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Posted to by on 2010/08/21 23:51:06 UTC

svn commit: r987835 - /couchdb/branches/new_replicator/src/couchdb/couch_work_queue.erl

Author: fdmanana
Date: Sat Aug 21 21:51:06 2010
New Revision: 987835

Merged revision 987825 from trunk:

Work queue - add support for multiple consumers.


Modified: couchdb/branches/new_replicator/src/couchdb/couch_work_queue.erl
--- couchdb/branches/new_replicator/src/couchdb/couch_work_queue.erl (original)
+++ couchdb/branches/new_replicator/src/couchdb/couch_work_queue.erl Sat Aug 21 21:51:06 2010
@@ -23,8 +23,9 @@
-    work_waiter=nil,
-    close_on_dequeue=false
+    work_waiters=[],
+    close_on_dequeue=false,
+    multi_workers=false
 new(Options) ->
@@ -49,16 +50,15 @@ close(Wq) ->
 init(Options) ->
     Q = #q{
         max_size = couch_util:get_value(max_size, Options),
-        max_items = couch_util:get_value(max_items, Options)
+        max_items = couch_util:get_value(max_items, Options),
+        multi_workers = couch_util:get_value(multi_workers, Options, false)
     {ok, Q}.
-terminate(_Reason, #q{work_waiter=nil}) ->
-    ok;
-terminate(_Reason, #q{work_waiter={WWFrom, _}}) ->
-    gen_server:reply(WWFrom, closed).
+terminate(_Reason, #q{work_waiters=Workers}) ->
+    lists:foreach(fun({W, _}) -> gen_server:reply(W, closed) end, Workers).
-handle_call({queue, Item}, From, #q{work_waiter=nil}=Q0) ->
+handle_call({queue, Item}, From, #q{work_waiters=[]}=Q0) ->
     Q = Q0#q{size=Q0#q.size + byte_size(term_to_binary(Item)),
                 items=Q0#q.items + 1,
                 queue=queue:in(Item, Q0#q.queue)},
@@ -69,28 +69,47 @@ handle_call({queue, Item}, From, #q{work
     false ->
         {reply, ok, Q}
-handle_call({queue, Item}, _From, #q{work_waiter={WWFrom, _Max}}=Q) ->
-    gen_server:reply(WWFrom, {ok, [Item]}),
-    {reply, ok, Q#q{work_waiter=nil}};
-handle_call({dequeue, _Max}, _From, #q{work_waiter=WW}) when WW /= nil ->
-    exit("Only one caller allowed to wait for work at a time");
-handle_call({dequeue, Max}, From, #q{items=0}=Q) ->
-    {noreply, Q#q{work_waiter={From, Max}}};
-handle_call({dequeue, Max}, _From, #q{queue=Queue, max_size=MaxSize,
-        max_items=MaxItems, items=Items,close_on_dequeue=Close}=Q) ->
-    if Max >= Items orelse Max == all ->
-        [gen_server:reply(From, ok) || From <- Q#q.blocked],
-        Q2 = #q{max_size=MaxSize, max_items=MaxItems},
-        if Close ->
-            {stop, normal, {ok, queue:to_list(Queue)}, Q2};
-        true ->
-            {reply, {ok, queue:to_list(Queue)}, Q2}
-        end;
+handle_call({queue, Item}, _From, #q{work_waiters = [{W, _Max} | Rest]} = Q) ->
+    gen_server:reply(W, {ok, [Item]}),
+    {reply, ok, Q#q{work_waiters=Rest}};
+handle_call({dequeue, Max}, From, Q) ->
+    #q{work_waiters = Workers, multi_workers = Multi, items = Count} = Q,
+    case {Workers, Multi} of
+    {[_ | _], false} ->
+        exit("Only one caller allowed to wait for this work at a time");
+    {[_ | _], true} ->
+        {noreply, Q#q{work_waiters=Workers ++ [{From, Max}]}};
+    _ ->
+        case Count of
+        0 ->
+            {noreply, Q#q{work_waiters=Workers ++ [{From, Max}]}};
+        C when C > 0 ->
+            deliver_queue_items(Max, Q)
+        end
+    end.
+deliver_queue_items(Max, Q) ->
+    #q{
+        queue = Queue,
+        items = Count,
+        close_on_dequeue = Close,
+        blocked = Blocked
+    } = Q,
+    case (Max =:= all) orelse (Max >= Count) of
+    false ->
+        {Items, Queue2, Blocked2} = dequeue_items(Max, Queue, Blocked, []),
+        Q2 = Q#q{items = Count - Max, blocked = Blocked2, queue = Queue2},
+        {reply, {ok, Items}, Q2};
     true ->
-        {DequeuedItems, Queue2, Blocked2} =
-                dequeue_items(Max, Queue, Q#q.blocked, []),
-        {reply, {ok, DequeuedItems},
-                Q#q{items=Items-Max,blocked=Blocked2,queue=Queue2}}
+        lists:foreach(fun(F) -> gen_server:reply(F, ok) end, Blocked),
+        Q2 = Q#q{items = 0, size = 0, blocked = [], queue = queue:new()},
+        case Close of
+        false ->
+            {reply, {ok, queue:to_list(Queue)}, Q2};
+        true ->
+            {stop, normal, {ok, queue:to_list(Queue)}, Q2}
+        end
 dequeue_items(0, Queue, Blocked, DequeuedAcc) ->