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Posted to by "Fallin, Jonathan A." <> on 2004/06/23 22:27:40 UTC

Help with log4j setup

How does one set up log4j within Slide?  I am working with the Slide 2.0 src

I have log4j.rootCategory=DEBUG,stdout,R and changed
The log4j.appender.R.File=slide.log so I am expecting the Debug log4j
messages to be sent to that file name.

Inside web.xml I have outputToConsole and outputToFile parameters set on the
wedavlog filter.  That seems to be working fine.  I have the debug parameter
set to 9 under the wedav servlet element.

In I have org.apache.slide.debug=true

However, once I compile and deploy my slide.war archive to my Tomcat and
run, I'm not seeing all of the DEBUG output I expect.  It does not seem to
be writng to any log file "slide.log" as specified in the

Specifically, I am interested in seeing when LogMessages like those found in are fired to get a better understand of what
classes are called when.  I am using the default Content Stores that come
with Slide and am able to use the application without problems.
