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[37/58] [abbrv] [partial] incubator-senssoft-tap git commit: Fixed .gitignore file
diff --git a/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/ b/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7389a73..0000000
--- a/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-The cache object API for implementing caches. The default is a thread
-safe in-memory dictionary.
-from threading import Lock
-class BaseCache(object):
-    def get(self, key):
-        raise NotImplemented()
-    def set(self, key, value):
-        raise NotImplemented()
-    def delete(self, key):
-        raise NotImplemented()
-    def close(self):
-        pass
-class DictCache(BaseCache):
-    def __init__(self, init_dict=None):
-        self.lock = Lock()
- = init_dict or {}
-    def get(self, key):
-        return, None)
-    def set(self, key, value):
-        with self.lock:
-  {key: value})
-    def delete(self, key):
-        with self.lock:
-            if key in
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index f9e66a1..0000000
--- a/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/caches/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-from textwrap import dedent
-    from .file_cache import FileCache
-except ImportError:
-    notice = dedent('''
-    NOTE: In order to use the FileCache you must have
-    lockfile installed. You can install it via pip:
-      pip install lockfile
-    ''')
-    print(notice)
-    import redis
-    from .redis_cache import RedisCache
-except ImportError:
-    pass
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index b77728f..0000000
--- a/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/caches/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-import hashlib
-import os
-from pip._vendor.lockfile import LockFile
-from pip._vendor.lockfile.mkdirlockfile import MkdirLockFile
-from ..cache import BaseCache
-from ..controller import CacheController
-def _secure_open_write(filename, fmode):
-    # We only want to write to this file, so open it in write only mode
-    flags = os.O_WRONLY
-    # os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL will fail if the file already exists, so we only
-    #  will open *new* files.
-    # We specify this because we want to ensure that the mode we pass is the
-    # mode of the file.
-    flags |= os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL
-    # Do not follow symlinks to prevent someone from making a symlink that
-    # we follow and insecurely open a cache file.
-    if hasattr(os, "O_NOFOLLOW"):
-        flags |= os.O_NOFOLLOW
-    # On Windows we'll mark this file as binary
-    if hasattr(os, "O_BINARY"):
-        flags |= os.O_BINARY
-    # Before we open our file, we want to delete any existing file that is
-    # there
-    try:
-        os.remove(filename)
-    except (IOError, OSError):
-        # The file must not exist already, so we can just skip ahead to opening
-        pass
-    # Open our file, the use of os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL will ensure that if a
-    # race condition happens between the os.remove and this line, that an
-    # error will be raised. Because we utilize a lockfile this should only
-    # happen if someone is attempting to attack us.
-    fd =, flags, fmode)
-    try:
-        return os.fdopen(fd, "wb")
-    except:
-        # An error occurred wrapping our FD in a file object
-        os.close(fd)
-        raise
-class FileCache(BaseCache):
-    def __init__(self, directory, forever=False, filemode=0o0600,
-                 dirmode=0o0700, use_dir_lock=None, lock_class=None):
-        if use_dir_lock is not None and lock_class is not None:
-            raise ValueError("Cannot use use_dir_lock and lock_class together")
-        if use_dir_lock:
-            lock_class = MkdirLockFile
-        if lock_class is None:
-            lock_class = LockFile
- = directory
-        self.forever = forever
-        self.filemode = filemode
-        self.dirmode = dirmode
-        self.lock_class = lock_class
-    @staticmethod
-    def encode(x):
-        return hashlib.sha224(x.encode()).hexdigest()
-    def _fn(self, name):
-        # NOTE: This method should not change as some may depend on it.
-        #       See:
-        hashed = self.encode(name)
-        parts = list(hashed[:5]) + [hashed]
-        return os.path.join(, *parts)
-    def get(self, key):
-        name = self._fn(key)
-        if not os.path.exists(name):
-            return None
-        with open(name, 'rb') as fh:
-            return
-    def set(self, key, value):
-        name = self._fn(key)
-        # Make sure the directory exists
-        try:
-            os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(name), self.dirmode)
-        except (IOError, OSError):
-            pass
-        with self.lock_class(name) as lock:
-            # Write our actual file
-            with _secure_open_write(lock.path, self.filemode) as fh:
-                fh.write(value)
-    def delete(self, key):
-        name = self._fn(key)
-        if not self.forever:
-            os.remove(name)
-def url_to_file_path(url, filecache):
-    """Return the file cache path based on the URL.
-    This does not ensure the file exists!
-    """
-    key = CacheController.cache_url(url)
-    return filecache._fn(key)
diff --git a/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/caches/ b/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/caches/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f5d55f..0000000
--- a/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/caches/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import division
-from datetime import datetime
-def total_seconds(td):
-    """Python 2.6 compatability"""
-    if hasattr(td, 'total_seconds'):
-        return td.total_seconds()
-    ms = td.microseconds
-    secs = (td.seconds + td.days * 24 * 3600)
-    return (ms + secs * 10**6) / 10**6
-class RedisCache(object):
-    def __init__(self, conn):
-        self.conn = conn
-    def get(self, key):
-        return self.conn.get(key)
-    def set(self, key, value, expires=None):
-        if not expires:
-            self.conn.set(key, value)
-        else:
-            expires = expires -
-            self.conn.setex(key, total_seconds(expires), value)
-    def delete(self, key):
-        self.conn.delete(key)
-    def clear(self):
-        """Helper for clearing all the keys in a database. Use with
-        caution!"""
-        for key in self.conn.keys():
-            self.conn.delete(key)
-    def close(self):
-        self.conn.disconnect()
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index 018e6ac..0000000
--- a/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-    from urllib.parse import urljoin
-except ImportError:
-    from urlparse import urljoin
-    import cPickle as pickle
-except ImportError:
-    import pickle
-from pip._vendor.requests.packages.urllib3.response import HTTPResponse
-from pip._vendor.requests.packages.urllib3.util import is_fp_closed
-# Replicate some six behaviour
-    text_type = (unicode,)
-except NameError:
-    text_type = (str,)
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index 5eb961f..0000000
--- a/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,353 +0,0 @@
-The httplib2 algorithms ported for use with requests.
-import logging
-import re
-import calendar
-import time
-from email.utils import parsedate_tz
-from pip._vendor.requests.structures import CaseInsensitiveDict
-from .cache import DictCache
-from .serialize import Serializer
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-URI = re.compile(r"^(([^:/?#]+):)?(//([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?")
-def parse_uri(uri):
-    """Parses a URI using the regex given in Appendix B of RFC 3986.
-        (scheme, authority, path, query, fragment) = parse_uri(uri)
-    """
-    groups = URI.match(uri).groups()
-    return (groups[1], groups[3], groups[4], groups[6], groups[8])
-class CacheController(object):
-    """An interface to see if request should cached or not.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, cache=None, cache_etags=True, serializer=None):
-        self.cache = cache or DictCache()
-        self.cache_etags = cache_etags
-        self.serializer = serializer or Serializer()
-    @classmethod
-    def _urlnorm(cls, uri):
-        """Normalize the URL to create a safe key for the cache"""
-        (scheme, authority, path, query, fragment) = parse_uri(uri)
-        if not scheme or not authority:
-            raise Exception("Only absolute URIs are allowed. uri = %s" % uri)
-        scheme = scheme.lower()
-        authority = authority.lower()
-        if not path:
-            path = "/"
-        # Could do syntax based normalization of the URI before
-        # computing the digest. See Section 6.2.2 of Std 66.
-        request_uri = query and "?".join([path, query]) or path
-        defrag_uri = scheme + "://" + authority + request_uri
-        return defrag_uri
-    @classmethod
-    def cache_url(cls, uri):
-        return cls._urlnorm(uri)
-    def parse_cache_control(self, headers):
-        """
-        Parse the cache control headers returning a dictionary with values
-        for the different directives.
-        """
-        retval = {}
-        cc_header = 'cache-control'
-        if 'Cache-Control' in headers:
-            cc_header = 'Cache-Control'
-        if cc_header in headers:
-            parts = headers[cc_header].split(',')
-            parts_with_args = [
-                tuple([x.strip().lower() for x in part.split("=", 1)])
-                for part in parts if -1 != part.find("=")
-            ]
-            parts_wo_args = [
-                (name.strip().lower(), 1)
-                for name in parts if -1 == name.find("=")
-            ]
-            retval = dict(parts_with_args + parts_wo_args)
-        return retval
-    def cached_request(self, request):
-        """
-        Return a cached response if it exists in the cache, otherwise
-        return False.
-        """
-        cache_url = self.cache_url(request.url)
-        logger.debug('Looking up "%s" in the cache', cache_url)
-        cc = self.parse_cache_control(request.headers)
-        # Bail out if the request insists on fresh data
-        if 'no-cache' in cc:
-            logger.debug('Request header has "no-cache", cache bypassed')
-            return False
-        if 'max-age' in cc and cc['max-age'] == 0:
-            logger.debug('Request header has "max_age" as 0, cache bypassed')
-            return False
-        # Request allows serving from the cache, let's see if we find something
-        cache_data = self.cache.get(cache_url)
-        if cache_data is None:
-            logger.debug('No cache entry available')
-            return False
-        # Check whether it can be deserialized
-        resp = self.serializer.loads(request, cache_data)
-        if not resp:
-            logger.warning('Cache entry deserialization failed, entry ignored')
-            return False
-        # If we have a cached 301, return it immediately. We don't
-        # need to test our response for other headers b/c it is
-        # intrinsically "cacheable" as it is Permanent.
-        # See:
-        #
-        #
-        # Client can try to refresh the value by repeating the request
-        # with cache busting headers as usual (ie no-cache).
-        if resp.status == 301:
-            msg = ('Returning cached "301 Moved Permanently" response '
-                   '(ignoring date and etag information)')
-            logger.debug(msg)
-            return resp
-        headers = CaseInsensitiveDict(resp.headers)
-        if not headers or 'date' not in headers:
-            if 'etag' not in headers:
-                # Without date or etag, the cached response can never be used
-                # and should be deleted.
-                logger.debug('Purging cached response: no date or etag')
-                self.cache.delete(cache_url)
-            logger.debug('Ignoring cached response: no date')
-            return False
-        now = time.time()
-        date = calendar.timegm(
-            parsedate_tz(headers['date'])
-        )
-        current_age = max(0, now - date)
-        logger.debug('Current age based on date: %i', current_age)
-        # TODO: There is an assumption that the result will be a
-        #       urllib3 response object. This may not be best since we
-        #       could probably avoid instantiating or constructing the
-        #       response until we know we need it.
-        resp_cc = self.parse_cache_control(headers)
-        # determine freshness
-        freshness_lifetime = 0
-        # Check the max-age pragma in the cache control header
-        if 'max-age' in resp_cc and resp_cc['max-age'].isdigit():
-            freshness_lifetime = int(resp_cc['max-age'])
-            logger.debug('Freshness lifetime from max-age: %i',
-                         freshness_lifetime)
-        # If there isn't a max-age, check for an expires header
-        elif 'expires' in headers:
-            expires = parsedate_tz(headers['expires'])
-            if expires is not None:
-                expire_time = calendar.timegm(expires) - date
-                freshness_lifetime = max(0, expire_time)
-                logger.debug("Freshness lifetime from expires: %i",
-                             freshness_lifetime)
-        # Determine if we are setting freshness limit in the
-        # request. Note, this overrides what was in the response.
-        if 'max-age' in cc:
-            try:
-                freshness_lifetime = int(cc['max-age'])
-                logger.debug('Freshness lifetime from request max-age: %i',
-                             freshness_lifetime)
-            except ValueError:
-                freshness_lifetime = 0
-        if 'min-fresh' in cc:
-            try:
-                min_fresh = int(cc['min-fresh'])
-            except ValueError:
-                min_fresh = 0
-            # adjust our current age by our min fresh
-            current_age += min_fresh
-            logger.debug('Adjusted current age from min-fresh: %i',
-                         current_age)
-        # Return entry if it is fresh enough
-        if freshness_lifetime > current_age:
-            logger.debug('The response is "fresh", returning cached response')
-            logger.debug('%i > %i', freshness_lifetime, current_age)
-            return resp
-        # we're not fresh. If we don't have an Etag, clear it out
-        if 'etag' not in headers:
-            logger.debug(
-                'The cached response is "stale" with no etag, purging'
-            )
-            self.cache.delete(cache_url)
-        # return the original handler
-        return False
-    def conditional_headers(self, request):
-        cache_url = self.cache_url(request.url)
-        resp = self.serializer.loads(request, self.cache.get(cache_url))
-        new_headers = {}
-        if resp:
-            headers = CaseInsensitiveDict(resp.headers)
-            if 'etag' in headers:
-                new_headers['If-None-Match'] = headers['ETag']
-            if 'last-modified' in headers:
-                new_headers['If-Modified-Since'] = headers['Last-Modified']
-        return new_headers
-    def cache_response(self, request, response, body=None):
-        """
-        Algorithm for caching requests.
-        This assumes a requests Response object.
-        """
-        # From httplib2: Don't cache 206's since we aren't going to
-        #                handle byte range requests
-        cacheable_status_codes = [200, 203, 300, 301]
-        if response.status not in cacheable_status_codes:
-            logger.debug(
-                'Status code %s not in %s',
-                response.status,
-                cacheable_status_codes
-            )
-            return
-        response_headers = CaseInsensitiveDict(response.headers)
-        # If we've been given a body, our response has a Content-Length, that
-        # Content-Length is valid then we can check to see if the body we've
-        # been given matches the expected size, and if it doesn't we'll just
-        # skip trying to cache it.
-        if (body is not None and
-                "content-length" in response_headers and
-                response_headers["content-length"].isdigit() and
-                int(response_headers["content-length"]) != len(body)):
-            return
-        cc_req = self.parse_cache_control(request.headers)
-        cc = self.parse_cache_control(response_headers)
-        cache_url = self.cache_url(request.url)
-        logger.debug('Updating cache with response from "%s"', cache_url)
-        # Delete it from the cache if we happen to have it stored there
-        no_store = False
-        if cc.get('no-store'):
-            no_store = True
-            logger.debug('Response header has "no-store"')
-        if cc_req.get('no-store'):
-            no_store = True
-            logger.debug('Request header has "no-store"')
-        if no_store and self.cache.get(cache_url):
-            logger.debug('Purging existing cache entry to honor "no-store"')
-            self.cache.delete(cache_url)
-        # If we've been given an etag, then keep the response
-        if self.cache_etags and 'etag' in response_headers:
-            logger.debug('Caching due to etag')
-            self.cache.set(
-                cache_url,
-                self.serializer.dumps(request, response, body=body),
-            )
-        # Add to the cache any 301s. We do this before looking that
-        # the Date headers.
-        elif response.status == 301:
-            logger.debug('Caching permanant redirect')
-            self.cache.set(
-                cache_url,
-                self.serializer.dumps(request, response)
-            )
-        # Add to the cache if the response headers demand it. If there
-        # is no date header then we can't do anything about expiring
-        # the cache.
-        elif 'date' in response_headers:
-            # cache when there is a max-age > 0
-            if cc and cc.get('max-age'):
-                if cc['max-age'].isdigit() and int(cc['max-age']) > 0:
-                    logger.debug('Caching b/c date exists and max-age > 0')
-                    self.cache.set(
-                        cache_url,
-                        self.serializer.dumps(request, response, body=body),
-                    )
-            # If the request can expire, it means we should cache it
-            # in the meantime.
-            elif 'expires' in response_headers:
-                if response_headers['expires']:
-                    logger.debug('Caching b/c of expires header')
-                    self.cache.set(
-                        cache_url,
-                        self.serializer.dumps(request, response, body=body),
-                    )
-    def update_cached_response(self, request, response):
-        """On a 304 we will get a new set of headers that we want to
-        update our cached value with, assuming we have one.
-        This should only ever be called when we've sent an ETag and
-        gotten a 304 as the response.
-        """
-        cache_url = self.cache_url(request.url)
-        cached_response = self.serializer.loads(
-            request,
-            self.cache.get(cache_url)
-        )
-        if not cached_response:
-            # we didn't have a cached response
-            return response
-        # Lets update our headers with the headers from the new request:
-        #
-        #
-        # The server isn't supposed to send headers that would make
-        # the cached body invalid. But... just in case, we'll be sure
-        # to strip out ones we know that might be problmatic due to
-        # typical assumptions.
-        excluded_headers = [
-            "content-length",
-        ]
-        cached_response.headers.update(
-            dict((k, v) for k, v in response.headers.items()
-                 if k.lower() not in excluded_headers)
-        )
-        # we want a 200 b/c we have content via the cache
-        cached_response.status = 200
-        # update our cache
-        self.cache.set(
-            cache_url,
-            self.serializer.dumps(request, cached_response),
-        )
-        return cached_response
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deleted file mode 100644
index f1e1ce0..0000000
--- a/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-from io import BytesIO
-class CallbackFileWrapper(object):
-    """
-    Small wrapper around a fp object which will tee everything read into a
-    buffer, and when that file is closed it will execute a callback with the
-    contents of that buffer.
-    All attributes are proxied to the underlying file object.
-    This class uses members with a double underscore (__) leading prefix so as
-    not to accidentally shadow an attribute.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, fp, callback):
-        self.__buf = BytesIO()
-        self.__fp = fp
-        self.__callback = callback
-    def __getattr__(self, name):
-        # The vaguaries of garbage collection means that self.__fp is
-        # not always set.  By using __getattribute__ and the private
-        # name[0] allows looking up the attribute value and raising an
-        # AttributeError when it doesn't exist. This stop thigns from
-        # infinitely recursing calls to getattr in the case where
-        # self.__fp hasn't been set.
-        #
-        # [0]
-        fp = self.__getattribute__('_CallbackFileWrapper__fp')
-        return getattr(fp, name)
-    def __is_fp_closed(self):
-        try:
-            return self.__fp.fp is None
-        except AttributeError:
-            pass
-        try:
-            return self.__fp.closed
-        except AttributeError:
-            pass
-        # We just don't cache it then.
-        # TODO: Add some logging here...
-        return False
-    def _close(self):
-        if self.__callback:
-            self.__callback(self.__buf.getvalue())
-        # We assign this to None here, because otherwise we can get into
-        # really tricky problems where the CPython interpreter dead locks
-        # because the callback is holding a reference to something which
-        # has a __del__ method. Setting this to None breaks the cycle
-        # and allows the garbage collector to do it's thing normally.
-        self.__callback = None
-    def read(self, amt=None):
-        data =
-        self.__buf.write(data)
-        if self.__is_fp_closed():
-            self._close()
-        return data
-    def _safe_read(self, amt):
-        data = self.__fp._safe_read(amt)
-        if amt == 2 and data == b'\r\n':
-            # urllib executes this read to toss the CRLF at the end
-            # of the chunk.
-            return data
-        self.__buf.write(data)
-        if self.__is_fp_closed():
-            self._close()
-        return data
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index 94715a4..0000000
--- a/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-import calendar
-import time
-from email.utils import formatdate, parsedate, parsedate_tz
-from datetime import datetime, timedelta
-TIME_FMT = "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT"
-def expire_after(delta, date=None):
-    date = date or
-    return date + delta
-def datetime_to_header(dt):
-    return formatdate(calendar.timegm(dt.timetuple()))
-class BaseHeuristic(object):
-    def warning(self, response):
-        """
-        Return a valid 1xx warning header value describing the cache
-        adjustments.
-        The response is provided too allow warnings like 113
- where we need
-        to explicitly say response is over 24 hours old.
-        """
-        return '110 - "Response is Stale"'
-    def update_headers(self, response):
-        """Update the response headers with any new headers.
-        NOTE: This SHOULD always include some Warning header to
-              signify that the response was cached by the client, not
-              by way of the provided headers.
-        """
-        return {}
-    def apply(self, response):
-        updated_headers = self.update_headers(response)
-        if updated_headers:
-            response.headers.update(updated_headers)
-            warning_header_value = self.warning(response)
-            if warning_header_value is not None:
-                response.headers.update({'Warning': warning_header_value})
-        return response
-class OneDayCache(BaseHeuristic):
-    """
-    Cache the response by providing an expires 1 day in the
-    future.
-    """
-    def update_headers(self, response):
-        headers = {}
-        if 'expires' not in response.headers:
-            date = parsedate(response.headers['date'])
-            expires = expire_after(timedelta(days=1),
-                                   date=datetime(*date[:6]))
-            headers['expires'] = datetime_to_header(expires)
-            headers['cache-control'] = 'public'
-        return headers
-class ExpiresAfter(BaseHeuristic):
-    """
-    Cache **all** requests for a defined time period.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, **kw):
- = timedelta(**kw)
-    def update_headers(self, response):
-        expires = expire_after(
-        return {
-            'expires': datetime_to_header(expires),
-            'cache-control': 'public',
-        }
-    def warning(self, response):
-        tmpl = '110 - Automatically cached for %s. Response might be stale'
-        return tmpl %
-class LastModified(BaseHeuristic):
-    """
-    If there is no Expires header already, fall back on Last-Modified
-    using the heuristic from
-    to calculate a reasonable value.
-    Firefox also does something like this per
-    Unlike mozilla we limit this to 24-hr.
-    """
-    cacheable_by_default_statuses = set([
-        200, 203, 204, 206, 300, 301, 404, 405, 410, 414, 501
-    ])
-    def update_headers(self, resp):
-        headers = resp.headers
-        if 'expires' in headers:
-            return {}
-        if 'cache-control' in headers and headers['cache-control'] != 'public':
-            return {}
-        if resp.status not in self.cacheable_by_default_statuses:
-            return {}
-        if 'date' not in headers or 'last-modified' not in headers:
-            return {}
-        date = calendar.timegm(parsedate_tz(headers['date']))
-        last_modified = parsedate(headers['last-modified'])
-        if date is None or last_modified is None:
-            return {}
-        now = time.time()
-        current_age = max(0, now - date)
-        delta = date - calendar.timegm(last_modified)
-        freshness_lifetime = max(0, min(delta / 10, 24 * 3600))
-        if freshness_lifetime <= current_age:
-            return {}
-        expires = date + freshness_lifetime
-        return {'expires': time.strftime(TIME_FMT, time.gmtime(expires))}
-    def warning(self, resp):
-        return None
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deleted file mode 100644
index 8f9c589..0000000
--- a/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
-import base64
-import io
-import json
-import zlib
-from pip._vendor.requests.structures import CaseInsensitiveDict
-from .compat import HTTPResponse, pickle, text_type
-def _b64_encode_bytes(b):
-    return base64.b64encode(b).decode("ascii")
-def _b64_encode_str(s):
-    return _b64_encode_bytes(s.encode("utf8"))
-def _b64_encode(s):
-    if isinstance(s, text_type):
-        return _b64_encode_str(s)
-    return _b64_encode_bytes(s)
-def _b64_decode_bytes(b):
-    return base64.b64decode(b.encode("ascii"))
-def _b64_decode_str(s):
-    return _b64_decode_bytes(s).decode("utf8")
-class Serializer(object):
-    def dumps(self, request, response, body=None):
-        response_headers = CaseInsensitiveDict(response.headers)
-        if body is None:
-            body =
-            # NOTE: 99% sure this is dead code. I'm only leaving it
-            #       here b/c I don't have a test yet to prove
-            #       it. Basically, before using
-            #       `cachecontrol.filewrapper.CallbackFileWrapper`,
-            #       this made an effort to reset the file handle. The
-            #       `CallbackFileWrapper` short circuits this code by
-            #       setting the body as the content is consumed, the
-            #       result being a `body` argument is *always* passed
-            #       into cache_response, and in turn,
-            #       `Serializer.dump`.
-            response._fp = io.BytesIO(body)
-        data = {
-            "response": {
-                "body": _b64_encode_bytes(body),
-                "headers": dict(
-                    (_b64_encode(k), _b64_encode(v))
-                    for k, v in response.headers.items()
-                ),
-                "status": response.status,
-                "version": response.version,
-                "reason": _b64_encode_str(response.reason),
-                "strict": response.strict,
-                "decode_content": response.decode_content,
-            },
-        }
-        # Construct our vary headers
-        data["vary"] = {}
-        if "vary" in response_headers:
-            varied_headers = response_headers['vary'].split(',')
-            for header in varied_headers:
-                header = header.strip()
-                data["vary"][header] = request.headers.get(header, None)
-        # Encode our Vary headers to ensure they can be serialized as JSON
-        data["vary"] = dict(
-            (_b64_encode(k), _b64_encode(v) if v is not None else v)
-            for k, v in data["vary"].items()
-        )
-        return b",".join([
-            b"cc=2",
-            zlib.compress(
-                json.dumps(
-                    data, separators=(",", ":"), sort_keys=True,
-                ).encode("utf8"),
-            ),
-        ])
-    def loads(self, request, data):
-        # Short circuit if we've been given an empty set of data
-        if not data:
-            return
-        # Determine what version of the serializer the data was serialized
-        # with
-        try:
-            ver, data = data.split(b",", 1)
-        except ValueError:
-            ver = b"cc=0"
-        # Make sure that our "ver" is actually a version and isn't a false
-        # positive from a , being in the data stream.
-        if ver[:3] != b"cc=":
-            data = ver + data
-            ver = b"cc=0"
-        # Get the version number out of the cc=N
-        ver = ver.split(b"=", 1)[-1].decode("ascii")
-        # Dispatch to the actual load method for the given version
-        try:
-            return getattr(self, "_loads_v{0}".format(ver))(request, data)
-        except AttributeError:
-            # This is a version we don't have a loads function for, so we'll
-            # just treat it as a miss and return None
-            return
-    def prepare_response(self, request, cached):
-        """Verify our vary headers match and construct a real urllib3
-        HTTPResponse object.
-        """
-        # Special case the '*' Vary value as it means we cannot actually
-        # determine if the cached response is suitable for this request.
-        if "*" in cached.get("vary", {}):
-            return
-        # Ensure that the Vary headers for the cached response match our
-        # request
-        for header, value in cached.get("vary", {}).items():
-            if request.headers.get(header, None) != value:
-                return
-        body_raw = cached["response"].pop("body")
-        headers = CaseInsensitiveDict(data=cached['response']['headers'])
-        if headers.get('transfer-encoding', '') == 'chunked':
-            headers.pop('transfer-encoding')
-        cached['response']['headers'] = headers
-        try:
-            body = io.BytesIO(body_raw)
-        except TypeError:
-            # This can happen if cachecontrol serialized to v1 format (pickle)
-            # using Python 2. A Python 2 str(byte string) will be unpickled as
-            # a Python 3 str (unicode string), which will cause the above to
-            # fail with:
-            #
-            #     TypeError: 'str' does not support the buffer interface
-            body = io.BytesIO(body_raw.encode('utf8'))
-        return HTTPResponse(
-            body=body,
-            preload_content=False,
-            **cached["response"]
-        )
-    def _loads_v0(self, request, data):
-        # The original legacy cache data. This doesn't contain enough
-        # information to construct everything we need, so we'll treat this as
-        # a miss.
-        return
-    def _loads_v1(self, request, data):
-        try:
-            cached = pickle.loads(data)
-        except ValueError:
-            return
-        return self.prepare_response(request, cached)
-    def _loads_v2(self, request, data):
-        try:
-            cached = json.loads(zlib.decompress(data).decode("utf8"))
-        except ValueError:
-            return
-        # We need to decode the items that we've base64 encoded
-        cached["response"]["body"] = _b64_decode_bytes(
-            cached["response"]["body"]
-        )
-        cached["response"]["headers"] = dict(
-            (_b64_decode_str(k), _b64_decode_str(v))
-            for k, v in cached["response"]["headers"].items()
-        )
-        cached["response"]["reason"] = _b64_decode_str(
-            cached["response"]["reason"],
-        )
-        cached["vary"] = dict(
-            (_b64_decode_str(k), _b64_decode_str(v) if v is not None else v)
-            for k, v in cached["vary"].items()
-        )
-        return self.prepare_response(request, cached)
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deleted file mode 100644
index ea421aa..0000000
--- a/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/cachecontrol/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-from .adapter import CacheControlAdapter
-from .cache import DictCache
-def CacheControl(sess,
-                 cache=None,
-                 cache_etags=True,
-                 serializer=None,
-                 heuristic=None):
-    cache = cache or DictCache()
-    adapter = CacheControlAdapter(
-        cache,
-        cache_etags=cache_etags,
-        serializer=serializer,
-        heuristic=heuristic,
-    )
-    sess.mount('http://', adapter)
-    sess.mount('https://', adapter)
-    return sess
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deleted file mode 100644
index 670e6b3..0000000
--- a/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/colorama/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright Jonathan Hartley 2013. BSD 3-Clause license, see LICENSE file.
-from .initialise import init, deinit, reinit, colorama_text
-from .ansi import Fore, Back, Style, Cursor
-from .ansitowin32 import AnsiToWin32
-__version__ = '0.3.7'
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deleted file mode 100644
index 7877658..0000000
--- a/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/colorama/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright Jonathan Hartley 2013. BSD 3-Clause license, see LICENSE file.
-This module generates ANSI character codes to printing colors to terminals.
-CSI = '\033['
-OSC = '\033]'
-BEL = '\007'
-def code_to_chars(code):
-    return CSI + str(code) + 'm'
-def set_title(title):
-    return OSC + '2;' + title + BEL
-def clear_screen(mode=2):
-    return CSI + str(mode) + 'J'
-def clear_line(mode=2):
-    return CSI + str(mode) + 'K'
-class AnsiCodes(object):
-    def __init__(self):
-        # the subclasses declare class attributes which are numbers.
-        # Upon instantiation we define instance attributes, which are the same
-        # as the class attributes but wrapped with the ANSI escape sequence
-        for name in dir(self):
-            if not name.startswith('_'):
-                value = getattr(self, name)
-                setattr(self, name, code_to_chars(value))
-class AnsiCursor(object):
-    def UP(self, n=1):
-        return CSI + str(n) + 'A'
-    def DOWN(self, n=1):
-        return CSI + str(n) + 'B'
-    def FORWARD(self, n=1):
-        return CSI + str(n) + 'C'
-    def BACK(self, n=1):
-        return CSI + str(n) + 'D'
-    def POS(self, x=1, y=1):
-        return CSI + str(y) + ';' + str(x) + 'H'
-class AnsiFore(AnsiCodes):
-    BLACK           = 30
-    RED             = 31
-    GREEN           = 32
-    YELLOW          = 33
-    BLUE            = 34
-    MAGENTA         = 35
-    CYAN            = 36
-    WHITE           = 37
-    RESET           = 39
-    # These are fairly well supported, but not part of the standard.
-    LIGHTBLACK_EX   = 90
-    LIGHTRED_EX     = 91
-    LIGHTGREEN_EX   = 92
-    LIGHTBLUE_EX    = 94
-    LIGHTCYAN_EX    = 96
-    LIGHTWHITE_EX   = 97
-class AnsiBack(AnsiCodes):
-    BLACK           = 40
-    RED             = 41
-    GREEN           = 42
-    YELLOW          = 43
-    BLUE            = 44
-    MAGENTA         = 45
-    CYAN            = 46
-    WHITE           = 47
-    RESET           = 49
-    # These are fairly well supported, but not part of the standard.
-    LIGHTBLACK_EX   = 100
-    LIGHTRED_EX     = 101
-    LIGHTGREEN_EX   = 102
-    LIGHTYELLOW_EX  = 103
-    LIGHTBLUE_EX    = 104
-    LIGHTCYAN_EX    = 106
-    LIGHTWHITE_EX   = 107
-class AnsiStyle(AnsiCodes):
-    BRIGHT    = 1
-    DIM       = 2
-    NORMAL    = 22
-    RESET_ALL = 0
-Fore   = AnsiFore()
-Back   = AnsiBack()
-Style  = AnsiStyle()
-Cursor = AnsiCursor()
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deleted file mode 100644
index b7ff6f2..0000000
--- a/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/colorama/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,236 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright Jonathan Hartley 2013. BSD 3-Clause license, see LICENSE file.
-import re
-import sys
-import os
-from .ansi import AnsiFore, AnsiBack, AnsiStyle, Style
-from .winterm import WinTerm, WinColor, WinStyle
-from .win32 import windll, winapi_test
-winterm = None
-if windll is not None:
-    winterm = WinTerm()
-def is_stream_closed(stream):
-    return not hasattr(stream, 'closed') or stream.closed
-def is_a_tty(stream):
-    return hasattr(stream, 'isatty') and stream.isatty()
-class StreamWrapper(object):
-    '''
-    Wraps a stream (such as stdout), acting as a transparent proxy for all
-    attribute access apart from method 'write()', which is delegated to our
-    Converter instance.
-    '''
-    def __init__(self, wrapped, converter):
-        # double-underscore everything to prevent clashes with names of
-        # attributes on the wrapped stream object.
-        self.__wrapped = wrapped
-        self.__convertor = converter
-    def __getattr__(self, name):
-        return getattr(self.__wrapped, name)
-    def write(self, text):
-        self.__convertor.write(text)
-class AnsiToWin32(object):
-    '''
-    Implements a 'write()' method which, on Windows, will strip ANSI character
-    sequences from the text, and if outputting to a tty, will convert them into
-    win32 function calls.
-    '''
-    ANSI_CSI_RE = re.compile('\001?\033\[((?:\d|;)*)([a-zA-Z])\002?')     # Control Sequence Introducer
-    ANSI_OSC_RE = re.compile('\001?\033\]((?:.|;)*?)(\x07)\002?')         # Operating System Command
-    def __init__(self, wrapped, convert=None, strip=None, autoreset=False):
-        # The wrapped stream (normally sys.stdout or sys.stderr)
-        self.wrapped = wrapped
-        # should we reset colors to defaults after every .write()
-        self.autoreset = autoreset
-        # create the proxy wrapping our output stream
- = StreamWrapper(wrapped, self)
-        on_windows = == 'nt'
-        # We test if the WinAPI works, because even if we are on Windows
-        # we may be using a terminal that doesn't support the WinAPI
-        # (e.g. Cygwin Terminal). In this case it's up to the terminal
-        # to support the ANSI codes.
-        conversion_supported = on_windows and winapi_test()
-        # should we strip ANSI sequences from our output?
-        if strip is None:
-            strip = conversion_supported or (not is_stream_closed(wrapped) and not is_a_tty(wrapped))
-        self.strip = strip
-        # should we should convert ANSI sequences into win32 calls?
-        if convert is None:
-            convert = conversion_supported and not is_stream_closed(wrapped) and is_a_tty(wrapped)
-        self.convert = convert
-        # dict of ansi codes to win32 functions and parameters
-        self.win32_calls = self.get_win32_calls()
-        # are we wrapping stderr?
-        self.on_stderr = self.wrapped is sys.stderr
-    def should_wrap(self):
-        '''
-        True if this class is actually needed. If false, then the output
-        stream will not be affected, nor will win32 calls be issued, so
-        wrapping stdout is not actually required. This will generally be
-        False on non-Windows platforms, unless optional functionality like
-        autoreset has been requested using kwargs to init()
-        '''
-        return self.convert or self.strip or self.autoreset
-    def get_win32_calls(self):
-        if self.convert and winterm:
-            return {
-                AnsiStyle.RESET_ALL: (winterm.reset_all, ),
-                AnsiStyle.BRIGHT: (, WinStyle.BRIGHT),
-                AnsiStyle.DIM: (, WinStyle.NORMAL),
-                AnsiStyle.NORMAL: (, WinStyle.NORMAL),
-                AnsiFore.BLACK: (winterm.fore, WinColor.BLACK),
-                AnsiFore.RED: (winterm.fore, WinColor.RED),
-                AnsiFore.GREEN: (winterm.fore, WinColor.GREEN),
-                AnsiFore.YELLOW: (winterm.fore, WinColor.YELLOW),
-                AnsiFore.BLUE: (winterm.fore, WinColor.BLUE),
-                AnsiFore.MAGENTA: (winterm.fore, WinColor.MAGENTA),
-                AnsiFore.CYAN: (winterm.fore, WinColor.CYAN),
-                AnsiFore.WHITE: (winterm.fore, WinColor.GREY),
-                AnsiFore.RESET: (winterm.fore, ),
-                AnsiFore.LIGHTBLACK_EX: (winterm.fore, WinColor.BLACK, True),
-                AnsiFore.LIGHTRED_EX: (winterm.fore, WinColor.RED, True),
-                AnsiFore.LIGHTGREEN_EX: (winterm.fore, WinColor.GREEN, True),
-                AnsiFore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX: (winterm.fore, WinColor.YELLOW, True),
-                AnsiFore.LIGHTBLUE_EX: (winterm.fore, WinColor.BLUE, True),
-                AnsiFore.LIGHTMAGENTA_EX: (winterm.fore, WinColor.MAGENTA, True),
-                AnsiFore.LIGHTCYAN_EX: (winterm.fore, WinColor.CYAN, True),
-                AnsiFore.LIGHTWHITE_EX: (winterm.fore, WinColor.GREY, True),
-                AnsiBack.BLACK: (winterm.back, WinColor.BLACK),
-                AnsiBack.RED: (winterm.back, WinColor.RED),
-                AnsiBack.GREEN: (winterm.back, WinColor.GREEN),
-                AnsiBack.YELLOW: (winterm.back, WinColor.YELLOW),
-                AnsiBack.BLUE: (winterm.back, WinColor.BLUE),
-                AnsiBack.MAGENTA: (winterm.back, WinColor.MAGENTA),
-                AnsiBack.CYAN: (winterm.back, WinColor.CYAN),
-                AnsiBack.WHITE: (winterm.back, WinColor.GREY),
-                AnsiBack.RESET: (winterm.back, ),
-                AnsiBack.LIGHTBLACK_EX: (winterm.back, WinColor.BLACK, True),
-                AnsiBack.LIGHTRED_EX: (winterm.back, WinColor.RED, True),
-                AnsiBack.LIGHTGREEN_EX: (winterm.back, WinColor.GREEN, True),
-                AnsiBack.LIGHTYELLOW_EX: (winterm.back, WinColor.YELLOW, True),
-                AnsiBack.LIGHTBLUE_EX: (winterm.back, WinColor.BLUE, True),
-                AnsiBack.LIGHTMAGENTA_EX: (winterm.back, WinColor.MAGENTA, True),
-                AnsiBack.LIGHTCYAN_EX: (winterm.back, WinColor.CYAN, True),
-                AnsiBack.LIGHTWHITE_EX: (winterm.back, WinColor.GREY, True),
-            }
-        return dict()
-    def write(self, text):
-        if self.strip or self.convert:
-            self.write_and_convert(text)
-        else:
-            self.wrapped.write(text)
-            self.wrapped.flush()
-        if self.autoreset:
-            self.reset_all()
-    def reset_all(self):
-        if self.convert:
-            self.call_win32('m', (0,))
-        elif not self.strip and not is_stream_closed(self.wrapped):
-            self.wrapped.write(Style.RESET_ALL)
-    def write_and_convert(self, text):
-        '''
-        Write the given text to our wrapped stream, stripping any ANSI
-        sequences from the text, and optionally converting them into win32
-        calls.
-        '''
-        cursor = 0
-        text = self.convert_osc(text)
-        for match in self.ANSI_CSI_RE.finditer(text):
-            start, end = match.span()
-            self.write_plain_text(text, cursor, start)
-            self.convert_ansi(*match.groups())
-            cursor = end
-        self.write_plain_text(text, cursor, len(text))
-    def write_plain_text(self, text, start, end):
-        if start < end:
-            self.wrapped.write(text[start:end])
-            self.wrapped.flush()
-    def convert_ansi(self, paramstring, command):
-        if self.convert:
-            params = self.extract_params(command, paramstring)
-            self.call_win32(command, params)
-    def extract_params(self, command, paramstring):
-        if command in 'Hf':
-            params = tuple(int(p) if len(p) != 0 else 1 for p in paramstring.split(';'))
-            while len(params) < 2:
-                # defaults:
-                params = params + (1,)
-        else:
-            params = tuple(int(p) for p in paramstring.split(';') if len(p) != 0)
-            if len(params) == 0:
-                # defaults:
-                if command in 'JKm':
-                    params = (0,)
-                elif command in 'ABCD':
-                    params = (1,)
-        return params
-    def call_win32(self, command, params):
-        if command == 'm':
-            for param in params:
-                if param in self.win32_calls:
-                    func_args = self.win32_calls[param]
-                    func = func_args[0]
-                    args = func_args[1:]
-                    kwargs = dict(on_stderr=self.on_stderr)
-                    func(*args, **kwargs)
-        elif command in 'J':
-            winterm.erase_screen(params[0], on_stderr=self.on_stderr)
-        elif command in 'K':
-            winterm.erase_line(params[0], on_stderr=self.on_stderr)
-        elif command in 'Hf':     # cursor position - absolute
-            winterm.set_cursor_position(params, on_stderr=self.on_stderr)
-        elif command in 'ABCD':   # cursor position - relative
-            n = params[0]
-            # A - up, B - down, C - forward, D - back
-            x, y = {'A': (0, -n), 'B': (0, n), 'C': (n, 0), 'D': (-n, 0)}[command]
-            winterm.cursor_adjust(x, y, on_stderr=self.on_stderr)
-    def convert_osc(self, text):
-        for match in self.ANSI_OSC_RE.finditer(text):
-            start, end = match.span()
-            text = text[:start] + text[end:]
-            paramstring, command = match.groups()
-            if command in '\x07':       # \x07 = BEL
-                params = paramstring.split(";")
-                # 0 - change title and icon (we will only change title)
-                # 1 - change icon (we don't support this)
-                # 2 - change title
-                if params[0] in '02':
-                    winterm.set_title(params[1])
-        return text
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deleted file mode 100644
index 834962a..0000000
--- a/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/colorama/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright Jonathan Hartley 2013. BSD 3-Clause license, see LICENSE file.
-import atexit
-import contextlib
-import sys
-from .ansitowin32 import AnsiToWin32
-orig_stdout = None
-orig_stderr = None
-wrapped_stdout = None
-wrapped_stderr = None
-atexit_done = False
-def reset_all():
-    if AnsiToWin32 is not None:    # Issue #74: objects might become None at exit
-        AnsiToWin32(orig_stdout).reset_all()
-def init(autoreset=False, convert=None, strip=None, wrap=True):
-    if not wrap and any([autoreset, convert, strip]):
-        raise ValueError('wrap=False conflicts with any other arg=True')
-    global wrapped_stdout, wrapped_stderr
-    global orig_stdout, orig_stderr
-    orig_stdout = sys.stdout
-    orig_stderr = sys.stderr
-    if sys.stdout is None:
-        wrapped_stdout = None
-    else:
-        sys.stdout = wrapped_stdout = \
-            wrap_stream(orig_stdout, convert, strip, autoreset, wrap)
-    if sys.stderr is None:
-        wrapped_stderr = None
-    else:
-        sys.stderr = wrapped_stderr = \
-            wrap_stream(orig_stderr, convert, strip, autoreset, wrap)
-    global atexit_done
-    if not atexit_done:
-        atexit.register(reset_all)
-        atexit_done = True
-def deinit():
-    if orig_stdout is not None:
-        sys.stdout = orig_stdout
-    if orig_stderr is not None:
-        sys.stderr = orig_stderr
-def colorama_text(*args, **kwargs):
-    init(*args, **kwargs)
-    try:
-        yield
-    finally:
-        deinit()
-def reinit():
-    if wrapped_stdout is not None:
-        sys.stdout = wrapped_stdout
-    if wrapped_stderr is not None:
-        sys.stderr = wrapped_stderr
-def wrap_stream(stream, convert, strip, autoreset, wrap):
-    if wrap:
-        wrapper = AnsiToWin32(stream,
-            convert=convert, strip=strip, autoreset=autoreset)
-        if wrapper.should_wrap():
-            stream =
-    return stream
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deleted file mode 100644
index 3d1d2f2..0000000
--- a/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/colorama/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright Jonathan Hartley 2013. BSD 3-Clause license, see LICENSE file.
-# from winbase.h
-STDOUT = -11
-STDERR = -12
-    import ctypes
-    from ctypes import LibraryLoader
-    windll = LibraryLoader(ctypes.WinDLL)
-    from ctypes import wintypes
-except (AttributeError, ImportError):
-    windll = None
-    SetConsoleTextAttribute = lambda *_: None
-    winapi_test = lambda *_: None
-    from ctypes import byref, Structure, c_char, POINTER
-    COORD = wintypes._COORD
-    class CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO(Structure):
-        """struct in wincon.h."""
-        _fields_ = [
-            ("dwSize", COORD),
-            ("dwCursorPosition", COORD),
-            ("wAttributes", wintypes.WORD),
-            ("srWindow", wintypes.SMALL_RECT),
-            ("dwMaximumWindowSize", COORD),
-        ]
-        def __str__(self):
-            return '(%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d)' % (
-                self.dwSize.Y, self.dwSize.X
-                , self.dwCursorPosition.Y, self.dwCursorPosition.X
-                , self.wAttributes
-                , self.srWindow.Top, self.srWindow.Left, self.srWindow.Bottom, self.srWindow.Right
-                , self.dwMaximumWindowSize.Y, self.dwMaximumWindowSize.X
-            )
-    _GetStdHandle = windll.kernel32.GetStdHandle
-    _GetStdHandle.argtypes = [
-        wintypes.DWORD,
-    ]
-    _GetStdHandle.restype = wintypes.HANDLE
-    _GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo = windll.kernel32.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo
-    _GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo.argtypes = [
-        wintypes.HANDLE,
-    ]
-    _GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo.restype = wintypes.BOOL
-    _SetConsoleTextAttribute = windll.kernel32.SetConsoleTextAttribute
-    _SetConsoleTextAttribute.argtypes = [
-        wintypes.HANDLE,
-        wintypes.WORD,
-    ]
-    _SetConsoleTextAttribute.restype = wintypes.BOOL
-    _SetConsoleCursorPosition = windll.kernel32.SetConsoleCursorPosition
-    _SetConsoleCursorPosition.argtypes = [
-        wintypes.HANDLE,
-        COORD,
-    ]
-    _SetConsoleCursorPosition.restype = wintypes.BOOL
-    _FillConsoleOutputCharacterA = windll.kernel32.FillConsoleOutputCharacterA
-    _FillConsoleOutputCharacterA.argtypes = [
-        wintypes.HANDLE,
-        c_char,
-        wintypes.DWORD,
-        COORD,
-        POINTER(wintypes.DWORD),
-    ]
-    _FillConsoleOutputCharacterA.restype = wintypes.BOOL
-    _FillConsoleOutputAttribute = windll.kernel32.FillConsoleOutputAttribute
-    _FillConsoleOutputAttribute.argtypes = [
-        wintypes.HANDLE,
-        wintypes.WORD,
-        wintypes.DWORD,
-        COORD,
-        POINTER(wintypes.DWORD),
-    ]
-    _FillConsoleOutputAttribute.restype = wintypes.BOOL
-    _SetConsoleTitleW = windll.kernel32.SetConsoleTitleA
-    _SetConsoleTitleW.argtypes = [
-        wintypes.LPCSTR
-    ]
-    _SetConsoleTitleW.restype = wintypes.BOOL
-    handles = {
-        STDOUT: _GetStdHandle(STDOUT),
-        STDERR: _GetStdHandle(STDERR),
-    }
-    def winapi_test():
-        handle = handles[STDOUT]
-        success = _GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(
-            handle, byref(csbi))
-        return bool(success)
-    def GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(stream_id=STDOUT):
-        handle = handles[stream_id]
-        success = _GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(
-            handle, byref(csbi))
-        return csbi
-    def SetConsoleTextAttribute(stream_id, attrs):
-        handle = handles[stream_id]
-        return _SetConsoleTextAttribute(handle, attrs)
-    def SetConsoleCursorPosition(stream_id, position, adjust=True):
-        position = COORD(*position)
-        # If the position is out of range, do nothing.
-        if position.Y <= 0 or position.X <= 0:
-            return
-        # Adjust for Windows' SetConsoleCursorPosition:
-        #    1. being 0-based, while ANSI is 1-based.
-        #    2. expecting (x,y), while ANSI uses (y,x).
-        adjusted_position = COORD(position.Y - 1, position.X - 1)
-        if adjust:
-            # Adjust for viewport's scroll position
-            sr = GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(STDOUT).srWindow
-            adjusted_position.Y += sr.Top
-            adjusted_position.X += sr.Left
-        # Resume normal processing
-        handle = handles[stream_id]
-        return _SetConsoleCursorPosition(handle, adjusted_position)
-    def FillConsoleOutputCharacter(stream_id, char, length, start):
-        handle = handles[stream_id]
-        char = c_char(char.encode())
-        length = wintypes.DWORD(length)
-        num_written = wintypes.DWORD(0)
-        # Note that this is hard-coded for ANSI (vs wide) bytes.
-        success = _FillConsoleOutputCharacterA(
-            handle, char, length, start, byref(num_written))
-        return num_written.value
-    def FillConsoleOutputAttribute(stream_id, attr, length, start):
-        ''' FillConsoleOutputAttribute( hConsole, csbi.wAttributes, dwConSize, coordScreen, &cCharsWritten )'''
-        handle = handles[stream_id]
-        attribute = wintypes.WORD(attr)
-        length = wintypes.DWORD(length)
-        num_written = wintypes.DWORD(0)
-        # Note that this is hard-coded for ANSI (vs wide) bytes.
-        return _FillConsoleOutputAttribute(
-            handle, attribute, length, start, byref(num_written))
-    def SetConsoleTitle(title):
-        return _SetConsoleTitleW(title)
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index 60309d3..0000000
--- a/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/colorama/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright Jonathan Hartley 2013. BSD 3-Clause license, see LICENSE file.
-from . import win32
-# from wincon.h
-class WinColor(object):
-    BLACK   = 0
-    BLUE    = 1
-    GREEN   = 2
-    CYAN    = 3
-    RED     = 4
-    MAGENTA = 5
-    YELLOW  = 6
-    GREY    = 7
-# from wincon.h
-class WinStyle(object):
-    NORMAL              = 0x00 # dim text, dim background
-    BRIGHT              = 0x08 # bright text, dim background
-    BRIGHT_BACKGROUND   = 0x80 # dim text, bright background
-class WinTerm(object):
-    def __init__(self):
-        self._default = win32.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(win32.STDOUT).wAttributes
-        self.set_attrs(self._default)
-        self._default_fore = self._fore
-        self._default_back = self._back
-        self._default_style = self._style
-        # In order to emulate LIGHT_EX in windows, we borrow the BRIGHT style.
-        # So that LIGHT_EX colors and BRIGHT style do not clobber each other,
-        # we track them separately, since LIGHT_EX is overwritten by Fore/Back
-        # and BRIGHT is overwritten by Style codes.
-        self._light = 0
-    def get_attrs(self):
-        return self._fore + self._back * 16 + (self._style | self._light)
-    def set_attrs(self, value):
-        self._fore = value & 7
-        self._back = (value >> 4) & 7
-        self._style = value & (WinStyle.BRIGHT | WinStyle.BRIGHT_BACKGROUND)
-    def reset_all(self, on_stderr=None):
-        self.set_attrs(self._default)
-        self.set_console(attrs=self._default)
-    def fore(self, fore=None, light=False, on_stderr=False):
-        if fore is None:
-            fore = self._default_fore
-        self._fore = fore
-        # Emulate LIGHT_EX with BRIGHT Style
-        if light:
-            self._light |= WinStyle.BRIGHT
-        else:
-            self._light &= ~WinStyle.BRIGHT
-        self.set_console(on_stderr=on_stderr)
-    def back(self, back=None, light=False, on_stderr=False):
-        if back is None:
-            back = self._default_back
-        self._back = back
-        # Emulate LIGHT_EX with BRIGHT_BACKGROUND Style
-        if light:
-            self._light |= WinStyle.BRIGHT_BACKGROUND
-        else:
-            self._light &= ~WinStyle.BRIGHT_BACKGROUND
-        self.set_console(on_stderr=on_stderr)
-    def style(self, style=None, on_stderr=False):
-        if style is None:
-            style = self._default_style
-        self._style = style
-        self.set_console(on_stderr=on_stderr)
-    def set_console(self, attrs=None, on_stderr=False):
-        if attrs is None:
-            attrs = self.get_attrs()
-        handle = win32.STDOUT
-        if on_stderr:
-            handle = win32.STDERR
-        win32.SetConsoleTextAttribute(handle, attrs)
-    def get_position(self, handle):
-        position = win32.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(handle).dwCursorPosition
-        # Because Windows coordinates are 0-based,
-        # and win32.SetConsoleCursorPosition expects 1-based.
-        position.X += 1
-        position.Y += 1
-        return position
-    def set_cursor_position(self, position=None, on_stderr=False):
-        if position is None:
-            # I'm not currently tracking the position, so there is no default.
-            # position = self.get_position()
-            return
-        handle = win32.STDOUT
-        if on_stderr:
-            handle = win32.STDERR
-        win32.SetConsoleCursorPosition(handle, position)
-    def cursor_adjust(self, x, y, on_stderr=False):
-        handle = win32.STDOUT
-        if on_stderr:
-            handle = win32.STDERR
-        position = self.get_position(handle)
-        adjusted_position = (position.Y + y, position.X + x)
-        win32.SetConsoleCursorPosition(handle, adjusted_position, adjust=False)
-    def erase_screen(self, mode=0, on_stderr=False):
-        # 0 should clear from the cursor to the end of the screen.
-        # 1 should clear from the cursor to the beginning of the screen.
-        # 2 should clear the entire screen, and move cursor to (1,1)
-        handle = win32.STDOUT
-        if on_stderr:
-            handle = win32.STDERR
-        csbi = win32.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(handle)
-        # get the number of character cells in the current buffer
-        cells_in_screen = csbi.dwSize.X * csbi.dwSize.Y
-        # get number of character cells before current cursor position
-        cells_before_cursor = csbi.dwSize.X * csbi.dwCursorPosition.Y + csbi.dwCursorPosition.X
-        if mode == 0:
-            from_coord = csbi.dwCursorPosition
-            cells_to_erase = cells_in_screen - cells_before_cursor
-        if mode == 1:
-            from_coord = win32.COORD(0, 0)
-            cells_to_erase = cells_before_cursor
-        elif mode == 2:
-            from_coord = win32.COORD(0, 0)
-            cells_to_erase = cells_in_screen
-        # fill the entire screen with blanks
-        win32.FillConsoleOutputCharacter(handle, ' ', cells_to_erase, from_coord)
-        # now set the buffer's attributes accordingly
-        win32.FillConsoleOutputAttribute(handle, self.get_attrs(), cells_to_erase, from_coord)
-        if mode == 2:
-            # put the cursor where needed
-            win32.SetConsoleCursorPosition(handle, (1, 1))
-    def erase_line(self, mode=0, on_stderr=False):
-        # 0 should clear from the cursor to the end of the line.
-        # 1 should clear from the cursor to the beginning of the line.
-        # 2 should clear the entire line.
-        handle = win32.STDOUT
-        if on_stderr:
-            handle = win32.STDERR
-        csbi = win32.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(handle)
-        if mode == 0:
-            from_coord = csbi.dwCursorPosition
-            cells_to_erase = csbi.dwSize.X - csbi.dwCursorPosition.X
-        if mode == 1:
-            from_coord = win32.COORD(0, csbi.dwCursorPosition.Y)
-            cells_to_erase = csbi.dwCursorPosition.X
-        elif mode == 2:
-            from_coord = win32.COORD(0, csbi.dwCursorPosition.Y)
-            cells_to_erase = csbi.dwSize.X
-        # fill the entire screen with blanks
-        win32.FillConsoleOutputCharacter(handle, ' ', cells_to_erase, from_coord)
-        # now set the buffer's attributes accordingly
-        win32.FillConsoleOutputAttribute(handle, self.get_attrs(), cells_to_erase, from_coord)
-    def set_title(self, title):
-        win32.SetConsoleTitle(title)
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deleted file mode 100644
index d186b0a..0000000
--- a/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Vinay Sajip.
-# Licensed to the Python Software Foundation under a contributor agreement.
-# See LICENSE.txt and CONTRIBUTORS.txt.
-import logging
-__version__ = '0.2.4'
-class DistlibException(Exception):
-    pass
-    from logging import NullHandler
-except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
-    class NullHandler(logging.Handler):
-        def handle(self, record): pass
-        def emit(self, record): pass
-        def createLock(self): self.lock = None
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
diff --git a/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/_backport/ b/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/_backport/
deleted file mode 100644
index f7dbf4c..0000000
--- a/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/_backport/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-"""Modules copied from Python 3 standard libraries, for internal use only.
-Individual classes and functions are found in d2._backport.misc.  Intended
-usage is to always import things missing from 3.1 from that module: the
-built-in/stdlib objects will be used if found.
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deleted file mode 100644
index cfb318d..0000000
--- a/env2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pip/_vendor/distlib/_backport/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (C) 2012 The Python Software Foundation.
-# See LICENSE.txt and CONTRIBUTORS.txt.
-"""Backports for individual classes and functions."""
-import os
-import sys
-__all__ = ['cache_from_source', 'callable', 'fsencode']
-    from imp import cache_from_source
-except ImportError:
-    def cache_from_source(py_file, debug=__debug__):
-        ext = debug and 'c' or 'o'
-        return py_file + ext
-    callable = callable
-except NameError:
-    from collections import Callable
-    def callable(obj):
-        return isinstance(obj, Callable)
-    fsencode = os.fsencode
-except AttributeError:
-    def fsencode(filename):
-        if isinstance(filename, bytes):
-            return filename
-        elif isinstance(filename, str):
-            return filename.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())
-        else:
-            raise TypeError("expect bytes or str, not %s" %
-                            type(filename).__name__)