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Posted to by Michael Jones <> on 2018/01/04 21:53:11 UTC

The command "hdfs dfsadmin -report" fails because of a "connection exception:

I have two Ubuntu 16.04 servers running open source Hadoop 3.0.  One is a
NameNode, and the other is a DataNode.   I have configured three .xml files
on both servers to establish a cluster.  The hduser on the NameNode can ssh
into the DataNode. I have configured a workers file on the NameNode.

On the NameNode server I run this: bash
On the DataNode I used the jps command before and after running the above
bash script on the NameNode.  This bash script on the NameNode starts the
services on the datanode.  I can tell because of the jps command's output.

On the NameNode I run this: "hdfs dfsadmin -report" but I get this:

"report: Call From NameNodeServer/ to NameNodeServer:54310
failed on connection exception: Connection
refused; For more details see:"

The /etc/hosts files of both servers have no entry for nor one
for localhost.

My .xml files refer to the correct NameNode server. I could manually ping
it from both servers.  There is no firewall between the servers blocking
connectivity (as evidenced by successfully starting services).

The problem does not happen with two RedHat servers in the cluster.

What am I doing wrong with the two Ubuntu servers?  Is this a bug?