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cvs commit: apache-search-site index-old.cgi index.cgi

brian       01/08/20 19:14:54

  Modified:    .        index.cgi
  Added:       .        index-old.cgi
  New swish-e script to match new swish-e version 2.1, thanks to bill moseley.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.6       +1833 -331 apache-search-site/index.cgi
  Index: index.cgi
  RCS file: /home/cvs/apache-search-site/index.cgi,v
  retrieving revision 1.5
  retrieving revision 1.6
  diff -u -r1.5 -r1.6
  --- index.cgi	2001/04/14 22:04:20	1.5
  +++ index.cgi	2001/08/21 02:14:54	1.6
  @@ -1,353 +1,1855 @@
  +#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
  +use strict;
  +#    If this text is displayed on your browser then your web server
  +#    is not configured to run .cgi programs.  Contact your web server administrator.
  +#    To display documentation for this program type "perldoc swish.cgi"
  -# Simple Searches using swish-e.
  +#    swish.cgi $Revision: 1.6 $ Copyright (C) 2001 Bill Moseley
  +#    Example CGI program for searching with SWISH-E
  -# (c) 1993 
  -#     Under the Apache licence. 
  +#    This example program will only run under an OS that supports fork().
  -# Simple CGI script to do searching.
  +#    Documentation below, or try "perldoc swish.cgi"
  -# When run from the command line; some simple
  -# interactive options allow for easy creating of
  -# a small config file and an index file.
  +#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  +#    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
  +#    as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
  +#    2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  +#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  +#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  +#    GNU General Public License for more details.
  -# In a production environment you might want
  -# to do better.
  +#    The above lines must remain at the top of this program
  -# Guess my localtion (_dir). Or course best
  -# set manually by any sensible admin
  +#    $Id: index.cgi,v 1.6 2001/08/21 02:14:54 brian Exp $
  -# ($_dir=$ENV{SCRIPT_FILENAME} or 
  -# 	($_=`pwd`,chop,($_dir=$_.'/'.$0)=~s!/\./!/!g));
  -# $_dir =~ s![^/]+$!!; # Unix Centric ! 
  +#    *** Modified version for and due for an update! ***
  +package SwishSearch;
  +use lib '.';
  +use CGI;
  +use Symbol;
  +use vars qw/$NotAWord %db/;
  +# Available sites - note that these all are [a-z] pattern matches!
  +%db = (
  +	apr     => 'Portable Runtime Project',
  +	bugs    => 'Apache bugs database',
  +	dev     => 'Developer Resources',
  +	httpd   => 'Apache HTTP Server Project',
  +	jakarta => 'The Jakarta Project',
  +	java    => 'Java Apache Project',
  +	perl    => 'The Apache/Perl Integration Project',
  +	tcl     => 'Apache Tcl Project ',
  +	www     => 'The Apache Software Foundation',
  +	xml     => 'Apache XML Project'
  +    # Run the script    
  +    handler() unless $ENV{MOD_PERL};
  +# This is written this was so the script can be used as a CGI script or a mod_perl
  +# module without any code changes.
  +sub handler {
  +    my $r = shift;
  +    # Taint issues
  +    $ENV{PATH} = '/usr/bin';   # For taint checking
  +    ##### Configuration Parameters #########
  +    my %CONFIG = (
  +        title           => 'Search Apache',   # Title of your choice.
  +        swish_binary    => '/home/moseley/index/swish-0810',   # Location of swish-e binary
  +        swish_index     => '/home/moseley/index/index.apache', # Location of your index file
  +        page_size       => 15,                          # Number of results per page
  +        # Property name to use as the main link text to the indexed document.
  +        # Typically, this will be 'swishtitle' if have indexed html documents.
  +        title_property => 'swishtitle',
  +        # prepend this path to the filename returned by swish.  This is used to
  +        # make the href link back to the original document.
  +        # Make this a sub {}
  +        prepend_path    => 'http://',
  +        # Swish has a configuration directive "StoreDescription" that will save part or
  +        # all of a document's contents in the index file.  This can then be displayed
  +        # along with results.  If you are indexing a lot of files this can use a lot of disk
  +        # space, so test carefully before indexing your entire site.
  +        #
  +        # These settings tell this script to display this description.
  +        # Normally, this should be 'swishdescription', but you can specify any property name.
  +        description_prop=> 'swishdescription',
  +        max_chars       => 500,   # If highlight is off, then just truncate the description to this many chars.
  +                                  # If you want to go by words, enable highlighting,
  +                                  # and then comment-out show_words.  It will be a little slower.
  +        # These settings will use some crude highlighting code to highlight search terms in the
  +        # property specified above as the description_prop (normally, 'swishdescription').
  +        highlight_words => 1,     # enable highlighting
  +        show_words      => 12,    # Number of swish words+non-swish words to show around highlighted word
  +        max_words       => 100,   # If no words are found to highlighted then show this many words
  +        occurrences     => 6,     # Limit number of occurrences of highlighted words
  +        #highlight_on => '<b>', # HTML highlighting codes
  +        #highlight_off   => '</b>',
  +        highlight_on    => '<font style="background:#FFFF99">',
  +        highlight_off   => '</font>',
  +        # Property names listed here will be displayed in a table below each result
  +        display_props   => [qw/swishlastmodified swishdocsize/],          # properties to display
  +        # Resorts can be be sorted by any of the properties listed here
  +        # They will be displayed in a drop-down list
  +        sorts           => [qw/swishrank swishtitle swishlastmodified/],
  +        # Secondary_sort is used to sort within a sort
  +        # You may enter a property name followed by a direction (asc|desc)
  +        secondary_sort  => [qw/swishtitle desc/],
  +        # You can limit by MetaNames here.  Names listed here will be displayed in
  +        # a line of radio buttons.
  +        # The special case of "ALL" means do not do a metaname search. In otherwords
  +        # search in metaID 1 (e.g. the body of an html document)
  +        # For XML, you might ONLY have metaname searches available.
  +        metanames       => [qw/ALL swishtitle/],
  +        # These are used to map MetaNames and PropertyNames to user-friendly names.
  +        name_labels     => {
  +            swishrank   =>  'Rank',
  +            swishlastmodified => 'Last Modified',
  +            swishtitle  =>  'Title',
  +            swishdocsize => 'Document Size',
  +            ALL         =>  'ALL',
  +            site        =>  'Site',
  +        },
  +        # This adds in the date_range limiting options
  +        # You will need the module from the author to use that feature
  +        date_ranges     => {
  +            property_name   => 'sent',      # property name to limit by
  +            time_periods    => [
  +                'All',
  +                'Today',
  +                'Yesterday',
  +                #'Yesterday onward',
  +                'This Week',
  +                'Last Week',
  +                'Last 90 Days',
  +                'This Month',
  +                'Last Month',
  +                #'Past',
  +                #'Future',
  +                #'Next 30 Days',
  +            ],
  +            line_break      => 0,
  +            default         => 'All',
  +            date_range      => 1,
  +        },
  +    );
  +    # disable "date_ranges" in the above example -- need additional module for that feature
  +    delete $CONFIG{date_ranges};
  +    $NotAWord = 'not skaisikdeekk';
  +    # Now run the request
  +    process_request( \%CONFIG );
  +    return Apache::Constants::OK() if $ENV{MOD_PERL};
  +sub process_request {
  +    my $conf = shift;  # configuration parameters
  +    # Set some defaults
  +    $conf->{name_labels} = {} unless $conf->{name_labels};
  +    $conf->{page_size} ||= 15;
  +    $conf->{title_property} ||= 'swishtitle';
  +    $conf->{title} ||= 'Swish-e Search Form';
  +    my $q = CGI->new;
  +    my $results = run_query( $q, $conf );
  +    print $q->header,
  +          header( $results );
  +    unless ( $results->{FILES} ) {
  +        print footer( $results );
  +        exit;
  +    }
  -# Admin's email address quoted at the bottom of
  -# all pages.
  +    print results_header( $results );
  +    print show_result( $results, $_ ) for @{$results->{FILES}};
  +    print "<P>$results->{LINKS}<P>";
  +    print footer( $results );
  +# These routines format the HTML output.
  +# This generates the header which includes the form
  -# $admin=$ENV{ SERVER_ADMIN } or '';
  +#   Pass:
  +#       $results hash
  +sub header {
  +    my $results = shift;
  +    my $conf = $results->{conf};
  +    my $q = $results->{q};
  +    my $query = $q->param('query') || '';
  +    $query = '' if $query eq $NotAWord;
  +    $query = CGI::escapeHTML( $query ); # if $query !~ /^\s*$/;  # May contain quotes
  +    my $title = $conf->{title};
  +    my $message = $results->{MESSAGE}
  +        ? qq[<br><font color=red>$results->{MESSAGE}</font>]
  +        : '' ;
  +    # This is for sticky forms (probably should use for this now)
  +    my (%checked, %selected );
  +    my ( $checked, $limits, $sorts ) = setup_form( $results, \%checked, \%selected );
  +    my $form = $q->script_name;
  +    my $date_ranges_select = get_date_ranges( $q, $results );
  +    my $cnt = 0;
  +    my $db = '';
  +    my $select = '';
  +    my $advanced = '';
  +    # If display the menu of sites */
  +    if ( $q->param('sel') ) {
  +        $advanced = '<input type=hidden name="sel" value="1">';
  +        # Which sites were selected */
  +        my %what = map { $_, 1 } @{$results->{what}};
  +        $db = 'Limit search to:<br><table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr>';
  +        my %lookup = map { my $x = lc $db{$_}; $x =~ s/^the\s+//; $_, $x; } keys %db;
  +        for ( sort { $lookup{$a} cmp $lookup{$b} } keys %db ) {
  +            $db .= '</tr><tr>' unless $cnt++ %3;
  +            $db .= qq[<td><input name="what" value="$_" type="checkbox" ] .
  +                   ( $what{$_} ? 'CHECKED' : '') .
  +                   qq[>$db{$_}</td>\n];
  +        }
  +        $db .= '</tr></table>';
  +    } else {
  +        my $myself = $q->script_name;
  +        $select = qq[<a href="$myself?sel=1"><small>advanced search form</small></a><br>];
  +        $db = join "\n", map { qq[<input type=hidden name=what value="$_">] } @{$results->{what}};
  -# Localtion of the swish binary. Again a sensible admin
  -# would nail these values down.
  +    }
  +    my $description =  @{$results->{what}} == 1 && !$q->param('sel')
  +        ? $db{ $results->{what}[0] }
  +        : 'the Apache';
  +    my $form_output = <<EOF;
  +        Search $description site by keyword or "phrase". 
  +        <font size="+2">$message</font>
  +        <form method="post" action="$form" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded" class="form">
  +            $advanced
  +            <input / maxlength="200" value="$query" size="32" type="text" name="query">
  +            <input / value="Search!" type="submit" name="submit"><br>
  +            $limits
  +            $sorts
  +            $date_ranges_select
  +            <br>
  +            $db
  +            $select
  +        </form>
  +    <p>
  +    my $header = 'Apache Site Search';
  +    # don't show form with results
  +    if ( $results->{HITS} ) {
  +        $results->{form} = $form_output;
  +        $form_output = '';
  +        $title = "Results for $results->{QUERY_SIMPLE}";
  +        $header = 'Search Results';
  +    }
  +    return <<EOF;
  +    <head>
  +       <title>
  +          $title
  +       </title>
  +    </head>
  +<IMG SRC="" ALT="">
  +# This routine creates the results header display
  -$swish = '/usr/local/bin/swish-e';
  -# Limits to no core, 2 meg, 9 seconds
  -$limits = '/usr/bin/limits -t 90s -m 2m -c 0 ';
  +sub results_header {
  -# # No user servicable parts beyond here.
  +    my $results = shift;
  +    my $config = $results->{config};
  +    my $q = $results->{q};
  +    my $limits = '';
  +    if ( $results->{DateRanges_time_low} && $results->{DateRanges_time_high} ) {
  +        my $low = scalar localtime $results->{DateRanges_time_low};
  +        my $high = scalar localtime $results->{DateRanges_time_high};
  +        $limits = <<EOF;
  +        <tr>
  +            <td colspan=2>
  +                <font size="-2" face="Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, San-Serif">
  +                &nbsp;Results limited to dates $low to $high
  +                </font>
  +            </td>
  +        </tr>
  +    }
  +    my $links = '';
  +    $links .= '<font size="-1" face="Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, San-Serif">&nbsp;Page:</font>' . $results->{PAGES}
  +        if $results->{PAGES};
  +    $links .= qq[ <a href="$results->{QUERY_HREF}&amp;start=$results->{PREV}">Previous $results->{PREV_COUNT}</a>]
  +        if $results->{PREV_COUNT};
  +    $links .= qq[ <a href="$results->{QUERY_HREF}&amp;start=$results->{NEXT}">Next $results->{NEXT_COUNT}</a>]
  +        if $results->{NEXT_COUNT};
  +    $results->{LINKS} = $links;
  +    $links = qq[<tr><td colspan=2 bgcolor="#EEEEEE">$links</td></tr>] if $links;
  +    my $user_query = CGI::escapeHTML( $results->{QUERY_SIMPLE} );
  +    $user_query = 'All' if $results->{QUERY_SIMPLE} eq $NotAWord;
  +    return <<EOF;
  +    <a name="results">
  +    <table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 width="100%">
  +        <tr>
  +            <td height=20 bgcolor="#FF9999">
  +                <font size="-1" face="Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, San-Serif">
  +                &nbsp;Results for <b>$user_query</b>
  +                &nbsp; $results->{FROM} to $results->{TO} of $results->{HITS} results.
  +                </font>
  +            </td>
  +            <td align=right bgcolor="#FF9999">
  +                <font size="-2" face="Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, San-Serif">
  +                Run time: $results->{RUN_TIME} |
  +                Search time: $results->{SEARCH_TIME} &nbsp; &nbsp;
  +                </font>
  +            </td>
  +        </tr>
  +        $links
  +        $limits
  +    </table>
  +    <p>
  +# This routine formats a single result
  -# Does it look like we came from an mirror.
  -$mirror_root = '';
  +sub show_result {
  +    my ($results, $result ) = @_;
  -if ($ENV{HTTP_REFERER} =~ m!(.*)/search.html$!) {
  -	$mirror_root = $1;
  -	$on_master= ($mirror_root =~ m/  ? 1 : 0;
  -	};
  +    my $conf = $results->{conf};
  -%db = (
  -	'' => 'Apache Runtime portability',
  -	'' => 'Apache bugs database',
  -	'' => 'Developers site',
  -	'' => 'The apache web server',
  -	'' => 'Jakarta',
  -	'' => 'Apache/Java',
  -	'' => 'Apache/Perl',
  -	'' => 'Apache/Tcl',
  -	'' => 'General Foundation site',
  -	'' => 'XML'
  +    my $DocTitle = $conf->{title_property} || 'swishtitle';
  +    my $title = $result->{$DocTitle} || $result->{swishdocpath};
  +    my $props = '';
  +    if ( $conf->{display_props} ) {
  +        my $length = 0;
  +        for ( @{$conf->{display_props}} ) {
  +            my $label = $conf->{name_labels}{$_} || $_;
  +            $length = length($label) if length($label) > $length;
  +        }
  +        $props = join "\n",
  +            '<br><table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>',
  +            map ( {
  +                '<tr><td><small>'
  +                . ( $conf->{name_labels}{$_} || $_ )
  +                . ':</small></td><td><small> '
  +                . '<b>'
  +                . $result->{$_}
  +                . '</b>'
  +                . '</small></td></tr>'
  +                 }  @{$conf->{display_props}}
  +            ),
  +            '</table>';
  +    }
  +    my $PathPrePend = $conf->{prepend_path} || '';
  +    $result->{save_swishdocpath} =~ s[^[^\d]*(\d+)$][$1];
  +    my $description = '';
  +    if ( $conf->{description_prop} ) {
  +        $description = $result->{$conf->{description_prop}} || '';
  +    }
  +    return <<EOF;
  +    <dl>
  +        <dt>$result->{swishreccount} <a href="$PathPrePend$result->{save_swishdocpath}">$title</a> <small>-- rank: <b>$result->{swishrank}</b></small></dt>
  +        <dd>$description
  +        $props
  +        </dd>
  +    </dl>
  +# This is displayed on the bottom of every page
  -%map = (
  -	_ => sub { $x=$_[0];
  -		$x =~ s!!$mirror_root/!;
  -		return ($x, $_[0]); },
  -	'' => sub {
  -		$x=$_[0];
  -		$x =~ s!!$mirror_root/perl/!
  -			unless $on_master;
  -		return ($x, $_[0]); 
  -		},
  -	'' => sub { $_[0] =~ m/(\d+)$/;
  -		return "".$1,'';
  -		}
  -	);
  -&search_bang("Can only do CGI")
  -	unless $ENV{GATEWAY_INTERFACE} =~ m!CGI/\d+\.\d+!i;
  -$request_method = $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'};
  -if ($request_method eq 'GET') {
  -   $query_string = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'};
  -} elsif ($request_method eq "POST") {
  -   read (STDIN, $query_string, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'});
  -} else {
  -   &search_bang("Forms must use either GET or POST.");
  -   exit 1;
  -	<center>
  -	Hmm, I am just a bit confused as to how you got here. There seems to be \
  -	no form input information telling me what to search for.
  -	<p>
  -	<b><a href='/search.html'>Please Go Back and try again</a></b>
  -	<p>
  -	</center>
  -") unless length($query_string)>0;
  -foreach (split(/&/,$query_string)) {
  -   ($key,  $val) = map {
  -   	tr/+/ /;
  -	s/%([\dA-F]{2})/pack("C",hex($1))/iegs;
  -	# Zap anything which is not 'normal' and might
  -	# cause havoc when we pass it to the shell later.
  -	s/[^a-zA-Z0-9\_\*\.\@\(\)\=\" \-]+/ /gs;
  -	$_;
  -	} split /=/;
  -   $form{$key} .= $val.' ';
  -   }
  -if ($form{version} < 2) {
  -	print "Status: 301 Has moved
  -Content-type: text/html
  -This page has moved as part of the SE upgrade
  -	exit 0;
  -($query=$form{'keyword'}) =~ s/\s+/ /g;
  -$max= int($form{'results'}) + 0;
  -if ($query !~ m/\w+/) {
  -	&search_bang("You must enter a keyword or phrase in one or more of the text boxes".$query);
  -	exit 0;
  -	};
  -# Check if we know the databases to search.
  -foreach(split /\s+/, lc $form{what}) {
  -	next unless $db{$_};
  -	push @dbs,$_;
  -push @dbs,(keys %db)
  -	if ($#dbs == -1);
  -$list = '';
  -foreach(@dbs) {
  -	my $file = $_dir . '/' . $_.'.idx';
  -	if (! -r $file) {
  -		$errors .= "<p align='CENTER'> Skipping $index - temporarily not available</p>";
  -		next;
  -	};
  -	$list .= ' -f '.$file;
  - 	$age += -M $file;
  -# Here we pass two potentially troublesome or tainted variables to
  -# the shell; they are kept honest by a s/<only normals>//i in the
  -# param decoding loop above.
  -if (!(open(SWISH, "$limits $swish -w \"$query\" -m $max $list |"))) {
  -	&search_error("Configuration/Resource problem: $! $? $@");
  -	exit 1;
  -	};
  -while (<SWISH>) {
  -   chop;
  -   $index = $1 if m/^#\s*Name:\s*(.*)\s*$/i;
  -   next if m/^#/;
  -   if ($_ eq "err: no results") {
  -	next; 
  -	}
  -   elsif ($_ eq "err: a word is too common") {
  -	$errors .= "<p align='CENTER'>One of your search terms accurs too often in $index to be useful; skipping.</p>";
  -	next;
  -	}
  -   elsif ($_ eq "err: all search words too common to be useful") { 
  -	$errors .= "<p align='CENTER'>All of your search term(s) accurs too often in $index to be useful; skipping.</p>";
  -	next;
  -	}
  -   elsif ($_ eq "err: could not open index file") {
  -	&search_error("Could not open SWISH Index File $list/$index ");
  -	exit 1;
  -	}
  -   elsif (m/^\s*err:\s+(.*)\s*$/) {
  -	&search_bang("Search failed: $1");
  -	exit 0;
  -	}
  -   next if /^\D/;
  -   ($stringone, $title, $filesize) = split /\"/ or next;
  -   ($rank, $url) = split(/ /, $stringone) or next;
  -   $title=~s/^[:\s]+//;
  -   if ($title =~ m/^\s*$/) {
  -	$title ='no title';
  -	$title = $1 if $url =~ m/([^\/]+)\s*$/;
  -	};
  -   push @results, {
  -	idx => $index,
  -	rank => $rank,
  -	db =>  $db{ $index },
  -	title => $title,
  -	url => $url
  -	};
  -if ($?) {
  -	&search_error("Configuration/Resource problem");
  -        exit 1;
  -        };
  -$age *= 24/(@dbs+1);
  -if ($age<2) {
  -	$age='about an hour';
  -	}
  -elsif ($age<48) {
  -	$age=int(0.5+$age).' hours';
  -	}
  -else {
  -	$age = int(0.5+$age/24) . ' days';
  -	};
  -$age="The databases are about $age old.";
  -if ($#results == -1) {
  -	&search_bang("There were no items that matched your search request.".$errors);
  -	exit 1;
  -	};
  -$count = $#results +1;
  -$count = $max > $count ? $count : $max if $max >0;
  -# Note that we need to sort again, as we (might) have
  -# collated results from different DBs. We have up to
  -# N x $max.. that is why we do the limitation again
  -# later in the foreach.
  -@results = sort { 
  -	$b->{rank} <=> $a->{rank}
  -	} @results;
  -&html_header(200,"Apache Sites: Search Results");
  -$upto='(up to the maximum) '
  -	if $count == $max;
  -print <<Search_Results;
  -Your Search for <strong>$query</strong>, returned $upto$count Items;
  -listed in order of computed relevance<BR>
  -foreach $r (@results[ 0 .. $count-1 ]) {
  -   select(STDOUT); 
  -   $rule = exists $map{ $r->{idx} } ? $r->{idx} : '_';
  -   ($url,$master) =  &{ $map{ $rule }} ($r->{url}); 
  -   print qq|<li><A HREF="$url">$r->{title}</A>|;
  -   print " (on your Mirror)" unless $master eq '' or $on_master;
  -   print "<br><dir>";
  -   print "From the <b>$r->{db}</b> collection: " if $#dbs;
  -   print $url;
  -   print qq| <a href="$master">(or at the origin site)</a>|
  -	unless $master eq '' or $on_master;
  -   print " <i>Ranking $rank</i></dir>\n";
  -print "</UL>$errors\n";
  -exit 0;
  -#Subroutine for print a generic HTML header.
  -sub html_header {
  -my($status, $document_title)=@_;
  -print <<HTML_Header;
  -Status: $status
  -Content-type: text/html
  -<IMG SRC="$mirror_root/images/apache_sub.gif" ALT="">
  -<H1 ALIGN=CENTER>$document_title</H1>
  -# foreach (keys(%form)) { print "<li>$_ $form{$_}"; };
  -#Subroutine for printing a generic HTML trailer.
  -sub html_trailer {
  -print <<HTML_Trailer;
  -<i>Back to the <a href="">Main Apache site</a>. Or
  -back to the <a href="$mirror_root/search.html">Search Form</a>.
  -This code uses <a href="">Swish-e</a>.</i>
  -#Subroutine for printing error messages.
  -sub search_error {
  -&html_header(500,"Apache Site: Search Error");
  -$error_message = $_[0];
  -print "
  -Something Failed. If this problem persists, contact
  -the administrator. He or she will be able to track
  -the problem dowm. The error log file of the web
  -server should give further details.
  -sub search_bang {
  -&html_header(200,"Apache Site: Search Failed");
  -$error_message = $_[0];
  -print qq|<P ALIGN=CENTER>\n$error_message</P>\n
  -Just go back to the
  -<a href="$mirror_root/search.html">Search Form</a>
  -and try again.
  +sub footer {
  +    my $results = shift;
  +    my $conf = $results->{conf};
  +    my $q = $results->{q};
  +    my $form = $results->{form} || '';
  +    my $mod_perl = $ENV{MOD_PERL}
  +               ? '<br><small>Response brought to you by <em>MOD_PERL</em> <a href=""></a></small>'
  +               : '';
  +    return <<EOF;
  +    <hr>
  +    $form
  +    <i>Back to the <a href="">Main Apache site</a>.</i><br>
  +    <small>Powered by <em>Swish-e</em> <a href=""></a></small>
  +    $mod_perl
  +  </body>
  +#  Form setup for sorts and metas
  +#  Should probably use CGI's sticky forms instead
  +sub setup_form {
  +    my ( $results, $checked, $selected ) = @_;
  +    my $conf = $results->{conf};
  +    my $q = $results->{q};
  +    if ( $conf->{metanames} ) {
  +        for ( @{$conf->{metanames}} ) {
  +            $checked->{$_} = $q->param('metaname') && $q->param('metaname') eq $_
  +                ? 'checked'
  +                : '';
  +        }
  +    }
  +    $checked->{ALL} = 'checked' unless $q->param('metaname');            
  +    if ( $conf->{sorts} ) {
  +        for ( @{$conf->{sorts}} ) {
  +            $selected->{$_} = $q->param('sort') && $q->param('sort') eq $_
  +                ? 'selected'
  +                : '';
  +        }
  +    }
  +    my $check = $q->param('reverse') ? 'checked' : '';
  +    # Set the limit by values
  +    my $limits = '';
  +    if ( $conf->{metanames} ) {
  +        $limits = join "\n",
  +            'Limit search to:',
  +            map( {
  +                qq[<input value="$_" type="radio" $checked->{$_} name="metaname">]
  +                . ( $conf->{name_labels}{$_} || $_ )
  +                } @{$conf->{metanames}}
  +            ),
  +            '<br>';
  +    }
  +    my $sorts = '';
  +    if ( $conf->{sorts} ) {
  +        $sorts = join "\n",
  +            'Sort by:',
  +            '<select name="sort">',
  +            map( {
  +                qq[<option $selected->{$_} value="$_">]
  +                . ( $conf->{name_labels}{$_} || $_ )
  +                . '</option>'
  +                } @{$conf->{sorts}}
  +            ),
  +            '</select>',
  +            qq[<input value="1" type="checkbox" $check name="reverse">Reverse Sort];
  +    }
  +    return ( $check, $limits, $sorts );
  +# Format and return the date range options
  +sub get_date_ranges {
  +    my ( $q, $results ) = @_;
  +    my $conf = $results->{conf};
  +    return '' unless $conf->{date_ranges};
  +    # pass parametes, and a hash to store the returned values.
  +    my %fields;
  +    DateRanges::DateRangeForm( $q, $conf->{date_ranges}, \%fields );
  +    # Set the layout:
  +    my $string = '<br>Limit to: '
  +                 . ( $fields{buttons} ? "$fields{buttons}<br>" : '' )
  +                 . ( $fields{date_range_button} || '' )
  +                 . ( $fields{date_range_low}
  +                     ? " $fields{date_range_low} through $fields{date_range_high}"
  +                     : '' );
  +    return $string;
  +#   Parse out the date limits from the form or from GET request
  +sub get_date_limits {
  +    my $results = shift;
  +    my $q = $results->{q};
  +    # Are date ranges enabled?
  +    return 1 unless $results->{conf}{date_ranges};
  +    eval { require DateRanges };
  +    if ( $@ ) {
  +        $results->{MESSAGE} = 'Missing module "DateRanges"';
  +        delete $results->{conf}{date_ranges};
  +        return 0;
  +    }
  +    my %limits;
  +    unless ( DateRanges::DateRangeParse( $q, \%limits ) ) {
  +        $results->{MESSAGE} = $limits{DateRanges_error} || 'Bad date range selection';
  +        return 0;
  +    }
  +    $results->{DateRanges_time_low} = $limits{DateRanges_time_low};
  +    $results->{DateRanges_time_high} = $limits{DateRanges_time_high};
  +    # Allow searchs just be date if not "All dates" search
  +    ${$results->{query}} = $NotAWord if !${$results->{query}} && $limits{DateRanges_time_high};
  +    my $conf = $results->{conf};
  +    my $sh   = $results->{sh};
  +    my $limit_prop = $conf->{date_ranges}{property_name};
  +    # $$$ need to fix for generalized interface! 
  +    if ( $limits{DateRanges_time_low} && $limits{DateRanges_time_high} ) {
  +        push @{$sh->{commands}}, ( '-L', $limit_prop, $limits{DateRanges_time_low}, $limits{DateRanges_time_high} );
  +    }
  +    return 1;
  +#  Set the sort order
  +sub set_sort_order {
  +    my $results = shift;
  +    my $q = $results->{q};
  +    my $sh = $results->{sh};
  +    my $conf = $results->{conf};
  +    return 1 unless $conf->{sorts};
  +    # Now set sort option - if a valid option submitted (or you could let swish-e return the error).
  +    my %sorts = map { $_, 1 } @{$conf->{sorts}};
  +    $q->param('sort','swishrank') unless $q->param('sort');
  +    if ( $q->param('sort') && $sorts{ $q->param('sort') } ) {
  +            my $direction = $q->param('sort') eq 'swishrank'
  +                ? $q->param('reverse') ? 'asc' : 'desc'
  +                : $q->param('reverse') ? 'desc' : 'asc';
  +            # $sh->{sortorder} = ['-s', $q->param('sort'), $direction ];
  +            push @{$sh->{commands}}, ( '-s', $q->param('sort'), $direction );
  +            if ( $conf->{secondary_sort} && $q->param('sort') ne $conf->{secondary_sort}[0] ) {
  +                    # push @{$sh->{sortorder}}, @SecondarySort;
  +                    push @{$sh->{commands}}, ref $conf->{secondary_sort} ? @{ $conf->{secondary_sort} } : $conf->{secondary_sort};
  +            }
  +    } else {
  +        $results->{MESSAGE} = 'Invalid Sort Option Selected';
  +        return;
  +    }
  +    return 1;
  +# This function parses the CGI parameters,
  +# and runs the query if a query was entered
  +#   Pass:
  +#       $q - a CGI object
  +#   Returns:
  +#       a reference to a hash with an error message or results
  +sub run_query {
  +    my ( $q, $conf ) = @_;
  +    # set up the query string to pass to swish.
  +    my $query = $q->param('keyword') || $q->param('query') || '';
  +    for ( $query ) {  # trim the query string
  +        s/\s+$//;
  +        s/^\s+//;
  +    }
  +    # initialize the request search hash
  +    my $sh = {
  +       prog         => $conf->{swish_binary},
  +       maxhits      => $conf->{page_size},
  +       q            => $q,
  +       commands     => [],      # commands passed to swish
  +       query        => \$query,
  +    };
  +    # Save the index file
  +    push @{$sh->{commands}}, '-f', ref $conf->{swish_index} ? @{ $conf->{swish_index} } : $conf->{swish_index};
  +    # initialize the results hash (should be called "self")
  +    my %results = (
  +        conf    => $conf,
  +        q       => $q,
  +        query   => \$query,
  +        sh      => $sh,     # request hash
  +    );
  +    # Filter sites for
  +    my @db = $q->param('what');
  +    @db = grep { exists $db{$_} } map { /^([a-z]+)/; $1 || $_ } @db;
  +    # If come in without any sites or more than one, enable all */
  +    $q->param('sel',1) if !@db || @db > 1;
  +    # And save for later
  +    $results{what} = \@db;
  +    # Read in the date limits, if any.
  +    return \%results unless get_date_limits( \%results );
  +    unless ( $query ) {
  +        $results{MESSAGE} = 'Please enter a query' if $q->param('submit');
  +        return \%results;
  +    }
  +    if ( length( $query ) > 100 ) {
  +        $results{MESSAGE} = 'Please enter a shorter query';
  +        return \%results;
  +    }
  +    my $query_simple = $query;    # without metaname
  +    $q->param('query', $query );  # clean up the query, if needed.
  +    # Adjust the query string for metaname search
  +    my $metaname = $q->param('metaname') || '';
  +    if ( $metaname && $metaname ne 'ALL' ) {
  +        unless ( grep { $metaname eq $_ } @{$conf->{metanames}} ) {
  +            $results{MESSAGE} = 'Bad MetaName provided';
  +            return \%results;
  +        }
  +        # prepend metaname to search, if required.
  +        $query = $metaname . "=($query)";
  +        $sh->{metaname} = $metaname;
  +    }
  +    #/* And add metanames to query */
  +    if ( @db ) {
  +        $query .= ' and site=(' . join( ' or ', @db) . ')';
  +    }
  +    # Set the starting position
  +    my $start = $q->param('start') || 0;
  +    $start = 0 unless $start =~ /^\d+$/ && $start >= 0;
  +    $sh->{startnum} = $start + 1;
  +    # Set the sort option, if any
  +    return \%results unless set_sort_order( \%results );
  +    my $ret;
  +    # Trap the call - not portable.
  +    eval {
  +        local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "Timed out\n" };
  +        alarm 10;
  +        $ret = run_swish( \%results );
  +        alarm 0;
  +    };
  +    # error conditions
  +    if ( $@ ) {
  +        $results{MESSAGE} = $@;
  +        return \%results;
  +    }
  +    unless ( ref $ret ) {
  +        $results{MESSAGE} = $ret;
  +        return \%results;
  +    }
  +    if ( ! @{$ret->{FILES}} ) {
  +        $results{MESSAGE} = 'Failed to find results';
  +        return \%results;
  +    }
  +    # Build href for repeated search via GET
  +    my $href = $q->script_name . '?' .
  +        join( '&amp;',
  +            map { "$_=" . CGI::escape( $q->param($_) ) }
  +                grep { $q->param($_) }  qw/query metaname sort reverse/
  +        );
  +    if ( @db ) {
  +        $href .=  '&amp;' . join '&amp;', map { "what=$_" } @db;
  +    }
  +    #/* For advanced search */
  +    if ( $q->param('sel') ) {
  +        $href .= '&amp;sel=1';
  +    }
  +    if ( $conf->{date_ranges} ) {
  +        my $dr = DateRanges::GetDateRangeArgs( $q );
  +        $href .= "&amp;" . $dr if $dr;
  +    }
  +    my $hits = @{$ret->{FILES}};
  +    # Return the template fields
  +    my $results = {
  +        %results,       # results array as setup above (including {FILES}
  +        QUERY       => CGI::escapeHTML( $query ),
  +        QUERY_HREF  => $href,           # for running this query again
  +        QUERY_SIMPLE=> $query_simple,   # the query w/o any metanames - same as QUERY if metanames are not used
  +        MY_URL      => $q->script_name,
  +        SHOWING     => $hits,
  +        HITS        => $ret->{header}{'number of hits'} ||  0,
  +        RUN_TIME    => $ret->{header}{'run time'} ||  'unknown',
  +        SEARCH_TIME => $ret->{header}{'search time'} ||  'unknown',
  +        FROM        => $start + 1,
  +        TO          => $start + $hits,
  +        MOD_PERL    => $ENV{MOD_PERL},
  +    };
  +    set_page( $results, $q );
  +    return $results;
  +# Sets prev and next page links.
  +# Feel free to clean this code up!
  +#   Pass:
  +#       $resutls - reference to a hash (for access to the headers returned by swish)
  +#       $q       - CGI object
  +#   Returns:
  +#       Sets entries in the $results hash
  +sub set_page {
  +    my ( $results, $q ) = @_;
  +    my $Page_Size = $results->{conf}{page_size};
  +    my $start = $results->{FROM} - 1;   # Current starting record
  +    my $prev = $start - $Page_Size;
  +    $prev = 0 if $prev < 0;
  +    if ( $prev < $start ) {
  +        $results->{PREV} = $prev;
  +        $results->{PREV_COUNT} = $start - $prev;
  +    }
  +    my $last = $results->{HITS} - 1;
  +    my $next = $start + $Page_Size;
  +    $next = $last if $next > $last;
  +    my $cur_end   = $start + scalar @{$results->{FILES}} - 1;
  +    if ( $next > $cur_end ) {
  +        $results->{NEXT} = $next;
  +        $results->{NEXT_COUNT} = $next + $Page_Size > $last
  +                                ? $last - $next + 1
  +                                : $Page_Size;
  +    }
  +    # Calculate pages  ( is this -1 correct here? )
  +    my $pages = int (($results->{HITS} -1) / $Page_Size);
  +    if ( $pages ) {
  +        my @pages = 0..$pages;
  +        my $max_pages = 10;
  +        if ( @pages > $max_pages ) {
  +            my $current_page = int ( $start / $Page_Size - $max_pages/2) ;
  +            $current_page = 0 if $current_page < 0;
  +            if ( $current_page + $max_pages - 1 > $pages ) {
  +                $current_page = $pages - $max_pages;
  +            }
  +            @pages = $current_page..$current_page + $max_pages - 1;
  +            unshift @pages, 0 if $current_page;
  +            push @pages, $pages unless $current_page + $max_pages - 1 == $pages;
  +        }
  +        $results->{PAGES} =
  +            join ' ', map {
  +                my $page_start = $_ * $Page_Size;
  +                my $page = $_ + 1;
  +                $page_start == $start
  +                ? $page
  +                : qq[<a href="$results->{QUERY_HREF}&amp;start=$page_start">$page</a>];
  +                        } @pages;
  +    }
  +# Returns compiled regular expressions for matching
  +#   Pass:
  +#       Reference to headers hash
  +#   Returns an array (or undef)
  +#       $wordchar_regexp    = used for splitting the text
  +#       $extract_regexp     = used to extract a word to match against
  +#       $query_regexp       = used for matching words
  +sub set_match_regexp {
  +    my $header = shift;
  +    my ($query, $wc, $ignoref, $ignorel ) =
  +        @{$header}{'parsed words',qw/wordcharacters ignorefirstchar ignorelastchar/};
  +    return unless $wc && $query;  #  Shouldn't happen
  +    $wc = quotemeta $wc;
  +    $query =~ s/and site = \([^)]+//g;
  +    my $match_string =
  +        join '|',
  +           map { substr( $_, -1, 1 ) eq '*'
  +                    ? quotemeta( substr( $_, 0, -1) ) . "[$wc]*?"
  +                    : quotemeta
  +               }
  +                grep { ! /^(and|or|not|["()=])$/oi }
  +                    split /\s+/, $query;
  +    return unless $match_string;
  +    for ( $ignoref, $ignorel ) {
  +        if ( $_ ) {
  +            $_ = quotemeta;
  +            $_ = "([$_]*)";
  +        } else {
  +            $_ = '()';
  +        }
  +    }
  +    $wc .= 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ';  # Warning: dependent on tolower used while indexing
  +    # Now, wait a minute.  Look at this more, as I'd hope that making a
  +    # qr// go out of scope would release the compiled pattern.
  +    return $ENV{MOD_PERL}
  +    ? (
  +        qr/([^$wc]+)/,                     # regexp for splitting into swish-words
  +        qr/^$ignoref([$wc]+?)$ignorel$/i,  # regexp for extracting out the words to compare
  +        qr/^(?:$match_string)$/,           # regexp for comparing extracted words to query
  +                                           # Must force lower case before testing
  +    )
  +    : (
  +        qr/([^$wc]+)/o,                     # regexp for splitting into swish-words
  +        qr/^$ignoref([$wc]+?)$ignorel$/oi,  # regexp for extracting out the words to compare
  +        qr/^(?:$match_string)$/o,           # regexp for comparing extracted words to query
  +                                            # Must force lower case before testing
  +    );
  +# Run swish-e and gathers headers and results
  +# Currently requires fork() to run.
  +#   Pass:
  +#       $sh - an array with search parameters
  +#   Returns:
  +#       a reference to a hash that contains the headers and results
  +#       or possibly a scalar with an error message.
  +sub run_swish {
  +    my $results = shift;
  +    my $sh = $results->{sh};
  +    my $conf = $results->{conf};
  +    my $q = $results->{q};
  +    my @properties;
  +    my %seen;
  +    # Gather up the properties specified
  +    for ( qw/ title_property description_prop display_props / ) {
  +        push @properties, ref $conf->{$_} ? @{$conf->{$_}} : $conf->{$_}
  +            if $conf->{$_} && !$seen{$_}++;
  +    }
  +    my %display_props = map { $_, 1 } @properties;
  +    # add in the default props - a number must be first
  +    @properties = (qw/swishreccount swishrank swishdocpath/, @properties );
  +    my $fh = gensym;
  +    my $pid = open( $fh, '-|' );
  +    die "Failed to fork: $!\n" unless defined $pid;
  +    if ( !$pid ) {  # in child
  +        my @cmd = (
  +            $sh->{prog},
  +            -w => ${$sh->{query}},
  +            @{$sh->{commands}},
  +            -b => $sh->{startnum},
  +            -m => $sh->{maxhits},
  +            -H => 9,
  +            -x => join( '\t', map { "<$_>" } @properties ) . '\n',
  +        );
  +        exec @cmd or die "Failed to exec '$sh->{prog}' Error:$!";
  +    }
  +    # read in from child
  +    my %ret;
  +    my @results;
  +    my @regexps;  # regular expressions used for highlighting
  +    my $regexp_set;
  +    my $stemmer_function;
  +    my $highlight = $conf->{highlight_words} || 0;
  +    my $highlight_prop = $conf->{description_prop} || 'swishdescription';
  +    my $trim_prop = $highlight_prop;
  +    my $meta = $sh->{metaname} || '';
  +    # If a meta search, and it is also a display prop, then highlight that.
  +    if ( $meta && $meta ne 'ALL' ) {
  +        if ( $display_props{$meta} ) {
  +            $highlight_prop = $meta;
  +        } else {
  +            $highlight = 0;
  +        }
  +    }
  +    delete $display_props{swishdescription};  # This is to prevent running escapeHTML on this property -- so big, and storedescrition is stripped
  +    $trim_prop = 0 if $highlight && $trim_prop eq $highlight_prop;
  +    while (<$fh>) {
  +        chomp;
  +        # This will not work correctly with multiple indexes
  +        if ( /^# ([^:]+):\s+(.+)$/ ) {
  +            $ret{header}{ lc($1) } = $2;
  +            next;
  +        }
  +        # return errors as text
  +        return $1 if /^err:\s*(.+)/;
  +        # Found a result
  +        if ( /^\d/ ) {
  +            my %h;
  +            @h{@properties} = split /\t/;
  +            push @results, \%h;
  +            # This can't be escapeHTML'd
  +            $h{save_swishdocpath} = $h{swishdocpath};
  +            # Escape display properties (except swishdescription)
  +            $h{$_} = CGI::escapeHTML( $h{$_} )  for keys %display_props;
  +            # Trim down the description if no highlight, or if highlighting some other property
  +            # Not very nice.  The highlighting code would limit by words
  +            if ( $trim_prop && $h{$trim_prop} ) {
  +                my $max = $conf->{max_chars} || 500;
  +                if ( length $h{$trim_prop} > $max ) {
  +                    $h{$trim_prop} = substr( $h{$trim_prop}, 0, $max) . ' <b>...</b>';
  +                }
  +            }
  +            if ( $highlight && $highlight_prop && exists $h{$highlight_prop} ) {
  +                # This is to prepare for highlighting - only do first time
  +                unless ( $regexp_set++ ) {
  +                    @regexps = set_match_regexp( $ret{header} );
  +                    if ( $ret{header}{'stemming applied'} =~ /^(?:1|yes)$/i ) {
  +                        eval { require SWISH::Stemmer };
  +                        if ( $@ ) {
  +                            $ret{MESSAGE} = 'Stemmed index needs to highlight';
  +                        } else {
  +                            $stemmer_function = \&SWISH::Stemmer::SwishStem;
  +                        }
  +                    }
  +                }
  +                # Now do the actual highlighting
  +                $h{$highlight_prop} = 
  +                    highlight( $results, \$h{$highlight_prop}, $stemmer_function, @regexps );
  +            }
  +        }
  +        # Might check for "\n." for end of results.
  +    }
  +    $results->{header} = $ret{header};
  +    $results->{FILES} = \@results;
  +    return $results;
  +# This routine highlights words in source text
  +# Source text must be plain text.
  +# This is a very basic highlighting routine that fails for phrase searches.
  +# The text returned contains highlighted words, plus a few words on either side to give
  +# context of the results.
  +#   Pass:
  +#       the text to highlight, a transformation function (normally a stemmer function)
  +#       and pre-compiled regular expressions
  +#   Returns:
  +#       the highlighted text
  +sub highlight {
  +    my ( $results, $text_ref, $stemmer_function, $wc_regexp, $extract_regexp, $match_regexp ) = @_;
  +    my $last = 0;
  +    my $Show_Words = $results->{conf}{show_words} || 10;
  +    my $Occurrences = $results->{conf}{occurrences} || 5;
  +    my $Max_Words = $results->{conf}{max_words} || 100;
  +    my $On = $results->{conf}{highlight_on} || '<b>';
  +    my $Off = $results->{conf}{highlight_off} || '</b>';
  +    # Should really call unescapeHTML(), but then would need to escape <b> from escaping.
  +    my @words = split /$wc_regexp/, $$text_ref;
  +    return 'No Content saved: Check StoreDescription setting' unless @words;
  +    my @flags;
  +    $flags[$#words] = 0;  # Extend array.
  +    my $occurrences = $Occurrences ;
  +    my $pos = $words[0] eq '' ? 2 : 0;  # Start depends on if first word was wordcharacters or not
  +    while ( $Show_Words && $pos <= $#words ) {
  +        if ( $words[$pos] =~ /$extract_regexp/ ) {
  +            my ( $begin, $word, $end ) = ( $1, $2, $3 );
  +            my $test = $stemmer_function
  +                       ? $stemmer_function->($word)
  +                       : lc $word;
  +            $test ||= lc $word;                       
  +            # Not check if word matches
  +            if ( $test =~ /$match_regexp/ ) {
  +                $words[$pos] = "$begin$On$word$Off$end";
  +                my $start = $pos - $Show_Words + 1;
  +                my $end   = $pos + $Show_Words - 1;
  +                if ( $start < 0 ) {
  +                    $end = $end - $start;
  +                    $start = 0;
  +                }
  +                $end = $#words if $end > $#words;
  +                $flags[$_]++ for $start .. $end;
  +                # All done, and mark where to stop looking
  +                if ( $occurrences-- <= 0 ) {
  +                    $last = $end;
  +                    last;
  +                }
  +            }
  +        }
  +       $pos += 2;  # Skip to next wordchar word
  +    }
  +    my $dotdotdot = ' <b>...</b>';
  +    my @output;
  +    my $printing;
  +    my $first = 1;
  +    my $some_printed;
  +    if ( $Show_Words ) {
  +        for my $i ( 0 ..$#words ) {
  +            if ( $last && $i >= $last && $i < $#words ) {
  +                push @output, $dotdotdot;
  +                last;
  +            }
  +            if ( $flags[$i] ) {
  +                push @output, $dotdotdot if !$printing++ && !$first;
  +                push @output, $words[$i];
  +                $some_printed++;
  +            } else {
  +                $printing = 0;
  +            }
  +            $first = 0;
  +        }
  +    }
  +    if ( !$some_printed ) {
  +        for my $i ( 0 .. $Max_Words ) {
  +            last if $i >= $#words;
  +            push @output, $words[$i];
  +        }
  +    }
  +    push @output, $dotdotdot if !$printing;
  +    return join '', @output;
  +=head1 NAME
  +swish.cgi -- Example Perl script for searching with the SWISH-E search engine.
  +C<swish.cgi> is an example CGI script for searching with the SWISH-E search engine version 2.2 and above.
  +It returns results a page at a time, with matching words from the source document highlighted, showing a
  +few words of content on either side of the highlighted word.
  +This example does not require installation of additional Perl modules (from CPAN), unless you wish
  +to use stemming with your index.  In this case you will need the SWISH::Stemmer module, which is
  +included with the SWISH-E distribution (and also available on CPAN).  Instructions for installing
  +the module are included below.
  +A more advanced example script is also provided called C<swish2.cgi>.  That script uses a number of
  +perl modules for templating (separation of content from program logic)
  +and abstracting the interface with swish-e.
  +Due to the forking nature of this program and its use of signals,
  +this script probably will not run under Windows without some modifications.
  +This script can be run under mod_perl.  See below for details.
  +Installing a CGI application is dependent on your specific web server's configuration.
  +For this discussion we will assume you are using Apache in a typical configuration.  For example,
  +a common location for the DocumentRoot is C</usr/local/apache/htdocs>.  If you are installing this
  +on your shell account, your DocumentRoot might be C<~yourname/public_html>.
  +For the sake of this example we will assume the following:
  +    /usr/local/apache/htdocs        - Document root
  +    /usr/local/apache/htdocs/images - images directory
  +    /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin       - CGI directory
  +=head2 Move the files to their locations
  +=over 4
  +=item 1 Copy the swish.cgi file to your CGI directory
  +Most web servers have a directory where CGI programs are kept.  If this is the case on your
  +server copy the C<swish.cgi> perl script into that directory.  You will need to provide read
  +and execute permisssions to the file.  Exactly what permissions are needed again depends on
  +your specific configuration.  For example, under Unix:
  +    chmod 0755 swish.cgi
  +This gives the file owner (that's you) write access, and everyone read and execute access.    
  +Note that you are not required to use a cgi-bin directory with Apache.  You may place the
  +CGI script in any directory accessible via the web server and
  +enable it as a CGI script with something like the following
  +(place either in httpd.conf or in .htaccess):
  +    <Files swish.cgi>
  +        Allow from all
  +        SetHandler cgi-script
  +        Options +ExecCGI
  +    </Files>        
  +Using this method you don't even need to use the C<.cgi> extension.  For example, rename
  +the script to "search" and then use that in the C<Files> directive.
  +=item 2 Copy the swish.gif file to your images directory.
  +The C<swish.cgi> script expects the C<swish.gif> file to be located in the web path
  +C</images/swish.gif>.  If this is not the case on your server you will need to adjust the
  +=head2 Configure the swish.cgi program
  +Use a text editor and open the C<swish.cgi> program.
  +=over 4
  +=item 1 Check the C<shebang> line
  +The first line of the program must point to the location of your perl program.  Typical
  +examples are:
  +    #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
  +    #!/usr/bin/perl -w
  +    #!/opt/perl/bin/perl -w
  +=item 2 Set the configuration parameters
  +To make things somewhat simple, the configuration parameters are included at the top of the program.
  +The parameters are all part of a C<hash> structure, and the comments at the top of the program should
  +get you going.  You will need to specify the location of the swish-e binary, your index file or files,
  +and a title.
  +For exampe:
  +    %CONFIG = (
  +        title           => 'Search the Swish-e list',   # Title of your choice.
  +        swish_binary    => './swish-e',                 # Location of swish-e binary
  +        swish_index     => '../index.swish-e',          # Location of your index file
  +    );
  +Or if searching more than one index:
  +    %CONFIG = (
  +        title           => 'Search the Swish-e list',
  +        swish_binary    => './swish-e',
  +        swish_index     => ['../index.swish-e', '../index2'],
  +    );
  +The examples above place the swish index file(s)
  +in the directory above the C<swish.cgi> CGI script.  If using the example paths above
  +of C</usr/local/apache/cgi-bin> for the CGI bin directory, that means that the index file
  +is in C</usr/local/apache>.  That places the index out of web space (e.g. cannot be accessed
  +via the web server), yet relative to where the C<swish.cgi> script is located.
  +There's more than one way to do it, of course.
  +One option is to place it in the same directory as the <swish.cgi> script, but
  +then be sure to use your web server's configuration to prohibit access to the index directly.
  +Another common option is to maintain a separate directory of the swish index files.  This decision is
  +up to you.
  +See the next section for more advanced C<swish.cgi> configurations.
  +=item 3 Create your index
  +You must index your web site before you can begin to use the C<swish.cgi> script.
  +Create a configuration file called C<swish.conf> in the directory where you will store
  +the index file.
  +This next example uses the file system to index your web documents.
  +In general, you will probably wish to I<spider> your web site if your web pages do not
  +map exactly to your file system, and to only index files available from links on you web
  +See B<Spidering> below for more information.
  +Example C<swish.conf> file:
  +    # Define what to index
  +    IndexDir /usr/local/apache/htdocs
  +    IndexOnly .html .htm
  +    # Tell swish how to parse .html and .html documents
  +    IndexContents HTML .html .htm
  +    # And just in case we have files without an extension
  +    DefaultContents HTML
  +    # Replace the path name with a URL
  +    ReplaceRules replace /usr/local/apache/htdocs/
  +    # Allow limiting search to titles and URLs.
  +    MetaNames swishdocpath swishtitle
  +    # Optionally use stemming for "fuzzy" searches
  +    #UseStemming yes
  +Now to index you simply run:
  +    swish-e -c swish.conf
  +The default index file C<index.swish-e> will be placed in the current directory.
  +Note that the above swish-e configuration defines two MetaNames "swishdocpath" and "swishtitle".
  +This allows searching just the document path or the title instead of the document's content.
  +Here's an expanded C<swish.cgi> configuration to make use of the above settings used while indexing:
  +    %CONFIG = (
  +        title           => 'Search the Apache documentation',
  +        swish_binary    => './swish-e',
  +        swish_index     => ['../index.swish-e', '../index2'],
  +        metanames       => [qw/ALL swishdocpath swishtitle/],
  +        display_props   => [qw/swishlastmodified/],
  +        name_labels     => {
  +            swishdocpath        => 'URL path',
  +            swishtitle          => 'Document title',
  +            ALL                 => 'Document text',
  +            swishlastmodified   => 'Document last modified',
  +        },
  +    );
  +The above configuration defines metanames to use on the form (including the special "ALL" name which
  +tells the script to do a non-metaname search).  Searches can be limited to these metanames.
  +"display_props" tells the script to display the property "swishlastmodified" (the last modified
  +date of the file) with the search results.
  +The parameter "name_labels" is a hash
  +that is used to give friendly names to the metanames.
  +Swish-e can store part of all of the contents of the documents as they are indexed, and this
  +"document description" can be returned with search results.
  +    # Store the text of the documents within the swish index file
  +    StoreDescription HTML <body> 100000
  +Adding the above to your C<swish.conf> file tells swish-e to store up to 100,000 characters from the body of each document within the
  +swish-e index.  To display this information in search results, highlighting search terms,
  +use the follow configuration in C<swish.cgi>:
  +    %CONFIG = (
  +        title           => 'Search the Apache documentation',
  +        swish_binary    => './swish-e',
  +        swish_index     => ['../index.swish-e', '../index2'],
  +        metanames       => [qw/ALL swishdocpath swishtitle/],
  +        display_props   => [qw/swishlastmodified/],
  +        name_labels     => {
  +            swishdocpath        => 'URL path',
  +            swishtitle          => 'Document title',
  +            ALL                 => 'Document text',
  +            swishlastmodified   => 'Document last modified',
  +        },
  +        description_prop=> 'swishdescription',
  +        highlight_words => 1,
  +    );
  +Other C<swish.cgi> configuration settings are available.  Please see the example configuration
  +at the top of the CGI script.
  +You should now be ready to run your search engine.  Point your browser to:
  +=head1 MOD_PERL
  +This script can be run under MOD_PERL.  This will improve the response time of the
  +script compared to running under CGI.
  +Configuration is simple.  In your httpd.conf or your file you need to
  +load the script.  For example, in httpd.conf you can use a perl section:
  +    <perl>
  +        use lib '/usr/local/apache/cgi-bin';
  +        require "swish.cgi";
  +    </perl>
  +This loads the script into mod_perl.  Then to configure the script to run:
  +    <location /search>
  +        allow from all
  +        SetHandler perl-script
  +        PerlHandler SwishSearch
  +    </location>
  +Unlike CGI, mod_perl does not change dir to the location of the perl module, so
  +your settings for the swish binary and the path to your index files must be absolute
  +paths (or relative to the server root).
  +Please post to the swish-e discussion list if you have any questions about running this
  +script under mod_perl.
  +=head1 DEBUGGING
  +The key to debugging CGI scripts is to run them from the command line, not with a browser.
  +First, make sure the program compiles correctly:
  +    > perl -c swish.cgi
  +    swish.cgi syntax OK
  +Next, simply try running the program:
  +    > ./swish.cgi
  +    Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
  +    <html>
  +        <head>
  +           <title>
  +              Search Page
  +           </title>
  +        </head>
  +        <body>
  +            <h2>
  +            <img src="/images/swish.gif"> Search Our Website
  +     ...
  +Now, you know that the program compiles and will run from the command line.
  +Next, try accessing the script from a web browser.
  +If you see the contents of the CGI script instead of its output then your web server is
  +not configured to run the script.  You will need to look at settings like ScriptAlias, SetHandler,
  +and Options.
  +If an error is reported (such as Internal Server Error or Forbidden)
  +you need to locate your web server's error_log file
  +and carefully read what the problem is.  Contact your web administrator for help.
  +=head1 Spidering
  +There are two ways to spider with swish-e.  One uses the "http" input method that uses code that's
  +part of swish.  The other way is to use the new "prog" method along with a perl helper program called
  +Here's an example of a configuration file for spidering with the "http" input method.
  +You can see that the configuration is not much different than the file system input method.
  +    # Define what to index
  +    IndexDir
  +    IndexOnly .html .htm
  +    IndexContents HTML .html .htm
  +    DefaultContents HTML
  +    StoreDescription HTML <body> 200000
  +    MetaNames swishdocpath swishtitle
  +    # Define http method specific settings -- see swish-e documentation
  +    SpiderDirectory ../swish-e/src/
  +    Delay 0
  +You index with the command:
  +    swish-e -S http -c spider.conf
  +Note that this does take longer.  For example, spidering the Apache documentation on
  +a local web server with this method took over a minute, where indexing with the
  +file system took less than two seconds.  Using the "prog" method can speed this up.
  +Here's an example configuration file for using the "prog" input method:
  +    # Define the location of the spider helper program
  +    IndexDir ../swish-e/prog-bin/
  +    # Tell the spider what to index.
  +    SwishProgParameters default
  +    IndexContents HTML .html .htm
  +    DefaultContents HTML
  +    StoreDescription HTML <body> 200000
  +    MetaNames swishdocpath swishtitle
  +Then to index you use the command:
  +    swish-e -c prog.conf -S prog -v 0
  +Spidering with this method took nine seconds.    
  +=head1 Stemmed Indexes
  +Many people enable a feature of swish called word stemming to provide "fuzzy" search
  +options to their users.
  +The stemming code does not actually find the "stem" of word, rather removes and/or replaces
  +common endings on words.
  +Stemming is far from perfect, and many words do not stem as you might expect.  But, it can
  +be a helpful tool for searching your site.  You may wish to create both a stemmed and non-stemmed index, and
  +provide a checkbox for selecting the index file.
  +To enable a stemmed index you simply add to your configuration file:
  +    UseStemming yes
  +If you want to use a stemmed index with this program and continue to highlight search terms you will need
  +to install a perl module that will stem words.  This section explains how to do this.
  +The perl module is included with the swish-e distribution.  It can be found in the examples directory (where
  +you found this file) and called something like:
  +    SWISH-Stemmer-0.05.tar.gz
  +The module should also be available on CPAN (    
  +Here's an example session for installing the module.  (There will be quite a bit of output
  +when running make.)
  +    % gzip -dc SWISH-Stemmer-0.05.tar.gz |tar xof -
  +    % cd SWISH-Stemmer-0.05
  +    % perl Makefile.PL
  +    or
  +    % perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=$HOME/perl_lib
  +    % make
  +    % make test
  +    (perhaps su root at this point if you did not use a PREFIX)
  +    % make install
  +    % cd ..
  +Use the B<PREFIX> if you do not have root access or you want to install the modules
  +in a local library.  If you do use a PREFIX setting, add a C<use lib> statement to the top of this
  +swish.cgi program.
  +For example:
  +    use lib qw(
  +        /home/bmoseley/perl_lib/lib/site_perl/5.6.0
  +        /home/bmoseley/perl_lib/lib/site_perl/5.6.0/i386-linux/
  +    );
  +Once the stemmer module is installed, and you are using a stemmed index, the C<swish.cgi> script will automatically
  +detect this and use the stemmer module.
  +=head1 DISCLAIMER
  +Please use this CGI script at your own risk.
  +This script has been tested and used without problem, but you should still be aware that
  +any code running on your server represents a risk.  If you have any concerns please carefully
  +review the code.
  +=head1 SUPPORT
  +The SWISH-E discussion list is the place to ask for any help regarding SWISH-E or this example
  +script. See
  +Please do not contact the author directly.
  +=head1 LICENSE
  +swish.cgi $Revision: 1.6 $ Copyright (C) 2001 Bill Moseley
  +Example CGI program for searching with SWISH-E
  +This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  +modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
  +as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
  +2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
  +This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  +but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  +GNU General Public License for more details.
  +=head1 AUTHOR
  +Bill Moseley --
  1.1                  apache-search-site/index-old.cgi
  Index: index-old.cgi
  # Simple Searches using swish-e.
  # (c) 1993 
  #     Under the Apache licence. 
  # Simple CGI script to do searching.
  # When run from the command line; some simple
  # interactive options allow for easy creating of
  # a small config file and an index file.
  # In a production environment you might want
  # to do better.
  # Guess my localtion (_dir). Or course best
  # set manually by any sensible admin
  # ($_dir=$ENV{SCRIPT_FILENAME} or 
  # 	($_=`pwd`,chop,($_dir=$_.'/'.$0)=~s!/\./!/!g));
  # $_dir =~ s![^/]+$!!; # Unix Centric ! 
  # Admin's email address quoted at the bottom of
  # all pages.
  # $admin=$ENV{ SERVER_ADMIN } or '';
  # Localtion of the swish binary. Again a sensible admin
  # would nail these values down.
  $swish = '/usr/local/bin/swish-e';
  # Limits to no core, 2 meg, 9 seconds
  $limits = '/usr/bin/limits -t 90s -m 2m -c 0 ';
  # # No user servicable parts beyond here.
  # Does it look like we came from an mirror.
  $mirror_root = '';
  if ($ENV{HTTP_REFERER} =~ m!(.*)/search.html$!) {
  	$mirror_root = $1;
  	$on_master= ($mirror_root =~ m/  ? 1 : 0;
  %db = (
  	'' => 'Apache Runtime portability',
  	'' => 'Apache bugs database',
  	'' => 'Developers site',
  	'' => 'The apache web server',
  	'' => 'Jakarta',
  	'' => 'Apache/Java',
  	'' => 'Apache/Perl',
  	'' => 'Apache/Tcl',
  	'' => 'General Foundation site',
  	'' => 'XML'
  %map = (
  	_ => sub { $x=$_[0];
  		$x =~ s!!$mirror_root/!;
  		return ($x, $_[0]); },
  	'' => sub {
  		$x =~ s!!$mirror_root/perl/!
  			unless $on_master;
  		return ($x, $_[0]); 
  	'' => sub { $_[0] =~ m/(\d+)$/;
  		return "".$1,'';
  &search_bang("Can only do CGI")
  	unless $ENV{GATEWAY_INTERFACE} =~ m!CGI/\d+\.\d+!i;
  $request_method = $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'};
  if ($request_method eq 'GET') {
     $query_string = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'};
  } elsif ($request_method eq "POST") {
     read (STDIN, $query_string, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'});
  } else {
     &search_bang("Forms must use either GET or POST.");
     exit 1;
  	Hmm, I am just a bit confused as to how you got here. There seems to be \
  	no form input information telling me what to search for.
  	<b><a href='/search.html'>Please Go Back and try again</a></b>
  ") unless length($query_string)>0;
  foreach (split(/&/,$query_string)) {
     ($key,  $val) = map {
     	tr/+/ /;
  	# Zap anything which is not 'normal' and might
  	# cause havoc when we pass it to the shell later.
  	s/[^a-zA-Z0-9\_\*\.\@\(\)\=\" \-]+/ /gs;
  	} split /=/;
     $form{$key} .= $val.' ';
  if ($form{version} < 2) {
  	print "Status: 301 Has moved
  Content-type: text/html
  This page has moved as part of the SE upgrade
  	exit 0;
  ($query=$form{'keyword'}) =~ s/\s+/ /g;
  $max= int($form{'results'}) + 0;
  if ($query !~ m/\w+/) {
  	&search_bang("You must enter a keyword or phrase in one or more of the text boxes".$query);
  	exit 0;
  # Check if we know the databases to search.
  foreach(split /\s+/, lc $form{what}) {
  	next unless $db{$_};
  	push @dbs,$_;
  push @dbs,(keys %db)
  	if ($#dbs == -1);
  $list = '';
  foreach(@dbs) {
  	my $file = $_dir . '/' . $_.'.idx';
  	if (! -r $file) {
  		$errors .= "<p align='CENTER'> Skipping $index - temporarily not available</p>";
  	$list .= ' -f '.$file;
   	$age += -M $file;
  # Here we pass two potentially troublesome or tainted variables to
  # the shell; they are kept honest by a s/<only normals>//i in the
  # param decoding loop above.
  if (!(open(SWISH, "$limits $swish -w \"$query\" -m $max $list |"))) {
  	&search_error("Configuration/Resource problem: $! $? $@");
  	exit 1;
  while (<SWISH>) {
     $index = $1 if m/^#\s*Name:\s*(.*)\s*$/i;
     next if m/^#/;
     if ($_ eq "err: no results") {
     elsif ($_ eq "err: a word is too common") {
  	$errors .= "<p align='CENTER'>One of your search terms accurs too often in $index to be useful; skipping.</p>";
     elsif ($_ eq "err: all search words too common to be useful") { 
  	$errors .= "<p align='CENTER'>All of your search term(s) accurs too often in $index to be useful; skipping.</p>";
     elsif ($_ eq "err: could not open index file") {
  	&search_error("Could not open SWISH Index File $list/$index ");
  	exit 1;
     elsif (m/^\s*err:\s+(.*)\s*$/) {
  	&search_bang("Search failed: $1");
  	exit 0;
     next if /^\D/;
     ($stringone, $title, $filesize) = split /\"/ or next;
     ($rank, $url) = split(/ /, $stringone) or next;
     if ($title =~ m/^\s*$/) {
  	$title ='no title';
  	$title = $1 if $url =~ m/([^\/]+)\s*$/;
     push @results, {
  	idx => $index,
  	rank => $rank,
  	db =>  $db{ $index },
  	title => $title,
  	url => $url
  if ($?) {
  	&search_error("Configuration/Resource problem");
          exit 1;
  $age *= 24/(@dbs+1);
  if ($age<2) {
  	$age='about an hour';
  elsif ($age<48) {
  	$age=int(0.5+$age).' hours';
  else {
  	$age = int(0.5+$age/24) . ' days';
  $age="The databases are about $age old.";
  if ($#results == -1) {
  	&search_bang("There were no items that matched your search request.".$errors);
  	exit 1;
  $count = $#results +1;
  $count = $max > $count ? $count : $max if $max >0;
  # Note that we need to sort again, as we (might) have
  # collated results from different DBs. We have up to
  # N x $max.. that is why we do the limitation again
  # later in the foreach.
  @results = sort { 
  	$b->{rank} <=> $a->{rank}
  	} @results;
  &html_header(200,"Apache Sites: Search Results");
  $upto='(up to the maximum) '
  	if $count == $max;
  print <<Search_Results;
  Your Search for <strong>$query</strong>, returned $upto$count Items;
  listed in order of computed relevance<BR>
  foreach $r (@results[ 0 .. $count-1 ]) {
     $rule = exists $map{ $r->{idx} } ? $r->{idx} : '_';
     ($url,$master) =  &{ $map{ $rule }} ($r->{url}); 
     print qq|<li><A HREF="$url">$r->{title}</A>|;
     print " (on your Mirror)" unless $master eq '' or $on_master;
     print "<br><dir>";
     print "From the <b>$r->{db}</b> collection: " if $#dbs;
     print $url;
     print qq| <a href="$master">(or at the origin site)</a>|
  	unless $master eq '' or $on_master;
     print " <i>Ranking $rank</i></dir>\n";
  print "</UL>$errors\n";
  exit 0;
  #Subroutine for print a generic HTML header.
  sub html_header {
  my($status, $document_title)=@_;
  print <<HTML_Header;
  Status: $status
  Content-type: text/html
  <IMG SRC="$mirror_root/images/apache_sub.gif" ALT="">
  <H1 ALIGN=CENTER>$document_title</H1>
  # foreach (keys(%form)) { print "<li>$_ $form{$_}"; };
  #Subroutine for printing a generic HTML trailer.
  sub html_trailer {
  print <<HTML_Trailer;
  <i>Back to the <a href="">Main Apache site</a>. Or
  back to the <a href="$mirror_root/search.html">Search Form</a>.
  This code uses <a href="">Swish-e</a>.</i>
  #Subroutine for printing error messages.
  sub search_error {
  &html_header(500,"Apache Site: Search Error");
  $error_message = $_[0];
  print "
  Something Failed. If this problem persists, contact
  the administrator. He or she will be able to track
  the problem dowm. The error log file of the web
  server should give further details.
  sub search_bang {
  &html_header(200,"Apache Site: Search Failed");
  $error_message = $_[0];
  print qq|<P ALIGN=CENTER>\n$error_message</P>\n
  Just go back to the
  <a href="$mirror_root/search.html">Search Form</a>
  and try again.