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svn commit: r990957 [2/2] - in /incubator/thrift/trunk: compiler/cpp/src/generate/ lib/erl/ lib/erl/build/ lib/erl/include/ lib/erl/src/ test/erl/ test/erl/src/ tutorial/erl/

Modified: incubator/thrift/trunk/lib/erl/src/thrift_processor.erl
--- incubator/thrift/trunk/lib/erl/src/thrift_processor.erl (original)
+++ incubator/thrift/trunk/lib/erl/src/thrift_processor.erl Mon Aug 30 22:05:00 2010
@@ -24,54 +24,55 @@
--record(thrift_processor, {handler, protocol, service}).
+-record(thrift_processor, {handler, in_protocol, out_protocol, service}).
-init({_Server, ProtoGen, Service, Handler}) when is_function(ProtoGen, 0) ->
-    {ok, Proto} = ProtoGen(),
-    loop(#thrift_processor{protocol = Proto,
+init({Server, ProtoGen, Service, Handler}) when is_function(ProtoGen, 0) ->
+    {ok, IProt, OProt} = ProtoGen(),
+    loop(#thrift_processor{in_protocol = IProt,
+                           out_protocol = OProt,
                            service = Service,
                            handler = Handler}).
-loop(State0 = #thrift_processor{protocol  = Proto0}) ->
-    {Proto1, MessageBegin} = thrift_protocol:read(Proto0, message_begin),
-    State1 = State0#thrift_processor{protocol = Proto1},
-    case MessageBegin of
+loop(State = #thrift_processor{in_protocol  = IProto,
+                               out_protocol = OProto}) ->
+    case thrift_protocol:read(IProto, message_begin) of
         #protocol_message_begin{name = Function,
                                 type = ?tMessageType_CALL} ->
-            {State2, ok} = handle_function(State1, list_to_atom(Function)),
-            loop(State2);
+            ok = handle_function(State, list_to_atom(Function)),
+            loop(State);
         #protocol_message_begin{name = Function,
                                 type = ?tMessageType_ONEWAY} ->
-            {State2, ok} = handle_function(State1, list_to_atom(Function)),
-            loop(State2);
+            ok = handle_function(State, list_to_atom(Function)),
+            loop(State);
         {error, timeout} ->
-            thrift_protocol:close_transport(Proto1),
+            thrift_protocol:close_transport(OProto),
         {error, closed} ->
             %% error_logger:info_msg("Client disconnected~n"),
-            thrift_protocol:close_transport(Proto1),
+            thrift_protocol:close_transport(OProto),
-handle_function(State0=#thrift_processor{protocol = Proto0,
-                                         handler = Handler,
-                                         service = Service},
+handle_function(State=#thrift_processor{in_protocol = IProto,
+                                        out_protocol = OProto,
+                                        handler = Handler,
+                                        service = Service},
                 Function) ->
     InParams = Service:function_info(Function, params_type),
-    {Proto1, {ok, Params}} = thrift_protocol:read(Proto0, InParams),
-    State1 = State0#thrift_processor{protocol = Proto1},
+    {ok, Params} = thrift_protocol:read(IProto, InParams),
         Result = Handler:handle_function(Function, Params),
         %% {Micro, Result} = better_timer(Handler, handle_function, [Function, Params]),
         %% error_logger:info_msg("Processed ~p(~p) in ~.4fms~n",
         %%                       [Function, Params, Micro/1000.0]),
-        handle_success(State1, Function, Result)
+        handle_success(State, Function, Result)
-        Type:Data when Type =:= throw orelse Type =:= error ->
-            handle_function_catch(State1, Function, Type, Data)
-    end.
+        Type:Data ->
+            handle_function_catch(State, Function, Type, Data)
+    end,
+    after_reply(OProto).
 handle_function_catch(State = #thrift_processor{service = Service},
                       Function, ErrType, ErrData) ->
@@ -83,37 +84,39 @@ handle_function_catch(State = #thrift_pr
               "oneway void ~p threw error which must be ignored: ~p",
               [Function, {ErrType, ErrData, Stack}]),
-            {State, ok};
+            ok;
         {throw, Exception} when is_tuple(Exception), size(Exception) > 0 ->
-            %error_logger:warning_msg("~p threw exception: ~p~n", [Function, Exception]),
-            handle_exception(State, Function, Exception);
-            % we still want to accept more requests from this client
+            error_logger:warning_msg("~p threw exception: ~p~n", [Function, Exception]),
+            handle_exception(State, Function, Exception),
+            ok;   % we still want to accept more requests from this client
         {error, Error} ->
-            handle_error(State, Function, Error)
+            ok = handle_error(State, Function, Error)
-handle_success(State = #thrift_processor{service = Service},
+handle_success(State = #thrift_processor{out_protocol = OProto,
+                                         service = Service},
                Result) ->
     ReplyType  = Service:function_info(Function, reply_type),
     StructName = atom_to_list(Function) ++ "_result",
-    case Result of
-        {reply, ReplyData} ->
-            Reply = {{struct, [{0, ReplyType}]}, {StructName, ReplyData}},
-            send_reply(State, Function, ?tMessageType_REPLY, Reply);
-        ok when ReplyType == {struct, []} ->
-            send_reply(State, Function, ?tMessageType_REPLY, {ReplyType, {StructName}});
-        ok when ReplyType == oneway_void ->
-            %% no reply for oneway void
-            {State, ok}
-    end.
+    ok = case Result of
+             {reply, ReplyData} ->
+                 Reply = {{struct, [{0, ReplyType}]}, {StructName, ReplyData}},
+                 send_reply(OProto, Function, ?tMessageType_REPLY, Reply);
+             ok when ReplyType == {struct, []} ->
+                 send_reply(OProto, Function, ?tMessageType_REPLY, {ReplyType, {StructName}});
+             ok when ReplyType == oneway_void ->
+                 %% no reply for oneway void
+                 ok
+         end.
-handle_exception(State = #thrift_processor{service = Service},
+handle_exception(State = #thrift_processor{out_protocol = OProto,
+                                           service = Service},
                  Exception) ->
     ExceptionType = element(1, Exception),
@@ -138,9 +141,9 @@ handle_exception(State = #thrift_process
                                                 % Make sure we got at least one defined
     case lists:all(fun(X) -> X =:= undefined end, ExceptionList) of
         true ->
-            handle_unknown_exception(State, Function, Exception);
+            ok = handle_unknown_exception(State, Function, Exception);
         false ->
-            send_reply(State, Function, ?tMessageType_REPLY, {ReplySpec, ExceptionTuple})
+            ok = send_reply(OProto, Function, ?tMessageType_REPLY, {ReplySpec, ExceptionTuple})
@@ -151,7 +154,7 @@ handle_unknown_exception(State, Function
     handle_error(State, Function, {exception_not_declared_as_thrown,
-handle_error(State, Function, Error) ->
+handle_error(#thrift_processor{out_protocol = OProto}, Function, Error) ->
     Stack = erlang:get_stacktrace(),
     error_logger:error_msg("~p had an error: ~p~n", [Function, {Error, Stack}]),
@@ -167,14 +170,19 @@ handle_error(State, Function, Error) ->
                 message = Message,
                 type = ?TApplicationException_UNKNOWN}},
-    send_reply(State, Function, ?tMessageType_EXCEPTION, Reply).
+    send_reply(OProto, Function, ?tMessageType_EXCEPTION, Reply).
-send_reply(State = #thrift_processor{protocol = Proto0}, Function, ReplyMessageType, Reply) ->
-    {Proto1, ok} = thrift_protocol:write(Proto0, #protocol_message_begin{
-                                           name = atom_to_list(Function),
-                                           type = ReplyMessageType,
-                                           seqid = 0}),
-    {Proto2, ok} = thrift_protocol:write(Proto1, Reply),
-    {Proto3, ok} = thrift_protocol:write(Proto2, message_end),
-    {Proto4, ok} = thrift_protocol:flush_transport(Proto3),
-    {State#thrift_processor{protocol = Proto4}, ok}.
+send_reply(OProto, Function, ReplyMessageType, Reply) ->
+    ok = thrift_protocol:write(OProto, #protocol_message_begin{
+                                 name = atom_to_list(Function),
+                                 type = ReplyMessageType,
+                                 seqid = 0}),
+    ok = thrift_protocol:write(OProto, Reply),
+    ok = thrift_protocol:write(OProto, message_end),
+    ok = thrift_protocol:flush_transport(OProto),
+    ok.
+after_reply(OProto) ->
+    ok = thrift_protocol:flush_transport(OProto)
+    %%     ok = thrift_protocol:close_transport(OProto)
+    .

Modified: incubator/thrift/trunk/lib/erl/src/thrift_protocol.erl
--- incubator/thrift/trunk/lib/erl/src/thrift_protocol.erl (original)
+++ incubator/thrift/trunk/lib/erl/src/thrift_protocol.erl Mon Aug 30 22:05:00 2010
@@ -49,13 +49,10 @@ new(Module, Data) when is_atom(Module) -
     {ok, #protocol{module = Module,
                    data = Data}}.
--spec flush_transport(#protocol{}) -> {#protocol{}, ok}.
-flush_transport(Proto = #protocol{module = Module,
-                                  data = Data}) ->
-    {NewData, Result} = Module:flush_transport(Data),
-    {Proto#protocol{data = NewData}, Result}.
+flush_transport(#protocol{module = Module,
+                          data = Data}) ->
+    Module:flush_transport(Data).
--spec close_transport(#protocol{}) -> ok.
 close_transport(#protocol{module = Module,
                           data = Data}) ->
@@ -89,8 +86,7 @@ term_to_typeid({list, _}) -> ?tType_LIST
 %% Structure is like:
 %%    [{Fid, Type}, ...]
--spec read(#protocol{}, {struct, _StructDef}, atom()) -> {#protocol{}, {ok, tuple()}}.
-read(IProto0, {struct, Structure}, Tag)
+read(IProto, {struct, Structure}, Tag)
   when is_list(Structure), is_atom(Tag) ->
     % If we want a tagged tuple, we need to offset all the tuple indices
@@ -107,23 +103,14 @@ read(IProto0, {struct, Structure}, Tag)
     % Fid -> {Type, Index}
     SDict = dict:from_list(SWithIndices),
-    {IProto1, ok} = read(IProto0, struct_begin),
+    ok = read(IProto, struct_begin),
     RTuple0 = erlang:make_tuple(length(Structure) + Offset, undefined),
     RTuple1 = if Tag =/= undefined -> setelement(1, RTuple0, Tag);
                  true              -> RTuple0
-    {IProto2, RTuple2} = read_struct_loop(IProto1, SDict, RTuple1),
-    {IProto2, {ok, RTuple2}}.
-%% NOTE: Keep this in sync with thrift_protocol_behaviour:read
--spec read
-        (#protocol{}, {struct, _Info}) ->    {#protocol{}, {ok, tuple()}      | {error, _Reason}};
-        (#protocol{}, tprot_cont_tag()) ->   {#protocol{}, {ok, any()}        | {error, _Reason}};
-        (#protocol{}, tprot_empty_tag()) ->  {#protocol{},  ok                | {error, _Reason}};
-        (#protocol{}, tprot_header_tag()) -> {#protocol{}, tprot_header_val() | {error, _Reason}};
-        (#protocol{}, tprot_data_tag()) ->   {#protocol{}, {ok, any()}        | {error, _Reason}}.
+    RTuple2 = read_struct_loop(IProto, SDict, RTuple1),
+    {ok, RTuple2}.
 read(IProto, {struct, {Module, StructureName}}) when is_atom(Module),
                                                      is_atom(StructureName) ->
@@ -132,165 +119,137 @@ read(IProto, {struct, {Module, Structure
 read(IProto, S={struct, Structure}) when is_list(Structure) ->
     read(IProto, S, undefined);
-read(IProto0, {list, Type}) ->
-    {IProto1, #protocol_list_begin{etype = EType, size = Size}} =
-        read(IProto0, list_begin),
-    {EType, EType} = {term_to_typeid(Type), EType},
-    {List, IProto2} = lists:mapfoldl(fun(_, ProtoS0) ->
-                                             {ProtoS1, {ok, Item}} = read(ProtoS0, Type),
-                                             {Item, ProtoS1}
-                                     end,
-                                     IProto1,
-                                     lists:duplicate(Size, 0)),
-    {IProto3, ok} = read(IProto2, list_end),
-    {IProto3, {ok, List}};
-read(IProto0, {map, KeyType, ValType}) ->
-    {IProto1, #protocol_map_begin{size = Size, ktype = KType, vtype = VType}} =
-        read(IProto0, map_begin),
-    {KType, KType} = {term_to_typeid(KeyType), KType},
-    {VType, VType} = {term_to_typeid(ValType), VType},
-    {List, IProto2} = lists:mapfoldl(fun(_, ProtoS0) ->
-                                             {ProtoS1, {ok, Key}} = read(ProtoS0, KeyType),
-                                             {ProtoS2, {ok, Val}} = read(ProtoS1, ValType),
-                                             {{Key, Val}, ProtoS2}
-                                     end,
-                                     IProto1,
-                                     lists:duplicate(Size, 0)),
-    {IProto3, ok} = read(IProto2, map_end),
-    {IProto3, {ok, dict:from_list(List)}};
-read(IProto0, {set, Type}) ->
-    {IProto1, #protocol_set_begin{etype = EType, size = Size}} =
-        read(IProto0, set_begin),
-    {EType, EType} = {term_to_typeid(Type), EType},
-    {List, IProto2} = lists:mapfoldl(fun(_, ProtoS0) ->
-                                             {ProtoS1, {ok, Item}} = read(ProtoS0, Type),
-                                             {Item, ProtoS1}
-                                     end,
-                                     IProto1,
-                                     lists:duplicate(Size, 0)),
-    {IProto3, ok} = read(IProto2, set_end),
-    {IProto3, {ok, sets:from_list(List)}};
-read(Protocol, ProtocolType) ->
-    read_specific(Protocol, ProtocolType).
-%% NOTE: Keep this in sync with thrift_protocol_behaviour:read
--spec read_specific
-        (#protocol{}, tprot_empty_tag()) ->  {#protocol{},  ok                | {error, _Reason}};
-        (#protocol{}, tprot_header_tag()) -> {#protocol{}, tprot_header_val() | {error, _Reason}};
-        (#protocol{}, tprot_data_tag()) ->   {#protocol{}, {ok, any()}        | {error, _Reason}}.
-read_specific(Proto = #protocol{module = Module,
-                                data = ModuleData}, ProtocolType) ->
-    {NewData, Result} = Module:read(ModuleData, ProtocolType),
-    {Proto#protocol{data = NewData}, Result}.
-read_struct_loop(IProto0, SDict, RTuple) ->
-    {IProto1, #protocol_field_begin{type = FType, id = Fid}} =
-        thrift_protocol:read(IProto0, field_begin),
+read(IProto, {list, Type}) ->
+    #protocol_list_begin{etype = EType, size = Size} =
+        read(IProto, list_begin),
+    List = [Result || {ok, Result} <-
+                          [read(IProto, Type) || _X <- lists:duplicate(Size, 0)]],
+    ok = read(IProto, list_end),
+    {ok, List};
+read(IProto, {map, KeyType, ValType}) ->
+    #protocol_map_begin{size = Size} =
+        read(IProto, map_begin),
+    List = [{Key, Val} || {{ok, Key}, {ok, Val}} <-
+                              [{read(IProto, KeyType),
+                                read(IProto, ValType)} || _X <- lists:duplicate(Size, 0)]],
+    ok = read(IProto, map_end),
+    {ok, dict:from_list(List)};
+read(IProto, {set, Type}) ->
+    #protocol_set_begin{etype = _EType,
+                        size = Size} =
+        read(IProto, set_begin),
+    List = [Result || {ok, Result} <-
+                          [read(IProto, Type) || _X <- lists:duplicate(Size, 0)]],
+    ok = read(IProto, set_end),
+    {ok, sets:from_list(List)};
+read(#protocol{module = Module,
+               data = ModuleData}, ProtocolType) ->
+    Module:read(ModuleData, ProtocolType).
+read_struct_loop(IProto, SDict, RTuple) ->
+    #protocol_field_begin{type = FType, id = Fid, name = Name} =
+        thrift_protocol:read(IProto, field_begin),
     case {FType, Fid} of
         {?tType_STOP, _} ->
-            {IProto1, RTuple};
+            RTuple;
         _Else ->
             case dict:find(Fid, SDict) of
                 {ok, {Type, Index}} ->
                     case term_to_typeid(Type) of
                         FType ->
-                            {IProto2, {ok, Val}} = read(IProto1, Type),
-                            {IProto3, ok} = thrift_protocol:read(IProto2, field_end),
+                            {ok, Val} = read(IProto, Type),
+                            thrift_protocol:read(IProto, field_end),
                             NewRTuple = setelement(Index, RTuple, Val),
-                            read_struct_loop(IProto3, SDict, NewRTuple);
+                            read_struct_loop(IProto, SDict, NewRTuple);
                         Expected ->
                               "Skipping field ~p with wrong type (~p != ~p)~n",
                               [Fid, FType, Expected]),
-                            skip_field(FType, IProto1, SDict, RTuple)
+                            skip_field(FType, IProto, SDict, RTuple)
                 _Else2 ->
                     error_logger:info_msg("Skipping field ~p with unknown fid~n", [Fid]),
-                    skip_field(FType, IProto1, SDict, RTuple)
+                    skip_field(FType, IProto, SDict, RTuple)
-skip_field(FType, IProto0, SDict, RTuple) ->
+skip_field(FType, IProto, SDict, RTuple) ->
     FTypeAtom = thrift_protocol:typeid_to_atom(FType),
-    {IProto1, ok} = thrift_protocol:skip(IProto0, FTypeAtom),
-    {IProto2, ok} = read(IProto1, field_end),
-    read_struct_loop(IProto2, SDict, RTuple).
--spec skip(#protocol{}, any()) -> {#protocol{}, ok}.
-skip(Proto0, struct) ->
-    {Proto1, ok} = read(Proto0, struct_begin),
-    {Proto2, ok} = skip_struct_loop(Proto1),
-    {Proto3, ok} = read(Proto2, struct_end),
-    {Proto3, ok};
-skip(Proto0, map) ->
-    {Proto1, Map} = read(Proto0, map_begin),
-    {Proto2, ok} = skip_map_loop(Proto1, Map),
-    {Proto3, ok} = read(Proto2, map_end),
-    {Proto3, ok};
-skip(Proto0, set) ->
-    {Proto1, Set} = read(Proto0, set_begin),
-    {Proto2, ok} = skip_set_loop(Proto1, Set),
-    {Proto3, ok} = read(Proto2, set_end),
-    {Proto3, ok};
-skip(Proto0, list) ->
-    {Proto1, List} = read(Proto0, list_begin),
-    {Proto2, ok} = skip_list_loop(Proto1, List),
-    {Proto3, ok} = read(Proto2, list_end),
-    {Proto3, ok};
-skip(Proto0, Type) when is_atom(Type) ->
-    {Proto1, _Ignore} = read(Proto0, Type),
-    {Proto1, ok}.
+    thrift_protocol:skip(IProto, FTypeAtom),
+    read(IProto, field_end),
+    read_struct_loop(IProto, SDict, RTuple).
+skip(Proto, struct) ->
+    ok = read(Proto, struct_begin),
+    ok = skip_struct_loop(Proto),
+    ok = read(Proto, struct_end);
+skip(Proto, map) ->
+    Map = read(Proto, map_begin),
+    ok = skip_map_loop(Proto, Map),
+    ok = read(Proto, map_end);
+skip(Proto, set) ->
+    Set = read(Proto, set_begin),
+    ok = skip_set_loop(Proto, Set),
+    ok = read(Proto, set_end);
+skip(Proto, list) ->
+    List = read(Proto, list_begin),
+    ok = skip_list_loop(Proto, List),
+    ok = read(Proto, list_end);
+skip(Proto, Type) when is_atom(Type) ->
+    _Ignore = read(Proto, Type),
+    ok.
-skip_struct_loop(Proto0) ->
-    {Proto1, #protocol_field_begin{type = Type}} = read(Proto0, field_begin),
+skip_struct_loop(Proto) ->
+    #protocol_field_begin{type = Type} = read(Proto, field_begin),
     case Type of
         ?tType_STOP ->
-            {Proto1, ok};
+            ok;
         _Else ->
-            {Proto2, ok} = skip(Proto1, Type),
-            {Proto3, ok} = read(Proto2, field_end),
-            skip_struct_loop(Proto3)
+            skip(Proto, Type),
+            ok = read(Proto, field_end),
+            skip_struct_loop(Proto)
-skip_map_loop(Proto0, Map = #protocol_map_begin{ktype = Ktype,
-                                                vtype = Vtype,
-                                                size = Size}) ->
+skip_map_loop(Proto, Map = #protocol_map_begin{ktype = Ktype,
+                                               vtype = Vtype,
+                                               size = Size}) ->
     case Size of
         N when N > 0 ->
-            {Proto1, ok} = skip(Proto0, Ktype),
-            {Proto2, ok} = skip(Proto1, Vtype),
-            skip_map_loop(Proto2,
+            skip(Proto, Ktype),
+            skip(Proto, Vtype),
+            skip_map_loop(Proto,
                           Map#protocol_map_begin{size = Size - 1});
-        0 -> {Proto0, ok}
+        0 -> ok
-skip_set_loop(Proto0, Map = #protocol_set_begin{etype = Etype,
-                                                size = Size}) ->
+skip_set_loop(Proto, Map = #protocol_set_begin{etype = Etype,
+                                               size = Size}) ->
     case Size of
         N when N > 0 ->
-            {Proto1, ok} = skip(Proto0, Etype),
-            skip_set_loop(Proto1,
+            skip(Proto, Etype),
+            skip_set_loop(Proto,
                           Map#protocol_set_begin{size = Size - 1});
-        0 -> {Proto0, ok}
+        0 -> ok
-skip_list_loop(Proto0, Map = #protocol_list_begin{etype = Etype,
-                                                  size = Size}) ->
+skip_list_loop(Proto, Map = #protocol_list_begin{etype = Etype,
+                                                 size = Size}) ->
     case Size of
         N when N > 0 ->
-            {Proto1, ok} = skip(Proto0, Etype),
-            skip_list_loop(Proto1,
+            skip(Proto, Etype),
+            skip_list_loop(Proto,
                            Map#protocol_list_begin{size = Size - 1});
-        0 -> {Proto0, ok}
+        0 -> ok
@@ -308,95 +267,90 @@ skip_list_loop(Proto0, Map = #protocol_l
 %%       | list()   -- for list
 %%       | dictionary()   -- for map
 %%       | set()    -- for set
-%%       | any()    -- for base types
+%%       | term()   -- for base types
 %% Description:
--spec write(#protocol{}, any()) -> {#protocol{}, ok | {error, _Reason}}.
-write(Proto0, {{struct, StructDef}, Data})
+write(Proto, {{struct, StructDef}, Data})
   when is_list(StructDef), is_tuple(Data), length(StructDef) == size(Data) - 1 ->
     [StructName | Elems] = tuple_to_list(Data),
-    {Proto1, ok} = write(Proto0, #protocol_struct_begin{name = StructName}),
-    {Proto2, ok} = struct_write_loop(Proto1, StructDef, Elems),
-    {Proto3, ok} = write(Proto2, struct_end),
-    {Proto3, ok};
+    ok = write(Proto, #protocol_struct_begin{name = StructName}),
+    ok = struct_write_loop(Proto, StructDef, Elems),
+    ok = write(Proto, struct_end),
+    ok;
 write(Proto, {{struct, {Module, StructureName}}, Data})
   when is_atom(Module),
        element(1, Data) =:= StructureName ->
+    StructType = Module:struct_info(StructureName),
     write(Proto, {Module:struct_info(StructureName), Data});
-write(Proto0, {{list, Type}, Data})
+write(Proto, {{list, Type}, Data})
   when is_list(Data) ->
-    {Proto1, ok} = write(Proto0,
+    ok = write(Proto,
                  etype = term_to_typeid(Type),
                  size = length(Data)
-    Proto2 = lists:foldl(fun(Elem, ProtoIn) ->
-                                 {ProtoOut, ok} = write(ProtoIn, {Type, Elem}),
-                                 ProtoOut
-                         end,
-                         Proto1,
-                         Data),
-    {Proto3, ok} = write(Proto2, list_end),
-    {Proto3, ok};
-write(Proto0, {{map, KeyType, ValType}, Data}) ->
-    {Proto1, ok} = write(Proto0,
-                         #protocol_map_begin{
-                           ktype = term_to_typeid(KeyType),
-                           vtype = term_to_typeid(ValType),
-                           size  = dict:size(Data)
-                          }),
-    Proto2 = dict:fold(fun(KeyData, ValData, ProtoS0) ->
-                               {ProtoS1, ok} = write(ProtoS0, {KeyType, KeyData}),
-                               {ProtoS2, ok} = write(ProtoS1, {ValType, ValData}),
-                               ProtoS2
-                       end,
-                       Proto1,
-                       Data),
-    {Proto3, ok} = write(Proto2, map_end),
-    {Proto3, ok};
+    lists:foreach(fun(Elem) ->
+                          ok = write(Proto, {Type, Elem})
+                  end,
+                  Data),
+    ok = write(Proto, list_end),
+    ok;
+write(Proto, {{map, KeyType, ValType}, Data}) ->
+    ok = write(Proto,
+               #protocol_map_begin{
+                 ktype = term_to_typeid(KeyType),
+                 vtype = term_to_typeid(ValType),
+                 size  = dict:size(Data)
+                }),
+    dict:fold(fun(KeyData, ValData, _Acc) ->
+                      ok = write(Proto, {KeyType, KeyData}),
+                      ok = write(Proto, {ValType, ValData})
+              end,
+              _AccO = ok,
+              Data),
+    ok = write(Proto, map_end),
+    ok;
-write(Proto0, {{set, Type}, Data}) ->
+write(Proto, {{set, Type}, Data}) ->
     true = sets:is_set(Data),
-    {Proto1, ok} = write(Proto0,
-                         #protocol_set_begin{
-                           etype = term_to_typeid(Type),
-                           size  = sets:size(Data)
-                          }),
-    Proto2 = sets:fold(fun(Elem, ProtoIn) ->
-                               {ProtoOut, ok} = write(ProtoIn, {Type, Elem}),
-                               ProtoOut
-                       end,
-                       Proto1,
-                       Data),
-    {Proto3, ok} = write(Proto2, set_end),
-    {Proto3, ok};
-write(Proto = #protocol{module = Module,
-                        data = ModuleData}, Data) ->
-    {NewData, Result} = Module:write(ModuleData, Data),
-    {Proto#protocol{data = NewData}, Result}.
-struct_write_loop(Proto0, [{Fid, Type} | RestStructDef], [Data | RestData]) ->
-    NewProto = case Data of
-                   undefined ->
-                       Proto0; % null fields are skipped in response
-                   _ ->
-                       {Proto1, ok} = write(Proto0,
-                                           #protocol_field_begin{
-                                             type = term_to_typeid(Type),
-                                             id = Fid
-                                            }),
-                       {Proto2, ok} = write(Proto1, {Type, Data}),
-                       {Proto3, ok} = write(Proto2, field_end),
-                       Proto3
-               end,
-    struct_write_loop(NewProto, RestStructDef, RestData);
+    ok = write(Proto,
+               #protocol_set_begin{
+                 etype = term_to_typeid(Type),
+                 size  = sets:size(Data)
+                }),
+    sets:fold(fun(Elem, _Acc) ->
+                      ok = write(Proto, {Type, Elem})
+              end,
+              _Acc0 = ok,
+              Data),
+    ok = write(Proto, set_end),
+    ok;
+write(#protocol{module = Module,
+                data = ModuleData}, Data) ->
+    Module:write(ModuleData, Data).
+struct_write_loop(Proto, [{Fid, Type} | RestStructDef], [Data | RestData]) ->
+    case Data of
+        undefined ->
+            % null fields are skipped in response
+            skip;
+        _ ->
+            ok = write(Proto,
+                       #protocol_field_begin{
+                         type = term_to_typeid(Type),
+                         id = Fid
+                        }),
+            ok = write(Proto, {Type, Data}),
+            ok = write(Proto, field_end)
+    end,
+    struct_write_loop(Proto, RestStructDef, RestData);
 struct_write_loop(Proto, [], []) ->
-    write(Proto, field_stop).
+    ok = write(Proto, field_stop),
+    ok.

Modified: incubator/thrift/trunk/lib/erl/src/thrift_server.erl
--- incubator/thrift/trunk/lib/erl/src/thrift_server.erl (original)
+++ incubator/thrift/trunk/lib/erl/src/thrift_server.erl Mon Aug 30 22:05:00 2010
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ handle_info({inet_async, ListenSocket, R
             {stop, Reason, State}
-handle_info({inet_async, _ListenSocket, _Ref, Error}, State) ->
+handle_info({inet_async, ListenSocket, Ref, Error}, State) ->
     error_logger:error_msg("Error in acceptor: ~p~n", [Error]),
     {stop, Error, State};
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ start_processor(Socket, Service, Handler
                        {ok, SocketTransport} = thrift_socket_transport:new(Socket),
                        {ok, BufferedTransport} = thrift_buffered_transport:new(SocketTransport),
                        {ok, Protocol} = thrift_binary_protocol:new(BufferedTransport),
-                       {ok, Protocol}
+                       {ok, Protocol, Protocol}
     spawn(thrift_processor, init, [{Server, ProtoGen, Service, Handler}]).

Modified: incubator/thrift/trunk/lib/erl/src/thrift_socket_server.erl
--- incubator/thrift/trunk/lib/erl/src/thrift_socket_server.erl (original)
+++ incubator/thrift/trunk/lib/erl/src/thrift_socket_server.erl Mon Aug 30 22:05:00 2010
@@ -166,12 +166,13 @@ gen_tcp_listen(Port, Opts, State) ->
 new_acceptor(State=#thrift_socket_server{max=0}) ->
     error_logger:error_msg("Not accepting new connections"),
+new_acceptor(State=#thrift_socket_server{acceptor=OldPid, listen=Listen,
                                          service=Service, handler=Handler,
                                          socket_opts=Opts, framed=Framed
                                         }) ->
     Pid = proc_lib:spawn_link(?MODULE, acceptor_loop,
                               [{self(), Listen, Service, Handler, Opts, Framed}]),
+%%     error_logger:info_msg("Spawning new acceptor: ~p => ~p", [OldPid, Pid]),
 acceptor_loop({Server, Listen, Service, Handler, SocketOpts, Framed})
@@ -187,7 +188,7 @@ acceptor_loop({Server, Listen, Service, 
                                        false -> thrift_buffered_transport:new(SocketTransport)
                                {ok, Protocol}          = thrift_binary_protocol:new(Transport),
-                               {ok, Protocol}
+                               {ok, IProt=Protocol, OProt=Protocol}
             thrift_processor:init({Server, ProtoGen, Service, Handler});
         {error, closed} ->

Modified: incubator/thrift/trunk/lib/erl/src/thrift_socket_transport.erl
--- incubator/thrift/trunk/lib/erl/src/thrift_socket_transport.erl (original)
+++ incubator/thrift/trunk/lib/erl/src/thrift_socket_transport.erl Mon Aug 30 22:05:00 2010
@@ -29,8 +29,6 @@
 -record(data, {socket,
--type state() :: #data{}.
 new(Socket) ->
     new(Socket, []).
@@ -47,26 +45,25 @@ new(Socket, Opts) when is_list(Opts) ->
     thrift_transport:new(?MODULE, State).
 %% Data :: iolist()
-write(This = #data{socket = Socket}, Data) ->
-    {This, gen_tcp:send(Socket, Data)}.
+write(#data{socket = Socket}, Data) ->
+    gen_tcp:send(Socket, Data).
-read(This = #data{socket=Socket, recv_timeout=Timeout}, Len)
+read(#data{socket=Socket, recv_timeout=Timeout}, Len)
   when is_integer(Len), Len >= 0 ->
     case gen_tcp:recv(Socket, Len, Timeout) of
         Err = {error, timeout} ->
             error_logger:info_msg("read timeout: peer conn ~p", [inet:peername(Socket)]),
-            {This, Err};
-        Data ->
-            {This, Data}
+            Err;
+        Data -> Data
 %% We can't really flush - everything is flushed when we write
-flush(This) ->
-    {This, ok}.
+flush(_) ->
+    ok.
-close(This = #data{socket = Socket}) ->
-    {This, gen_tcp:close(Socket)}.
+close(#data{socket = Socket}) ->
+    gen_tcp:close(Socket).
 %%%% FACTORY GENERATION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Modified: incubator/thrift/trunk/lib/erl/src/thrift_transport.erl
--- incubator/thrift/trunk/lib/erl/src/thrift_transport.erl (original)
+++ incubator/thrift/trunk/lib/erl/src/thrift_transport.erl Mon Aug 30 22:05:00 2010
@@ -37,42 +37,21 @@ behaviour_info(callbacks) ->
 -record(transport, {module, data}).
-        case Transport#transport.module of
-            ?transport_wrapper_module ->
-                Transport;
-            _Else ->
-                {ok, Result} = ?transport_wrapper_module:new(Transport),
-                Result
-        end).
--define(debug_wrap(Transport), Transport).
 new(Module, Data) when is_atom(Module) ->
-    Transport0 = #transport{module = Module, data = Data},
-    Transport1 = ?debug_wrap(Transport0),
-    {ok, Transport1}.
+    {ok, #transport{module = Module,
+                    data = Data}}.
--spec write(#transport{}, iolist() | binary()) -> {#transport{}, ok | {error, _Reason}}.
+%% Data :: iolist()
 write(Transport, Data) ->
     Module = Transport#transport.module,
-    {NewTransData, Result} = Module:write(, Data),
-    {Transport#transport{data = NewTransData}, Result}.
+    Module:write(, Data).
--spec read(#transport{}, non_neg_integer()) -> {#transport{}, {ok, binary()} | {error, _Reason}}.
 read(Transport, Len) when is_integer(Len) ->
     Module = Transport#transport.module,
-    {NewTransData, Result} = Module:read(, Len),
-    {Transport#transport{data = NewTransData}, Result}.
+    Module:read(, Len).
+flush(#transport{module = Module, data = Data}) ->
+    Module:flush(Data).
--spec flush(#transport{}) -> {#transport{}, ok | {error, _Reason}}.
-flush(Transport = #transport{module = Module, data = Data}) ->
-    {NewTransData, Result} = Module:flush(Data),
-    {Transport#transport{data = NewTransData}, Result}.
--spec close(#transport{}) -> {#transport{}, ok | {error, _Reason}}.
-close(Transport = #transport{module = Module, data = Data}) ->
-    {NewTransData, Result} = Module:close(Data),
-    {Transport#transport{data = NewTransData}, Result}.
+close(#transport{module = Module, data = Data}) ->
+    Module:close(Data).

Modified: incubator/thrift/trunk/test/erl/Makefile
--- incubator/thrift/trunk/test/erl/Makefile (original)
+++ incubator/thrift/trunk/test/erl/Makefile Mon Aug 30 22:05:00 2010
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ SRCDIR=src
-MODULES = stress_server test_server test_client test_disklog test_membuffer
+MODULES = stress_server test_server test_disklog test_membuffer test_tether
 TARGETS = $(patsubst %,${TARGETDIR}/%.beam,${MODULES})
@@ -55,11 +55,11 @@ ${GENDIR}/: ${RPCFILE}
 	rm -rf ${GEN_TARGETDIR}
 	mkdir -p ${GEN_TARGETDIR}
 	mkdir -p ${TARGETDIR}
 	rm -f ${TARGETDIR}/*.beam

Modified: incubator/thrift/trunk/test/erl/src/test_disklog.erl
--- incubator/thrift/trunk/test/erl/src/test_disklog.erl (original)
+++ incubator/thrift/trunk/test/erl/src/test_disklog.erl Mon Aug 30 22:05:00 2010
@@ -29,21 +29,20 @@ t() ->
            {size, {1024*1024, 10}}]),
     {ok, ProtocolFactory} = thrift_binary_protocol:new_protocol_factory(
                               TransportFactory, []),
-    {ok, Proto} = ProtocolFactory(),
-    {ok, Client0} = thrift_client:new(Proto, thriftTest_thrift),
+    {ok, Client} = thrift_client:start_link(ProtocolFactory, thriftTest_thrift),
     io:format("Client started~n"),
     % We have to make oneway calls into this client only since otherwise it will try
     % to read from the disklog and go boom.
-    {Client1, {ok, ok}} = thrift_client:call(Client0, testOneway, [16#deadbeef]),
+    {ok, ok} = thrift_client:call(Client, testOneway, [16#deadbeef]),
     io:format("Call written~n"),
     % Use the send_call method to write a non-oneway call into the log
-    {Client2, ok} = thrift_client:send_call(Client1, testString, [<<"hello world">>]),
+    ok = thrift_client:send_call(Client, testString, [<<"hello world">>]),
     io:format("Non-oneway call sent~n"),
-    {_Client3, ok} = thrift_client:close(Client2),
+    ok = thrift_client:close(Client),
     io:format("Client closed~n"),
@@ -62,22 +61,21 @@ t_base64() ->
     {ok, ProtocolFactory} = thrift_binary_protocol:new_protocol_factory(
                               BufFactory, []),
-    {ok, Proto} = ProtocolFactory(),
-    {ok, Client0} = thrift_client:new(Proto, thriftTest_thrift),
+    {ok, Client} = thrift_client:start_link(ProtocolFactory, thriftTest_thrift),
     io:format("Client started~n"),
     % We have to make oneway calls into this client only since otherwise it will try
     % to read from the disklog and go boom.
-    {Client1, {ok, ok}} = thrift_client:call(Client0, testOneway, [16#deadbeef]),
+    {ok, ok} = thrift_client:call(Client, testOneway, [16#deadbeef]),
     io:format("Call written~n"),
     % Use the send_call method to write a non-oneway call into the log
-    {Client2, ok} = thrift_client:send_call(Client1, testString, [<<"hello world">>]),
+    ok = thrift_client:send_call(Client, testString, [<<"hello world">>]),
     io:format("Non-oneway call sent~n"),
-    {_Client3, ok} = thrift_client:close(Client2),
+    ok = thrift_client:close(Client),
     io:format("Client closed~n"),

Modified: incubator/thrift/trunk/test/erl/src/test_membuffer.erl
--- incubator/thrift/trunk/test/erl/src/test_membuffer.erl (original)
+++ incubator/thrift/trunk/test/erl/src/test_membuffer.erl Mon Aug 30 22:05:00 2010
@@ -30,12 +30,12 @@ test_data() ->
 t1() ->
     {ok, Transport} = thrift_memory_buffer:new(),
-    {ok, Protocol0} = thrift_binary_protocol:new(Transport),
+    {ok, Protocol} = thrift_binary_protocol:new(Transport),
     TestData = test_data(),
-		{Protocol1, ok} = thrift_protocol:write(Protocol0,
+    ok = thrift_protocol:write(Protocol,
 			       {{struct, element(2, thriftTest_types:struct_info('xtruct'))},
-		{_Protocol2, {ok, Result}} = thrift_protocol:read(Protocol1,
+    {ok, Result} = thrift_protocol:read(Protocol,
 					{struct, element(2, thriftTest_types:struct_info('xtruct'))},
@@ -44,12 +44,12 @@ t1() ->
 t2() ->
     {ok, Transport} = thrift_memory_buffer:new(),
-    {ok, Protocol0} = thrift_binary_protocol:new(Transport),
+    {ok, Protocol} = thrift_binary_protocol:new(Transport),
     TestData = test_data(),
-		{Protocol1, ok} = thrift_protocol:write(Protocol0,
+    ok = thrift_protocol:write(Protocol,
 			       {{struct, element(2, thriftTest_types:struct_info('xtruct'))},
-		{_Protocol2, {ok, Result}} = thrift_protocol:read(Protocol1,
+    {ok, Result} = thrift_protocol:read(Protocol,
 					{struct, element(2, thriftTest_types:struct_info('xtruct3'))},
@@ -61,12 +61,12 @@ t2() ->
 t3() ->
     {ok, Transport} = thrift_memory_buffer:new(),
-    {ok, Protocol0} = thrift_binary_protocol:new(Transport),
+    {ok, Protocol} = thrift_binary_protocol:new(Transport),
     TestData = #bools{im_true = true, im_false = false},
-		{Protocol1, ok} = thrift_protocol:write(Protocol0,
+    ok = thrift_protocol:write(Protocol,
 			       {{struct, element(2, thriftTest_types:struct_info('bools'))},
-		{_Protocol2, {ok, Result}} = thrift_protocol:read(Protocol1,
+    {ok, Result} = thrift_protocol:read(Protocol,
 					{struct, element(2, thriftTest_types:struct_info('bools'))},
@@ -74,23 +74,8 @@ t3() ->
     true = TestData#bools.im_false =:= Result#bools.im_false.
-t4() ->
-    {ok, Transport} = thrift_memory_buffer:new(),
-    {ok, Protocol0} = thrift_binary_protocol:new(Transport),
-    TestData = #insanity{xtructs=[]},
-		{Protocol1, ok} = thrift_protocol:write(Protocol0,
-			       {{struct, element(2, thriftTest_types:struct_info('insanity'))},
-				TestData}),
-		{_Protocol2, {ok, Result}} = thrift_protocol:read(Protocol1,
-					{struct, element(2, thriftTest_types:struct_info('insanity'))},
-					'insanity'),
-    TestData = Result.
 t() ->
-    t3(),
-    t4().
+    t3().

Modified: incubator/thrift/trunk/test/erl/src/test_server.erl
--- incubator/thrift/trunk/test/erl/src/test_server.erl (original)
+++ incubator/thrift/trunk/test/erl/src/test_server.erl Mon Aug 30 22:05:00 2010
@@ -19,42 +19,12 @@
--export([go/0, go/1, start_link/2, handle_function/2]).
+-export([start_link/1, handle_function/2]).
--record(options, {port = 9090,
-                  server_opts = []}).
-parse_args(Args) -> parse_args(Args, #options{}).
-parse_args([], Opts) -> Opts;
-parse_args([Head | Rest], Opts) ->
-    NewOpts =
-        case catch list_to_integer(Head) of
-            Port when is_integer(Port) ->
-                Opts#options{port = Port};
-            _Else ->
-                case Head of
-                    "framed" ->
-                        Opts#options{server_opts = [{framed, true} | Opts#options.server_opts]};
-                    "" ->
-                        Opts;
-                    _Else ->
-                        erlang:error({bad_arg, Head})
-                end
-        end,
-    parse_args(Rest, NewOpts).
-go() -> go([]).
-go(Args) ->
-    #options{port = Port, server_opts = ServerOpts} = parse_args(Args),
-    spawn(fun() -> start_link(Port, ServerOpts), receive after infinity -> ok end end).
-start_link(Port, ServerOpts) ->
-    thrift_socket_server:start([{handler, ?MODULE},
-                                {service, thriftTest_thrift},
-                                {port, Port}] ++
-                               ServerOpts).
+start_link(Port) ->
+    thrift_server:start_link(Port, thriftTest_thrift, ?MODULE).
 handle_function(testVoid, {}) ->
@@ -154,12 +124,12 @@ handle_function(testInsanity, {Insanity}
                                {?thriftTest_THREE, Crazy}]),
     SecondMap = dict:from_list([{?thriftTest_SIX, Looney}]),
     Insane = dict:from_list([{1, FirstMap},
                              {2, SecondMap}]),
     io:format("Return = ~p~n", [Insane]),
     {reply, Insane};
 handle_function(testMulti, Args = {Arg0, Arg1, Arg2, _Arg3, Arg4, Arg5})
@@ -180,7 +150,7 @@ handle_function(testException, {String})
     case String of
         <<"Xception">> ->
             throw(#xception{errorCode = 1001,
-                            message = String});
+                            message = <<"This is an Xception">>});
         _ ->

Added: incubator/thrift/trunk/test/erl/src/test_tether.erl
--- incubator/thrift/trunk/test/erl/src/test_tether.erl (added)
+++ incubator/thrift/trunk/test/erl/src/test_tether.erl Mon Aug 30 22:05:00 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+%% Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+%% or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+%% distributed with this work for additional information
+%% regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+%% to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+%% "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+%% with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+%% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+%% software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+%% KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+%% specific language governing permissions and limitations
+%% under the License.
+%% Tests the behavior of clients in the face of transport errors.
+%% Makes sure start, start_linked, and start_tethered work as expected.
+t() ->
+    io:format("Beginning transport error test.~n"),
+    Pid1 = erlang:spawn(?MODULE, t_sub, [2]),
+    wait_for(Pid1),
+    io:format("Beginning protocol error test.~n"),
+    Pid2 = erlang:spawn(?MODULE, t_sub, [22]),
+    wait_for(Pid2),
+    ok.
+t_sub(Port) ->
+    io:format("Starting.~n", []),
+    register(tester, self()),
+    Pid1 = erlang:spawn(?MODULE, test_start, [Port]),
+    receive after 200 -> ok end,  % Wait for completion.
+    case is_up(Pid1) of
+        true ->
+            io:format("PASS.  Unlinked owner still alive.~n");
+        false ->
+            io:format("FAIL.  Unlinked owner is dead.~n")
+    end,
+    Pid2 = erlang:spawn(?MODULE, test_linked, [Port]),
+    receive after 200 -> ok end,  % Wait for completion.
+    case is_up(Pid2) of
+        true ->
+            io:format("FAIL.  Linked owner still alive.~n");
+        false ->
+            io:format("PASS.  Linked owner is dead.~n")
+    end,
+    Pid3 = erlang:spawn(?MODULE, test_tethered, [Port]),
+    receive after 200 -> ok end,  % Wait for completion.
+    case is_up(Pid3) of
+        true ->
+            io:format("PASS.  Tethered owner still alive.~n");
+        false ->
+            io:format("FAIL.  Tethered owner is dead.~n")
+    end,
+    check_extras(3).
+is_up(Pid) ->
+    MonitorRef = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
+    receive
+        {'DOWN', MonitorRef, process, Pid, _Info} ->
+            false
+    after
+        50 ->
+            erlang:demonitor(MonitorRef),
+            true
+    end.
+wait_for(Pid) ->
+    MonitorRef = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
+    receive
+        {'DOWN', MonitorRef, process, Pid, _Info} ->
+            ok
+    end.
+check_extras(0) -> ok;
+check_extras(N) ->
+    receive
+        {client, Type, Pid} ->
+            case {Type, is_up(Pid)} of
+                {unlinked, true} ->
+                    io:format("PASS.  Unlinked client still alive.~n");
+                {unlinked, false} ->
+                    io:format("FAIL.  Unlinked client dead.~n");
+                {linked, true} ->
+                    io:format("FAIL.  Linked client still alive.~n");
+                {linked, false} ->
+                    io:format("PASS.  Linked client dead.~n");
+                {tethered, true} ->
+                    io:format("FAIL.  Tethered client still alive.~n");
+                {tethered, false} ->
+                    io:format("PASS.  Tethered client dead.~n")
+            end,
+            check_extras(N-1)
+    after
+        500 ->
+            io:format("FAIL.  Expected ~p more clients.~n", [N])
+    end.
+make_thrift_client(Opts) ->
+     thrift_client:start(fun()->ok end, thriftTest_thrift, Opts).
+make_protocol_factory(Port) ->
+    {ok, TransportFactory} =
+        thrift_socket_transport:new_transport_factory(
+          "", Port, []),
+    {ok, ProtocolFactory} =
+        thrift_binary_protocol:new_protocol_factory(
+          TransportFactory, []),
+    ProtocolFactory.
+test_start(Port) ->
+    {ok, Client1} = make_thrift_client([{connect, false}]),
+    tester ! {client, unlinked, Client1},
+    {ok, Client2} = make_thrift_client([{connect, false}]),
+    io:format("PASS.  Unlinked clients created.~n"),
+    try
+        gen_server:call(Client2, {connect, make_protocol_factory(Port)}),
+        thrift_client:call(Client2, testVoid, []),
+        io:format("FAIL.  Unlinked client connected and called.~n", [])
+    catch
+        Kind:Info ->
+            io:format("PASS.  Caught unlinked error.  ~p:~p~n", [Kind, Info])
+    end,
+    receive after 100 ->
+                    io:format("PASS.  Still alive after unlinked death.~n"),
+                    %% Hang around a little longer so our parent can verify.
+                    receive after 200 -> ok end
+    end,
+    %% Exit abnormally to not kill our unlinked extra client.
+    exit(die).
+test_linked(Port) ->
+    {ok, Client1} = make_thrift_client([{connect, false}, {monitor, link}]),
+    tester ! {client, linked, Client1},
+    {ok, Client2} = make_thrift_client([{connect, false}, {monitor, link}]),
+    io:format("PASS.  Linked clients created.~n"),
+    try
+        gen_server:call(Client2, {connect, make_protocol_factory(Port)}),
+        thrift_client:call(Client2, testVoid, []),
+        io:format("FAIL.  Linked client connected and called.~n", [])
+    catch
+        Kind:Info ->
+            io:format("FAIL.  Caught linked error.  ~p:~p~n", [Kind, Info])
+    end,
+    receive after 100 ->
+                    io:format("FAIL.  Still alive after linked death.~n"),
+                    % Hang around a little longer so our parent can verify.
+                    receive after 200 -> ok end
+    end,
+    %% Exit abnormally to kill our linked extra client.
+    %% But we should never get here.
+    exit(die).
+test_tethered(Port) ->
+    {ok, Client1} = make_thrift_client([{connect, false}, {monitor, tether}]),
+    tester ! {client, tethered, Client1},
+    {ok, Client2} = make_thrift_client([{connect, false}, {monitor, tether}]),
+    io:format("PASS.  Tethered clients created.~n"),
+    try
+        gen_server:call(Client2, {connect, make_protocol_factory(Port)}),
+        thrift_client:call(Client2, testVoid, []),
+        io:format("FAIL.  Tethered client connected and called.~n", [])
+    catch
+        Kind:Info ->
+            io:format("PASS.  Caught tethered error.  ~p:~p~n", [Kind, Info])
+    end,
+    receive after 100 ->
+                    io:format("PASS.  Still alive after tethered death.~n"),
+                    % Hang around a little longer so our parent can verify.
+                    receive after 200 -> ok end
+    end,
+    %% Exit abnormally to kill our tethered extra client.
+    exit(die).

Modified: incubator/thrift/trunk/tutorial/erl/client.erl
--- incubator/thrift/trunk/tutorial/erl/client.erl (original)
+++ incubator/thrift/trunk/tutorial/erl/client.erl Mon Aug 30 22:05:00 2010
@@ -29,50 +29,46 @@ p(X) ->
 t() ->
     Port = 9999,
+    {ok, Client} = thrift_client:start_link("",
+                                            Port,
+                                            calculator_thrift),
-    {ok, Client0} = thrift_client_util:new("",
-                                           Port,
-                                           calculator_thrift,
-                                           []),
-    {Client1, {ok, ok}} = thrift_client:call(Client0, ping, []),
+    thrift_client:call(Client, ping, []),
     io:format("ping~n", []),
-    {Client2, {ok, Sum}} = thrift_client:call(Client1, add,  [1, 1]),
+    {ok, Sum} = thrift_client:call(Client, add,  [1, 1]),
     io:format("1+1=~p~n", [Sum]),
-    {Client3, {ok, Sum1}} = thrift_client:call(Client2, add, [1, 4]),
+    {ok, Sum1} = thrift_client:call(Client, add, [1, 4]),
     io:format("1+4=~p~n", [Sum1]),
     Work = #work{op=?tutorial_SUBTRACT,
-    {Client4, {ok, Diff}} = thrift_client:call(Client3, calculate, [1, Work]),
+    {ok, Diff} = thrift_client:call(Client, calculate, [1, Work]),
     io:format("15-10=~p~n", [Diff]),
-    {Client5, {ok, Log}} = thrift_client:call(Client4, getStruct, [1]),
+    {ok, Log} = thrift_client:call(Client, getStruct, [1]),
     io:format("Log: ~p~n", [Log]),
-    Client6 =
-        try
-            Work1 = #work{op=?tutorial_DIVIDE,
-                          num1=1,
-                          num2=0},
-            {ClientS1, {ok, _Quot}} = thrift_client:call(Client5, calculate, [2, Work1]),
-            io:format("LAME: exception handling is broken~n", []),
-            ClientS1
-        catch
-            throw:{ClientS2, Z} ->
-                io:format("Got exception where expecting - the " ++
-                          "following is NOT a problem!!!~n"),
-                p(Z),
-                ClientS2
-        end,
+    try
+        Work1 = #work{op=?tutorial_DIVIDE,
+                      num1=1,
+                      num2=0},
+        {ok, _Quot} = thrift_client:call(Client, calculate, [2, Work1]),
+        io:format("LAME: exception handling is broken~n", [])
+    catch
+        Z ->
+            io:format("Got exception where expecting - the " ++
+                      "following is NOT a problem!!!~n"),
+            p(Z)
+    end,
-    {Client7, {ok, ok}} = thrift_client:call(Client6, zip, []),
+    {ok, ok} = thrift_client:call(Client, zip, []),
     io:format("zip~n", []),
-    {_Client8, ok} = thrift_client:close(Client7),
+    ok = thrift_client:close(Client),