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Posted to by David Poisson <> on 2013/06/10 19:35:25 UTC

Wrong number of partitions in keyset

I seem to have a problem with writing to an HFile: I always get an error saying I'm using the wrong number of partitions in keyset.

I'm using configureIncrementalLoad() on my CDH4 vmware: hbase-0.94.2+202-1.cdh4.2.0.p0.11.el6.x86_64 and hadoop-2.0.0+922-1.cdh4.2.0.p0.12.el6.x86_64.

I've modified my configuration to be in pseudo-distributed mode, however I find it strange that mapred.job.tracker returns "local". Is this an issue?

My table contains 2 regions according to http://localhost:60010/master-status/myTable.

After I call configureIncrementalLoad(), job.getNumReduceTasks() returns "2", yet when I watch job.getNumReduceTasks() in job.waitForCompletion(), it returns "1".

Finally, splitPoints.length is set to 1 (since I have 2 regions, I would think it's ok to have a single split point, right?).

K[] splitPoints = readPartitions(fs, partFile, keyClass, conf);

if (splitPoints.length != job.getNumReduceTasks() - 1) {

throw new IOException("Wrong number of partitions in keyset");


I've tried to look into the partitions.lst file to see if I could spot something wrong, however it doesn't seem to be very human readable.

I'd appreciate any pointers!

