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+  <title>Tutorial - User-Defined Rebalancing</title>
+## [Helix Tutorial](./Tutorial.html): User-Defined Rebalancing
+Even though Helix can compute both the location and the state of replicas internally using a default fully-automatic rebalancer, specific applications may require rebalancing strategies that optimize for different requirements. Thus, Helix allows applications to plug in arbitrary rebalancer algorithms that implement a provided interface. One of the main design goals of Helix is to provide maximum flexibility to any distributed application. Thus, it allows applications to fully implement the rebalancer, which is the core constraint solver in the system, if the application developer so chooses.
+Whenever the state of the cluster changes, as is the case when participants join or leave the cluster, Helix automatically calls the rebalancer to compute a new mapping of all the replicas in the resource. When using a pluggable rebalancer, the only required step is to register it with Helix. Subsequently, no additional bootstrapping steps are necessary. Helix uses reflection to look up and load the class dynamically at runtime. As a result, it is also technically possible to change the rebalancing strategy used at any time.
+The [HelixRebalancer]( interface is as follows:
+public void init(HelixManager helixManager, ControllerContextProvider contextProvider);
+public ResourceAssignment computeResourceMapping(RebalancerConfig rebalancerConfig, Cluster cluster,
+    ResourceCurrentState currentState);
+The `init` method is called exactly once per resource, and allows the rebalancer to save the connection and a class that can persist and retrieve arbitrary contexts across controller pipeline runs.
+The first parameter is a configuration of the resource to rebalance, the second is a full cache of all of the cluster data available to Helix, and the third is a snapshot of the actual current placements and state assignments. From the cluster variable, it is also possible to access the ResourceAssignment last generated by this rebalancer. Internally, Helix implements the same interface for its own rebalancing routines, so a user-defined rebalancer will be cognizant of the same information about the cluster as an internal implementation. Helix strives to provide applications the ability to implement algorithms that may require a large portion of the entire state of the cluster to make the best placement and state assignment decisions possible.
+A ResourceAssignment is a full representation of the location and the state of each replica of each partition of a given resource. This is a simple representation of the placement that the algorithm believes is the best possible. If the placement meets all defined constraints, this is what will become the actual state of the distributed system.
+### Rebalancer Config
+Helix provides an interface called [RebalancerConfig]( For each of the four main [rebalancing modes](./tutorial_rebalance.html), there is a base class called [PartitionedRebalancerConfig](, which contains all of the basic properties required for a partitioned resource. Helix provides three derived classes for PartitionedRebalancerConfig: FullAutoRebalancerConfig, SemiAutoRebalancerConfig, and CustomizedRebalancerConfig. If none of these work for your application, you can create your own class that derives PartiitonedRebalancerConfig (or even only implements RebalancerConfig).
+### Specifying a Rebalancer
+#### Using Logical Accessors
+To specify the rebalancer, one can use ```PartitionedRebalancerConfig#setRebalancerRef(RebalancerRef)``` to specify the specific implementation of the rebalancerClass. For example, here's a base constructed PartitionedRebalancerConfig with a user-specified class:
+RebalancerRef rebalancerRef = RebalancerRef.from(className);
+PartitionedRebalancerConfig rebalanceConfig =
+    new PartitionedRebalancerConfig.Builder(resourceId).replicaCount(1).addPartition(partition1)
+        .addPartition(partition2).stateModelDefId(stateModelDef.getStateModelDefId())
+        .rebalancerRef(rebalancerRef).build();
+The class name is a fully-qualified class name consisting of its package and its name, and the class should implement the Rebalancer interface. Now, the config can be added to a ResourceConfig through ```ResourceConfig.Builder#rebalancerConfig(RebalancerConfig)``` and the config will automatically be made available to the rebalancer for all subsequent executions.
+#### Using HelixAdmin
+For implementations that set up the cluster through existing code, the following HelixAdmin calls will update the Rebalancer class:
+IdealState idealState = helixAdmin.getResourceIdealState(clusterName, resourceName);
+helixAdmin.setResourceIdealState(clusterName, resourceName, idealState);
+There are two key fields to set to specify that a pluggable rebalancer should be used. First, the rebalance mode should be set to USER_DEFINED, and second the rebalancer class name should be set to a class that implements Rebalancer and is within the scope of the project. The class name is a fully-qualified class name consisting of its package and its name.
+#### Using YAML
+Alternatively, the rebalancer class name can be specified in a YAML file representing the cluster configuration. The requirements are the same, but the representation is more compact. Below are the first few lines of an example YAML file. To see a full YAML specification, see the [YAML tutorial](./tutorial_yaml.html).
+clusterName: lock-manager-custom-rebalancer # unique name for the cluster
+  - name: lock-group # unique resource name
+    rebalancer: # we will provide our own rebalancer
+      mode: USER_DEFINED
+      class: domain.project.helix.rebalancer.UserDefinedRebalancerClass
+### Example
+We demonstrate plugging in a simple user-defined rebalancer as part of a revisit of the [distributed lock manager](./recipes/user_def_rebalancer.html) example. It includes a functional Rebalancer implementation, as well as the entire YAML file used to define the cluster.
+Consider the case where partitions are locks in a lock manager and 6 locks are to be distributed evenly to a set of participants, and only one participant can hold each lock. We can define a rebalancing algorithm that simply takes the modulus of the lock number and the number of participants to evenly distribute the locks across participants. Helix allows capping the number of partitions a participant can accept, but since locks are lightweight, we do not need to define a restriction in this case. The following is a succinct implementation of this algorithm.
+public void init(HelixManager manager, ControllerContextProvider contextProvider) {
+  // do nothing; this rebalancer is independent of the manager
+public ResourceAssignment computeResourceMapping(RebalancerConfig rebalancerConfig,
+    ResourceAssignment prevAssignment, Cluster cluster, ResourceCurrentState currentState) {
+  // get a typed config
+  PartitionedRebalancerConfig config = PartitionedRebalancerConfig.from(rebalancerConfig);
+  // Initialize an empty mapping of locks to participants
+  ResourceAssignment assignment = new ResourceAssignment(config.getResourceId());
+  // Get the list of live participants in the cluster
+  List<ParticipantId> liveParticipants =
+      new ArrayList<ParticipantId>(cluster.getLiveParticipantMap().keySet());
+  // Get the state model (should be a simple lock/unlock model) and the highest-priority state
+  StateModelDefId stateModelDefId = config.getStateModelDefId();
+  StateModelDefinition stateModelDef = cluster.getStateModelMap().get(stateModelDefId);
+  if (stateModelDef.getStatesPriorityList().size() < 1) {
+    LOG.error("Invalid state model definition. There should be at least one state.");
+    return assignment;
+  }
+  State lockState = stateModelDef.getTypedStatesPriorityList().get(0);
+  // Count the number of participants allowed to lock each lock
+  String stateCount = stateModelDef.getNumParticipantsPerState(lockState);
+  int lockHolders = 0;
+  try {
+    // a numeric value is a custom-specified number of participants allowed to lock the lock
+    lockHolders = Integer.parseInt(stateCount);
+  } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
+    LOG.error("Invalid state model definition. The lock state does not have a valid count");
+    return assignment;
+  }
+  // Fairly assign the lock state to the participants using a simple mod-based sequential
+  // assignment. For instance, if each lock can be held by 3 participants, lock 0 would be held
+  // by participants (0, 1, 2), lock 1 would be held by (1, 2, 3), and so on, wrapping around the
+  // number of participants as necessary.
+  // This assumes a simple lock-unlock model where the only state of interest is which nodes have
+  // acquired each lock.
+  int i = 0;
+  for (PartitionId partition : config.getPartitionSet()) {
+    Map<ParticipantId, State> replicaMap = new HashMap<ParticipantId, State>();
+    for (int j = i; j < i + lockHolders; j++) {
+      int participantIndex = j % liveParticipants.size();
+      ParticipantId participant = liveParticipants.get(participantIndex);
+      // enforce that a participant can only have one instance of a given lock
+      if (!replicaMap.containsKey(participant)) {
+        replicaMap.put(participant, lockState);
+      }
+    }
+    assignment.addReplicaMap(partition, replicaMap);
+    i++;
+  }
+  return assignment;
+Here is the ResourceAssignment emitted by the user-defined rebalancer for a 3-participant system whenever there is a change to the set of participants.
+* Participant_A joins
+  "lock_0": { "Participant_A": "LOCKED"},
+  "lock_1": { "Participant_A": "LOCKED"},
+  "lock_2": { "Participant_A": "LOCKED"},
+  "lock_3": { "Participant_A": "LOCKED"},
+  "lock_4": { "Participant_A": "LOCKED"},
+  "lock_5": { "Participant_A": "LOCKED"},
+A ResourceAssignment is a mapping for each resource of partition to the participant serving each replica and the state of each replica. The state model is a simple LOCKED/RELEASED model, so participant A holds all lock partitions in the LOCKED state.
+* Participant_B joins
+  "lock_0": { "Participant_A": "LOCKED"},
+  "lock_1": { "Participant_B": "LOCKED"},
+  "lock_2": { "Participant_A": "LOCKED"},
+  "lock_3": { "Participant_B": "LOCKED"},
+  "lock_4": { "Participant_A": "LOCKED"},
+  "lock_5": { "Participant_B": "LOCKED"},
+Now that there are two participants, the simple mod-based function assigns every other lock to the second participant. On any system change, the rebalancer is invoked so that the application can define how to redistribute its resources.
+* Participant_C joins (steady state)
+  "lock_0": { "Participant_A": "LOCKED"},
+  "lock_1": { "Participant_B": "LOCKED"},
+  "lock_2": { "Participant_C": "LOCKED"},
+  "lock_3": { "Participant_A": "LOCKED"},
+  "lock_4": { "Participant_B": "LOCKED"},
+  "lock_5": { "Participant_C": "LOCKED"},
+This is the steady state of the system. Notice that four of the six locks now have a different owner. That is because of the naïve modulus-based assignmemt approach used by the user-defined rebalancer. However, the interface is flexible enough to allow you to employ consistent hashing or any other scheme if minimal movement is a system requirement.
+* Participant_B fails
+  "lock_0": { "Participant_A": "LOCKED"},
+  "lock_1": { "Participant_C": "LOCKED"},
+  "lock_2": { "Participant_A": "LOCKED"},
+  "lock_3": { "Participant_C": "LOCKED"},
+  "lock_4": { "Participant_A": "LOCKED"},
+  "lock_5": { "Participant_C": "LOCKED"},
+On any node failure, as in the case of node addition, the rebalancer is invoked automatically so that it can generate a new mapping as a response to the change. Helix ensures that the Rebalancer has the opportunity to reassign locks as required by the application.
+* Participant_B (or the replacement for the original Participant_B) rejoins
+  "lock_0": { "Participant_A": "LOCKED"},
+  "lock_1": { "Participant_B": "LOCKED"},
+  "lock_2": { "Participant_C": "LOCKED"},
+  "lock_3": { "Participant_A": "LOCKED"},
+  "lock_4": { "Participant_B": "LOCKED"},
+  "lock_5": { "Participant_C": "LOCKED"},
+The rebalancer was invoked once again and the resulting ResourceAssignment reflects the steady state.
+### Caveats
+- The rebalancer class must be available at runtime, or else Helix will not attempt to rebalance at all
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+distributed with this work for additional information
+regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+specific language governing permissions and limitations
+under the License.
+  <title>Tutorial - YAML Cluster Setup</title>
+## [Helix Tutorial](./Tutorial.html): YAML Cluster Setup
+As an alternative to using Helix Admin to set up the cluster, its resources, constraints, and the state model, Helix supports bootstrapping a cluster configuration based on a YAML file. Below is an annotated example of such a file for a simple distributed lock manager where a lock can only be LOCKED or RELEASED, and each lock only allows a single participant to hold it in the LOCKED state.
+clusterName: lock-manager-custom-rebalancer # unique name for the cluster (required)
+  - name: lock-group # unique resource name (required)
+    rebalancer: # required
+      mode: USER_DEFINED # required - USER_DEFINED means we will provide our own rebalancer
+      class: org.apache.helix.userdefinedrebalancer.LockManagerRebalancer # required for USER_DEFINED
+    partitions:
+      count: 12 # number of partitions for the resource (default is 1)
+      replicas: 1 # number of replicas per partition (default is 1)
+    stateModel:
+      name: lock-unlock # model name (required)
+      states: [LOCKED, RELEASED, DROPPED] # the list of possible states (required if model not built-in)
+      transitions: # the list of possible transitions (required if model not built-in)
+        - name: Unlock
+          from: LOCKED
+          to: RELEASED
+        - name: Lock
+          from: RELEASED
+          to: LOCKED
+        - name: DropLock
+          from: LOCKED
+          to: DROPPED
+        - name: DropUnlock
+          from: RELEASED
+          to: DROPPED
+        - name: Undrop
+          from: DROPPED
+          to: RELEASED
+      initialState: RELEASED # (required if model not built-in)
+    constraints:
+      state:
+        counts: # maximum number of replicas of a partition that can be in each state (required if model not built-in)
+          - name: LOCKED
+            count: "1"
+          - name: RELEASED
+            count: "-1"
+          - name: DROPPED
+            count: "-1"
+        priorityList: [LOCKED, RELEASED, DROPPED] # states in order of priority (all priorities equal if not specified)
+      transition: # transitions priority to enforce order that transitions occur
+        priorityList: [Unlock, Lock, Undrop, DropUnlock, DropLock] # all priorities equal if not specified
+participants: # list of nodes that can serve replicas (optional if dynamic joining is active, required otherwise)
+  - name: localhost_12001
+    host: localhost
+    port: 12001
+  - name: localhost_12002
+    host: localhost
+    port: 12002
+  - name: localhost_12003
+    host: localhost
+    port: 12003
+Using a file like the one above, the cluster can be set up either with the command line:
+incubator-helix/helix-core/target/helix-core/pkg/bin/ localhost:2199 lock-manager-config.yaml
+or with code:
+YAMLClusterSetup setup = new YAMLClusterSetup(zkAddress);
+InputStream input =
+    Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()
+        .getResourceAsStream("lock-manager-config.yaml");
+YAMLClusterSetup.YAMLClusterConfig config = setup.setupCluster(input);
+Some notes:
+- A rebalancer class is only required for the USER_DEFINED mode. It is ignored otherwise.
+- Built-in state models, like OnlineOffline, LeaderStandby, and MasterSlave, or state models that have already been added only require a name for stateModel. If partition and/or replica counts are not provided, a value of 1 is assumed.
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+# Just call the standard mirrors.cgi script. It will use download.html
+# as the input template.
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+          The currently selected mirror is
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+          If you encounter a problem with this mirror,
+          please select another mirror.
+          If all mirrors are failing, there are
+          <i>backup</i>
+          mirrors
+          (at the end of the mirrors list) that should be available.
+        </p>
+        <form action="[location]" method="get" id="SelectMirror" class="form-inline">
+          Other mirrors:
+          <select name="Preferred" class="input-xlarge">
+            [if-any http]
+            [for http]
+            <option value="[http]">[http]</option>
+            [end]
+            [end]
+            [if-any ftp]
+            [for ftp]
+            <option value="[ftp]">[ftp]</option>
+            [end]
+            [end]
+            [if-any backup]
+            [for backup]
+            <option value="[backup]">[backup] (backup)</option>
+            [end]
+            [end]
+          </select>
+          <input type="submit" value="Change" class="btn"/>
+        </form>
+        <p>
+          You may also consult the
+          <a href="">complete list of mirrors.</a>
+        </p>
+      </subsection>
+      <subsection name="${releaseName} Sources">
+        <table>
+          <thead>
+            <tr>
+              <th>Artifact</th>
+              <th>Signatures</th>
+            </tr>
+          </thead>
+          <tbody>
+            <tr>
+              <td>
+                <a href="[preferred]incubator/helix/${releaseName}/src/helix-${releaseName}">helix-${releaseName}</a>
+              </td>
+              <td>
+                <a href="${releaseName}/src/helix-${releaseName}">asc</a>
+                <a href="${releaseName}/src/helix-${releaseName}">md5</a>
+                <a href="${releaseName}/src/helix-${releaseName}">sha1</a>
+              </td>
+            </tr>
+          </tbody>
+        </table>
+      </subsection>
+      <subsection name="${releaseName} Binaries">
+        <table>
+          <thead>
+            <tr>
+              <th>Artifact</th>
+              <th>Signatures</th>
+            </tr>
+          </thead>
+          <tbody>
+            <tr>
+              <td>
+                <a href="[preferred]incubator/helix/${releaseName}/binaries/helix-core-${releaseName}-pkg.tar">helix-core-${releaseName}-pkg.tar</a>
+              </td>
+              <td>
+                <a href="${releaseName}/binaries/helix-core-${releaseName}-pkg.tar.asc">asc</a>
+                <a href="${releaseName}/binaries/helix-core-${releaseName}-pkg.tar.md5">md5</a>
+                <a href="${releaseName}/binaries/helix-core-${releaseName}-pkg.tar.sha1">sha1</a>
+              </td>
+            </tr>
+            <tr>
+              <td>
+                <a href="[preferred]incubator/helix/${releaseName}/binaries/helix-admin-webapp-${releaseName}-pkg.tar">helix-admin-webapp-${releaseName}-pkg.tar</a>
+              </td>
+              <td>
+                <a href="${releaseName}/binaries/helix-admin-webapp-${releaseName}-pkg.tar.asc">asc</a>
+                <a href="${releaseName}/binaries/helix-admin-webapp-${releaseName}-pkg.tar.md5">md5</a>
+                <a href="${releaseName}/binaries/helix-admin-webapp-${releaseName}-pkg.tar.sha1">sha1</a>
+              </td>
+            </tr>
+          </tbody>
+        </table>
+      </subsection>
+    </section>
+<!--    <section name="Older Releases">
+    </section>-->
+    <section name="Verifying Releases">
+      <p>We strongly recommend you verify the integrity of the downloaded files with both PGP and MD5.</p>
+      <p>The PGP signatures can be verified using <a href="">PGP</a> or
+      <a href="">GPG</a>.
+      First download the <a href="">KEYS</a> as well as the
+      <tt>*.asc</tt> signature file for the particular distribution. Make sure you get these files from the main
+      distribution directory, rather than from a mirror. Then verify the signatures using one of the following sets of
+      commands:
+        <source>$ pgp -ka KEYS
+$ pgp helix-*.zip.asc</source>
+        <source>$ gpg --import KEYS
+$ gpg --verify helix-*.zip.asc</source>
+       </p>
+    <p>Alternatively, you can verify the MD5 signature on the files. A Unix/Linux program called
+      <code>md5</code> or
+      <code>md5sum</code> is included in most distributions.  It is also available as part of
+      <a href="">GNU Textutils</a>.
+      Windows users can get binary md5 programs from these (and likely other) places:
+      <ul>
+        <li>
+          <a href=""></a>
+        </li>
+        <li>
+          <a href=""></a>
+        </li>
+        <li>
+          <a href=""></a>
+        </li>
+      </ul>
+    </p>
+    </section>
+  </body>
diff --git a/website/trunk/src/test/conf/testng.xml b/website/trunk/src/test/conf/testng.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58f0803
--- /dev/null
+++ b/website/trunk/src/test/conf/testng.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+distributed with this work for additional information
+regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+specific language governing permissions and limitations
+under the License.
+<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "">
+<suite name="Suite" parallel="none">
+  <test name="Test" preserve-order="false">
+    <packages>
+      <package name="org.apache.helix"/>
+    </packages>
+  </test>