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Posted to by Gareth Moorst <> on 2005/10/12 12:40:10 UTC

1:M problem

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I have two tables, one containing Receipts and the other containing receipt items.
I also have java objects Receipt and ReceiptLine where a Receipt contains a List of ReceiptLine objects.

I have followed the instructions on the wiki to try to get around the N+1 selects problem, but instead of returning a List of unique Receipts with a list of ReceiptLine objects, I get a list of duplicate receipts, each with one ReceiptLine objects.
It seems as if the group by part of the solution isn't doing anything - I;ve tried running the sql in a bare sql client, and the records seem to be ordered correctly, but iBatis isn;t collating them?

My (simplified) sqlmap looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE sqlMap PUBLIC "-// SQL Map 2.0//EN" "" >
<sqlMap namespace="VarianceSummaryReceipt">
	<typeAlias alias="Receipt" type="com.phones4u.datamanagement.datamodel.varianceSummary.impl.VarianceSummaryReceiptImpl"/>
	<typeAlias alias="ReceiptLine" type="com.phones4u.datamanagement.datamodel.varianceSummary.impl.VarianceSummaryReceiptLineImpl"/>
	<resultMap class="ReceiptLine" id="ReceiptLinesResult">
		<result property="consignmentNumber" column="consignment_no"/>
	<resultMap class="Receipt" id="ReceiptResult">
		<result property="deliveryId" column="delivery_id"/>
		<result property="lines" resultMap="VarianceSummaryReceipt.ReceiptLinesResult"/>
	<select id="getVarianceSummaryReceipt" parameterClass="map" resultMap="ReceiptResult">
	select distinct
	from variancesummaryreceipthead head, variancesummaryreceiptlines lines 
	where head.delivery_id=lines.delivery_id
	<dynamic prepend="and">
			<isPropertyAvailable property="deliveryId">
	group by 

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