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[4/6] git commit: [flex-sdk] [refs/heads/develop] - Utility to extract patch files from fetchmail

Utility to extract patch files from fetchmail


Branch: refs/heads/develop
Commit: f7807e49416fc1ecd2dbd40cec9cb12e83cb01d2
Parents: 611ddeb
Author: Alex Harui <>
Authored: Fri May 24 23:17:47 2013 +0100
Committer: Alex Harui <>
Committed: Fri May 24 23:27:28 2013 +0100

 .../PatchExtractor/src/PatchExtractor-app.xml      |  250 +++++++++++++++
 .../PatchExtractor/src/PatchExtractor.mxml         |  247 ++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 497 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
diff --git a/mustella/utilities/PatchExtractor/src/PatchExtractor-app.xml b/mustella/utilities/PatchExtractor/src/PatchExtractor-app.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52ad512
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mustella/utilities/PatchExtractor/src/PatchExtractor-app.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
+  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+  limitations under the License.
+<application xmlns="">
+<!-- Adobe AIR Application Descriptor File Template.
+	Specifies parameters for identifying, installing, and launching AIR applications.
+	xmlns - The Adobe AIR namespace:
+			The last segment of the namespace specifies the version 
+			of the AIR runtime required for this application to run.
+	minimumPatchLevel - The minimum patch level of the AIR runtime required to run 
+			the application. Optional.
+	<!-- A universally unique application identifier. Must be unique across all AIR applications.
+	Using a reverse DNS-style name as the id is recommended. (Eg. com.example.ExampleApplication.) Required. -->
+	<id>PatchExtractor</id>
+	<!-- Used as the filename for the application. Required. -->
+	<filename>PatchExtractor</filename>
+	<!-- The name that is displayed in the AIR application installer. 
+	May have multiple values for each language. See samples or xsd schema file. Optional. -->
+	<name>PatchExtractor</name>
+	<!-- A string value of the format <0-999>.<0-999>.<0-999> that represents application version which can be used to check for application upgrade. 
+	Values can also be 1-part or 2-part. It is not necessary to have a 3-part value.
+	An updated version of application must have a versionNumber value higher than the previous version. Required for namespace >= 2.5 . -->
+	<versionNumber>0.0.0</versionNumber>
+	<!-- A string value (such as "v1", "2.5", or "Alpha 1") that represents the version of the application, as it should be shown to users. Optional. -->
+	<!-- <versionLabel></versionLabel> -->
+	<!-- Description, displayed in the AIR application installer.
+	May have multiple values for each language. See samples or xsd schema file. Optional. -->
+	<!-- <description></description> -->
+	<!-- Copyright information. Optional -->
+	<!-- <copyright></copyright> -->
+	<!-- Publisher ID. Used if you're updating an application created prior to 1.5.3 -->
+	<!-- <publisherID></publisherID> -->
+	<!-- Settings for the application's initial window. Required. -->
+	<initialWindow>
+		<!-- The main SWF or HTML file of the application. Required. -->
+		<!-- Note: In Flash Builder, the SWF reference is set automatically. -->
+		<content>PatchExtractor.swf</content>
+		<!-- The title of the main window. Optional. -->
+		<!-- <title></title> -->
+		<!-- The type of system chrome to use (either "standard" or "none"). Optional. Default standard. -->
+		<!-- <systemChrome></systemChrome> -->
+		<!-- Whether the window is transparent. Only applicable when systemChrome is none. Optional. Default false. -->
+		<!-- <transparent></transparent> -->
+		<!-- Whether the window is initially visible. Optional. Default false. -->
+		<!-- <visible></visible> -->
+		<!-- Whether the user can minimize the window. Optional. Default true. -->
+		<!-- <minimizable></minimizable> -->
+		<!-- Whether the user can maximize the window. Optional. Default true. -->
+		<!-- <maximizable></maximizable> -->
+		<!-- Whether the user can resize the window. Optional. Default true. -->
+		<!-- <resizable></resizable> -->
+		<!-- The window's initial width in pixels. Optional. -->
+		<!-- <width></width> -->
+		<!-- The window's initial height in pixels. Optional. -->
+		<!-- <height></height> -->
+		<!-- The window's initial x position. Optional. -->
+		<!-- <x></x> -->
+		<!-- The window's initial y position. Optional. -->
+		<!-- <y></y> -->
+		<!-- The window's minimum size, specified as a width/height pair in pixels, such as "400 200". Optional. -->
+		<!-- <minSize></minSize> -->
+		<!-- The window's initial maximum size, specified as a width/height pair in pixels, such as "1600 1200". Optional. -->
+		<!-- <maxSize></maxSize> -->
+        <!-- The initial aspect ratio of the app when launched (either "portrait" or "landscape"). Optional. Mobile only. Default is the natural orientation of the device -->
+        <!-- <aspectRatio></aspectRatio> -->
+        <!-- Whether the app will begin auto-orienting on launch. Optional. Mobile only. Default false -->
+        <!-- <autoOrients></autoOrients> -->
+        <!-- Whether the app launches in full screen. Optional. Mobile only. Default false -->
+        <!-- <fullScreen></fullScreen> -->
+        <!-- The render mode for the app (either auto, cpu, gpu, or direct). Optional. Default auto -->
+        <!-- <renderMode></renderMode> -->
+		<!-- Whether or not to pan when a soft keyboard is raised or lowered (either "pan" or "none").  Optional.  Defaults "pan." -->
+		<!-- <softKeyboardBehavior></softKeyboardBehavior> -->
+	<autoOrients>false</autoOrients>
+        <fullScreen>false</fullScreen>
+        <visible>false</visible>
+    </initialWindow>
+	<!-- We recommend omitting the supportedProfiles element, -->
+	<!-- which in turn permits your application to be deployed to all -->
+	<!-- devices supported by AIR. If you wish to restrict deployment -->
+	<!-- (i.e., to only mobile devices) then add this element and list -->
+	<!-- only the profiles which your application does support. -->
+	<!-- <supportedProfiles>desktop extendedDesktop mobileDevice extendedMobileDevice</supportedProfiles> -->
+	<!-- The subpath of the standard default installation location to use. Optional. -->
+	<!-- <installFolder></installFolder> -->
+	<!-- The subpath of the Programs menu to use. (Ignored on operating systems without a Programs menu.) Optional. -->
+	<!-- <programMenuFolder></programMenuFolder> -->
+	<!-- The icon the system uses for the application. For at least one resolution,
+	specify the path to a PNG file included in the AIR package. Optional. -->
+	<!-- <icon>
+		<image16x16></image16x16>
+		<image32x32></image32x32>
+		<image36x36></image36x36>
+		<image48x48></image48x48>
+		<image57x57></image57x57>
+		<image72x72></image72x72>
+		<image114x114></image114x114>
+		<image128x128></image128x128>
+	</icon> -->
+	<!-- Whether the application handles the update when a user double-clicks an update version
+	of the AIR file (true), or the default AIR application installer handles the update (false).
+	Optional. Default false. -->
+	<!-- <customUpdateUI></customUpdateUI> -->
+	<!-- Whether the application can be launched when the user clicks a link in a web browser.
+	Optional. Default false. -->
+	<!-- <allowBrowserInvocation></allowBrowserInvocation> -->
+	<!-- Listing of file types for which the application can register. Optional. -->
+	<!-- <fileTypes> -->
+		<!-- Defines one file type. Optional. -->
+		<!-- <fileType> -->
+			<!-- The name that the system displays for the registered file type. Required. -->
+			<!-- <name></name> -->
+			<!-- The extension to register. Required. -->
+			<!-- <extension></extension> -->
+			<!-- The description of the file type. Optional. -->
+			<!-- <description></description> -->
+			<!-- The MIME content type. -->
+			<!-- <contentType></contentType> -->
+			<!-- The icon to display for the file type. Optional. -->
+			<!-- <icon>
+				<image16x16></image16x16>
+				<image32x32></image32x32>
+				<image48x48></image48x48>
+				<image128x128></image128x128>
+			</icon> -->
+		<!-- </fileType> -->
+	<!-- </fileTypes> -->
+    <!-- iOS specific capabilities -->
+	<!-- <iPhone> -->
+		<!-- A list of plist key/value pairs to be added to the application Info.plist -->
+		<!-- <InfoAdditions>
+            <![CDATA[
+                <key>UIDeviceFamily</key>
+                <array>
+                    <string>1</string>
+                    <string>2</string>
+                </array>
+                <key>UIStatusBarStyle</key>
+                <string>UIStatusBarStyleBlackOpaque</string>
+                <key>UIRequiresPersistentWiFi</key>
+                <string>YES</string>
+            ]]>
+        </InfoAdditions> -->
+        <!-- A list of plist key/value pairs to be added to the application Entitlements.plist -->
+		<!-- <Entitlements>
+            <![CDATA[
+                <key>keychain-access-groups</key>
+                <array>
+                    <string></string>
+                    <string></string>
+                </array>
+            ]]>
+        </Entitlements> -->
+	<!-- Display Resolution for the app (either "standard" or "high"). Optional. Default "standard" -->
+	<!-- <requestedDisplayResolution></requestedDisplayResolution> -->
+	<!-- </iPhone> -->
+	<!-- Specify Android specific tags that get passed to AndroidManifest.xml file. -->
+    <!--<android> -->
+    <!--	<manifestAdditions>
+		<![CDATA[
+			<manifest android:installLocation="auto">
+				<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
+				<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
+				<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION"/>
+				<uses-feature android:required="true" android:name="android.hardware.touchscreen.multitouch"/>
+				<application android:enabled="true">
+					<activity android:excludeFromRecents="false">
+						<intent-filter>
+							<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN"/>
+							<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER"/>
+						</intent-filter>
+					</activity>
+				</application>
+            </manifest>
+		]]>
+        </manifestAdditions> -->
+	    <!-- Color depth for the app (either "32bit" or "16bit"). Optional. Default 16bit before namespace 3.0, 32bit after -->
+        <!-- <colorDepth></colorDepth> -->
+    <!-- </android> -->
+	<!-- End of the schema for adding the android specific tags in AndroidManifest.xml file -->
diff --git a/mustella/utilities/PatchExtractor/src/PatchExtractor.mxml b/mustella/utilities/PatchExtractor/src/PatchExtractor.mxml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53bf2d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mustella/utilities/PatchExtractor/src/PatchExtractor.mxml
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+<s:WindowedApplication xmlns:fx="" 
+					   xmlns:s="library://" 
+					   xmlns:mx="library://"
+                       invoke="checkArgs(event)">
+	<fx:Declarations>
+		<!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
+	</fx:Declarations>
+	<fx:Script>
+		<![CDATA[
+			import mx.utils.Base64Decoder;
+			private var mailFile:File = new File();
+			private var fs:FileStream;
+			private var flexDir:String;
+			private var gotone:Boolean = false;
+            private function checkArgs(event:InvokeEvent):void
+            {
+                var args:Array = event.arguments;
+                if (args.length > 0)
+                {
+					var wd:File = event.currentDirectory;
+					flexDir = wd.nativePath;
+					var c:int = flexDir.indexOf(File.separator + "mustella" + File.separator + "utilities");
+					if (c != -1)
+					{
+						flexDir = flexDir.substr(0, c);
+					}
+                    mailFile.nativePath = dir.text = args[0];
+                    callLater(autoStep2, [flexDir]);
+                }
+				else
+					nativeApplication.exit(-1);
+            }
+            private function autoStep2(flexDir:String):void
+            {
+                fs = new FileStream();
+      , FileMode.READ);
+                statusLog.text = fs.readUTFBytes(fs.bytesAvailable);
+                fs.close();
+                callLater(autoStep3);
+            }
+            private function autoStep3():void
+            {
+                computePatches();
+                callLater(autoStep4);    
+            }
+            private function autoStep4():void
+            {
+                this.nativeApplication.exit(gotone ? 0 : 2);   
+            }
+			private function browse():void
+			{
+				mailFile.addEventListener(Event.SELECT, selectHandler);
+				mailFile.browseForOpen("Mail File");
+			}
+			private function selectHandler(event:Event):void
+			{
+				dir.text = mailFile.nativePath;	
+			}
+			private var SEARCH_MODE:int = 0;
+			private var FROM_SEARCH_MODE:int = 1;
+			private var PART_SEARCH_MODE:int = 2;
+			private var DELIMITER_SEARCH_MODE:int = 3;
+			private var PART_HEADER_MODE:int = 4;
+			private var PART_MODE:int = 5;
+			private var ATTACHMENT_MODE:int = 6;
+			private var PART_TYPE_MODE:int = 7;
+			private function computePatches():void
+			{
+				mailFile.nativePath = dir.text;
+				var replyAddr:String;
+				var partDelimiter:String;
+				var contentEncoding:String;
+				var contentType:String;
+				var part:String;
+				var c:int;
+				var c2:int;
+				var mode:int = SEARCH_MODE;
+				var lines:Array = statusLog.text.split("\n");
+				var modFiles:Array = [];
+				var n:int = lines.length;
+				for (var i:int = 0; i < n; i++)
+				{
+					var line:String = lines[i];
+					switch (mode)
+					{
+						case SEARCH_MODE:
+						{
+							if (line.indexOf("Content-Type") == 0)
+							{
+								mode = PART_TYPE_MODE;
+								i--;
+							}
+							else if (line.indexOf("From") == 0)
+							{
+								mode = FROM_SEARCH_MODE;
+							}
+							break;
+						}
+						case FROM_SEARCH_MODE:
+						{
+							if (line.indexOf("From: ") == 0)
+							{
+								c = line.indexOf("<");
+								c2 = line.indexOf(">");
+								replyAddr = line.substring(c+1, c2);
+								mode = DELIMITER_SEARCH_MODE;
+							}
+							break;
+						}
+						{
+							if (line.indexOf("Content-Type: multipart/alternative") == 0
+								|| line.indexOf("Content-Type: multipart/mixed") == 0)
+							{
+								c = line.indexOf("boundary=");
+								partDelimiter = line.substr(c + 9);
+								if (partDelimiter.charAt(0) == '"')
+									partDelimiter = partDelimiter.substr(1, partDelimiter.length - 2);
+								mode = PART_SEARCH_MODE;
+								break;
+							}
+							break;	
+						}
+						case PART_SEARCH_MODE:
+						{
+							if (line.indexOf("--" + partDelimiter) == 0)
+							{
+								mode = PART_TYPE_MODE;
+							}
+							break;
+						}
+						case PART_TYPE_MODE:
+						{
+							part = "";
+							if (line.indexOf("Content-Type") == 0)
+							{
+								c = line.indexOf(";");
+								contentType = line.substring(14, c);
+								if (contentType == "application/octet-stream")
+									mode = ATTACHMENT_MODE;
+								else
+									mode = PART_MODE;
+							}
+							break;
+						}
+						case ATTACHMENT_MODE:
+						{
+							if (line.indexOf("Content-Transfer-Encoding") == 0)
+							{
+								contentEncoding = line.substring(27);
+								mode = PART_MODE;
+							}
+							break;
+						}
+						case PART_MODE:
+						{
+							if (line.indexOf("--" + partDelimiter) == 0)
+							{
+								mode = SEARCH_MODE;
+								if (contentType == "application/octet-stream" &&
+									contentEncoding == "base64")
+								{
+									var decoder:Base64Decoder = new Base64Decoder();
+									decoder.decode(part);
+									var ba:ByteArray = decoder.toByteArray();
+									ba.position = 0;
+									part = ba.readUTFBytes(ba.bytesAvailable);
+								}
+								c = part.indexOf("diff --git");
+								if (c != -1)
+								{
+									gotone = true;
+									part = part.substring(c);
+									var timeString:String = new Date().time.toString();
+									var fileName:String = replyAddr + timeString + ".patch";
+									fileName = flexDir + File.separator + fileName;
+									var file:File = new File(fileName);
+									var fs:FileStream = new FileStream();
+, FileMode.WRITE);
+									fs.writeUTFBytes(part);
+									fs.close();
+									fileName = replyAddr + timeString + ".reply";
+									fileName = flexDir + File.separator + fileName;
+									file = new File(fileName);
+									fs = new FileStream();
+, FileMode.WRITE);
+									fs.writeUTFBytes(replyAddr);
+									fs.close();
+								}
+							}
+							else
+								part += line + "\n";
+						}							
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		]]>
+	</fx:Script>
+	<s:layout>
+		<s:VerticalLayout />
+	</s:layout>
+	<s:HGroup width="100%">
+		<s:Label text="Mail File:" />
+		<s:TextInput id="dir" width="100%" toolTip="The mustella dir, not the tests dir"/>
+		<s:Button label="Browse..." click="browse()" />
+	</s:HGroup>
+	<s:Label text="Copy and paste Git Status below" />
+	<s:TextArea id="statusLog" width="100%" change="doneLabel.visible=false"/>
+	<s:HGroup>
+		<s:Button label="Compute Tests" enabled="{statusLog.text.length > 0}" click="callLater(computePatches)" />
+		<s:Label id="doneLabel" visible="false" text="Wrote changes.txt. Use -changes" />
+	</s:HGroup>
+	<s:TextArea id="output" width="100%" editable="false" lineBreak="explicit" horizontalScrollPolicy="auto" />