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Posted to by David Leifker <> on 2017/03/14 13:07:10 UTC

[MLlib] Multiple estimators for cross validation

I am hoping to open a discussion around the cross validation in mllib. I
found that I often wanted to evaluate multiple estimators/pipelines (with
different algorithms) or the same estimator with different parameter grids.
The CrossValidator and TrainValidationSplit only allow a single estimator
and parameter grid.

I played around with the idea a bit after looking at jira and other PRs to
see if someone else had already done something. I didn't come across
anything so I put some code together to at least solve my use case. It is
backwards compatible at an api level and has the ability to read the
previous serialized version.

I am considering opening a pull request, however I am interested in what
folks here think. This would be my first contribution.

The general idea is the ability to do this and be able to select the best

    // Configure an ML pipeline using nb.
    val nb = new NaiveBayes()
    val pipeline1 = new Pipeline("p1").setStages(Array(tokenizer,
hashingTF, nb))
    val paramGrid1 = new ParamGridBuilder()
      .addGrid(hashingTF.numFeatures, Array(10, 100))

    // Configure an ML pipeline using lr.
    val lr = new LogisticRegression().setMaxIter(10)
    val pipeline2 = new Pipeline("p2").setStages(Array(tokenizer,
hashingTF, lr))
    val paramGrid2 = new ParamGridBuilder()
      .addGrid(hashingTF.numFeatures, Array(10, 100))

    // Configure an ML pipeline using nb bernoulli (4 stages)
    val binarizer = new Binarizer()
    val nb2 = new NaiveBayes()
    val pipeline3 = new Pipeline("p3").setStages(Array(tokenizer,
hashingTF, binarizer, nb2))
    val paramGrid3 = new ParamGridBuilder()
      .addGrid(hashingTF.numFeatures, Array(10, 100))

    // cross validate with both pipelines
    val cv = new CrossValidator()
      .setEstimators(Array(pipeline1, pipeline2, pipeline3))
      .setEvaluator(new BinaryClassificationEvaluator)
      .setEstimatorsParamMaps(Array(paramGrid1, paramGrid2, paramGrid3))