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[3/6] mesos git commit: Renamed offer operation to operation.
diff --git a/src/tests/offer_operation_status_update_manager_tests.cpp b/src/tests/offer_operation_status_update_manager_tests.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 37bea36..0000000
--- a/src/tests/offer_operation_status_update_manager_tests.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,913 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-#include <string>
-#include <gtest/gtest.h>
-#include <mesos/v1/mesos.hpp>
-#include <process/clock.hpp>
-#include <process/future.hpp>
-#include <process/gmock.hpp>
-#include <process/owned.hpp>
-#include <stout/lambda.hpp>
-#include <stout/os.hpp>
-#include <stout/path.hpp>
-#include <stout/protobuf.hpp>
-#include <stout/uuid.hpp>
-#include <stout/os/ftruncate.hpp>
-#include "slave/constants.hpp"
-#include "tests/mesos.hpp"
-#include "tests/utils.hpp"
-#include "status_update_manager/offer_operation.hpp"
-using lambda::function;
-using process::Clock;
-using process::Future;
-using process::Owned;
-using process::Promise;
-using std::string;
-namespace mesos {
-namespace internal {
-namespace tests {
-// This class will be the target of the forward callbacks passed to the offer
-// operation status update managers in this test suite.
-// It uses gmock, so that we can easily set expectations and check how
-// often/which status updates are forwarded.
-class MockOfferOperationStatusUpdateProcessor
-  MOCK_METHOD1(update, void(const OfferOperationStatusUpdate&));
-class OfferOperationStatusUpdateManagerTest : public MesosTest
-  OfferOperationStatusUpdateManagerTest()
-    : statusUpdateManager(new OfferOperationStatusUpdateManager())
-  {
-    Clock::pause();
-    const function<void(const OfferOperationStatusUpdate&)> forward =
-      [&](const OfferOperationStatusUpdate& update) {
-        statusUpdateProcessor.update(update);
-      };
-    statusUpdateManager->initialize(
-        forward, OfferOperationStatusUpdateManagerTest::getPath);
-  }
-  void TearDown() override
-  {
-    Clock::resume();
-    statusUpdateManager.reset();
-    MesosTest::TearDown();
-  }
-  OfferOperationStatusUpdate createOfferOperationStatusUpdate(
-      const id::UUID& statusUuid,
-      const id::UUID& operationUuid,
-      const OfferOperationState& state,
-      const Option<FrameworkID>& frameworkId = None())
-  {
-    OfferOperationStatusUpdate statusUpdate;
-    statusUpdate.mutable_operation_uuid()->set_value(operationUuid.toBytes());
-    if (frameworkId.isSome()) {
-      statusUpdate.mutable_framework_id()->CopyFrom(frameworkId.get());
-    }
-    OfferOperationStatus* status = statusUpdate.mutable_status();
-    status->set_state(state);
-    status->mutable_status_uuid()->set_value(statusUuid.toBytes());
-    return statusUpdate;
-  }
-  void resetStatusUpdateManager()
-  {
-    statusUpdateManager.reset(new OfferOperationStatusUpdateManager());
-    const function<void(const OfferOperationStatusUpdate&)> forward =
-      [&](const OfferOperationStatusUpdate& update) {
-        statusUpdateProcessor.update(update);
-      };
-    statusUpdateManager->initialize(
-        forward, OfferOperationStatusUpdateManagerTest::getPath);
-  }
-  static const string getPath(const id::UUID& operationUuid)
-  {
-    return path::join(os::getcwd(), "streams", operationUuid.toString());
-  }
-  Owned<OfferOperationStatusUpdateManager> statusUpdateManager;
-  MockOfferOperationStatusUpdateProcessor statusUpdateProcessor;
-// This test verifies that the status update manager will not retry a terminal
-// status update after it has been acknowledged.
-TEST_F(OfferOperationStatusUpdateManagerTest, UpdateAndAck)
-  Future<OfferOperationStatusUpdate> forwardedStatusUpdate;
-  EXPECT_CALL(statusUpdateProcessor, update(_))
-    .WillOnce(FutureArg<0>(&forwardedStatusUpdate));
-  const id::UUID operationUuid = id::UUID::random();
-  const id::UUID statusUuid = id::UUID::random();
-  OfferOperationStatusUpdate statusUpdate = createOfferOperationStatusUpdate(
-      statusUuid, operationUuid, OfferOperationState::OFFER_OPERATION_FINISHED);
-  // Send a checkpointed offer operation status update.
-  AWAIT_ASSERT_READY(statusUpdateManager->update(statusUpdate, true));
-  OfferOperationStatusUpdate expectedStatusUpdate(statusUpdate);
-  expectedStatusUpdate.mutable_latest_status()->CopyFrom(statusUpdate.status());
-  // Verify that the status update is forwarded.
-  AWAIT_EXPECT_EQ(expectedStatusUpdate, forwardedStatusUpdate);
-  // Acknowledge the update, this is a terminal update, so `acknowledgement`
-  // should return `false`.
-      statusUpdateManager->acknowledgement(operationUuid, statusUuid));
-  // Advance the clock, the status update has been acknowledged, so it shouldn't
-  // trigger a retry.
-  Clock::advance(slave::STATUS_UPDATE_RETRY_INTERVAL_MIN);
-  Clock::settle();
-// This test verifies that the status update manager will not retry a
-// non-terminal status update after it has been acknowledged.
-TEST_F(OfferOperationStatusUpdateManagerTest, UpdateAndAckNonTerminalUpdate)
-  Future<OfferOperationStatusUpdate> forwardedStatusUpdate;
-  EXPECT_CALL(statusUpdateProcessor, update(_))
-    .WillOnce(FutureArg<0>(&forwardedStatusUpdate));
-  const id::UUID operationUuid = id::UUID::random();
-  const id::UUID statusUuid = id::UUID::random();
-  OfferOperationStatusUpdate statusUpdate = createOfferOperationStatusUpdate(
-    statusUuid, operationUuid, OfferOperationState::OFFER_OPERATION_PENDING);
-  // Send a checkpointed offer operation status update.
-  AWAIT_ASSERT_READY(statusUpdateManager->update(statusUpdate, true));
-  OfferOperationStatusUpdate expectedStatusUpdate(statusUpdate);
-  expectedStatusUpdate.mutable_latest_status()->CopyFrom(statusUpdate.status());
-  // Verify that the status update is forwarded.
-  AWAIT_EXPECT_EQ(expectedStatusUpdate, forwardedStatusUpdate);
-  // Acknowledge the update, this is a non-terminal update, so `acknowledgement`
-  // should return `true`.
-      statusUpdateManager->acknowledgement(operationUuid, statusUuid));
-  // Advance the clock, the status update has been acknowledged, so it shouldn't
-  // trigger a retry.
-  Clock::advance(slave::STATUS_UPDATE_RETRY_INTERVAL_MIN);
-  Clock::settle();
-// This test verifies that the status update manager resends status updates
-// until they are acknowledged.
-TEST_F(OfferOperationStatusUpdateManagerTest, ResendUnacknowledged)
-  Future<OfferOperationStatusUpdate> forwardedStatusUpdate1;
-  Future<OfferOperationStatusUpdate> forwardedStatusUpdate2;
-  EXPECT_CALL(statusUpdateProcessor, update(_))
-    .WillOnce(FutureArg<0>(&forwardedStatusUpdate1))
-    .WillOnce(FutureArg<0>(&forwardedStatusUpdate2));
-  const id::UUID operationUuid = id::UUID::random();
-  const id::UUID statusUuid = id::UUID::random();
-  OfferOperationStatusUpdate statusUpdate = createOfferOperationStatusUpdate(
-      statusUuid, operationUuid, OfferOperationState::OFFER_OPERATION_FINISHED);
-  // Send a checkpointed offer operation status update.
-  AWAIT_ASSERT_READY(statusUpdateManager->update(statusUpdate, true));
-  OfferOperationStatusUpdate expectedStatusUpdate(statusUpdate);
-  expectedStatusUpdate.mutable_latest_status()->CopyFrom(statusUpdate.status());
-  // Verify that the status update is forwarded.
-  AWAIT_EXPECT_EQ(expectedStatusUpdate, forwardedStatusUpdate1);
-  EXPECT_FALSE(forwardedStatusUpdate2.isReady());
-  // Advance the clock to trigger a retry.
-  Clock::advance(slave::STATUS_UPDATE_RETRY_INTERVAL_MIN);
-  Clock::settle();
-  // Verify that the status update is forwarded again.
-  AWAIT_EXPECT_EQ(expectedStatusUpdate, forwardedStatusUpdate2);
-  // Acknowledge the update, this is a terminal update, so `acknowledgement`
-  // should return `false`.
-      statusUpdateManager->acknowledgement(operationUuid, statusUuid));
-  // Advance the clock, the status update has been acknowledged, so it shouldn't
-  // trigger a retry.
-  Clock::advance(slave::STATUS_UPDATE_RETRY_INTERVAL_MIN);
-  Clock::settle();
-// This test verifies that after the updates belonging to a framework are
-// cleaned up from the status update manager, the status update manager stops
-// resending them.
-TEST_F(OfferOperationStatusUpdateManagerTest, Cleanup)
-  Future<OfferOperationStatusUpdate> forwardedStatusUpdate;
-  EXPECT_CALL(statusUpdateProcessor, update(_))
-    .WillOnce(FutureArg<0>(&forwardedStatusUpdate));
-  const id::UUID operationUuid = id::UUID::random();
-  const id::UUID statusUuid = id::UUID::random();
-  FrameworkID frameworkId;
-  frameworkId.set_value("frameworkId");
-  OfferOperationStatusUpdate statusUpdate = createOfferOperationStatusUpdate(
-      statusUuid,
-      operationUuid,
-      OfferOperationState::OFFER_OPERATION_FINISHED,
-      frameworkId);
-  // Send a checkpointed offer operation status update.
-  AWAIT_ASSERT_READY(statusUpdateManager->update(statusUpdate, true));
-  OfferOperationStatusUpdate expectedStatusUpdate(statusUpdate);
-  expectedStatusUpdate.mutable_latest_status()->CopyFrom(statusUpdate.status());
-  // Verify that the status update is forwarded.
-  AWAIT_EXPECT_EQ(expectedStatusUpdate, forwardedStatusUpdate);
-  // Cleanup the framework.
-  statusUpdateManager->cleanup(frameworkId);
-  // Advance the clock enough to trigger a retry if the update hasn't been
-  // cleaned up.
-  Clock::advance(slave::STATUS_UPDATE_RETRY_INTERVAL_MIN);
-  Clock::settle();
-// This test verifies that the status update manager is able to recover
-// checkpointed status updates, and that it resends the recovered updates that
-// haven't been acknowledged.
-TEST_F(OfferOperationStatusUpdateManagerTest, RecoverCheckpointedStream)
-  Future<OfferOperationStatusUpdate> forwardedStatusUpdate1;
-  Future<OfferOperationStatusUpdate> forwardedStatusUpdate2;
-  EXPECT_CALL(statusUpdateProcessor, update(_))
-    .WillOnce(FutureArg<0>(&forwardedStatusUpdate1))
-    .WillOnce(FutureArg<0>(&forwardedStatusUpdate2));
-  const id::UUID operationUuid = id::UUID::random();
-  const id::UUID statusUuid = id::UUID::random();
-  OfferOperationStatusUpdate statusUpdate = createOfferOperationStatusUpdate(
-      statusUuid,
-      operationUuid,
-      OfferOperationState::OFFER_OPERATION_FINISHED);
-  // Send a checkpointed offer operation status update.
-  AWAIT_ASSERT_READY(statusUpdateManager->update(statusUpdate, true));
-  OfferOperationStatusUpdate expectedStatusUpdate(statusUpdate);
-  expectedStatusUpdate.mutable_latest_status()->CopyFrom(statusUpdate.status());
-  // Verify that the status update is forwarded.
-  AWAIT_EXPECT_EQ(expectedStatusUpdate, forwardedStatusUpdate1);
-  resetStatusUpdateManager();
-  // Advance the clock enough to trigger a retry if the update hasn't been
-  // cleaned up.
-  Clock::advance(slave::STATUS_UPDATE_RETRY_INTERVAL_MIN);
-  Clock::settle();
-  EXPECT_FALSE(forwardedStatusUpdate2.isReady());
-  // Recover the checkpointed stream.
-  Future<OfferOperationStatusManagerState> state =
-    statusUpdateManager->recover({operationUuid}, true);
-  AWAIT_READY(state);
-  EXPECT_EQ(0u, state->errors);
-  EXPECT_TRUE(state->streams.contains(operationUuid));
-  EXPECT_SOME(state->;
-  const Option<OfferOperationStatusUpdate> recoveredUpdate =
-    state->>updates.front();
-  ASSERT_SOME(recoveredUpdate);
-  EXPECT_EQ(statusUpdate, recoveredUpdate.get());
-  // The stream should NOT be terminated.
-  EXPECT_FALSE(state->>terminated);
-  // Check that the status update is resent.
-  AWAIT_EXPECT_EQ(expectedStatusUpdate, forwardedStatusUpdate2);
-// This test verifies that the status update manager returns a `Failure` when
-// trying to recover a stream that isn't checkpointed.
-TEST_F(OfferOperationStatusUpdateManagerTest, RecoverNotCheckpointedStream)
-  Future<OfferOperationStatusUpdate> forwardedStatusUpdate;
-  EXPECT_CALL(statusUpdateProcessor, update(_))
-    .WillOnce(FutureArg<0>(&forwardedStatusUpdate));
-  const id::UUID operationUuid = id::UUID::random();
-  const id::UUID statusUuid = id::UUID::random();
-  OfferOperationStatusUpdate statusUpdate = createOfferOperationStatusUpdate(
-      statusUuid,
-      operationUuid,
-      OfferOperationState::OFFER_OPERATION_FINISHED);
-  // Send a non-checkpointed offer operation status update.
-  AWAIT_ASSERT_READY(statusUpdateManager->update(statusUpdate, false));
-  OfferOperationStatusUpdate expectedStatusUpdate(statusUpdate);
-  expectedStatusUpdate.mutable_latest_status()->CopyFrom(statusUpdate.status());
-  // Verify that the status update is forwarded.
-  AWAIT_EXPECT_EQ(expectedStatusUpdate, forwardedStatusUpdate);
-  // Verify that the stream file is NOT created.
-  EXPECT_TRUE(!os::exists(getPath(operationUuid)));
-  resetStatusUpdateManager();
-  // Trying to recover the non-checkpointed stream should fail.
-  AWAIT_EXPECT_FAILED(statusUpdateManager->recover({operationUuid}, true));
-// This test verifies that the status update manager  doesn't return a
-// `Failure` when trying to recover a stream from an empty file.
-// This can happen when the checkpointing failed between opening the file and
-// writing the first update. In this case `recover()` should succeed, but return
-// `None` as the operation's state.
-TEST_F(OfferOperationStatusUpdateManagerTest, RecoverEmptyFile)
-  Future<OfferOperationStatusUpdate> forwardedStatusUpdate;
-  EXPECT_CALL(statusUpdateProcessor, update(_))
-    .WillOnce(FutureArg<0>(&forwardedStatusUpdate));
-  const id::UUID operationUuid = id::UUID::random();
-  const id::UUID statusUuid = id::UUID::random();
-  OfferOperationStatusUpdate statusUpdate = createOfferOperationStatusUpdate(
-      statusUuid,
-      operationUuid,
-      OfferOperationState::OFFER_OPERATION_FINISHED);
-  // Send a checkpointed offer operation status update.
-  AWAIT_ASSERT_READY(statusUpdateManager->update(statusUpdate, true));
-  OfferOperationStatusUpdate expectedStatusUpdate(statusUpdate);
-  expectedStatusUpdate.mutable_latest_status()->CopyFrom(statusUpdate.status());
-  // Verify that the status update is forwarded.
-  AWAIT_EXPECT_EQ(expectedStatusUpdate, forwardedStatusUpdate);
-  resetStatusUpdateManager();
-  // Advance the clock enough to trigger a retry if the update hasn't been
-  // cleaned up.
-  Clock::advance(slave::STATUS_UPDATE_RETRY_INTERVAL_MIN);
-  Clock::settle();
-  // Truncate the status updates to zero bytes, simulating a failure in
-  // checkpointing, where the file was created, but the status update manager
-  // crashed before any data was written to disk.
-  Try<int_fd> fd = os::open(getPath(operationUuid), O_RDWR);
-  ASSERT_SOME(os::ftruncate(fd.get(), 0));
-  os::close(fd.get());
-  // The recovery of the empty stream should not fail, but the stream state
-  // should be empty.
-  Future<OfferOperationStatusManagerState> state =
-    statusUpdateManager->recover({operationUuid}, false);
-  AWAIT_READY(state);
-  EXPECT_EQ(0u, state->errors);
-  EXPECT_TRUE(state->streams.contains(operationUuid));
-  EXPECT_NONE(state->;
-// This test verifies that the status update manager doesn't return a `Failure`
-// when trying to recover a stream from a parent directory that doesn't contain
-// the status updates file.
-// This can happen when the checkpointing failed after creating the parent
-// directory, but before the file was opened. In this case `recover()` should
-// succeed, but return `None` as the operation's state.
-TEST_F(OfferOperationStatusUpdateManagerTest, RecoverEmptyDirectory)
-  Future<OfferOperationStatusUpdate> forwardedStatusUpdate;
-  EXPECT_CALL(statusUpdateProcessor, update(_))
-    .WillOnce(FutureArg<0>(&forwardedStatusUpdate));
-  const id::UUID operationUuid = id::UUID::random();
-  const id::UUID statusUuid = id::UUID::random();
-  OfferOperationStatusUpdate statusUpdate = createOfferOperationStatusUpdate(
-      statusUuid,
-      operationUuid,
-      OfferOperationState::OFFER_OPERATION_FINISHED);
-  // Send a checkpointed offer operation status update.
-  AWAIT_ASSERT_READY(statusUpdateManager->update(statusUpdate, true));
-  OfferOperationStatusUpdate expectedStatusUpdate(statusUpdate);
-  expectedStatusUpdate.mutable_latest_status()->CopyFrom(statusUpdate.status());
-  // Verify that the status update is forwarded.
-  AWAIT_EXPECT_EQ(expectedStatusUpdate, forwardedStatusUpdate);
-  resetStatusUpdateManager();
-  // Advance the clock enough to trigger a retry if the update hasn't been
-  // cleaned up.
-  Clock::advance(slave::STATUS_UPDATE_RETRY_INTERVAL_MIN);
-  Clock::settle();
-  // Leave the parent directory, but remove the status updates file, simulating
-  // a failure in checkpointing, where the parent directory was created, but the
-  // checkpointing process crashed before opening the status updates file.
-  ASSERT_SOME(os::rm(getPath(operationUuid)));
-  // The recovery of the empty stream should not fail, but the stream state
-  // should be empty.
-  Future<OfferOperationStatusManagerState> state =
-    statusUpdateManager->recover({operationUuid}, false);
-  AWAIT_READY(state);
-  EXPECT_EQ(0u, state->errors);
-  EXPECT_TRUE(state->streams.contains(operationUuid));
-  EXPECT_NONE(state->;
-// This test verifies that the status update manager is able to recover a
-// terminated stream, and that the stream's state reflects that it is
-// terminated.
-TEST_F(OfferOperationStatusUpdateManagerTest, RecoverTerminatedStream)
-  Future<OfferOperationStatusUpdate> forwardedStatusUpdate;
-  EXPECT_CALL(statusUpdateProcessor, update(_))
-    .WillOnce(FutureArg<0>(&forwardedStatusUpdate));
-  const id::UUID operationUuid = id::UUID::random();
-  const id::UUID statusUuid = id::UUID::random();
-  OfferOperationStatusUpdate statusUpdate = createOfferOperationStatusUpdate(
-      statusUuid,
-      operationUuid,
-      OfferOperationState::OFFER_OPERATION_FINISHED);
-  // Send a checkpointed offer operation status update.
-  AWAIT_ASSERT_READY(statusUpdateManager->update(statusUpdate, true));
-  OfferOperationStatusUpdate expectedStatusUpdate(statusUpdate);
-  expectedStatusUpdate.mutable_latest_status()->CopyFrom(statusUpdate.status());
-  // Verify that the status update is forwarded.
-  AWAIT_EXPECT_EQ(expectedStatusUpdate, forwardedStatusUpdate);
-  // Acknowledge the update, this is a terminal update, so `acknowledgement`
-  // should return `false`.
-      statusUpdateManager->acknowledgement(operationUuid, statusUuid));
-  resetStatusUpdateManager();
-  // Recover the checkpointed stream.
-  Future<OfferOperationStatusManagerState> state =
-    statusUpdateManager->recover({operationUuid}, true);
-  EXPECT_EQ(0u, state->errors);
-  EXPECT_TRUE(state->streams.contains(operationUuid));
-  EXPECT_SOME(state->;
-  // The stream should be terminated.
-  EXPECT_TRUE(state->>terminated);
-  const Option<OfferOperationStatusUpdate> recoveredUpdate =
-    state->>updates.front();
-  ASSERT_SOME(recoveredUpdate);
-  EXPECT_EQ(statusUpdate, recoveredUpdate.get());
-  // Advance the clock, the status update has been acknowledged, so it shouldn't
-  // trigger a retry.
-  Clock::advance(slave::STATUS_UPDATE_RETRY_INTERVAL_MIN);
-  Clock::settle();
-// This test verifies that the status update manager silently ignores duplicate
-// updates.
-TEST_F(OfferOperationStatusUpdateManagerTest, IgnoreDuplicateUpdate)
-  Future<OfferOperationStatusUpdate> forwardedStatusUpdate;
-  EXPECT_CALL(statusUpdateProcessor, update(_))
-    .WillOnce(FutureArg<0>(&forwardedStatusUpdate));
-  const id::UUID operationUuid = id::UUID::random();
-  const id::UUID statusUuid = id::UUID::random();
-  OfferOperationStatusUpdate statusUpdate = createOfferOperationStatusUpdate(
-      statusUuid,
-      operationUuid,
-      OfferOperationState::OFFER_OPERATION_PENDING);
-  // Send a checkpointed offer operation status update.
-  AWAIT_ASSERT_READY(statusUpdateManager->update(statusUpdate, true));
-  OfferOperationStatusUpdate expectedStatusUpdate(statusUpdate);
-  expectedStatusUpdate.mutable_latest_status()->CopyFrom(statusUpdate.status());
-  // Verify that the status update is forwarded.
-  AWAIT_EXPECT_EQ(expectedStatusUpdate, forwardedStatusUpdate);
-  // Acknowledge the update, this is a non-terminal update, so `acknowledgement`
-  // should return `true`.
-      statusUpdateManager->acknowledgement(operationUuid, statusUuid));
-  // Check that a duplicated update is ignored.
-  AWAIT_EXPECT_READY(statusUpdateManager->update(statusUpdate, true));
-  // Advance the clock enough to trigger a retry if the update hasn't been
-  // acknowledged.
-  Clock::advance(slave::STATUS_UPDATE_RETRY_INTERVAL_MIN);
-  Clock::settle();
-// This test verifies that after recovery the status update manager still
-// silently ignores duplicate updates.
-TEST_F(OfferOperationStatusUpdateManagerTest, IgnoreDuplicateUpdateAfterRecover)
-  Future<OfferOperationStatusUpdate> forwardedStatusUpdate;
-  EXPECT_CALL(statusUpdateProcessor, update(_))
-    .WillOnce(FutureArg<0>(&forwardedStatusUpdate));
-  const id::UUID operationUuid = id::UUID::random();
-  const id::UUID statusUuid = id::UUID::random();
-  OfferOperationStatusUpdate statusUpdate = createOfferOperationStatusUpdate(
-      statusUuid,
-      operationUuid,
-      OfferOperationState::OFFER_OPERATION_PENDING);
-  // Send a checkpointed offer operation status update.
-  AWAIT_ASSERT_READY(statusUpdateManager->update(statusUpdate, true));
-  OfferOperationStatusUpdate expectedStatusUpdate(statusUpdate);
-  expectedStatusUpdate.mutable_latest_status()->CopyFrom(statusUpdate.status());
-  // Verify that the status update is forwarded.
-  AWAIT_EXPECT_EQ(expectedStatusUpdate, forwardedStatusUpdate);
-  // Acknowledge the update, this is a non-terminal update, so `acknowledgement`
-  // should return `true`.
-      statusUpdateManager->acknowledgement(operationUuid, statusUuid));
-  resetStatusUpdateManager();
-  // Recover the checkpointed stream.
-  AWAIT_ASSERT_READY(statusUpdateManager->recover({operationUuid}, true));
-  // Check that a duplicated update is ignored.
-  AWAIT_EXPECT_READY(statusUpdateManager->update(statusUpdate, true));
-  // Advance the clock enough to trigger a retry if the update hasn't been
-  // acknowledged.
-  Clock::advance(slave::STATUS_UPDATE_RETRY_INTERVAL_MIN);
-  Clock::settle();
-// This test verifies that the status update manager rejects duplicated
-// acknowledgements.
-TEST_F(OfferOperationStatusUpdateManagerTest, RejectDuplicateAck)
-  Future<OfferOperationStatusUpdate> forwardedStatusUpdate;
-  EXPECT_CALL(statusUpdateProcessor, update(_))
-    .WillOnce(FutureArg<0>(&forwardedStatusUpdate));
-  const id::UUID operationUuid = id::UUID::random();
-  const id::UUID statusUuid = id::UUID::random();
-  OfferOperationStatusUpdate statusUpdate = createOfferOperationStatusUpdate(
-      statusUuid,
-      operationUuid,
-      OfferOperationState::OFFER_OPERATION_PENDING);
-  // Send a checkpointed offer operation status update.
-  AWAIT_ASSERT_READY(statusUpdateManager->update(statusUpdate, true));
-  OfferOperationStatusUpdate expectedStatusUpdate(statusUpdate);
-  expectedStatusUpdate.mutable_latest_status()->CopyFrom(statusUpdate.status());
-  // Verify that the status update is forwarded.
-  AWAIT_EXPECT_EQ(expectedStatusUpdate, forwardedStatusUpdate);
-  // Acknowledge the update, this is a non-terminal update, so `acknowledgement`
-  // should return `true`.
-      statusUpdateManager->acknowledgement(operationUuid, statusUuid));
-  // Advance the clock enough to trigger a retry if the update hasn't been
-  // ignored.
-  Clock::advance(slave::STATUS_UPDATE_RETRY_INTERVAL_MIN);
-  Clock::settle();
-  // Try to acknowledge the same update, the operation should fail.
-      statusUpdateManager->acknowledgement(operationUuid, statusUuid));
-// This test verifies that after recovery the status update manager still
-// rejects duplicated acknowledgements.
-TEST_F(OfferOperationStatusUpdateManagerTest, RejectDuplicateAckAfterRecover)
-  Future<OfferOperationStatusUpdate> forwardedStatusUpdate;
-  EXPECT_CALL(statusUpdateProcessor, update(_))
-    .WillOnce(FutureArg<0>(&forwardedStatusUpdate));
-  const id::UUID operationUuid = id::UUID::random();
-  const id::UUID statusUuid = id::UUID::random();
-  OfferOperationStatusUpdate statusUpdate = createOfferOperationStatusUpdate(
-      statusUuid,
-      operationUuid,
-      OfferOperationState::OFFER_OPERATION_PENDING);
-  // Send a checkpointed offer operation status update.
-  AWAIT_ASSERT_READY(statusUpdateManager->update(statusUpdate, true));
-  OfferOperationStatusUpdate expectedStatusUpdate(statusUpdate);
-  expectedStatusUpdate.mutable_latest_status()->CopyFrom(statusUpdate.status());
-  // Verify that the status update is forwarded.
-  AWAIT_EXPECT_EQ(expectedStatusUpdate, forwardedStatusUpdate);
-  // Acknowledge the update, this is a non-terminal update, so `acknowledgement`
-  // should return `true`.
-      statusUpdateManager->acknowledgement(operationUuid, statusUuid));
-  resetStatusUpdateManager();
-  // Recover the checkpointed stream.
-  AWAIT_ASSERT_READY(statusUpdateManager->recover({operationUuid}, true));
-  // Try to acknowledge the same update, the operation should fail.
-      statusUpdateManager->acknowledgement(operationUuid, statusUuid));
-  // Advance the clock enough to trigger a retry if the update hasn't been
-  // ignored.
-  Clock::advance(slave::STATUS_UPDATE_RETRY_INTERVAL_MIN);
-  Clock::settle();
-// This test verifies that non-strict recovery of a status updates file
-// containing a corrupted record at the end succeeds.
-TEST_F(OfferOperationStatusUpdateManagerTest, NonStrictRecoveryCorruptedFile)
-  Future<OfferOperationStatusUpdate> forwardedStatusUpdate1;
-  Future<OfferOperationStatusUpdate> forwardedStatusUpdate2;
-  EXPECT_CALL(statusUpdateProcessor, update(_))
-    .WillOnce(FutureArg<0>(&forwardedStatusUpdate1))
-    .WillOnce(FutureArg<0>(&forwardedStatusUpdate2));
-  const id::UUID operationUuid = id::UUID::random();
-  const id::UUID statusUuid = id::UUID::random();
-  OfferOperationStatusUpdate statusUpdate = createOfferOperationStatusUpdate(
-      statusUuid,
-      operationUuid,
-      OfferOperationState::OFFER_OPERATION_FINISHED);
-  // Send a checkpointed offer operation status update.
-  AWAIT_ASSERT_READY(statusUpdateManager->update(statusUpdate, true));
-  OfferOperationStatusUpdate expectedStatusUpdate(statusUpdate);
-  expectedStatusUpdate.mutable_latest_status()->CopyFrom(statusUpdate.status());
-  // Verify that the status update is forwarded.
-  AWAIT_EXPECT_EQ(expectedStatusUpdate, forwardedStatusUpdate1);
-  resetStatusUpdateManager();
-  // Advance the clock enough to trigger a retry if the update hasn't been
-  // cleaned up.
-  Clock::advance(slave::STATUS_UPDATE_RETRY_INTERVAL_MIN);
-  Clock::settle();
-  // The file should contain only `OfferOperationStatusUpdateRecord` messages.
-  // Write a `OfferOperationStatusUpdate` to the end of the file, so that the
-  // recovery process encounters an error.
-  Try<int_fd> fd = os::open(getPath(operationUuid), O_APPEND | O_RDWR);
-  ASSERT_SOME(::protobuf::write(fd.get(), statusUpdate));
-  ASSERT_SOME(os::close(fd.get()));
-  EXPECT_FALSE(forwardedStatusUpdate2.isReady());
-  // The non-strict recovery of the corrupted stream should not fail, but the
-  // state should reflect that the status update file contained a corrupted
-  // record.
-  Future<OfferOperationStatusManagerState> state =
-    statusUpdateManager->recover({operationUuid}, false);
-  AWAIT_READY(state);
-  EXPECT_EQ(1u, state->errors);
-  EXPECT_TRUE(state->streams.contains(operationUuid));
-  EXPECT_SOME(state->;
-  // Check that the status update could be recovered.
-  const Option<OfferOperationStatusUpdate> recoveredUpdate =
-    state->>updates.front();
-  ASSERT_SOME(recoveredUpdate);
-  EXPECT_EQ(statusUpdate, recoveredUpdate.get());
-  // Check that the status update is resent.
-  AWAIT_EXPECT_EQ(expectedStatusUpdate, forwardedStatusUpdate2);
-// This test verifies that strict recovery of a status updates file containing
-// a corrupted record at the end fails.
-TEST_F(OfferOperationStatusUpdateManagerTest, StrictRecoveryCorruptedFile)
-  Future<OfferOperationStatusUpdate> forwardedStatusUpdate;
-  EXPECT_CALL(statusUpdateProcessor, update(_))
-    .WillOnce(FutureArg<0>(&forwardedStatusUpdate));
-  const id::UUID operationUuid = id::UUID::random();
-  const id::UUID statusUuid = id::UUID::random();
-  OfferOperationStatusUpdate statusUpdate = createOfferOperationStatusUpdate(
-      statusUuid,
-      operationUuid,
-      OfferOperationState::OFFER_OPERATION_FINISHED);
-  // Send a checkpointed offer operation status update.
-  AWAIT_ASSERT_READY(statusUpdateManager->update(statusUpdate, true));
-  OfferOperationStatusUpdate expectedStatusUpdate(statusUpdate);
-  expectedStatusUpdate.mutable_latest_status()->CopyFrom(statusUpdate.status());
-  // Verify that the status update is forwarded.
-  AWAIT_EXPECT_EQ(expectedStatusUpdate, forwardedStatusUpdate);
-  resetStatusUpdateManager();
-  // Advance the clock enough to trigger a retry if the update hasn't been
-  // cleaned up.
-  Clock::advance(slave::STATUS_UPDATE_RETRY_INTERVAL_MIN);
-  Clock::settle();
-  // The file should contain only `OfferOperationStatusUpdateRecord` messages.
-  // Write a `OfferOperationStatusUpdate` to the end of the file, so that the
-  // recovery process encounters an error.
-  Try<int_fd> fd = os::open(getPath(operationUuid), O_APPEND | O_RDWR);
-  ASSERT_SOME(::protobuf::write(fd.get(), statusUpdate));
-  ASSERT_SOME(os::close(fd.get()));
-  // The strict recovery of the corrupted stream should fail.
-  AWAIT_ASSERT_FAILED(statusUpdateManager->recover({operationUuid}, true));
-// This test verifies that the status update manager correctly fills in the
-// latest status when (re)sending status updates.
-TEST_F(OfferOperationStatusUpdateManagerTest, UpdateLatestWhenResending)
-  Future<OfferOperationStatusUpdate> forwardedStatusUpdate1;
-  Future<OfferOperationStatusUpdate> forwardedStatusUpdate2;
-  Future<OfferOperationStatusUpdate> forwardedStatusUpdate3;
-  EXPECT_CALL(statusUpdateProcessor, update(_))
-    .WillOnce(FutureArg<0>(&forwardedStatusUpdate1))
-    .WillOnce(FutureArg<0>(&forwardedStatusUpdate2))
-    .WillOnce(FutureArg<0>(&forwardedStatusUpdate3));
-  const id::UUID operationUuid = id::UUID::random();
-  const id::UUID statusUuid1 = id::UUID::random();
-  OfferOperationStatusUpdate statusUpdate1 = createOfferOperationStatusUpdate(
-      statusUuid1, operationUuid, OfferOperationState::OFFER_OPERATION_PENDING);
-  // Send a checkpointed offer operation status update.
-  AWAIT_ASSERT_READY(statusUpdateManager->update(statusUpdate1, true));
-  // The status update manager should fill in the `latest_status` field with the
-  // status update we just sent.
-  OfferOperationStatusUpdate expectedStatusUpdate(statusUpdate1);
-  expectedStatusUpdate.mutable_latest_status()->CopyFrom(
-      statusUpdate1.status());
-  // Verify that the status update is forwarded.
-  AWAIT_EXPECT_EQ(expectedStatusUpdate, forwardedStatusUpdate1);
-  EXPECT_FALSE(forwardedStatusUpdate2.isReady());
-  // Send another status update.
-  const id::UUID statusUuid2 = id::UUID::random();
-  OfferOperationStatusUpdate statusUpdate2 = createOfferOperationStatusUpdate(
-      statusUuid2, operationUuid, OfferOperationState::OFFER_OPERATION_PENDING);
-  AWAIT_ASSERT_READY(statusUpdateManager->update(statusUpdate2, true));
-  // Advance the clock to trigger a retry of the first update.
-  Clock::advance(slave::STATUS_UPDATE_RETRY_INTERVAL_MIN);
-  Clock::settle();
-  // Now that another status update was sent, the status update manager should
-  // fill in the `latest_status` field with this new status update.
-  expectedStatusUpdate.mutable_latest_status()->CopyFrom(
-      statusUpdate2.status());
-  // Verify that the status update is forwarded again.
-  AWAIT_EXPECT_EQ(expectedStatusUpdate, forwardedStatusUpdate2);
-  EXPECT_FALSE(forwardedStatusUpdate3.isReady());
-  // Acknowledge the first update, it is NOT a terminal update, so
-  // `acknowledgement` should return `true`. The status update manager
-  // should now send the second status update.
-      statusUpdateManager->acknowledgement(operationUuid, statusUuid1));
-  // The status update manager should then forward the latest status update.
-  expectedStatusUpdate = statusUpdate2;
-  expectedStatusUpdate.mutable_latest_status()->CopyFrom(
-    statusUpdate2.status());
-  AWAIT_EXPECT_EQ(expectedStatusUpdate, forwardedStatusUpdate3);
-} // namespace tests {
-} // namespace internal {
-} // namespace mesos {
diff --git a/src/tests/operation_status_update_manager_tests.cpp b/src/tests/operation_status_update_manager_tests.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4429f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tests/operation_status_update_manager_tests.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,908 @@
+// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+// distributed with this work for additional information
+// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+#include <string>
+#include <gtest/gtest.h>
+#include <mesos/v1/mesos.hpp>
+#include <process/clock.hpp>
+#include <process/future.hpp>
+#include <process/gmock.hpp>
+#include <process/owned.hpp>
+#include <stout/lambda.hpp>
+#include <stout/os.hpp>
+#include <stout/path.hpp>
+#include <stout/protobuf.hpp>
+#include <stout/uuid.hpp>
+#include <stout/os/ftruncate.hpp>
+#include "slave/constants.hpp"
+#include "tests/mesos.hpp"
+#include "tests/utils.hpp"
+#include "status_update_manager/operation.hpp"
+using lambda::function;
+using process::Clock;
+using process::Future;
+using process::Owned;
+using process::Promise;
+using std::string;
+namespace mesos {
+namespace internal {
+namespace tests {
+// This class will be the target of the forward callbacks passed to the
+// operation status update managers in this test suite.
+// It uses gmock, so that we can easily set expectations and check how
+// often/which status updates are forwarded.
+class MockUpdateOperationStatusMessageProcessor
+  MOCK_METHOD1(update, void(const UpdateOperationStatusMessage&));
+class OperationStatusUpdateManagerTest : public MesosTest
+  OperationStatusUpdateManagerTest()
+    : statusUpdateManager(new OperationStatusUpdateManager())
+  {
+    Clock::pause();
+    const function<void(const UpdateOperationStatusMessage&)> forward =
+      [&](const UpdateOperationStatusMessage& update) {
+        statusUpdateProcessor.update(update);
+      };
+    statusUpdateManager->initialize(
+        forward, OperationStatusUpdateManagerTest::getPath);
+  }
+  void TearDown() override
+  {
+    Clock::resume();
+    statusUpdateManager.reset();
+    MesosTest::TearDown();
+  }
+  UpdateOperationStatusMessage createUpdateOperationStatusMessage(
+      const id::UUID& uuid,
+      const id::UUID& operationUuid,
+      const OperationState& state,
+      const Option<FrameworkID>& frameworkId = None())
+  {
+    UpdateOperationStatusMessage statusUpdate;
+    statusUpdate.mutable_operation_uuid()->set_value(operationUuid.toBytes());
+    if (frameworkId.isSome()) {
+      statusUpdate.mutable_framework_id()->CopyFrom(frameworkId.get());
+    }
+    OperationStatus* status = statusUpdate.mutable_status();
+    status->set_state(state);
+    status->mutable_uuid()->set_value(uuid.toBytes());
+    return statusUpdate;
+  }
+  void resetStatusUpdateManager()
+  {
+    statusUpdateManager.reset(new OperationStatusUpdateManager());
+    const function<void(const UpdateOperationStatusMessage&)> forward =
+      [&](const UpdateOperationStatusMessage& update) {
+        statusUpdateProcessor.update(update);
+      };
+    statusUpdateManager->initialize(
+        forward, OperationStatusUpdateManagerTest::getPath);
+  }
+  static const string getPath(const id::UUID& operationUuid)
+  {
+    return path::join(os::getcwd(), "streams", operationUuid.toString());
+  }
+  Owned<OperationStatusUpdateManager> statusUpdateManager;
+  MockUpdateOperationStatusMessageProcessor statusUpdateProcessor;
+// This test verifies that the status update manager will not retry a terminal
+// status update after it has been acknowledged.
+TEST_F(OperationStatusUpdateManagerTest, UpdateAndAck)
+  Future<UpdateOperationStatusMessage> forwardedStatusUpdate;
+  EXPECT_CALL(statusUpdateProcessor, update(_))
+    .WillOnce(FutureArg<0>(&forwardedStatusUpdate));
+  const id::UUID operationUuid = id::UUID::random();
+  const id::UUID statusUuid = id::UUID::random();
+  UpdateOperationStatusMessage statusUpdate =
+    createUpdateOperationStatusMessage(
+        statusUuid, operationUuid, OperationState::OPERATION_FINISHED);
+  // Send a checkpointed operation status update.
+  AWAIT_ASSERT_READY(statusUpdateManager->update(statusUpdate, true));
+  UpdateOperationStatusMessage expectedStatusUpdate(statusUpdate);
+  expectedStatusUpdate.mutable_latest_status()->CopyFrom(statusUpdate.status());
+  // Verify that the status update is forwarded.
+  AWAIT_EXPECT_EQ(expectedStatusUpdate, forwardedStatusUpdate);
+  // Acknowledge the update, this is a terminal update, so `acknowledgement`
+  // should return `false`.
+      statusUpdateManager->acknowledgement(operationUuid, statusUuid));
+  // Advance the clock, the status update has been acknowledged, so it shouldn't
+  // trigger a retry.
+  Clock::advance(slave::STATUS_UPDATE_RETRY_INTERVAL_MIN);
+  Clock::settle();
+// This test verifies that the status update manager will not retry a
+// non-terminal status update after it has been acknowledged.
+TEST_F(OperationStatusUpdateManagerTest, UpdateAndAckNonTerminalUpdate)
+  Future<UpdateOperationStatusMessage> forwardedStatusUpdate;
+  EXPECT_CALL(statusUpdateProcessor, update(_))
+    .WillOnce(FutureArg<0>(&forwardedStatusUpdate));
+  const id::UUID operationUuid = id::UUID::random();
+  const id::UUID statusUuid = id::UUID::random();
+  UpdateOperationStatusMessage statusUpdate =
+    createUpdateOperationStatusMessage(
+        statusUuid, operationUuid, OperationState::OPERATION_PENDING);
+  // Send a checkpointed operation status update.
+  AWAIT_ASSERT_READY(statusUpdateManager->update(statusUpdate, true));
+  UpdateOperationStatusMessage expectedStatusUpdate(statusUpdate);
+  expectedStatusUpdate.mutable_latest_status()->CopyFrom(statusUpdate.status());
+  // Verify that the status update is forwarded.
+  AWAIT_EXPECT_EQ(expectedStatusUpdate, forwardedStatusUpdate);
+  // Acknowledge the update, this is a non-terminal update, so `acknowledgement`
+  // should return `true`.
+      statusUpdateManager->acknowledgement(operationUuid, statusUuid));
+  // Advance the clock, the status update has been acknowledged, so it shouldn't
+  // trigger a retry.
+  Clock::advance(slave::STATUS_UPDATE_RETRY_INTERVAL_MIN);
+  Clock::settle();
+// This test verifies that the status update manager resends status updates
+// until they are acknowledged.
+TEST_F(OperationStatusUpdateManagerTest, ResendUnacknowledged)
+  Future<UpdateOperationStatusMessage> forwardedStatusUpdate1;
+  Future<UpdateOperationStatusMessage> forwardedStatusUpdate2;
+  EXPECT_CALL(statusUpdateProcessor, update(_))
+    .WillOnce(FutureArg<0>(&forwardedStatusUpdate1))
+    .WillOnce(FutureArg<0>(&forwardedStatusUpdate2));
+  const id::UUID operationUuid = id::UUID::random();
+  const id::UUID statusUuid = id::UUID::random();
+  UpdateOperationStatusMessage statusUpdate =
+    createUpdateOperationStatusMessage(
+        statusUuid, operationUuid, OperationState::OPERATION_FINISHED);
+  // Send a checkpointed operation status update.
+  AWAIT_ASSERT_READY(statusUpdateManager->update(statusUpdate, true));
+  UpdateOperationStatusMessage expectedStatusUpdate(statusUpdate);
+  expectedStatusUpdate.mutable_latest_status()->CopyFrom(statusUpdate.status());
+  // Verify that the status update is forwarded.
+  AWAIT_EXPECT_EQ(expectedStatusUpdate, forwardedStatusUpdate1);
+  EXPECT_FALSE(forwardedStatusUpdate2.isReady());
+  // Advance the clock to trigger a retry.
+  Clock::advance(slave::STATUS_UPDATE_RETRY_INTERVAL_MIN);
+  Clock::settle();
+  // Verify that the status update is forwarded again.
+  AWAIT_EXPECT_EQ(expectedStatusUpdate, forwardedStatusUpdate2);
+  // Acknowledge the update, this is a terminal update, so `acknowledgement`
+  // should return `false`.
+      statusUpdateManager->acknowledgement(operationUuid, statusUuid));
+  // Advance the clock, the status update has been acknowledged, so it shouldn't
+  // trigger a retry.
+  Clock::advance(slave::STATUS_UPDATE_RETRY_INTERVAL_MIN);
+  Clock::settle();
+// This test verifies that after the updates belonging to a framework are
+// cleaned up from the status update manager, the status update manager stops
+// resending them.
+TEST_F(OperationStatusUpdateManagerTest, Cleanup)
+  Future<UpdateOperationStatusMessage> forwardedStatusUpdate;
+  EXPECT_CALL(statusUpdateProcessor, update(_))
+    .WillOnce(FutureArg<0>(&forwardedStatusUpdate));
+  const id::UUID operationUuid = id::UUID::random();
+  const id::UUID statusUuid = id::UUID::random();
+  FrameworkID frameworkId;
+  frameworkId.set_value("frameworkId");
+  UpdateOperationStatusMessage statusUpdate =
+    createUpdateOperationStatusMessage(
+        statusUuid,
+        operationUuid,
+        OperationState::OPERATION_FINISHED,
+        frameworkId);
+  // Send a checkpointed operation status update.
+  AWAIT_ASSERT_READY(statusUpdateManager->update(statusUpdate, true));
+  UpdateOperationStatusMessage expectedStatusUpdate(statusUpdate);
+  expectedStatusUpdate.mutable_latest_status()->CopyFrom(statusUpdate.status());
+  // Verify that the status update is forwarded.
+  AWAIT_EXPECT_EQ(expectedStatusUpdate, forwardedStatusUpdate);
+  // Cleanup the framework.
+  statusUpdateManager->cleanup(frameworkId);
+  // Advance the clock enough to trigger a retry if the update hasn't been
+  // cleaned up.
+  Clock::advance(slave::STATUS_UPDATE_RETRY_INTERVAL_MIN);
+  Clock::settle();
+// This test verifies that the status update manager is able to recover
+// checkpointed status updates, and that it resends the recovered updates that
+// haven't been acknowledged.
+TEST_F(OperationStatusUpdateManagerTest, RecoverCheckpointedStream)
+  Future<UpdateOperationStatusMessage> forwardedStatusUpdate1;
+  Future<UpdateOperationStatusMessage> forwardedStatusUpdate2;
+  EXPECT_CALL(statusUpdateProcessor, update(_))
+    .WillOnce(FutureArg<0>(&forwardedStatusUpdate1))
+    .WillOnce(FutureArg<0>(&forwardedStatusUpdate2));
+  const id::UUID operationUuid = id::UUID::random();
+  const id::UUID statusUuid = id::UUID::random();
+  UpdateOperationStatusMessage statusUpdate =
+    createUpdateOperationStatusMessage(
+        statusUuid, operationUuid, OperationState::OPERATION_FINISHED);
+  // Send a checkpointed operation status update.
+  AWAIT_ASSERT_READY(statusUpdateManager->update(statusUpdate, true));
+  UpdateOperationStatusMessage expectedStatusUpdate(statusUpdate);
+  expectedStatusUpdate.mutable_latest_status()->CopyFrom(statusUpdate.status());
+  // Verify that the status update is forwarded.
+  AWAIT_EXPECT_EQ(expectedStatusUpdate, forwardedStatusUpdate1);
+  resetStatusUpdateManager();
+  // Advance the clock enough to trigger a retry if the update hasn't been
+  // cleaned up.
+  Clock::advance(slave::STATUS_UPDATE_RETRY_INTERVAL_MIN);
+  Clock::settle();
+  EXPECT_FALSE(forwardedStatusUpdate2.isReady());
+  // Recover the checkpointed stream.
+  Future<OperationStatusUpdateManagerState> state =
+    statusUpdateManager->recover({operationUuid}, true);
+  AWAIT_READY(state);
+  EXPECT_EQ(0u, state->errors);
+  EXPECT_TRUE(state->streams.contains(operationUuid));
+  EXPECT_SOME(state->;
+  const Option<UpdateOperationStatusMessage> recoveredUpdate =
+    state->>updates.front();
+  ASSERT_SOME(recoveredUpdate);
+  EXPECT_EQ(statusUpdate, recoveredUpdate.get());
+  // The stream should NOT be terminated.
+  EXPECT_FALSE(state->>terminated);
+  // Check that the status update is resent.
+  AWAIT_EXPECT_EQ(expectedStatusUpdate, forwardedStatusUpdate2);
+// This test verifies that the status update manager returns a `Failure` when
+// trying to recover a stream that isn't checkpointed.
+TEST_F(OperationStatusUpdateManagerTest, RecoverNotCheckpointedStream)
+  Future<UpdateOperationStatusMessage> forwardedStatusUpdate;
+  EXPECT_CALL(statusUpdateProcessor, update(_))
+    .WillOnce(FutureArg<0>(&forwardedStatusUpdate));
+  const id::UUID operationUuid = id::UUID::random();
+  const id::UUID statusUuid = id::UUID::random();
+  UpdateOperationStatusMessage statusUpdate =
+    createUpdateOperationStatusMessage(
+        statusUuid, operationUuid, OperationState::OPERATION_FINISHED);
+  // Send a non-checkpointed operation status update.
+  AWAIT_ASSERT_READY(statusUpdateManager->update(statusUpdate, false));
+  UpdateOperationStatusMessage expectedStatusUpdate(statusUpdate);
+  expectedStatusUpdate.mutable_latest_status()->CopyFrom(statusUpdate.status());
+  // Verify that the status update is forwarded.
+  AWAIT_EXPECT_EQ(expectedStatusUpdate, forwardedStatusUpdate);
+  // Verify that the stream file is NOT created.
+  EXPECT_TRUE(!os::exists(getPath(operationUuid)));
+  resetStatusUpdateManager();
+  // Trying to recover the non-checkpointed stream should fail.
+  AWAIT_EXPECT_FAILED(statusUpdateManager->recover({operationUuid}, true));
+// This test verifies that the status update manager  doesn't return a
+// `Failure` when trying to recover a stream from an empty file.
+// This can happen when the checkpointing failed between opening the file and
+// writing the first update. In this case `recover()` should succeed, but return
+// `None` as the operation's state.
+TEST_F(OperationStatusUpdateManagerTest, RecoverEmptyFile)
+  Future<UpdateOperationStatusMessage> forwardedStatusUpdate;
+  EXPECT_CALL(statusUpdateProcessor, update(_))
+    .WillOnce(FutureArg<0>(&forwardedStatusUpdate));
+  const id::UUID operationUuid = id::UUID::random();
+  const id::UUID statusUuid = id::UUID::random();
+  UpdateOperationStatusMessage statusUpdate =
+    createUpdateOperationStatusMessage(
+        statusUuid, operationUuid, OperationState::OPERATION_FINISHED);
+  // Send a checkpointed operation status update.
+  AWAIT_ASSERT_READY(statusUpdateManager->update(statusUpdate, true));
+  UpdateOperationStatusMessage expectedStatusUpdate(statusUpdate);
+  expectedStatusUpdate.mutable_latest_status()->CopyFrom(statusUpdate.status());
+  // Verify that the status update is forwarded.
+  AWAIT_EXPECT_EQ(expectedStatusUpdate, forwardedStatusUpdate);
+  resetStatusUpdateManager();
+  // Advance the clock enough to trigger a retry if the update hasn't been
+  // cleaned up.
+  Clock::advance(slave::STATUS_UPDATE_RETRY_INTERVAL_MIN);
+  Clock::settle();
+  // Truncate the status updates to zero bytes, simulating a failure in
+  // checkpointing, where the file was created, but the status update manager
+  // crashed before any data was written to disk.
+  Try<int_fd> fd = os::open(getPath(operationUuid), O_RDWR);
+  ASSERT_SOME(os::ftruncate(fd.get(), 0));
+  os::close(fd.get());
+  // The recovery of the empty stream should not fail, but the stream state
+  // should be empty.
+  Future<OperationStatusUpdateManagerState> state =
+    statusUpdateManager->recover({operationUuid}, false);
+  AWAIT_READY(state);
+  EXPECT_EQ(0u, state->errors);
+  EXPECT_TRUE(state->streams.contains(operationUuid));
+  EXPECT_NONE(state->;
+// This test verifies that the status update manager doesn't return a `Failure`
+// when trying to recover a stream from a parent directory that doesn't contain
+// the status updates file.
+// This can happen when the checkpointing failed after creating the parent
+// directory, but before the file was opened. In this case `recover()` should
+// succeed, but return `None` as the operation's state.
+TEST_F(OperationStatusUpdateManagerTest, RecoverEmptyDirectory)
+  Future<UpdateOperationStatusMessage> forwardedStatusUpdate;
+  EXPECT_CALL(statusUpdateProcessor, update(_))
+    .WillOnce(FutureArg<0>(&forwardedStatusUpdate));
+  const id::UUID operationUuid = id::UUID::random();
+  const id::UUID statusUuid = id::UUID::random();
+  UpdateOperationStatusMessage statusUpdate =
+    createUpdateOperationStatusMessage(
+        statusUuid, operationUuid, OperationState::OPERATION_FINISHED);
+  // Send a checkpointed operation status update.
+  AWAIT_ASSERT_READY(statusUpdateManager->update(statusUpdate, true));
+  UpdateOperationStatusMessage expectedStatusUpdate(statusUpdate);
+  expectedStatusUpdate.mutable_latest_status()->CopyFrom(statusUpdate.status());
+  // Verify that the status update is forwarded.
+  AWAIT_EXPECT_EQ(expectedStatusUpdate, forwardedStatusUpdate);
+  resetStatusUpdateManager();
+  // Advance the clock enough to trigger a retry if the update hasn't been
+  // cleaned up.
+  Clock::advance(slave::STATUS_UPDATE_RETRY_INTERVAL_MIN);
+  Clock::settle();
+  // Leave the parent directory, but remove the status updates file, simulating
+  // a failure in checkpointing, where the parent directory was created, but the
+  // checkpointing process crashed before opening the status updates file.
+  ASSERT_SOME(os::rm(getPath(operationUuid)));
+  // The recovery of the empty stream should not fail, but the stream state
+  // should be empty.
+  Future<OperationStatusUpdateManagerState> state =
+    statusUpdateManager->recover({operationUuid}, false);
+  AWAIT_READY(state);
+  EXPECT_EQ(0u, state->errors);
+  EXPECT_TRUE(state->streams.contains(operationUuid));
+  EXPECT_NONE(state->;
+// This test verifies that the status update manager is able to recover a
+// terminated stream, and that the stream's state reflects that it is
+// terminated.
+TEST_F(OperationStatusUpdateManagerTest, RecoverTerminatedStream)
+  Future<UpdateOperationStatusMessage> forwardedStatusUpdate;
+  EXPECT_CALL(statusUpdateProcessor, update(_))
+    .WillOnce(FutureArg<0>(&forwardedStatusUpdate));
+  const id::UUID operationUuid = id::UUID::random();
+  const id::UUID statusUuid = id::UUID::random();
+  UpdateOperationStatusMessage statusUpdate =
+    createUpdateOperationStatusMessage(
+        statusUuid, operationUuid, OperationState::OPERATION_FINISHED);
+  // Send a checkpointed operation status update.
+  AWAIT_ASSERT_READY(statusUpdateManager->update(statusUpdate, true));
+  UpdateOperationStatusMessage expectedStatusUpdate(statusUpdate);
+  expectedStatusUpdate.mutable_latest_status()->CopyFrom(statusUpdate.status());
+  // Verify that the status update is forwarded.
+  AWAIT_EXPECT_EQ(expectedStatusUpdate, forwardedStatusUpdate);
+  // Acknowledge the update, this is a terminal update, so `acknowledgement`
+  // should return `false`.
+      statusUpdateManager->acknowledgement(operationUuid, statusUuid));
+  resetStatusUpdateManager();
+  // Recover the checkpointed stream.
+  Future<OperationStatusUpdateManagerState> state =
+    statusUpdateManager->recover({operationUuid}, true);
+  EXPECT_EQ(0u, state->errors);
+  EXPECT_TRUE(state->streams.contains(operationUuid));
+  EXPECT_SOME(state->;
+  // The stream should be terminated.
+  EXPECT_TRUE(state->>terminated);
+  const Option<UpdateOperationStatusMessage> recoveredUpdate =
+    state->>updates.front();
+  ASSERT_SOME(recoveredUpdate);
+  EXPECT_EQ(statusUpdate, recoveredUpdate.get());
+  // Advance the clock, the status update has been acknowledged, so it shouldn't
+  // trigger a retry.
+  Clock::advance(slave::STATUS_UPDATE_RETRY_INTERVAL_MIN);
+  Clock::settle();
+// This test verifies that the status update manager silently ignores duplicate
+// updates.
+TEST_F(OperationStatusUpdateManagerTest, IgnoreDuplicateUpdate)
+  Future<UpdateOperationStatusMessage> forwardedStatusUpdate;
+  EXPECT_CALL(statusUpdateProcessor, update(_))
+    .WillOnce(FutureArg<0>(&forwardedStatusUpdate));
+  const id::UUID operationUuid = id::UUID::random();
+  const id::UUID statusUuid = id::UUID::random();
+  UpdateOperationStatusMessage statusUpdate =
+    createUpdateOperationStatusMessage(
+        statusUuid, operationUuid, OperationState::OPERATION_PENDING);
+  // Send a checkpointed operation status update.
+  AWAIT_ASSERT_READY(statusUpdateManager->update(statusUpdate, true));
+  UpdateOperationStatusMessage expectedStatusUpdate(statusUpdate);
+  expectedStatusUpdate.mutable_latest_status()->CopyFrom(statusUpdate.status());
+  // Verify that the status update is forwarded.
+  AWAIT_EXPECT_EQ(expectedStatusUpdate, forwardedStatusUpdate);
+  // Acknowledge the update, this is a non-terminal update, so `acknowledgement`
+  // should return `true`.
+      statusUpdateManager->acknowledgement(operationUuid, statusUuid));
+  // Check that a duplicated update is ignored.
+  AWAIT_EXPECT_READY(statusUpdateManager->update(statusUpdate, true));
+  // Advance the clock enough to trigger a retry if the update hasn't been
+  // acknowledged.
+  Clock::advance(slave::STATUS_UPDATE_RETRY_INTERVAL_MIN);
+  Clock::settle();
+// This test verifies that after recovery the status update manager still
+// silently ignores duplicate updates.
+TEST_F(OperationStatusUpdateManagerTest, IgnoreDuplicateUpdateAfterRecover)
+  Future<UpdateOperationStatusMessage> forwardedStatusUpdate;
+  EXPECT_CALL(statusUpdateProcessor, update(_))
+    .WillOnce(FutureArg<0>(&forwardedStatusUpdate));
+  const id::UUID operationUuid = id::UUID::random();
+  const id::UUID statusUuid = id::UUID::random();
+  UpdateOperationStatusMessage statusUpdate =
+    createUpdateOperationStatusMessage(
+        statusUuid, operationUuid, OperationState::OPERATION_PENDING);
+  // Send a checkpointed operation status update.
+  AWAIT_ASSERT_READY(statusUpdateManager->update(statusUpdate, true));
+  UpdateOperationStatusMessage expectedStatusUpdate(statusUpdate);
+  expectedStatusUpdate.mutable_latest_status()->CopyFrom(statusUpdate.status());
+  // Verify that the status update is forwarded.
+  AWAIT_EXPECT_EQ(expectedStatusUpdate, forwardedStatusUpdate);
+  // Acknowledge the update, this is a non-terminal update, so `acknowledgement`
+  // should return `true`.
+      statusUpdateManager->acknowledgement(operationUuid, statusUuid));
+  resetStatusUpdateManager();
+  // Recover the checkpointed stream.
+  AWAIT_ASSERT_READY(statusUpdateManager->recover({operationUuid}, true));
+  // Check that a duplicated update is ignored.
+  AWAIT_EXPECT_READY(statusUpdateManager->update(statusUpdate, true));
+  // Advance the clock enough to trigger a retry if the update hasn't been
+  // acknowledged.
+  Clock::advance(slave::STATUS_UPDATE_RETRY_INTERVAL_MIN);
+  Clock::settle();
+// This test verifies that the status update manager rejects duplicated
+// acknowledgements.
+TEST_F(OperationStatusUpdateManagerTest, RejectDuplicateAck)
+  Future<UpdateOperationStatusMessage> forwardedStatusUpdate;
+  EXPECT_CALL(statusUpdateProcessor, update(_))
+    .WillOnce(FutureArg<0>(&forwardedStatusUpdate));
+  const id::UUID operationUuid = id::UUID::random();
+  const id::UUID statusUuid = id::UUID::random();
+  UpdateOperationStatusMessage statusUpdate =
+    createUpdateOperationStatusMessage(
+        statusUuid, operationUuid, OperationState::OPERATION_PENDING);
+  // Send a checkpointed operation status update.
+  AWAIT_ASSERT_READY(statusUpdateManager->update(statusUpdate, true));
+  UpdateOperationStatusMessage expectedStatusUpdate(statusUpdate);
+  expectedStatusUpdate.mutable_latest_status()->CopyFrom(statusUpdate.status());
+  // Verify that the status update is forwarded.
+  AWAIT_EXPECT_EQ(expectedStatusUpdate, forwardedStatusUpdate);
+  // Acknowledge the update, this is a non-terminal update, so `acknowledgement`
+  // should return `true`.
+      statusUpdateManager->acknowledgement(operationUuid, statusUuid));
+  // Advance the clock enough to trigger a retry if the update hasn't been
+  // ignored.
+  Clock::advance(slave::STATUS_UPDATE_RETRY_INTERVAL_MIN);
+  Clock::settle();
+  // Try to acknowledge the same update, the operation should fail.
+      statusUpdateManager->acknowledgement(operationUuid, statusUuid));
+// This test verifies that after recovery the status update manager still
+// rejects duplicated acknowledgements.
+TEST_F(OperationStatusUpdateManagerTest, RejectDuplicateAckAfterRecover)
+  Future<UpdateOperationStatusMessage> forwardedStatusUpdate;
+  EXPECT_CALL(statusUpdateProcessor, update(_))
+    .WillOnce(FutureArg<0>(&forwardedStatusUpdate));
+  const id::UUID operationUuid = id::UUID::random();
+  const id::UUID statusUuid = id::UUID::random();
+  UpdateOperationStatusMessage statusUpdate =
+    createUpdateOperationStatusMessage(
+        statusUuid, operationUuid, OperationState::OPERATION_PENDING);
+  // Send a checkpointed operation status update.
+  AWAIT_ASSERT_READY(statusUpdateManager->update(statusUpdate, true));
+  UpdateOperationStatusMessage expectedStatusUpdate(statusUpdate);
+  expectedStatusUpdate.mutable_latest_status()->CopyFrom(statusUpdate.status());
+  // Verify that the status update is forwarded.
+  AWAIT_EXPECT_EQ(expectedStatusUpdate, forwardedStatusUpdate);
+  // Acknowledge the update, this is a non-terminal update, so `acknowledgement`
+  // should return `true`.
+      statusUpdateManager->acknowledgement(operationUuid, statusUuid));
+  resetStatusUpdateManager();
+  // Recover the checkpointed stream.
+  AWAIT_ASSERT_READY(statusUpdateManager->recover({operationUuid}, true));
+  // Try to acknowledge the same update, the operation should fail.
+      statusUpdateManager->acknowledgement(operationUuid, statusUuid));
+  // Advance the clock enough to trigger a retry if the update hasn't been
+  // ignored.
+  Clock::advance(slave::STATUS_UPDATE_RETRY_INTERVAL_MIN);
+  Clock::settle();
+// This test verifies that non-strict recovery of a status updates file
+// containing a corrupted record at the end succeeds.
+TEST_F(OperationStatusUpdateManagerTest, NonStrictRecoveryCorruptedFile)
+  Future<UpdateOperationStatusMessage> forwardedStatusUpdate1;
+  Future<UpdateOperationStatusMessage> forwardedStatusUpdate2;
+  EXPECT_CALL(statusUpdateProcessor, update(_))
+    .WillOnce(FutureArg<0>(&forwardedStatusUpdate1))
+    .WillOnce(FutureArg<0>(&forwardedStatusUpdate2));
+  const id::UUID operationUuid = id::UUID::random();
+  const id::UUID statusUuid = id::UUID::random();
+  UpdateOperationStatusMessage statusUpdate =
+    createUpdateOperationStatusMessage(
+        statusUuid, operationUuid, OperationState::OPERATION_FINISHED);
+  // Send a checkpointed operation status update.
+  AWAIT_ASSERT_READY(statusUpdateManager->update(statusUpdate, true));
+  UpdateOperationStatusMessage expectedStatusUpdate(statusUpdate);
+  expectedStatusUpdate.mutable_latest_status()->CopyFrom(statusUpdate.status());
+  // Verify that the status update is forwarded.
+  AWAIT_EXPECT_EQ(expectedStatusUpdate, forwardedStatusUpdate1);
+  resetStatusUpdateManager();
+  // Advance the clock enough to trigger a retry if the update hasn't been
+  // cleaned up.
+  Clock::advance(slave::STATUS_UPDATE_RETRY_INTERVAL_MIN);
+  Clock::settle();
+  // The file should contain only `UpdateOperationStatusRecord` messages.
+  // Write a `UpdateOperationStatusMessage` to the end of the file, so that the
+  // recovery process encounters an error.
+  Try<int_fd> fd = os::open(getPath(operationUuid), O_APPEND | O_RDWR);
+  ASSERT_SOME(::protobuf::write(fd.get(), statusUpdate));
+  ASSERT_SOME(os::close(fd.get()));
+  EXPECT_FALSE(forwardedStatusUpdate2.isReady());
+  // The non-strict recovery of the corrupted stream should not fail, but the
+  // state should reflect that the status update file contained a corrupted
+  // record.
+  Future<OperationStatusUpdateManagerState> state =
+    statusUpdateManager->recover({operationUuid}, false);
+  AWAIT_READY(state);
+  EXPECT_EQ(1u, state->errors);
+  EXPECT_TRUE(state->streams.contains(operationUuid));
+  EXPECT_SOME(state->;
+  // Check that the status update could be recovered.
+  const Option<UpdateOperationStatusMessage> recoveredUpdate =
+    state->>updates.front();
+  ASSERT_SOME(recoveredUpdate);
+  EXPECT_EQ(statusUpdate, recoveredUpdate.get());
+  // Check that the status update is resent.
+  AWAIT_EXPECT_EQ(expectedStatusUpdate, forwardedStatusUpdate2);
+// This test verifies that strict recovery of a status updates file containing
+// a corrupted record at the end fails.
+TEST_F(OperationStatusUpdateManagerTest, StrictRecoveryCorruptedFile)
+  Future<UpdateOperationStatusMessage> forwardedStatusUpdate;
+  EXPECT_CALL(statusUpdateProcessor, update(_))
+    .WillOnce(FutureArg<0>(&forwardedStatusUpdate));
+  const id::UUID operationUuid = id::UUID::random();
+  const id::UUID statusUuid = id::UUID::random();
+  UpdateOperationStatusMessage statusUpdate =
+    createUpdateOperationStatusMessage(
+        statusUuid, operationUuid, OperationState::OPERATION_FINISHED);
+  // Send a checkpointed operation status update.
+  AWAIT_ASSERT_READY(statusUpdateManager->update(statusUpdate, true));
+  UpdateOperationStatusMessage expectedStatusUpdate(statusUpdate);
+  expectedStatusUpdate.mutable_latest_status()->CopyFrom(statusUpdate.status());
+  // Verify that the status update is forwarded.
+  AWAIT_EXPECT_EQ(expectedStatusUpdate, forwardedStatusUpdate);
+  resetStatusUpdateManager();
+  // Advance the clock enough to trigger a retry if the update hasn't been
+  // cleaned up.
+  Clock::advance(slave::STATUS_UPDATE_RETRY_INTERVAL_MIN);
+  Clock::settle();
+  // The file should contain only `UpdateOperationStatusMessageRecord` messages.
+  // Write a `UpdateOperationStatusMessage` to the end of the file, so that the
+  // recovery process encounters an error.
+  Try<int_fd> fd = os::open(getPath(operationUuid), O_APPEND | O_RDWR);
+  ASSERT_SOME(::protobuf::write(fd.get(), statusUpdate));
+  ASSERT_SOME(os::close(fd.get()));
+  // The strict recovery of the corrupted stream should fail.
+  AWAIT_ASSERT_FAILED(statusUpdateManager->recover({operationUuid}, true));
+// This test verifies that the status update manager correctly fills in the
+// latest status when (re)sending status updates.
+TEST_F(OperationStatusUpdateManagerTest, UpdateLatestWhenResending)
+  Future<UpdateOperationStatusMessage> forwardedStatusUpdate1;
+  Future<UpdateOperationStatusMessage> forwardedStatusUpdate2;
+  Future<UpdateOperationStatusMessage> forwardedStatusUpdate3;
+  EXPECT_CALL(statusUpdateProcessor, update(_))
+    .WillOnce(FutureArg<0>(&forwardedStatusUpdate1))
+    .WillOnce(FutureArg<0>(&forwardedStatusUpdate2))
+    .WillOnce(FutureArg<0>(&forwardedStatusUpdate3));
+  const id::UUID operationUuid = id::UUID::random();
+  const id::UUID statusUuid1 = id::UUID::random();
+  UpdateOperationStatusMessage statusUpdate1 =
+    createUpdateOperationStatusMessage(
+        statusUuid1, operationUuid, OperationState::OPERATION_PENDING);
+  // Send a checkpointed operation status update.
+  AWAIT_ASSERT_READY(statusUpdateManager->update(statusUpdate1, true));
+  // The status update manager should fill in the `latest_status` field with the
+  // status update we just sent.
+  UpdateOperationStatusMessage expectedStatusUpdate(statusUpdate1);
+  expectedStatusUpdate.mutable_latest_status()->CopyFrom(
+      statusUpdate1.status());
+  // Verify that the status update is forwarded.
+  AWAIT_EXPECT_EQ(expectedStatusUpdate, forwardedStatusUpdate1);
+  EXPECT_FALSE(forwardedStatusUpdate2.isReady());
+  // Send another status update.
+  const id::UUID statusUuid2 = id::UUID::random();
+  UpdateOperationStatusMessage statusUpdate2 =
+    createUpdateOperationStatusMessage(
+        statusUuid2, operationUuid, OperationState::OPERATION_PENDING);
+  AWAIT_ASSERT_READY(statusUpdateManager->update(statusUpdate2, true));
+  // Advance the clock to trigger a retry of the first update.
+  Clock::advance(slave::STATUS_UPDATE_RETRY_INTERVAL_MIN);
+  Clock::settle();
+  // Now that another status update was sent, the status update manager should
+  // fill in the `latest_status` field with this new status update.
+  expectedStatusUpdate.mutable_latest_status()->CopyFrom(
+      statusUpdate2.status());
+  // Verify that the status update is forwarded again.
+  AWAIT_EXPECT_EQ(expectedStatusUpdate, forwardedStatusUpdate2);
+  EXPECT_FALSE(forwardedStatusUpdate3.isReady());
+  // Acknowledge the first update, it is NOT a terminal update, so
+  // `acknowledgement` should return `true`. The status update manager
+  // should now send the second status update.
+      statusUpdateManager->acknowledgement(operationUuid, statusUuid1));
+  // The status update manager should then forward the latest status update.
+  expectedStatusUpdate = statusUpdate2;
+  expectedStatusUpdate.mutable_latest_status()->CopyFrom(
+    statusUpdate2.status());
+  AWAIT_EXPECT_EQ(expectedStatusUpdate, forwardedStatusUpdate3);
+} // namespace tests {
+} // namespace internal {
+} // namespace mesos {
diff --git a/src/tests/partition_tests.cpp b/src/tests/partition_tests.cpp
index 9fcc0a8..03b1cd8 100644
--- a/src/tests/partition_tests.cpp
+++ b/src/tests/partition_tests.cpp
@@ -2657,14 +2657,14 @@ TEST_F_TEMP_DISABLED_ON_WINDOWS(PartitionTest, RegistryGcByCountManySlaves)
     Future<bool> admitApply =
-          Owned<master::Operation>(
+          Owned<master::RegistryOperation>(
               new master::AdmitSlave(slaveInfo)));
     Future<bool> unreachableApply =
-          Owned<master::Operation>(
+          Owned<master::RegistryOperation>(
               new master::MarkSlaveUnreachable(slaveInfo, unreachableTime)));
@@ -3186,7 +3186,7 @@ TEST_F_TEMP_DISABLED_ON_WINDOWS(PartitionTest, RegistryGcRace)
   // Cause `slave2` to reregister with the master. We expect the
   // master to update the registry to mark the slave as reachable; we
   // intercept the registry operation.
-  Future<Owned<master::Operation>> markReachable;
+  Future<Owned<master::RegistryOperation>> markReachable;
   Promise<bool> markReachableContinue;
   EXPECT_CALL(*master.get()->registrar, apply(_))
@@ -3206,7 +3206,7 @@ TEST_F_TEMP_DISABLED_ON_WINDOWS(PartitionTest, RegistryGcRace)
   // this should result in attempting to prune `slave1` and `slave2`
   // from the unreachable list. We intercept the registry operation to
   // force the race condition with the reregistration of `slave2`.
-  Future<Owned<master::Operation>> prune;
+  Future<Owned<master::RegistryOperation>> prune;
   Promise<bool> pruneContinue;
   EXPECT_CALL(*master.get()->registrar, apply(_))
@@ -3369,7 +3369,7 @@ TEST_F(PartitionTest, FailHealthChecksTwice)
   Future<Nothing> unreachableDispatch1 =
     FUTURE_DISPATCH(master.get()->pid, &Master::markUnreachable);
-  Future<Owned<master::Operation>> markUnreachable;
+  Future<Owned<master::RegistryOperation>> markUnreachable;
   Promise<bool> markUnreachableContinue;
   EXPECT_CALL(*master.get()->registrar, apply(_))
diff --git a/src/tests/persistent_volume_tests.cpp b/src/tests/persistent_volume_tests.cpp
index 8546769..5962dd1 100644
--- a/src/tests/persistent_volume_tests.cpp
+++ b/src/tests/persistent_volume_tests.cpp
@@ -195,8 +195,8 @@ protected:
   Future<Resources> getOperationMessage(To to)
     if (::testing::get<1>(GetParam()) == ENABLED) {
-      return FUTURE_PROTOBUF(ApplyOfferOperationMessage(), _, to)
-        .then([](const ApplyOfferOperationMessage& message) {
+      return FUTURE_PROTOBUF(ApplyOperationMessage(), _, to)
+        .then([](const ApplyOperationMessage& message) {
           switch (message.operation_info().type()) {
             case Offer::Operation::UNKNOWN:
             case Offer::Operation::LAUNCH:
diff --git a/src/tests/reconciliation_tests.cpp b/src/tests/reconciliation_tests.cpp
index 9ee91c9..ec0f609 100644
--- a/src/tests/reconciliation_tests.cpp
+++ b/src/tests/reconciliation_tests.cpp
@@ -650,7 +650,7 @@ TEST_F(ReconciliationTest, RemovalInProgress)
   // Intercept the next registrar operation; this should be the
   // registry operation that unregisters the slave.
-  Future<Owned<master::Operation>> unregister;
+  Future<Owned<master::RegistryOperation>> unregister;
   Future<Nothing> unregisterStarted;
   Promise<bool> promise; // Never satisfied.
   EXPECT_CALL(*master.get()->registrar, apply(_))