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[06/14] impala git commit: IMPALA-7869: break up
diff --git a/be/src/exec/parquet/hdfs-parquet-scanner.h b/be/src/exec/parquet/hdfs-parquet-scanner.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94d4714
--- /dev/null
+++ b/be/src/exec/parquet/hdfs-parquet-scanner.h
@@ -0,0 +1,647 @@
+// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+// distributed with this work for additional information
+// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+// specific language governing permissions and limitations
+// under the License.
+#include "codegen/impala-ir.h"
+#include "exec/hdfs-scanner.h"
+#include "exec/parquet/parquet-common.h"
+#include "exec/parquet/parquet-metadata-utils.h"
+#include "exec/parquet/parquet-scratch-tuple-batch.h"
+#include "runtime/scoped-buffer.h"
+#include "util/runtime-profile-counters.h"
+namespace impala {
+class CollectionValueBuilder;
+struct HdfsFileDesc;
+/// Internal schema representation and resolution.
+struct SchemaNode;
+/// Class that implements Parquet definition and repetition level decoding.
+class ParquetLevelDecoder;
+/// Per column reader.
+class ParquetColumnReader;
+class CollectionColumnReader;
+class BaseScalarColumnReader;
+template<typename InternalType, parquet::Type::type PARQUET_TYPE, bool MATERIALIZED>
+class ScalarColumnReader;
+class BoolColumnReader;
+/// This scanner parses Parquet files located in HDFS, and writes the content as tuples in
+/// the Impala in-memory representation of data, e.g.  (tuples, rows, row batches).
+/// For the file format spec, see:
+/// ---- Schema resolution ----
+/// Additional columns are allowed at the end in either the table or file schema (i.e.,
+/// extra columns at the end of the schema or extra fields at the end of a struct).  If
+/// there are extra columns in the file schema, they are simply ignored. If there are
+/// extra in the table schema, we return NULLs for those columns (if they're
+/// materialized).
+/// ---- Disk IO ----
+/// Parquet (and other columnar formats) use scan ranges differently than other formats.
+/// Each materialized column maps to a single ScanRange per row group.  For streaming
+/// reads, all the columns need to be read in parallel. This is done by issuing one
+/// ScanRange (in IssueInitialRanges()) for the file footer per split.
+/// ProcessSplit() is called once for each original split and determines the row groups
+/// whose midpoints fall within that split. We use the mid-point to determine whether a
+/// row group should be processed because if the row group size is less than or equal to
+/// the split size, the mid point guarantees that we have at least 50% of the row group in
+/// the current split. ProcessSplit() then computes the column ranges for these row groups
+/// and submits them to the IoMgr for immediate scheduling (so they don't surface in
+/// RequestContext::GetNextUnstartedRange()). Scheduling them immediately also guarantees
+/// they are all read at once.
+/// Like the other scanners, each parquet scanner object is one to one with a
+/// ScannerContext. Unlike the other scanners though, the context will have multiple
+/// streams, one for each column. Row groups are processed one at a time this way.
+/// ---- Nested types ----
+/// This scanner supports reading and materializing nested data. For a good overview of
+/// how nested data is encoded, see
+/// For how SQL nested schemas are translated to parquet schemas, see
+/// Examples:
+/// For these examples, we will use the following table definition:
+/// tbl:
+///   id                bigint
+///   array_col         array<array<int>>
+/// The table definition could correspond to the following parquet schema (note the
+/// required 'id' field. If written by Impala, all non-repeated fields would be optional,
+/// but we can read repeated fields as well):
+/// required group record         d=0 r=0
+///   req int64 id                d=0 r=0
+///   opt group array_col (LIST)  d=1 r=0
+///     repeated group list       d=2 r=1
+///       opt group item (LIST)   d=3 r=1
+///         repeated group list   d=4 r=2
+///           opt int32 item      d=5 r=2
+/// Each element in the schema has been annotated with the maximum def level and maximum
+/// rep level corresponding to that element. Note that the repeated elements add a def
+/// level. This distinguishes between 0 items (empty list) and more than 0 items
+/// (non-empty list). The containing optional LIST element for each array determines
+/// whether the whole list is null or non-null. Maps work the same way, the only
+/// differences being that the repeated group contains two child fields ("key" and "value"
+/// instead of "item"), and the outer element is annotated with MAP instead of LIST.
+/// Only scalar schema elements are materialized in parquet files; internal nested
+/// elements can be reconstructed using the def and rep levels. To illustrate this, here
+/// is data containing every valid definition and repetition for the materialized int
+/// 'item' element. The data records appear on the left, the encoded definition levels,
+/// repetition levels, and values for the 'item' field appear on the right (the encoded
+/// 'id' field is not shown).
+/// record                       d r v
+/// ------------------------------------
+/// {id: 0, array_col: NULL}     0 0 -
+/// {id: 1, array_col: []}       1 0 -
+/// {id: 2, array_col: [NULL]}   2 0 -
+/// {id: 3, array_col: [[]]}     3 0 -
+/// {id: 4, array_col: [[NULL]]} 4 0 -
+/// {id: 5, array_col: [[1,      5 0 1
+///                      NULL],  4 2 -
+///                     [2]]}    5 1 2
+/// {id: 6, array_col: [[3]]}    5 0 3
+/// * Example query 1:
+///     select id, inner.item from tbl t, t.array_col outer, outer.item inner
+///   Results from above sample data:
+///     4,NULL
+///     5,1
+///     5,NULL
+///     5,2
+///     6,3
+/// Descriptors:
+///  Tuple(id=0 tuple_path=[] slots=[
+///    Slot(id=0 type=ARRAY col_path=[1] collection_item_tuple_id=1),
+///    Slot(id=2 type=BIGINT col_path=[0])])
+///  Tuple(id=1 tuple_path=[1] slots=[
+///    Slot(id=1 type=ARRAY col_path=[1,0] collection_item_tuple_id=2)])
+///  Tuple(id=2 tuple_path=[1, 0] slots=[
+///    Slot(id=3 type=INT col_path=[1,0,0])])
+///   The parquet scanner will materialize the following in-memory row batch:
+///          RowBatch
+///        +==========+
+///        | 0 | NULL |
+///        |----------|
+///        | 1 | NULL |      outer
+///        |----------|     +======+
+///        | 2 |  --------->| NULL |
+///        |   |      |     +======+
+///        |----------|
+///        |   |      |     +======+
+///        | 3 |  --------->| NULL |
+///        |   |      |     +======+
+///        |   |      |                  inner
+///        |----------|     +======+    +======+
+///        | 4 |  --------->|  -------->| NULL |
+///        |   |      |     +======+    +======+
+///        |   |      |
+///        |----------|     +======+    +======+
+///        | 5 |  --------->|  -------->|  1   |
+///        |   |      |     |      |    +------+
+///        |   |      |     |      |    | NULL |
+///        |   |      |     +------+    +======+
+///        |   |      |     |      |
+///        |   |      |     |      |    +======+
+///        |   |      |     |  -------->|  2   |
+///        |   |      |     +======+    +======+
+///        |   |      |
+///        |----------|     +======+    +======+
+///        | 6 |  --------->|  -------->|  3   |
+///        +==========+     +======+    +======+
+///   The top-level row batch contains two slots, one containing the int64_t 'id' slot and
+///   the other containing the CollectionValue 'array_col' slot. The CollectionValues in
+///   turn contain pointers to their item tuple data. Each item tuple contains a single
+///   ArrayColumn slot ('array_col.item'). The inner CollectionValues' item tuples contain
+///   a single int 'item' slot.
+///   Note that the scanner materializes a NULL CollectionValue for empty collections.
+///   This is technically a bug (it should materialize a CollectionValue with num_tuples =
+///   0), but we don't distinguish between these two cases yet.
+///   TODO: fix this (IMPALA-2272)
+///   The column readers that materialize this structure form a tree analogous to the
+///   materialized output:
+///     CollectionColumnReader slot_id=0 node="repeated group list (d=2 r=1)"
+///       CollectionColumnReader slot_id=1 node="repeated group list (d=4 r=2)"
+///         ScalarColumnReader<int32_t> slot_id=3 node="opt int32 item (d=5 r=2)"
+///     ScalarColumnReader<int64_t> slot_id=2 node="req int64 id (d=0 r=0)"
+///   Note that the collection column readers reference the "repeated group item" schema
+///   element of the serialized array, not the outer "opt group" element. This is what
+///   causes the bug described above, it should consider both elements.
+/// * Example query 2:
+///     select inner.item from tbl.array_col.item inner;
+///   Results from the above sample data:
+///     NULL
+///     1
+///     NULL
+///     2
+///     3
+///   Descriptors:
+///    Tuple(id=0 tuple_path=[1, 0] slots=[
+///      Slot(id=0 type=INT col_path=[1,0,0])])
+///   In-memory row batch:
+///     +======+
+///     | NULL |
+///     |------|
+///     |  1   |
+///     |------|
+///     | NULL |
+///     |------|
+///     |  2   |
+///     |------|
+///     |  3   |
+///     +======+
+///   Column readers:
+///     ScalarColumnReader<int32_t> slot_id=0 node="opt int32 item (d=5 r=2)"
+///   In this example, the scanner doesn't materialize a nested in-memory result, since
+///   only the single int 'item' slot is materialized. However, it still needs to read the
+///   nested data as shown above. An important point to notice is that a tuple is not
+///   materialized for every rep and def level pair read -- there are 9 of these pairs
+///   total in the sample data above, but only 5 tuples are materialized. This is because
+///   in this case, nothing should be materialized for NULL or empty arrays, since we're
+///   only materializing the innermost item. If a def level is read that doesn't
+///   correspond to any item value (NULL or otherwise), the scanner advances to the next
+///   rep and def levels without materializing a tuple.
+/// * Example query 3:
+///     select id, inner.item from tbl t, t.array_col.item inner
+///   Results from the above sample data (same as example 1):
+///     4,NULL
+///     5,1
+///     5,NULL
+///     5,2
+///     6,3
+///   Descriptors:
+///    Tuple(id=0 tuple_path=[] slots=[
+///      Slot(id=0 type=ARRAY col_path=[2]),
+///      Slot(id=1 type=BIGINT col_path=[0])])
+///    Tuple(id=1 tuple_path=[2, 0] slots=[
+///      Slot(id=2 type=INT col_path=[2,0,0])])
+///   In-memory row batch:
+///       RowBatch
+///     +==========+
+///     | 0 | NULL |
+///     |----------|
+///     | 1 | NULL |
+///     |----------|      inner
+///     | 2 |  --------->+======+
+///     |   |      |     +======+
+///     |----------|
+///     |   |      |
+///     | 3 |  --------->+======+
+///     |   |      |     +======+
+///     |   |      |
+///     |----------|     +======+
+///     | 4 |  --------->| NULL |
+///     |   |      |     +======+
+///     |   |      |
+///     |----------|     +======+
+///     | 5 |  --------->|  1   |
+///     |   |      |     +------+
+///     |   |      |     | NULL |
+///     |   |      |     +------+
+///     |   |      |     |  2   |
+///     |   |      |     +======+
+///     |   |      |
+///     |----------|     +======+
+///     | 6 |  --------->|  3   |
+///     +==========+     +======+
+///   Column readers:
+///     CollectionColumnReader slot_id=0 node="repeated group list (d=2 r=1)"
+///       ScalarColumnReader<int32_t> slot_id=2 node="opt int32 item (d=5 r=2)"
+///     ScalarColumnReader<int32_t> id=1 node="req int64 id (d=0 r=0)"
+///   In this example, the scanner materializes a "flattened" version of inner, rather
+///   than the full 3-level structure. Note that the collection reader references the
+///   outer array, which determines how long each materialized array is, and the items in
+///   the array are from the inner array.
+/// ---- Slot materialization ----
+/// Top-level tuples:
+/// The slots of top-level tuples are populated in a column-wise fashion. Each column
+/// reader materializes a batch of values into a temporary 'scratch batch'. Once a
+/// scratch batch has been fully populated, runtime filters and conjuncts are evaluated
+/// against the scratch tuples, and the surviving tuples are set in the output batch that
+/// is handed to the scan node. The ownership of tuple memory is transferred from a
+/// scratch batch to an output row batch once all tuples in the scratch batch have either
+/// been filtered or returned as part of an output batch.
+/// Collection items:
+/// Unlike the top-level tuples, the item tuples of CollectionValues are populated in
+/// a row-wise fashion because doing it column-wise has the following challenges.
+/// First, we would need to allocate a scratch batch for every collection-typed slot
+/// which could consume a lot of memory. Then we'd need a similar mechanism to transfer
+/// tuples that survive conjuncts to an output collection. However, CollectionValues lack
+/// the row indirection that row batches have, so we would need to either deep copy the
+/// surviving tuples, or come up with a different mechanism altogether.
+/// TODO: Populating CollectionValues in a column-wise fashion seems different enough
+/// and less critical for most of our users today to defer this task until later.
+/// ---- Runtime filters ----
+/// HdfsParquetScanner is able to apply runtime filters that arrive before or during
+/// scanning. Filters are applied at both the row group (see AssembleRows()) and row (see
+/// ReadRow()) scope. If all filter predicates do not pass, the row or row group will be
+/// excluded from output. Only partition-column filters are applied at AssembleRows(). The
+/// FilterContexts for these filters are cloned from the parent scan node and attached to
+/// the ScannerContext.
+class HdfsParquetScanner : public HdfsScanner {
+ public:
+  HdfsParquetScanner(HdfsScanNodeBase* scan_node, RuntimeState* state);
+  virtual ~HdfsParquetScanner() {}
+  /// Issue just the footer range for each file.  We'll then parse the footer and pick
+  /// out the columns we want. 'files' must not be empty.
+  static Status IssueInitialRanges(HdfsScanNodeBase* scan_node,
+                                   const std::vector<HdfsFileDesc*>& files)
+                                   WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
+  virtual Status Open(ScannerContext* context) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
+  virtual Status ProcessSplit() WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
+  virtual void Close(RowBatch* row_batch);
+  /// Codegen ProcessScratchBatch(). Stores the resulting function in
+  /// 'process_scratch_batch_fn' if codegen was successful or NULL otherwise.
+  static Status Codegen(HdfsScanNodeBase* node,
+      const std::vector<ScalarExpr*>& conjuncts,
+      llvm::Function** process_scratch_batch_fn)
+  /// Initializes a ParquetTimestampDecoder depending on writer, timezone, and the schema
+  /// of the column.
+  ParquetTimestampDecoder CreateTimestampDecoder(const parquet::SchemaElement& element);
+  /// Class name in LLVM IR.
+  static const char* LLVM_CLASS_NAME;
+ private:
+  friend class ParquetColumnReader;
+  friend class CollectionColumnReader;
+  friend class BaseScalarColumnReader;
+  template<typename InternalType, parquet::Type::type PARQUET_TYPE, bool MATERIALIZED>
+  friend class ScalarColumnReader;
+  friend class BoolColumnReader;
+  friend class HdfsParquetScannerTest;
+  /// Index of the current row group being processed. Initialized to -1 which indicates
+  /// that we have not started processing the first row group yet (GetNext() has not yet
+  /// been called).
+  int32_t row_group_idx_;
+  /// Counts the number of rows processed for the current row group.
+  int64_t row_group_rows_read_;
+  /// Indicates whether we should advance to the next row group in the next GetNext().
+  /// Starts out as true to move to the very first row group.
+  bool advance_row_group_;
+  boost::scoped_ptr<ParquetSchemaResolver> schema_resolver_;
+  /// Tuple to hold values when reading parquet::Statistics. Owned by perm_pool_.
+  Tuple* min_max_tuple_;
+  /// Clone of Min/max statistics conjunct evaluators. Has the same life time as
+  /// the scanner. Stored in 'obj_pool_'.
+  vector<ScalarExprEvaluator*> min_max_conjunct_evals_;
+  /// Pool used for allocating caches of definition/repetition levels and tuples for
+  /// dictionary filtering. The definition/repetition levels are populated by the
+  /// level readers. The pool is freed in Close().
+  boost::scoped_ptr<MemPool> perm_pool_;
+  /// Number of scratch batches processed so far.
+  int64_t row_batches_produced_;
+  /// Column reader for each top-level materialized slot in the output tuple.
+  std::vector<ParquetColumnReader*> column_readers_;
+  /// Column readers will write slot values into this scratch batch for
+  /// top-level tuples. See AssembleRows().
+  boost::scoped_ptr<ScratchTupleBatch> scratch_batch_;
+  /// File metadata thrift object
+  parquet::FileMetaData file_metadata_;
+  /// Version of the application that wrote this file.
+  ParquetFileVersion file_version_;
+  /// Scan range for the metadata.
+  const io::ScanRange* metadata_range_;
+  /// Pool to copy dictionary page buffer into. This pool is shared across all the
+  /// pages in a column chunk.
+  boost::scoped_ptr<MemPool> dictionary_pool_;
+  /// Column readers that are eligible for dictionary filtering.
+  /// These are pointers to elements of column_readers_. Materialized columns that are
+  /// dictionary encoded correspond to scalar columns that are either top-level columns
+  /// or nested within a collection. CollectionColumnReaders are not eligible for
+  /// dictionary filtering so are not included.
+  std::vector<BaseScalarColumnReader*> dict_filterable_readers_;
+  /// Column readers that are not eligible for dictionary filtering.
+  /// These are pointers to elements of column_readers_. The readers are either top-level
+  /// or nested within a collection.
+  std::vector<BaseScalarColumnReader*> non_dict_filterable_readers_;
+  /// Flattened list of all scalar column readers in column_readers_.
+  std::vector<BaseScalarColumnReader*> scalar_readers_;
+  /// Flattened collection column readers that point to readers in column_readers_.
+  std::vector<CollectionColumnReader*> collection_readers_;
+  /// Memory used to store the tuples used for dictionary filtering. Tuples owned by
+  /// perm_pool_.
+  std::unordered_map<const TupleDescriptor*, Tuple*> dict_filter_tuple_map_;
+  /// Timer for materializing rows.  This ignores time getting the next buffer.
+  ScopedTimer<MonotonicStopWatch> assemble_rows_timer_;
+  /// Average and min/max time spent processing the footer by each split.
+  RuntimeProfile::SummaryStatsCounter* process_footer_timer_stats_;
+  /// Number of columns that need to be read.
+  RuntimeProfile::Counter* num_cols_counter_;
+  /// Number of row groups that are skipped because of Parquet row group statistics.
+  RuntimeProfile::Counter* num_stats_filtered_row_groups_counter_;
+  /// Number of row groups that need to be read.
+  RuntimeProfile::Counter* num_row_groups_counter_;
+  /// Number of scanners that end up doing no reads because their splits don't overlap
+  /// with the midpoint of any row-group in the file.
+  RuntimeProfile::Counter* num_scanners_with_no_reads_counter_;
+  /// Number of row groups skipped due to dictionary filter
+  RuntimeProfile::Counter* num_dict_filtered_row_groups_counter_;
+  /// Number of collection items read in current row batch. It is a scanner-local counter
+  /// used to reduce the frequency of updating HdfsScanNode counter. It is updated by the
+  /// callees of AssembleRows() and is merged into the HdfsScanNode counter at the end of
+  /// AssembleRows() and then is reset to 0.
+  int64_t coll_items_read_counter_;
+  typedef int (*ProcessScratchBatchFn)(HdfsParquetScanner*, RowBatch*);
+  /// The codegen'd version of ProcessScratchBatch() if available, NULL otherwise.
+  ProcessScratchBatchFn codegend_process_scratch_batch_fn_;
+  const char* filename() const { return metadata_range_->file(); }
+  virtual Status GetNextInternal(RowBatch* row_batch) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
+  /// Evaluates the min/max predicates of the 'scan_node_' using the parquet::Statistics
+  /// of 'row_group'. 'file_metadata' is used to determine the ordering that was used to
+  /// compute the statistics. Sets 'skip_row_group' to true if the row group can be
+  /// skipped, 'false' otherwise.
+  Status EvaluateStatsConjuncts(const parquet::FileMetaData& file_metadata,
+      const parquet::RowGroup& row_group, bool* skip_row_group) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
+  /// Advances 'row_group_idx_' to the next non-empty row group and initializes
+  /// the column readers to scan it. Recoverable errors are logged to the runtime
+  /// state. Only returns a non-OK status if a non-recoverable error is encountered
+  /// (or abort_on_error is true). If OK is returned, 'parse_status_' is guaranteed
+  /// to be OK as well.
+  Status NextRowGroup() WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
+  /// Reads data using 'column_readers' to materialize top-level tuples into 'row_batch'.
+  /// Returns a non-OK status if a non-recoverable error was encountered and execution
+  /// of this query should be terminated immediately.
+  /// May set *skip_row_group to indicate that the current row group should be skipped,
+  /// e.g., due to a parse error, but execution should continue.
+  Status AssembleRows(const std::vector<ParquetColumnReader*>& column_readers,
+      RowBatch* row_batch, bool* skip_row_group) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
+  /// Commit num_rows to the given row batch.
+  /// Returns OK if the query is not cancelled and hasn't exceeded any mem limits.
+  /// Scanner can call this with 0 rows to flush any pending resources (attached pools
+  /// and io buffers) to minimize memory consumption.
+  Status CommitRows(RowBatch* dst_batch, int num_rows) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
+  /// Evaluates runtime filters and conjuncts (if any) against the tuples in
+  /// 'scratch_batch_', and adds the surviving tuples to the given batch.
+  /// Transfers the ownership of tuple memory to the target batch when the
+  /// scratch batch is exhausted.
+  /// Returns the number of rows that should be committed to the given batch.
+  int TransferScratchTuples(RowBatch* dst_batch);
+  /// Processes a single row batch for TransferScratchTuples, looping over scratch_batch_
+  /// until it is exhausted or the output is full. Called for the case when there are
+  /// materialized tuples. This is a separate function so it can be codegened.
+  int ProcessScratchBatch(RowBatch* dst_batch);
+  /// Reads data using 'column_readers' to materialize the tuples of a CollectionValue
+  /// allocated from 'coll_value_builder'. Increases 'coll_items_read_counter_' by the
+  /// number of items in this collection and descendant collections.
+  ///
+  /// 'new_collection_rep_level' indicates when the end of the collection has been
+  /// reached, namely when current_rep_level <= new_collection_rep_level.
+  ///
+  /// Returns true when the end of the current collection is reached, and execution can
+  /// be safely resumed.
+  /// Returns false if execution should be aborted due to:
+  /// - parse_error_ is set
+  /// - query is cancelled
+  /// - scan node limit was reached
+  /// When false is returned the column_readers are left in an undefined state and
+  /// execution should be aborted immediately by the caller.
+  bool AssembleCollection(const std::vector<ParquetColumnReader*>& column_readers,
+      int new_collection_rep_level, CollectionValueBuilder* coll_value_builder);
+  /// Function used by AssembleCollection() to materialize a single collection item
+  /// into 'tuple'. Returns false if execution should be aborted for some reason,
+  /// otherwise returns true.
+  /// If 'materialize_tuple' is false, only advances the column readers' levels,
+  /// and does not read any data values.
+  inline bool ReadCollectionItem(const std::vector<ParquetColumnReader*>& column_readers,
+      bool materialize_tuple, MemPool* pool, Tuple* tuple) const;
+  /// Process the file footer and parse file_metadata_.  This should be called with the
+  /// last FOOTER_SIZE bytes in context_.
+  Status ProcessFooter() WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
+  /// Populates 'column_readers' for the slots in 'tuple_desc', including creating child
+  /// readers for any collections. Schema resolution is handled in this function as
+  /// well. Fills in the appropriate template tuple slot with NULL for any materialized
+  /// fields missing in the file.
+  Status CreateColumnReaders(const TupleDescriptor& tuple_desc,
+      const ParquetSchemaResolver& schema_resolver,
+      std::vector<ParquetColumnReader*>* column_readers) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
+  /// Returns the total number of scalar column readers in 'column_readers', including
+  /// the children of collection readers.
+  int CountScalarColumns(const std::vector<ParquetColumnReader*>& column_readers);
+  /// Creates a column reader that reads one value for each item in the table or
+  /// collection element corresponding to 'parent_path'. 'parent_path' should point to
+  /// either a collection element or the root schema (i.e. empty path). The returned
+  /// reader has no slot desc associated with it, meaning only NextLevels() and not
+  /// ReadValue() can be called on it.
+  ///
+  /// This is used for counting item values, rather than materializing any values. For
+  /// example, in a count(*) over a collection, there are no values to materialize, but we
+  /// still need to iterate over every item in the collection to count them.
+  Status CreateCountingReader(const SchemaPath& parent_path,
+      const ParquetSchemaResolver& schema_resolver,
+      ParquetColumnReader** reader)
+  /// Walks file_metadata_ and initiates reading the materialized columns.  This
+  /// initializes 'scalar_readers_' and divides reservation between the columns but
+  /// does not start any scan ranges.
+  Status InitScalarColumns() WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
+  /// Decides how to divide stream_->reservation() between the columns. May increase
+  /// the reservation if more reservation would enable more efficient I/O for the
+  /// current columns being scanned. Sets the reservation on each corresponding reader
+  /// in 'column_readers'.
+  Status DivideReservationBetweenColumns(
+      const std::vector<BaseScalarColumnReader*>& column_readers);
+  /// Compute the ideal reservation to scan a file with scan range lengths
+  /// 'col_range_lengths' given the min and max buffer size of the singleton DiskIoMgr
+  /// in ExecEnv.
+  static int64_t ComputeIdealReservation(const std::vector<int64_t>& col_range_lengths);
+  /// Helper for DivideReservationBetweenColumns(). Implements the core algorithm for
+  /// dividing a reservation of 'reservation_to_distribute' bytes between columns with
+  /// scan range lengths 'col_range_lengths' given a min and max buffer size. Returns
+  /// a vector with an entry per column with the index into 'col_range_lengths' and the
+  /// amount of reservation in bytes to give to that column.
+  static std::vector<std::pair<int, int64_t>> DivideReservationBetweenColumnsHelper(
+      int64_t min_buffer_size, int64_t max_buffer_size,
+      const std::vector<int64_t>& col_range_lengths, int64_t reservation_to_distribute);
+  /// Initializes the column readers in collection_readers_.
+  void InitCollectionColumns();
+  /// Initialize dictionaries for all column readers
+  Status InitDictionaries(const std::vector<BaseScalarColumnReader*>& column_readers)
+  /// Performs some validation once we've reached the end of a row group to help detect
+  /// bugs or bad input files.
+  Status ValidateEndOfRowGroup(const std::vector<ParquetColumnReader*>& column_readers,
+      int row_group_idx, int64_t rows_read) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
+  /// Part of the HdfsScanner interface, not used in Parquet.
+  Status InitNewRange() WARN_UNUSED_RESULT { return Status::OK(); }
+  /// Transfers the remaining resources backing tuples such as IO buffers and memory
+  /// from mem pools to the given row batch. Closes all column readers.
+  /// Should be called after completing a row group and when returning the last batch.
+  void FlushRowGroupResources(RowBatch* row_batch);
+  /// Releases resources associated with a row group that was skipped and closes all
+  /// column readers. Should be called after skipping a row group from which no rows
+  /// were returned.
+  void ReleaseSkippedRowGroupResources();
+  /// Evaluates whether the column reader is eligible for dictionary predicates
+  bool IsDictFilterable(ParquetColumnReader* col_reader);
+  /// Evaluates whether the column reader is eligible for dictionary predicates.
+  bool IsDictFilterable(BaseScalarColumnReader* col_reader);
+  /// Partitions the readers into scalar and collection readers. The collection readers
+  /// are flattened into collection_readers_. The scalar readers are partitioned into
+  /// dict_filterable_readers_ and non_dict_filterable_readers_ depending on whether
+  /// dictionary filtering is enabled and the reader can be dictionary filtered. All
+  /// scalar readers are also flattened into scalar_readers_.
+  void PartitionReaders(const vector<ParquetColumnReader*>& readers,
+                        bool can_eval_dict_filters);
+  /// Divides the column readers into dict_filterable_readers_,
+  /// non_dict_filterable_readers_ and collection_readers_. Allocates memory for
+  /// dict_filter_tuple_map_.
+  Status InitDictFilterStructures() WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
+  /// Returns true if all of the data pages in the column chunk are dictionary encoded
+  bool IsDictionaryEncoded(const parquet::ColumnMetaData& col_metadata);
+  /// Checks to see if this row group can be eliminated based on applying conjuncts
+  /// to the dictionary values. Specifically, if any dictionary-encoded column has
+  /// no values that pass the relevant conjuncts, then the row group can be skipped.
+  Status EvalDictionaryFilters(const parquet::RowGroup& row_group,
+      bool* skip_row_group) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
+} // namespace impala
diff --git a/be/src/exec/parquet/ b/be/src/exec/parquet/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80e340b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/be/src/exec/parquet/
@@ -0,0 +1,1321 @@
+// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+// distributed with this work for additional information
+// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+// specific language governing permissions and limitations
+// under the License.
+#include "exec/parquet/hdfs-parquet-table-writer.h"
+#include <boost/unordered_set.hpp>
+#include "common/version.h"
+#include "exec/hdfs-table-sink.h"
+#include "exec/parquet/parquet-column-stats.inline.h"
+#include "exprs/scalar-expr-evaluator.h"
+#include "exprs/scalar-expr.h"
+#include "rpc/thrift-util.h"
+#include "runtime/decimal-value.h"
+#include "runtime/mem-tracker.h"
+#include "runtime/raw-value.h"
+#include "runtime/row-batch.h"
+#include "runtime/runtime-state.h"
+#include "runtime/string-value.inline.h"
+#include "util/bit-stream-utils.h"
+#include "util/bit-util.h"
+#include "util/buffer-builder.h"
+#include "util/compress.h"
+#include "util/debug-util.h"
+#include "util/dict-encoding.h"
+#include "util/hdfs-util.h"
+#include "util/rle-encoding.h"
+#include "util/string-util.h"
+#include <sstream>
+#include "gen-cpp/ImpalaService_types.h"
+#include "common/names.h"
+using namespace impala;
+using namespace apache::thrift;
+// Managing file sizes: We need to estimate how big the files being buffered
+// are in order to split them correctly in HDFS. Having a file that is too big
+// will cause remote reads (parquet files are non-splittable).
+// It's too expensive to compute the exact file sizes as the rows are buffered
+// since the values in the current pages are only encoded/compressed when the page
+// is full. Once the page is full, we encode and compress it, at which point we know
+// the exact on file size.
+// The current buffered pages (one for each column) can have a very poor estimate.
+// To adjust for this, we aim for a slightly smaller file size than the ideal.
+// Class that encapsulates all the state for writing a single column.  This contains
+// all the buffered pages as well as the metadata (e.g. byte sizes, num values, etc).
+// This is intended to be created once per writer per column and reused across
+// row groups.
+// We currently accumulate all the data pages for an entire row group per column
+// before flushing them.  This can be pretty large (hundreds of MB) but we can't
+// fix this without collocated files in HDFS.  With collocated files, the minimum
+// we'd need to buffer is 1 page per column so on the order of 1MB (although we might
+// decide to buffer a few pages for better HDFS write performance).
+// Pages are reused between flushes.  They are created on demand as necessary and
+// recycled after a flush.
+// As rows come in, we accumulate the encoded values into the values_ and def_levels_
+// buffers. When we've accumulated a page worth's of data, we combine values_ and
+// def_levels_ into a single buffer that would be the exact bytes (with no gaps) in
+// the file. The combined buffer is compressed if compression is enabled and we
+// keep the combined/compressed buffer until we need to flush the file. The
+// values_ and def_levels_ are then reused for the next page.
+// TODO: For codegen, we would codegen the AppendRow() function for each column.
+// This codegen is specific to the column expr (and type) and encoding.  The
+// parent writer object would combine all the generated AppendRow from all
+// the columns and run that function over row batches.
+// TODO: we need to pass in the compression from the FE/metadata
+namespace impala {
+// Base class for column writers. This contains most of the logic except for
+// the type specific functions which are implemented in the subclasses.
+class HdfsParquetTableWriter::BaseColumnWriter {
+ public:
+  // expr - the expression to generate output values for this column.
+  BaseColumnWriter(HdfsParquetTableWriter* parent, ScalarExprEvaluator* expr_eval,
+      const THdfsCompression::type& codec)
+    : parent_(parent),
+      expr_eval_(expr_eval),
+      codec_(codec),
+      page_size_(DEFAULT_DATA_PAGE_SIZE),
+      current_page_(nullptr),
+      num_values_(0),
+      total_compressed_byte_size_(0),
+      total_uncompressed_byte_size_(0),
+      dict_encoder_base_(nullptr),
+      def_levels_(nullptr),
+      values_buffer_len_(DEFAULT_DATA_PAGE_SIZE),
+      page_stats_base_(nullptr),
+      row_group_stats_base_(nullptr),
+      table_sink_mem_tracker_(parent_->parent_->mem_tracker()) {
+    static_assert(std::is_same<decltype(parent_->parent_), HdfsTableSink*>::value,
+        "'table_sink_mem_tracker_' must point to the mem tracker of an HdfsTableSink");
+    def_levels_ = parent_->state_->obj_pool()->Add(
+        new RleEncoder(parent_->reusable_col_mem_pool_->Allocate(DEFAULT_DATA_PAGE_SIZE),
+                       DEFAULT_DATA_PAGE_SIZE, 1));
+    values_buffer_ = parent_->reusable_col_mem_pool_->Allocate(values_buffer_len_);
+  }
+  virtual ~BaseColumnWriter() {}
+  // Called after the constructor to initialize the column writer.
+  Status Init() WARN_UNUSED_RESULT {
+    Reset();
+    RETURN_IF_ERROR(Codec::CreateCompressor(nullptr, false, codec_, &compressor_));
+    return Status::OK();
+  }
+  // Appends the row to this column.  This buffers the value into a data page.  Returns
+  // error if the space needed for the encoded value is larger than the data page size.
+  // TODO: this needs to be batch based, instead of row based for better performance.
+  // This is a bit trickier to handle the case where only a partial row batch can be
+  // output to the current file because it reaches the max file size.  Enabling codegen
+  // would also solve this problem.
+  Status AppendRow(TupleRow* row) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
+  // Flushes all buffered data pages to the file.
+  // *file_pos is an output parameter and will be incremented by
+  // the number of bytes needed to write all the data pages for this column.
+  // first_data_page and first_dictionary_page are also out parameters and
+  // will contain the byte offset for the data page and dictionary page.  They
+  // will be set to -1 if the column does not contain that type of page.
+  Status Flush(int64_t* file_pos, int64_t* first_data_page,
+      int64_t* first_dictionary_page) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
+  // Materializes the column statistics to the per-file MemPool so they are available
+  // after their row batch buffer has been freed.
+  Status MaterializeStatsValues() WARN_UNUSED_RESULT {
+    RETURN_IF_ERROR(row_group_stats_base_->MaterializeStringValuesToInternalBuffers());
+    RETURN_IF_ERROR(page_stats_base_->MaterializeStringValuesToInternalBuffers());
+    return Status::OK();
+  }
+  // Encodes the row group statistics into a parquet::Statistics object and attaches it to
+  // 'meta_data'.
+  void EncodeRowGroupStats(parquet::ColumnMetaData* meta_data) {
+    DCHECK(row_group_stats_base_ != nullptr);
+    if (row_group_stats_base_->BytesNeeded() <= MAX_COLUMN_STATS_SIZE) {
+      row_group_stats_base_->EncodeToThrift(&meta_data->statistics);
+      meta_data->__isset.statistics = true;
+    }
+  }
+  // Resets all the data accumulated for this column.  Memory can now be reused for
+  // the next row group.
+  // Any data for previous row groups must be reset (e.g. dictionaries).
+  // Subclasses must call this if they override this function.
+  virtual void Reset() {
+    num_values_ = 0;
+    total_compressed_byte_size_ = 0;
+    current_encoding_ = parquet::Encoding::PLAIN;
+    next_page_encoding_ = parquet::Encoding::PLAIN;
+    pages_.clear();
+    current_page_ = nullptr;
+    column_encodings_.clear();
+    dict_encoding_stats_.clear();
+    data_encoding_stats_.clear();
+    // Repetition/definition level encodings are constant. Incorporate them here.
+    column_encodings_.insert(parquet::Encoding::RLE);
+    offset_index_.page_locations.clear();
+    column_index_.null_pages.clear();
+    column_index_.min_values.clear();
+    column_index_.max_values.clear();
+    table_sink_mem_tracker_->Release(page_index_memory_consumption_);
+    page_index_memory_consumption_ = 0;
+    column_index_.null_counts.clear();
+    valid_column_index_ = true;
+  }
+  // Close this writer. This is only called after Flush() and no more rows will
+  // be added.
+  void Close() {
+    if (compressor_.get() != nullptr) compressor_->Close();
+    if (dict_encoder_base_ != nullptr) dict_encoder_base_->Close();
+    // We must release the memory consumption of this column writer.
+    table_sink_mem_tracker_->Release(page_index_memory_consumption_);
+    page_index_memory_consumption_ = 0;
+  }
+  const ColumnType& type() const { return expr_eval_->root().type(); }
+  uint64_t num_values() const { return num_values_; }
+  uint64_t total_compressed_size() const { return total_compressed_byte_size_; }
+  uint64_t total_uncompressed_size() const { return total_uncompressed_byte_size_; }
+  parquet::CompressionCodec::type GetParquetCodec() const {
+    return ConvertImpalaToParquetCodec(codec_);
+  }
+ protected:
+  friend class HdfsParquetTableWriter;
+  Status AddMemoryConsumptionForPageIndex(int64_t new_memory_allocation) {
+    if (UNLIKELY(!table_sink_mem_tracker_->TryConsume(new_memory_allocation))) {
+      return table_sink_mem_tracker_->MemLimitExceeded(parent_->state_,
+          "Failed to allocate memory for Parquet page index.", new_memory_allocation);
+    }
+    page_index_memory_consumption_ += new_memory_allocation;
+    return Status::OK();
+  }
+  Status ReserveOffsetIndex(int64_t capacity) {
+    if (!FLAGS_enable_parquet_page_index_writing_debug_only) return Status::OK();
+        AddMemoryConsumptionForPageIndex(capacity * sizeof(parquet::PageLocation)));
+    offset_index_.page_locations.reserve(capacity);
+    return Status::OK();
+  }
+  void AddLocationToOffsetIndex(const parquet::PageLocation& location) {
+    if (!FLAGS_enable_parquet_page_index_writing_debug_only) return;
+    offset_index_.page_locations.push_back(location);
+  }
+  Status AddPageStatsToColumnIndex() {
+    if (!FLAGS_enable_parquet_page_index_writing_debug_only) return Status::OK();
+    parquet::Statistics page_stats;
+    page_stats_base_->EncodeToThrift(&page_stats);
+    // If pages_stats contains min_value and max_value, then append them to min_values_
+    // and max_values_ and also mark the page as not null. In case min and max values are
+    // not set, push empty strings to maintain the consistency of the index and mark the
+    // page as null. Always push the null_count.
+    string min_val;
+    string max_val;
+    if ((page_stats.__isset.min_value) && (page_stats.__isset.max_value)) {
+      Status s_min = TruncateDown(page_stats.min_value, PAGE_INDEX_MAX_STRING_LENGTH,
+          &min_val);
+      Status s_max = TruncateUp(page_stats.max_value, PAGE_INDEX_MAX_STRING_LENGTH,
+          &max_val);
+      if (!s_min.ok() || !s_max.ok()) valid_column_index_ = false;
+      column_index_.null_pages.push_back(false);
+    } else {
+      DCHECK(!page_stats.__isset.min_value && !page_stats.__isset.max_value);
+      column_index_.null_pages.push_back(true);
+      DCHECK_EQ(page_stats.null_count, num_values_);
+    }
+        AddMemoryConsumptionForPageIndex(min_val.capacity() + max_val.capacity()));
+    column_index_.min_values.emplace_back(std::move(min_val));
+    column_index_.max_values.emplace_back(std::move(max_val));
+    column_index_.null_counts.push_back(page_stats.null_count);
+    return Status::OK();
+  }
+  // Encodes value into the current page output buffer and updates the column statistics
+  // aggregates. Returns true if the value was appended successfully to the current page.
+  // Returns false if the value was not appended to the current page and the caller can
+  // create a new page and try again with the same value. May change
+  // 'next_page_encoding_' if the encoding for the next page should be different - e.g.
+  // if a dictionary overflowed and dictionary encoding is no longer viable.
+  // *bytes_needed will contain the (estimated) number of bytes needed to successfully
+  // encode the value in the page.
+  // Implemented in the subclass.
+  virtual bool ProcessValue(void* value, int64_t* bytes_needed) WARN_UNUSED_RESULT = 0;
+  // Encodes out all data for the current page and updates the metadata.
+  virtual Status FinalizeCurrentPage() WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;
+  // Update current_page_ to a new page, reusing pages allocated if possible.
+  void NewPage();
+  // Writes out the dictionary encoded data buffered in dict_encoder_.
+  void WriteDictDataPage();
+  struct DataPage {
+    // Page header.  This is a union of all page types.
+    parquet::PageHeader header;
+    // Number of bytes needed to store definition levels.
+    int num_def_bytes;
+    // This is the payload for the data page.  This includes the definition/repetition
+    // levels data and the encoded values.  If compression is enabled, this is the
+    // compressed data.
+    uint8_t* data;
+    // If true, this data page has been finalized.  All sizes are computed, header is
+    // fully populated and any compression is done.
+    bool finalized;
+    // Number of non-null values
+    int num_non_null;
+  };
+  HdfsParquetTableWriter* parent_;
+  ScalarExprEvaluator* expr_eval_;
+  THdfsCompression::type codec_;
+  // Compression codec for this column.  If nullptr, this column is will not be
+  // compressed.
+  scoped_ptr<Codec> compressor_;
+  // Size of newly created pages. Defaults to DEFAULT_DATA_PAGE_SIZE and is increased
+  // when pages are not big enough. This only happens when there are enough unique values
+  // such that we switch from PLAIN_DICTIONARY to PLAIN encoding and then have very
+  // large values (i.e. greater than DEFAULT_DATA_PAGE_SIZE).
+  // TODO: Consider removing and only creating a single large page as necessary.
+  int64_t page_size_;
+  // Pages belong to this column chunk. We need to keep them in memory in order to write
+  // them together.
+  vector<DataPage> pages_;
+  // Pointer to the current page in 'pages_'. Not owned.
+  DataPage* current_page_;
+  // Total number of values across all pages, including NULL.
+  int64_t num_values_;
+  int64_t total_compressed_byte_size_;
+  int64_t total_uncompressed_byte_size_;
+  // Encoding of the current page.
+  parquet::Encoding::type current_encoding_;
+  // Encoding to use for the next page. By default, the same as 'current_encoding_'.
+  // Used by the column writer to switch encoding while writing a column, e.g. if the
+  // dictionary overflows.
+  parquet::Encoding::type next_page_encoding_;
+  // Set of all encodings used in the column chunk
+  unordered_set<parquet::Encoding::type> column_encodings_;
+  // Map from the encoding to the number of pages in the column chunk with this encoding
+  // These are used to construct the PageEncodingStats, which provide information
+  // about encoding usage for each different page type. Currently, only dictionary
+  // and data pages are used.
+  unordered_map<parquet::Encoding::type, int> dict_encoding_stats_;
+  unordered_map<parquet::Encoding::type, int> data_encoding_stats_;
+  // Created, owned, and set by the derived class.
+  DictEncoderBase* dict_encoder_base_;
+  // Rle encoder object for storing definition levels, owned by instances of this class.
+  // For non-nested schemas, this always uses 1 bit per row. This is reused across pages
+  // since the underlying buffer is copied out when the page is finalized.
+  RleEncoder* def_levels_;
+  // Data for buffered values. This is owned by instances of this class and gets reused
+  // across pages.
+  uint8_t* values_buffer_;
+  // The size of values_buffer_.
+  int values_buffer_len_;
+  // Pointers to statistics, created, owned, and set by the derived class.
+  ColumnStatsBase* page_stats_base_;
+  ColumnStatsBase* row_group_stats_base_;
+  // OffsetIndex stores the locations of the pages.
+  parquet::OffsetIndex offset_index_;
+  // ColumnIndex stores the statistics of the pages.
+  parquet::ColumnIndex column_index_;
+  // Pointer to the HdfsTableSink's MemTracker.
+  MemTracker* table_sink_mem_tracker_;
+  // Memory consumption of the min/max values in the page index.
+  int64_t page_index_memory_consumption_ = 0;
+  // Only write ColumnIndex when 'valid_column_index_' is true. We always need to write
+  // the OffsetIndex though.
+  bool valid_column_index_ = true;
+// Per type column writer.
+template<typename T>
+class HdfsParquetTableWriter::ColumnWriter :
+    public HdfsParquetTableWriter::BaseColumnWriter {
+ public:
+  ColumnWriter(HdfsParquetTableWriter* parent, ScalarExprEvaluator* eval,
+      const THdfsCompression::type& codec)
+    : BaseColumnWriter(parent, eval, codec),
+      num_values_since_dict_size_check_(0),
+      plain_encoded_value_size_(
+          ParquetPlainEncoder::EncodedByteSize(eval->root().type())) {
+    DCHECK_NE(eval->root().type().type, TYPE_BOOLEAN);
+    // IMPALA-7304: Don't write column index for floating-point columns until
+    // PARQUET-1222 is resolved.
+    if (std::is_floating_point<T>::value) valid_column_index_ = false;
+  }
+  virtual void Reset() {
+    BaseColumnWriter::Reset();
+    // IMPALA-7304: Don't write column index for floating-point columns until
+    // PARQUET-1222 is resolved.
+    if (std::is_floating_point<T>::value) valid_column_index_ = false;
+    // Default to dictionary encoding.  If the cardinality ends up being too high,
+    // it will fall back to plain.
+    current_encoding_ = parquet::Encoding::PLAIN_DICTIONARY;
+    next_page_encoding_ = parquet::Encoding::PLAIN_DICTIONARY;
+    dict_encoder_.reset(
+        new DictEncoder<T>(parent_->per_file_mem_pool_.get(), plain_encoded_value_size_,
+            parent_->parent_->mem_tracker()));
+    dict_encoder_base_ = dict_encoder_.get();
+    page_stats_.reset(
+        new ColumnStats<T>(parent_->per_file_mem_pool_.get(), plain_encoded_value_size_));
+    page_stats_base_ = page_stats_.get();
+    row_group_stats_.reset(
+        new ColumnStats<T>(parent_->per_file_mem_pool_.get(), plain_encoded_value_size_));
+    row_group_stats_base_ = row_group_stats_.get();
+  }
+ protected:
+  virtual bool ProcessValue(void* value, int64_t* bytes_needed) {
+    if (current_encoding_ == parquet::Encoding::PLAIN_DICTIONARY) {
+      if (UNLIKELY(num_values_since_dict_size_check_ >=
+        num_values_since_dict_size_check_ = 0;
+        if (dict_encoder_->EstimatedDataEncodedSize() >= page_size_) return false;
+      }
+      ++num_values_since_dict_size_check_;
+      *bytes_needed = dict_encoder_->Put(*CastValue(value));
+      // If the dictionary contains the maximum number of values, switch to plain
+      // encoding for the next page. The current page is full and must be written out.
+      if (UNLIKELY(*bytes_needed < 0)) {
+        next_page_encoding_ = parquet::Encoding::PLAIN;
+        return false;
+      }
+      parent_->file_size_estimate_ += *bytes_needed;
+    } else if (current_encoding_ == parquet::Encoding::PLAIN) {
+      T* v = CastValue(value);
+      *bytes_needed = plain_encoded_value_size_ < 0 ?
+          ParquetPlainEncoder::ByteSize<T>(*v) :
+          plain_encoded_value_size_;
+      if (current_page_->header.uncompressed_page_size + *bytes_needed > page_size_) {
+        return false;
+      }
+      uint8_t* dst_ptr = values_buffer_ + current_page_->header.uncompressed_page_size;
+      int64_t written_len =
+          ParquetPlainEncoder::Encode(*v, plain_encoded_value_size_, dst_ptr);
+      DCHECK_EQ(*bytes_needed, written_len);
+      current_page_->header.uncompressed_page_size += written_len;
+    } else {
+      // TODO: support other encodings here
+      DCHECK(false);
+    }
+    page_stats_->Update(*CastValue(value));
+    return true;
+  }
+ private:
+  // The period, in # of rows, to check the estimated dictionary page size against
+  // the data page size. We want to start a new data page when the estimated size
+  // is at least that big. The estimated size computation is not very cheap and
+  // we can tolerate going over the data page size by some amount.
+  // The expected byte size per dictionary value is < 1B and at most 2 bytes so the
+  // error is pretty low.
+  // TODO: is there a better way?
+  // Encoder for dictionary encoding for different columns. Only one is set.
+  scoped_ptr<DictEncoder<T>> dict_encoder_;
+  // The number of values added since we last checked the dictionary.
+  int num_values_since_dict_size_check_;
+  // Size of each encoded value in plain encoding. -1 if the type is variable-length.
+  int64_t plain_encoded_value_size_;
+  // Temporary string value to hold CHAR(N)
+  StringValue temp_;
+  // Tracks statistics per page. These are written out to the page index.
+  scoped_ptr<ColumnStats<T>> page_stats_;
+  // Tracks statistics per row group. This gets reset when starting a new row group.
+  scoped_ptr<ColumnStats<T>> row_group_stats_;
+  // Converts a slot pointer to a raw value suitable for encoding
+  inline T* CastValue(void* value) {
+    return reinterpret_cast<T*>(value);
+  }
+inline StringValue* HdfsParquetTableWriter::ColumnWriter<StringValue>::CastValue(
+    void* value) {
+  if (type().type == TYPE_CHAR) {
+    temp_.ptr = reinterpret_cast<char*>(value);
+    temp_.len = StringValue::UnpaddedCharLength(temp_.ptr, type().len);
+    return &temp_;
+  }
+  return reinterpret_cast<StringValue*>(value);
+// Bools are encoded a bit differently so subclass it explicitly.
+class HdfsParquetTableWriter::BoolColumnWriter :
+    public HdfsParquetTableWriter::BaseColumnWriter {
+ public:
+  BoolColumnWriter(HdfsParquetTableWriter* parent, ScalarExprEvaluator* eval,
+      const THdfsCompression::type& codec)
+    : BaseColumnWriter(parent, eval, codec),
+      page_stats_(parent_->reusable_col_mem_pool_.get(), -1),
+      row_group_stats_(parent_->reusable_col_mem_pool_.get(), -1) {
+    DCHECK_EQ(eval->root().type().type, TYPE_BOOLEAN);
+    bool_values_ = parent_->state_->obj_pool()->Add(
+        new BitWriter(values_buffer_, values_buffer_len_));
+    // Dictionary encoding doesn't make sense for bools and is not allowed by
+    // the format.
+    current_encoding_ = parquet::Encoding::PLAIN;
+    dict_encoder_base_ = nullptr;
+    page_stats_base_ = &page_stats_;
+    row_group_stats_base_ = &row_group_stats_;
+  }
+ protected:
+  virtual bool ProcessValue(void* value, int64_t* bytes_needed) {
+    bool v = *reinterpret_cast<bool*>(value);
+    if (!bool_values_->PutValue(v, 1)) return false;
+    page_stats_.Update(v);
+    return true;
+  }
+  virtual Status FinalizeCurrentPage() {
+    DCHECK(current_page_ != nullptr);
+    if (current_page_->finalized) return Status::OK();
+    bool_values_->Flush();
+    int num_bytes = bool_values_->bytes_written();
+    current_page_->header.uncompressed_page_size += num_bytes;
+    // Call into superclass to handle the rest.
+    RETURN_IF_ERROR(BaseColumnWriter::FinalizeCurrentPage());
+    bool_values_->Clear();
+    return Status::OK();
+  }
+ private:
+  // Used to encode bools as single bit values. This is reused across pages.
+  BitWriter* bool_values_;
+  // Tracks statistics per page. These are written out to the page index.
+  ColumnStats<bool> page_stats_;
+  // Tracks statistics per row group. This gets reset when starting a new file.
+  ColumnStats<bool> row_group_stats_;
+inline Status HdfsParquetTableWriter::BaseColumnWriter::AppendRow(TupleRow* row) {
+  ++num_values_;
+  void* value = expr_eval_->GetValue(row);
+  if (current_page_ == nullptr) NewPage();
+  // Ensure that we have enough space for the definition level, but don't write it yet in
+  // case we don't have enough space for the value.
+  if (def_levels_->buffer_full()) {
+    RETURN_IF_ERROR(FinalizeCurrentPage());
+    NewPage();
+  }
+  // Encoding may fail for several reasons - because the current page is not big enough,
+  // because we've encoded the maximum number of unique dictionary values and need to
+  // switch to plain encoding, etc. so we may need to try again more than once.
+  // TODO: Have a clearer set of state transitions here, to make it easier to see that
+  // this won't loop forever.
+  while (true) {
+    // Nulls don't get encoded. Increment the null count of the parquet statistics.
+    if (value == nullptr) {
+      DCHECK(page_stats_base_ != nullptr);
+      page_stats_base_->IncrementNullCount(1);
+      break;
+    }
+    int64_t bytes_needed = 0;
+    if (ProcessValue(value, &bytes_needed)) {
+      ++current_page_->num_non_null;
+      break; // Succesfully appended, don't need to retry.
+    }
+    // Value didn't fit on page, try again on a new page.
+    RETURN_IF_ERROR(FinalizeCurrentPage());
+    // Check how much space is needed to write this value. If that is larger than the
+    // page size then increase page size and try again.
+    if (UNLIKELY(bytes_needed > page_size_)) {
+      if (bytes_needed > MAX_DATA_PAGE_SIZE) {
+        stringstream ss;
+        ss << "Cannot write value of size "
+           << PrettyPrinter::Print(bytes_needed, TUnit::BYTES) << " bytes to a Parquet "
+           << "data page that exceeds the max page limit "
+           << PrettyPrinter::Print(MAX_DATA_PAGE_SIZE , TUnit::BYTES) << ".";
+        return Status(ss.str());
+      }
+      page_size_ = bytes_needed;
+      values_buffer_len_ = page_size_;
+      values_buffer_ = parent_->reusable_col_mem_pool_->Allocate(values_buffer_len_);
+    }
+    NewPage();
+  }
+  // Now that the value has been successfully written, write the definition level.
+  bool ret = def_levels_->Put(value != nullptr);
+  // Writing the def level will succeed because we ensured there was enough space for it
+  // above, and new pages will always have space for at least a single def level.
+  DCHECK(ret);
+  ++current_page_->header.data_page_header.num_values;
+  return Status::OK();
+inline void HdfsParquetTableWriter::BaseColumnWriter::WriteDictDataPage() {
+  DCHECK(dict_encoder_base_ != nullptr);
+  DCHECK_EQ(current_page_->header.uncompressed_page_size, 0);
+  if (current_page_->num_non_null == 0) return;
+  int len = dict_encoder_base_->WriteData(values_buffer_, values_buffer_len_);
+  while (UNLIKELY(len < 0)) {
+    // len < 0 indicates the data doesn't fit into a data page. Allocate a larger data
+    // page.
+    values_buffer_len_ *= 2;
+    values_buffer_ = parent_->reusable_col_mem_pool_->Allocate(values_buffer_len_);
+    len = dict_encoder_base_->WriteData(values_buffer_, values_buffer_len_);
+  }
+  dict_encoder_base_->ClearIndices();
+  current_page_->header.uncompressed_page_size = len;
+Status HdfsParquetTableWriter::BaseColumnWriter::Flush(int64_t* file_pos,
+   int64_t* first_data_page, int64_t* first_dictionary_page) {
+  if (current_page_ == nullptr) {
+    // This column/file is empty
+    *first_data_page = *file_pos;
+    *first_dictionary_page = -1;
+    return Status::OK();
+  }
+  RETURN_IF_ERROR(FinalizeCurrentPage());
+  *first_dictionary_page = -1;
+  // First write the dictionary page before any of the data pages.
+  if (dict_encoder_base_ != nullptr) {
+    *first_dictionary_page = *file_pos;
+    // Write dictionary page header
+    parquet::DictionaryPageHeader dict_header;
+    dict_header.num_values = dict_encoder_base_->num_entries();
+    dict_header.encoding = parquet::Encoding::PLAIN_DICTIONARY;
+    ++dict_encoding_stats_[dict_header.encoding];
+    parquet::PageHeader header;
+    header.type = parquet::PageType::DICTIONARY_PAGE;
+    header.uncompressed_page_size = dict_encoder_base_->dict_encoded_size();
+    header.__set_dictionary_page_header(dict_header);
+    // Write the dictionary page data, compressing it if necessary.
+    uint8_t* dict_buffer = parent_->per_file_mem_pool_->Allocate(
+        header.uncompressed_page_size);
+    dict_encoder_base_->WriteDict(dict_buffer);
+    if (compressor_.get() != nullptr) {
+      SCOPED_TIMER(parent_->parent_->compress_timer());
+      int64_t max_compressed_size =
+          compressor_->MaxOutputLen(header.uncompressed_page_size);
+      DCHECK_GT(max_compressed_size, 0);
+      uint8_t* compressed_data =
+          parent_->per_file_mem_pool_->Allocate(max_compressed_size);
+      header.compressed_page_size = max_compressed_size;
+      RETURN_IF_ERROR(compressor_->ProcessBlock32(true, header.uncompressed_page_size,
+          dict_buffer, &header.compressed_page_size, &compressed_data));
+      dict_buffer = compressed_data;
+      // We allocated the output based on the guessed size, return the extra allocated
+      // bytes back to the mem pool.
+      parent_->per_file_mem_pool_->ReturnPartialAllocation(
+          max_compressed_size - header.compressed_page_size);
+    } else {
+      header.compressed_page_size = header.uncompressed_page_size;
+    }
+    uint8_t* header_buffer;
+    uint32_t header_len;
+    RETURN_IF_ERROR(parent_->thrift_serializer_->SerializeToBuffer(
+        &header, &header_len, &header_buffer));
+    RETURN_IF_ERROR(parent_->Write(header_buffer, header_len));
+    *file_pos += header_len;
+    total_compressed_byte_size_ += header_len;
+    total_uncompressed_byte_size_ += header_len;
+    RETURN_IF_ERROR(parent_->Write(dict_buffer, header.compressed_page_size));
+    *file_pos += header.compressed_page_size;
+    total_compressed_byte_size_ += header.compressed_page_size;
+    total_uncompressed_byte_size_ += header.uncompressed_page_size;
+  }
+  *first_data_page = *file_pos;
+  int64_t current_row_group_index = 0;
+  RETURN_IF_ERROR(ReserveOffsetIndex(pages_.size()));
+  // Write data pages
+  for (const DataPage& page : pages_) {
+    parquet::PageLocation location;
+    if (page.header.data_page_header.num_values == 0) {
+      // Skip empty pages
+      location.offset = -1;
+      location.compressed_page_size = 0;
+      location.first_row_index = -1;
+      AddLocationToOffsetIndex(location);
+      continue;
+    }
+    location.offset = *file_pos;
+    location.first_row_index = current_row_group_index;
+    // Write data page header
+    uint8_t* buffer = nullptr;
+    uint32_t len = 0;
+        parent_->thrift_serializer_->SerializeToBuffer(&page.header, &len, &buffer));
+    RETURN_IF_ERROR(parent_->Write(buffer, len));
+    *file_pos += len;
+    // Note that the namings are confusing here:
+    // parquet::PageHeader::compressed_page_size is the compressed page size in bytes, as
+    // its name suggests. On the other hand, parquet::PageLocation::compressed_page_size
+    // also includes the size of the page header.
+    location.compressed_page_size = page.header.compressed_page_size + len;
+    AddLocationToOffsetIndex(location);
+    // Write the page data
+    RETURN_IF_ERROR(parent_->Write(, page.header.compressed_page_size));
+    *file_pos += page.header.compressed_page_size;
+    current_row_group_index += page.header.data_page_header.num_values;
+  }
+  return Status::OK();
+Status HdfsParquetTableWriter::BaseColumnWriter::FinalizeCurrentPage() {
+  DCHECK(current_page_ != nullptr);
+  if (current_page_->finalized) return Status::OK();
+  // If the entire page was NULL, encode it as PLAIN since there is no
+  // data anyway. We don't output a useless dictionary page and it works
+  // around a parquet MR bug (see IMPALA-759 for more details).
+  if (current_page_->num_non_null == 0) current_encoding_ = parquet::Encoding::PLAIN;
+  if (current_encoding_ == parquet::Encoding::PLAIN_DICTIONARY) WriteDictDataPage();
+  parquet::PageHeader& header = current_page_->header;
+  header.data_page_header.encoding = current_encoding_;
+  // Accumulate encoding statistics
+  column_encodings_.insert(header.data_page_header.encoding);
+  ++data_encoding_stats_[header.data_page_header.encoding];
+  // Compute size of definition bits
+  def_levels_->Flush();
+  current_page_->num_def_bytes = sizeof(int32_t) + def_levels_->len();
+  header.uncompressed_page_size += current_page_->num_def_bytes;
+  // At this point we know all the data for the data page.  Combine them into one buffer.
+  uint8_t* uncompressed_data = nullptr;
+  if (compressor_.get() == nullptr) {
+    uncompressed_data =
+        parent_->per_file_mem_pool_->Allocate(header.uncompressed_page_size);
+  } else {
+    // We have compression.  Combine into the staging buffer.
+    parent_->compression_staging_buffer_.resize(
+        header.uncompressed_page_size);
+    uncompressed_data = &parent_->compression_staging_buffer_[0];
+  }
+  BufferBuilder buffer(uncompressed_data, header.uncompressed_page_size);
+  // Copy the definition (null) data
+  int num_def_level_bytes = def_levels_->len();
+  buffer.Append(num_def_level_bytes);
+  buffer.Append(def_levels_->buffer(), num_def_level_bytes);
+  // TODO: copy repetition data when we support nested types.
+  buffer.Append(values_buffer_, buffer.capacity() - buffer.size());
+  // Apply compression if necessary
+  if (compressor_.get() == nullptr) {
+    current_page_->data = uncompressed_data;
+    header.compressed_page_size = header.uncompressed_page_size;
+  } else {
+    SCOPED_TIMER(parent_->parent_->compress_timer());
+    int64_t max_compressed_size =
+        compressor_->MaxOutputLen(header.uncompressed_page_size);
+    DCHECK_GT(max_compressed_size, 0);
+    uint8_t* compressed_data = parent_->per_file_mem_pool_->Allocate(max_compressed_size);
+    header.compressed_page_size = max_compressed_size;
+    RETURN_IF_ERROR(compressor_->ProcessBlock32(true, header.uncompressed_page_size,
+        uncompressed_data, &header.compressed_page_size, &compressed_data));
+    current_page_->data = compressed_data;
+    // We allocated the output based on the guessed size, return the extra allocated
+    // bytes back to the mem pool.
+    parent_->per_file_mem_pool_->ReturnPartialAllocation(
+        max_compressed_size - header.compressed_page_size);
+  }
+  DCHECK(page_stats_base_ != nullptr);
+  RETURN_IF_ERROR(AddPageStatsToColumnIndex());
+  // Update row group statistics from page statistics.
+  DCHECK(row_group_stats_base_ != nullptr);
+  row_group_stats_base_->Merge(*page_stats_base_);
+  // Add the size of the data page header
+  uint8_t* header_buffer;
+  uint32_t header_len = 0;
+  RETURN_IF_ERROR(parent_->thrift_serializer_->SerializeToBuffer(
+      &current_page_->header, &header_len, &header_buffer));
+  current_page_->finalized = true;
+  total_compressed_byte_size_ += header_len + header.compressed_page_size;
+  total_uncompressed_byte_size_ += header_len + header.uncompressed_page_size;
+  parent_->file_size_estimate_ += header_len + header.compressed_page_size;
+  def_levels_->Clear();
+  return Status::OK();
+void HdfsParquetTableWriter::BaseColumnWriter::NewPage() {
+  pages_.push_back(DataPage());
+  current_page_ = &pages_.back();
+  parquet::DataPageHeader header;
+  header.num_values = 0;
+  // The code that populates the column chunk metadata's encodings field
+  // relies on these specific values for the definition/repetition level
+  // encodings.
+  header.definition_level_encoding = parquet::Encoding::RLE;
+  header.repetition_level_encoding = parquet::Encoding::RLE;
+  current_page_->header.__set_data_page_header(header);
+  current_encoding_ = next_page_encoding_;
+  current_page_->finalized = false;
+  current_page_->num_non_null = 0;
+  page_stats_base_->Reset();
+HdfsParquetTableWriter::HdfsParquetTableWriter(HdfsTableSink* parent, RuntimeState* state,
+    OutputPartition* output, const HdfsPartitionDescriptor* part_desc,
+    const HdfsTableDescriptor* table_desc)
+  : HdfsTableWriter(parent, state, output, part_desc, table_desc),
+    thrift_serializer_(new ThriftSerializer(true)),
+    current_row_group_(nullptr),
+    row_count_(0),
+    file_size_limit_(0),
+    reusable_col_mem_pool_(new MemPool(parent_->mem_tracker())),
+    per_file_mem_pool_(new MemPool(parent_->mem_tracker())),
+    row_idx_(0) {}
+HdfsParquetTableWriter::~HdfsParquetTableWriter() {
+Status HdfsParquetTableWriter::Init() {
+  // Initialize file metadata
+  file_metadata_.version = PARQUET_CURRENT_VERSION;
+  stringstream created_by;
+  created_by << "impala version " << GetDaemonBuildVersion()
+             << " (build " << GetDaemonBuildHash() << ")";
+  file_metadata_.__set_created_by(created_by.str());
+  // Default to snappy compressed
+  THdfsCompression::type codec = THdfsCompression::SNAPPY;
+  const TQueryOptions& query_options = state_->query_options();
+  if (query_options.__isset.compression_codec) {
+    codec = query_options.compression_codec;
+  }
+  if (!(codec == THdfsCompression::NONE ||
+        codec == THdfsCompression::GZIP ||
+        codec == THdfsCompression::SNAPPY)) {
+    stringstream ss;
+    ss << "Invalid parquet compression codec " << Codec::GetCodecName(codec);
+    return Status(ss.str());
+  }
+  VLOG_FILE << "Using compression codec: " << codec;
+  int num_cols = table_desc_->num_cols() - table_desc_->num_clustering_cols();
+  // When opening files using the hdfsOpenFile() API, the maximum block size is limited to
+  // 2GB.
+  int64_t min_block_size = MinBlockSize(num_cols);
+  if (min_block_size >= numeric_limits<int32_t>::max()) {
+    stringstream ss;
+    return Status(Substitute("Minimum required block size must be less than 2GB "
+        "(currently $0), try reducing the number of non-partitioning columns in the "
+        "target table (currently $1).",
+        PrettyPrinter::Print(min_block_size, TUnit::BYTES), num_cols));
+  }
+  columns_.resize(num_cols);
+  // Initialize each column structure.
+  for (int i = 0; i < columns_.size(); ++i) {
+    BaseColumnWriter* writer = nullptr;
+    const ColumnType& type = output_expr_evals_[i]->root().type();
+    switch (type.type) {
+      case TYPE_BOOLEAN:
+        writer = new BoolColumnWriter(this, output_expr_evals_[i], codec);
+        break;
+      case TYPE_TINYINT:
+        writer = new ColumnWriter<int8_t>(this, output_expr_evals_[i], codec);
+        break;
+      case TYPE_SMALLINT:
+        writer = new ColumnWriter<int16_t>(this, output_expr_evals_[i], codec);
+        break;
+      case TYPE_INT:
+        writer = new ColumnWriter<int32_t>(this, output_expr_evals_[i], codec);
+        break;
+      case TYPE_BIGINT:
+        writer = new ColumnWriter<int64_t>(this, output_expr_evals_[i], codec);
+        break;
+      case TYPE_FLOAT:
+        writer = new ColumnWriter<float>(this, output_expr_evals_[i], codec);
+        break;
+      case TYPE_DOUBLE:
+        writer = new ColumnWriter<double>(this, output_expr_evals_[i], codec);
+        break;
+      case TYPE_TIMESTAMP:
+        writer = new ColumnWriter<TimestampValue>(
+            this, output_expr_evals_[i], codec);
+        break;
+      case TYPE_VARCHAR:
+      case TYPE_STRING:
+      case TYPE_CHAR:
+        writer = new ColumnWriter<StringValue>(this, output_expr_evals_[i], codec);
+        break;
+      case TYPE_DECIMAL:
+        switch (output_expr_evals_[i]->root().type().GetByteSize()) {
+          case 4:
+            writer = new ColumnWriter<Decimal4Value>(
+                this, output_expr_evals_[i], codec);
+            break;
+          case 8:
+            writer = new ColumnWriter<Decimal8Value>(
+                this, output_expr_evals_[i], codec);
+            break;
+          case 16:
+            writer = new ColumnWriter<Decimal16Value>(
+                this, output_expr_evals_[i], codec);
+            break;
+          default:
+            DCHECK(false);
+        }
+        break;
+      default:
+        DCHECK(false);
+    }
+    columns_[i].reset(writer);
+    RETURN_IF_ERROR(columns_[i]->Init());
+  }
+  RETURN_IF_ERROR(CreateSchema());
+  return Status::OK();
+Status HdfsParquetTableWriter::CreateSchema() {
+  int num_clustering_cols = table_desc_->num_clustering_cols();
+  // Create flattened tree with a single root.
+  file_metadata_.schema.resize(columns_.size() + 1);
+  file_metadata_.schema[0].__set_num_children(columns_.size());
+  file_metadata_.schema[0].name = "schema";
+  for (int i = 0; i < columns_.size(); ++i) {
+    parquet::SchemaElement& node = file_metadata_.schema[i + 1];
+    const ColumnType& type = output_expr_evals_[i]->root().type();
+ = table_desc_->col_descs()[i + num_clustering_cols].name();
+    node.__set_type(ConvertInternalToParquetType(type.type));
+    node.__set_repetition_type(parquet::FieldRepetitionType::OPTIONAL);
+    if (type.type == TYPE_DECIMAL) {
+      // This column is type decimal. Update the file metadata to include the
+      // additional fields:
+      //  1) converted_type: indicate this is really a decimal column.
+      //  2) type_length: the number of bytes used per decimal value in the data
+      //  3) precision/scale
+      node.__set_converted_type(parquet::ConvertedType::DECIMAL);
+      node.__set_type_length(
+          ParquetPlainEncoder::DecimalSize(output_expr_evals_[i]->root().type()));
+      node.__set_scale(output_expr_evals_[i]->root().type().scale);
+      node.__set_precision(output_expr_evals_[i]->root().type().precision);
+    } else if (type.type == TYPE_VARCHAR || type.type == TYPE_CHAR ||
+        (type.type == TYPE_STRING &&
+         state_->query_options().parquet_annotate_strings_utf8)) {
+      node.__set_converted_type(parquet::ConvertedType::UTF8);
+    } else if (type.type == TYPE_TINYINT) {
+      node.__set_converted_type(parquet::ConvertedType::INT_8);
+    } else if (type.type == TYPE_SMALLINT) {
+      node.__set_converted_type(parquet::ConvertedType::INT_16);
+    } else if (type.type == TYPE_INT) {
+      node.__set_converted_type(parquet::ConvertedType::INT_32);
+    } else if (type.type == TYPE_BIGINT) {
+      node.__set_converted_type(parquet::ConvertedType::INT_64);
+    }
+  }
+  return Status::OK();
+Status HdfsParquetTableWriter::AddRowGroup() {
+  if (current_row_group_ != nullptr) RETURN_IF_ERROR(FlushCurrentRowGroup());
+  file_metadata_.row_groups.push_back(parquet::RowGroup());
+  current_row_group_ = &file_metadata_.row_groups[file_metadata_.row_groups.size() - 1];
+  // Initialize new row group metadata.
+  int num_clustering_cols = table_desc_->num_clustering_cols();
+  current_row_group_->columns.resize(columns_.size());
+  for (int i = 0; i < columns_.size(); ++i) {
+    parquet::ColumnMetaData metadata;
+    metadata.type = ConvertInternalToParquetType(columns_[i]->type().type);
+    metadata.path_in_schema.push_back(
+        table_desc_->col_descs()[i + num_clustering_cols].name());
+    metadata.codec = columns_[i]->GetParquetCodec();
+    current_row_group_->columns[i].__set_meta_data(metadata);
+  }
+  return Status::OK();
+int64_t HdfsParquetTableWriter::MinBlockSize(int64_t num_file_cols) const {
+  // See file_size_limit_ calculation in InitNewFile().
+  return 3 * DEFAULT_DATA_PAGE_SIZE * num_file_cols;
+uint64_t HdfsParquetTableWriter::default_block_size() const {
+  int64_t block_size;
+  if (state_->query_options().__isset.parquet_file_size &&
+      state_->query_options().parquet_file_size > 0) {
+    // If the user specified a value explicitly, use it. InitNewFile() will verify that
+    // the actual file's block size is sufficient.
+    block_size = state_->query_options().parquet_file_size;
+  } else {
+    block_size = HDFS_BLOCK_SIZE;
+    // Blocks are usually HDFS_BLOCK_SIZE bytes, unless there are many columns, in
+    // which case a per-column minimum kicks in.
+    block_size = max(block_size, MinBlockSize(columns_.size()));
+  }
+  // HDFS does not like block sizes that are not aligned
+  return BitUtil::RoundUp(block_size, HDFS_BLOCK_ALIGNMENT);
+Status HdfsParquetTableWriter::InitNewFile() {
+  DCHECK(current_row_group_ == nullptr);
+  per_file_mem_pool_->Clear();
+  // Get the file limit
+  file_size_limit_ = output_->block_size;
+  if (file_size_limit_ < HDFS_MIN_FILE_SIZE) {
+    stringstream ss;
+    ss << "Hdfs file size (" << file_size_limit_ << ") is too small.";
+    return Status(ss.str());
+  }
+  // We want to output HDFS files that are no more than file_size_limit_.  If we
+  // go over the limit, HDFS will split the file into multiple blocks which
+  // is undesirable.  If we are under the limit, we potentially end up with more
+  // files than necessary.  Either way, it is not going to generate a invalid
+  // file.
+  // With arbitrary encoding schemes, it is not possible to know if appending
+  // a new row will push us over the limit until after encoding it.  Rolling back
+  // a row can be tricky as well so instead we will stop the file when it is
+  // 2 * DEFAULT_DATA_PAGE_SIZE * num_cols short of the limit. e.g. 50 cols with 8K data
+  // pages, means we stop 800KB shy of the limit.
+  // Data pages calculate their size precisely when they are complete so having
+  // a two page buffer guarantees we will never go over (unless there are huge values
+  // that require increasing the page size).
+  // TODO: this should be made dynamic based on the size of rows seen so far.
+  // This would for example, let us account for very long string columns.
+  const int64_t num_cols = columns_.size();
+  if (file_size_limit_ < MinBlockSize(num_cols)) {
+    stringstream ss;
+    ss << "Parquet file size " << file_size_limit_ << " bytes is too small for "
+       << "a table with " << num_cols << " non-partitioning columns. Set query option "
+       << "PARQUET_FILE_SIZE to at least " << MinBlockSize(num_cols) << ".";
+    return Status(ss.str());
+  }
+  file_size_limit_ -= 2 * DEFAULT_DATA_PAGE_SIZE * columns_.size();
+  DCHECK_GE(file_size_limit_,
+      static_cast<int64_t>(DEFAULT_DATA_PAGE_SIZE * columns_.size()));
+  file_pos_ = 0;
+  row_count_ = 0;
+  file_size_estimate_ = 0;
+  file_metadata_.row_groups.clear();
+  RETURN_IF_ERROR(AddRowGroup());
+  RETURN_IF_ERROR(WriteFileHeader());
+  return Status::OK();
+Status HdfsParquetTableWriter::AppendRows(
+    RowBatch* batch, const vector<int32_t>& row_group_indices, bool* new_file) {
+  SCOPED_TIMER(parent_->encode_timer());
+  *new_file = false;
+  int limit;
+  if (row_group_indices.empty()) {
+    limit = batch->num_rows();
+  } else {
+    limit = row_group_indices.size();
+  }
+  bool all_rows = row_group_indices.empty();
+  for (; row_idx_ < limit;) {
+    TupleRow* current_row = all_rows ?
+        batch->GetRow(row_idx_) : batch->GetRow(row_group_indices[row_idx_]);
+    for (int j = 0; j < columns_.size(); ++j) {
+      RETURN_IF_ERROR(columns_[j]->AppendRow(current_row));
+    }
+    ++row_idx_;
+    ++row_count_;
+    ++output_->num_rows;
+    if (file_size_estimate_ > file_size_limit_) {
+      // This file is full.  We need a new file.
+      *new_file = true;
+      return Status::OK();
+    }
+  }
+  // We exhausted the batch, so we materialize the statistics before releasing the memory.
+  for (unique_ptr<BaseColumnWriter>& column : columns_) {
+    RETURN_IF_ERROR(column->MaterializeStatsValues());
+  }
+  // Reset the row_idx_ when we exhaust the batch.  We can exit before exhausting
+  // the batch if we run out of file space and will continue from the last index.
+  row_idx_ = 0;
+  return Status::OK();
+Status HdfsParquetTableWriter::Finalize() {
+  SCOPED_TIMER(parent_->hdfs_write_timer());
+  // At this point we write out the rest of the file.  We first update the file
+  // metadata, now that all the values have been seen.
+  file_metadata_.num_rows = row_count_;
+  // Set the ordering used to write parquet statistics for columns in the file.
+  parquet::ColumnOrder col_order = parquet::ColumnOrder();
+  col_order.__set_TYPE_ORDER(parquet::TypeDefinedOrder());
+  file_metadata_.column_orders.assign(columns_.size(), col_order);
+  file_metadata_.__isset.column_orders = true;
+  RETURN_IF_ERROR(FlushCurrentRowGroup());
+  RETURN_IF_ERROR(WritePageIndex());
+  for (auto& column : columns_) column->Reset();
+  RETURN_IF_ERROR(WriteFileFooter());
+  *stats_.mutable_parquet_stats() = parquet_dml_stats_;
+  COUNTER_ADD(parent_->rows_inserted_counter(), row_count_);
+  return Status::OK();
+void HdfsParquetTableWriter::Close() {
+  // Release all accumulated memory
+  for (int i = 0; i < columns_.size(); ++i) {
+    columns_[i]->Close();
+  }
+  reusable_col_mem_pool_->FreeAll();
+  per_file_mem_pool_->FreeAll();
+  compression_staging_buffer_.clear();
+Status HdfsParquetTableWriter::WriteFileHeader() {
+  DCHECK_EQ(file_pos_, 0);
+  file_pos_ += sizeof(PARQUET_VERSION_NUMBER);
+  file_size_estimate_ += sizeof(PARQUET_VERSION_NUMBER);
+  return Status::OK();
+Status HdfsParquetTableWriter::FlushCurrentRowGroup() {
+  if (current_row_group_ == nullptr) return Status::OK();
+  int num_clustering_cols = table_desc_->num_clustering_cols();
+  for (int i = 0; i < columns_.size(); ++i) {
+    int64_t data_page_offset, dict_page_offset;
+    // Flush this column.  This updates the final metadata sizes for this column.
+    RETURN_IF_ERROR(columns_[i]->Flush(&file_pos_, &data_page_offset, &dict_page_offset));
+    DCHECK_GT(data_page_offset, 0);
+    parquet::ColumnChunk& col_chunk = current_row_group_->columns[i];
+    parquet::ColumnMetaData& col_metadata = col_chunk.meta_data;
+    col_metadata.data_page_offset = data_page_offset;
+    if (dict_page_offset >= 0) {
+      col_metadata.__set_dictionary_page_offset(dict_page_offset);
+    }
+    BaseColumnWriter* col_writer = columns_[i].get();
+    col_metadata.num_values = col_writer->num_values();
+    col_metadata.total_uncompressed_size = col_writer->total_uncompressed_size();
+    col_metadata.total_compressed_size = col_writer->total_compressed_size();
+    current_row_group_->total_byte_size += col_writer->total_compressed_size();
+    current_row_group_->num_rows = col_writer->num_values();
+    current_row_group_->columns[i].file_offset = file_pos_;
+    const string& col_name = table_desc_->col_descs()[i + num_clustering_cols].name();
+    google::protobuf::Map<string,int64>* column_size_map =
+        parquet_dml_stats_.mutable_per_column_size();
+    (*column_size_map)[col_name] += col_writer->total_compressed_size();
+    // Write encodings and encoding stats for this column
+    col_metadata.encodings.clear();
+    for (parquet::Encoding::type encoding : col_writer->column_encodings_) {
+      col_metadata.encodings.push_back(encoding);
+    }
+    vector<parquet::PageEncodingStats> encoding_stats;
+    // Add dictionary page encoding stats
+    for (const auto& entry: col_writer->dict_encoding_stats_) {
+      parquet::PageEncodingStats dict_enc_stat;
+      dict_enc_stat.page_type = parquet::PageType::DICTIONARY_PAGE;
+      dict_enc_stat.encoding = entry.first;
+      dict_enc_stat.count = entry.second;
+      encoding_stats.push_back(dict_enc_stat);
+    }
+    // Add data page encoding stats
+    for (const auto& entry: col_writer->data_encoding_stats_) {
+      parquet::PageEncodingStats data_enc_stat;
+      data_enc_stat.page_type = parquet::PageType::DATA_PAGE;
+      data_enc_stat.encoding = entry.first;
+      data_enc_stat.count = entry.second;
+      encoding_stats.push_back(data_enc_stat);
+    }
+    col_metadata.__set_encoding_stats(encoding_stats);
+    // Build column statistics and add them to the header.
+    col_writer->EncodeRowGroupStats(&current_row_group_->columns[i].meta_data);
+    // Since we don't supported complex schemas, all columns should have the same
+    // number of values.
+    DCHECK_EQ(current_row_group_->columns[0].meta_data.num_values,
+        col_writer->num_values());
+    // Metadata for this column is complete, write it out to file.  The column metadata
+    // goes at the end so that when we have collocated files, the column data can be
+    // written without buffering.
+    uint8_t* buffer = nullptr;
+    uint32_t len = 0;
+    RETURN_IF_ERROR(thrift_serializer_->SerializeToBuffer(
+        &current_row_group_->columns[i], &len, &buffer));
+    RETURN_IF_ERROR(Write(buffer, len));
+    file_pos_ += len;
+  }
+  // Populate RowGroup::sorting_columns with all columns specified by the Frontend.
+  for (int col_idx : parent_->sort_columns()) {
+    current_row_group_->sorting_columns.push_back(parquet::SortingColumn());
+    parquet::SortingColumn& sorting_column = current_row_group_->sorting_columns.back();
+    sorting_column.column_idx = col_idx;
+    sorting_column.descending = false;
+    sorting_column.nulls_first = false;
+  }
+  current_row_group_->__isset.sorting_columns =
+      !current_row_group_->sorting_columns.empty();
+  current_row_group_ = nullptr;
+  return Status::OK();
+Status HdfsParquetTableWriter::WritePageIndex() {
+  if (!FLAGS_enable_parquet_page_index_writing_debug_only) return Status::OK();
+  // Currently Impala only write Parquet files with a single row group. The current
+  // page index logic depends on this behavior as it only keeps one row group's
+  // statistics in memory.
+  DCHECK_EQ(file_metadata_.row_groups.size(), 1);
+  parquet::RowGroup* row_group = &(file_metadata_.row_groups[0]);
+  // Write out the column indexes.
+  for (int i = 0; i < columns_.size(); ++i) {
+    auto& column = *columns_[i];
+    if (!column.valid_column_index_) continue;
+    column.column_index_.__set_boundary_order(
+        column.row_group_stats_base_->GetBoundaryOrder());
+    // We always set null_counts.
+    column.column_index_.__isset.null_counts = true;
+    uint8_t* buffer = nullptr;
+    uint32_t len = 0;
+    RETURN_IF_ERROR(thrift_serializer_->SerializeToBuffer(
+        &column.column_index_, &len, &buffer));
+    RETURN_IF_ERROR(Write(buffer, len));
+    // Update the column_index_offset and column_index_length of the ColumnChunk
+    row_group->columns[i].__set_column_index_offset(file_pos_);
+    row_group->columns[i].__set_column_index_length(len);
+    file_pos_ += len;
+  }
+  // Write out the offset indexes.
+  for (int i = 0; i < columns_.size(); ++i) {
+    auto& column = *columns_[i];
+    uint8_t* buffer = nullptr;
+    uint32_t len = 0;
+    RETURN_IF_ERROR(thrift_serializer_->SerializeToBuffer(
+        &column.offset_index_, &len, &buffer));
+    RETURN_IF_ERROR(Write(buffer, len));
+    // Update the offset_index_offset and offset_index_length of the ColumnChunk
+    row_group->columns[i].__set_offset_index_offset(file_pos_);
+    row_group->columns[i].__set_offset_index_length(len);
+    file_pos_ += len;
+  }
+  return Status::OK();
+Status HdfsParquetTableWriter::WriteFileFooter() {
+  // Write file_meta_data
+  uint32_t file_metadata_len = 0;
+  uint8_t* buffer = nullptr;
+  RETURN_IF_ERROR(thrift_serializer_->SerializeToBuffer(
+      &file_metadata_, &file_metadata_len, &buffer));
+  RETURN_IF_ERROR(Write(buffer, file_metadata_len));
+  // Write footer
+  RETURN_IF_ERROR(Write<uint32_t>(file_metadata_len));
+  return Status::OK();