* The Protocol session which is run before the testElements */</em></em>
+<a name="28" href="#28">28</a>      <strong>private</strong> <strong>final</strong> <a href="../../../../org/apache/james/mpt/ProtocolSession.html">ProtocolSession</a> preElements = <strong>new</strong> <a href="../../../../org/apache/james/mpt/ProtocolSession.html">ProtocolSession</a>();
+<a name="29" href="#29">29</a>  
+<a name="30" href="#30">30</a>      <em>/**<em>* The Protocol session which contains the tests elements */</em></em>
+<a name="31" href="#31">31</a>      <strong>private</strong> <strong>final</strong> <a href="../../../../org/apache/james/mpt/ProtocolSession.html">ProtocolSession</a> testElements = <strong>new</strong> <a href="../../../../org/apache/james/mpt/ProtocolSession.html">ProtocolSession</a>();
+<a name="32" href="#32">32</a>  
+<a name="33" href="#33">33</a>      <em>/**<em>* The Protocol session which is run after the testElements. */</em></em>
+<a name="34" href="#34">34</a>      <strong>private</strong> <strong>final</strong> <a href="../../../../org/apache/james/mpt/ProtocolSession.html">ProtocolSession</a> postElements = <strong>new</strong> <a href="../../../../org/apache/james/mpt/ProtocolSession.html">ProtocolSession</a>();
+<a name="35" href="#35">35</a>      
+<a name="36" href="#36">36</a>      <strong>public</strong> <strong>void</strong> continueAfterFailure() {
+<a name="37" href="#37">37</a>          preElements.setContinueAfterFailure(<strong>true</strong>);
+<a name="38" href="#38">38</a>          testElements.setContinueAfterFailure(<strong>true</strong>);
+<a name="39" href="#39">39</a>          postElements.setContinueAfterFailure(<strong>true</strong>);
+<a name="40" href="#40">40</a>      }
+<a name="41" href="#41">41</a>      
+<a name="42" href="#42">42</a>      <em>/**<em>*</em></em>
+<a name="43" href="#43">43</a>  <em>     * Gets protocol session run after test.</em>
+<a name="44" href="#44">44</a>  <em>     * @return not null</em>
+<a name="45" href="#45">45</a>  <em>     */</em>
+<a name="46" href="#46">46</a>      <strong>public</strong> <a href="../../../../org/apache/james/mpt/ProtocolInteractor.html">ProtocolInteractor</a> getPostElements() {
+<a name="47" href="#47">47</a>          <strong>return</strong> postElements;
+<a name="48" href="#48">48</a>      }
+<a name="49" href="#49">49</a>  
+<a name="50" href="#50">50</a>      <em>/**<em>*</em></em>
+<a name="51" href="#51">51</a>  <em>     * Gets protocol session run before test.</em>
+<a name="52" href="#52">52</a>  <em>     * @return not null</em>
+<a name="53" href="#53">53</a>  <em>     */</em>
+<a name="54" href="#54">54</a>      <strong>public</strong> <a href="../../../../org/apache/james/mpt/ProtocolInteractor.html">ProtocolInteractor</a> getPreElements() {
+<a name="55" href="#55">55</a>          <strong>return</strong> preElements;
+<a name="56" href="#56">56</a>      }
+<a name="57" href="#57">57</a>      <em>/**<em>*</em></em>
+<a name="58" href="#58">58</a>  <em>     * Gets protocol session run on test.</em>
+<a name="59" href="#59">59</a>  <em>     * @return not null</em>
+<a name="60" href="#60">60</a>  <em>     */</em>
+<a name="61" href="#61">61</a>      <strong>public</strong> <a href="../../../../org/apache/james/mpt/ProtocolInteractor.html">ProtocolInteractor</a> getTestElements() {
+<a name="62" href="#62">62</a>          <strong>return</strong> testElements;
+<a name="63" href="#63">63</a>      }
+<a name="64" href="#64">64</a>  
+<a name="65" href="#65">65</a>  
+<a name="66" href="#66">66</a>  
+<a name="67" href="#67">67</a>      <em>/**<em>*</em></em>
+<a name="68" href="#68">68</a>  <em>     * Runs the pre,test and post protocol sessions against a local copy of the</em>
+<a name="69" href="#69">69</a>  <em>     * ImapServer. This does not require that James be running, and is useful</em>
+<a name="70" href="#70">70</a>  <em>     * for rapid development and debugging.</em>
+<a name="71" href="#71">71</a>  <em>     * </em>
+<a name="72" href="#72">72</a>  <em>     * Instead of sending requests to a socket connected to a running instance</em>
+<a name="73" href="#73">73</a>  <em>     * of James, this method uses the {@link MockImapServer} to simplify</em>
+<a name="74" href="#74">74</a>  <em>     * testing. One mock instance is required per protocol session/connection.</em>
+<a name="75" href="#75">75</a>  <em>     * These share the same underlying Mailboxes, because of the way</em>
+<a name="76" href="#76">76</a>  <em>     * {@link MockImapServer#getImapSession()} works.</em>
+<a name="77" href="#77">77</a>  <em>     */</em>
+<a name="78" href="#78">78</a>      <strong>public</strong> <strong>void</strong> runSessions(<strong>final</strong> <a href="../../../../org/apache/james/mpt/SessionFactory.html">SessionFactory</a> factory) throws Exception {
+<a name="79" href="#79">79</a>          <strong>class</strong> SessionContinuation implements HostSystem.Continuation {
+<a name="80" href="#80">80</a>  
+<a name="81" href="#81">81</a>              <strong>public</strong> <a href="../../../../org/apache/james/mpt/ProtocolSession.html">ProtocolSession</a> session;
+<a name="82" href="#82">82</a>  
+<a name="83" href="#83">83</a>              <strong>public</strong> <strong>void</strong> doContinue() {
+<a name="84" href="#84">84</a>                  <strong>if</strong> (session != <strong>null</strong>) {
+<a name="85" href="#85">85</a>                      session.doContinue();
+<a name="86" href="#86">86</a>                  }
+<a name="87" href="#87">87</a>              }
+<a name="88" href="#88">88</a>  
+<a name="89" href="#89">89</a>          }
+<a name="90" href="#90">90</a>          SessionContinuation continuation = <strong>new</strong> SessionContinuation();
+<a name="91" href="#91">91</a>  
+<a name="92" href="#92">92</a>          <a href="../../../../org/apache/james/mpt/Session.html">Session</a>[] sessions = <strong>new</strong> <a href="../../../../org/apache/james/mpt/Session.html">Session</a>[testElements
+<a name="93" href="#93">93</a>                  .getSessionCount()];
+<a name="94" href="#94">94</a>  
+<a name="95" href="#95">95</a>          <strong>for</strong> (<strong>int</strong> i = 0; i &lt; sessions.length; i++) {
+<a name="96" href="#96">96</a>              sessions[i] = factory.newSession(continuation);
+<a name="97" href="#97">97</a>              sessions[i].start();
+<a name="98" href="#98">98</a>          }
+<a name="99" href="#99">99</a>          <strong>try</strong> {
+<a name="100" href="#100">100</a>             continuation.session = preElements;
+<a name="101" href="#101">101</a>             preElements.runSessions(sessions);
+<a name="102" href="#102">102</a>             continuation.session = testElements;
+<a name="103" href="#103">103</a>             testElements.runSessions(sessions);
+<a name="104" href="#104">104</a>             continuation.session = postElements;
+<a name="105" href="#105">105</a>             postElements.runSessions(sessions);
+<a name="106" href="#106">106</a>         } <strong>finally</strong> {
+<a name="107" href="#107">107</a>             <strong>for</strong> (<strong>int</strong> i = 0; i &lt; sessions.length; i++) {
+<a name="108" href="#108">108</a>                 sessions[i].stop();
+<a name="109" href="#109">109</a>             }
+<a name="110" href="#110">110</a>         }
+<a name="111" href="#111">111</a>     }
+<a name="112" href="#112">112</a> 
+<a name="113" href="#113">113</a>     <em>/**<em>*</em></em>
+<a name="114" href="#114">114</a> <em>     * Constructs a &lt;code>String&lt;/code> with all attributes</em>
+<a name="115" href="#115">115</a> <em>     * in name = value format.</em>
+<a name="116" href="#116">116</a> <em>     *</em>
+<a name="117" href="#117">117</a> <em>     * @return a &lt;code>String&lt;/code> representation </em>
+<a name="118" href="#118">118</a> <em>     * of this object.</em>
+<a name="119" href="#119">119</a> <em>     */</em>
+<a name="120" href="#120">120</a>     <strong>public</strong> String toString()
+<a name="121" href="#121">121</a>     {
+<a name="122" href="#122">122</a>         <strong>final</strong> String TAB = <span class="string">" "</span>;
+<a name="123" href="#123">123</a>         
+<a name="124" href="#124">124</a>         String result  = <span class="string">"Runner ( "</span>
+<a name="125" href="#125">125</a>             + <span class="string">"preElements = "</span> + <strong>this</strong>.preElements + TAB
+<a name="126" href="#126">126</a>             + <span class="string">"testElements = "</span> + <strong>this</strong>.testElements + TAB
+<a name="127" href="#127">127</a>             + <span class="string">"postElements = "</span> + <strong>this</strong>.postElements + TAB
+<a name="128" href="#128">128</a>             + <span class="string">" )"</span>;
+<a name="129" href="#129">129</a>     
+<a name="130" href="#130">130</a>         <strong>return</strong> result;
+<a name="131" href="#131">131</a>     }
+<a name="132" href="#132">132</a> 
+<a name="133" href="#133">133</a>     
+<a name="134" href="#134">134</a> }
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+<div id="overview"><a href="../../../../../../../../../../apidocs/org/apache/james/mpt/ScriptedUserAdder.html">View Javadoc</a></div><pre>
+<a name="1" href="#1">1</a>   <em>/**<em>***************************************************************</em></em>
+<a name="2" href="#2">2</a>   <em> * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one   *</em>
+<a name="3" href="#3">3</a>   <em> * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file *</em>
+<a name="4" href="#4">4</a>   <em> * distributed with this work for additional information        *</em>
+<a name="5" href="#5">5</a>   <em> * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file   *</em>
+<a name="6" href="#6">6</a>   <em> * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the            *</em>
+<a name="7" href="#7">7</a>   <em> * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance   *</em>
+<a name="8" href="#8">8</a>   <em> * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at   *</em>
+<a name="9" href="#9">9</a>   <em> *                                                              *</em>
+<a name="10" href="#10">10</a>  <em> *   <a href="" target="alexandria_uri"></a>                 *</em>
+<a name="11" href="#11">11</a>  <em> *                                                              *</em>
+<a name="12" href="#12">12</a>  <em> * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,   *</em>
+<a name="13" href="#13">13</a>  <em> * software distributed under the License is distributed on an  *</em>
+<a name="14" href="#14">14</a>  <em> * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY       *</em>
+<a name="15" href="#15">15</a>  <em> * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the    *</em>
+<a name="16" href="#16">16</a>  <em> * specific language governing permissions and limitations      *</em>
+<a name="17" href="#17">17</a>  <em> * under the License.                                           *</em>
+<a name="18" href="#18">18</a>  <em> ****************************************************************/</em>
+<a name="19" href="#19">19</a>  
+<a name="20" href="#20">20</a>  <strong>package</strong> org.apache.james.mpt;
+<a name="21" href="#21">21</a>  
+<a name="22" href="#22">22</a>  <strong>import</strong>;
+<a name="23" href="#23">23</a>  <strong>import</strong>;
+<a name="24" href="#24">24</a>  
+<a name="25" href="#25">25</a>  <em>/**<em>*</em></em>
+<a name="26" href="#26">26</a>  <em> * Adds a user by executing a script at a port.</em>
+<a name="27" href="#27">27</a>  <em> * The user name and password supplied will be substituted </em>
+<a name="28" href="#28">28</a>  <em> * for the variables &lt;code>${user}&lt;/code> and &lt;code>${password}&lt;/code>.</em>
+<a name="29" href="#29">29</a>  <em> */</em>
+<a name="30" href="#30">30</a>  <strong>public</strong> <strong>class</strong> <a href="../../../../org/apache/james/mpt/ScriptedUserAdder.html">ScriptedUserAdder</a> implements <a href="../../../../org/apache/james/mpt/UserAdder.html">UserAdder</a> {
+<a name="31" href="#31">31</a>  
+<a name="32" href="#32">32</a>      <strong>private</strong> <strong>static</strong> <strong>final</strong> String SCRIPT_NAME = <span class="string">"Add User Script"</span>;
+<a name="33" href="#33">33</a>      <strong>private</strong> <strong>static</strong> <strong>final</strong> String PASSWORD_VARIABLE_NAME = <span class="string">"password"</span>;
+<a name="34" href="#34">34</a>      <strong>private</strong> <strong>static</strong> <strong>final</strong> String USER_VARIABLE_NAME = <span class="string">"user"</span>;
+<a name="35" href="#35">35</a>      
+<a name="36" href="#36">36</a>      <strong>private</strong> <strong>final</strong> String host;
+<a name="37" href="#37">37</a>      <strong>private</strong> <strong>final</strong> <strong>int</strong> port;
+<a name="38" href="#38">38</a>      <strong>private</strong> <strong>final</strong> String script;
+<a name="39" href="#39">39</a>      <strong>private</strong> <strong>final</strong> <a href="../../../../org/apache/james/mpt/Monitor.html">Monitor</a> monitor;
+<a name="40" href="#40">40</a>      
+<a name="41" href="#41">41</a>      <em>/**<em>*</em></em>
+<a name="42" href="#42">42</a>  <em>     * Constructs an adder without a script.</em>
+<a name="43" href="#43">43</a>  <em>     * Note that {@link #addUser(String, String)} will not be available</em>
+<a name="44" href="#44">44</a>  <em>     * @param host connect to this host</em>
+<a name="45" href="#45">45</a>  <em>     * @param port connect to this port</em>
+<a name="46" href="#46">46</a>  <em>     */</em>
+<a name="47" href="#47">47</a>      <strong>public</strong> <a href="../../../../org/apache/james/mpt/ScriptedUserAdder.html">ScriptedUserAdder</a>(<strong>final</strong> String host, <strong>final</strong> <strong>int</strong> port)
+<a name="48" href="#48">48</a>      {
+<a name="49" href="#49">49</a>          <strong>this</strong>(host, port, (String) <strong>null</strong>);
+<a name="50" href="#50">50</a>      }
+<a name="51" href="#51">51</a>      
+<a name="52" href="#52">52</a>      <strong>public</strong> <a href="../../../../org/apache/james/mpt/ScriptedUserAdder.html">ScriptedUserAdder</a>(<strong>final</strong> String host, <strong>final</strong> <strong>int</strong> port, <strong>final</strong> String script) {
+<a name="53" href="#53">53</a>          <strong>this</strong>(host, port, script, <strong>new</strong> <a href="../../../../org/apache/james/mpt/NullMonitor.html">NullMonitor</a>());
+<a name="54" href="#54">54</a>      }
+<a name="55" href="#55">55</a>      
+<a name="56" href="#56">56</a>      <em>/**<em>*</em></em>
+<a name="57" href="#57">57</a>  <em>     * Note that {@link #addUser(String, String)} will not be available</em>
+<a name="58" href="#58">58</a>  <em>     * @param host connect to this host</em>
+<a name="59" href="#59">59</a>  <em>     * @param port connect to this port</em>
+<a name="60" href="#60">60</a>  <em>     * @param monitor not null</em>
+<a name="61" href="#61">61</a>  <em>     */</em>
+<a name="62" href="#62">62</a>      <strong>public</strong> <a href="../../../../org/apache/james/mpt/ScriptedUserAdder.html">ScriptedUserAdder</a>(<strong>final</strong> String host, <strong>final</strong> <strong>int</strong> port, <strong>final</strong> <a href="../../../../org/apache/james/mpt/Monitor.html">Monitor</a> monitor) {
+<a name="63" href="#63">63</a>          <strong>this</strong>(host, port, <strong>null</strong>, monitor);
+<a name="64" href="#64">64</a>      }
+<a name="65" href="#65">65</a>      
+<a name="66" href="#66">66</a>      <strong>public</strong> <a href="../../../../org/apache/james/mpt/ScriptedUserAdder.html">ScriptedUserAdder</a>(<strong>final</strong> String host, <strong>final</strong> <strong>int</strong> port, <strong>final</strong> String script, <strong>final</strong> <a href="../../../../org/apache/james/mpt/Monitor.html">Monitor</a> monitor) {
+<a name="67" href="#67">67</a>          <strong>this</strong>.host = host;
+<a name="68" href="#68">68</a>          <strong>this</strong>.port = port;
+<a name="69" href="#69">69</a>          <strong>this</strong>.script = script;
+<a name="70" href="#70">70</a>          <strong>this</strong>.monitor = monitor;
+<a name="71" href="#71">71</a>      }
+<a name="72" href="#72">72</a>      
+<a name="73" href="#73">73</a>      <em>/**<em>*</em></em>
+<a name="74" href="#74">74</a>  <em>     * Adds a user using the script read from the given input.</em>
+<a name="75" href="#75">75</a>  <em>     * @param user user name, not null</em>
+<a name="76" href="#76">76</a>  <em>     * @param password password to set, not null</em>
+<a name="77" href="#77">77</a>  <em>     * @throws Exception upon failure</em>
+<a name="78" href="#78">78</a>  <em>     * @throws NullPointerException when script has not been set</em>
+<a name="79" href="#79">79</a>  <em>     */</em>
+<a name="80" href="#80">80</a>      <strong>public</strong> <strong>void</strong> addUser(<strong>final</strong> String user, <strong>final</strong> String password) throws Exception {
+<a name="81" href="#81">81</a>          <strong>final</strong> StringReader reader = <strong>new</strong> StringReader(script);
+<a name="82" href="#82">82</a>          addUser(user, password, reader);
+<a name="83" href="#83">83</a>      }
+<a name="84" href="#84">84</a>  
+<a name="85" href="#85">85</a>      <em>/**<em>*</em></em>
+<a name="86" href="#86">86</a>  <em>     * Adds a user using the script read from the given input.</em>
+<a name="87" href="#87">87</a>  <em>     * @param user user name, not null</em>
+<a name="88" href="#88">88</a>  <em>     * @param password password to set, not null</em>
+<a name="89" href="#89">89</a>  <em>     * @param reader reader for script, not null</em>
+<a name="90" href="#90">90</a>  <em>     * @throws Exception upon failure</em>
+<a name="91" href="#91">91</a>  <em>     */</em>
+<a name="92" href="#92">92</a>      <strong>public</strong> <strong>void</strong> addUser(<strong>final</strong> String user, <strong>final</strong> String password, <strong>final</strong> Reader reader) throws Exception {
+<a name="93" href="#93">93</a>          <strong>final</strong> <a href="../../../../org/apache/james/mpt/ProtocolSessionBuilder.html">ProtocolSessionBuilder</a> builder = <strong>new</strong> <a href="../../../../org/apache/james/mpt/ProtocolSessionBuilder.html">ProtocolSessionBuilder</a>();
+<a name="94" href="#94">94</a>          builder.setVariable(USER_VARIABLE_NAME, user);
+<a name="95" href="#95">95</a>          builder.setVariable(PASSWORD_VARIABLE_NAME, password);
+<a name="96" href="#96">96</a>          
+<a name="97" href="#97">97</a>          <strong>final</strong> <a href="../../../../org/apache/james/mpt/Runner.html">Runner</a> runner = <strong>new</strong> <a href="../../../../org/apache/james/mpt/Runner.html">Runner</a>();
+<a name="98" href="#98">98</a>          builder.addProtocolLines(SCRIPT_NAME, reader, runner.getTestElements());
+<a name="99" href="#99">99</a>          <strong>final</strong> <a href="../../../../org/apache/james/mpt/ExternalSessionFactory.html">ExternalSessionFactory</a> factory = <strong>new</strong> <a href="../../../../org/apache/james/mpt/ExternalSessionFactory.html">ExternalSessionFactory</a>(host, port, monitor, <strong>null</strong>);
+<a name="100" href="#100">100</a>         runner.runSessions(factory);
+<a name="101" href="#101">101</a>     }
+<a name="102" href="#102">102</a> 
+<a name="103" href="#103">103</a>     <em>/**<em>*</em></em>
+<a name="104" href="#104">104</a> <em>     * Constructs a &lt;code>String&lt;/code> with all attributes</em>
+<a name="105" href="#105">105</a> <em>     * in name = value format.</em>
+<a name="106" href="#106">106</a> <em>     *</em>
+<a name="107" href="#107">107</a> <em>     * @return a &lt;code>String&lt;/code> representation </em>
+<a name="108" href="#108">108</a> <em>     * of this object.</em>
+<a name="109" href="#109">109</a> <em>     */</em>
+<a name="110" href="#110">110</a>     <strong>public</strong> String toString()
+<a name="111" href="#111">111</a>     {
+<a name="112" href="#112">112</a>         <strong>final</strong> String TAB = <span class="string">" "</span>;
+<a name="113" href="#113">113</a>         
+<a name="114" href="#114">114</a>         String result = <span class="string">"ScriptedUserAdder ( "</span>
+<a name="115" href="#115">115</a>             + <strong>super</strong>.toString() + TAB
+<a name="116" href="#116">116</a>             + <span class="string">"host = "</span> + <strong>this</strong>.host + TAB
+<a name="117" href="#117">117</a>             + <span class="string">"port = "</span> + <strong>this</strong>.port + TAB
+<a name="118" href="#118">118</a>             + <span class="string">"script = "</span> + <strong>this</strong>.script + TAB
+<a name="119" href="#119">119</a>             + <span class="string">"monitor = "</span> + <strong>this</strong>.monitor + TAB
+<a name="120" href="#120">120</a>             + <span class="string">" )"</span>;
+<a name="121" href="#121">121</a>     
+<a name="122" href="#122">122</a>         <strong>return</strong> result;
+<a name="123" href="#123">123</a>     }
+<a name="124" href="#124">124</a>     
+<a name="125" href="#125">125</a>     
+<a name="126" href="#126">126</a> }
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+<div id="overview"><a href="../../../../../../../../../../apidocs/org/apache/james/mpt/Session.html">View Javadoc</a></div><pre>
+<a name="1" href="#1">1</a>   <em>/**<em>***************************************************************</em></em>
+<a name="2" href="#2">2</a>   <em> * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one   *</em>
+<a name="3" href="#3">3</a>   <em> * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file *</em>
+<a name="4" href="#4">4</a>   <em> * distributed with this work for additional information        *</em>
+<a name="5" href="#5">5</a>   <em> * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file   *</em>
+<a name="6" href="#6">6</a>   <em> * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the            *</em>
+<a name="7" href="#7">7</a>   <em> * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance   *</em>
+<a name="8" href="#8">8</a>   <em> * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at   *</em>
+<a name="9" href="#9">9</a>   <em> *                                                              *</em>
+<a name="10" href="#10">10</a>  <em> *   <a href="" target="alexandria_uri"></a>                 *</em>
+<a name="11" href="#11">11</a>  <em> *                                                              *</em>
+<a name="12" href="#12">12</a>  <em> * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,   *</em>
+<a name="13" href="#13">13</a>  <em> * software distributed under the License is distributed on an  *</em>
+<a name="14" href="#14">14</a>  <em> * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY       *</em>
+<a name="15" href="#15">15</a>  <em> * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the    *</em>
+<a name="16" href="#16">16</a>  <em> * specific language governing permissions and limitations      *</em>
+<a name="17" href="#17">17</a>  <em> * under the License.                                           *</em>
+<a name="18" href="#18">18</a>  <em> ****************************************************************/</em>
+<a name="19" href="#19">19</a>  
+<a name="20" href="#20">20</a>  <strong>package</strong> org.apache.james.mpt;
+<a name="21" href="#21">21</a>  
+<a name="22" href="#22">22</a>  <em>/**<em>*</em></em>
+<a name="23" href="#23">23</a>  <em> * A connection to the host.</em>
+<a name="24" href="#24">24</a>  <em> */</em>
+<a name="25" href="#25">25</a>  <strong>public</strong> <strong>interface</strong> <a href="../../../../org/apache/james/mpt/Session.html">Session</a> {
+<a name="26" href="#26">26</a>      
+<a name="27" href="#27">27</a>      <em>/**<em>*</em></em>
+<a name="28" href="#28">28</a>  <em>     * Reads a line from the session input,</em>
+<a name="29" href="#29">29</a>  <em>     * blocking until a new line is available.</em>
+<a name="30" href="#30">30</a>  <em>     * @return not null</em>
+<a name="31" href="#31">31</a>  <em>     * @throws Exception</em>
+<a name="32" href="#32">32</a>  <em>     */</em>
+<a name="33" href="#33">33</a>      <strong>public</strong> String readLine() throws Exception;
+<a name="34" href="#34">34</a>  
+<a name="35" href="#35">35</a>      <em>/**<em>*</em></em>
+<a name="36" href="#36">36</a>  <em>     * Writes a line to the session output.</em>
+<a name="37" href="#37">37</a>  <em>     * @param line not null</em>
+<a name="38" href="#38">38</a>  <em>     * @throws Exception</em>
+<a name="39" href="#39">39</a>  <em>     */</em>
+<a name="40" href="#40">40</a>      <strong>public</strong> <strong>void</strong> writeLine(String line) throws Exception;
+<a name="41" href="#41">41</a>  
+<a name="42" href="#42">42</a>      <em>/**<em>*</em></em>
+<a name="43" href="#43">43</a>  <em>     * Opens the session.</em>
+<a name="44" href="#44">44</a>  <em>     * </em>
+<a name="45" href="#45">45</a>  <em>     * @throws Exception</em>
+<a name="46" href="#46">46</a>  <em>     */</em>
+<a name="47" href="#47">47</a>      <strong>public</strong> <strong>void</strong> start() throws Exception;
+<a name="48" href="#48">48</a>  
+<a name="49" href="#49">49</a>      <em>/**<em>*</em></em>
+<a name="50" href="#50">50</a>  <em>     * Closes the session.</em>
+<a name="51" href="#51">51</a>  <em>     * </em>
+<a name="52" href="#52">52</a>  <em>     * @throws Exception</em>
+<a name="53" href="#53">53</a>  <em>     */</em>
+<a name="54" href="#54">54</a>      <strong>public</strong> <strong>void</strong> stop() throws Exception;
+<a name="55" href="#55">55</a>  }
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+<div id="overview"><a href="../../../../../../../../../../apidocs/org/apache/james/mpt/SessionFactory.html">View Javadoc</a></div><pre>
+<a name="1" href="#1">1</a>   <em>/**<em>***************************************************************</em></em>
+<a name="2" href="#2">2</a>   <em> * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one   *</em>
+<a name="3" href="#3">3</a>   <em> * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file *</em>
+<a name="4" href="#4">4</a>   <em> * distributed with this work for additional information        *</em>
+<a name="5" href="#5">5</a>   <em> * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file   *</em>
+<a name="6" href="#6">6</a>   <em> * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the            *</em>
+<a name="7" href="#7">7</a>   <em> * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance   *</em>
+<a name="8" href="#8">8</a>   <em> * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at   *</em>
+<a name="9" href="#9">9</a>   <em> *                                                              *</em>
+<a name="10" href="#10">10</a>  <em> *   <a href="" target="alexandria_uri"></a>                 *</em>
+<a name="11" href="#11">11</a>  <em> *                                                              *</em>
+<a name="12" href="#12">12</a>  <em> * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,   *</em>
+<a name="13" href="#13">13</a>  <em> * software distributed under the License is distributed on an  *</em>
+<a name="14" href="#14">14</a>  <em> * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY       *</em>
+<a name="15" href="#15">15</a>  <em> * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the    *</em>
+<a name="16" href="#16">16</a>  <em> * specific language governing permissions and limitations      *</em>
+<a name="17" href="#17">17</a>  <em> * under the License.                                           *</em>
+<a name="18" href="#18">18</a>  <em> ****************************************************************/</em>
+<a name="19" href="#19">19</a>  
+<a name="20" href="#20">20</a>  <strong>package</strong> org.apache.james.mpt;
+<a name="21" href="#21">21</a>  
+<a name="22" href="#22">22</a>  <strong>import</strong> org.apache.james.mpt.HostSystem.Continuation;
+<a name="23" href="#23">23</a>  
+<a name="24" href="#24">24</a>  <em>/**<em>*</em></em>
+<a name="25" href="#25">25</a>  <em> * Builds sessions for protocol testing.</em>
+<a name="26" href="#26">26</a>  <em> */</em>
+<a name="27" href="#27">27</a>  <strong>public</strong> <strong>interface</strong> <a href="../../../../org/apache/james/mpt/SessionFactory.html">SessionFactory</a> {
+<a name="28" href="#28">28</a>  
+<a name="29" href="#29">29</a>      <em>/**<em>*</em></em>
+<a name="30" href="#30">30</a>  <em>     * Creates a new session for functional testing.</em>
+<a name="31" href="#31">31</a>  <em>     * </em>
+<a name="32" href="#32">32</a>  <em>     * @return &lt;code>Session&lt;/code>, not null</em>
+<a name="33" href="#33">33</a>  <em>     * @throws Exception</em>
+<a name="34" href="#34">34</a>  <em>     */</em>
+<a name="35" href="#35">35</a>      <strong>public</strong> <strong>abstract</strong> <a href="../../../../org/apache/james/mpt/Session.html">Session</a> newSession(Continuation continuation)
+<a name="36" href="#36">36</a>              throws Exception;
+<a name="37" href="#37">37</a>  
+<a name="38" href="#38">38</a>  }
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Added: james/site/trunk/www/mpt/main/xref/org/apache/james/mpt/SystemLoggingMonitor.html
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+<a name="1" href="#1">1</a>   <em>/**<em>***************************************************************</em></em>
+<a name="2" href="#2">2</a>   <em> * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one   *</em>
+<a name="3" href="#3">3</a>   <em> * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file *</em>
+<a name="4" href="#4">4</a>   <em> * distributed with this work for additional information        *</em>
+<a name="5" href="#5">5</a>   <em> * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file   *</em>
+<a name="6" href="#6">6</a>   <em> * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the            *</em>
+<a name="7" href="#7">7</a>   <em> * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance   *</em>
+<a name="8" href="#8">8</a>   <em> * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at   *</em>
+<a name="9" href="#9">9</a>   <em> *                                                              *</em>
+<a name="10" href="#10">10</a>  <em> *   <a href="" target="alexandria_uri"></a>                 *</em>
+<a name="11" href="#11">11</a>  <em> *                                                              *</em>
+<a name="12" href="#12">12</a>  <em> * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,   *</em>
+<a name="13" href="#13">13</a>  <em> * software distributed under the License is distributed on an  *</em>
+<a name="14" href="#14">14</a>  <em> * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY       *</em>
+<a name="15" href="#15">15</a>  <em> * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the    *</em>
+<a name="16" href="#16">16</a>  <em> * specific language governing permissions and limitations      *</em>
+<a name="17" href="#17">17</a>  <em> * under the License.                                           *</em>
+<a name="18" href="#18">18</a>  <em> ****************************************************************/</em>
+<a name="19" href="#19">19</a>  
+<a name="20" href="#20">20</a>  <strong>package</strong> org.apache.james.mpt;
+<a name="21" href="#21">21</a>  
+<a name="22" href="#22">22</a>  <em>/**<em>*</em></em>
+<a name="23" href="#23">23</a>  <em> * Feeds monitored information to {@link System#out}.</em>
+<a name="24" href="#24">24</a>  <em> */</em>
+<a name="25" href="#25">25</a>  <strong>public</strong> <strong>final</strong> <strong>class</strong> <a href="../../../../org/apache/james/mpt/SystemLoggingMonitor.html">SystemLoggingMonitor</a> implements <a href="../../../../org/apache/james/mpt/Monitor.html">Monitor</a> {
+<a name="26" href="#26">26</a>  
+<a name="27" href="#27">27</a>      <strong>private</strong> <strong>boolean</strong> verbose = false;
+<a name="28" href="#28">28</a>      
+<a name="29" href="#29">29</a>      
+<a name="30" href="#30">30</a>      <strong>public</strong> <strong>boolean</strong> isVerbose() {
+<a name="31" href="#31">31</a>          <strong>return</strong> verbose;
+<a name="32" href="#32">32</a>      }
+<a name="33" href="#33">33</a>  
+<a name="34" href="#34">34</a>      <strong>public</strong> <strong>void</strong> setVerbose(<strong>boolean</strong> verbose) {
+<a name="35" href="#35">35</a>          <strong>this</strong>.verbose = verbose;
+<a name="36" href="#36">36</a>      }
+<a name="37" href="#37">37</a>  
+<a name="38" href="#38">38</a>      <strong>public</strong> <strong>void</strong> note(String message) {
+<a name="39" href="#39">39</a>          System.out.println(message);
+<a name="40" href="#40">40</a>      }
+<a name="41" href="#41">41</a>  
+<a name="42" href="#42">42</a>      <strong>public</strong> <strong>void</strong> debug(<strong>char</strong> <strong>char</strong>acter) {
+<a name="43" href="#43">43</a>          System.out.print(character);
+<a name="44" href="#44">44</a>      }
+<a name="45" href="#45">45</a>  
+<a name="46" href="#46">46</a>      <strong>public</strong> <strong>void</strong> debug(String message) {
+<a name="47" href="#47">47</a>         System.out.println(message);
+<a name="48" href="#48">48</a>      }
+<a name="49" href="#49">49</a>  
+<a name="50" href="#50">50</a>      
+<a name="51" href="#51">51</a>  }
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Added: james/site/trunk/www/mpt/main/xref/org/apache/james/mpt/UserAdder.html
--- james/site/trunk/www/mpt/main/xref/org/apache/james/mpt/UserAdder.html (added)
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+<div id="overview"><a href="../../../../../../../../../../apidocs/org/apache/james/mpt/UserAdder.html">View Javadoc</a></div><pre>
+<a name="1" href="#1">1</a>   <em>/**<em>***************************************************************</em></em>
+<a name="2" href="#2">2</a>   <em> * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one   *</em>
+<a name="3" href="#3">3</a>   <em> * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file *</em>
+<a name="4" href="#4">4</a>   <em> * distributed with this work for additional information        *</em>
+<a name="5" href="#5">5</a>   <em> * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file   *</em>
+<a name="6" href="#6">6</a>   <em> * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the            *</em>
+<a name="7" href="#7">7</a>   <em> * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance   *</em>
+<a name="8" href="#8">8</a>   <em> * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at   *</em>
+<a name="9" href="#9">9</a>   <em> *                                                              *</em>
+<a name="10" href="#10">10</a>  <em> *   <a href="" target="alexandria_uri"></a>                 *</em>
+<a name="11" href="#11">11</a>  <em> *                                                              *</em>
+<a name="12" href="#12">12</a>  <em> * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,   *</em>
+<a name="13" href="#13">13</a>  <em> * software distributed under the License is distributed on an  *</em>
+<a name="14" href="#14">14</a>  <em> * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY       *</em>
+<a name="15" href="#15">15</a>  <em> * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the    *</em>
+<a name="16" href="#16">16</a>  <em> * specific language governing permissions and limitations      *</em>
+<a name="17" href="#17">17</a>  <em> * under the License.                                           *</em>
+<a name="18" href="#18">18</a>  <em> ****************************************************************/</em>
+<a name="19" href="#19">19</a>  
+<a name="20" href="#20">20</a>  <strong>package</strong> org.apache.james.mpt;
+<a name="21" href="#21">21</a>  
+<a name="22" href="#22">22</a>  <em>/**<em>*</em></em>
+<a name="23" href="#23">23</a>  <em> * Adds users on demand.</em>
+<a name="24" href="#24">24</a>  <em> */</em>
+<a name="25" href="#25">25</a>  <strong>public</strong> <strong>interface</strong> <a href="../../../../org/apache/james/mpt/UserAdder.html">UserAdder</a> {
+<a name="26" href="#26">26</a>      
+<a name="27" href="#27">27</a>      <em>/**<em>*</em></em>
+<a name="28" href="#28">28</a>  <em>     * Adds a user.</em>
+<a name="29" href="#29">29</a>  <em>     * @param user not null</em>
+<a name="30" href="#30">30</a>  <em>     * @param password not null</em>
+<a name="31" href="#31">31</a>  <em>     * @throws Exception when user cannot be added</em>
+<a name="32" href="#32">32</a>  <em>     */</em>
+<a name="33" href="#33">33</a>      <strong>public</strong> <strong>void</strong> addUser(String user, String password) throws Exception;
+<a name="34" href="#34">34</a>  }
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+        	<a href="package-summary.html" target="classFrame">org.apache.james.mpt</a>
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+      	<h3>Classes</h3>
+      	<ul>
+      		          	<li>
+            	<a href="AbstractProtocolTestFramework.html" target="classFrame">AbstractProtocolTestFramework</a>
+          	</li>
+          	          	<li>
+            	<a href="AbstractSimpleScriptedTestProtocol.html" target="classFrame">AbstractSimpleScriptedTestProtocol</a>
+          	</li>
+          	          	<li>
+            	<a href="ExternalHostSystem.html" target="classFrame">ExternalHostSystem</a>
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+          	          	<li>
+            	<a href="ExternalSession.html" target="classFrame">ExternalSession</a>
+          	</li>
+          	          	<li>
+            	<a href="ExternalSessionFactory.html" target="classFrame">ExternalSessionFactory</a>
+          	</li>
+          	          	<li>
+            	<a href="HostSystem.html" target="classFrame">HostSystem</a>
+          	</li>
+          	          	<li>
+            	<a href="InvalidServerResponseException.html" target="classFrame">InvalidServerResponseException</a>
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+          	          	<li>
+            	<a href="Monitor.html" target="classFrame">Monitor</a>
+          	</li>
+          	          	<li>
+            	<a href="NullMonitor.html" target="classFrame">NullMonitor</a>
+          	</li>
+          	          	<li>
+            	<a href="ProtocolInteractor.html" target="classFrame">ProtocolInteractor</a>
+          	</li>
+          	          	<li>
+            	<a href="ProtocolSession.html" target="classFrame">ProtocolSession</a>
+          	</li>
+          	          	<li>
+            	<a href="ProtocolSessionBuilder.html" target="classFrame">ProtocolSessionBuilder</a>
+          	</li>
+          	          	<li>
+            	<a href="Runner.html" target="classFrame">Runner</a>
+          	</li>
+          	          	<li>
+            	<a href="ScriptedUserAdder.html" target="classFrame">ScriptedUserAdder</a>
+          	</li>
+          	          	<li>
+            	<a href="Session.html" target="classFrame">Session</a>
+          	</li>
+          	          	<li>
+            	<a href="SessionFactory.html" target="classFrame">SessionFactory</a>
+          	</li>
+          	          	<li>
+            	<a href="SystemLoggingMonitor.html" target="classFrame">SystemLoggingMonitor</a>
+          	</li>
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+            	<a href="UserAdder.html" target="classFrame">UserAdder</a>
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+		      	<h2>Package org.apache.james.mpt</h2>
+		<table class="summary">
+        	<thead>
+          		<tr>
+            		<th>Class Summary</th>
+          		</tr>
+        	</thead>
+        	<tbody>
+        		            	<tr>
+              		<td>
+                		<a href="AbstractProtocolTestFramework.html" target="classFrame">AbstractProtocolTestFramework</a>
+              		</td>
+            	</tr>
+				            	<tr>
+              		<td>
+                		<a href="AbstractSimpleScriptedTestProtocol.html" target="classFrame">AbstractSimpleScriptedTestProtocol</a>
+              		</td>
+            	</tr>
+				            	<tr>
+              		<td>
+                		<a href="ExternalHostSystem.html" target="classFrame">ExternalHostSystem</a>
+              		</td>
+            	</tr>
+				            	<tr>
+              		<td>
+                		<a href="ExternalSession.html" target="classFrame">ExternalSession</a>
+              		</td>
+            	</tr>
+				            	<tr>
+              		<td>
+                		<a href="ExternalSessionFactory.html" target="classFrame">ExternalSessionFactory</a>
+              		</td>
+            	</tr>
+				            	<tr>
+              		<td>
+                		<a href="HostSystem.html" target="classFrame">HostSystem</a>
+              		</td>
+            	</tr>
+				            	<tr>
+              		<td>
+                		<a href="InvalidServerResponseException.html" target="classFrame">InvalidServerResponseException</a>
+              		</td>
+            	</tr>
+				            	<tr>
+              		<td>
+                		<a href="Monitor.html" target="classFrame">Monitor</a>
+              		</td>
+            	</tr>
+				            	<tr>
+              		<td>
+                		<a href="NullMonitor.html" target="classFrame">NullMonitor</a>
+              		</td>
+            	</tr>
+				            	<tr>
+              		<td>
+                		<a href="ProtocolInteractor.html" target="classFrame">ProtocolInteractor</a>
+              		</td>
+            	</tr>
+				            	<tr>
+              		<td>
+                		<a href="ProtocolSession.html" target="classFrame">ProtocolSession</a>
+              		</td>
+            	</tr>
+				            	<tr>
+              		<td>
+                		<a href="ProtocolSessionBuilder.html" target="classFrame">ProtocolSessionBuilder</a>
+              		</td>
+            	</tr>
+				            	<tr>
+              		<td>
+                		<a href="Runner.html" target="classFrame">Runner</a>
+              		</td>
+            	</tr>
+				            	<tr>
+              		<td>
+                		<a href="ScriptedUserAdder.html" target="classFrame">ScriptedUserAdder</a>
+              		</td>
+            	</tr>
+				            	<tr>
+              		<td>
+                		<a href="Session.html" target="classFrame">Session</a>
+              		</td>
+            	</tr>
+				            	<tr>
+              		<td>
+                		<a href="SessionFactory.html" target="classFrame">SessionFactory</a>
+              		</td>
+            	</tr>
+				            	<tr>
+              		<td>
+                		<a href="SystemLoggingMonitor.html" target="classFrame">SystemLoggingMonitor</a>
+              		</td>
+            	</tr>
+				            	<tr>
+              		<td>
+                		<a href="UserAdder.html" target="classFrame">UserAdder</a>
+              		</td>
+            	</tr>
+				        	</tbody>
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+        <div class="section"><h2>Project Plugin Management</h2><table class="bodyTable"><tr class="a"><th>GroupId</th><th>ArtifactId</th><th>Version</th></tr><tr class="b"><td>org.apache.maven.plugins</td><td><a href="">maven-antrun-plugin</a></td><td>1.1</td></tr><tr class="a"><td>org.apache.maven.plugins</td><td><a href="">maven-assembly-plugin</a></td><td>2.2-beta-2</td></tr><tr class="b"><td>org.apache.maven.plugins</td><td><a href="">maven-clean-plugin</a></td><td>2.2</td></tr><tr class="a"><td>org.apache.maven.plugins</td><td><a href="">maven-compiler-plugin</a></td><td>2.0.2</td></tr><tr class="b"><td>org.apache.maven.plugins</td><td><a href="">maven-dependency-plugin</a></td><td>2.0</td></tr><tr class="a"><td>
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+        <div class="section"><h2>Project Build Plugins</h2><table class="bodyTable"><tr class="a"><th>GroupId</th><th>ArtifactId</th><th>Version</th></tr><tr class="b"><td>org.apache.maven.plugins</td><td><a href="">maven-assembly-plugin</a></td><td>2.2-beta-2</td></tr><tr class="a"><td>org.apache.maven.plugins</td><td><a href="">maven-compiler-plugin</a></td><td>2.0.2</td></tr><tr class="b"><td>org.apache.maven.plugins</td><td><a href="">maven-doap-plugin</a></td><td>1.0</td></tr><tr class="a"><td>org.apache.maven.plugins</td><td><a href="">maven-jar-plugin</a></td><td>2.2</td></tr><tr class="b"><td>org.apache.maven.plugins</td><td><a href="">maven-remote-resources-plugin</a></td><td>1.0-alpha-5</td></tr></table></div><div class="section"><h2>Project R
 eport Plugins</h2><table class="bodyTable"><tr class="a"><th>GroupId</th><th>ArtifactId</th><th>Version</th></tr><tr class="b"><td>org.apache.maven.plugins</td><td><a href="">maven-javadoc-plugin</a></td><td>2.4</td></tr><tr class="a"><td>org.apache.maven.plugins</td><td><a href="">maven-jxr-plugin</a></td><td>2.1</td></tr><tr class="b"><td>org.apache.maven.plugins</td><td><a href="">maven-pmd-plugin</a></td><td>2.3</td></tr><tr class="a"><td>org.apache.maven.plugins</td><td><a href="">maven-site-plugin</a></td><td>2.0-beta-7</td></tr><tr class="b"><td>org.apache.maven.plugins</td><td><a href="">maven-surefire-plugin</a></td><td>2.4.3</td></tr><tr class="a"><td>org.apache.maven.plugins</td><td><a href="
 re/maven-surefire-report-plugin">maven-surefire-report-plugin</a></td><td>2.4.3</td></tr><tr class="b"><td>org.codehaus.mojo</td><td><a href="">emma-maven-plugin</a></td><td>1.0-alpha-1</td></tr><tr class="a"><td>org.codehaus.mojo</td><td>jxr-maven-plugin</td><td>2.0-beta-1</td></tr><tr class="b"><td>org.codehaus.mojo</td><td><a href="">rat-maven-plugin</a></td><td>1.0-alpha-3</td></tr><tr class="a"><td>org.codehaus.mojo</td><td><a href="">taglist-maven-plugin</a></td><td>2.2</td></tr></table></div>
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