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spark git commit: [SPARK-21070][PYSPARK] Attempt to update cloudpickle again

Repository: spark
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/master c108a5d30 -> 751f51336

[SPARK-21070][PYSPARK] Attempt to update cloudpickle again

## What changes were proposed in this pull request?

Based on by rgbkrk this PR attempts to update to the current released cloudpickle and minimize the difference between Spark cloudpickle and "stock" cloud pickle with the goal of eventually using the stock cloud pickle.

Some notable changes:
* Import submodules accessed by pickled functions (cloudpipe/cloudpickle#80)
* Support recursive functions inside closures (cloudpipe/cloudpickle#89, cloudpipe/cloudpickle#90)
* Fix ResourceWarnings and DeprecationWarnings (cloudpipe/cloudpickle#88)
* Assume modules with __file__ attribute are not dynamic (cloudpipe/cloudpickle#85)
* Make cloudpickle Python 3.6 compatible (cloudpipe/cloudpickle#72)
* Allow pickling of builtin methods (cloudpipe/cloudpickle#57)
* Add ability to pickle dynamically created modules (cloudpipe/cloudpickle#52)
* Support method descriptor (cloudpipe/cloudpickle#46)
* No more pickling of closed files, was broken on Python 3 (cloudpipe/cloudpickle#32)
* ** Remove non-standard __transient__check (cloudpipe/cloudpickle#110)** -- while we don't use this internally, and have no tests or documentation for its use, downstream code may use __transient__, although it has never been part of the API, if we merge this we should include a note about this in the release notes.
* Support for pickling loggers (yay!) (cloudpipe/cloudpickle#96)
* BUG: Fix crash when pickling dynamic class cycles. (cloudpipe/cloudpickle#102)

## How was this patch tested?

Existing PySpark unit tests + the unit tests from the cloudpickle project on their own.

Author: Holden Karau <>
Author: Kyle Kelley <>

Closes #18734 from holdenk/holden-rgbkrk-cloudpickle-upgrades.


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 751f513367ae776c6d6815e1ce138078924872eb
Parents: c108a5d
Author: Kyle Kelley <>
Authored: Tue Aug 22 11:17:53 2017 +0900
Committer: hyukjinkwon <>
Committed: Tue Aug 22 11:17:53 2017 +0900

 python/pyspark/ | 599 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 446 insertions(+), 153 deletions(-)
diff --git a/python/pyspark/ b/python/pyspark/
index 389bee7..40e91a2 100644
--- a/python/pyspark/
+++ b/python/pyspark/
@@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ The goals of it follow:
 It does not include an unpickler, as standard python unpickling suffices.
 This module was extracted from the `cloud` package, developed by `PiCloud, Inc.
 Copyright (c) 2012, Regents of the University of California.
-Copyright (c) 2009 `PiCloud, Inc. <>`_.
+Copyright (c) 2009 `PiCloud, Inc. <>`_.
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 from __future__ import print_function
-import operator
-import opcode
-import os
+import dis
+from functools import partial
+import imp
 import io
+import itertools
+import logging
+import opcode
+import operator
 import pickle
 import struct
 import sys
-import types
-from functools import partial
-import itertools
-import dis
 import traceback
+import types
 import weakref
 from pyspark.util import _exception_message
@@ -71,6 +72,92 @@ else:
     from io import BytesIO as StringIO
     PY3 = True
+def _make_cell_set_template_code():
+    """Get the Python compiler to emit LOAD_FAST(arg); STORE_DEREF
+    Notes
+    -----
+    In Python 3, we could use an easier function:
+    .. code-block:: python
+       def f():
+           cell = None
+           def _stub(value):
+               nonlocal cell
+               cell = value
+           return _stub
+        _cell_set_template_code = f()
+    This function is _only_ a LOAD_FAST(arg); STORE_DEREF, but that is
+    invalid syntax on Python 2. If we use this function we also don't need
+    to do the weird freevars/cellvars swap below
+    """
+    def inner(value):
+        lambda: cell  # make ``cell`` a closure so that we get a STORE_DEREF
+        cell = value
+    co = inner.__code__
+    # NOTE: we are marking the cell variable as a free variable intentionally
+    # so that we simulate an inner function instead of the outer function. This
+    # is what gives us the ``nonlocal`` behavior in a Python 2 compatible way.
+    if not PY3:
+        return types.CodeType(
+            co.co_argcount,
+            co.co_nlocals,
+            co.co_stacksize,
+            co.co_flags,
+            co.co_code,
+            co.co_consts,
+            co.co_names,
+            co.co_varnames,
+            co.co_filename,
+            co.co_name,
+            co.co_firstlineno,
+            co.co_lnotab,
+            co.co_cellvars,  # this is the trickery
+            (),
+        )
+    else:
+        return types.CodeType(
+            co.co_argcount,
+            co.co_kwonlyargcount,
+            co.co_nlocals,
+            co.co_stacksize,
+            co.co_flags,
+            co.co_code,
+            co.co_consts,
+            co.co_names,
+            co.co_varnames,
+            co.co_filename,
+            co.co_name,
+            co.co_firstlineno,
+            co.co_lnotab,
+            co.co_cellvars,  # this is the trickery
+            (),
+        )
+_cell_set_template_code = _make_cell_set_template_code()
+def cell_set(cell, value):
+    """Set the value of a closure cell.
+    """
+    return types.FunctionType(
+        _cell_set_template_code,
+        {},
+        '_cell_set_inner',
+        (),
+        (cell,),
+    )(value)
 #relevant opcodes
 STORE_GLOBAL = opcode.opmap['STORE_GLOBAL']
@@ -161,6 +248,7 @@ class CloudPickler(Pickler):
             raise pickle.PicklingError(msg)
     def save_memoryview(self, obj):
         """Fallback to save_string"""
         Pickler.save_string(self, str(obj))
@@ -186,8 +274,22 @@ class CloudPickler(Pickler):
         Save a module as an import
+        mod_name = obj.__name__
+        # If module is successfully found then it is not a dynamically created module
+        if hasattr(obj, '__file__'):
+            is_dynamic = False
+        else:
+            try:
+                _find_module(mod_name)
+                is_dynamic = False
+            except ImportError:
+                is_dynamic = True
-        self.save_reduce(subimport, (obj.__name__,), obj=obj)
+        if is_dynamic:
+            self.save_reduce(dynamic_subimport, (obj.__name__, vars(obj)), obj=obj)
+        else:
+            self.save_reduce(subimport, (obj.__name__,), obj=obj)
     dispatch[types.ModuleType] = save_module
     def save_codeobject(self, obj):
@@ -241,11 +343,32 @@ class CloudPickler(Pickler):
             if getattr(themodule, name, None) is obj:
                 return self.save_global(obj, name)
+        # a builtin_function_or_method which comes in as an attribute of some
+        # object (e.g., object.__new__, itertools.chain.from_iterable) will end
+        # up with modname "__main__" and so end up here. But these functions
+        # have no __code__ attribute in CPython, so the handling for
+        # user-defined functions below will fail.
+        # So we pickle them here using save_reduce; have to do it differently
+        # for different python versions.
+        if not hasattr(obj, '__code__'):
+            if PY3:
+                if sys.version_info < (3, 4):
+                    raise pickle.PicklingError("Can't pickle %r" % obj)
+                else:
+                    rv = obj.__reduce_ex__(self.proto)
+            else:
+                if hasattr(obj, '__self__'):
+                    rv = (getattr, (obj.__self__, name))
+                else:
+                    raise pickle.PicklingError("Can't pickle %r" % obj)
+            return Pickler.save_reduce(self, obj=obj, *rv)
         # if func is lambda, def'ed at prompt, is in main, or is nested, then
         # we'll pickle the actual function object rather than simply saving a
         # reference (as is done in default pickler), via save_function_tuple.
-        if islambda(obj) or obj.__code__.co_filename == '<stdin>' or themodule is None:
-            #print("save global", islambda(obj), obj.__code__.co_filename, modname, themodule)
+        if (islambda(obj)
+                or getattr(obj.__code__, 'co_filename', None) == '<stdin>'
+                or themodule is None):
@@ -267,6 +390,97 @@ class CloudPickler(Pickler):
     dispatch[types.FunctionType] = save_function
+    def _save_subimports(self, code, top_level_dependencies):
+        """
+        Ensure de-pickler imports any package child-modules that
+        are needed by the function
+        """
+        # check if any known dependency is an imported package
+        for x in top_level_dependencies:
+            if isinstance(x, types.ModuleType) and hasattr(x, '__package__') and x.__package__:
+                # check if the package has any currently loaded sub-imports
+                prefix = x.__name__ + '.'
+                for name, module in sys.modules.items():
+                    # Older versions of pytest will add a "None" module to sys.modules.
+                    if name is not None and name.startswith(prefix):
+                        # check whether the function can address the sub-module
+                        tokens = set(name[len(prefix):].split('.'))
+                        if not tokens - set(code.co_names):
+                            # ensure unpickler executes this import
+                            # then discards the reference to it
+                            self.write(pickle.POP)
+    def save_dynamic_class(self, obj):
+        """
+        Save a class that can't be stored as module global.
+        This method is used to serialize classes that are defined inside
+        functions, or that otherwise can't be serialized as attribute lookups
+        from global modules.
+        """
+        clsdict = dict(obj.__dict__)  # copy dict proxy to a dict
+        if not isinstance(clsdict.get('__dict__', None), property):
+            # don't extract dict that are properties
+            clsdict.pop('__dict__', None)
+            clsdict.pop('__weakref__', None)
+        # hack as __new__ is stored differently in the __dict__
+        new_override = clsdict.get('__new__', None)
+        if new_override:
+            clsdict['__new__'] = obj.__new__
+        # namedtuple is a special case for Spark where we use the _load_namedtuple function
+        if getattr(obj, '_is_namedtuple_', False):
+            self.save_reduce(_load_namedtuple, (obj.__name__, obj._fields))
+            return
+        save =
+        write = self.write
+        # We write pickle instructions explicitly here to handle the
+        # possibility that the type object participates in a cycle with its own
+        # __dict__. We first write an empty "skeleton" version of the class and
+        # memoize it before writing the class' __dict__ itself. We then write
+        # instructions to "rehydrate" the skeleton class by restoring the
+        # attributes from the __dict__.
+        #
+        # A type can appear in a cycle with its __dict__ if an instance of the
+        # type appears in the type's __dict__ (which happens for the stdlib
+        # Enum class), or if the type defines methods that close over the name
+        # of the type, (which is common for Python 2-style super() calls).
+        # Push the rehydration function.
+        save(_rehydrate_skeleton_class)
+        # Mark the start of the args for the rehydration function.
+        write(pickle.MARK)
+        # On PyPy, __doc__ is a readonly attribute, so we need to include it in
+        # the initial skeleton class.  This is safe because we know that the
+        # doc can't participate in a cycle with the original class.
+        doc_dict = {'__doc__': clsdict.pop('__doc__', None)}
+        # Create and memoize an empty class with obj's name and bases.
+        save(type(obj))
+        save((
+            obj.__name__,
+            obj.__bases__,
+            doc_dict,
+        ))
+        write(pickle.REDUCE)
+        self.memoize(obj)
+        # Now save the rest of obj's __dict__. Any references to obj
+        # encountered while saving will point to the skeleton class.
+        save(clsdict)
+        # Write a tuple of (skeleton_class, clsdict).
+        write(pickle.TUPLE)
+        # Call _rehydrate_skeleton_class(skeleton_class, clsdict)
+        write(pickle.REDUCE)
     def save_function_tuple(self, func):
         """  Pickles an actual func object.
@@ -279,17 +493,31 @@ class CloudPickler(Pickler):
         safe, since this won't contain a ref to the func), and memoize it as
         soon as it's created.  The other stuff can then be filled in later.
+        if is_tornado_coroutine(func):
+            self.save_reduce(_rebuild_tornado_coroutine, (func.__wrapped__,),
+                             obj=func)
+            return
         save =
         write = self.write
-        code, f_globals, defaults, closure, dct, base_globals = self.extract_func_data(func)
+        code, f_globals, defaults, closure_values, dct, base_globals = self.extract_func_data(func)
         save(_fill_function)  # skeleton function updater
         write(pickle.MARK)    # beginning of tuple that _fill_function expects
+        self._save_subimports(
+            code,
+            itertools.chain(f_globals.values(), closure_values or ()),
+        )
         # create a skeleton function object and memoize it
-        save((code, closure, base_globals))
+        save((
+            code,
+            len(closure_values) if closure_values is not None else -1,
+            base_globals,
+        ))
@@ -298,6 +526,7 @@ class CloudPickler(Pickler):
+        save(closure_values)
         write(pickle.REDUCE)  # applies _fill_function on the tuple
@@ -335,7 +564,7 @@ class CloudPickler(Pickler):
     def extract_func_data(self, func):
         Turn the function into a tuple of data necessary to recreate it:
-            code, globals, defaults, closure, dict
+            code, globals, defaults, closure_values, dict
         code = func.__code__
@@ -352,7 +581,11 @@ class CloudPickler(Pickler):
         defaults = func.__defaults__
         # process closure
-        closure = [c.cell_contents for c in func.__closure__] if func.__closure__ else []
+        closure = (
+            list(map(_get_cell_contents, func.__closure__))
+            if func.__closure__ is not None
+            else None
+        )
         # save the dict
         dct = func.__dict__
@@ -363,12 +596,18 @@ class CloudPickler(Pickler):
         return (code, f_globals, defaults, closure, dct, base_globals)
     def save_builtin_function(self, obj):
-        if obj.__module__ is "__builtin__":
+        if obj.__module__ == "__builtin__":
             return self.save_global(obj)
         return self.save_function(obj)
     dispatch[types.BuiltinFunctionType] = save_builtin_function
     def save_global(self, obj, name=None, pack=struct.pack):
+        """
+        Save a "global".
+        The name of this method is somewhat misleading: all types get
+        dispatched here.
+        """
         if obj.__module__ == "__builtin__" or obj.__module__ == "builtins":
             if obj in _BUILTIN_TYPE_NAMES:
                 return self.save_reduce(_builtin_type, (_BUILTIN_TYPE_NAMES[obj],), obj=obj)
@@ -397,42 +636,7 @@ class CloudPickler(Pickler):
         typ = type(obj)
         if typ is not obj and isinstance(obj, (type, types.ClassType)):
-            d = dict(obj.__dict__)  # copy dict proxy to a dict
-            if not isinstance(d.get('__dict__', None), property):
-                # don't extract dict that are properties
-                d.pop('__dict__', None)
-            d.pop('__weakref__', None)
-            # hack as __new__ is stored differently in the __dict__
-            new_override = d.get('__new__', None)
-            if new_override:
-                d['__new__'] = obj.__new__
-            # workaround for namedtuple (hijacked by PySpark)
-            if getattr(obj, '_is_namedtuple_', False):
-                self.save_reduce(_load_namedtuple, (obj.__name__, obj._fields))
-                return
-            self.save_reduce(typ, (obj.__name__, obj.__bases__, {"__doc__": obj.__doc__}), obj=obj)
-            d.pop('__doc__', None)
-            # handle property and staticmethod
-            dd = {}
-            for k, v in d.items():
-                if isinstance(v, property):
-                    k = ('property', k)
-                    v = (v.fget, v.fset, v.fdel, v.__doc__)
-                elif isinstance(v, staticmethod) and hasattr(v, '__func__'):
-                    k = ('staticmethod', k)
-                    v = v.__func__
-                elif isinstance(v, classmethod) and hasattr(v, '__func__'):
-                    k = ('classmethod', k)
-                    v = v.__func__
-                dd[k] = v
-            self.write(pickle.TUPLE2)
-            self.write(pickle.REDUCE)
+            self.save_dynamic_class(obj)
             raise pickle.PicklingError("Can't pickle %r" % obj)
@@ -441,18 +645,26 @@ class CloudPickler(Pickler):
     def save_instancemethod(self, obj):
         # Memoization rarely is ever useful due to python bounding
-        if PY3:
-            self.save_reduce(types.MethodType, (obj.__func__, obj.__self__), obj=obj)
+        if obj.__self__ is None:
+            self.save_reduce(getattr, (obj.im_class, obj.__name__))
-            self.save_reduce(types.MethodType, (obj.__func__, obj.__self__, obj.__self__.__class__),
-                             obj=obj)
+            if PY3:
+                self.save_reduce(types.MethodType, (obj.__func__, obj.__self__), obj=obj)
+            else:
+                self.save_reduce(types.MethodType, (obj.__func__, obj.__self__, obj.__self__.__class__),
+                         obj=obj)
     dispatch[types.MethodType] = save_instancemethod
     def save_inst(self, obj):
-        """Inner logic to save instance. Based off pickle.save_inst
-        Supports __transient__"""
+        """Inner logic to save instance. Based off pickle.save_inst"""
         cls = obj.__class__
+        # Try the dispatch table (pickle module doesn't do it)
+        f = self.dispatch.get(cls)
+        if f:
+            f(self, obj)  # Call unbound method with explicit self
+            return
         memo = self.memo
         write = self.write
         save =
@@ -482,13 +694,6 @@ class CloudPickler(Pickler):
             getstate = obj.__getstate__
         except AttributeError:
             stuff = obj.__dict__
-            #remove items if transient
-            if hasattr(obj, '__transient__'):
-                transient = obj.__transient__
-                stuff = stuff.copy()
-                for k in list(stuff.keys()):
-                    if k in transient:
-                        del stuff[k]
             stuff = getstate()
             pickle._keep_alive(stuff, memo)
@@ -503,6 +708,17 @@ class CloudPickler(Pickler):
         self.save_reduce(property, (obj.fget, obj.fset, obj.fdel, obj.__doc__), obj=obj)
     dispatch[property] = save_property
+    def save_classmethod(self, obj):
+        try:
+            orig_func = obj.__func__
+        except AttributeError:  # Python 2.6
+            orig_func = obj.__get__(None, object)
+            if isinstance(obj, classmethod):
+                orig_func = orig_func.__func__  # Unbind
+        self.save_reduce(type(obj), (orig_func,), obj=obj)
+    dispatch[classmethod] = save_classmethod
+    dispatch[staticmethod] = save_classmethod
     def save_itemgetter(self, obj):
         """itemgetter serializer (needed for namedtuple support)"""
         class Dummy:
@@ -540,8 +756,6 @@ class CloudPickler(Pickler):
     def save_reduce(self, func, args, state=None,
                     listitems=None, dictitems=None, obj=None):
-        """Modified to support __transient__ on new objects
-        Change only affects protocol level 2 (which is always used by PiCloud"""
         # Assert that args is a tuple or None
         if not isinstance(args, tuple):
             raise pickle.PicklingError("args from reduce() should be a tuple")
@@ -555,7 +769,6 @@ class CloudPickler(Pickler):
         # Protocol 2 special case: if func's name is __newobj__, use NEWOBJ
         if self.proto >= 2 and getattr(func, "__name__", "") == "__newobj__":
-            #Added fix to allow transient
             cls = args[0]
             if not hasattr(cls, "__new__"):
                 raise pickle.PicklingError(
@@ -566,15 +779,6 @@ class CloudPickler(Pickler):
             args = args[1:]
-            #Don't pickle transient entries
-            if hasattr(obj, '__transient__'):
-                transient = obj.__transient__
-                state = state.copy()
-                for k in list(state.keys()):
-                    if k in transient:
-                        del state[k]
@@ -623,72 +827,82 @@ class CloudPickler(Pickler):
             return self.save_reduce(getattr, (sys,'stderr'), obj=obj)
         if obj is sys.stdin:
             raise pickle.PicklingError("Cannot pickle standard input")
-        if  hasattr(obj, 'isatty') and obj.isatty():
+        if obj.closed:
+            raise pickle.PicklingError("Cannot pickle closed files")
+        if hasattr(obj, 'isatty') and obj.isatty():
             raise pickle.PicklingError("Cannot pickle files that map to tty objects")
-        if 'r' not in obj.mode:
-            raise pickle.PicklingError("Cannot pickle files that are not opened for reading")
+        if 'r' not in obj.mode and '+' not in obj.mode:
+            raise pickle.PicklingError("Cannot pickle files that are not opened for reading: %s" % obj.mode)
         name =
-        try:
-            fsize = os.stat(name).st_size
-        except OSError:
-            raise pickle.PicklingError("Cannot pickle file %s as it cannot be stat" % name)
-        if obj.closed:
-            #create an empty closed string io
-            retval = pystringIO.StringIO("")
-            retval.close()
-        elif not fsize: #empty file
-            retval = pystringIO.StringIO("")
-            try:
-                tmpfile = file(name)
-                tst =
-            except IOError:
-                raise pickle.PicklingError("Cannot pickle file %s as it cannot be read" % name)
-            tmpfile.close()
-            if tst != '':
-                raise pickle.PicklingError("Cannot pickle file %s as it does not appear to map to a physical, real file" % name)
-        else:
-            try:
-                tmpfile = file(name)
-                contents =
-                tmpfile.close()
-            except IOError:
-                raise pickle.PicklingError("Cannot pickle file %s as it cannot be read" % name)
-            retval = pystringIO.StringIO(contents)
+        retval = pystringIO.StringIO()
+        try:
+            # Read the whole file
             curloc = obj.tell()
+            contents =
+        except IOError:
+            raise pickle.PicklingError("Cannot pickle file %s as it cannot be read" % name)
+        retval.write(contents)
  = name
+    def save_ellipsis(self, obj):
+        self.save_reduce(_gen_ellipsis, ())
+    def save_not_implemented(self, obj):
+        self.save_reduce(_gen_not_implemented, ())
     if PY3:
         dispatch[io.TextIOWrapper] = save_file
         dispatch[file] = save_file
-    """Special functions for Add-on libraries"""
+    dispatch[type(Ellipsis)] = save_ellipsis
+    dispatch[type(NotImplemented)] = save_not_implemented
-    def inject_numpy(self):
-        numpy = sys.modules.get('numpy')
-        if not numpy or not hasattr(numpy, 'ufunc'):
-            return
-        self.dispatch[numpy.ufunc] = self.__class__.save_ufunc
-    def save_ufunc(self, obj):
-        """Hack function for saving numpy ufunc objects"""
-        name = obj.__name__
-        numpy_tst_mods = ['numpy', 'scipy.special']
-        for tst_mod_name in numpy_tst_mods:
-            tst_mod = sys.modules.get(tst_mod_name, None)
-            if tst_mod and name in tst_mod.__dict__:
-                return self.save_reduce(_getobject, (tst_mod_name, name))
-        raise pickle.PicklingError('cannot save %s. Cannot resolve what module it is defined in'
-                                   % str(obj))
+    # WeakSet was added in 2.7.
+    if hasattr(weakref, 'WeakSet'):
+        def save_weakset(self, obj):
+            self.save_reduce(weakref.WeakSet, (list(obj),))
+        dispatch[weakref.WeakSet] = save_weakset
+    """Special functions for Add-on libraries"""
     def inject_addons(self):
         """Plug in system. Register additional pickling functions if modules already loaded"""
-        self.inject_numpy()
+        pass
+    def save_logger(self, obj):
+        self.save_reduce(logging.getLogger, (,), obj=obj)
+    dispatch[logging.Logger] = save_logger
+# Tornado support
+def is_tornado_coroutine(func):
+    """
+    Return whether *func* is a Tornado coroutine function.
+    Running coroutines are not supported.
+    """
+    if 'tornado.gen' not in sys.modules:
+        return False
+    gen = sys.modules['tornado.gen']
+    if not hasattr(gen, "is_coroutine_function"):
+        # Tornado version is too old
+        return False
+    return gen.is_coroutine_function(func)
+def _rebuild_tornado_coroutine(func):
+    from tornado import gen
+    return gen.coroutine(func)
 # Shorthands for legacy support
@@ -705,6 +919,10 @@ def dumps(obj, protocol=2):
     return file.getvalue()
+# including pickles unloading functions in this namespace
+load = pickle.load
+loads = pickle.loads
 #hack for __import__ not working as desired
 def subimport(name):
@@ -712,6 +930,12 @@ def subimport(name):
     return sys.modules[name]
+def dynamic_subimport(name, vars):
+    mod = imp.new_module(name)
+    mod.__dict__.update(vars)
+    sys.modules[name] = mod
+    return mod
 # restores function attributes
 def _restore_attr(obj, attr):
     for key, val in attr.items():
@@ -755,59 +979,114 @@ def _genpartial(func, args, kwds):
         kwds = {}
     return partial(func, *args, **kwds)
+def _gen_ellipsis():
+    return Ellipsis
-def _fill_function(func, globals, defaults, dict, module):
+def _gen_not_implemented():
+    return NotImplemented
+def _get_cell_contents(cell):
+    try:
+        return cell.cell_contents
+    except ValueError:
+        # sentinel used by ``_fill_function`` which will leave the cell empty
+        return _empty_cell_value
+def instance(cls):
+    """Create a new instance of a class.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    cls : type
+        The class to create an instance of.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    instance : cls
+        A new instance of ``cls``.
+    """
+    return cls()
+class _empty_cell_value(object):
+    """sentinel for empty closures
+    """
+    @classmethod
+    def __reduce__(cls):
+        return cls.__name__
+def _fill_function(func, globals, defaults, dict, module, closure_values):
     """ Fills in the rest of function data into the skeleton function object
         that were created via _make_skel_func().
-         """
+    """
     func.__defaults__ = defaults
     func.__dict__ = dict
     func.__module__ = module
-    return func
+    cells = func.__closure__
+    if cells is not None:
+        for cell, value in zip(cells, closure_values):
+            if value is not _empty_cell_value:
+                cell_set(cell, value)
+    return func
-def _make_cell(value):
-    return (lambda: value).__closure__[0]
+def _make_empty_cell():
+    if False:
+        # trick the compiler into creating an empty cell in our lambda
+        cell = None
+        raise AssertionError('this route should not be executed')
-def _reconstruct_closure(values):
-    return tuple([_make_cell(v) for v in values])
+    return (lambda: cell).__closure__[0]
-def _make_skel_func(code, closures, base_globals = None):
+def _make_skel_func(code, cell_count, base_globals=None):
     """ Creates a skeleton function object that contains just the provided
         code and the correct number of cells in func_closure.  All other
         func attributes (e.g. func_globals) are empty.
-    closure = _reconstruct_closure(closures) if closures else None
     if base_globals is None:
         base_globals = {}
     base_globals['__builtins__'] = __builtins__
-    return types.FunctionType(code, base_globals,
-                              None, None, closure)
+    closure = (
+        tuple(_make_empty_cell() for _ in range(cell_count))
+        if cell_count >= 0 else
+        None
+    )
+    return types.FunctionType(code, base_globals, None, None, closure)
-def _load_class(cls, d):
-    """
-    Loads additional properties into class `cls`.
+def _rehydrate_skeleton_class(skeleton_class, class_dict):
+    """Put attributes from `class_dict` back on `skeleton_class`.
+    See CloudPickler.save_dynamic_class for more info.
-    for k, v in d.items():
-        if isinstance(k, tuple):
-            typ, k = k
-            if typ == 'property':
-                v = property(*v)
-            elif typ == 'staticmethod':
-                v = staticmethod(v)
-            elif typ == 'classmethod':
-                v = classmethod(v)
-        setattr(cls, k, v)
-    return cls
+    for attrname, attr in class_dict.items():
+        setattr(skeleton_class, attrname, attr)
+    return skeleton_class
+def _find_module(mod_name):
+    """
+    Iterate over each part instead of calling imp.find_module directly.
+    This function is able to find submodules (e.g. sickit.tree)
+    """
+    path = None
+    for part in mod_name.split('.'):
+        if path is not None:
+            path = [path]
+        file, path, description = imp.find_module(part, path)
+        if file is not None:
+            file.close()
+    return path, description
 def _load_namedtuple(name, fields):
     Loads a class generated by namedtuple
@@ -815,10 +1094,24 @@ def _load_namedtuple(name, fields):
     from collections import namedtuple
     return namedtuple(name, fields)
 """Constructors for 3rd party libraries
 Note: These can never be renamed due to client compatibility issues"""
 def _getobject(modname, attribute):
     mod = __import__(modname, fromlist=[attribute])
     return mod.__dict__[attribute]
+""" Use copy_reg to extend global pickle definitions """
+if sys.version_info < (3, 4):
+    method_descriptor = type(str.upper)
+    def _reduce_method_descriptor(obj):
+        return (getattr, (obj.__objclass__, obj.__name__))
+    try:
+        import copy_reg as copyreg
+    except ImportError:
+        import copyreg
+    copyreg.pickle(method_descriptor, _reduce_method_descriptor)

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