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Posted to by Gurkan Erdogdu <> on 2008/01/03 14:19:53 UTC

Enhance Task with different locale of OS


I have enhancer ant task that explained in the document. But when I change my operating system language settings
different than Enlish US, it does not work correctly and altough PCEnhancer class is on the classpath it does not able to find it. After change to EnlishUS, it works as expected. I read logs that I have seen some of the method names is incorrect for example method name InjectedField seen as İnjectedField etc....

And second question is, sometimes the ant task will give error that MyModel.class is not found message altough it is on the classpath. Altough build fails, it enhances my model classes. This is weird and I do not understand why this occurs in some time. I am using Eclipse Europa IDE  ant.

Gurkan Erdogdu

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