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Posted to by Daniel McGreal <> on 2016/07/29 15:13:19 UTC

Apache XPath from framework bundle

Hi Karaf users,

When I launch a 4.0.5 root instance I can find apache xpath:
karaf@root()> package:exports | grep org.apache.xpath
org.apache.xpath.axes                          | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
org.apache.xpath.compiler                      | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
org.apache.xpath.domapi                        | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
org.apache.xpath.functions                     | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
org.apache.xpath.jaxp                          | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
org.apache.xpath.objects                       | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
org.apache.xpath.operations                    | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
org.apache.xpath.patterns                      | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
org.apache.xpath.res                           | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
org.apache.xpath                               | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework

However, when I instance:create, the new instance does not export it. As comparison:
karaf@root()> package:exports | grep org.apache.felix.framework | wc
	334	2338	36072
karaf@edge()> package:exports | grep org.apache.felix.framework | wc
	222	1554	23976

I haven’t any specialist configuration.

Best, Dan.

Re: Apache XPath from framework bundle

Posted by Daniel McGreal <>.
So of course, it was the file not containing the exports - I wonder why sub-instances do not use the same as the root instance.
Also, I found that I had to change the of the sub-instance before launching it the first time, otherwise if I launched it -> edited config -> restarted, the changes were not taken into affect.


> On 1 Aug 2016, at 14:56, Daniel McGreal <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I’d appreciate any help with this :)
> The diff between the two instances’ packages seems to be pretty XML centric...:
> 3d2
> < java_cup.runtime                               | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> 41,42d39
> <                      | 1.2.0   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < javax.annotation.sql                           | 1.2.0   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> 44d40
> < javax.annotation                               | 1.2.0   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> 134d129
> < javax.xml.datatype                             | 1.4.0   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> 136d130
> < javax.xml.namespace                            | 1.4.0   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> 138d131
> < javax.xml.parsers                              | 1.4.0   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> 144d136
> < javax.xml.transform.dom                        | 1.4.0   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> 146d137
> < javax.xml.transform.sax                        | 1.4.0   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> 148d138
> < javax.xml.transform.stax                       | 1.4.0   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> 150d139
> <                     | 1.4.0   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> 152d140
> < javax.xml.transform                            | 1.4.0   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> 154d141
> < javax.xml.validation                           | 1.4.0   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> 164d150
> < javax.xml.xpath                                | 1.4.0   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> 166,167d151
> < javax.xml                                      | 1.4.0   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.html.dom                            | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> 169,170d152
> < org.apache.karaf.diagnostic.core.common        | 4.0.5   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.karaf.diagnostic.core               | 4.0.5   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> 176,255d157
> < org.apache.wml.dom                             | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.wml                                 | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xalan.client                        | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xalan.extensions                    | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xalan.lib.sql                       | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xalan.lib                           | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xalan.processor                     | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xalan.res                           | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xalan.serialize                     | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xalan.templates                     | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xalan.trace                         | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xalan.transformer                   | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xalan.xslt                          | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xalan.xsltc.cmdline.getopt          | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xalan.xsltc.cmdline                 | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xalan.xsltc.compiler.util           | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xalan.xsltc.compiler                | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xalan.xsltc.dom                     | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xalan.xsltc.runtime.output          | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xalan.xsltc.runtime                 | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xalan.xsltc.trax                    | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xalan.xsltc.util                    | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xalan.xsltc                         | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xalan                               | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> <                   | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> <                      | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xerces.dom                          | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xerces.impl.dtd.models              | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xerces.impl.dtd                     | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xerces.impl.dv.dtd                  | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xerces.impl.dv.util                 | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xerces.impl.dv.xs                   | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xerces.impl.dv                      | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < <>                      | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xerces.impl.msg                     | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xerces.impl.validation              | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xerces.impl.xpath.regex             | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xerces.impl.xpath                   | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xerces.impl.xs.identity             | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xerces.impl.xs.models               | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xerces.impl.xs.opti                 | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xerces.impl.xs.traversers           | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xerces.impl.xs.util                 | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xerces.impl.xs                      | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xerces.impl                         | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xerces.jaxp.datatype                | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xerces.jaxp.validation              | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xerces.jaxp                         | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xerces.parsers                      | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> <                  | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xerces.stax                         | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xerces.util                         | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xerces.xinclude                     | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xerces.xni.grammars                 | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xerces.xni.parser                   | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xerces.xni                          | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xerces.xpointer                     | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xerces.xs.datatypes                 | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xerces.xs                           | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.dom2dtm                 | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.sax2dtm                 | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xml.dtm.ref                         | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xml.dtm                             | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xml.res                             | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xml.serialize                       | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xml.serializer.dom3                 | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xml.serializer.utils                | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xml.serializer                      | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xml.utils.res                       | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xml.utils                           | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xpath.axes                          | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xpath.compiler                      | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xpath.domapi                        | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xpath.functions                     | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xpath.jaxp                          | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xpath.objects                       | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xpath.operations                    | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xpath.patterns                      | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xpath.res                           | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> < org.apache.xpath                               | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> 309d210
> < org.w3c.dom.bootstrap                          | 1.0.0   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> 311d211
> < org.w3c.dom.css                                | 1.0.0   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> 313d212
> <                             | 1.0.0   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> 315d213
> < org.w3c.dom.html                               | 1.0.0   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> 317d214
> <                                 | 1.0.0   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> 319d215
> < org.w3c.dom.ranges                             | 1.0.0   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> 321d216
> < org.w3c.dom.stylesheets                        | 1.0.0   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> 323d217
> < org.w3c.dom.traversal                          | 1.0.0   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> 325d218
> < org.w3c.dom.views                              | 1.0.0   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> 327d219
> < org.w3c.dom.xpath                              | 1.0.0   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> 329d220
> < org.w3c.dom                                    | 1.0.0   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> 331d221
> < org.xml.sax.ext                                | 2.0.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> 333d222
> < org.xml.sax.helpers                            | 2.0.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> 335d223
> < org.xml.sax                                    | 2.0.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> Best, Dan.
>> On 29 Jul 2016, at 16:13, Daniel McGreal < <>> wrote:
>> Hi Karaf users,
>> When I launch a 4.0.5 root instance I can find apache xpath:
>> karaf@root()> package:exports | grep org.apache.xpath
>> org.apache.xpath.axes                          | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
>> org.apache.xpath.compiler                      | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
>> org.apache.xpath.domapi                        | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
>> org.apache.xpath.functions                     | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
>> org.apache.xpath.jaxp                          | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
>> org.apache.xpath.objects                       | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
>> org.apache.xpath.operations                    | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
>> org.apache.xpath.patterns                      | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
>> org.apache.xpath.res                           | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
>> org.apache.xpath                               | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
>> However, when I instance:create, the new instance does not export it. As comparison:
>> karaf@root()> package:exports | grep org.apache.felix.framework | wc
>> 	334	2338	36072
>> karaf@edge()> package:exports | grep org.apache.felix.framework | wc
>> 	222	1554	23976
>> I haven’t any specialist configuration.
>> Sup?
>> Best, Dan.

Re: Apache XPath from framework bundle

Posted by Daniel McGreal <>.

I’d appreciate any help with this :)

The diff between the two instances’ packages seems to be pretty XML centric...:

< java_cup.runtime                               | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
<                      | 1.2.0   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< javax.annotation.sql                           | 1.2.0   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< javax.annotation                               | 1.2.0   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< javax.xml.datatype                             | 1.4.0   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< javax.xml.namespace                            | 1.4.0   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< javax.xml.parsers                              | 1.4.0   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< javax.xml.transform.dom                        | 1.4.0   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< javax.xml.transform.sax                        | 1.4.0   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< javax.xml.transform.stax                       | 1.4.0   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
<                     | 1.4.0   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< javax.xml.transform                            | 1.4.0   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< javax.xml.validation                           | 1.4.0   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< javax.xml.xpath                                | 1.4.0   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< javax.xml                                      | 1.4.0   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.html.dom                            | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.karaf.diagnostic.core.common        | 4.0.5   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.karaf.diagnostic.core               | 4.0.5   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.wml.dom                             | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.wml                                 | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xalan.client                        | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xalan.extensions                    | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xalan.lib.sql                       | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xalan.lib                           | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xalan.processor                     | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xalan.res                           | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xalan.serialize                     | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xalan.templates                     | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xalan.trace                         | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xalan.transformer                   | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xalan.xslt                          | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xalan.xsltc.cmdline.getopt          | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xalan.xsltc.cmdline                 | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xalan.xsltc.compiler.util           | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xalan.xsltc.compiler                | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xalan.xsltc.dom                     | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xalan.xsltc.runtime.output          | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xalan.xsltc.runtime                 | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xalan.xsltc.trax                    | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xalan.xsltc.util                    | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xalan.xsltc                         | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xalan                               | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
<                   | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
<                      | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xerces.dom                          | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xerces.impl.dtd.models              | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xerces.impl.dtd                     | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xerces.impl.dv.dtd                  | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xerces.impl.dv.util                 | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xerces.impl.dv.xs                   | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xerces.impl.dv                      | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
<                      | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xerces.impl.msg                     | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xerces.impl.validation              | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xerces.impl.xpath.regex             | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xerces.impl.xpath                   | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xerces.impl.xs.identity             | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xerces.impl.xs.models               | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xerces.impl.xs.opti                 | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xerces.impl.xs.traversers           | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xerces.impl.xs.util                 | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xerces.impl.xs                      | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xerces.impl                         | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xerces.jaxp.datatype                | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xerces.jaxp.validation              | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xerces.jaxp                         | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xerces.parsers                      | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
<                  | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xerces.stax                         | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xerces.util                         | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xerces.xinclude                     | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xerces.xni.grammars                 | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xerces.xni.parser                   | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xerces.xni                          | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xerces.xpointer                     | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xerces.xs.datatypes                 | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xerces.xs                           | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.dom2dtm                 | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.sax2dtm                 | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xml.dtm.ref                         | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xml.dtm                             | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xml.res                             | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xml.serialize                       | 2.11.0  | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xml.serializer.dom3                 | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xml.serializer.utils                | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xml.serializer                      | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xml.utils.res                       | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xml.utils                           | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xpath.axes                          | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xpath.compiler                      | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xpath.domapi                        | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xpath.functions                     | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xpath.jaxp                          | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xpath.objects                       | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xpath.operations                    | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xpath.patterns                      | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xpath.res                           | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.apache.xpath                               | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.w3c.dom.bootstrap                          | 1.0.0   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.w3c.dom.css                                | 1.0.0   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
<                             | 1.0.0   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.w3c.dom.html                               | 1.0.0   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
<                                 | 1.0.0   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.w3c.dom.ranges                             | 1.0.0   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.w3c.dom.stylesheets                        | 1.0.0   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.w3c.dom.traversal                          | 1.0.0   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.w3c.dom.views                              | 1.0.0   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.w3c.dom.xpath                              | 1.0.0   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.w3c.dom                                    | 1.0.0   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.xml.sax.ext                                | 2.0.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.xml.sax.helpers                            | 2.0.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
< org.xml.sax                                    | 2.0.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework

Best, Dan.

> On 29 Jul 2016, at 16:13, Daniel McGreal <> wrote:
> Hi Karaf users,
> When I launch a 4.0.5 root instance I can find apache xpath:
> karaf@root()> package:exports | grep org.apache.xpath
> org.apache.xpath.axes                          | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> org.apache.xpath.compiler                      | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> org.apache.xpath.domapi                        | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> org.apache.xpath.functions                     | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> org.apache.xpath.jaxp                          | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> org.apache.xpath.objects                       | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> org.apache.xpath.operations                    | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> org.apache.xpath.patterns                      | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> org.apache.xpath.res                           | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> org.apache.xpath                               | 2.7.2   | 0  | org.apache.felix.framework
> However, when I instance:create, the new instance does not export it. As comparison:
> karaf@root()> package:exports | grep org.apache.felix.framework | wc
> 	334	2338	36072
> karaf@edge()> package:exports | grep org.apache.felix.framework | wc
> 	222	1554	23976
> I haven’t any specialist configuration.
> Sup?
> Best, Dan.