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Posted to by Bojan Cekrlic <> on 2001/02/12 19:20:45 UTC

RE: SAX Exception using the Xalan processor when disabling cookie s on the browser

AFAIK session has no relevance here. Try setting session="false" in your
JSP file, maybe it will help, I don't know.
Anyone else?

-----Original Message-----
From: Nicole Henrich []
Sent: Monday, February 12, 2001 4:39 PM
Subject: SAX Exception using the Xalan processor when disabling cookies
on the browser

I'm using the Xalan XSLTProcessor to generate html from a XML and a XSL
Here is the source code: 
  XSLTProcessor processor = XSLTProcessorFactory.getProcessor();
  StringReader xmlSource =
  String xslFile = "file:C:/xsl/toto.xsl";
  StringWriter htmlSource = new StringWriter();
  XSLTInputSource inputXml = new XSLTInputSource(xmlSource);
  XSLTInputSource inputXsl = new XSLTInputSource(xslFile);
  XSLTResultTarget resultTarget = new XSLTResultTarget(htmlSource);
  processor.process(inputXml, inputXsl, resultTarget);
where compositeManager.outputXml().toStringReader() creates a
containing the XML code.
This code works well if I allow cookies in my browser. Else it generates
the following SAX Exception : 
    The entity name must immediately follow the '&' in the entity
But if the XML file physically exists on the server and the associated
XSLTInputSource is created 
with the location of this file, it works even without cookies:
  XSLTProcessor processor = XSLTProcessorFactory.getProcessor();
  String xmlFile = "file:C:/xml/toto.xml";
  String xslFile = "file:C:/xsl/toto.xsl";
  StringWriter htmlSource = new StringWriter();
  XSLTInputSource inputXml = new XSLTInputSource(xmlFile);
  XSLTInputSource inputXsl = new XSLTInputSource(xslFile);
  XSLTResultTarget resultTarget = new XSLTResultTarget(htmlSource);
  processor.process(inputXml, inputXsl, resultTarget);
The problem is, I have to generate one XML for each page and for each
client, because it contains 
dynamical data specific to each client, and I would like to make it
working even without cookies.
But it seems the processor uses the session information to associate
each xml with its client.
It there a solution to this problem ? Thank you very much for your help.