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[49/54] [partial] incubator-mynewt-newtmgr git commit: revendor
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index b09bb03..0000000
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-package text
-import (
-	"bytes"
-	"math"
-var (
-	nl = []byte{'\n'}
-	sp = []byte{' '}
-const defaultPenalty = 1e5
-// Wrap wraps s into a paragraph of lines of length lim, with minimal
-// raggedness.
-func Wrap(s string, lim int) string {
-	return string(WrapBytes([]byte(s), lim))
-// WrapBytes wraps b into a paragraph of lines of length lim, with minimal
-// raggedness.
-func WrapBytes(b []byte, lim int) []byte {
-	words := bytes.Split(bytes.Replace(bytes.TrimSpace(b), nl, sp, -1), sp)
-	var lines [][]byte
-	for _, line := range WrapWords(words, 1, lim, defaultPenalty) {
-		lines = append(lines, bytes.Join(line, sp))
-	}
-	return bytes.Join(lines, nl)
-// WrapWords is the low-level line-breaking algorithm, useful if you need more
-// control over the details of the text wrapping process. For most uses, either
-// Wrap or WrapBytes will be sufficient and more convenient.
-// WrapWords splits a list of words into lines with minimal "raggedness",
-// treating each byte as one unit, accounting for spc units between adjacent
-// words on each line, and attempting to limit lines to lim units. Raggedness
-// is the total error over all lines, where error is the square of the
-// difference of the length of the line and lim. Too-long lines (which only
-// happen when a single word is longer than lim units) have pen penalty units
-// added to the error.
-func WrapWords(words [][]byte, spc, lim, pen int) [][][]byte {
-	n := len(words)
-	length := make([][]int, n)
-	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
-		length[i] = make([]int, n)
-		length[i][i] = len(words[i])
-		for j := i + 1; j < n; j++ {
-			length[i][j] = length[i][j-1] + spc + len(words[j])
-		}
-	}
-	nbrk := make([]int, n)
-	cost := make([]int, n)
-	for i := range cost {
-		cost[i] = math.MaxInt32
-	}
-	for i := n - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
-		if length[i][n-1] <= lim || i == n-1 {
-			cost[i] = 0
-			nbrk[i] = n
-		} else {
-			for j := i + 1; j < n; j++ {
-				d := lim - length[i][j-1]
-				c := d*d + cost[j]
-				if length[i][j-1] > lim {
-					c += pen // too-long lines get a worse penalty
-				}
-				if c < cost[i] {
-					cost[i] = c
-					nbrk[i] = j
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	var lines [][][]byte
-	i := 0
-	for i < n {
-		lines = append(lines, words[i:nbrk[i]])
-		i = nbrk[i]
-	}
-	return lines
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-The MIT License (MIT)
-Copyright (c) 2013 Mitchell Hashimoto
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
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-# go-homedir
-This is a Go library for detecting the user's home directory without
-the use of cgo, so the library can be used in cross-compilation environments.
-Usage is incredibly simple, just call `homedir.Dir()` to get the home directory
-for a user, and `homedir.Expand()` to expand the `~` in a path to the home
-**Why not just use `os/user`?** The built-in `os/user` package requires
-cgo on Darwin systems. This means that any Go code that uses that package
-cannot cross compile. But 99% of the time the use for `os/user` is just to
-retrieve the home directory, which we can do for the current user without
-cgo. This library does that, enabling cross-compilation.
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-package homedir
-import (
-	"bytes"
-	"errors"
-	"os"
-	"os/exec"
-	"path/filepath"
-	"runtime"
-	"strconv"
-	"strings"
-	"sync"
-// DisableCache will disable caching of the home directory. Caching is enabled
-// by default.
-var DisableCache bool
-var homedirCache string
-var cacheLock sync.RWMutex
-// Dir returns the home directory for the executing user.
-// This uses an OS-specific method for discovering the home directory.
-// An error is returned if a home directory cannot be detected.
-func Dir() (string, error) {
-	if !DisableCache {
-		cacheLock.RLock()
-		cached := homedirCache
-		cacheLock.RUnlock()
-		if cached != "" {
-			return cached, nil
-		}
-	}
-	cacheLock.Lock()
-	defer cacheLock.Unlock()
-	var result string
-	var err error
-	if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
-		result, err = dirWindows()
-	} else {
-		// Unix-like system, so just assume Unix
-		result, err = dirUnix()
-	}
-	if err != nil {
-		return "", err
-	}
-	homedirCache = result
-	return result, nil
-// Expand expands the path to include the home directory if the path
-// is prefixed with `~`. If it isn't prefixed with `~`, the path is
-// returned as-is.
-func Expand(path string) (string, error) {
-	if len(path) == 0 {
-		return path, nil
-	}
-	if path[0] != '~' {
-		return path, nil
-	}
-	if len(path) > 1 && path[1] != '/' && path[1] != '\\' {
-		return "", errors.New("cannot expand user-specific home dir")
-	}
-	dir, err := Dir()
-	if err != nil {
-		return "", err
-	}
-	return filepath.Join(dir, path[1:]), nil
-func dirUnix() (string, error) {
-	// First prefer the HOME environmental variable
-	if home := os.Getenv("HOME"); home != "" {
-		return home, nil
-	}
-	// If that fails, try getent
-	var stdout bytes.Buffer
-	cmd := exec.Command("getent", "passwd", strconv.Itoa(os.Getuid()))
-	cmd.Stdout = &stdout
-	if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
-		// If the error is ErrNotFound, we ignore it. Otherwise, return it.
-		if err != exec.ErrNotFound {
-			return "", err
-		}
-	} else {
-		if passwd := strings.TrimSpace(stdout.String()); passwd != "" {
-			// username:password:uid:gid:gecos:home:shell
-			passwdParts := strings.SplitN(passwd, ":", 7)
-			if len(passwdParts) > 5 {
-				return passwdParts[5], nil
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	// If all else fails, try the shell
-	stdout.Reset()
-	cmd = exec.Command("sh", "-c", "cd && pwd")
-	cmd.Stdout = &stdout
-	if err := cmd.Run(); err != nil {
-		return "", err
-	}
-	result := strings.TrimSpace(stdout.String())
-	if result == "" {
-		return "", errors.New("blank output when reading home directory")
-	}
-	return result, nil
-func dirWindows() (string, error) {
-	// First prefer the HOME environmental variable
-	if home := os.Getenv("HOME"); home != "" {
-		return home, nil
-	}
-	drive := os.Getenv("HOMEDRIVE")
-	path := os.Getenv("HOMEPATH")
-	home := drive + path
-	if drive == "" || path == "" {
-		home = os.Getenv("USERPROFILE")
-	}
-	if home == "" {
-		return "", errors.New("HOMEDRIVE, HOMEPATH, and USERPROFILE are blank")
-	}
-	return home, nil
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-language: go 
-  - 1.4
-  - go test
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-The MIT License (MIT)
-Copyright (c) 2013 Mitchell Hashimoto
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
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-# mapstructure
-mapstructure is a Go library for decoding generic map values to structures
-and vice versa, while providing helpful error handling.
-This library is most useful when decoding values from some data stream (JSON,
-Gob, etc.) where you don't _quite_ know the structure of the underlying data
-until you read a part of it. You can therefore read a `map[string]interface{}`
-and use this library to decode it into the proper underlying native Go
-## Installation
-Standard `go get`:
-$ go get
-## Usage & Example
-For usage and examples see the [Godoc](
-The `Decode` function has examples associated with it there.
-## But Why?!
-Go offers fantastic standard libraries for decoding formats such as JSON.
-The standard method is to have a struct pre-created, and populate that struct
-from the bytes of the encoded format. This is great, but the problem is if
-you have configuration or an encoding that changes slightly depending on
-specific fields. For example, consider this JSON:
-  "type": "person",
-  "name": "Mitchell"
-Perhaps we can't populate a specific structure without first reading
-the "type" field from the JSON. We could always do two passes over the
-decoding of the JSON (reading the "type" first, and the rest later).
-However, it is much simpler to just decode this into a `map[string]interface{}`
-structure, read the "type" key, then use something like this library
-to decode it into the proper structure.
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-package mapstructure
-import (
-	"errors"
-	"reflect"
-	"strconv"
-	"strings"
-	"time"
-// typedDecodeHook takes a raw DecodeHookFunc (an interface{}) and turns
-// it into the proper DecodeHookFunc type, such as DecodeHookFuncType.
-func typedDecodeHook(h DecodeHookFunc) DecodeHookFunc {
-	// Create variables here so we can reference them with the reflect pkg
-	var f1 DecodeHookFuncType
-	var f2 DecodeHookFuncKind
-	// Fill in the variables into this interface and the rest is done
-	// automatically using the reflect package.
-	potential := []interface{}{f1, f2}
-	v := reflect.ValueOf(h)
-	vt := v.Type()
-	for _, raw := range potential {
-		pt := reflect.ValueOf(raw).Type()
-		if vt.ConvertibleTo(pt) {
-			return v.Convert(pt).Interface()
-		}
-	}
-	return nil
-// DecodeHookExec executes the given decode hook. This should be used
-// since it'll naturally degrade to the older backwards compatible DecodeHookFunc
-// that took reflect.Kind instead of reflect.Type.
-func DecodeHookExec(
-	raw DecodeHookFunc,
-	from reflect.Type, to reflect.Type,
-	data interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
-	// Build our arguments that reflect expects
-	argVals := make([]reflect.Value, 3)
-	argVals[0] = reflect.ValueOf(from)
-	argVals[1] = reflect.ValueOf(to)
-	argVals[2] = reflect.ValueOf(data)
-	switch f := typedDecodeHook(raw).(type) {
-	case DecodeHookFuncType:
-		return f(from, to, data)
-	case DecodeHookFuncKind:
-		return f(from.Kind(), to.Kind(), data)
-	default:
-		return nil, errors.New("invalid decode hook signature")
-	}
-// ComposeDecodeHookFunc creates a single DecodeHookFunc that
-// automatically composes multiple DecodeHookFuncs.
-// The composed funcs are called in order, with the result of the
-// previous transformation.
-func ComposeDecodeHookFunc(fs ...DecodeHookFunc) DecodeHookFunc {
-	return func(
-		f reflect.Type,
-		t reflect.Type,
-		data interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
-		var err error
-		for _, f1 := range fs {
-			data, err = DecodeHookExec(f1, f, t, data)
-			if err != nil {
-				return nil, err
-			}
-			// Modify the from kind to be correct with the new data
-			f = nil
-			if val := reflect.ValueOf(data); val.IsValid() {
-				f = val.Type()
-			}
-		}
-		return data, nil
-	}
-// StringToSliceHookFunc returns a DecodeHookFunc that converts
-// string to []string by splitting on the given sep.
-func StringToSliceHookFunc(sep string) DecodeHookFunc {
-	return func(
-		f reflect.Kind,
-		t reflect.Kind,
-		data interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
-		if f != reflect.String || t != reflect.Slice {
-			return data, nil
-		}
-		raw := data.(string)
-		if raw == "" {
-			return []string{}, nil
-		}
-		return strings.Split(raw, sep), nil
-	}
-// StringToTimeDurationHookFunc returns a DecodeHookFunc that converts
-// strings to time.Duration.
-func StringToTimeDurationHookFunc() DecodeHookFunc {
-	return func(
-		f reflect.Type,
-		t reflect.Type,
-		data interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
-		if f.Kind() != reflect.String {
-			return data, nil
-		}
-		if t != reflect.TypeOf(time.Duration(5)) {
-			return data, nil
-		}
-		// Convert it by parsing
-		return time.ParseDuration(data.(string))
-	}
-func WeaklyTypedHook(
-	f reflect.Kind,
-	t reflect.Kind,
-	data interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
-	dataVal := reflect.ValueOf(data)
-	switch t {
-	case reflect.String:
-		switch f {
-		case reflect.Bool:
-			if dataVal.Bool() {
-				return "1", nil
-			} else {
-				return "0", nil
-			}
-		case reflect.Float32:
-			return strconv.FormatFloat(dataVal.Float(), 'f', -1, 64), nil
-		case reflect.Int:
-			return strconv.FormatInt(dataVal.Int(), 10), nil
-		case reflect.Slice:
-			dataType := dataVal.Type()
-			elemKind := dataType.Elem().Kind()
-			if elemKind == reflect.Uint8 {
-				return string(dataVal.Interface().([]uint8)), nil
-			}
-		case reflect.Uint:
-			return strconv.FormatUint(dataVal.Uint(), 10), nil
-		}
-	}
-	return data, nil
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index 47a99e5..0000000
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-package mapstructure
-import (
-	"errors"
-	"fmt"
-	"sort"
-	"strings"
-// Error implements the error interface and can represents multiple
-// errors that occur in the course of a single decode.
-type Error struct {
-	Errors []string
-func (e *Error) Error() string {
-	points := make([]string, len(e.Errors))
-	for i, err := range e.Errors {
-		points[i] = fmt.Sprintf("* %s", err)
-	}
-	sort.Strings(points)
-	return fmt.Sprintf(
-		"%d error(s) decoding:\n\n%s",
-		len(e.Errors), strings.Join(points, "\n"))
-// WrappedErrors implements the errwrap.Wrapper interface to make this
-// return value more useful with the errwrap and go-multierror libraries.
-func (e *Error) WrappedErrors() []error {
-	if e == nil {
-		return nil
-	}
-	result := make([]error, len(e.Errors))
-	for i, e := range e.Errors {
-		result[i] = errors.New(e)
-	}
-	return result
-func appendErrors(errors []string, err error) []string {
-	switch e := err.(type) {
-	case *Error:
-		return append(errors, e.Errors...)
-	default:
-		return append(errors, e.Error())
-	}
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-// The mapstructure package exposes functionality to convert an
-// arbitrary map[string]interface{} into a native Go structure.
-// The Go structure can be arbitrarily complex, containing slices,
-// other structs, etc. and the decoder will properly decode nested
-// maps and so on into the proper structures in the native Go struct.
-// See the examples to see what the decoder is capable of.
-package mapstructure
-import (
-	"encoding/json"
-	"errors"
-	"fmt"
-	"reflect"
-	"sort"
-	"strconv"
-	"strings"
-// DecodeHookFunc is the callback function that can be used for
-// data transformations. See "DecodeHook" in the DecoderConfig
-// struct.
-// The type should be DecodeHookFuncType or DecodeHookFuncKind.
-// Either is accepted. Types are a superset of Kinds (Types can return
-// Kinds) and are generally a richer thing to use, but Kinds are simpler
-// if you only need those.
-// The reason DecodeHookFunc is multi-typed is for backwards compatibility:
-// we started with Kinds and then realized Types were the better solution,
-// but have a promise to not break backwards compat so we now support
-// both.
-type DecodeHookFunc interface{}
-type DecodeHookFuncType func(reflect.Type, reflect.Type, interface{}) (interface{}, error)
-type DecodeHookFuncKind func(reflect.Kind, reflect.Kind, interface{}) (interface{}, error)
-// DecoderConfig is the configuration that is used to create a new decoder
-// and allows customization of various aspects of decoding.
-type DecoderConfig struct {
-	// DecodeHook, if set, will be called before any decoding and any
-	// type conversion (if WeaklyTypedInput is on). This lets you modify
-	// the values before they're set down onto the resulting struct.
-	//
-	// If an error is returned, the entire decode will fail with that
-	// error.
-	DecodeHook DecodeHookFunc
-	// If ErrorUnused is true, then it is an error for there to exist
-	// keys in the original map that were unused in the decoding process
-	// (extra keys).
-	ErrorUnused bool
-	// ZeroFields, if set to true, will zero fields before writing them.
-	// For example, a map will be emptied before decoded values are put in
-	// it. If this is false, a map will be merged.
-	ZeroFields bool
-	// If WeaklyTypedInput is true, the decoder will make the following
-	// "weak" conversions:
-	//
-	//   - bools to string (true = "1", false = "0")
-	//   - numbers to string (base 10)
-	//   - bools to int/uint (true = 1, false = 0)
-	//   - strings to int/uint (base implied by prefix)
-	//   - int to bool (true if value != 0)
-	//   - string to bool (accepts: 1, t, T, TRUE, true, True, 0, f, F,
-	//     FALSE, false, False. Anything else is an error)
-	//   - empty array = empty map and vice versa
-	//   - negative numbers to overflowed uint values (base 10)
-	//   - slice of maps to a merged map
-	//
-	WeaklyTypedInput bool
-	// Metadata is the struct that will contain extra metadata about
-	// the decoding. If this is nil, then no metadata will be tracked.
-	Metadata *Metadata
-	// Result is a pointer to the struct that will contain the decoded
-	// value.
-	Result interface{}
-	// The tag name that mapstructure reads for field names. This
-	// defaults to "mapstructure"
-	TagName string
-// A Decoder takes a raw interface value and turns it into structured
-// data, keeping track of rich error information along the way in case
-// anything goes wrong. Unlike the basic top-level Decode method, you can
-// more finely control how the Decoder behaves using the DecoderConfig
-// structure. The top-level Decode method is just a convenience that sets
-// up the most basic Decoder.
-type Decoder struct {
-	config *DecoderConfig
-// Metadata contains information about decoding a structure that
-// is tedious or difficult to get otherwise.
-type Metadata struct {
-	// Keys are the keys of the structure which were successfully decoded
-	Keys []string
-	// Unused is a slice of keys that were found in the raw value but
-	// weren't decoded since there was no matching field in the result interface
-	Unused []string
-// Decode takes a map and uses reflection to convert it into the
-// given Go native structure. val must be a pointer to a struct.
-func Decode(m interface{}, rawVal interface{}) error {
-	config := &DecoderConfig{
-		Metadata: nil,
-		Result:   rawVal,
-	}
-	decoder, err := NewDecoder(config)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	return decoder.Decode(m)
-// WeakDecode is the same as Decode but is shorthand to enable
-// WeaklyTypedInput. See DecoderConfig for more info.
-func WeakDecode(input, output interface{}) error {
-	config := &DecoderConfig{
-		Metadata:         nil,
-		Result:           output,
-		WeaklyTypedInput: true,
-	}
-	decoder, err := NewDecoder(config)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	return decoder.Decode(input)
-// NewDecoder returns a new decoder for the given configuration. Once
-// a decoder has been returned, the same configuration must not be used
-// again.
-func NewDecoder(config *DecoderConfig) (*Decoder, error) {
-	val := reflect.ValueOf(config.Result)
-	if val.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
-		return nil, errors.New("result must be a pointer")
-	}
-	val = val.Elem()
-	if !val.CanAddr() {
-		return nil, errors.New("result must be addressable (a pointer)")
-	}
-	if config.Metadata != nil {
-		if config.Metadata.Keys == nil {
-			config.Metadata.Keys = make([]string, 0)
-		}
-		if config.Metadata.Unused == nil {
-			config.Metadata.Unused = make([]string, 0)
-		}
-	}
-	if config.TagName == "" {
-		config.TagName = "mapstructure"
-	}
-	result := &Decoder{
-		config: config,
-	}
-	return result, nil
-// Decode decodes the given raw interface to the target pointer specified
-// by the configuration.
-func (d *Decoder) Decode(raw interface{}) error {
-	return d.decode("", raw, reflect.ValueOf(d.config.Result).Elem())
-// Decodes an unknown data type into a specific reflection value.
-func (d *Decoder) decode(name string, data interface{}, val reflect.Value) error {
-	if data == nil {
-		// If the data is nil, then we don't set anything.
-		return nil
-	}
-	dataVal := reflect.ValueOf(data)
-	if !dataVal.IsValid() {
-		// If the data value is invalid, then we just set the value
-		// to be the zero value.
-		val.Set(reflect.Zero(val.Type()))
-		return nil
-	}
-	if d.config.DecodeHook != nil {
-		// We have a DecodeHook, so let's pre-process the data.
-		var err error
-		data, err = DecodeHookExec(
-			d.config.DecodeHook,
-			dataVal.Type(), val.Type(), data)
-		if err != nil {
-			return fmt.Errorf("error decoding '%s': %s", name, err)
-		}
-	}
-	var err error
-	dataKind := getKind(val)
-	switch dataKind {
-	case reflect.Bool:
-		err = d.decodeBool(name, data, val)
-	case reflect.Interface:
-		err = d.decodeBasic(name, data, val)
-	case reflect.String:
-		err = d.decodeString(name, data, val)
-	case reflect.Int:
-		err = d.decodeInt(name, data, val)
-	case reflect.Uint:
-		err = d.decodeUint(name, data, val)
-	case reflect.Float32:
-		err = d.decodeFloat(name, data, val)
-	case reflect.Struct:
-		err = d.decodeStruct(name, data, val)
-	case reflect.Map:
-		err = d.decodeMap(name, data, val)
-	case reflect.Ptr:
-		err = d.decodePtr(name, data, val)
-	case reflect.Slice:
-		err = d.decodeSlice(name, data, val)
-	case reflect.Func:
-		err = d.decodeFunc(name, data, val)
-	default:
-		// If we reached this point then we weren't able to decode it
-		return fmt.Errorf("%s: unsupported type: %s", name, dataKind)
-	}
-	// If we reached here, then we successfully decoded SOMETHING, so
-	// mark the key as used if we're tracking metadata.
-	if d.config.Metadata != nil && name != "" {
-		d.config.Metadata.Keys = append(d.config.Metadata.Keys, name)
-	}
-	return err
-// This decodes a basic type (bool, int, string, etc.) and sets the
-// value to "data" of that type.
-func (d *Decoder) decodeBasic(name string, data interface{}, val reflect.Value) error {
-	dataVal := reflect.ValueOf(data)
-	if !dataVal.IsValid() {
-		dataVal = reflect.Zero(val.Type())
-	}
-	dataValType := dataVal.Type()
-	if !dataValType.AssignableTo(val.Type()) {
-		return fmt.Errorf(
-			"'%s' expected type '%s', got '%s'",
-			name, val.Type(), dataValType)
-	}
-	val.Set(dataVal)
-	return nil
-func (d *Decoder) decodeString(name string, data interface{}, val reflect.Value) error {
-	dataVal := reflect.ValueOf(data)
-	dataKind := getKind(dataVal)
-	converted := true
-	switch {
-	case dataKind == reflect.String:
-		val.SetString(dataVal.String())
-	case dataKind == reflect.Bool && d.config.WeaklyTypedInput:
-		if dataVal.Bool() {
-			val.SetString("1")
-		} else {
-			val.SetString("0")
-		}
-	case dataKind == reflect.Int && d.config.WeaklyTypedInput:
-		val.SetString(strconv.FormatInt(dataVal.Int(), 10))
-	case dataKind == reflect.Uint && d.config.WeaklyTypedInput:
-		val.SetString(strconv.FormatUint(dataVal.Uint(), 10))
-	case dataKind == reflect.Float32 && d.config.WeaklyTypedInput:
-		val.SetString(strconv.FormatFloat(dataVal.Float(), 'f', -1, 64))
-	case dataKind == reflect.Slice && d.config.WeaklyTypedInput:
-		dataType := dataVal.Type()
-		elemKind := dataType.Elem().Kind()
-		switch {
-		case elemKind == reflect.Uint8:
-			val.SetString(string(dataVal.Interface().([]uint8)))
-		default:
-			converted = false
-		}
-	default:
-		converted = false
-	}
-	if !converted {
-		return fmt.Errorf(
-			"'%s' expected type '%s', got unconvertible type '%s'",
-			name, val.Type(), dataVal.Type())
-	}
-	return nil
-func (d *Decoder) decodeInt(name string, data interface{}, val reflect.Value) error {
-	dataVal := reflect.ValueOf(data)
-	dataKind := getKind(dataVal)
-	dataType := dataVal.Type()
-	switch {
-	case dataKind == reflect.Int:
-		val.SetInt(dataVal.Int())
-	case dataKind == reflect.Uint:
-		val.SetInt(int64(dataVal.Uint()))
-	case dataKind == reflect.Float32:
-		val.SetInt(int64(dataVal.Float()))
-	case dataKind == reflect.Bool && d.config.WeaklyTypedInput:
-		if dataVal.Bool() {
-			val.SetInt(1)
-		} else {
-			val.SetInt(0)
-		}
-	case dataKind == reflect.String && d.config.WeaklyTypedInput:
-		i, err := strconv.ParseInt(dataVal.String(), 0, val.Type().Bits())
-		if err == nil {
-			val.SetInt(i)
-		} else {
-			return fmt.Errorf("cannot parse '%s' as int: %s", name, err)
-		}
-	case dataType.PkgPath() == "encoding/json" && dataType.Name() == "Number":
-		jn := data.(json.Number)
-		i, err := jn.Int64()
-		if err != nil {
-			return fmt.Errorf(
-				"error decoding json.Number into %s: %s", name, err)
-		}
-		val.SetInt(i)
-	default:
-		return fmt.Errorf(
-			"'%s' expected type '%s', got unconvertible type '%s'",
-			name, val.Type(), dataVal.Type())
-	}
-	return nil
-func (d *Decoder) decodeUint(name string, data interface{}, val reflect.Value) error {
-	dataVal := reflect.ValueOf(data)
-	dataKind := getKind(dataVal)
-	switch {
-	case dataKind == reflect.Int:
-		i := dataVal.Int()
-		if i < 0 && !d.config.WeaklyTypedInput {
-			return fmt.Errorf("cannot parse '%s', %d overflows uint",
-				name, i)
-		}
-		val.SetUint(uint64(i))
-	case dataKind == reflect.Uint:
-		val.SetUint(dataVal.Uint())
-	case dataKind == reflect.Float32:
-		f := dataVal.Float()
-		if f < 0 && !d.config.WeaklyTypedInput {
-			return fmt.Errorf("cannot parse '%s', %f overflows uint",
-				name, f)
-		}
-		val.SetUint(uint64(f))
-	case dataKind == reflect.Bool && d.config.WeaklyTypedInput:
-		if dataVal.Bool() {
-			val.SetUint(1)
-		} else {
-			val.SetUint(0)
-		}
-	case dataKind == reflect.String && d.config.WeaklyTypedInput:
-		i, err := strconv.ParseUint(dataVal.String(), 0, val.Type().Bits())
-		if err == nil {
-			val.SetUint(i)
-		} else {
-			return fmt.Errorf("cannot parse '%s' as uint: %s", name, err)
-		}
-	default:
-		return fmt.Errorf(
-			"'%s' expected type '%s', got unconvertible type '%s'",
-			name, val.Type(), dataVal.Type())
-	}
-	return nil
-func (d *Decoder) decodeBool(name string, data interface{}, val reflect.Value) error {
-	dataVal := reflect.ValueOf(data)
-	dataKind := getKind(dataVal)
-	switch {
-	case dataKind == reflect.Bool:
-		val.SetBool(dataVal.Bool())
-	case dataKind == reflect.Int && d.config.WeaklyTypedInput:
-		val.SetBool(dataVal.Int() != 0)
-	case dataKind == reflect.Uint && d.config.WeaklyTypedInput:
-		val.SetBool(dataVal.Uint() != 0)
-	case dataKind == reflect.Float32 && d.config.WeaklyTypedInput:
-		val.SetBool(dataVal.Float() != 0)
-	case dataKind == reflect.String && d.config.WeaklyTypedInput:
-		b, err := strconv.ParseBool(dataVal.String())
-		if err == nil {
-			val.SetBool(b)
-		} else if dataVal.String() == "" {
-			val.SetBool(false)
-		} else {
-			return fmt.Errorf("cannot parse '%s' as bool: %s", name, err)
-		}
-	default:
-		return fmt.Errorf(
-			"'%s' expected type '%s', got unconvertible type '%s'",
-			name, val.Type(), dataVal.Type())
-	}
-	return nil
-func (d *Decoder) decodeFloat(name string, data interface{}, val reflect.Value) error {
-	dataVal := reflect.ValueOf(data)
-	dataKind := getKind(dataVal)
-	dataType := dataVal.Type()
-	switch {
-	case dataKind == reflect.Int:
-		val.SetFloat(float64(dataVal.Int()))
-	case dataKind == reflect.Uint:
-		val.SetFloat(float64(dataVal.Uint()))
-	case dataKind == reflect.Float32:
-		val.SetFloat(float64(dataVal.Float()))
-	case dataKind == reflect.Bool && d.config.WeaklyTypedInput:
-		if dataVal.Bool() {
-			val.SetFloat(1)
-		} else {
-			val.SetFloat(0)
-		}
-	case dataKind == reflect.String && d.config.WeaklyTypedInput:
-		f, err := strconv.ParseFloat(dataVal.String(), val.Type().Bits())
-		if err == nil {
-			val.SetFloat(f)
-		} else {
-			return fmt.Errorf("cannot parse '%s' as float: %s", name, err)
-		}
-	case dataType.PkgPath() == "encoding/json" && dataType.Name() == "Number":
-		jn := data.(json.Number)
-		i, err := jn.Float64()
-		if err != nil {
-			return fmt.Errorf(
-				"error decoding json.Number into %s: %s", name, err)
-		}
-		val.SetFloat(i)
-	default:
-		return fmt.Errorf(
-			"'%s' expected type '%s', got unconvertible type '%s'",
-			name, val.Type(), dataVal.Type())
-	}
-	return nil
-func (d *Decoder) decodeMap(name string, data interface{}, val reflect.Value) error {
-	valType := val.Type()
-	valKeyType := valType.Key()
-	valElemType := valType.Elem()
-	// By default we overwrite keys in the current map
-	valMap := val
-	// If the map is nil or we're purposely zeroing fields, make a new map
-	if valMap.IsNil() || d.config.ZeroFields {
-		// Make a new map to hold our result
-		mapType := reflect.MapOf(valKeyType, valElemType)
-		valMap = reflect.MakeMap(mapType)
-	}
-	// Check input type
-	dataVal := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(data))
-	if dataVal.Kind() != reflect.Map {
-		// In weak mode, we accept a slice of maps as an input...
-		if d.config.WeaklyTypedInput {
-			switch dataVal.Kind() {
-			case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice:
-				// Special case for BC reasons (covered by tests)
-				if dataVal.Len() == 0 {
-					val.Set(valMap)
-					return nil
-				}
-				for i := 0; i < dataVal.Len(); i++ {
-					err := d.decode(
-						fmt.Sprintf("%s[%d]", name, i),
-						dataVal.Index(i).Interface(), val)
-					if err != nil {
-						return err
-					}
-				}
-				return nil
-			}
-		}
-		return fmt.Errorf("'%s' expected a map, got '%s'", name, dataVal.Kind())
-	}
-	// Accumulate errors
-	errors := make([]string, 0)
-	for _, k := range dataVal.MapKeys() {
-		fieldName := fmt.Sprintf("%s[%s]", name, k)
-		// First decode the key into the proper type
-		currentKey := reflect.Indirect(reflect.New(valKeyType))
-		if err := d.decode(fieldName, k.Interface(), currentKey); err != nil {
-			errors = appendErrors(errors, err)
-			continue
-		}
-		// Next decode the data into the proper type
-		v := dataVal.MapIndex(k).Interface()
-		currentVal := reflect.Indirect(reflect.New(valElemType))
-		if err := d.decode(fieldName, v, currentVal); err != nil {
-			errors = appendErrors(errors, err)
-			continue
-		}
-		valMap.SetMapIndex(currentKey, currentVal)
-	}
-	// Set the built up map to the value
-	val.Set(valMap)
-	// If we had errors, return those
-	if len(errors) > 0 {
-		return &Error{errors}
-	}
-	return nil
-func (d *Decoder) decodePtr(name string, data interface{}, val reflect.Value) error {
-	// Create an element of the concrete (non pointer) type and decode
-	// into that. Then set the value of the pointer to this type.
-	valType := val.Type()
-	valElemType := valType.Elem()
-	realVal := val
-	if realVal.IsNil() || d.config.ZeroFields {
-		realVal = reflect.New(valElemType)
-	}
-	if err := d.decode(name, data, reflect.Indirect(realVal)); err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	val.Set(realVal)
-	return nil
-func (d *Decoder) decodeFunc(name string, data interface{}, val reflect.Value) error {
-	// Create an element of the concrete (non pointer) type and decode
-	// into that. Then set the value of the pointer to this type.
-	dataVal := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(data))
-	if val.Type() != dataVal.Type() {
-		return fmt.Errorf(
-			"'%s' expected type '%s', got unconvertible type '%s'",
-			name, val.Type(), dataVal.Type())
-	}
-	val.Set(dataVal)
-	return nil
-func (d *Decoder) decodeSlice(name string, data interface{}, val reflect.Value) error {
-	dataVal := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(data))
-	dataValKind := dataVal.Kind()
-	valType := val.Type()
-	valElemType := valType.Elem()
-	sliceType := reflect.SliceOf(valElemType)
-	valSlice := val
-	if valSlice.IsNil() || d.config.ZeroFields {
-		// Check input type
-		if dataValKind != reflect.Array && dataValKind != reflect.Slice {
-			// Accept empty map instead of array/slice in weakly typed mode
-			if d.config.WeaklyTypedInput && dataVal.Kind() == reflect.Map && dataVal.Len() == 0 {
-				val.Set(reflect.MakeSlice(sliceType, 0, 0))
-				return nil
-			} else {
-				return fmt.Errorf(
-					"'%s': source data must be an array or slice, got %s", name, dataValKind)
-			}
-		}
-		// Make a new slice to hold our result, same size as the original data.
-		valSlice = reflect.MakeSlice(sliceType, dataVal.Len(), dataVal.Len())
-	}
-	// Accumulate any errors
-	errors := make([]string, 0)
-	for i := 0; i < dataVal.Len(); i++ {
-		currentData := dataVal.Index(i).Interface()
-		for valSlice.Len() <= i {
-			valSlice = reflect.Append(valSlice, reflect.Zero(valElemType))
-		}
-		currentField := valSlice.Index(i)
-		fieldName := fmt.Sprintf("%s[%d]", name, i)
-		if err := d.decode(fieldName, currentData, currentField); err != nil {
-			errors = appendErrors(errors, err)
-		}
-	}
-	// Finally, set the value to the slice we built up
-	val.Set(valSlice)
-	// If there were errors, we return those
-	if len(errors) > 0 {
-		return &Error{errors}
-	}
-	return nil
-func (d *Decoder) decodeStruct(name string, data interface{}, val reflect.Value) error {
-	dataVal := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(data))
-	// If the type of the value to write to and the data match directly,
-	// then we just set it directly instead of recursing into the structure.
-	if dataVal.Type() == val.Type() {
-		val.Set(dataVal)
-		return nil
-	}
-	dataValKind := dataVal.Kind()
-	if dataValKind != reflect.Map {
-		return fmt.Errorf("'%s' expected a map, got '%s'", name, dataValKind)
-	}
-	dataValType := dataVal.Type()
-	if kind := dataValType.Key().Kind(); kind != reflect.String && kind != reflect.Interface {
-		return fmt.Errorf(
-			"'%s' needs a map with string keys, has '%s' keys",
-			name, dataValType.Key().Kind())
-	}
-	dataValKeys := make(map[reflect.Value]struct{})
-	dataValKeysUnused := make(map[interface{}]struct{})
-	for _, dataValKey := range dataVal.MapKeys() {
-		dataValKeys[dataValKey] = struct{}{}
-		dataValKeysUnused[dataValKey.Interface()] = struct{}{}
-	}
-	errors := make([]string, 0)
-	// This slice will keep track of all the structs we'll be decoding.
-	// There can be more than one struct if there are embedded structs
-	// that are squashed.
-	structs := make([]reflect.Value, 1, 5)
-	structs[0] = val
-	// Compile the list of all the fields that we're going to be decoding
-	// from all the structs.
-	fields := make(map[*reflect.StructField]reflect.Value)
-	for len(structs) > 0 {
-		structVal := structs[0]
-		structs = structs[1:]
-		structType := structVal.Type()
-		for i := 0; i < structType.NumField(); i++ {
-			fieldType := structType.Field(i)
-			fieldKind := fieldType.Type.Kind()
-			// If "squash" is specified in the tag, we squash the field down.
-			squash := false
-			tagParts := strings.Split(fieldType.Tag.Get(d.config.TagName), ",")
-			for _, tag := range tagParts[1:] {
-				if tag == "squash" {
-					squash = true
-					break
-				}
-			}
-			if squash {
-				if fieldKind != reflect.Struct {
-					errors = appendErrors(errors,
-						fmt.Errorf("%s: unsupported type for squash: %s", fieldType.Name, fieldKind))
-				} else {
-					structs = append(structs, val.FieldByName(fieldType.Name))
-				}
-				continue
-			}
-			// Normal struct field, store it away
-			fields[&fieldType] = structVal.Field(i)
-		}
-	}
-	for fieldType, field := range fields {
-		fieldName := fieldType.Name
-		tagValue := fieldType.Tag.Get(d.config.TagName)
-		tagValue = strings.SplitN(tagValue, ",", 2)[0]
-		if tagValue != "" {
-			fieldName = tagValue
-		}
-		rawMapKey := reflect.ValueOf(fieldName)
-		rawMapVal := dataVal.MapIndex(rawMapKey)
-		if !rawMapVal.IsValid() {
-			// Do a slower search by iterating over each key and
-			// doing case-insensitive search.
-			for dataValKey := range dataValKeys {
-				mK, ok := dataValKey.Interface().(string)
-				if !ok {
-					// Not a string key
-					continue
-				}
-				if strings.EqualFold(mK, fieldName) {
-					rawMapKey = dataValKey
-					rawMapVal = dataVal.MapIndex(dataValKey)
-					break
-				}
-			}
-			if !rawMapVal.IsValid() {
-				// There was no matching key in the map for the value in
-				// the struct. Just ignore.
-				continue
-			}
-		}
-		// Delete the key we're using from the unused map so we stop tracking
-		delete(dataValKeysUnused, rawMapKey.Interface())
-		if !field.IsValid() {
-			// This should never happen
-			panic("field is not valid")
-		}
-		// If we can't set the field, then it is unexported or something,
-		// and we just continue onwards.
-		if !field.CanSet() {
-			continue
-		}
-		// If the name is empty string, then we're at the root, and we
-		// don't dot-join the fields.
-		if name != "" {
-			fieldName = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", name, fieldName)
-		}
-		if err := d.decode(fieldName, rawMapVal.Interface(), field); err != nil {
-			errors = appendErrors(errors, err)
-		}
-	}
-	if d.config.ErrorUnused && len(dataValKeysUnused) > 0 {
-		keys := make([]string, 0, len(dataValKeysUnused))
-		for rawKey := range dataValKeysUnused {
-			keys = append(keys, rawKey.(string))
-		}
-		sort.Strings(keys)
-		err := fmt.Errorf("'%s' has invalid keys: %s", name, strings.Join(keys, ", "))
-		errors = appendErrors(errors, err)
-	}
-	if len(errors) > 0 {
-		return &Error{errors}
-	}
-	// Add the unused keys to the list of unused keys if we're tracking metadata
-	if d.config.Metadata != nil {
-		for rawKey := range dataValKeysUnused {
-			key := rawKey.(string)
-			if name != "" {
-				key = fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", name, key)
-			}
-			d.config.Metadata.Unused = append(d.config.Metadata.Unused, key)
-		}
-	}
-	return nil
-func getKind(val reflect.Value) reflect.Kind {
-	kind := val.Kind()
-	switch {
-	case kind >= reflect.Int && kind <= reflect.Int64:
-		return reflect.Int
-	case kind >= reflect.Uint && kind <= reflect.Uint64:
-		return reflect.Uint
-	case kind >= reflect.Float32 && kind <= reflect.Float64:
-		return reflect.Float32
-	default:
-		return kind
-	}
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-The MIT License (MIT)
-Copyright (c) 2013 Dustin Sallings
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
-this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
-the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
-use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
-the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
-subject to the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
-copies or substantial portions of the Software.
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-# Constrained Application Protocol Client and Server for go
-You can read more about CoAP in [RFC 7252][coap].  I also did
-some preliminary work on `SUBSCRIBE` support from
-[an early draft][shelby].
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-package coap
-import (
-	"net"
-	"time"
-const (
-	// ResponseTimeout is the amount of time to wait for a
-	// response.
-	ResponseTimeout = time.Second * 2
-	// ResponseRandomFactor is a multiplier for response backoff.
-	ResponseRandomFactor = 1.5
-	// MaxRetransmit is the maximum number of times a message will
-	// be retransmitted.
-	MaxRetransmit = 4
-// Conn is a CoAP client connection.
-type Conn struct {
-	conn *net.UDPConn
-	buf  []byte
-// Dial connects a CoAP client.
-func Dial(n, addr string) (*Conn, error) {
-	uaddr, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr(n, addr)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	s, err := net.DialUDP("udp", nil, uaddr)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	return &Conn{s, make([]byte, maxPktLen)}, nil
-// Send a message.  Get a response if there is one.
-func (c *Conn) Send(req Message) (*Message, error) {
-	err := Transmit(c.conn, nil, req)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	if !req.IsConfirmable() {
-		return nil, nil
-	}
-	rv, err := Receive(c.conn, c.buf)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	return &rv, nil
-// Receive a message.
-func (c *Conn) Receive() (*Message, error) {
-	rv, err := Receive(c.conn, c.buf)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	return &rv, nil
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-package coap
-import (
-	"bytes"
-	"encoding/binary"
-	"errors"
-	"fmt"
-	"io"
-	"reflect"
-	"sort"
-	"strings"
-// COAPType represents the message type.
-type COAPType uint8
-const (
-	// Confirmable messages require acknowledgements.
-	Confirmable COAPType = 0
-	// NonConfirmable messages do not require acknowledgements.
-	NonConfirmable COAPType = 1
-	// Acknowledgement is a message indicating a response to confirmable message.
-	Acknowledgement COAPType = 2
-	// Reset indicates a permanent negative acknowledgement.
-	Reset COAPType = 3
-var typeNames = [256]string{
-	Confirmable:     "Confirmable",
-	NonConfirmable:  "NonConfirmable",
-	Acknowledgement: "Acknowledgement",
-	Reset:           "Reset",
-func init() {
-	for i := range typeNames {
-		if typeNames[i] == "" {
-			typeNames[i] = fmt.Sprintf("Unknown (0x%x)", i)
-		}
-	}
-func (t COAPType) String() string {
-	return typeNames[t]
-// COAPCode is the type used for both request and response codes.
-type COAPCode uint8
-// Request Codes
-const (
-	GET    COAPCode = 1
-	POST   COAPCode = 2
-	PUT    COAPCode = 3
-// Response Codes
-const (
-	Created               COAPCode = 65
-	Deleted               COAPCode = 66
-	Valid                 COAPCode = 67
-	Changed               COAPCode = 68
-	Content               COAPCode = 69
-	BadRequest            COAPCode = 128
-	Unauthorized          COAPCode = 129
-	BadOption             COAPCode = 130
-	Forbidden             COAPCode = 131
-	NotFound              COAPCode = 132
-	MethodNotAllowed      COAPCode = 133
-	NotAcceptable         COAPCode = 134
-	PreconditionFailed    COAPCode = 140
-	RequestEntityTooLarge COAPCode = 141
-	UnsupportedMediaType  COAPCode = 143
-	InternalServerError   COAPCode = 160
-	NotImplemented        COAPCode = 161
-	BadGateway            COAPCode = 162
-	ServiceUnavailable    COAPCode = 163
-	GatewayTimeout        COAPCode = 164
-	ProxyingNotSupported  COAPCode = 165
-var codeNames = [256]string{
-	GET:                   "GET",
-	POST:                  "POST",
-	PUT:                   "PUT",
-	DELETE:                "DELETE",
-	Created:               "Created",
-	Deleted:               "Deleted",
-	Valid:                 "Valid",
-	Changed:               "Changed",
-	Content:               "Content",
-	BadRequest:            "BadRequest",
-	Unauthorized:          "Unauthorized",
-	BadOption:             "BadOption",
-	Forbidden:             "Forbidden",
-	NotFound:              "NotFound",
-	MethodNotAllowed:      "MethodNotAllowed",
-	NotAcceptable:         "NotAcceptable",
-	PreconditionFailed:    "PreconditionFailed",
-	RequestEntityTooLarge: "RequestEntityTooLarge",
-	UnsupportedMediaType:  "UnsupportedMediaType",
-	InternalServerError:   "InternalServerError",
-	NotImplemented:        "NotImplemented",
-	BadGateway:            "BadGateway",
-	ServiceUnavailable:    "ServiceUnavailable",
-	GatewayTimeout:        "GatewayTimeout",
-	ProxyingNotSupported:  "ProxyingNotSupported",
-func init() {
-	for i := range codeNames {
-		if codeNames[i] == "" {
-			codeNames[i] = fmt.Sprintf("Unknown (0x%x)", i)
-		}
-	}
-func (c COAPCode) String() string {
-	return codeNames[c]
-// Message encoding errors.
-var (
-	ErrInvalidTokenLen   = errors.New("invalid token length")
-	ErrOptionTooLong     = errors.New("option is too long")
-	ErrOptionGapTooLarge = errors.New("option gap too large")
-// OptionID identifies an option in a message.
-type OptionID uint8
-   +-----+----+---+---+---+----------------+--------+--------+---------+
-   | No. | C  | U | N | R | Name           | Format | Length | Default |
-   +-----+----+---+---+---+----------------+--------+--------+---------+
-   |   1 | x  |   |   | x | If-Match       | opaque | 0-8    | (none)  |
-   |   3 | x  | x | - |   | Uri-Host       | string | 1-255  | (see    |
-   |     |    |   |   |   |                |        |        | below)  |
-   |   4 |    |   |   | x | ETag           | opaque | 1-8    | (none)  |
-   |   5 | x  |   |   |   | If-None-Match  | empty  | 0      | (none)  |
-   |   7 | x  | x | - |   | Uri-Port       | uint   | 0-2    | (see    |
-   |     |    |   |   |   |                |        |        | below)  |
-   |   8 |    |   |   | x | Location-Path  | string | 0-255  | (none)  |
-   |  11 | x  | x | - | x | Uri-Path       | string | 0-255  | (none)  |
-   |  12 |    |   |   |   | Content-Format | uint   | 0-2    | (none)  |
-   |  14 |    | x | - |   | Max-Age        | uint   | 0-4    | 60      |
-   |  15 | x  | x | - | x | Uri-Query      | string | 0-255  | (none)  |
-   |  17 | x  |   |   |   | Accept         | uint   | 0-2    | (none)  |
-   |  20 |    |   |   | x | Location-Query | string | 0-255  | (none)  |
-   |  35 | x  | x | - |   | Proxy-Uri      | string | 1-1034 | (none)  |
-   |  39 | x  | x | - |   | Proxy-Scheme   | string | 1-255  | (none)  |
-   |  60 |    |   | x |   | Size1          | uint   | 0-4    | (none)  |
-   +-----+----+---+---+---+----------------+--------+--------+---------+
-// Option IDs.
-const (
-	IfMatch       OptionID = 1
-	URIHost       OptionID = 3
-	ETag          OptionID = 4
-	IfNoneMatch   OptionID = 5
-	Observe       OptionID = 6
-	URIPort       OptionID = 7
-	LocationPath  OptionID = 8
-	URIPath       OptionID = 11
-	ContentFormat OptionID = 12
-	MaxAge        OptionID = 14
-	URIQuery      OptionID = 15
-	Accept        OptionID = 17
-	LocationQuery OptionID = 20
-	ProxyURI      OptionID = 35
-	ProxyScheme   OptionID = 39
-	Size1         OptionID = 60
-// Option value format (RFC7252 section 3.2)
-type valueFormat uint8
-const (
-	valueUnknown valueFormat = iota
-	valueEmpty
-	valueOpaque
-	valueUint
-	valueString
-type optionDef struct {
-	valueFormat valueFormat
-	minLen      int
-	maxLen      int
-var optionDefs = [256]optionDef{
-	IfMatch:       optionDef{valueFormat: valueOpaque, minLen: 0, maxLen: 8},
-	URIHost:       optionDef{valueFormat: valueString, minLen: 1, maxLen: 255},
-	ETag:          optionDef{valueFormat: valueOpaque, minLen: 1, maxLen: 8},
-	IfNoneMatch:   optionDef{valueFormat: valueEmpty, minLen: 0, maxLen: 0},
-	Observe:       optionDef{valueFormat: valueUint, minLen: 0, maxLen: 3},
-	URIPort:       optionDef{valueFormat: valueUint, minLen: 0, maxLen: 2},
-	LocationPath:  optionDef{valueFormat: valueString, minLen: 0, maxLen: 255},
-	URIPath:       optionDef{valueFormat: valueString, minLen: 0, maxLen: 255},
-	ContentFormat: optionDef{valueFormat: valueUint, minLen: 0, maxLen: 2},
-	MaxAge:        optionDef{valueFormat: valueUint, minLen: 0, maxLen: 4},
-	URIQuery:      optionDef{valueFormat: valueString, minLen: 0, maxLen: 255},
-	Accept:        optionDef{valueFormat: valueUint, minLen: 0, maxLen: 2},
-	LocationQuery: optionDef{valueFormat: valueString, minLen: 0, maxLen: 255},
-	ProxyURI:      optionDef{valueFormat: valueString, minLen: 1, maxLen: 1034},
-	ProxyScheme:   optionDef{valueFormat: valueString, minLen: 1, maxLen: 255},
-	Size1:         optionDef{valueFormat: valueUint, minLen: 0, maxLen: 4},
-// MediaType specifies the content type of a message.
-type MediaType byte
-// Content types.
-const (
-	TextPlain     MediaType = 0  // text/plain;charset=utf-8
-	AppLinkFormat MediaType = 40 // application/link-format
-	AppXML        MediaType = 41 // application/xml
-	AppOctets     MediaType = 42 // application/octet-stream
-	AppExi        MediaType = 47 // application/exi
-	AppJSON       MediaType = 50 // application/json
-type option struct {
-	ID    OptionID
-	Value interface{}
-func encodeInt(v uint32) []byte {
-	switch {
-	case v == 0:
-		return nil
-	case v < 256:
-		return []byte{byte(v)}
-	case v < 65536:
-		rv := []byte{0, 0}
-		binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(rv, uint16(v))
-		return rv
-	case v < 16777216:
-		rv := []byte{0, 0, 0, 0}
-		binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(rv, uint32(v))
-		return rv[1:]
-	default:
-		rv := []byte{0, 0, 0, 0}
-		binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(rv, uint32(v))
-		return rv
-	}
-func decodeInt(b []byte) uint32 {
-	tmp := []byte{0, 0, 0, 0}
-	copy(tmp[4-len(b):], b)
-	return binary.BigEndian.Uint32(tmp)
-func (o option) toBytes() []byte {
-	var v uint32
-	switch i := o.Value.(type) {
-	case string:
-		return []byte(i)
-	case []byte:
-		return i
-	case MediaType:
-		v = uint32(i)
-	case int:
-		v = uint32(i)
-	case int32:
-		v = uint32(i)
-	case uint:
-		v = uint32(i)
-	case uint32:
-		v = i
-	default:
-		panic(fmt.Errorf("invalid type for option %x: %T (%v)",
-			o.ID, o.Value, o.Value))
-	}
-	return encodeInt(v)
-func parseOptionValue(optionID OptionID, valueBuf []byte) interface{} {
-	def := optionDefs[optionID]
-	if def.valueFormat == valueUnknown {
-		// Skip unrecognized options (RFC7252 section 5.4.1)
-		return nil
-	}
-	if len(valueBuf) < def.minLen || len(valueBuf) > def.maxLen {
-		// Skip options with illegal value length (RFC7252 section 5.4.3)
-		return nil
-	}
-	switch def.valueFormat {
-	case valueUint:
-		intValue := decodeInt(valueBuf)
-		if optionID == ContentFormat || optionID == Accept {
-			return MediaType(intValue)
-		} else {
-			return intValue
-		}
-	case valueString:
-		return string(valueBuf)
-	case valueOpaque, valueEmpty:
-		return valueBuf
-	}
-	// Skip unrecognized options (should never be reached)
-	return nil
-type options []option
-func (o options) Len() int {
-	return len(o)
-func (o options) Less(i, j int) bool {
-	if o[i].ID == o[j].ID {
-		return i < j
-	}
-	return o[i].ID < o[j].ID
-func (o options) Swap(i, j int) {
-	o[i], o[j] = o[j], o[i]
-func (o options) Minus(oid OptionID) options {
-	rv := options{}
-	for _, opt := range o {
-		if opt.ID != oid {
-			rv = append(rv, opt)
-		}
-	}
-	return rv
-// Message is a CoAP message.
-type Message struct {
-	Type      COAPType
-	Code      COAPCode
-	MessageID uint16
-	Token, Payload []byte
-	opts options
-// IsConfirmable returns true if this message is confirmable.
-func (m Message) IsConfirmable() bool {
-	return m.Type == Confirmable
-// Options gets all the values for the given option.
-func (m Message) Options(o OptionID) []interface{} {
-	var rv []interface{}
-	for _, v := range m.opts {
-		if o == v.ID {
-			rv = append(rv, v.Value)
-		}
-	}
-	return rv
-// Option gets the first value for the given option ID.
-func (m Message) Option(o OptionID) interface{} {
-	for _, v := range m.opts {
-		if o == v.ID {
-			return v.Value
-		}
-	}
-	return nil
-func (m Message) optionStrings(o OptionID) []string {
-	var rv []string
-	for _, o := range m.Options(o) {
-		rv = append(rv, o.(string))
-	}
-	return rv
-// Path gets the Path set on this message if any.
-func (m Message) Path() []string {
-	return m.optionStrings(URIPath)
-// PathString gets a path as a / separated string.
-func (m Message) PathString() string {
-	return strings.Join(m.Path(), "/")
-// SetPathString sets a path by a / separated string.
-func (m *Message) SetPathString(s string) {
-	for s[0] == '/' {
-		s = s[1:]
-	}
-	m.SetPath(strings.Split(s, "/"))
-// SetPath updates or adds a URIPath attribute on this message.
-func (m *Message) SetPath(s []string) {
-	m.SetOption(URIPath, s)
-// RemoveOption removes all references to an option
-func (m *Message) RemoveOption(opID OptionID) {
-	m.opts = m.opts.Minus(opID)
-// AddOption adds an option.
-func (m *Message) AddOption(opID OptionID, val interface{}) {
-	iv := reflect.ValueOf(val)
-	if (iv.Kind() == reflect.Slice || iv.Kind() == reflect.Array) &&
-		iv.Type().Elem().Kind() == reflect.String {
-		for i := 0; i < iv.Len(); i++ {
-			m.opts = append(m.opts, option{opID, iv.Index(i).Interface()})
-		}
-		return
-	}
-	m.opts = append(m.opts, option{opID, val})
-// SetOption sets an option, discarding any previous value
-func (m *Message) SetOption(opID OptionID, val interface{}) {
-	m.RemoveOption(opID)
-	m.AddOption(opID, val)
-const (
-	extoptByteCode   = 13
-	extoptByteAddend = 13
-	extoptWordCode   = 14
-	extoptWordAddend = 269
-	extoptError      = 15
-func writeOpt(o option, buf io.Writer, delta int) {
-	/*
-	     0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
-	   +---------------+---------------+
-	   |               |               |
-	   |  Option Delta | Option Length |   1 byte
-	   |               |               |
-	   +---------------+---------------+
-	   \                               \
-	   /         Option Delta          /   0-2 bytes
-	   \          (extended)           \
-	   +-------------------------------+
-	   \                               \
-	   /         Option Length         /   0-2 bytes
-	   \          (extended)           \
-	   +-------------------------------+
-	   \                               \
-	   /                               /
-	   \                               \
-	   /         Option Value          /   0 or more bytes
-	   \                               \
-	   /                               /
-	   \                               \
-	   +-------------------------------+
-	   See parseExtOption(), extendOption()
-	   and writeOptionHeader() below for implementation details
-	*/
-	extendOpt := func(opt int) (int, int) {
-		ext := 0
-		if opt >= extoptByteAddend {
-			if opt >= extoptWordAddend {
-				ext = opt - extoptWordAddend
-				opt = extoptWordCode
-			} else {
-				ext = opt - extoptByteAddend
-				opt = extoptByteCode
-			}
-		}
-		return opt, ext
-	}
-	writeOptHeader := func(delta, length int) {
-		d, dx := extendOpt(delta)
-		l, lx := extendOpt(length)
-		buf.Write([]byte{byte(d<<4) | byte(l)})
-		tmp := []byte{0, 0}
-		writeExt := func(opt, ext int) {
-			switch opt {
-			case extoptByteCode:
-				buf.Write([]byte{byte(ext)})
-			case extoptWordCode:
-				binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(tmp, uint16(ext))
-				buf.Write(tmp)
-			}
-		}
-		writeExt(d, dx)
-		writeExt(l, lx)
-	}
-	b := o.toBytes()
-	writeOptHeader(delta, len(b))
-	buf.Write(b)
-func writeOpts(buf io.Writer, opts options) {
-	prev := 0
-	for _, o := range opts {
-		writeOpt(o, buf, int(o.ID)-prev)
-		prev = int(o.ID)
-	}
-// MarshalBinary produces the binary form of this Message.
-func (m *Message) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) {
-	tmpbuf := []byte{0, 0}
-	binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(tmpbuf, m.MessageID)
-	/*
-	     0                   1                   2                   3
-	    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
-	   +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
-	   |Ver| T |  TKL  |      Code     |          Message ID           |
-	   +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
-	   |   Token (if any, TKL bytes) ...
-	   +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
-	   |   Options (if any) ...
-	   +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
-	   |1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1|    Payload (if any) ...
-	   +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
-	*/
-	buf := bytes.Buffer{}
-	buf.Write([]byte{
-		(1 << 6) | (uint8(m.Type) << 4) | uint8(0xf&len(m.Token)),
-		byte(m.Code),
-		tmpbuf[0], tmpbuf[1],
-	})
-	buf.Write(m.Token)
-	sort.Stable(&m.opts)
-	writeOpts(&buf, m.opts)
-	if len(m.Payload) > 0 {
-		buf.Write([]byte{0xff})
-	}
-	buf.Write(m.Payload)
-	return buf.Bytes(), nil
-// ParseMessage extracts the Message from the given input.
-func ParseMessage(data []byte) (Message, error) {
-	rv := Message{}
-	return rv, rv.UnmarshalBinary(data)
-// parseBody extracts the options and payload from a byte slice.  The supplied
-// byte slice contains everything following the message header (everything
-// after the token).
-func parseBody(data []byte) (options, []byte, error) {
-	prev := 0
-	parseExtOpt := func(opt int) (int, error) {
-		switch opt {
-		case extoptByteCode:
-			if len(data) < 1 {
-				return -1, errors.New("truncated")
-			}
-			opt = int(data[0]) + extoptByteAddend
-			data = data[1:]
-		case extoptWordCode:
-			if len(data) < 2 {
-				return -1, errors.New("truncated")
-			}
-			opt = int(binary.BigEndian.Uint16(data[:2])) + extoptWordAddend
-			data = data[2:]
-		}
-		return opt, nil
-	}
-	var opts options
-	for len(data) > 0 {
-		if data[0] == 0xff {
-			data = data[1:]
-			break
-		}
-		delta := int(data[0] >> 4)
-		length := int(data[0] & 0x0f)
-		if delta == extoptError || length == extoptError {
-			return nil, nil, errors.New("unexpected extended option marker")
-		}
-		data = data[1:]
-		delta, err := parseExtOpt(delta)
-		if err != nil {
-			return nil, nil, err
-		}
-		length, err = parseExtOpt(length)
-		if err != nil {
-			return nil, nil, err
-		}
-		if len(data) < length {
-			return nil, nil, errors.New("truncated")
-		}
-		oid := OptionID(prev + delta)
-		opval := parseOptionValue(oid, data[:length])
-		data = data[length:]
-		prev = int(oid)
-		if opval != nil {
-			opt := option{ID: oid, Value: opval}
-			opts = append(opts, opt)
-		}
-	}
-	return opts, data, nil
-// UnmarshalBinary parses the given binary slice as a Message.
-func (m *Message) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) error {
-	if len(data) < 4 {
-		return errors.New("short packet")
-	}
-	if data[0]>>6 != 1 {
-		return errors.New("invalid version")
-	}
-	m.Type = COAPType((data[0] >> 4) & 0x3)
-	tokenLen := int(data[0] & 0xf)
-	if tokenLen > 8 {
-		return ErrInvalidTokenLen
-	}
-	m.Code = COAPCode(data[1])
-	m.MessageID = binary.BigEndian.Uint16(data[2:4])
-	if tokenLen > 0 {
-		m.Token = make([]byte, tokenLen)
-	}
-	if len(data) < 4+tokenLen {
-		return errors.New("truncated")
-	}
-	copy(m.Token, data[4:4+tokenLen])
-	b := data[4+tokenLen:]
-	o, p, err := parseBody(b)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	m.Payload = p
-	m.opts = o
-	return nil
diff --git a/newtmgr/vendor/ b/newtmgr/vendor/
deleted file mode 100644
index db35472..0000000
--- a/newtmgr/vendor/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,275 +0,0 @@
-package coap
-import (
-	"bytes"
-	"encoding/binary"
-	"fmt"
-	"io"
-	"sort"
-const (
-	TCP_MESSAGE_MAX_LEN    = 4295033101
-// TcpMessage is a CoAP Message that can encode itself for TCP
-// transport.
-type TcpMessage struct {
-	Message
-func (m *TcpMessage) MarshalBinary() ([]byte, error) {
-	/*
-	   A CoAP TCP message looks like:
-	        0                   1                   2                   3
-	       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
-	      +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
-	      |  Len  |  TKL  | Extended Length ...
-	      +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
-	      |      Code     | TKL bytes ...
-	      +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
-	      |   Options (if any) ...
-	      +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
-	      |1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1|    Payload (if any) ...
-	      +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
-	   The size of the Extended Length field is inferred from the value of the
-	   Len field as follows:
-	   | Len value  | Extended Length size  | Total length              |
-	   +------------+-----------------------+---------------------------+
-	   | 0-12       | 0                     | Len                       |
-	   | 13         | 1                     | Extended Length + 13      |
-	   | 14         | 2                     | Extended Length + 269     |
-	   | 15         | 4                     | Extended Length + 65805   |
-	*/
-	buf := bytes.Buffer{}
-	sort.Stable(&m.Message.opts)
-	writeOpts(&buf, m.Message.opts)
-	if len(m.Message.Payload) > 0 {
-		buf.Write([]byte{0xff})
-		buf.Write(m.Message.Payload)
-	}
-	var lenNib uint8
-	var extLenBytes []byte
-	if buf.Len() < TCP_MESSAGE_LEN14_BASE {
-		lenNib = uint8(buf.Len())
-	} else if buf.Len() < TCP_MESSAGE_LEN14_BASE {
-		lenNib = 13
-		extLen := buf.Len() - TCP_MESSAGE_LEN13_BASE
-		extLenBytes = []byte{uint8(extLen)}
-	} else if buf.Len() < TCP_MESSAGE_LEN15_BASE {
-		lenNib = 14
-		extLen := buf.Len() - TCP_MESSAGE_LEN14_BASE
-		extLenBytes = make([]byte, 2)
-		binary.BigEndian.PutUint16(extLenBytes, uint16(extLen))
-	} else if buf.Len() < TCP_MESSAGE_MAX_LEN {
-		lenNib = 15
-		extLen := buf.Len() - TCP_MESSAGE_LEN15_BASE
-		extLenBytes = make([]byte, 4)
-		binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(extLenBytes, uint32(extLen))
-	}
-	hdr := make([]byte, 1+len(extLenBytes)+len(m.Message.Token)+1)
-	hdrOff := 0
-	// Length and TKL nibbles.
-	hdr[hdrOff] = uint8(0xf&len(m.Token)) | (lenNib << 4)
-	hdrOff++
-	// Extended length, if present.
-	if len(extLenBytes) > 0 {
-		copy(hdr[hdrOff:hdrOff+len(extLenBytes)], extLenBytes)
-		hdrOff += len(extLenBytes)
-	}
-	// Code.
-	hdr[hdrOff] = byte(m.Message.Code)
-	hdrOff++
-	// Token.
-	if len(m.Message.Token) > 0 {
-		copy(hdr[hdrOff:hdrOff+len(m.Message.Token)], m.Message.Token)
-		hdrOff += len(m.Message.Token)
-	}
-	return append(hdr, buf.Bytes()...), nil
-// msgTcpInfo describes a single TCP CoAP message.  Used during reassembly.
-type msgTcpInfo struct {
-	typ    uint8
-	token  []byte
-	code   uint8
-	hdrLen int
-	totLen int
-// readTcpMsgInfo infers information about a TCP CoAP message from the first
-// fragment.
-func readTcpMsgInfo(r io.Reader) (msgTcpInfo, error) {
-	mti := msgTcpInfo{}
-	hdrOff := 0
-	var firstByte byte
-	if err := binary.Read(r, binary.BigEndian, &firstByte); err != nil {
-		return mti, err
-	}
-	hdrOff++
-	lenNib := (firstByte & 0xf0) >> 4
-	tkl := firstByte & 0x0f
-	var opLen int
-	if lenNib < TCP_MESSAGE_LEN13_BASE {
-		opLen = int(lenNib)
-	} else if lenNib == 13 {
-		var extLen byte
-		if err := binary.Read(r, binary.BigEndian, &extLen); err != nil {
-			return mti, err
-		}
-		hdrOff++
-		opLen = TCP_MESSAGE_LEN13_BASE + int(extLen)
-	} else if lenNib == 14 {
-		var extLen uint16
-		if err := binary.Read(r, binary.BigEndian, &extLen); err != nil {
-			return mti, err
-		}
-		hdrOff += 2
-		opLen = TCP_MESSAGE_LEN14_BASE + int(extLen)
-	} else if lenNib == 15 {
-		var extLen uint32
-		if err := binary.Read(r, binary.BigEndian, &extLen); err != nil {
-			return mti, err
-		}
-		hdrOff += 4
-		opLen = TCP_MESSAGE_LEN15_BASE + int(extLen)
-	}
-	mti.totLen = hdrOff + 1 + int(tkl) + opLen
-	if err := binary.Read(r, binary.BigEndian, &mti.code); err != nil {
-		return mti, err
-	}
-	hdrOff++
-	mti.token = make([]byte, tkl)
-	if _, err := io.ReadFull(r, mti.token); err != nil {
-		return mti, err
-	}
-	hdrOff += int(tkl)
-	mti.hdrLen = hdrOff
-	return mti, nil
-func readTcpMsgBody(mti msgTcpInfo, r io.Reader) (options, []byte, error) {
-	bodyLen := mti.totLen - mti.hdrLen
-	b := make([]byte, bodyLen)
-	if _, err := io.ReadFull(r, b); err != nil {
-		return nil, nil, err
-	}
-	o, p, err := parseBody(b)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, nil, err
-	}
-	return o, p, nil
-func (m *TcpMessage) fill(mti msgTcpInfo, o options, p []byte) {
-	m.Type = COAPType(mti.typ)
-	m.Code = COAPCode(mti.code)
-	m.Token = mti.token
-	m.opts = o
-	m.Payload = p
-func (m *TcpMessage) UnmarshalBinary(data []byte) error {
-	r := bytes.NewReader(data)
-	mti, err := readTcpMsgInfo(r)
-	if err != nil {
-		return fmt.Errorf("Error reading TCP CoAP header; %s", err.Error())
-	}
-	if len(data) != mti.totLen {
-		return fmt.Errorf("CoAP length mismatch (hdr=%d pkt=%d)",
-			mti.totLen, len(data))
-	}
-	o, p, err := readTcpMsgBody(mti, r)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	m.fill(mti, o, p)
-	return nil
-// PullTcp extracts a complete TCP CoAP message from the front of a byte queue.
-// Return values:
-//  *TcpMessage: On success, points to the extracted message; nil if a complete
-//               message could not be extracted.
-//  []byte: The unread portion of of the supplied byte buffer.  If a message
-//          was not extracted, this is the unchanged buffer that was passed in.
-//  error: Non-nil if the buffer contains an invalid CoAP message.
-// Note: It is not an error if the supplied buffer does not contain a complete
-// message.  In such a case, nil *TclMessage and error values are returned
-// along with the original buffer.
-func PullTcp(data []byte) (*TcpMessage, []byte, error) {
-	r := bytes.NewReader(data)
-	m, err := Decode(r)
-	if err != nil {
-		if err == io.EOF {
-			// Packet is incomplete.
-			return nil, data, nil
-		} else {
-			// Some other error.
-			return nil, data, err
-		}
-	}
-	// Determine the number of bytes read.  These bytes get trimmed from the
-	// front of the returned data slice.
-	// XXX: Replace "1" with io.SeekCurrent when go 1.7 becomes mainstream.
-	sz, err := r.Seek(0, 1)
-	if err != nil {
-		// This should never happen.
-		return nil, data, err
-	}
-	return m, data[sz:], nil
-// Decode reads a single message from its input.
-func Decode(r io.Reader) (*TcpMessage, error) {
-	mti, err := readTcpMsgInfo(r)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	o, p, err := readTcpMsgBody(mti, r)
-	if err != nil {
-		return nil, err
-	}
-	m := &TcpMessage{}
-	m.fill(mti, o, p)
-	return m, nil
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-// Package coap provides a CoAP client and server.
-package coap
-import (
-	"log"
-	"net"
-	"time"
-const maxPktLen = 1500
-// Handler is a type that handles CoAP messages.
-type Handler interface {
-	// Handle the message and optionally return a response message.
-	ServeCOAP(l *net.UDPConn, a *net.UDPAddr, m *Message) *Message
-type funcHandler func(l *net.UDPConn, a *net.UDPAddr, m *Message) *Message
-func (f funcHandler) ServeCOAP(l *net.UDPConn, a *net.UDPAddr, m *Message) *Message {
-	return f(l, a, m)
-// FuncHandler builds a handler from a function.
-func FuncHandler(f func(l *net.UDPConn, a *net.UDPAddr, m *Message) *Message) Handler {
-	return funcHandler(f)
-func handlePacket(l *net.UDPConn, data []byte, u *net.UDPAddr,
-	rh Handler) {
-	msg, err := ParseMessage(data)
-	if err != nil {
-		log.Printf("Error parsing %v", err)
-		return
-	}
-	rv := rh.ServeCOAP(l, u, &msg)
-	if rv != nil {
-		Transmit(l, u, *rv)
-	}
-// Transmit a message.
-func Transmit(l *net.UDPConn, a *net.UDPAddr, m Message) error {
-	d, err := m.MarshalBinary()
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	if a == nil {
-		_, err = l.Write(d)
-	} else {
-		_, err = l.WriteTo(d, a)
-	}
-	return err
-// Receive a message.
-func Receive(l *net.UDPConn, buf []byte) (Message, error) {
-	l.SetReadDeadline(time.Now().Add(ResponseTimeout))
-	nr, _, err := l.ReadFromUDP(buf)
-	if err != nil {
-		return Message{}, err
-	}
-	return ParseMessage(buf[:nr])
-// ListenAndServe binds to the given address and serve requests forever.
-func ListenAndServe(n, addr string, rh Handler) error {
-	uaddr, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr(n, addr)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	l, err := net.ListenUDP(n, uaddr)
-	if err != nil {
-		return err
-	}
-	return Serve(l, rh)
-// Serve processes incoming UDP packets on the given listener, and processes
-// these requests forever (or until the listener is closed).
-func Serve(listener *net.UDPConn, rh Handler) error {
-	buf := make([]byte, maxPktLen)
-	for {
-		nr, addr, err := listener.ReadFromUDP(buf)
-		if err != nil {
-			if neterr, ok := err.(net.Error); ok && (neterr.Temporary() || neterr.Timeout()) {
-				time.Sleep(5 * time.Millisecond)
-				continue
-			}
-			return err
-		}
-		tmp := make([]byte, nr)
-		copy(tmp, buf)
-		go handlePacket(listener, tmp, addr, rh)
-	}
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-package coap
-import (
-	"net"
-// ServeMux provides mappings from a common endpoint to handlers by
-// request path.
-type ServeMux struct {
-	m map[string]muxEntry
-type muxEntry struct {
-	h       Handler
-	pattern string
-// NewServeMux creates a new ServeMux.
-func NewServeMux() *ServeMux { return &ServeMux{m: make(map[string]muxEntry)} }
-// Does path match pattern?
-func pathMatch(pattern, path string) bool {
-	if len(pattern) == 0 {
-		// should not happen
-		return false
-	}
-	n := len(pattern)
-	if pattern[n-1] != '/' {
-		return pattern == path
-	}
-	return len(path) >= n && path[0:n] == pattern
-// Find a handler on a handler map given a path string
-// Most-specific (longest) pattern wins
-func (mux *ServeMux) match(path string) (h Handler, pattern string) {
-	var n = 0
-	for k, v := range mux.m {
-		if !pathMatch(k, path) {
-			continue
-		}
-		if h == nil || len(k) > n {
-			n = len(k)
-			h = v.h
-			pattern = v.pattern
-		}
-	}
-	return
-func notFoundHandler(l *net.UDPConn, a *net.UDPAddr, m *Message) *Message {
-	if m.IsConfirmable() {
-		return &Message{
-			Type: Acknowledgement,
-			Code: NotFound,
-		}
-	}
-	return nil
-var _ = Handler(&ServeMux{})
-// ServeCOAP handles a single COAP message.  The message arrives from
-// the given listener having originated from the given UDPAddr.
-func (mux *ServeMux) ServeCOAP(l *net.UDPConn, a *net.UDPAddr, m *Message) *Message {
-	h, _ := mux.match(m.PathString())
-	if h == nil {
-		h, _ = funcHandler(notFoundHandler), ""
-	}
-	// TODO:  Rewrite path?
-	return h.ServeCOAP(l, a, m)
-// Handle configures a handler for the given path.
-func (mux *ServeMux) Handle(pattern string, handler Handler) {
-	for pattern != "" && pattern[0] == '/' {
-		pattern = pattern[1:]
-	}
-	if pattern == "" {
-		panic("http: invalid pattern " + pattern)
-	}
-	if handler == nil {
-		panic("http: nil handler")
-	}
-	mux.m[pattern] = muxEntry{h: handler, pattern: pattern}
-// HandleFunc configures a handler for the given path.
-func (mux *ServeMux) HandleFunc(pattern string,
-	f func(l *net.UDPConn, a *net.UDPAddr, m *Message) *Message) {
-	mux.Handle(pattern, FuncHandler(f))
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-# Compiled Object files, Static and Dynamic libs (Shared Objects)
-# Folders
-# Architecture specific extensions/prefixes
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-The MIT License (MIT)
-Copyright (c) 2014 Steve Francia
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
-copies or substantial portions of the Software.
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-Easy and safe casting from one type to another in Go
-Don\u2019t Panic! ... Cast
-## What is Cast?
-Cast is a library to convert between different go types in a consistent and easy way.
-Cast provides simple functions to easily convert a number to a string, an
-interface into a bool, etc. Cast does this intelligently when an obvious
-conversion is possible. It doesn\u2019t make any attempts to guess what you meant,
-for example you can only convert a string to an int when it is a string
-representation of an int such as \u201c8\u201d. Cast was developed for use in
-[Hugo](, a website engine which uses YAML, TOML or JSON
-for meta data.
-## Why use Cast?
-When working with dynamic data in Go you often need to cast or convert the data
-from one type into another. Cast goes beyond just using type assertion (though
-it uses that when possible) to provide a very straightforward and convenient
-If you are working with interfaces to handle things like dynamic content
-you\u2019ll need an easy way to convert an interface into a given type. This
-is the library for you.
-If you are taking in data from YAML, TOML or JSON or other formats which lack
-full types, then Cast is the library for you.
-## Usage
-Cast provides a handful of To_____ methods. These methods will always return
-the desired type. **If input is provided that will not convert to that type, the
-0 or nil value for that type will be returned**.
-Cast also provides identical methods To_____E. These return the same result as
-the To_____ methods, plus an additional error which tells you if it successfully
-converted. Using these methods you can tell the difference between when the
-input matched the zero value or when the conversion failed and the zero value
-was returned.
-The following examples are merely a sample of what is available. Please review
-the code for a complete set.
-### Example \u2018ToString\u2019:
-    cast.ToString("mayonegg")         // "mayonegg"
-    cast.ToString(8)                  // "8"
-    cast.ToString(8.31)               // "8.31"
-    cast.ToString([]byte("one time")) // "one time"
-    cast.ToString(nil)                // ""
-	var foo interface{} = "one more time"
-    cast.ToString(foo)                // "one more time"
-### Example \u2018ToInt\u2019:
-    cast.ToInt(8)                  // 8
-    cast.ToInt(8.31)               // 8
-    cast.ToInt("8")                // 8
-    cast.ToInt(true)               // 1
-    cast.ToInt(false)              // 0
-	var eight interface{} = 8
-    cast.ToInt(eight)              // 8
-    cast.ToInt(nil)                // 0
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-// Copyright � 2014 Steve Francia <>.
-// Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
-// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
-package cast
-import "time"
-func ToBool(i interface{}) bool {
-	v, _ := ToBoolE(i)
-	return v
-func ToTime(i interface{}) time.Time {
-	v, _ := ToTimeE(i)
-	return v
-func ToDuration(i interface{}) time.Duration {
-	v, _ := ToDurationE(i)
-	return v
-func ToFloat64(i interface{}) float64 {
-	v, _ := ToFloat64E(i)
-	return v
-func ToInt64(i interface{}) int64 {
-	v, _ := ToInt64E(i)
-	return v
-func ToInt(i interface{}) int {
-	v, _ := ToIntE(i)
-	return v
-func ToString(i interface{}) string {
-	v, _ := ToStringE(i)
-	return v
-func ToStringMapString(i interface{}) map[string]string {
-	v, _ := ToStringMapStringE(i)
-	return v
-func ToStringMapStringSlice(i interface{}) map[string][]string {
-	v, _ := ToStringMapStringSliceE(i)
-	return v
-func ToStringMapBool(i interface{}) map[string]bool {
-	v, _ := ToStringMapBoolE(i)
-	return v
-func ToStringMap(i interface{}) map[string]interface{} {
-	v, _ := ToStringMapE(i)
-	return v
-func ToSlice(i interface{}) []interface{} {
-	v, _ := ToSliceE(i)
-	return v
-func ToBoolSlice(i interface{}) []bool {
-	v, _ := ToBoolSliceE(i)
-	return v
-func ToStringSlice(i interface{}) []string {
-	v, _ := ToStringSliceE(i)
-	return v
-func ToIntSlice(i interface{}) []int {
-	v, _ := ToIntSliceE(i)
-	return v