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Posted to by Vikram Kulkarni <> on 2013/07/22 05:28:29 UTC

Classpath issues

I am running into some jar versioning problems while launching flume-ng on my Mac. Basically, I am using certain methods from httpclient which are available in a newer version of the jar which is actually in the Flume's lib folder. However, I am using a HDFS sink and when I start eh node with –d option it prints the jars loaded and I can clearly see that it is picking up a older httpclient jar from the Hadoop's lib folder.

I don't want to replace jars, instead I want to be able to specify the path to the jars from a particular location.
I am using the following command to start flume-ng: (the highlighted path does not get picked up)
bin/flume-ng agent --conf-file conf/ppv1/flume-HdfsHttpFanOut.conf --name fanoutagent -Dflume.root.logger=INFO,console --classpath '.:/usr/local/Cellar/flume-1.3.1/lib/*'
