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Posted to by Jiri Luzny <> on 2005/01/24 11:36:37 UTC

Assembling custom portlet services


I'm trying to build a sample Jetspeed2 portlet application that uses velocity templates as the View
and a custom portal service business logic as the Model. 
It went quite smoothly till the moment I wanted to assembly my service to the Jetspeed2 service
container. My intention was to have a spring bean descriptor located somewhere in my portlet war and
let Jetspeed to automatically pick up this descriptor during deployment of the portal war in order
to register the service so I can easily access it in my Porlet.processAction() method.
However it seems the only way how to expose the service to my portlet is to put the bean declaration
directly to 'jetspeed\WEB-INF\assembly' directory and add a new entry to  'PortalServices'
declaration in 'jetspeed\WEB-INF\assembly\jetspeed-spring.xml' that refers to the declaration.
The consequences of this approach are:
 - my portal war is not self contained any more.
 - it introduces hard configuration dependency
 - it introduces class dependency from Jetspeed web app to my portlet web app as my service classes
must be available to Jetspeed web application classloader when initializing Jetspeed.
 - because of the need to have my service impl classes visible for Jetspeed I have to put them to
either shared\lib dir or jetspeed\WEB-INF\lib which makes hot-deploy of my service classes

Is there currently any possibility of more decoupled portlet service assembling?

Thank you,

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