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cvs commit: jakarta-ant/proposal/sandbox/embed

costin      02/03/04 22:46:00

  Added:       proposal/sandbox/embed
  Quick change to ProjectHelperImpl to use SAX2.
  Note that it already had dependencies on SAX2 interfaces, but the original
  helper worked with SAX1 parsers too. This one will only work with SAX2.
  IMHO SAX2 should be the default, and the old one should be kept
  around for backward compat or special cases.
  The parser is not using the namespace in any way - it'll use the
  RoleFactory plugin to allow use of the namespace in task creation.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  jakarta-ant/proposal/sandbox/embed/
   * The Apache Software License, Version 1.1
   * Copyright (c) 2000-2002 The Apache Software Foundation.  All rights
   * reserved.
   * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
   * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
   * are met:
   * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
   *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
   * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
   *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
   *    the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
   *    distribution.
   * 3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution, if
   *    any, must include the following acknowlegement:
   *       "This product includes software developed by the
   *        Apache Software Foundation ("
   *    Alternately, this acknowlegement may appear in the software itself,
   *    if and wherever such third-party acknowlegements normally appear.
   * 4. The names "The Jakarta Project", "Ant", and "Apache Software
   *    Foundation" must not be used to endorse or promote products derived
   *    from this software without prior written permission. For written
   *    permission, please contact
   * 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "Apache"
   *    nor may "Apache" appear in their names without prior written
   *    permission of the Apache Group.
   * ====================================================================
   * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
   * individuals on behalf of the Apache Software Foundation.  For more
   * information on the Apache Software Foundation, please see
   * <>.
  import java.util.Hashtable;
  import java.util.Vector;
  import java.util.Enumeration;
  import java.util.Locale;
  import org.xml.sax.Locator;
  import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
  //import org.xml.sax.HandlerBase;
  import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException;
  import org.xml.sax.XMLReader;
  import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
  import org.xml.sax.DocumentHandler;
  import org.xml.sax.AttributeList;
  import org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLReaderAdapter;
  import org.xml.sax.helpers.DefaultHandler;
  import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory;
  import javax.xml.parsers.SAXParser;
  import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
   * Original helper.
   * @author
  public class ProjectHelperImpl2 extends ProjectHelper {
       * Parser factory to use to create parsers.
       * @see #getParserFactory
      private static SAXParserFactory parserFactory = null;
       * SAX 2 style parser used to parse the given file. 
      //    private org.xml.sax.Parser parser;
      private org.xml.sax.XMLReader parser;
      /** The project to configure. */
      private Project project;
      /** The configuration file to parse. */
      private File buildFile;
       * Parent directory of the build file. Used for resolving entities
       * and setting the project's base directory.
      private File buildFileParent;
       * Locator for the configuration file parser. 
       * Used for giving locations of errors etc.
      private Locator locator;
       * Parses the project file, configuring the project as it goes.
       * @exception BuildException if the configuration is invalid or cannot 
       *                           be read
      public void parse(Project project, Object source) throws BuildException {
          if( ! (source instanceof File) )
              throw new BuildException( "Only File source supported by default plugin" );
          File buildFile=(File)source;
          FileInputStream inputStream = null;
          InputSource inputSource = null;
          this.project = project;
          this.buildFile = new File(buildFile.getAbsolutePath());
          buildFileParent = new File(this.buildFile.getParent());
          try {
              SAXParser saxParser = getParserFactory().newSAXParser();
              parser =saxParser.getXMLReader();
              String uri = "file:" + buildFile.getAbsolutePath().replace('\\', '/');
              for (int index = uri.indexOf('#'); index != -1; index = uri.indexOf('#')) {
                  uri = uri.substring(0, index) + "%23" + uri.substring(index+1);
              inputStream = new FileInputStream(buildFile);
              inputSource = new InputSource(inputStream);
              project.log("parsing buildfile " + buildFile + " with URI = " + uri, Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
              DefaultHandler hb = new RootHandler();
          catch(ParserConfigurationException exc) {
              throw new BuildException("Parser has not been configured correctly", exc);
          catch(SAXParseException exc) {
              Location location =
                  new Location(buildFile.toString(), exc.getLineNumber(), exc.getColumnNumber());
              Throwable t = exc.getException();
              if (t instanceof BuildException) {
                  BuildException be = (BuildException) t;
                  if (be.getLocation() == Location.UNKNOWN_LOCATION) {
                  throw be;
              throw new BuildException(exc.getMessage(), t, location);
          catch(SAXException exc) {
              Throwable t = exc.getException();
              if (t instanceof BuildException) {
                  throw (BuildException) t;
              throw new BuildException(exc.getMessage(), t);
          catch(FileNotFoundException exc) {
              throw new BuildException(exc);
          catch(IOException exc) {
              throw new BuildException("Error reading project file", exc);
          finally {
              if (inputStream != null) {
                  try {
                  catch (IOException ioe) {
                      // ignore this
       * The common superclass for all SAX event handlers used to parse
       * the configuration file. Each method just throws an exception, 
       * so subclasses should override what they can handle.
       * Each type of XML element (task, target, etc.) in Ant has
       * a specific subclass.
       * In the constructor, this class takes over the handling of SAX
       * events from the parent handler and returns
       * control back to the parent in the endElement method.
      private class AbstractHandler extends DefaultHandler {
           * Previous handler for the document. 
           * When the next element is finished, control returns
           * to this handler.
          protected DefaultHandler parentHandler;
           * Creates a handler and sets the parser to use it
           * for the current element.
           * @param parentHandler The handler which should be restored to the 
           *                      parser at the end of the element. 
           *                      Must not be <code>null</code>.
          public AbstractHandler(DefaultHandler parentHandler) {
              this.parentHandler = parentHandler;
              // Start handling SAX events
           * Handles the start of an element. This base implementation just
           * throws an exception.
           * @param tag The name of the element being started. 
           *            Will not be <code>null</code>.
           * @param attrs Attributes of the element being started.
           *              Will not be <code>null</code>.
           * @exception SAXParseException if this method is not overridden, or in
           *                              case of error in an overridden version
          public void startElement(String uri, String tag, String qname,
                                   AttributeList attrs)
              throws SAXParseException
              throw new SAXParseException("Unexpected element \"" + tag + "\"", locator);
           * Handles text within an element. This base implementation just
           * throws an exception.
           * @param buf A character array of the text within the element.
           *            Will not be <code>null</code>.
           * @param start The start element in the array.
           * @param count The number of characters to read from the array.
           * @exception SAXParseException if this method is not overridden, or in
           *                              case of error in an overridden version
          public void characters(char[] buf, int start, int count) throws SAXParseException {
              String s = new String(buf, start, count).trim();
              if (s.length() > 0) {
                  throw new SAXParseException("Unexpected text \"" + s + "\"", locator);
           * Called when this element and all elements nested into it have been
           * handled.
          protected void finished() {}
           * Handles the end of an element. Any required clean-up is performed
           * by the finished() method and then the original handler is restored to
           * the parser.
           * @param name The name of the element which is ending.
           *             Will not be <code>null</code>.
           * @exception SAXException in case of error (not thrown in 
           *                         this implementation)
           * @see #finished()
          public void endElement(String uri, String name, String qName) throws SAXException {
              // Let parent resume handling SAX events
       * Handler for the root element. Its only child must be the "project" element.
      private class RootHandler extends DefaultHandler {
           * Resolves file: URIs relative to the build file.
           * @param publicId The public identifer, or <code>null</code>
           *                 if none is available. Ignored in this 
           *                 implementation.
           * @param systemId The system identifier provided in the XML 
           *                 document. Will not be <code>null</code>.
          public InputSource resolveEntity(String publicId,
                                           String systemId) {
              project.log("resolving systemId: " + systemId, Project.MSG_VERBOSE);
              if (systemId.startsWith("file:")) {
                  String path = systemId.substring(5);
                  int index = path.indexOf("file:");
                  // we only have to handle these for backward compatibility
                  // since they are in the FAQ.
                  while (index != -1) {
                      path = path.substring(0, index) + path.substring(index + 5);
                      index = path.indexOf("file:");
                  String entitySystemId = path;
                  index = path.indexOf("%23");
                  // convert these to #
                  while (index != -1) {
                      path = path.substring(0, index) + "#" + path.substring(index + 3);
                      index = path.indexOf("%23");
                  File file = new File(path);
                  if (!file.isAbsolute()) {
                      file = new File(buildFileParent, path);
                  try {
                      InputSource inputSource = new InputSource(new FileInputStream(file));
                      inputSource.setSystemId("file:" + entitySystemId);
                      return inputSource;
                  } catch (FileNotFoundException fne) {
                      project.log(file.getAbsolutePath()+" could not be found", 
              // use default if not file or file not found
              return null;
           * Handles the start of a project element. A project handler is created
           * and initialised with the element name and attributes.
           * @param tag The name of the element being started. 
           *            Will not be <code>null</code>.
           * @param attrs Attributes of the element being started.
           *              Will not be <code>null</code>.
           * @exception SAXParseException if the tag given is not 
           *                              <code>"project"</code>
          public void startElement(String uri, String tag, String qname, AttributeList attrs)
              throws SAXParseException
              if (tag.equals("project")) {
                  new ProjectHandler(this).init(tag, attrs);
              } else {
                  throw new SAXParseException("Config file is not of expected XML type", locator);
           * Sets the locator in the project helper for future reference.
           * @param locator The locator used by the parser.
           *                Will not be <code>null</code>.
          public void setDocumentLocator(Locator locator) {
              ProjectHelperImpl2.this.locator = locator;
       * Handler for the top level "project" element.
      private class ProjectHandler extends AbstractHandler {
           * Constructor which just delegates to the superconstructor.
           * @param parentHandler The handler which should be restored to the 
           *                      parser at the end of the element. 
           *                      Must not be <code>null</code>.
          public ProjectHandler(DefaultHandler parentHandler) {
           * Initialisation routine called after handler creation
           * with the element name and attributes. The attributes which
           * this handler can deal with are: <code>"default"</code>,
           * <code>"name"</code>, <code>"id"</code> and <code>"basedir"</code>.
           * @param tag Name of the element which caused this handler
           *            to be created. Should not be <code>null</code>.
           *            Ignored in this implementation.
           * @param attrs Attributes of the element which caused this
           *              handler to be created. Must not be <code>null</code>.
           * @exception SAXParseException if an unexpected attribute is 
           *            encountered or if the <code>"default"</code> attribute
           *            is missing.
          public void init(String tag, AttributeList attrs) throws SAXParseException {
              String def = null;
              String name = null;
              String id = null;
              String baseDir = null;
              for (int i = 0; i < attrs.getLength(); i++) {
                  String key = attrs.getName(i);
                  String value = attrs.getValue(i);
                  if (key.equals("default")) {
                      def = value;
                  } else if (key.equals("name")) {
                      name = value;
                  } else if (key.equals("id")) {
                      id = value;
                  } else if (key.equals("basedir")) {
                      baseDir = value;
                  } else {
                      throw new SAXParseException("Unexpected attribute \"" + attrs.getName(i) + "\"", locator);
              if (def == null) {
                  throw new SAXParseException("The default attribute of project is required", 
              if (name != null) {
                  project.addReference(name, project);
              if (id != null) {
                project.addReference(id, project);
              if (project.getProperty("basedir") != null) {
              } else {
                  if (baseDir == null) {
                  } else {
                      // check whether the user has specified an absolute path
                      if ((new File(baseDir)).isAbsolute()) {
                      } else {
                          project.setBaseDir(project.resolveFile(baseDir, buildFileParent));
           * Handles the start of a top-level element within the project. An
           * appropriate handler is created and initialised with the details
           * of the element.
           * @param tag The name of the element being started. 
           *            Will not be <code>null</code>.
           * @param attrs Attributes of the element being started.
           *              Will not be <code>null</code>.
           * @exception SAXParseException if the tag given is not 
           *            <code>"taskdef"</code>, <code>"typedef"</code>,
           *            <code>"property"</code>, <code>"target"</code>
           *            or a data type definition
          public void startElement(String uri, String name, String qname, AttributeList attrs)
              throws SAXParseException
              if (name.equals("taskdef")) {
                  handleTaskdef(name, attrs);
              } else if (name.equals("typedef")) {
                  handleTypedef(name, attrs);
              } else if (name.equals("property")) {
                  handleProperty(name, attrs);
              } else if (name.equals("target")) {
                  handleTarget(name, attrs);
              } else if (project.getDataTypeDefinitions().get(name) != null) {
                  handleDataType(name, attrs);
              } else {
                  throw new SAXParseException("Unexpected element \"" + name + "\"", locator);
           * Handles a task defintion element by creating a task handler
           * and initialising is with the details of the element.
           * @param tag The name of the element to be handled.
           *            Will not be <code>null</code>.
           * @param attrs Attributes of the element to be handled.
           *              Will not be <code>null</code>.
           * @exception SAXParseException if an error occurs when initialising 
           *                              the task handler
          private void handleTaskdef(String name, AttributeList attrs) throws SAXParseException {
              (new TaskHandler(this, null, null, null)).init(name, attrs);
           * Handles a type defintion element by creating a task handler
           * and initialising is with the details of the element.
           * @param tag The name of the element to be handled.
           *            Will not be <code>null</code>.
           * @param attrs Attributes of the element to be handled.
           *              Will not be <code>null</code>.
           * @exception SAXParseException if an error occurs initialising the 
           *                              handler
          private void handleTypedef(String name, AttributeList attrs) throws SAXParseException {
              (new TaskHandler(this, null, null, null)).init(name, attrs);
           * Handles a property defintion element by creating a task handler
           * and initialising is with the details of the element.
           * @param tag The name of the element to be handled.
           *            Will not be <code>null</code>.
           * @param attrs Attributes of the element to be handled.
           *              Will not be <code>null</code>.
           * @exception SAXParseException if an error occurs initialising 
           *                              the handler
          private void handleProperty(String name, AttributeList attrs) throws SAXParseException {
              (new TaskHandler(this, null, null, null)).init(name, attrs);
           * Handles a target defintion element by creating a target handler
           * and initialising is with the details of the element.
           * @param tag The name of the element to be handled.
           *            Will not be <code>null</code>.
           * @param attrs Attributes of the element to be handled.
           *              Will not be <code>null</code>.
           * @exception SAXParseException if an error occurs initialising 
           *                              the handler
          private void handleTarget(String tag, AttributeList attrs) throws SAXParseException {
              new TargetHandler(this).init(tag, attrs);
           * Handles a data type defintion element by creating a data type 
           * handler and initialising is with the details of the element.
           * @param tag The name of the element to be handled.
           *            Will not be <code>null</code>.
           * @param attrs Attributes of the element to be handled.
           *              Will not be <code>null</code>.
           * @exception SAXParseException if an error occurs initialising 
           *                              the handler
          private void handleDataType(String name, AttributeList attrs) throws SAXParseException {
              new DataTypeHandler(this).init(name, attrs);
       * Handler for "target" elements.
      private class TargetHandler extends AbstractHandler {
          private Target target;
           * Constructor which just delegates to the superconstructor.
           * @param parentHandler The handler which should be restored to the 
           *                      parser at the end of the element. 
           *                      Must not be <code>null</code>.
          public TargetHandler(DefaultHandler parentHandler) {
           * Initialisation routine called after handler creation
           * with the element name and attributes. The attributes which
           * this handler can deal with are: <code>"name"</code>,
           * <code>"depends"</code>, <code>"if"</code>,
           * <code>"unless"</code>, <code>"id"</code> and 
           * <code>"description"</code>.
           * @param tag Name of the element which caused this handler
           *            to be created. Should not be <code>null</code>.
           *            Ignored in this implementation.
           * @param attrs Attributes of the element which caused this
           *              handler to be created. Must not be <code>null</code>.
           * @exception SAXParseException if an unexpected attribute is encountered
           *            or if the <code>"name"</code> attribute is missing.
          public void init(String tag, AttributeList attrs) throws SAXParseException {
              String name = null;
              String depends = "";
              String ifCond = null;
              String unlessCond = null;
              String id = null;
              String description = null;
              for (int i = 0; i < attrs.getLength(); i++) {
                  String key = attrs.getName(i);
                  String value = attrs.getValue(i);
                  if (key.equals("name")) {
                      name = value;
                  } else if (key.equals("depends")) {
                      depends = value;
                  } else if (key.equals("if")) {
                      ifCond = value;
                  } else if (key.equals("unless")) {
                      unlessCond = value;
                  } else if (key.equals("id")) {
                      id = value;
                  } else if (key.equals("description")) {
                      description = value;
                  } else {
                      throw new SAXParseException("Unexpected attribute \"" + key + "\"", locator);
              if (name == null) {
                  throw new SAXParseException("target element appears without a name attribute", locator);
              target = new Target();
              project.addTarget(name, target);
              if (id != null && !id.equals("")) {
                  project.addReference(id, target);
              // take care of dependencies
              if (depends.length() > 0) {
           * Handles the start of an element within a target.
           * @param tag The name of the element being started. 
           *            Will not be <code>null</code>.
           * @param attrs Attributes of the element being started.
           *              Will not be <code>null</code>.
           * @exception SAXParseException if an error occurs when initialising
           *                              the appropriate child handler
          public void startElement(String uri, String name, String qname, AttributeList attrs)
              throws SAXParseException
              if (project.getDataTypeDefinitions().get(name) != null) {
                  new DataTypeHandler(this, target).init(name, attrs);
              } else {
                  new TaskHandler(this, target, null, target).init(name, attrs);
       * Handler for all task elements.
      private class TaskHandler extends AbstractHandler {
          /** Containing target, if any. */
          private Target target;
           * Container for the task, if any. If target is 
           * non-<code>null</code>, this must be too.
          private TaskContainer container;
           * Task created by this handler.
          private Task task;
           * Wrapper for the parent element, if any. The wrapper for this 
           * element will be added to this wrapper as a child.
          private RuntimeConfigurable parentWrapper;
           * Wrapper for this element which takes care of actually configuring
           * the element, if this element is contained within a target. 
           * Otherwise the configuration is performed with the configure method.
           * @see ProjectHelper#configure(Object,AttributeList,Project)
          private RuntimeConfigurable wrapper = null;
           * Constructor.
           * @param parentHandler The handler which should be restored to the 
           *                      parser at the end of the element. 
           *                      Must not be <code>null</code>.
           * @param container     Container for the element. 
           *                      May be <code>null</code> if the target is 
           *                      <code>null</code> as well. If the
           *                      target is <code>null</code>, this parameter
           *                      is effectively ignored.
           * @param parentWrapper Wrapper for the parent element, if any.
           *                      May be <code>null</code>. If the
           *                      target is <code>null</code>, this parameter
           *                      is effectively ignored.
           * @param target        Target this element is part of.
           *                      May be <code>null</code>.
          public TaskHandler(DefaultHandler parentHandler, TaskContainer container, RuntimeConfigurable parentWrapper, Target target) {
              this.container = container;
              this.parentWrapper = parentWrapper;
     = target;
           * Initialisation routine called after handler creation
           * with the element name and attributes. This configures
           * the element with its attributes and sets it up with
           * its parent container (if any). Nested elements are then
           * added later as the parser encounters them.
           * @param tag Name of the element which caused this handler
           *            to be created. Must not be <code>null</code>.
           * @param attrs Attributes of the element which caused this
           *              handler to be created. Must not be <code>null</code>.
           * @exception SAXParseException in case of error (not thrown in
           *                              this implementation)
          public void init(String tag, AttributeList attrs) throws SAXParseException {
              try {
                  task = project.createTask(tag);
              } catch (BuildException e) {
                  // swallow here, will be thrown again in 
                  // UnknownElement.maybeConfigure if the problem persists.
              if (task == null) {
                  task = new UnknownElement(tag);
                  //XXX task.setTaskType(tag);
              task.setLocation(new Location(buildFile.toString(), locator.getLineNumber(), locator.getColumnNumber()));
              configureId(task, attrs);
              // Top level tasks don't have associated targets
              if (target != null) {
                  wrapper = task.getRuntimeConfigurableWrapper();
                  if (parentWrapper != null) {
              } else {
                  configure(task, attrs, project);
           * Executes the task if it is a top-level one.
          protected void finished() {
              if (task != null && target == null) {
           * Adds text to the task, using the wrapper if one is
           * available (in other words if the task is within a target) 
           * or using addText otherwise.
           * @param buf A character array of the text within the element.
           *            Will not be <code>null</code>.
           * @param start The start element in the array.
           * @param count The number of characters to read from the array.
           * @exception SAXParseException if the element doesn't support text
           * @see ProjectHelper#addText(Project,Object,char[],int,int)
          public void characters(char[] buf, int start, int count) throws SAXParseException {
              if (wrapper == null) {
                  try {
                      addText(project, task, buf, start, count);
                  } catch (BuildException exc) {
                      throw new SAXParseException(exc.getMessage(), locator, exc);
              } else {
                  wrapper.addText(buf, start, count);
           * Handles the start of an element within a target. Task containers
           * will always use another task handler, and all other tasks
           * will always use a nested element handler.
           * @param tag The name of the element being started. 
           *            Will not be <code>null</code>.
           * @param attrs Attributes of the element being started.
           *              Will not be <code>null</code>.
           * @exception SAXParseException if an error occurs when initialising
           *                              the appropriate child handler
          public void startElement(String uri, String name, String qname, AttributeList attrs)
              throws SAXParseException
              if (task instanceof TaskContainer) {
                  // task can contain other tasks - no other nested elements possible
                  new TaskHandler(this, (TaskContainer)task, wrapper, target).init(name, attrs);
              else {
                  new NestedElementHandler(this, task, wrapper, target).init(name, attrs);
       * Handler for all nested properties.
      private class NestedElementHandler extends AbstractHandler {
          /** Parent object (task/data type/etc). */
          private Object parent;
          /** The nested element itself. */
          private Object child;
           * Wrapper for the parent element, if any. The wrapper for this 
           * element will be added to this wrapper as a child.
          private RuntimeConfigurable parentWrapper;
           * Wrapper for this element which takes care of actually configuring
           * the element, if a parent wrapper is provided.
           * Otherwise the configuration is performed with the configure method.
           * @see ProjectHelper#configure(Object,AttributeList,Project)
          private RuntimeConfigurable childWrapper = null;
          /** Target this element is part of, if any. */
          private Target target;
           * Constructor.
           * @param parentHandler The handler which should be restored to the 
           *                      parser at the end of the element. 
           *                      Must not be <code>null</code>.
           * @param parent        Parent of this element (task/data type/etc).
           *                      Must not be <code>null</code>.
           * @param parentWrapper Wrapper for the parent element, if any.
           *                      May be <code>null</code>.
           * @param target        Target this element is part of.
           *                      May be <code>null</code>.
          public NestedElementHandler(DefaultHandler parentHandler, 
                                      Object parent,
                                      RuntimeConfigurable parentWrapper,
                                      Target target) {
              if (parent instanceof TaskAdapter) {
                  this.parent = ((TaskAdapter) parent).getProxy();
              } else {
                  this.parent = parent;
              this.parentWrapper = parentWrapper;
     = target;
           * Initialisation routine called after handler creation
           * with the element name and attributes. This configures
           * the element with its attributes and sets it up with
           * its parent container (if any). Nested elements are then
           * added later as the parser encounters them.
           * @param tag Name of the element which caused this handler
           *            to be created. Must not be <code>null</code>.
           * @param attrs Attributes of the element which caused this
           *              handler to be created. Must not be <code>null</code>.
           * @exception SAXParseException in case of error, such as a 
           *            BuildException being thrown during configuration.
          public void init(String propType, AttributeList attrs) throws SAXParseException {
              Class parentClass = parent.getClass();
              IntrospectionHelper ih = 
              try {
                  String elementName = propType.toLowerCase(Locale.US);
                  if (parent instanceof UnknownElement) {
                      UnknownElement uc = new UnknownElement(elementName);
                      ((UnknownElement) parent).addChild(uc);
                      child = uc;
                  } else {
                      child = ih.createElement(project, parent, elementName);
                  configureId(child, attrs);
                  if (parentWrapper != null) {
                      childWrapper = new RuntimeConfigurable(child, propType);
                  } else {
                      configure(child, attrs, project);
                      ih.storeElement(project, parent, child, elementName);
              } catch (BuildException exc) {
                  throw new SAXParseException(exc.getMessage(), locator, exc);
           * Adds text to the element, using the wrapper if one is
           * available or using addText otherwise.
           * @param buf A character array of the text within the element.
           *            Will not be <code>null</code>.
           * @param start The start element in the array.
           * @param count The number of characters to read from the array.
           * @exception SAXParseException if the element doesn't support text
           * @see ProjectHelper#addText(Project,Object,char[],int,int)
          public void characters(char[] buf, int start, int count) throws SAXParseException {
              if (parentWrapper == null) {
                  try {
                      addText(project, child, buf, start, count);
                  } catch (BuildException exc) {
                      throw new SAXParseException(exc.getMessage(), locator, exc);
              } else {
                  childWrapper.addText(buf, start, count);
           * Handles the start of an element within this one. Task containers
           * will always use a task handler, and all other elements
           * will always use another nested element handler.
           * @param tag The name of the element being started. 
           *            Will not be <code>null</code>.
           * @param attrs Attributes of the element being started.
           *              Will not be <code>null</code>.
           * @exception SAXParseException if an error occurs when initialising
           *                              the appropriate child handler
          public void startElement(String uri, String name, String qname, AttributeList attrs)
              throws SAXParseException
              if (child instanceof TaskContainer) {
                  // taskcontainer nested element can contain other tasks - no other 
                  // nested elements possible
                  new TaskHandler(this, (TaskContainer)child, childWrapper, target).init(name, attrs);
              else {
                  new NestedElementHandler(this, child, childWrapper, target).init(name, attrs);
       * Handler for all data types directly subordinate to project or target.
      private class DataTypeHandler extends AbstractHandler {
          /** Parent target, if any. */
          private Target target;
          /** The element being configured. */
          private Object element;
          /** Wrapper for this element, if it's part of a target. */
          private RuntimeConfigurable wrapper = null;
           * Constructor with no target specified.
           * @param parentHandler The handler which should be restored to the 
           *                      parser at the end of the element. 
           *                      Must not be <code>null</code>.
          public DataTypeHandler(DefaultHandler parentHandler) {
              this(parentHandler, null);
           * Constructor with a target specified.
           * @param parentHandler The handler which should be restored to the 
           *                      parser at the end of the element. 
           *                      Must not be <code>null</code>.
           * @param target The parent target of this element.
           *               May be <code>null</code>.
          public DataTypeHandler(DefaultHandler parentHandler, Target target) {
     = target;
           * Initialisation routine called after handler creation
           * with the element name and attributes. This configures
           * the element with its attributes and sets it up with
           * its parent container (if any). Nested elements are then
           * added later as the parser encounters them.
           * @param tag Name of the element which caused this handler
           *            to be created. Must not be <code>null</code>.
           * @param attrs Attributes of the element which caused this
           *              handler to be created. Must not be <code>null</code>.
           * @exception SAXParseException in case of error, such as a 
           *            BuildException being thrown during configuration.
          public void init(String propType, AttributeList attrs) throws SAXParseException {
              try {
                  element = project.createDataType(propType);
                  if (element == null) {
                      throw new BuildException("Unknown data type "+propType);
                  if (target != null) {
                      wrapper = new RuntimeConfigurable(element, propType);
                  } else {
                      configure(element, attrs, project);
                      configureId(element, attrs);
              } catch (BuildException exc) {
                  throw new SAXParseException(exc.getMessage(), locator, exc);
          // XXX: (Jon Skeet) Any reason why this doesn't use the wrapper
          // if one is available, whereas NestedElementHandler.characters does?
           * Adds text to the element.
           * @param buf A character array of the text within the element.
           *            Will not be <code>null</code>.
           * @param start The start element in the array.
           * @param count The number of characters to read from the array.
           * @exception SAXParseException if the element doesn't support text
           * @see ProjectHelper#addText(Project,Object,char[],int,int)
          public void characters(char[] buf, int start, int count) throws SAXParseException {
              try {
                  addText(project, element, buf, start, count);
              } catch (BuildException exc) {
                  throw new SAXParseException(exc.getMessage(), locator, exc);
           * Handles the start of an element within this one.
           * This will always use a nested element handler.
           * @param tag The name of the element being started. 
           *            Will not be <code>null</code>.
           * @param attrs Attributes of the element being started.
           *              Will not be <code>null</code>.
           * @exception SAXParseException if an error occurs when initialising
           *                              the child handler
          public void startElement(String uri, String name, String qname, AttributeList attrs)
              throws SAXParseException
              new NestedElementHandler(this, element, wrapper, target).init(name, attrs);
       * Returns the parser factory to use. Only one parser
       * factory is ever created by this method (multi-threading 
       * issues aside) and is then cached for future use.
       * @return a SAXParserFactory to use within this class
      private static SAXParserFactory getParserFactory() {
          if (parserFactory == null) {
              parserFactory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
          return parserFactory;
       * Scans an attribute list for the <code>id</code> attribute and 
       * stores a reference to the target object in the project if an
       * id is found.
       * <p>
       * This method was moved out of the configure method to allow
       * it to be executed at parse time.
       * @see #configure(Object,AttributeList,Project)
      private void configureId(Object target, AttributeList attr) {
          String id = attr.getValue("id");
          if (id != null) {
              project.addReference(id, target);

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