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Posted to by Bronson Crothers <> on 2008/02/22 16:33:35 UTC

subversion: Subversion Issue Tracker

Here is another instance of the "containing working copy admin area is  
missing" problem.

Here is the command line thread:

Triode:cbhc $svn commit -m "commit test"
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: Directory '/Volumes/plate/Programming/software/DAQsys_II/build/' containing  
working copy admin area is missing

The project imports successfully.

Note the following:

Triode:cbhc $svn status
M      build/ 
M      build/
M      build/
M      build/
M      build/
M      build/
M      build/
M      build/
M      build/
M      build/
~      build/
M      build/
M      build/
M      build/Development/
~      build/Development/ 
M      DAQsys.xcodeproj/cbhc.pbxuser
M      DAQsys.xcodeproj/cbhc.mode1v3
M      DAQsysController.m
Triode:cbhc $

The directory in question has had its type (probably from file to  
directory or vice versa) changed somehow.  Also another file, the main  
menu nib file, has had the same treatment, although that didn't seem  
to throw an exception.

A look at the directory in question:

Triode:cbhc $pwd
Triode:cbhc $ls -l -a
total 4696
drwxr-xr-x   4 cbhc  admin      136 Feb 22 11:03 .
drwxr-xr-x@ 14 cbhc  admin      476 Feb 22 11:03 ..
-rw-r--r--   1 cbhc  admin  1048596 Feb 22 11:03 control
-rw-r--r--   1 cbhc  admin  1350835 Feb 22 11:03 strings
Triode:cbhc $

reveals that there is indeed no .svn file in the directory.

I have no idea how any of this happened.  The import ran without  
trouble and so did the checkout.

Here's what the import command looked like:

Triode:cbhc $svn import software svn+ssh:// 
/home/stillwater/svnroot/software -m "Importing software"
Adding         software/DAQsys_II/build/ 
Adding  (bin)  software/DAQsys_II/build/ 
Adding  (bin)  software/DAQsys_II/build/ 

The DACsys_II project is in a sub directory of "software".  It all  
seemed to go in the way it was supposed to.  Note that the  
"strings.pbxstrings" seems to have been treated as something other  
than binary, presumably as a directory, when it was imported.

The "containing working copy admin area is missing" occurs if you  
commit AFTER a compile OR a source file change.  The test change was  
the addition of a comment.  The compile was a standard Development  
mode OSX Xcode 3.0 Build and Go.

This happens if you do the svn work from inside Xcode OR from the  
command line.

I have no idea what's going wrong.


Bronson Crothers
Stillwater Scientific Instruments
20 Godfrey Dr.
Orono ME 04473-3610

Phone: 207 866 6542
FAX: 207 866 6501

de AA1ZB

-... ...-



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