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Posted to by Marie Nedich <> on 2015/08/20 03:42:45 UTC

Clubhouse recording and notes from August 18th


Thanks all for attending yesterday's clubhouse. Below are the topics that
were discussed and you can find the recording on the Apache Geode YouTube

Apache Geode Clubhouse Topics August 18th

1. Build Process  -> Anthony to post JIRA about dependencies in build
Build process
  Test is running forever and with a lot of timeouts/delays
  Process has hardcoded Dependencies
  (Open a new JIRA for gradle properties for dependencies version)
  Overall speed
  Update instructions to remove tests on build (gradle build
    - installDist
    - publish to local maven

2. JSON performance bug (GEODE-225) - GEODE-226 - date format
  JSON performance problem
    ObjectMapper - Supposed to be shared object

3. Updating JGroups (GEODE-77)
    Removing multicast discovery
    On wire protocol changes will break backward compatibility
    Updating JGroups versions will break backward compatibility

4. Package name change gemstone to org.apache (GEODE-37)
  Repackaging will happen before first release
  GemFire customers will need some alternative

5. Apache Zeppelin (ZEPPELIN-189)

6. Random member names (GEODE-182)
  Some concerns around current scripts, but nothing major.

7. Java Language Level (bump to 8 ?)
  Users that joined the meeting

8. How to make automated build stable
  Nightly build stability
  Random failures of Redis tests and some other DUnits.
  From Nitin:
    Nitin: com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.NanoTimer2JUnitTest.testReset
    Nitin: Here's another one:

9.  Alternate next Geode Clubhouse to 6PM PST for Asia-based Contributors?
 Will try to schedule the next roundtable clubhouse for 6 or 7PM PDT

On the chat:

Discussions around Unsafe deprecation on JDK 9
Concerns around PDX and Off-heap implementation
