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Posted to by Ury Stankevich <> on 2009/11/20 11:59:13 UTC

erlang, framed transport

Hi !

i have question about erlang framed transport:

i start a server:

    thrift_socket_server:start([{handler, Handler},
                                {service, queue_thrift},
                                {port, Port},
                                {framed, true},
                                {name, q_server}]).

on client side:

    {ok, Client} = thrift_client:start_link("",
                                            [{framed, true}]
    {ok, Res} = thrift_client:call(Client, 'push', ["qname1", "somevalue1"]),
    io:format("push rc ~p~n", [Res]),

    {ok, Res1} = thrift_client:call(Client, 'pop', ["qname1"]),
    io:format("pop = ~p~n", [Res1]),

second call( to pop) is failed:
but i can see that server is reached (by debug print)

error is:
** exception exit: {case_clause,{error,no_binary_protocol_version}}
     in function  thrift_client:read_result/3
     in call from thrift_client:catch_function_exceptions/2
     in call from thrift_client:handle_call/3
     in call from gen_server:handle_msg/5
     in call from proc_lib:init_p/5

if i set framed to false - then all is working.

thrift interface is:

        i16 push(
                1:string name,
                2:binary data
        binary pop(
                1:string name