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Posted to by eyal edri <> on 2009/11/05 17:59:41 UTC

deploy rpm to rpm repository using maven + mojo rpm plugin

Hi guys,

i'm just starting to play around with maven as a candidate for our whole
build/deploy system for java applications.

we're been programming so far using Perl,  packaging with Rpm on Fedora and
Deploying it though a local yum repository.

We still haven't decided if we could ditch the yum/rpm idea all together and
swith to mvn repository,
but in case we won't,

Do you know* i**f there is a way to config mvn to upload the rpm (using
SCP?) to the yum repository* after
it finished building the RPM (today we use a build system based on make
files and in the end it scp's the rpm to the repository and run make there
to update the list of rpms).

thank you.

Eyal Edri