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[WIKI-UPDATE] jars2exclude GETlenya Scherler Sun Mar 30 14:00:05 2003

Page: , version: 10 on Sun Mar 30 11:46:25 2003 by Scherler

- ''This page is a place-holder. I wrote 2 XSLT- files that are working fine to exclude jars from lib/*, but I would like to have more "intelligence" (please see below). So consider this a work in progress -- [Scherler]''
- ----
- I wrote 2 XSLT- files that are working fine to do the job, but I would like to have more "intelligence" (please see below):\\
- The first xslt (jars2exclude.xsl [2]) checks the <lib> element  form the jars.xml whether it starts with  'optional/' (the dir to exclude files from).  If so they will be labeled "2exclude" (there are exceptions - you will see later).\\
- <xsl:when test="starts-with(text(), 'optional/')"> [compare 2]\\
- The jars.xml looks like this:\\
- {{{...
- <file>
-     <title/>
-     <description/>
-     <used-by/>
-     <lib>core/jvm1.2/excalibur-datasource-vm12-20021121.jar</lib>
-     <homepage/>
- </file>
- ...}}}
- The example file would not meet the criteria. The following would:
- {{{<file>
- ...
- <lib>optional/servlet_2_2.jar</lib>
- ...
- <file>}}}
- But this certain file has to be left untouched [1] - this is one of n exceptions (2 are mentioned in [1], but I need more<-n exception). This is be done with <xsl:choose><xsl:when>[2]. Here is an example of an exception:
- {{{
- <xsl:when test="substring-after(text(), 'optional/')='servlet_2_2.jar'">
- <xsl:value-of select="."/>
- </xsl:when>
- }}}
- The result of the transformation [2] will look like this:
- {{{
- <file>
-    <title>XML Catalog Entity Resolver</title>
- ...
-    <lib>2exclude</lib>
- ...
- </file>
- <file>
-    <title>Servlet API</title>
- ...
-    <lib>optional/servlet_2_2.jar</lib>
- ...
- </file>
- }}}
- Transforming this result with exclude2jars.xsl [3] will result in the new jar.xml (without the exclusions, but with the exceptions).\\
- \\
- Ok, that is nice but I would prefer not to hard code the exceptions, e.g.:\\
- substring-after(text(), '__optional/__')='__servlet_2_2.jar__'\\
- hard coded exception e.g. __optional/__\\
- \\
- I prefer to use something like jars2exclude.xml [4] where I declare the hard coded exceptions. \\
- {{{...
- <dir2exclude>optional/</dir2exclude>
- <except>servlet_2_2.jar</except>
- ...
- }}}\\
- ..but how can I do that?\\
- Have a look at sitemap.snippet [5] to install it on your local cocoon version.
- Any help and any ideas welcome.
- [1|]\\
- [2]  jars2exclude.xsl:
- {{{
- <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl=""">
-     <xsl:template match="/">
-         <xsl:apply-templates/>
-     </xsl:template>
-     <xsl:template match="jars">
-         <jars>
-             <xsl:apply-templates select="file"/>
-         </jars>
-     </xsl:template>
-     <xsl:template match="file">
-         <file>
-             <xsl:apply-templates/>
-         </file>
-     </xsl:template>
-     <!--================Parsing of value===============================-->
-     <xsl:template match="title">
-         <title>
-             <xsl:value-of select="."/>
-         </title>
-     </xsl:template>
-     <xsl:template match="description">
-         <description>
-             <xsl:value-of select="."/>
-         </description>
-     </xsl:template>
-     <xsl:template match="used-by">
-         <used-by>
-             <xsl:value-of select="."/>
-         </used-by>
-     </xsl:template>
-     <!--==Excluding dir without the exceptions==-->
-     <xsl:template match="lib">
-         <lib>
-     <xsl:choose>
-         <xsl:when test="starts-with(text(), 'optional/')">
-             <xsl:choose>
-                 <xsl:when test="substring-after(text(), 'optional/')='fop-0.20.4.jar'">
-                     <xsl:value-of select="."/>
-                 </xsl:when>
-                 <xsl:when test="substring-after(text(), 'optional/')='servlet_2_2.jar'">
-                     <xsl:value-of select="."/>
-                 </xsl:when>
-                 <xsl:when test="substring-after(text(), 'optional/')='commons-jxpath-1.0.jar'">
-                     <xsl:value-of select="."/>
-                 </xsl:when>
-                 <xsl:otherwise>2exclude</xsl:otherwise>
-             </xsl:choose>
-         </xsl:when>
-         <xsl:otherwise>
-             <xsl:value-of select="."/>
-         </xsl:otherwise>
-     </xsl:choose>
-         </lib>
-     </xsl:template>
-     <xsl:template match="homepage">
-         <homepage>
-             <xsl:value-of select="."/>
-         </homepage>
-     </xsl:template>
- </xsl:stylesheet>
- }}}
- [3]exclude2jars.xsl:
- {{{
- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl=""">
- 	<xsl:template match="/">
- 	<xsl:apply-templates/>
- 	</xsl:template>
- 	<xsl:template match="jars">
- 	<xsl:comment>
-   Add an entry for each jar file used by Cocoon, following the other entries
-   Author: Ovidiu Predescu ""
-   Date: May 23, 2002
- jars2exclude have been used.
- Author: Thorsten Scherler ""
- Date: March 06, 2003
- This is the modified jars.xml.
- 		</xsl:comment>
- 		<jars>
- 		<xsl:copy-of select="file[lib!='2exclude']"/>
- 		</jars>
- 	</xsl:template>
- </xsl:stylesheet>
- }}}
- [4] jars2exclude.xml
- {{{<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- <!--
-   Add an entry for each jar file which should be excluded  by Cocoon!
-   Author: Thorsten Scherler ""
-   Date: March 05, 2003
- 		-->
- <jars2exclude>
- 	<exclude>
- 		<dir2exclude>optional/</dir2exclude>
- 		<except>fop-0.20.4.jar</except>
- 		<except>commons-jxpath-1.0.jar</except>
- 		<except>servlet_2_2.jar</except>
- 	</exclude>
- </jars2exclude>
- }}}
- [5]sitemap.snippet:
- {{{
- <map:pipeline>
- <!-- Step 1: Label lib which should be excluded with "2exclude", leave exceptions untouched. -->
- <map:match pattern="2Xclude.xml">
- 	<map:generate src="xml/jars.xml"/>
- 	<map:transform src="xsl/jars2exclude.xsl"/>
- 	<map:serialize type="xml"/>
- </map:match>
- <!-- Step 2: Copy all elements except those which are labeled "2exclude"-->
- <map:match pattern="exclude">
-         <map:generate src="cocoon:/2Xclude.xml"/>
- 	<map:transform src="xsl/exclude2jars.xsl"/>
- 	<map:serialize type="xml"/>
- </map:match>
- </map:pipeline>
- }}}

Page: , version: 13 on Sun Mar 30 11:59:22 2003 by Scherler

- * Project name: lenya
+ * Project name: lenya-eclipse
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Page: , version: 14 on Sun Mar 30 11:45:34 2003 by Scherler

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