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[07/13] incubator-trafodion git commit: [TRAFODION-1810] New provisioning guide. [TRAFODION-1822] Use new Apache Logo: Added new logo. [TRAFODION-1827] Broken link
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   limitations under the 
-This page describes how to enable Trafodion security.
-# Introduction
-If you do not enable security in Trafodion, a client interface to Trafodion may request a username and password, but Trafodion ignores the user name and password entered in the client interface, and the session runs as the database **```root```** user, **```DB__ROOT```**, without restrictions. If you want to restrict users, restrict access to certain users only, or restrict access to an object or operation, then you must enable security, which enforces authentication and authorization. You can enable security during installation by answering the installer's prompts or after installation by running the **```traf_authentication_setup```** script, which enables both authentication and authorization. For more information, see [Authentication Setup Script](#Authentication_Setup_Script) below.
+Redirecting to the Trafodion Provisioning Guide...
+<p><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url="></meta></p>
-Trafodion does not manage user names and passwords internally but does support authentication via directory servers that support the OpenLDAP protocol, also known as LDAP servers. You can configure the LDAP servers during installation by answering the installer's prompts, or you can configure the LDAP servers manually after installation. For more information, please refer to [Configuring LDAP Servers](Configuring_LDAP_Servers) below.
-Once authentication and authorization are enabled, Trafodion allows users to be registered in the database and allows privileges on objects to be granted to users and roles (which are granted to users). Trafodion also supports component-level (or system-level) privileges, such as MANAGE_USERS, which can be granted to users and roles. Refer to [Manage Users](#Manage_Users) below.
-# Configuring LDAP Servers
-To specify the LDAP server(s) to be used for authentication, you need to configure the text file **```.traf_authentication_config```**, located (by default) in **```$MY_SQROOT/sql/scripts```**. This file is a flat file, organized as a series of attribute/value pairs. Details on all the attributes and values accepted in the authentication configuration file and how to configure alternate locations can be found in [.traf_authentication_config](traf_authentication_config.html).
-A sample template file is located in **```$MY_SQROOT/sql/scripts/traf_authentication_config```**.
-Attributes and values in the authentication configuration file are separated with a colon immediately following the attribute name. In general white space is ignored, but spaces may be relevant in some values. Attribute names are always case insensitive. Multiple instances of an attribute are specified by repeating the attribute name and providing the new value. For attributes with only one instance, if the attribute is repeated, the last value provided is used.
-    Attribute1: valueA
-    Attribute2: valueB
-    Attribute1: valueC
-If **```Attribute1```** has only one instance, **```valueC```** is used, otherwise, **```valueA```** and **```valueC```** are both added to the list of values for **```Attribute1```**.
-Attributes are grouped into sections; this is for future enhancements. Attributes are declared in the **```LOCAL```** section, unless otherwise specified.
-<table><tr><td><strong>Note</strong><br />Section names, attribute names, and the general layout of the authentication configuration file are subject to change in future versions of Trafodion and backward compatibility is not guaranteed.</td></tr></table>
-Specification of your directory server(s) requires at a minimum:
-<!-- This table is too complex to do in markdown -->
-  <tr>
-    <th width="15%">Setting</th>
-    <th width="55%">Description</th>
-    <th width="30%">Example</th>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td><strong><code>LDAP Host Name(s)</code></strong></td>
-    <td>One or more names of hosts that support the OpenLDAP protocol must be specified. Trafodion will attempt to connect to all provided host names during the authentication process. The set of user names and passwords should be identical on all hosts to avoid unpredictable results. The attribute name is <strong><code>LDAPHostName</code></strong></td>
-    <td><pre>LDAPHostName:</pre></td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td><strong><code>LDAP Port Number</code></strong></td>
-    <td>Port number of the LDAP server. Typically this is 389 for servers using no encryption or TLS, and 636 for servers using SSL. The attribute name is <strong><code>LDAPPort</code></strong>.</td>
-    <td><pre>LDAPPort: 389</pre></td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td><strong><code>LDAP Unique Identifier</code></strong></td>
-    <td>Attribute(s) used by the directory server that uniquely identifies the user name. You may provide one or more unique identifier specifiers.</td>
-    <td><pre>UniqueIdentifier: uid=,ou=users,dc=com</pre></td>
-  </tr>  
-  <tr>
-    <td><strong><code>Encryption Level</code></strong></td>
-    <td>A numeric value indicating the encryption scheme used by your LDAP server. Values are:
-      <ul>
-        <li>0: Encryption not used</li>
-        <li>1: SSL</li>
-        <li>2: TLS</li>
-      </ul>
-    </td>
-    <td>
-      <pre>LDAPSSL: 2</pre>
-      <p>If your LDAP server uses TLS you must specify a file containing the certificate used to encrypt the password. By default the Trafodion software looks for this file in <strong><code>$MY_SQROOT/cacerts</code></strong>, but you may specify a fully qualified filename, or set the environment variable <strong><code>CACERTS_DIR</code></strong> to another directory. To specify the file containing the certificate, you set the value of the attribute <strong><code>TLS_CACERTFilename</code></strong>, located in the Defaults section.</p>
-      <p><strong>Example</strong></p>
-      <pre>
-TLS_CACERTFilename: mycert.pem 
-TLS_CACertFilename: /usr/etc/cert.pem</pre>
-    </td>
-  </tr>  
-  <tr>
-    <td><strong><code>Search username and password</code></strong></td>
-    <td>Some LDAP servers require a known user name and password to search the directory of user names. If your environment has that requirement, provide these “search” values.</td>
-    <td>
-      <pre>
-LDAPSearchPwd: Lookup123</pre>
-    </td>
-  </tr>
-There are additional optional attributes that can be used to customize Trafodion authentication. As mentioned earlier, they are described in [.traf_authentication_config](traf_authentication_config.html).
-You can test the authentication configuration file for syntactic errors using the **```ldapconfigcheck```** tool. If you have loaded the Trafodion environment (**``````**), then the tool will automatically check the file at **```$MY_SQROOT/sql/scripts/.traf_authentication_config```**. If not, you can specify the file to be checked.
-    ldapconfigcheck –file myconfigfile
-    File myconfigfile is valid.
-If an error is found, the line number with the error is displayed along with the error. Please refer to [ldapconfigcheck](ldapconfigcheck.html) for more information.
-<table><tr><td><strong>Note</strong><br />The authentication configuration file needs to be propagated to all nodes, but there is a script that will do that for you described later. For now, you can test your changes on the local node.</td></tr></table>
-You can test the LDAP connection using the utility **```ldapcheck```**. To use this utility the Trafodion environment must be loaded (**``````**), but the Trafodion instance does not need to be running. To test the connection only, you can specify any user name, and a name lookup will be performed using the attributes in **```.traf_authentication_config```**.
-    ldapcheck
-    User not found
-If **```ldapcheck```** reports either that the user was found or the user was not found, the connection was successful. However, if an error is reported, either the configuration file is not setup correctly, or there is a problem either with your LDAP server or the connection to the server. You can get additional error detail by including the **```--verbose```** option. Please refer to [ldapcheck](ldapcheck.html) for more information.
-If you supply a password, **```ldapcheck```** will attempt to authenticate the specified **```username```** and **```password```**. The example below shows the password for illustrative purposes, but to avoid typing the password on the command line, leave the password blank (**```--password=```**) and the utility will prompt for the password with no echo.
-    ldapcheck –-password=StrongPassword
-    Authentication successful
-# Generate a Trafodion Certificate
-Trafodion clients such as **```trafci```** will encrypt the password before sending it to Trafodion. A self-signed certificate is used to encrypt the password. The certificate and key should be generated when the **```sqgen```** script is invoked. By default, the files **```server.key```** and **```server.crt```** will be located in **```$HOME/sqcert```**. If those files are not present, since Trafodion clients will not send unencrypted passwords, you will need to manually generate those files. To do so, run the script **```sqcertgen```** located in **```$MY_SQROOT/sql/scripts```**. The script runs **```openssl```** to generate the certificate and key.
-To run openssl manually, follow the example:
-    openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -subj '/C=US/ST=California/L=PaloAlto/ Company/OU=Service Connection' 
-    - newkey rsa:2048 -keyout server.key -out server.crt
-Option                                    | Description
-**```-x509```**                           | Generate a self-signed certificate.
-**```-days <validity of certificate>```** | Make the certificate valid for the days specified.
-**```-newkey rsa:<bytes>```**             | Generate a new private key of type RSA of length 1024 or 2048 bytes.
-**```-subj <certificateinfo>```**         | Specify the information that will be incorporated in the certificate. Each instance in a cluster should have a unique common name(**```CN```**).
-**```-keyout <filename>```**              |  Write the newly generated RSA private key to the file specified.
-**```-nodes```**                          | It is an optional parameter that specifies NOT to encrypt the private key. If you encrypt the private key, then you must enter the password every time the private key is used by an application.
-**```-out <filename>```**                 | Write the self-signed certificate to the specified file.
-Both the public (**```server.crt```**) and private (**```server.key```**) files should be placed in the directory **```$HOME/sqcert```**. If you do not want to use the **```HOME```** directory or if you want to use different names for the private and/or public key files, then Trafodion supports environment variables to specific the alternate locations or names.
-* Trafodion first checks the environment variables **```SQCERT_PRIVKEY```** and **```SQCERT_PUBKEY```**. If they are set, Trafodion uses the fully qualified filename value of the environment variable.
-    You can specify either one filename environment variable or both.
-* If at least one filename environment variable is not set, Trafodion checks the value of the environment variable **```SQCERT_DIR```**. If set, the default filename **```server.key```** or **```server.crt```** is appended to the value of the environment variable **```SQCERT_DIR```**.
-* If the filename environment variable is not set and the directory environment variable is not set, Trafodion uses the default location (**```$HOME/sqcert```**) and the default filename.
-# Authentication Setup Script
-The final step to enable security is to change the value of the environment variable **```TRAFODION_ENABLE_AUTHENTICATION```**from **```NO```** to **```YES```** and turn on authorization. This is achieved by invoking the **```traf_authentication_setup```** script, which is located in **```$MY_SQROOT/sql/scripts```**.
-Usage: traf_authentication_setup [options]
-    --file <loc>  Optional location of OpenLDAP configuration file
-    --help        Prints this message
-    --off         Disables authentication and authorization                               
-    --on          Enables authentication and authorization
-    --setup       Enables authentication                             
-    --status      Returns status of authentication enablement
-<!-- In HTML to control the column widths; markdown table doesn't handle Option correctly. -->
-  <tr>
-    <th width="10%">Option</th>
-    <th width="90%">Description</th>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td><strong><code>--file</code></strong></td>
-    <td>If specified, then <strong><code>filename</code></strong> is copied to <strong><code>$MY_SQROOT/</code></strong>. Users working in their own private environment can refer to a site-specific configuration file from a central location.</td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td><strong><code>--on</code></strong></td>
-    <td>
-      <p><strong><code>traf_authentication_setup</code></strong> invokes <a href="ldapconfigcheck.html">ldapconfigcheck</a>) to verify the configuration file is syntactically correct. It also invokes <a href="ldapcheck.html">ldapcheck</a> to verify that a connection can be made to an LDAP server.</p>
-      <p>If both checks pass, the script sets the environment variable <strong><code>TRAFODION_ENABLE_AUTHENTICATION</code></strong> to <strong><code>YES</code></strong> in the file <strong><code>$MY_SQROOT/</code></strong>, and propagates <strong><code></code></strong> and <strong><code>.traf_authentication_config</code></strong> to all nodes in the cluster.</p>
-      <p>The last step is to enable authorization by creating privilege-related metadata tables and set up default permissions with a call to the database. The list of privilege-related metadata tables, users, roles, and component privileges are logged in <strong><code>$MY_SQROOT/logs/authEnable.log</code></strong>.</p>
-      <p>Specifying <strong><code>--on</code></strong> requires that a valid <strong><code>.traf_authentication_config</code></strong> file exists and the Trafodion metadata initialized.</p>
-    </td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td><strong><code>--off</code></strong></td>
-    <td>
-      <p>If specified, then <strong><code>traf_authentication_setup</code></strong> sets the environment variable <strong><code>TRAFODION_ENABLE_AUTHENTICATION</code></strong> to <strong><code>NO</code></strong> in <strong><code>$MY_SQROOT/</code></strong> and propagates the file to all the nodes in the cluster.</p>
-      <p>The last step is to disable authorization by removing any privilege-related metadata and permissions with a call to the database. The results of this operation is logged in <strong><code>$MY_SQROOT/logs/authEnable.log</code></strong>.</p>
-    </td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td><strong><code>--setup</code></strong></td>
-    <td>Use this option if the Trafodion metadata has not been initialized. This option enables authentication but does not call the database to create privilege-related metadata tables. Later, when Trafodion metadata is initialized, privilege-related metadata tables and default permissions are automatically created.
-    </td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td><strong><code>--status</code></strong></td>
-    <td>Reports the value of the environment variable <strong><code>TRAFODION_ENABLE_AUTHENTICATION</code></strong> in <strong><code>$MY_SQROOT/</code></strong> on the current node and reports the status of security features in the database.
-    </td>
-  </tr>
-INFO: Start of security (authentication and authorization) script Wed Mar 25 15:12:50 PDT 2xxx.
-INFO:  *** Trafodion security (authentication and authorization) status *** 
-   Authentication is ENABLED
-   Authorization (grant/revoke) is ENABLED
-INFO: End of security (authorization and authentication) script Wed Mar 25 15:12:54 PDT 2xxx.
-<table><tr><td><strong>IMPORTANT</strong><br />Any time the environment file (<strong><code></code></strong>) is changed (and propagated to all nodes), Database Connectivity Services (DCS) must be restarted to pick up the new value. If the configuration file is changed, it will be re-read in 30 minutes (by default), but you can have changes take effect immediately by restarting DCS.</td></tr></table>
-To restart DCS, run the scripts **``````** and **``````**, located in **```$MY_SQROOT/dcs-<x>.<y>.<z>/bin```**.
-# Manage Users
-Users are registered in the Trafodion database and are used to enforce authorization. If security is disabled, any user can register any user at any time. However, once security is enabled, user administration is considered a secure operation, and registration of users is restricted to **```DB__ROOT```** or any user granted the **```MANAGE_USERS```** component privilege. To initially register a user, connect to Trafodion with the external user mapped to **```DB__ROOT```**(also known as the Trafodion ID).
-When security is enabled, the **```DB__ROOT```** user is registered as the **```TRAFODION```** external user name. It is recommended that the **```DB__ROOT```** user be mapped to the external user name that will be used to connect for root operations. To do this, start a **```sqlci```** session and perform the **```ALTER USER``*** command, for example:
-    ALTER USER DB__ROOT SET EXTERNAL NAME trafodion_rootuser_in_ldap;
-To learn more about how to register users, grant object and component privileges, and manage users and roles, please see the [Trafodion SQL Reference Manual](docs/Trafodion_SQL_Reference_Manual.pdf).
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-  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-  limitations under the 
-  License.
-This page describes the steps you need to perform before installing Trafodion.
-# Cluster Requirements
-The following configuration settings have been tested and are known to work with the Trafodion installation:
-Setting                       | Value
-**Hardware Platform**         | x86-64
-**Operating System**          | RedHat Enterprise Linux, 6.x kernel (64 bit) or CentOS, 6.x kernel (64 bit)
-**Install User IDs**          | A user ID with passwordless and sudo access. Please refer to [Install User ID](#Install User ID) below.
-**Cluster Size**              | A cluster consisting of 1 to N nodes. There is currently no upper limit. Two nodes is the recommended minimum, but a single node cluster should work.
-**Disk Space**                | Minimum of 20 GB. Please refer to [Checking Disk Space](#Checking_Disk_Space) below.
-**Memory**                    | Minimal 1 GB * number of connectivity servers (MXOSRVR processes) configured per cluster.
-## Checking Disk Space
-### Cloudera Manager
-This step is required for Cloudera distributions only.
-Before installing Cloudera Manager, a minimum of 20 GB is needed to support the Cloudera management database. Default location: **```/var/lib/cloudera-scm-server-db```**. 
-Check the available space for **```/var```** as follows:
-* Start a putty or VNC terminal window against the node where Cloudera Manager will be installed.
-* As a user with **```root```** privileges, verify that 20 GB of space is available to **```/var```**.
-    cd /var
-    df -hP
-If the **```/var```** space is insufficient, then you can provide a soft link to another drive for your Cloudera Manager database.
-* Locate a drive with sufficient disk space.
-* Create the soft link.
-cd <new drive>  # (e.g. cd /DATA)
-mkdir cloudera-scm-server-db
-chmod 777 cloudera-scm-server-db
-cd /var/lib
-ln -s <new drive>/cloudera-scm-server-db .
-* If **```/var```** is a sub-directory in your cluster's root filesystem, then the Cloudera Manager database should have sufficient space available.
-* If Cloudera Manager has already been installed and it is showing red for log directories, it means that Cloudera Manager was installed using **```/var/lib```** and may not have a large enough **```/var```** file system. In this case, there is an unsupported script that can be used to move the directories. Please refer to the **``````** script in the **```installer/tools```** directory, which is created when the installer tar file is unpacked. Run **``````** without syntax to display help information.
-# Security Requirements
-## Install User ID
-The Trafodion installation requires a user ID (referred to as **```<sudo-user>```**) with these attributes on all nodes where Trafodion is installed:
-* **```/etc/sudoers```* on all nodes:
-    * **```sudo```** access — allows the install scripts to run privileged commands.
-    * **requiretty** disabled — allows Trafodion install scripts to use embedded **```sudo```** commands
-* passwordless ssh to all nodes — allows Trafodion install scripts to communicate with remote nodes without prompting for password.
-Please create a the **```<sudo-user>```** per the practices of your environment. For example, you may need to request permission from your cluster-management team to obtain this type of access. [Passwordless SSH(passwordless-ssh.html) describes how to set up passwordless ssh.
-## Configure LDAP Identity Store
-If you plan to enable Trafodion authentication, then you need to have an LDAP identity store available to perform authentication. 
-The Trafodion installer prompts you to set up an authentication configuration file that points to an LDAP server (or servers), which enables security (that is, authentication and authorization) in the Trafodion system.
-If you wish to manually set up the authentication configuration file and enable security, then please refer to [Enabling Security Features in Trafodion](enable-secure-trafodion.html).
-# PC Tools
-If you are using a Windows PC, then additional PC software may be needed throughout the installation process. It is recommended that you pre-install the PC software that you need before continuing with the Trafodion installation.
-Install the following software:
-* putty and puttygen (download from the [PuTTY website](
-* VNC client (download from
-* Firefox or Chrome browser
-* SFTP client to transfer files from your PC to the server: WinSCP or FileZilla
-# Install Hadoop Distribution
-Trafodion requires that the following Hadoop services are installed:
-* MapReduce
-* ZooKeeper
-* HBase
-* Hive
-Please ensure that these services are installed for one of the following Hadoop distributions.
-<table><tr><td><strong>IMPORTANT</strong><br />Trafodion does not support a Hadoop server running on a node that is not part of the Trafodion cluster. You must specify the Hadoop nodes to be part of the Trafodion list of nodes during the installation of Trafodion (using the <strong><code>--nodes</code></strong> parameter). The Trafodion installer needs to run from the same node where you installed the Hadoop distribution).</td></tr></table>
-  <tr>
-    <th>Distribution</th>
-    <th>Version</th>
-    <th>HBase Version</th>
-    <th>Installation</th>
-    <th>Notes</th>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td><strong>Cloudera</strong></td>
-    <td>CDH 5.2 or 5.3</td>
-    <td>0.98.6</td>
-    <td>Refer to <a href="" target="_blank">CDH 5.3.x Installation and Upgrade Guide</a> for installation instructions.</td>
-    <td>
-      <ul>
-        <li>Select <strong>Cloudera Standard</strong> edition.</li>
-        <li>Install using <strong>packages</strong>. Do not install using tarballs and parcels. Trafodion does not currently support tarball/parcel installation.</li>
-        <li>CDH 5.2 is supported but has not been officially tested with Trafodion Release 1.3.</li>
-      </ul>
-    </td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-     <td><strong>Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP)</strong></td>
-     <td>HDP 2.2</td>
-     <td>0.98.4</td>
-     <td>
-       <ul>
-         <li><strong>Install</strong>: <a href="">Ambari 1.7.0 Install Guide</a></li>
-         <li><strong>Upgrade:</strong> <a href="">Ambari 1.7.0 Upgrade Guide</a></li>
-       </ul>
-     </td>
-     <td></td>
-   </tr>
-# Validation
-Once the Hadoop distribution has been installed and started, please ensure that the required services are running. At this point, you're ready to [Install Trafodion](install.html).
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-  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-  limitations under the 
-  License.
-If you follow the [installation](install.html) instructions, then Trafodion should start up correctly. However, since each system has a somewhat different setup, you may encounter problems during or after an install. 
-This page describes how Trafodion objects are set up, what CLASSPATHs and objects are required, and related topics. It also lists common installation problems and their solutions.
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-  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-  limitations under the 
-  License.
-This page describes how to install the Trafodion end-user environment. Refer to the [Trafodion Contributor Guide]( for information how to build the Trafodion source and run the
-Trafodion developer test environment.
-The Trafodion end-user environment is installed using the Trafodion Installer, which operates on Trafodion binaries only. Refer to the [Download](download.html) page for instructions about how you download/create the Trafodion binaries.
-# Preparation
-The Trafodion Installer assumes that you've performed the following steps before a Trafodion install:
-1. **Cluster Requirements**: Ensure that your cluster meets the Trafodion requirements.
-2. **Security Requirements**: Create the user ID that is used to run the Trafodion Installer. Review and configure LDAP, if desired.
-3. **PC Tools**: Install software used when installing Trafodion on your PC.
-4. **Install Hadoop**: Install Hadoop software supported by Trafodion.
-5. **Validate Hadoop**: Validate that required Hadoop services are running.
-Please refer to [Install Preparation](install-preparation.html) for information about how to perform the steps above.
-# Security Considerations 
-You use the following user IDs and passwords during the Trafodion installation.
-Logon                              | User ID                    | Password                    | Description                                         
-Cloudera Manager Web GUI logon | **```admin (default)```**  | **```admin (default)```**   | Cloudera only. After installing Cloudera, you will be instructed to log on to the Cloudera Manager Web GUI. Use the default user ID and password (**```admin```**, **```admin```**). If you already had Cloudera installed, please use your previously defined user ID and password.
-Ambari Web GUI logon           | **```admin (default)```**  | **```admin (default)```**   | Hortonworks only. After downloading and setting up the Ambari repository, you will be instructed to log on to the Ambari Web GUI. Use the default user ID and password (**```admin```**, **```admin```**). If you already had Ambari installed, please use your previously defined user ID and password.
-User ID with sudo Access       | **```<sudo-username>```**  | **```<password>```**        | In the installation steps, you may be instructed to use **```sudo```** or **```sudo userid```** access. You will be using your user ID, which has been enabled with **```sudo```** access and [passwordless ssh](passwordless-ssh.html) to all nodes of the cluster.
-Trafodion Logon                | **```trafodion```**        | **```traf123 (default)```** | The Trafodion installer **automatically creates** this user ID when Trafodion is installed. Do not create this user ID manually.
-VNC Server Logon               | **```trafodion```**        | **```traf123 (default)```** | After installing Trafodion, you will be instructed to log on to the VNC server at port 1. Use the **```trafodion```** user ID and **```password```**.
-# Install Procedure
-## Upgrade
-Follow these steps if you have an older version of Trafodion that you want to upgrade:
-1. *Shutdown Trafodion*: Please refer to [Manage Trafodion](management.html).
-2. *Backup Data*: Backup metadata and user objects. Please refer to [Backup/Restore](backuprestore.html).
-3. *Install Trafodion*: The **```trafodion_install```** script automatically detects the previous version of Trafodion and performs an upgrade operation, including initializing Trafodion, upgrading the metadata, and restarting all processes. Please refer to [Installation](#Installation) below for more information about **```trafodion_install```**.
-    If something goes wrong during the installation, restore your data from the backed up objects and repeat the previous step.
-  <p>If you are doing an upgrade outside of the installation environment, then you will need to restart your services and processes, such as sqlci, the DCS server, and the qms servers. If you do not restart those services and processes, your system will not work properly.</p>
-## Installation
-At a high level, the following instructions consist of a single step:
-Command                     | User ID                   | Comments
-**```trafodion_install```** | **```<sudo-username>```** | Installs necessary RPMs, creates the **```trafodion```** user ID, sets up passwordless ssh for the **```trafodion```** user ID, copies the Trafodion distribution files across the cluster, generates startup files, and starts Trafodion, including Database Connectivity Services (DCS) (the ODBC/JDBC server), among other things.
-  <strong>IMPORTANT</strong>
-  <p>The Trafodion commands should all be done from the first node of the cluster. Do not run them from a machine that is not part of the Trafodion cluster. Trafodion must be installed on all nodes that host an HBase RegionServer (that is, where a supported Hadoop distribution is installed).</p>
-  <p>For example, if Cloudera or Hortonworks is installed on nodes <strong><code>n001</code></strong>, <strong><code>n002</code></strong>, and <strong><code>n003</code></strong>, then you must install Trafodion on those same nodes (<strong><code>--nodes "n001 n002 n003"</code></strong>).</p>
-  <tr>
-    <th width="5%">Step</th>
-    <th width="35%">Description</th>
-    <th width="60%">Commands</th>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-     <td><strong>Download</strong></td>
-     <td>If you haven't done so already, then please download the Trafodion software.</td>
-     <td>Please refer to <a href="download.html">Download</a>.</td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-     <td><strong>Upgrade</strong></td>
-     <td>
-       <p>If you are upgrading to a newer version of Trafodion, copy the installation files for the previous version to a directory outside of <strong><code>$HOME/trafodion_downloads</code></strong>.</p>
-       <p>For example:</p>
-       <pre>mkdir $HOME/trafodion_downloads_v1.0</pre>
-     </td>
-     <td><pre>cp –r $HOME/trafodion_downloads/* $HOME/trafodion_downloads_v1.0
-rm –rf $HOME/trafodion_downloads/*</pre> 
-     </td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-     <td><strong>Create <code>trafodion_downloads</code></strong></td>
-     <td>Create the <strong><code>trafodion_downloads</code></strong> directory if you have not done so already and place the downloaded <strong><code>trafodion-1.1.&lt;n&gt;.tar.gz</code></strong> and <strong><code>installer-1.1.&lt;n&gt;_v&lt;num&gt;.tar.gz</code></strong> tar files into it.</td>
-     <td>
-       <pre>
-mkdir $HOME/trafodion_downloads
-mv &lt;your-download-path&gt;/trafodion-1.1.&lt;n&gt;.tar.gz $HOME/trafodion_downloads
-mv &lt;your-download-path&gt;/installer-1.1.&lt;n&gt;_v&lt;num&gt;.tar.gz $HOME/trafodion_downloads
-cd $HOME/trafodion_downloads
-       </pre>
-     </td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-     <td><strong>Unpack tar File</strong></td>
-     <td>Untar the downloaded installer file.</td>
-     <td><pre>tar -xzf installer-1.1.&lt;n&gt;_v&lt;num&gt;.tar.gz</pre></td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-     <td><strong>Run <code>trafodion_install</code></strong></td>
-     <td>
-        <p>The scripts is run without parameters. Instead, you'll be prompted for information.</p>
-        <p><strong>NOTE</strong></p>
-        <p>The <strong><code>trafodion_install</code></strong> script automatically checks the cluster for attributes that commonly cause installation issues, runtime performance problems, and so on. Also, various system information is collected for future reference, such as to aid with troubleshooting. The installation will abort if any configuration errors are discovered. You will need to correct such errors before re-running the <strong><code>trafodion_install</code></strong> script.</p>
-     </td>
-     <td>
-       <pre>
-cd installer
-       </pre>
-       <p>Type "accept" to accept the license agreement when prompted.</p>
-       <p>Provide the requested information according to the prompts.</p>
-       <p><strong>NOTE</strong></p>
-       <p>If you choose not to start Trafodion after the installation (that is, if you enter <strong><code>N</code></strong> for <strong><code>Start Trafodion after install (Y/N)</code></strong>), you will need to manually start and initialize Trafodion after <strong><code>trafodion_install</code></strong> completes.</p> 
-     </td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-     <td><strong><code>trafodion_install</code> Completion</strong></td>
-     <td>Wait for <strong><code>trafodion_install</code></strong> to complete. </td>
-     <td><p>You will see the following message:</p><pre>***INFO: Installation completed successfully.</pre></td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-     <td><strong>Connect</strong></td>
-     <td>Once <strong><code>trafodion_install</code></strong> completes without error, your Trafodion system should be up and running.</td>
-     <td>
-        <p>Start a new VNC session using port :1.</p>
-        <p>Log in as the <strong><code>trafodion</code></strong> user with the password for the VNC, which is <strong><code>traf123</code></strong> by default unless you changed it.</p>
-     </td>
-  </tr>
-## Start and Initialize
-If you chose not to start Trafodion after the installation, start and initialize Trafodion as follows:
-    cds
-    sqstart
-    [trafodion@n001 ~]$ sqlci
-    Trafodion Conversational Interface 1.1.0
-    (c) Copyright 2015 Apache Software Foundation
-    >>initialize trafodion ;
-    .
-    .
-    .
-## Validate Installation
-Perform a quick sanity check using the Trafodion Conversational Interface (**```sqlci```**). Create a table with a couple of records. 
-    [trafodion@n001 ~]$ sqlci
-    Trafodion Conversational Interface 1.1.0
-    (c) Copyright 2015 Apache Software Foundation
-    >> create table test1 (f1 int, f2 int);
-    --- SQL operation complete.
-    >> insert into test1 values(1,1);
-    --- 1 row(s) inserted.
-    >> insert into test1 values(2,2);
-    --- 1 row(s) inserted.
-    >> select * from test1;
-    F1            F2
-    -----------   -----------
-              1             1
-              2             2
-    --- 2 row(s) selected.
-    >> get tables;
-    Tables in Schema TRAFODION.SEABASE
-    ==================================
-    TEST1
-    --- SQL operation complete.
-    >> drop table test1;
-    >> exit;
-The SQL commands above should run successfully.
-## Install Client Software
-Download and install the Trafodion JDBC and/or ODBC drivers on your client workstation to be able to connect to Trafodion from a client application. Please refer to the [Trafodion Client Installation Guide](docs/Trafodion_Client_Installation_Guide.html), which describes how to install the JDBC and ODBC drivers, how to connect to Trafodion, and how to run sample programs to test the connection.
-# Troubleshooting
-Please refer to [Troubleshoot Trafodion Installation](install-troubleshoot.html).
-# Uninstall
-Please refer to [Unistall Trafodion](uninstall.html).
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   limitations under the 
-This page describes ldapcheck, which is a tool that is used to validate the Trafodion authentication configuration and attempt to connect to a configured LDAP server.
-# Usage
-ldapcheck  [<option>]...
-<option> ::= --help|-h            display usage information
-             --username=<LDAP-username>
-             --password[=<password>]
-             --primary            Use first configuration
-             --local              Use first configuration
-             --enterprise         Use first configuration
-             --secondary          Use second configuration
-             --remote             Use second configuration
-             --cluster            Use second configuration
-             --verbose            Display non-zero retry counts
-                                       and LDAP errors
-# Considerations
-* Aliases for primary include enterprise and local. Aliases for secondary include cluster and remote. If no configuration is specified, primary is assumed.
-* The equals sign is required when supplying a value to username or password.
-* To be prompted for a password value with no echo, specify the password argument but omit the equals sign and value.
-* Passwords that contain special characters may need to be escaped if the password is specified on the command line or within a script file.
-* If the password keyword is not specified, only the username will be checked. The tool can therefore be used to test the LDAP configuration and connection to the configured LDAP server(s) without knowing a valid username or password.
+Redirecting to the Trafodion Provisioning Guide...
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   limitations under the 
-This page describes the **```ldapconfigcheck```** tool, which validates the syntactic correctness of a Trafodion authentication configuration file. Trafodion does not need to be running to run the tool.
-# Considerations
-If the configuration filename is not specified, the tool will look for a file using environment variables. Those environment variables and the search order are:
-    A fully qualified name is expected.
-    Filename **```.traf_authentication_config/```** is appended to the specified directory
-    **```/sql/scripts/.traf_authentication_config```** is appended to the value of **```MY_SQROOT```**.
-# Errors
-One of the following is output when the tool is run. Only the first error encountered is reported.
-Code             | Text
-**```0```**      | File *filename* is valid.
-**```1```**      | File *filename* not found.
-**```2```**      | File: *filename*<br /><br />Invalid attribute name on line *line-number*.
-**```3```**      | File: *filename*<br /><br />Missing required value on line *line-number*.
-**```4```**      | File: *filename*<br /><br />Value out of range on line *line-number*.
-**```5```**      | File: *filename*<br /><br />Open of traf_authentication_config file failed.
-**```6```**      | File: *filename*<br /><br />Read of traf_authentication_config file failed.
-**```7```**      | No file provided. Either specify a file parameter or verify environment variables.
-**```8```**      | TLS was requested in at least one section, but TLS_CACERTFilename was not provided.
-**```9```**      | Missing host name in at least one section.<br /><br />Each LDAP connection configuration section must provide at least one host name.
-**```10```**     | Missing unique identifier in at least one section.<br /><br />Each LDAP connection configuration section must provide at least one unique identifier. 
-**```11```**     | At least one LDAP connection configuration section must be specified.
-**```12```**     | Internal error parsing . traf_authentication_config.
+Redirecting to the Trafodion Provisioning Guide...
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-  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-  limitations under the 
-  License.
-The following table lists the default ports used by the different Trafodion components plus the configuration file and configuration attribute associated with each port setting.
-  <tr>
-     <th>Default Port</th>
-     <th>Configuration File</th>
-     <th>Configuration Entry</th>
-     <th>Required</th>
-     <th>Range</th>
-     <th>Protocol</th>
-     <th>Comment</th>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td><strong>4200</strong></td>
-    <td><code>rest-site.xml</code></td>
-    <td><code></code></td>
-    <td>Yes</td>
-    <td>1</td>
-    <td>REST</td>
-    <td>Trafodion REST Server.</td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td><strong>4201</strong></td>
-    <td><code>rest-site.xml</code></td>
-    <td><code></code></td>
-    <td>Yes</td>
-    <td>1</td>
-    <td>HTTPS</td>
-    <td>Trafodion REST Server (HTTPS).</td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td><strong>23400</strong></td>
-    <td><code>dcs-site.xml</code></td>
-    <td><code>dcs.master.port</code></td>
-    <td>Yes</td>
-    <td>n</td>
-    <td>binary</td>
-    <td>Start of Trafodion DCS port range. (37800 for Trafodion 1.1)</td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td><strong>24400</strong></td>
-    <td><code>dcs-site.xml</code></td>
-    <td><code></code></td>
-    <td>Yes</td>
-    <td>1</td>
-    <td>HTTP</td>
-    <td>DCS master web GUI. (40010 for Trafodion 1.1)</td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td><strong>24410</strong></td>
-    <td><code>dcs-site.xml</code></td>
-    <td><code></code></td>
-    <td>Yes</td>
-    <td>n</td>
-    <td>HTTP</td>
-    <td>Start of range for DCS server web GUIs. (40020 for Trafodion 1.1)</td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td><strong>50030</strong></td>
-    <td><code>mapred-site.xml</code></td>
-    <td><code>mapred.job.tracker.http.address</code></td>
-    <td>No</td>
-    <td>1</td>
-    <td>HTTP</td>
-    <td>MapReduce Job Tracker web GUI.</td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td><strong>50070</strong></td>
-    <td><code>hdfs-site.xml</code></td>
-    <td><code>dfs.http.address</code></td>
-    <td>No</td>
-    <td>1</td>
-    <td>HTTP</td>.
-    <td>HDFS Name Node web GUI.</td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td><strong>50075</strong></td>
-    <td><code>hdfs-site.xml</code></td>
-    <td><code>dfs.datanode.http.address</code></td>
-    <td>No</td>
-    <td>1</td>
-    <td>HTTP</td>.
-    <td>HDFS Data Node web GUI.</td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td><strong>50090</strong></td>
-    <td><code>hdfs-site.xml</code></td>
-    <td><code>dfs.secondary.http.address</code></td>
-    <td>No</td>
-    <td>1</td>
-    <td>HTTP</td>.
-    <td>HDFS Secondary Name Node web GUI.</td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td><strong>60010</strong></td>
-    <td><code>hbase-site.xml</code></td>
-    <td><code></code></td>
-    <td>No</td>
-    <td>1</td>
-    <td>HTTP</td>.
-    <td>HBase Master web GUI.</td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-    <td><strong>60030</strong></td>
-    <td><code>hbase-site.xml</code></td>
-    <td><code></code></td>
-    <td>No</td>
-    <td>1</td>
-    <td>HTTP</td>.
-    <td>HBase Region Server web GUI.</td>
-  </tr>
-<div class="alert alert-dismissible alert-info">
-  <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert">&close;</button>
-  <p style="color:black">There are two port ranges used by Trafodion. <ul><li style="color:black">23400 is a range, to allow multiple mxosrvr processes on each node. Allow a range of a few ports, enough to cover all the servers per node that are listed in the "servers" file in the DCS configuration directory.</li> <li style="color:black">24410 is a range as well, enough to cover the DCS servers per node, usually 1 or 2.</li></ul></p>
-<p style="color:black">If you use Trafodion 1.1, then the older port numbers are 37800 and 40010.</p>
-<p style="color:black">On top of that you would need the ports required by your Hadoop distribution. Most of this information comes from a script to sand-box a development install, including the major ports used. The script's name is <strong><code>trafodion/core/sqf/sql/scripts/install_local_hadoop</code></strong>.</p>
-  <p style="color:black">Although not all the ports will be used on every node of the cluster, you would need to open most of them for all the nodes in the cluster that have Trafodion, HBase or HDFS servers on them.</p>
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-  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-  limitations under the 
-  License.
-This page describes how to remove Trafodion and/or a Hadoop distribution.
-# Remove Trafodion
-Use these instructions to remove Trafodion. 
-<table><tr><td><p><strong>NOTE</strong></p><p>You do not need to use the <strong><code>trafodion_uninstaller</code></strong> script if upgrading Trafodion. Instead, use the <strong><code>trafodion_install</code></strong> script, which automatically upgrades the version of Trafodion. Please refer to <a href="install.html">Install</a> for further information.</p></td></tr></table>
-Run the commands from the first node of the cluster. Do not run them from a machine that is not part of the Trafodion cluster.
-## Step 1: Stop Trafodion
-Do the following:
-    su trafodion
-    cd $MY_SQROOT/sql/scripts or cds
-    sqstop
-## Step 2: Run **```trafodion_uninstaller```**
-**```trafodion_uninstaller```** accepts the following command options.
-Option                        | Description 
-**```instance <dir-name>```** | \<dir-name\> represents the directory path of the Trafodion instance to remove. Run this option from the **```trafodion```** user ID.
-**```--all```**                | Completely removes Trafodion, including the **```trafodion```** user ID and its /root directory. Run this option from a user ID with **```sudo```** access 
-    cd /root/trafodion_downloads/installer
-    # Uninstall Trafodion but leave user IDs and root directory in place
-    ./trafodion_uninstaller --instance /home/trafodion/trafodion
-    # Completely remove Trafodion
-    ./trafodion_uninstaller --all
-# Remove Hadoop Distribution
-Use these instructions of you need to change the Hadoop distribution on your environment.
-**Assumption:** You've already [removed Trafodion](#Remove_Trafodion), if previously installed.
-## Remove Cloudera
-**```cloudera_uninstall```** must be run by a user with **```root```** privileges. It accepts the following command options.
-Option                          | Description 
-**```--help```**                | Print help text and exit.
-**```--nodes "<node-list>```**" | **```<node-list```** represents a space-separated list from which Cloudera should be uninstalled. Quotes are required.
-    cd /root/trafodion_downloads/installer/tools
-    ./cloudera_uninstall --nodes "redhat-1 redhat-2" 
-## Remove Hortonworks
-**```hortonworks_uninstall```** must be run by a user with **```root```** privileges. It accepts the following command options.
-Option                          | Description 
-**```--help```**                | Print help text and exit.
-**```--nodes "<node-list>```**" | **```<node-list```** represents a space-separated list from which Hortonworks should be uninstalled. Quotes are required.
-    cd /root/trafodion_downloads/installer/tools
-    ./hortonworks_uninstall --nodes "redhat-1 redhat-2" 
-<p>During removal, the Ambari Server database must be reset. Type <strong><code>yes</code></strong> when prompted.</p>
-<pre>Resetting ambari-server
-**** WARNING **** You are about to reset and clear the Ambari Server database. This will remove all cluster host and configuration 
-information from the database. You will be required to re-configure the Ambari server and re-run the cluster wizard.
-Are you SURE you want to perform the reset [yes/no] (no)? yes
-Confirm server reset [yes/no](no)? yes</pre>
-## Remove MapR
-<p>Trafodion does not currently support MapR. However, the <strong><code>mapr_unistall</code></strong> allows you to remove an existing MapR installation.</p>
-<p>Follow these instructions to remove MapR and install one of the supported Hadoop distributions before installing Trafodion.</p>
-**```mapr_uninstall```** must be run by a user with **```root```** privileges. It accepts the following command options.
-Option                          | Description 
-**```--help```**                | Print help text and exit.
-**```--nodes "<node-list>```**" | **```<node-list```** represents a space-separated list from which MapR should be uninstalled. Quotes are required.
-Do the following:
-  <tr>
-    <th width="15%">Step</th>
-    <th width="30%">Description</th>
-    <th width="55%">Example</th>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-     <td><strong>Download Trafodion</strong></td>
-     <td>If you haven't done so already, <a href="download.html">download</a> Trafodion.</td>
-     <td></td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-     <td><strong>Create <code>trafodion_downloads</code> Directory</strong></td>
-     <td>Place the downloaded <strong><code>trafodion-1.1.&lt;n&gt;.tar.gz</code></strong> and <strong><code>installer-1.1.&lt;n&gt;_v&lt;num&gt;.tar.gz</code></strong> tar files into the <strong><code>trafodion_downloads</code></strong> directory.</td>
-     <td><pre>
-mkdir $HOME/trafodion_downloads
-mv &lt;your-download-path&gt;/trafodion-1.1.&lt;n&gt;.tar.gz $HOME/trafodion_downloads
-mv &lt;your-download-path&gt;/installer-1.1.&lt;n&gt;_v&lt;num&gt;.tar.gz $HOME/trafodion_downloads
-cd $HOME/trafodion_downloads</pre>
-     </td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-     <td><strong>Unpack <code>tar</code> Files</strong></td>
-     <td>Enables access to the Trafodion installation tools.</td>
-     <td><pre>
-tar -xzf trafodion-1.1.&lt;n&gt;.tar.gz
-tar -xzf installer-1.1.&lt;n&gt;_v&lt;num&gt;.tar.gz</pre>
-     </td>
-  </tr>
-  <tr>
-     <td><strong>Run <code>mapr_uninstall</code></strong></td>
-     <td>Remove the MapR distribution software.</td>
-     <td><pre>
-cd /root/trafodion_downloads/installer/tools
-./mapr_uninstall --nodes "redhat-1 redhat-2"
-     </td>
-  </tr>
-# Switch Hadoop Distribution
-If needed, you can switch the Hadoop distribution that Trafodion is running on without reinstalling Trafodion.
-Do the following.
-## Step 1: Shut Down Trafodion
-    su trafodion
-    cd $MY_SQROOT/sql/scripts
-    sqstop
-## Step 2: Remove Hadoop Distribution
-Remove the Hadoop Distribution per the instructions above.
-Hadoop Distribution | Instructions
-**Cloudera**        | [Remove Cloudera](#Remove_Cloudera)
-**Hortonworks**     | [Remove Hortonworks](#Remove_Hortonworks)
-**MapR**            | [Remove MapR](#Remove_MapR)
-## Step 3: Reinstall Hadoop Distribution
-Refer to [Install Hadoop Distribution](install-preparation.html#Install_Hadoop_Distribution).
-## Step 4: Run Trafodion Installer
-Refer to the [Install](install.html).
diff --git a/docs/src/site/site.xml b/docs/src/site/site.xml
index 248ced9..5564a72 100644
--- a/docs/src/site/site.xml
+++ b/docs/src/site/site.xml
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
     <!-- Apache Trafodion, but with "Trafodion" highlighted -->
-      <img id="trafodion-logo" alt="Trafodion Logo" src="images/logos/trafodion-logo-14.png" align="left"/>
+      Apache <span class="color-highlight">Trafodion</span>
@@ -107,16 +107,6 @@
           <!-- Use H1 headings only for the TOC -->
-        <install>
-          <shortTitle>Install</shortTitle>
-          <!-- Use H1 headings only for the TOC -->
-          <tocTopFlatten>false</tocTopFlatten>
-        </install>
-        <install-preparation>
-          <shortTitle>Install Preparation</shortTitle>
-          <!-- Use H1 headings only for the TOC -->
-          <tocTopFlatten>false</tocTopFlatten>
-        </install-preparation>
@@ -130,7 +120,7 @@
           <shortTitle>Port Assignment</shortTitle>
-        <quickstart><shortTitle>Quick Start</shortTitle></quickstart>
+        <!--quickstart><shortTitle>Quick Start</shortTitle></quickstart-->
            <shortTitle>Release 1.3.0</shortTitle>
@@ -164,11 +154,6 @@
         <traf_authentication_config><shortTitle>.traf_authentication_config Configuration File</shortTitle></traf_authentication_config>
-        <uninstall>
-          <shortTitle>Uninstall</shortTitle>
-          <!-- Use H1 headings only for the TOC -->
-          <tocTopFlatten>false</tocTopFlatten>
-        </uninstall>
@@ -197,13 +182,10 @@
     <menu name="Using">
       <!--item href="quickstart.html" name="Quick Start"/-->
+      <item href="documentation.html" name="Documentation"/>
       <item href="download.html" name="Download"/>
-      <item href="install.html" name="Install"/>
-      <item href="uninstall.html" name="Uninstall"/>
       <item href="management.html" name="Managing Trafodion"/>
       <item href="http:divider" name=""/>
-      <item href="documentation.html" name="Documentation"/>
-      <item href="port-assignment.html" name="Port Assignments"/>
       <item href="faq.html" name="FAQ"/>
       <item href="release-notes.html" name="Release Notes"/>